International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume 1 Issue 3 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 LOCATION BASED ALARM SYSTEM SAGAR THOTE, PRASHANT MADEKAR, ASHISH BODHE 1 2 CSE,jhulelal instituted of tech,Maharashtra, CSE,jhulelal instituted of tech,Maharashtra, 3 CSE,jhulelal instituted of tech,Maharashtra, Department Of Computer Engineering, Nagpur University Jhulelal Institute of Technology lonara, Nagpur ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------ABSTRACT Location Based Services (LBS) are the services that exploit knowledge about where an information devic e user is located. LBS provide facilities to the user like friend finders etc. The currently two most common technologies are GPS and the position evaluating using cell ID (Non-GPS) from nearest base transceiver stations. LBS has generated lot of interest in recent years, as a new source for mobile operators enhance their service offering, thus potentially increasing revenues and reducing churns. Already present LBS use GPS which uses push and pushpull technologies. These services can be providing without using GPS through cell ID of the user. Only use of GPS will be used to locate the user. This paper explains here LBS with and without GPS, and also explain how to use this LBS by making use of mobile application. Keyword- Location Based Services (LBS), Global Positioning System (GPS), cell ID, android. I] INTRODUCTION Mobile phones and the Internet have revolutionized the communication and with it the lifestyle of people. An increasing number of mobile phones and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) allow people to access the Internet where ever they are and whenever they want. From the Internet they can obtain on one hand information on events (cinema, concerts, and parties) and on the other hand information on places (city maps, restaurant, mu seums, and hospitals). This application consists of various systems such as set alarm tone, add mobile number, set location. This System allows user to search the location, save the searching location, add the alarm tone, and the mobile number and generate alarm on arrival of that location. This application will contain Google maps. With the help of Google maps we can directly search the location any location register on maps and save it as destination location. Location base alarm system is an android application which is use to searching the any location and getting alarm on arrival of that location manage with the help of GPS and mobile. In this project, the new user (new traveler in any places) tension of arrival on that particular location or not is reduced with the help of android application. The main objective of this project is to find the location where user want to go and set alarm on arrival of that location by which user can known that he is entering or exiting from that location it can reduce the user or trawler’s manual work and to add mobility and automation. With the help of this application lecturers will be able to find the location we want from mobile. It is created from New Information and Communication Technologies (NICTS) [2] such as the mobile telecommunication system and hand held devices, from Internet and from Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with spatial databases. LBS and GIS have different origins and different user groups. They analyse that Geographic Information Systems has been developed during several decades on the basis of professional geographic data applications. IJRISE|| [76-79] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume 1 Issue 3 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 Fig. 1. LBS as an intersection of technologies [2] This project is an efficient and user friendly Android mobile application for an A ttendance Monitoring. Android is an open source Linux based system developed by Google, and primarily aimed at mobile handsets and other portable devices. Android provides a Java-based development platform for applications. The application will be installed on the user’s smart phone. II] PROPOS ED S YS TEM We will develop such an application which is capable of fetching user’s location and provide him with location based information on shopping, hospitals and entertainment. This service will get rid of push messages and soun alarm ring on arrival of location. III] SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE: The basic system architecture has a smart phone with Android OS. Android is basically an operating system for smart phones that is based on a modified version of Linux. IV] WHY WE CHOOSEN THE ANDROID OPERATING SYSTEM: Now–a-days the Android is a market-mover. Smart phones are now the regular choice of customer. Stylish and versatile phones packing hardware features like GPS, accelerometers, and touch screens are an enticing platform upon which to create innovative mobile applications Android provides open source framework. Since Android OS is open source and it is part of the Open Handset Alliance, most of the leading handset manufacturers in the world have android phones. Use of tools is also simple in android. I provide better result than all other operating system. All the android mobiles can work all the software’s but other operators mobile can't work in all the software’s. V] IMPLEMENTATION Location-Based Advertising (LBA) is basically advertisements that are matched to your physical location. Implementation is the stage of the project when the theoretical design is turned out into a working system. Thus it can be considered to be the most critical stage in achieving a successful new system. The implementation stage involves careful planning, investigation of the existing system and it’s constraints on implementation, designing of methods to achieve change over and evaluation of change over methods. Modules Implementation: In location base alarm system we are providing a basically two models database model and Geo -fencing model. A] Geo-fencing Module: IJRISE|| [76-79] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume 1 Issue 3 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 The geo-fencing model is basic and main working model. In this Geo -fencing model the location can be search with use of GPS (global positioning system). In this model it can take simply the location name from user and find that location in the map and on click on save location it can save that location and set a radius of around that location using longitudes and longitude of GPS system and on arrival of that location it can automatically beep the alarm tone which is set by the user and send the SMS on the mobile number which is also entered by the user. Fig: flow chart for Geo-fencing module.. B] Database Module: The second module is Database module is this all information entered by the user is stored in the dataset. When user select the alarm tone the path of that alarm tone is can be stored in the database and on entering in radius of particular location it can use. Also it can be stored the mobile number enter by user in mobile number field and on entering in the location it can send massage on that number which contain the information of entering area. The Data base module is also very important. VI] APLICATION. It is used in army for detecting location It is also use in emergency services just as finding the hospitals It is very use full for traveler It is use for storing the location It is also use for students to inform their parents on what location they are currently available VII] SUMMARY AND FURTHER RESERCH As there is major use of gps an location base services (lbs) in location base alarm system. so gps is an emerging technology and will be used in india widely in future. Thus we will conclude to say that our paper gives us one step IJRISE|| [76-79] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume 1 Issue 3 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 to extend gps services in india by developing an mobile application, so that user will get an any information based on location using an application. gps is a beneficial technology which provides many applications. user will get services based on location, can be able to work on both gps and non – gps cell, and also it will get rid of push messages. Future focus should focus on enhancing the mobile application in such a way that depending on the facial expression of user, application should automatically suggest the user that at which place he/she should go depe nding on the present location of the user. VIII] REFERENCES [1] Louise Barkuus, and Anind Dey, "Location-Based Services for Mobile Telephony: A Study of Users' Privacy Concern" Proceedings of the INTERACT 2003, 9TH IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, July, 2003. [2] Stefan Steiniger, Moritz Neun and Alistair Edwardes, "Foundations of Location Based Services" Cartouche Lecture Notes on LBS, V. 1.0. [3] White paper on Location Based Services (LBS) on Mobile in India For IAMAI Version: 14 April 2008. IJRISE|| [76-79]
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