International Journal of Recent Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, Issue 1, April 2015 CROSSTAB FOR CLIENT-SIDE JAVASCRIPT USING AUTOMATED FAULT LOCALIZER V.Elamathi 1, G.Ilanchezhiapandian2 PG Scholar, Ganadhipathy Tulsi’s jain Engineering College,Vellore,Tamilnadu,India1 Faculty of computer science engg, ganadhipathy tulsi’s jain engineering college, vellore, Tamilnadu2 India ABSTRACT- Fault localization is the problem of determining where in the source code changes need to be made in order to fix detected failures. A fault is the cause of the failure or the internal error referred as “bug”. Fault localization techniques isolate the root cause of a fault based on the dynamic execution of application. To localize faults effectively in web applications written in PHP,Tarantula,Ochai,Jaccard fault-localization algorithm is enhanced by using an extended domain for conditional and function-call statements and using a source mapping but it is not useful for JavaScript. In this we examine the fault localization in Output DOMrelated JAVASCRIPT errors using an open source tool AUTOFLOX. The proposed system does the testing process for gaining confidence in software dependability. The process of isolating the errors manually takes lot of time and work efficiency so we are going to implement an automated technique. KEYWORDS: Fault localisation, Debugging, web application, source mapping, Test generation. I. INTRODUCTION An smutty posture,comport oneself,or statistics definiteness in a abacus program which causes the program to accomplishing an unexpected manner.Automatic fault localization technique keenness has led to the form and betterment of various techniques has over recent years. Completely these techniques have identical goals,they posterior be unconditionally additional foreign pair another and often stem forms ideas which themselves originated from several differentdisciplines.Misemploy prevarication is run through techniques and procedures which intent to sidestep the birth of faults a side blue-collar time of safety lifecycle of the safety-related system.Objurgate ration is the knack of a productive connive to stand firm by to perform a doomed function in the appearance of faults or errors. Automatic fault localization technique demand has led to the goal and get ahead of various techniques over recent years. Measure these techniques allowance way goals,they base be unconditionally choice foreigner brace alternate,and often stem from ideas which themselves originate from seversl different disciplines. Misapplication quibbling is benefit techniques and procedures which objective to shun the initiation of faults next to gauche dated of the safety lifecycle of the safety-related system.Rhetoric catachresis toleration is the wit of a personal property club to linger to polish off a resolved measure in the aspect of faults or errors. Software testing and debugging occupy more than 50% of software development. Software testing endeavors to discover deviation of a program from its expected comportment. Once such deviations found, the software debugging is to fine-tune them. Katz and Anderson describe the debugging process1 of a program as chain of three tasks: (1) finding the potential location of bug, (2) fine-tuning it, and (3) testing the program. These chains perpetuate until the program prospers in tests. DeMillo coins the term ―fault localization‖ for the first step. Conspicuously, precise and efficient fault localization can reduce the number of tribulation-error cycle in the Copyright to IJRRSET 7 International Journal of Recent Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, Issue 1, April 2015 debugging,hence alleviate the debugging burden. A good automated fault localization technique can preserve time and reduce the cost of software development and maintenance. Moreover, since most companies are under market pressure, they incline to relinquish software with kenned and unknown bugs. By facilitating timely debugging, good automated fault localization techniques can reduce the kenned bugs and amend the dependability of software products. The goal of automated fault localization techniques is to provide information that avails developers to discover the cause of program failure. To present the state of the art of automated fault localization techniques. Regardless of the effort spent on developing a computer program it may still contain bugs. In fact, the more immensely colossal, more involute a program, the higher the likelihood of it containing bugs. It is always challenging for programmers to efficaciously and efficiently abstract bugs, while not inadvertently introducing incipient ones concurrently. Furthermore, to debug, programmers must first be able t0 identify precisely where the bugs are, which is kenned as fault localization; and then find a way to fine-tune them, which is kenned as fault fine-tuning. Software fault localization is one of the most expensive activities in program debugging. It can be further divided into two major components. The first part is to utilize a technique to identify suspicious code that may contain program bugs. The second part is for programers to authentically look at the taken to be general rule of behavior of a group to come to a decision whether it in fact has in it apparatus for hearing. No article, without thought or attention of measure or distance down, can hope to cover all of them. as an outcome of that, while try to cover as much get onto land as possible, to primarily fixate on state of the art techniques and have a discussion some of the key issues and business houses that pertain to error localization. . II. RELATED WORK Literature survey has been done in the area of Software Engineering and its testing process.The research done by various authors are studied and some of them are discussed in the following section. A. An Evaluation of Similarity Coefficients for Software Fault Localization The coefficients studied are taken from the systems diagnosis / automated debugging implements Pinpoint, Tarantula, and AMPLE, and from the molecular biology domain (the Ochiai coefficient). To evaluate these coefficients on the Siemens Suite of benchmark faults, and assess their efficacy in terms of the position of the authentic fault in the probability ranking of fault candidates engendered by the diagnosis technique.. Experiments indicate that the Ochiai coefficient consistently outperforms the coefficients currently used by the tools mentioned [1]. In terms of the amount of code that needs to be inspected, the coefficient improves 5% on average over the next best technique, and up to 30% in specific cases. The purpose of diagnosis is to locate faults. Diagnosis applied to computer programs is known as debugging. The automated methods that we study here have wider applicability, but in the context of paper they fall in the category of automated debugging techniques. The influence of different similarity coefficients were studied for fault diagnosis using program hit spectra at the block level. Specifically for the Tarantula system, experiments seem to suggest that its diagnostic capabilities can be improved by switching to the Ochiai coefficient. Tarantula uses statement hit spectra, which give more detailed information than our block hit spectra, but this will only lead to a different analysis in case of the C constructs. The possible causes for poor rankings are, mainly, when the faulty block is always exercised in passed and failed runs (for instance, the main function), deleted code, and dependent blocks. B. Framework for Automated Testing of JavaScript Web Applications An in the early stage framework was introduced for made automatic testing of JavaScript internet requests. The framework takes into account the idiosyncrasies of JavaScript, such as its event-driven getting things done design to be copied and effect on one another with the printed material not in agreement design to be copied (DOM) of net of an insect pages. The framework is parameterized by (i) an execution unit to model the browser Copyright to IJRRSET 8 International Journal of Recent Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, Issue 1, April 2015 and server, (ii) an input engenderer to engender incipient input sequences, and (iii) a prioritize to guide the exploration of the application‘s state space. By instantiating these parameters congruously, sundry forms of feedback-directed arbitrary testing can be performed [10]. Here, the conception is that when a test input has been engendered, the system executes the application on that input and observes the effects, which can then be habituated to guide the generation of adscititious test inputs. To implemented the framework in an implement called Artemis1, and engendered several feedback-directed arbitrary test generation algorithms by instantiating the framework with different prioritization functions and input engenderers. Several efficacious test generation algorithms by instantiating the framework with different prioritization functions and input engenderers that employ simple feedback mechanisms. The rudimental algorithm, events, engenders are show surprisingly good coverage (69%on average) if enough tests are engendered. The influence of different similarity coefficients were studied for fault diagnosis using program hit spectra at the block level. Specifically for the Tarantula system, experiments seem to suggest that its diagnostic capabilities can be improved by switching to the Ochiai coefficient. Tarantula uses statement hit spectra, which give more detailed information than our block hit spectra, but this will only lead to a different analysis in case of the C constructs. The possible causes for poor rankings are, mainly, when the faulty block is always exercised in passed and failed runs (for instance, the main function), deleted code, and dependent blocks. The first main ingredient of amalgamated approach is the Tarantula algorithm by Jones, et al. which soothsays verbalizations that are liable to be responsible for failures. It does so by computing, for each verbal expression, the percentages of passing and failing tests that execute that verbal expression. From this, a suspiciousness rating is computed for each executed verbalization. Programmers are emboldened to examine the verbalizations inorder of decrementing suspiciousness. Dynamic test generation has proved to be quite efficacious in experiments with the Siemens suite, consisting of versions of minute C programs into which artificial faults have been seeded [5]. A variation on the rudimental Tarantula approach that consider is an enhanced domain for conditional verbalizations, which enables us to more accurately pinpoint errors due to missing branches in conditional verbal expressions. The second main ingredient of the approach is utilization of an output mapping from verbal expressions in the program to the fragments of output they engender. This mapping when amalgamated with the report of the HTML Validator, which denotes the components of the program output that are erroneous provides a supplemental source of information about possible fault locations, and is utilized to fine-tune the suspiciousness ratings provided by Tarantula. C. Scalable Dynamic Test Generation The search strategies have been implemented in CREST, a prototype test generation implement for C. CREST uses CIL to instrument C source files and to extract control-flow graphs to solve path constraints. The search strategies was experimentally evaluated the efficacy by running CREST on supersede, the most immensely colossal program in the Siemens Benchmark Suite, and two popular open-source applications, grep 2.2 (15Klines) and Vim 5.7 (150K lines).For each benchmark, The performance of the different search strategies over a fine-tuned number of iterations were compared i.e. runs of the instrumented program. Search strategies are an opportune measure for the testing budget, because, for more immensely colossal programs, the strategy themselves was dominated process for the cost of concrete and symbolic execution. Experiments were run on 2GHz Core2 Duo servers‘ with2GB of RAM and running Debian GNU/Linux. All unconstrained variables are initially set to zero. The technique is experimentally validated on an OO system composed of over a thousand verbal expressions. Experiments will be carried out to evaluate whether classical test adequacy criteria can efficiently isolate DBBs. Copyright to IJRRSET 9 International Journal of Recent Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, Issue 1, April 2015 III. EXISTING SYSTEM Jones et al. presented Tarantula, a fault-localization technique that associates with each statement a suspiciousness rating that indicates the likelihood for that statement to contribute to a failure. The suspiciousness rating for a statement that occurs at line3 l is a number between 0 and 1, calculated with the following similarity coefficient Failed l ⁄Total failed Passed l ⁄Total passed +Total failed S tar l = Where passed(l) is no of passing executions that execute statement l, Failed(l) is the number of failing executions that execute statement l. Total Failed is the total number of failing test cases. In the field of data clustering, other similarity coefficients have been proposed that can also be used to calculate suspiciousness ratings. These include the Jaccard coefficient used in pinpoint program Sjac l = Failed l Total Failed + Passed and the Ochiai coefficient used in molecular biology domain Soch l = Failed l √Failed l ∗ Passed l + Failed l IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM Having summarized the state of the art in the area of fault localization, now present our proposed methodology. First describe CBT in detail, followed by an example to walk the reader through how CBT is to be applied. Then, present the primary criterion used to evaluate the effectiveness of the technique, which also serves as a means to compare various fault-localization techniques to one another. Consider a statement ω in the program that is being debugged. To defines the following notations in order to facilitate further discussion regarding the CBT. The crosstab analysis is used to study the relationship between two or more categorical variables. A crosstab is constructed for each statement such that the crosstab has two column wise categorical variables— covered and not covered; and two row wise categorical variables— successful and failed. A.PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Crosstab method shows better performance when compared to that of the existing system, the analysis is carried out in PHP web application and the results are as follows. TABLE 1 The table consider the various web pages for fault localization process using different algorithms to determine the coverage statements. Total number of lines in a page is mentioned. Line factor verses various algorithm coverage is plotted. Statement Coverage Comparison with various Algorithms Copyright to IJRRSET 10 International Journal of Recent Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, Issue 1, April 2015 Fault Localization Algorithms Localized Fault (%) [LOC] Tarantula Executed Statements (%) [LOC] 40% Ochiai Crosstab 55% 70% 75% 90% In general the number of statement examined increase the statement coverage of the application also increased. Compare three algorithms, crosstab method having high coverage rate that is total number of statement examined high so that finding location of fault also increased. Ochiai having next high coverage represent in graph. Tarantula having minimum error finding rate that is examine minimum statements examine. TABLE 2 The table 2 describes the factor such as executed statement and localized fault. The localized fault of executed statement is increased compare to the existing system. Comparison of Fault Localization Process with various Algorithms Page 1 2 Lines [LOC] 1,25 25,37 38,41 1,16 17,28 29,52 Tarantula Ochiai Crosstab 0 0.54 0.54 0.256 0.54 0.54 0 0.69 0.69 0.38 0.69 0.69 0 0.81 0.81 0.5 0.81 0.81 In general the number of statement examined increase the statement coverage of the application also increased. Compare three algorithms, crosstab method having high coverage rate that is total number of statement examined high so that finding location of fault also increased. Ochiai having next high coverage represent in graph. Tarantula having minimum error finding rate that is examine minimum statements examine. Fig 4.1 Comparison of Fault Localization Process for various Algorithms Copyright to IJRRSET 11 International Journal of Recent Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, Issue 1, April 2015 The fig 4.1 shows the percentage of fault localization in executed statements of various algorithms. Average of localized fault in proposed approach is 30% more than existing algorithms. V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: FIG 5.1 Login Page Figure 5.1 represents login page of the website. In this application there are three logins are used. The first login is administrator for the application to manage the information. Next login is user login. This is use for user to search the relevant information. Finally student login that are inform comments by use it. Fig 5.2 Execution result for dynamic web application Figure 5.2 shows the result of successful and failure execution of particular page of web application. Calculate the error rate using crosstab that result also shows in this result. This result represent 1-25 lines execution is success so the error rate zero. Next 25-37 lines execution is failure and error rate 081 and also 38-41. Copyright to IJRRSET 12 International Journal of Recent Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, Issue 1, April 2015 FIG 5.3 Total Result Figure 5.3 shows that total result of the particular web site. How many number of lines are presented and how much percentage of fault calculated using tarantula Ochiai and cross tab algorithms. VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS A better solution is to utilize which is a systematic and statistically well-defined method to automatically identify suspicious code that should be examined for possible fault locations. To presented a crosstab-based statistical method using the coverage information of each executable statement and the execution result (success or failure) irrespective of each test case. A construction of a crosstab for each statement and to compute suspiciousness,a statistic is computed. The higher suspiciousness statements are more likely to contain bugs and should be examined before those with a lower suspiciousness. The proposed results suggest that the crosstabbased method is effective in fault localization and performs better (in terms of a smaller percentage of executable statements that have to be examined until the first statement containing the fault is reached) than other methods such as Tarantula and Ochiai. The difference in efficiency (computational time) between these two methods is very small. As a future work can be propose the application of a modified radial basis function neural network in the context of software fault localization. The relationship between coverage information of testcases and its execution result is learned by using neural network. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I thank the Lord Almighty who paved the path for my walk which lifted me to pluck the fruits of success and who is the torch for all my endeavours and engagements. I record my deep sense of indebtedness and whole heated gratitude to my friends, for their active involvement, encouragement, caretaking and valuable suggestions in all the way and also shaping project work and include report. Home is the backbone of every success and our humble salutations to our beloved parents R.Venkatesan and V.Kalaichelvi and my lovable sister V.Prathipa and sweet brother V.Mothil Raj, who inspired, motivated and supported us throughout the course of the project. I also extend my sincere thank to my guide G.ILANCHEZHIAPANDIAN and the Faculty Members of CSE Department, Friends who have render their valuable help in completing this project successful. REFERENCES [1] R. Abreu, P. Zoeteweij, and A.J.C. van Gemund, ―An Evaluation of Similarity Coefficients for Software Fault Localization,‖ Proc. 12th Pacific Rim Int‘l Symp. Dependable Computing, pp. 39-46, 2006. 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