ISSN-2349-1841(Online) Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015 International Journal of Research Development & Innovation (IJRDI) Research Paper Available online Review on:-Image Encryption and Compression using HAAR and COIFLET Wavelet Transform Navita Palta#1, Ms. Neha Sharma#2 # Mtech Student, CEC LANDRAN, PTU 1 2 Assistant Professor CEC LANDRAN, Punjab Technical University 2 Abstract: There are several ways of encrypting an image. In this research, HAAR and COIFLET Wavelet is applied with Data Encryption algorithm to encrypt the full image in a secure manner, after encryption the original file is compressed and result will be compressed image. The image encryption technique works in prediction error domain which provides high extent of safety[1]. Many Image Compression Techniques have been proposed earlier but they were not secure enough and compression ratio is poor. Lossless Encrypted compression technique is used in our proposed work. Therefore, HAAR and COIFLET Wavelet transform is used with encryption and compression system, to get better compression efficiency. Keywords: Encryption, COIFLET Wavelet. Compression, HAAR Image encryption: The process of converting an image into unreadable format so that it can be transmitted over the network safely[5].The pixels of Leena.jpg image is in readable format means one can easily recognize the image so to convert it into unreadable format. . The size of encrypted image remains same as that of original image. Several ways are there to encrypt an image which helps to secure an image send over the network[18]. and I. INTRODUCTION Due to advancement of multimedia and network technologies, security of multimedia content becomes more important[10]. This security protects the digital videos and images. Digital images are used in different areas like military, geographical areas, defence, hospitals etc. This information is collected and stored in computers in the file form and transmitted over the network. Many intruders are available across the network that can break the security and hinders the confidentiality which is the legal requirement of images[18].Encryption techniques fulfil the security requirements for different multimedia applications. Since encrypted file contain large amount of data so, we compress it and obtain the compressed file of it. Compressed file requires less storage space and transfer speed is much more than uncompressed file. Therefore, the All Rights Reserved main purpose is to compress the file to such an extent such that quality of images remains good. Figure 1. Encryption of an image. Kinds of Encryption: There are two types of encryption namely Symmetric and Public key encryption. 1. Symmetric Key Encryption: In this scheme, both encryption and decryption keys are same therefore, both sender and receiver side have same key before starting communication[6]. P a g e | 45 International Journal of Research Development & Innovation (IJRDI) Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015, Pg. 45-49 obtained by removing one or more out of three data redundancies namely: Secret Key Cipher text Cipher text Channel Encryption Decryption Channel Plain Text Plain Text Figure 2. Symmetric key Encryption 2. Public Key Encryption: Here encryption key is known to everyone whereas decryption key is known to receiver side that allows them to read the encrypted message. Sender’s public Key Recevier’s public Key Ciphertext Encryption Coding Redundancy Interpixel Redundancy Psychovisual Redundancy Coding redundancy: When optimal code words are less than required words then code is said to be redundant. Interpixel Redundancy: Correlation between the pixels of image is called as Interpixel redundancy. Psychovisual redundancy: It is due to data that is ignored by the human visual system. After the encryption of image, encrypted image is transformed into compressed image. However the pixel size remains the same but there is change in storage size. For human eye there is no difference in outlook of these two images but there is lots of difference in their pixel values and storage size[13]. Cipher text Channel Decryption n Plain Text Plain Text Figure 3. Public Key Encryption It is also known as asymmetric key cryptography[6]. Pair of keys are used for encryption and decryption in this type of encryption. It is computationally easy for a user to generate their own public and private key-pair. Public-key cryptography is used as a method of assuring the confidentiality and authenticity. Figure 4. Compression of an image. Block diagram of Image compression: The following diagram shows the steps of how compression is performed. It consist of five stages namely mapper, quantization, symbol code, symbol decoder and inverse mapper. f(x,y) Mapper Uses of Encryption: Encryption allows secret communication. It is used to protect the data in transit. It protects the confidentiality of messages[18]. Applications of Image Encryption: We can apply Image encryption to different types of protocols: o Message oriented o Transaction oriented o Session oriented Stenography Digital Watermarking Image Compression: The process used to compact the image representation, thereby the image storage/transmission requirements[9]. Compression is All Rights Reserved Symbol Decoder Quantizer Symbol coder Inverse Mapper compressed Image F(x,y) Figure 5. Block Diagram of image compression[8]. The encoder is used for removing the coding, Interpixel and Psychovisual redundancies of input image. In first step, the mapper coverts the input image into a format to decrease the Interpixel redundancies. The second step, qunatizer block decreases the accuracy of previous output in accordance with a predefined criterion. In third and final step, a symbol decoder makes a code for quantizer output and maps the output in accordance with the code. In backward direction , there is the inverse operations of the encoder’s symbol coder and mapper block. As quantization is not reversible, an inverse quantization is not present. P a g e | 46 International Journal of Research Development & Innovation (IJRDI) Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015, Pg. 45-49 Image Compression Techniques: There are two categories of compression techniques classified as: 1. Lossless Compression Techniques: The compression which does not add noise to an image and original image is recovered from its compressed image[14].Following techniques are included in lossless compression[8]: Run length encoding Huffman encoding COIFLET HAAR LZW Coding 2. Lossy Compression Technique: By this scheme, the decompressed image is not same as that of the original image, but reasonably close to it[12].Lossy compression techniques includes following schemes[8]: Transformation Coding Vector Quantization Fractal Coding Block Truncation Coding Subband Coding Benefits of Compression: It provides a potential cost savings associated with sending less data over switched telephone network where cost of call is really usually based upon its duration. It not only reduces storage requirements but also overall execution time. It also reduces the probability of transmission errors since fewer bits are transferred. It also provides great level of security against monitoring. II. LITERATURE REVIEW Jiantao Zhou et al. 2014 proposed designing an efficient image encryption-then-compression system via prediction error clustering & random permutation. In the proposed framework, the image encryption had achieved by prediction error clustering and random permutation. The compression of the encrypted data is then achieved by a context-adaptive arithmetic coding approach[1]. R. Mehala et al. 2013 proposed a new image compression algorithm using Haar Wavelet Transformation. In that paper, 8x8 transform matrix was able to be obtained by appropriately inserting some 0’s and ½’s into the Haar Wavelet. The basis of the Haar Wavelet algorithm was based on integers and made sufficiently sparse orthogonal transform matrix. A Haar Wavelet algorithm was developed for fast computation[2]. J. Zhou et al. 2012 proposed l2 restoration of l∞-decoded images via soft-decision estimation. In that paper, a new soft decoding approach was developed to reduce All Rights Reserved the l2 distortion of l∞-decoded images and retain the advantages of both min-max and least-square approximations. The new soft decoding technique was able to even outperform JPEG 2000 for bit rates higher than 1bpp, a critical rate region for applications of nearlossless image compression. All the coding gains were made without increasing the encoder complexity as the heavy computations to gain coding efficiency were delegated to the decoder[4]. Nidhi Sethi et al. 2011proposed Image Compression using Haar Wavelet Transform. In that paper, Haar Wavelet Transform was implemented. The results in terms of PSNR and MSE show that the Haar transformation was able to be used for image compression. The quantization was done by dividing the image matrix into blocks and taking mean of the pixel in the given block. It was clear that DWT had potential application in the compression problem[7]. III. DIFFERENTCOMPRESSION TECHNIQUES Following are the different types of compression technique: Haar wavelet: The HAAR Wavelet is the sequence of functions. This sequence was introduced in1909 by Alfred Haar[2].Wavelets are mathematical functions that were developed by scientists working in several different fields for the purpose of sorting data by frequency. Data that is translated is matched with its scale after getting sorted at a resolution. Data is studied at different levels that helps for the development of a more complete picture. Every small and large features are studied separately. The wavelet transform is not Fourier-based and therefore wavelets do a better job of handling the data which are discontinued. The Haar wavelet works on data after calculating the sums and differences of elements which are adjacent to each other[2]. The Haar wavelet works first on adjacent horizontal elements and secondly on adjacent vertical elements. The Haar transform is calculated by: 1/√2 [1 1] 1 −1 Following are the properties of Haar transform: No need for multiplications. It requires only additions and there are many elements with zero value in the Haar matrix, so the computation time is short. It is faster than Walsh transform, whose matrix is composed of +1 and −1. Input and output length are the same. However, the length should be a power of 2, i.e. N=2k ,K €N.3. It can be used to analyse the localized feature of signals. Due to the orthogonal property of the Haar function, the frequency components of input signal can be analyzed. P a g e | 47 International Journal of Research Development & Innovation (IJRDI) Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015, Pg. 45-49 Advantages of Haar Wavelet: It is the simplest possible wavelet. It is not differentiable so, can be used for the analysis of signals with sudden transitions, such a monitoring of tool failure in machines. subjective test with specified procedures[8]. The PSNR between input and compressed image can be obtained using following formula: COIFLET Wavelet: Coiflets are the wavelets designed by Ingrid Daubechies. These are the discrete wavelets which are made at the request of Ronald Coifman for having scaling functions along with vanishing moments . The wavelets are symmetric in nature and its function have N/3 vanishing moments and scaling functions N/3-1 which are used in different applications with the help of CalderonZygmund Operators. Block Diagram of Proposed system: The following diagram depicts the steps of proposed work in which the encryption and compression are the two main tasks. The normalization of both scaling function (low-pass filter) and the wavelet function (High-Pass Filter) is done by a factor1 − √2. There are some coefficients for the scaling functions for C6-30. The wavelet coefficients are obtained by reversing the order of the scaling function coefficients and then reversing the sign of every second. Mathematically, this looks like BK= (-1)KCN-1-Kwhere k is the coefficient index; B is a wavelet coefficient and C is a scaling function coefficient. N is the wavelet index, i.e 6 for C6.The 2N moments of wavelet functions are equal to 0 and the 2N-1 moments of scaling functions are equal to 0. The two functions have a support of length 6N-1[3]. F= coifwavf(W) returns the scaling filter associated with the Coiflet wavelet specified by the string W where W = 'coifN' whereas the values of N are 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Advantages of Coiflet Wavelet: These wavelets are symmetric in nature. Coiflet wavelets are same as that of Daubechies wavelet[8]. IV. PARAMETERS USED There are many parameters given which are used in previous research papers. MSE: Mean Squared Error is essentially an image fidelity measure. The goal of an image fidelity measure is to compare two images by providing a quantitative score that describes the degree of difference and errors between them[8]. The MSE between two images is given by the following formula: MSE = (1/N)Σi|x(i)- e(i)|2 Here x and e are the input and compressed image respectively and N is the size of image. PSNR: Embedding this extra data must not degrade human perception about the object. Evaluation of imperceptibility is usually based on an objective measure of quality, called peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), or a All Rights Reserved PSNR=20log10(PIXEL_VALUE/MSE) Start Original Image Encryption Compression Analysis and comparison Figure 6. Block Diagram of Proposed System Following are the steps used to make an efficient image encryption and compression system. STEP 1: Take an input original image. STEP 2: Perform encryption process on it in order to convert it into unreadable format. STEP3: Finally Haar and COIFLET wavelet transform with encryption algorithm are applied on the input image. STEP 4: Compare Obtained results. V. CONCLUSION In previous designed image encryption and compression system, the quality of obtained compressed image is not too good. And the compression techniques used in earlier proposed system were not secure enough and compression ratio is poor. In this paper, two compression techniques named HAAR and COIFLET wavelet transform are combined for compressing an image with Encryption and then result will be compared with previous Compression Technique i.e., Adaptive Arithmetic Coding on the basis of Compression ratio, PSNR, MSE, Error rate. By using this two tier compression, compressed image can not get distorted and compression ratio will also improved thus our purpose will fulfilled. Thus, quality of image can be improved by using this two tier system and results will be good. P a g e | 48 International Journal of Research Development & Innovation (IJRDI) Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015, Pg. 45-49 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thanks to my Guide and family member who always support, help and guide my during mu dissertation. Special thanks to my father who always support my innovative ideas. REFERENCES [1] Jiantao Zhou, Xianming Liu, Oscar C. Au and Yuan Yan Tang, “Designing an Efficient Image EncryptionThen-Compression System via Prediction Error Clustering and Random Permutation”, IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Security, vol. 9, issue 1, January 2014. [2] R. Mehala and K. Kuppusamy, “A New Image Compression Algorithm using Haar Wavelet Transformation”, International Journal of Computer Applications(0975-8887), International Conference on Computing and Information Technology, 2013. 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