International Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences. Vol., 4 (1), 4517-4526, 2015 Available online at ISSN 2322-424X©2015 Validation of Total Fault finding Model in Iran Shohreh Banidavoodi* MA in Educational Management, Abuzar Hospital, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran Abstract Giving the importance of productivity and performance in organizations. In this study, service and manufacturing organizations in Iran were evaluated by using Total Fault finding Model. This study was a descriptive- cross sectional study in 2013. The population was 218 among employees of organizations that were simple-randomly. Distribution of questionnaires and the interviews were conducted with the researcher. Data obtained with ANOVA and the inferential statistics were analyzed by SPSS 16.0 software. Structured questionnaire was used to assess the validity of this analysis, confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the criteria for acceptability of the questionnaire. This model has 20 criteria’s that measure 5 points and a total of 100 points. In the present study, the final score was general 63.30 to 100 points. The cut-off point, 3.5 (score 70 of 100) and significance level (p value <0.05) score was 63.30 and indicated that status of organizations were lower than this model score. Among the twenty criteria, the superiority of the two criteria in motivation and stress is essential to improvement. Key words: Validation, Total Fault finding Model, Iran Introduction Each organization is dynamic and alive as humans and full tests of the condition of the human body are prerequisite for performing any treatment to improve the body. The accuracy of these tests is more accurate, it will be more effective the process and improvements of treatment. Complete understanding of the present situation and finding its problems is the starting point for any changes or improvements that the condition is called fault finding. Through this process, we try to find the problems and limitations which may act as a dam to hold back the growth of the organization. Some large organizations have plans and want to fault finding in all areas, from the fault finding of questionnaires to recognize their strengths and weaknesses. So, we have prepared a questionnaire that all of the adverse reactions in a short period of time to assess. Accordingly, we will first review the background questionnaires in this field On this basis an abstract has been obtained from 90 basic questionnaires dating from 1965 to 1995 which were in different managerial subjects. Perhaps this can be a solution for a manager when they arrive into an unknown organization. This model includes 20 criteria and 40 sub-criteria, by which the basic problem of an organization can be assessed. In 1965 job analysis was important that it was from Taylor theory (scientific management). Within that year creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship had been noticed. One year later, in 1966, it was noted that the style and attitude of the leader played an important role. Three years later, in 1969, organizational dimensions within the workplace had come to be understood. Power and political behaviour management recognized authority in 1970. Following on in 1971, the personality of employee and then in 1972 the importance of character motivation, values, culture and organizational climate were noted. Moving forward six years, in 1978, the main focus was of future management, a life full of change and contingency management while in the same year team working became also widely noticed. In 1979 communication skills, job satisfaction and organizational commitment took the focus. In 1980 stress management began, and in 1981 was considered the year for style of negotiation between staff and even managers. A year later, was considered to path of promotion for employees. Intl. J. Manag. Human. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 4517-4526, 2015 In 1984 the success and variation skills of employees became forefront followed a year later by conflict management and solutions. 1988 became the focus of socialization followed a year later by time management and staff planning. The year of 1990 Total Quality Management was noticed. Therefore in the last five decades an appearance of managerial models and the focus of organizations were placed on the employees due to them being the only fundamental asset of any organization. This model consists of the entire construct of managerial models. Material and Methods The population study was comprised of 218 employees of various services and manufacturing organizations. In order to assess the status of organizations, an Total Fault finding questionnaire was used. Simultaneously personal data was also recorded (sex, education, work history). The questionnaire was composed of 40 sub criteria to assess the 20 core criteria and pay a Lirert scale with score between 1 and 5. All questionnaires were distributed by the researcher and were interviewers were explained the purpose and research questions to be addressed. Results Questionnaire after construction was assessed to ensure content validity through a survey of 6 executives. Finally a confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the construct validity of the questionnaire. The criteria of this analysis indicate acceptability of the structure of the questionnaire. In other word, the dimensions of the questionnaire are logically correlated with each other (table 1). Data analysis was by SPSS 16.00 software and using descriptive statistics including mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics were analyzed by one – way analysis of variance and one sample t-test. 2 χ 1151 Table 1. Questionnaire confirmatory factor analysis df P-value RMSEA GFI AGFI 550 0.001 > 0.07 1.80 0.71 CFI 0.70 218 questionnaires were distributed to 100 percent response rate. In the case of workers gender, 43% were male and 57% female, about their education; 40% had under diploma and 60% upper diploma. About their background; 48.6% were below 10 years and 51.4% over 10 years of work experience. Model of organizational life has 20 criteria that such as: job analysis 3.70(74%), empowerment 2.60 (52%), personality 4.25 (85%), team working 3.28 (65.6%), culture and organizational climate 3.36 (67%), negotiating 4.03 (80.6%), promotion 3.28 (66.4%), success 3.36(67%), conflict 2.45 (49%), creativity 2.58 (51.6%), job satisfaction 2.70 (54%), organizational dimensions 2.86 (57%), motivation 2.16 (34.2%), chaos 2.76 (55.20%), leadership 3.30 (66%), communications 3.80 (76%), stress 1.87 (37.5), socialization 3.32 (66.4%), time management 3.60 (72%), TQM 3.48 (69.6%)(Table 2). 4518 Intl. J. Manag. Human. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 4517-4526, 2015 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Table 2. Average values obtained by 20-fold model of Total Fault finding criteria Points earned Percent Ideal Points Job analysis 3.70 74% 5 Empowerment 2.60 52% 5 Personality 4.25 85% 5 Team work 3.28 65.6% 5 Cultural and organizational atmosphere 3.85 77% 5 Negotiation 4.03 80.6% 5 Path of promotion 3.32 66.4% 5 Success 3.36 67% 5 Conflict 2.45 49% 5 Creativity 2.58 51.6% 5 Job satisfaction and organizational commitment 2.70 54% 5 Organizational aspects 2.86 57% 5 Motivation 2.16 43.2% 5 Future Management 2.76 55.2% 5 Leadership 3.30 66% 5 Communications 3.80 76% 5 Stress 1.87 37.5% 5 Sociability 3.32 66.4% 5 Time Management 3.60 72% 5 Quality Management 3.50 70% 5 Total Fault finding 63.30 66.30% 100 Evaluation of the results are stated that the situation in stress criteria 37.5% is the lowest point and personality criteria 85% is the highest point rating. Analysis results with point of the cut 70 is showed that empowerment, team work, the promotion, success, creativity, job satisfaction, organizational dimension, management in the future, leadership, socialization were upper middle class, but the stress and motivation were weak and job analysis, organizational culture and climate, negotiation, conflict, communications, time management and quality were evaluated in high level. Analysis of the results showed that the average one –way analysis of variance achieved 63.30 out of 100 points compared to the significance level specified cut off (70 points) smaller than (P≤ 0.05), so the situation is a medium level. Another aspect is that in these organizations in empowerment, organizational culture, negotiation, success, job satisfaction, motivation, socialization and time management have significant difference to each other (Table 3). No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 4519 Table 3. ANOVA measures by 20-fold model of Total Fault finding criteria P value Standard deviation Job analysis 0.325 0.678 Empowerment 0.040 1.181 Personality 0. 495 1.072 Team work 0.380 0.542 Culture and organizational climate 0.002 0.635 Negotiation 0.018 0.932 Path of promotion 0.227 0.667 Success 0.016 1.026 Conflict 0.149 1.182 Creativity 0.111 0.602 Job satisfaction and organizational commitment 0.000 0.923 Organizational dimension 0.339 0.668 Motivation 0.004 1.280 Chaos 0.581 1.511 Leadership 0.531 1.298 Communications 0.053 0.997 Stress 0.002 1.198 Socialization 0.000 1.445 Time Management 0.000 1.233 Quality Management 0.159 0.891 Total Fault finding 0.047 5.902 Intl. J. Manag. Human. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 4517-4526, 2015 The model of Total Fault finding includes 20 criteria and 40 sub criteria that will be described individually (fig 1). Total Fault finding model (63.30) Job analysis Personality Creativity (3.70) (4.25) (2.58) Organizational dimension Motivation Empowerment (2.60) (2.16) (2.86) Organizational culture Organization (3.85) Employee Job Satisfaction & Commitmen t (2.76) Management (20.20) (20.30) (22.80) Chaos (2.70) (3.30) Team work 65% (3.28) 67.66% Negotiation 57.71% (4.03) Promotion (3.32) Success Socialization Leadership (3.36) Stress (1.87) Time managemen t (3.60) (3.32) Conflict (2.45) Communicat ions Quality (3.80) (3.50) Figure 1. The Score of Total Fault finding models in various organizations in Iran Discussion The model of Total Fault finding includes 20 criteria and 40 sub criteria that will be described individually. The first criterion is about analysis and design of the job in organizations. It is important that employees will obtain information and knowledge about their jobs. The first sub criteria in present model is about Job Involvement, a questionnaire was designed in 1965 by Lodahl and the aim was to show how long a person would be involved in their jobs, in present study which is rated 3.5 points it showed most of the employees applied their time and concentration to their jobs (Lodahl and Kejmer, 1965). The second sub criteria is about identify of the job that designed by Wagner in 1995, and his aim was assessed job motivation that has some sub criteria which the first is about variation skills of the job, like (physical, writing, and verbal etc) that show whether an employee can use their skills or not? It rated 3.72 in this study indicating the average level. The second sub criteria is the importance of the job, that measures the effect of the job on the other jobs, in the present study rated 4.25, indicating the high importance of job. Third one is the job feedback means that has the employee received feedback from his supervisor or other people on a regular basis? Overall rating is 4520 Intl. J. Manag. Human. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 4517-4526, 2015 3.70 from 5, indicating good points in this matter (Wagner-Hollenbeck, 1995). To be mention as well, variety of jobs will cause stress and less variety will be tiring. In total the average is the best rating. HRM concluded in 2009, the study that carries out the traditional job analysis with modelling competent can guide employee behaviour to the strategic objectives (HRMR, 2009). The second criterion is creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Concepts are often mistakenly used interchangeably, while each of them has a specific meaning. In 1989 Dubrin stated that creativity is ability to integrate innovative ideas in unique way to communicate unusual among various ideas, while the innovation process is more subjective to apply creative ideas into a product, service or good practices. Entrepreneur is someone willing to take risks to establish a company, introduce new product, service or process to the organization (Dubrin, Irland, Williams, 1989). In 1965 the questionnaire of innovation was designed by Pachen with the aim of measuring of every person innovation in their job; in the current study rated 2.94, respectively, that indicating there is innovation in organizations (Patchen, 1965). In 1979, the questionnaire of creativity was designed by Ivancevich with the aim to evaluate the creativity of individuals; in this study rated 1.82, respectively, indicating low creativity among employees (Ivanscevich-Matteson, 1979). In 1990, questionnaire of entrepreneurship was designed by Scarborough with the aim of evaluating the entrepreneurship among employees; in this study obtain 2.97 point that shows suitable entrepreneurship between employees (Scarborough-Zimmerer, 1990). Overall rating is 2.58 from 5, indicating a medium rating in this area. In 2008, Pardakhtchi showed in his study that the Iranian Central Oil Fields Company management were successful in perfect for creating index such as risk-taking, taking responsibility, decisionmaking and participation but were not succeeded in creating innovations and have a satisfactory performance in the field of entrepreneurship (Pardakhchi, Heidari, Shafizadeh, 2008). In 2010 MahdaviMazdeh in his study to provide a conceptual model adjusting for Competitive Strategy Porter and he has been paid and offer strategies to increase creativity and innovation (MahdaviMazdeh-Azrghami, 2010). In 2013, Zarghami showed in his study that there is magnificent communication between creativity and applying innovation between people (Zarghami, Jafari, Akhvan, 2013). In that year Partonia in his study showed that the importance of growth and economic models and factors affecting entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial strategic role in the enterprise management and support payments (Partonia, 2013). The third criterion is the leadership. The Michigan study was conducted in 1940 by Rensis Lirert, two basic forms of leadership behaviour were identified; oriented work-leadership is a leaders who have more focused on job and styles of working but worker-oriented leadership were such a leaders who advanced solidarity of group works, therefore the first questionnaire which was designed in 1966, but in the present model were used the questionnaire which designed by Pfeiffer in 1974 with the aim of self assessment of relationship orientation and task – oriented. The study rated 3.30 was indicating both styles of leadership (PfeifferJones,1974). In 2007, Uhl-Bien in his investigation concluded that a conceptual framework consists of three intertwined leading to: (adaptive leadership, administrative leadership and enabling leadership) that reflect the dynamic relationship between the functions of the administrative bureaucracy and dynamics of emerging and informal non-adaptive systems is complex (Uhl-Bien et al., 2007). In the same year, another study Karakas came to the conclusion that the present leaders require three roles of creative leadership (the artist's social, cultural innovation and spiritual insight( (Karakas, 2007). The fourth criterion is about organizational dimension which is the first sub criteria in formal organizational, a questionnaire was designed by Hage in 1969 with the aim of to measure the exact degree of formality or style; in the present study rated 3.16 which obtained from the appropriate official of organizations (HageAiken, 1969). The second sub criteria is about organic and mechanic that a questionnaire was designed by Sashkin in 1984 and his aim was measuring these two characteristics. Mechanic means the insistence on institutional loyalty and obedience and employees from supervisors, but organic is commitment and tasks and goals of organizations. In the present research obtained 2.29 point that shows that both (mechanic and organic) was equally in these organizations (Sashkin-Marris, 1969). The third sub criterion is about complexity of the organization. A questionnaire was designed by Robbins in 1987, the aim was assessing the degree of complexity of organizations, including the number of sub units, expertise, activities and level of professional training that is horizontal levels of the organization, but vertical surfaces includes higher levels, dispersion of activities, in terms of spatial and environmental complexity. In this study point 2.90 implies the existence of specialized training levels for employees (Robbins, 1987). Fourth sub criterion is about centralization, Robbins had a questionnaire about centralization and decentralization of organizations in 1988, and the focus shows how the power in the organization is centres of authority and decision-making within the organizations are through chain of command. In the present study points 2.45 ,respectively, indicating that the concentration is in the medium (Robbins, 1988). In evaluating the organizational structure can recognize mechanical and organic, formality, complexity and understand an organization's focus. In 2008, Raisch in one study concluded; the level of balance is needed in an organization structure (Raich, 2008). 4521 Intl. J. Manag. Human. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 4517-4526, 2015 The fifth criterion is about power and political behaviour management; the first questionnaire was designed in 1970, but in present the model was used is empowerment questionnaire which was designed by Steinmetz in 1986 with the purpose to check was the desire of individual to delegation; It means, would a person give the opportunity to others to accept responsibility and exercise self-control in their job, in the present study rated 2.60, respectively, indicate that there was the appropriate authority in the organizations (Steinmetz-Todd, 1986). The sixth criterion is about the character recognition. The control centre questionnaire was designed by Rotter in 1971, the goal was to show a person’s desire to control their internal and external, some people believe that they have control over their lives and their related events, which it means they can achieve anything they want, these people have a lot of confidence and occupy high-level positions, the path to progress faster, pricing and intrinsic rewards are more like a sense of accomplishment, but there are other people who are forces beyond their control, so these people are more important than the extrinsic rewards and tend to jobs with higher job security; In the present investigation was rated 4.25 which implies the existence of the introspection personality in organizations, which was the highest rated in the present study (Rotter, 1971). The seventh criterion is about motivation. The questionnaire was designed by the ERG needs by Alderfer in 1972, in fact Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is summarized in three categories as needed, including biological needs related to physical health, which equals Maslow's environmental and safety requirements, the need for affiliation and belonging, that includes having satisfying relationships with others, which is equivalent to Maslow's social needs, and the third is the need to grow, it is the recognition of individual merit and potential, Maslow's esteem and self-actualization needs are equal; the study points 2.16 indicates that employees remained in their basic necessities of life yet, and have not gone to higher levels(Alderfer, 1972). In 2006, Sirota in a study concluded, how managers’ behaviour adds to lack of motivation problem to staffs (Sirota-Irwin, 2006). However, HR 2008, in another study showed that how motivated Managers able to induce a strong sense to their own employees (HRMR, 2008). The eighth criterion is about culture and climate. There is a fundamental difference between culture and climate; organizational culture dependent on shared beliefs together, and will impact on the individual, but the climate is common sense begins with the individual and the collective; it refers to all the organization's environment .The first questionnaire was designed in 1972, but in the present model, organizational climate questionnaire was used, which was designed by Sussman in 1989, the goal is to understand the atmospheres of clarity and in accordance with the agreement, in the present study, rated 4.13 , respectively, which it shows clearly the role of employees in the organization; Another questionnaire was designed by Hofstede's cultural attitudes in 1990, which aims to assess the attitudes of national culture, under the criteria of the masculine, the maximum value of the dominant is the money, success and material things and people who believe this value according to earn money, praised the progress and life is full of challenges and stress and free decision; This research was rated at 3.80, which shows both masculine and feminine cultures, that is the best situation would be for an organization .In the case of other sub criteria is Collectivism that is due to the very large individual initiatives. This study obtained 4.35 points that shows the employees organizations agree with the plurality. In total points with 3.85 indicates a proper organizational culture and climate (Sussan-Sam, 1989; Schermerborn, 1990). In 2003, Blunt in a study concluded that the developing countries are faced with a lack of organizational culture in their administrative systems, in order to achieve the goals of development (in economic, social, cultural, political) regardless of the problems and difficulties of technology (Blunt, 2003), But in 2007, Babaee in a study concluded that leader’s behaviour is the most important factors that influence the behaviour and attitudes of employees’ perceptions from organizational climate (Babaee-Momeni, 2007). Nine criterions is management in the future. The first questionnaire was developed in the field was in 1978, but in this model has been used a questionnaire that was designed to directors chaos and occupation by Vail in 1989, its purpose is to manage the level of tolerance in turbulent times. Therefore chaos theory and management give us the tools to solve complex issues in today and tomorrow turbulent and full of change, that unlike of positivism, chaos management usually is observed complex turbulence systems. In the present study with 2.76 rating indicates that employees agree to change now and in the future (Vail, 1989). In 2013, Khorasani was discovered in a review that the Iranian government agencies have been paid too little attention to the issue of organizational change (Khorasani, 2013). Tenth criterion is about team work. In 1978, the questionnaire was designed by Gibb and the goal is to identify a person by the team, so the first sub-criterion is showing the rate of trusts of a group to a person, the present study was conducted with 4.01 points that represents a high confidence of staff. The second sub-criterion is measuring of openness; the group reveals feelings and attitudes of the individual's potential, in the present study points 2.60 show that there is a moderate sense of security. The third sub-criterion is the team affiliation, stated that, and is it a pleasure to work with other team members or not? The study points 2.66 shows that whose employees assist each other about things they do? The fourth sub-criterion is about 4522 Intl. J. Manag. Human. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 4517-4526, 2015 growing up or coming from potentiality to actuality and that person wants to show off or anything that can be done and the individual is self-actualization, in this study point 3.83 refers to the risk to people and complete tasks. In total point 3.28 show that there is a team of successful organizations (Gibb, 1973). In 2006, Keramati in a study realized with the philosophy of collaborative group work skills and collaborative approach to staff and found that the best combination is a group of four to six people. However, other studies have emphasized the heterogeneous nature of this compound (Keramati, 2006). In 2006, Aghaz in the study concluded that the selection process will be considered members of the group features members fit together that includes both culture and personality aspects (Aghaz, 2006). Two years later, Sadriniya investigative the preferences of the individuals examined in the context of life (difference in learning ,communication ,conflict management and communication) (Sadriniya, 2008). Eleventh criterion is about organizational communication. The first questionnaire was designed in 1979 in the field, but in this model used the questionnaire verbal communication skill which was designed by Burton in 1990, the aim is to assess the individual's communication skills. In this study, point 3.80 indicates a good level of verbal communication (Burton, 1990). In 2012, Mohanti in a study concluded that an effective relationship may be helpful between features of dominant organizational culture and citizenship behaviour in an organization (Mohanti etal., 2012). Twelfth criterion is job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In 1979 a questionnaire was designed by Mowday, on organizational commitment that its purpose is to measure organizational commitment which shows the commitment will lead to desirable outcomes such as organizational performance, lower turnover and absenteeism; in the present study with rating 3.65 shows that there is the commitment of the employees in organizations (Mowday, steers, porter, 1979). Then in 1986, another questionnaire was designed by Gannon, on job satisfaction and the aim was to assess the level of job satisfaction in the workplace which causes an increase in individual productivity and to ensure the physical and mental health of the individual, it also increases a person's mood and someone will be happy with his life and so a person will learn new job skills quickly, therefore the points 1.74 shows a lack of job satisfaction of employees (Gannon, 1986); So it shows that the employees are not happy, but they are still committed to their organization especially commitment to duty, those who feel the need to stay in the organizations. In 2012, in a study Tavalaee concluded that employees makes feel organizational commitment, attachment, affiliation, attachment to the organization, better job performance, reduction of staff leaving the organization, active social behaviour, lack of absenteeism, altruism and helping colleagues and reduce stress. It also comes with financial success and increased organizational effectiveness and efficiency (Tavalaee-Bagheri, 2012). In the same year, another study showed by Tajik, job satisfaction is very low level in many organizations in Iran and the situation is less favourable (Tajik, 2012). Thirteen criterions is stress management. In 1980, first questionnaire was designed, but in the present model, the stress questionnaire used which was designed by Eliot in 1994, that is measuring people’s stress. Yerktz and Dodson both management theorists say about the relationship between stress and performance, when that function is at its highest level; there is an optimum stress, when there is little or too much stress; performance is down, and only when it is moderate; stress is benign and function is maximized. So in this study, the scores 1.87 was shown that there is high stress and low levels of performance in employees (Eliot, 1994). Fourteen criterions are about negotiated management. In 1981, the negotiating questionnaire was designed by Pierre which deals with negotiated styles between individuals, it including; realism, intuitive, analytical and normative styles. This study points at 4.03 that suggests most employees tend to be intuitive style and like the idea of creating fake most of the time (Pierre, 1981). Fifteen criterions are about track progress. A questionnaire was designed in 1982 on the assessment of progress by Delong which aims to define suitable jobs for people and discusses the progress of the anchorages. These anchorages include specific patterns of talents, capacities, motivations, attitudes and values perceived by the individual and he leads the way prosperity will stabilized after several years of real world experience and feedback. Four anchorages are including the development of technical competence, managerial competence, independence and job security. In this study, points 4.80 shows that the technical competence of individuals to accept responsibility based on their expertise. In the management competence with rating 3.70 is indicated that individuals are taking responsibility. With points 2.72 shows the position of job security for employees. With points 2.79 restrictions on the independence of the organizational work shows for the staff. So in total points with 3.32 indicates that there is a good upgrade path and conditions for employees (Delong, 1982). In 2011, in a study Hassanalizadeh was concluded that capitalize on the individuals could be causes economic productivity of organizations and communities. According to studies Schultz (1971), Sakamoto and Power (1995) and Voodhal (1997); education and training are official and important tools for improving the production capacity of a community. They have argued that human capital shows that an educated population is a productive population (Hasanalizadeh- Saadat, 2011). 4523 Intl. J. Manag. Human. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 4517-4526, 2015 Sixteen criterions are about success in management. A questionnaire was designed by Raudseep in 1984; and the goal was a vision of success by employee’s perspective. Approach is based on Mackland need to succeed with supremacy, competition, challenging goals, insisting on doing things and overcoming difficulties. Successful people enjoy the diversity of skills and behavior. In the present study points 3.36 shows the measure of success, positive self image and high level of confidence (Raudseep, 1984). In one study in 2006, Zebardast obtain a comprehensive picture of the experimental and theoretical findings on factors that affect success technological cooperation, and show that the key factors of management are different and have been looked at from different angles; therefore it cannot be recommended “best practice” (Zebardast, 2006). Seventeenth criteria are about conflict management. In 1985, a questionnaire was designed by Dubrin that was about the occupational conflict. It aims to recognize signs of conflict and occupation. If the level is low contrast; conflict will be non-functional and characterization of its employees will be indifference, passivity in the face of change and no new ideas. If the contrast is too high, conflict will non-functional and characterization of its employees may be disruptive, uncooperative and ultimately chaos. When it is contrary to the optimum level; it will function at a high level, therefore not only will have the high capabilities of the employees but also the spirit of innovation in organization. So managers need to accept this fact that conflict is a deniable part of organizational life ,and its management had no choice to go to the reception and used conflicts for increase the organizational efficiency; thus with obtaining a score of 2.45 shows that the conflict is almost at an optimal level ,and people are cooperating fully with each other (Dubrin, 1985). In 2012, Tahmasebi concluded in a study that employees of tax and insurance have significant differences in dealing with organizational conflicts (Tahmasebi, 2012). Eighteenth criteria are about the socialization. In 1988, a questionnaire was designed in this context, by Katz, which its aim is to measure the degree of corporate people in organization; therefore the new employees hired understand the values, norms and practices of the organization. In this study point 3.32 is indicated in this field that staffs have the necessary training (Katz, 2013). In 2013, in a study by Shirghlami showed that in an environment where employees are seeking new knowledge and insights, they are more willing to seek new answers in new changes (Shirghlami, 2013). Nineteenth criteria are about time Management. In 1989, the first questionnaire was designed, but in this model was used to time management questionnaire which was designed by Quinn in 1990 and is aimed at people who have enough interest in what amount of their time, and they are successful in the planning. Therefore with point 3.60 show that the staffs use respond time (only minor things) and authority time (useful and controllable ( )Quinn etal., 1990). In 2008, Malek-Ara-bahman shows in one study that there is a significant relationship between time management and employee’s job burnout (MalekArabahman, 2008). Twentieth criterion is about Total Quality Management. In 1990, a questionnaire was designed by the Federal Quality Institutions, that it carry out to factors such as support and leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, employee empowerment, education and quality analysis. These factors affect the quality of the organization; in this present study, Support and leadership earn points 3.66 that show manager involve directly in quality improvement activities. In the strategic management, with point 3.56 show that they use the long-term objectives in all sectors. In the customer focus, with point 3.27 show that they used a variety of approaches to feedback from customers. The empowerment and education of the employees earn 3.51 showed that they have the regular staff training programs. The total scores 3.50 shows that the organization's quality management is in good condition (FTQMH, 1990). In 2009, Tavalaee had a study showed that advanced Japanese TQM model is the best model in the implementation of quality management systems in organizations (Tavalaee, 2009). Conclusion The results show that of the 20 criteria in the organization, employee motivation is weak because their basic needs (bio - safety) have remained. So it is better to be overcome in order to enhance their job security and the social relationships, respect and self-actualization can be achieved, It has been a lot of stress as well as other employees, so it is best to manage stress, strengthen the sense of optimism in staff to increase physical health and their success Then sometimes by mentioning their issues, can cause problems for others. Overall, the three-factor model of Total Fault finding, employees and organizations has done well but management is moderate that’s why there’s a high level of stress at work has been reported. (Image 2) Therefore it is recommended that this model to be implemented in more organizations. Acknowledgement I would like to take this opportunity to thank all organisations, managers and employee who took part and dedicating their time and effort in completing questioners. 4524 Intl. J. Manag. Human. Sci. Vol., 4 (1), 4517-4526, 2015 References Aghaz A, 2006. Selection of team members, coordination or different? Compass Magazine - Seventeenth year, Issue 178: 15-20. (In Persian) Alderfer CP, 1972. Existence, relatedness and growth: human needs in organizational setting. Macmillan Inc. BabaeeZekliki MA, Momeni N, 2007. Excellent organizational leaders and creating space. Compass Magazine - Eighteenth year - Issue 186: 33-38. (In Persian) Blunt P, 2003. Comparative management. 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