International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) A NOTE ON BARYTES MINERALIZATION IN PUNGARH REGION, DISTRICT PALI, RAJASTHAN Brijendra Singh Gahlot & P. C. Avadich, Department of Geology, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan. Abstract Barytes is an important modern day industrial mineral. Barytes mineralization is found in different Precambrian units of Rajasthan. In Punagarh hill region, barytes mineralization is hosted by Sojat Formation of Delhi Supergroup. It occurs as vein deposit showing various forms viz. linked veins, parallel veins, fan shaped, chambered vein. Vugs and other cavity filling textures are also observed associated with mineralization. The mineralization has undergone post deposition tectonism as evidenced by granulation of barytes grains. The barytes mineralization is epigenetic. The hydrothermal solutions have been derived from the Erinpura granite intrusive into Sojat Formation. Keywords: Barytes, Delhi Supergroup, Punagarh Group, Sojat Formation, Epigenetic, veins Rajasthan (Table 1).The barytes mineralization is associated with igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. It occurs as veins, cavity – filling, bedded and residual deposits. Table 1: Association of Barytes mineralization in sub-divisions of the Precambrian of Rajasthan. Geologic Unit Malani Locality Karara District Jalore Suite Vindhyan Bhander Supergroup Group Delhi Supergroup Jogniyamata Chittorgarh Rewa Group Jawarakalan Punagarh Punagarh Group Hill Ajabgarh Alwar & Sikar & Group Rajgarh Alwar Pali belts Alwar Group Raialo Group Hathauri Bharatpur Aravalli Debari Delwara Udaipur Supergroup Group region Ranthambhor Anupura Chittorgarh Rajpura Dariba- Rajsamand Bhilwara Group/ Rajpura Supergroup Jahazpur Umar Bundi Relpataliya Udaipur Introduction Barytes, an important modern industrial mineral in present day industry. It is mainly used in oil well drilling due to its high specific gravity, low hardness, inertness to acids, insolubility in water and most important its lowest cost compare to other heavy materials. In the global scenario India is endowed with third position in terms of reserves and second in production of barytes. Mangampet in Andhra Pradesh is the world’s largest single barytes deposit with 68.4 million tonnes of recoverable reserves (IBM, 2015)[1]. In Rajasthan, occurrences of barytes are known in Alwar, Bharatpur, Bhilwara, Bundi, Chittorgarh, Jalore, Pali, Sikar, Sirohi, and Udaipur districts where as important deposits are limited to Alwar, Bharatpur, Pali and Udaipur districts. Geologically, barytes is found in all the major sub-divisions of the Precambrian of ISSN No: 2319-3484 Group Group Mangalwar Complex Study Area The present study area is located 12 km ENE of the District town of Pali (E 73° 26' 26" : N 25° 48'10") and lies wholly within the scope of Survey of India topo sheet, No. 45G/5 (Figure 1). Access Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 14 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) Figure 2: Location map of Study area (part of Survey of India Toposheet no 45G/5). Regional Geology of the area The study area falls in the Delhi Fold Belt and has been included in Punagarh Group of rocks (Gupta et al., 1981)[2]. The rocks are exposed to the west of the Main Delhi Synclinorium and separated by a stretch of Erinpura granite. The Punagarh Group overlies the Kumbhalgarh and Sirohi Groups (Gupta et. al., 1997)[3] and occurs as a roughly oval shaped outcrop from Dhangarwas in the north to Bumadra in the south and from Punagarh in the east to Bhagasar in the west (Figure 2). Gupta et al., (1981)[2], has divided the rocks of the Punagarh Group into four formations namely Sojat, Bambholai, Khamal and Sowaniya Formations. The Punagarh Group comprises slates, phyllites and quartzites of Sojat Formation with synsedimentational basic volcanics of the Bambholai, Khamal and Sowaniya Formations. The Bambholai Formation is characterized by synsedimentational pillow basalt of tholeiite to alkali basalt type. Similarly the basic volcanics of Khamal Formation have been identified as having alkaline character. The synsedimentational volcanic rock of the Sowaniya Formation is also tholeiitic basalt. ISSN No: 2319-3484 Later workers placed the Punagarh Group as the youngest group in Delhi Supergroup. Gupta (1981)[2] Roy (1988)[4], Gupta (1995)[5], Roy and Sharma (1996)[6], Roy and Jahakar (2002)[7] placed Punagarh Group and its time equivalent Sindreth Group at a much higher stratigraphic position whose volcanic phase was dated 780 Ma (Roy and Sharma, 1996)[6]. Chore and Mohanty (1998)[8] separated the Sojat Formation from Punagarh Group, containing bimodal volcanics, volcanoclastics and terrginous sediments. The contact is marked by shear zones. An age distinction between the two is indicated by absence of granite within the Punagarh Group where as the Sojat Formation containing slates and phyllites has been invariably intruded by Erinpura granite (Table 2). Table 2: Stratigraphic succession of study area (After Chore & Mohanty, 1998). Punagarh Group into the area is by way of National Highway NH14, from where the interior parts of the study area are linked by minor tar-roads. The nearest rail links are the stations at Pali, Marwar Junction and Bumadra, even as the nearest airport is at Jodhpur, some 60 km to the northwest. Intrusives Sowaniya Formation Dolerite and felsic dykes Shale, repetitive sequence of basalt, rhyolite and gritty quartzite Shale, dacite and quartzite Khamal Formation Bambholai Pillowed basalt, jaspery Formation quartzite and shale -------------------Unconformity--------------Erinpura Granite/ Gneiss Shale, slate and Sojat Formation metatuff Geology of the area The rocks of the Sojat Formation represented by a succession of variegated shales, sandy slates, phyllites, mica schist, ferruginous and brecciated quartz-rock at places cherty and minor dolomite. The soft and easily amenable to erosion viz. slate, phyllites and mica schist are generally exposed in the plains. Near Sojat and Punagarh Hill, the rocks due to the hard rock capping are still preserved on hillocks. The ferruginous and brecciated quartzrock at places cherty occurs as irregular lenses and veins within the slates and phyllites along the western flank of the Punagarh Hill (Figure 3). The rock is light-grey to spotted and brownish in color and consists of opalescent quartz, light- to pink Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 15 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) Figure 3 Simplified regional geology of the Study area (Modified after Chore and Mohanty -1998) showing the distribution of various units in Punagarh Group of Delhi Supergroup. ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 16 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) color and at few places yellow colored barytes, red jasper, limonite and hematite. Besides smaller veins, there are about 16 lenses of 35 cm to 12 m in width and maximum of 500m in length. rock indicates a zone of shearing. The general trend of this shear zone varies from N10° to 30°E and S10° to 30°W and is parallel to N20°40°E and S20°-40°W. Nature of Mineralization Figure 3: Geological map of the Study area. Structure The area forms a doubly plunging syncline, with two closures, one located near Punagarh hill in south and the other at Khamal in the north. The syncline plunges at moderate angle (250- 300) towards NNE and SSW. The attitudes are variable due to folding and the regional strike is NNE- SSW. Bedding is well seen in slates. The dip varies 10°-80° towards east or west according to the limbs of the folds. The slates in the area are highly folded and both macroscopic and microscopic folds are found. In the Punagarh Hill area itself are two anticlines and a syncline. These folds are asymmetrical and trend in NE- SW direction. They plunge at 10°-60° towards south-west. Axial plane foliation is well developed. The general trend varies from N20°-40°E - S20°40°W with high dips, mostly 60°-80 towards east. The brecciated quartz-barytes ISSN No: 2319-3484 The barytes occurs as irregular lenses, thick massive veins, or in the form of small veinlets, long rod shaped grains and stringers along the foliation plane/ joints and fracture planes in brecciated quartz barytes rock and at a contact of slates (Plate 1). A total of 34 lenses and veins of barytes were observed and most of them are clustered in the western flank of the Punagarh hill. The thickness of the mineralization zone varies from 2 to 10 meters. The thickness of the individual barytes vein varies from 2 cm to 25 cm, while length of the individual vein extends up to 5 meter. At few places barytes veins runs parallel and at different orientation (Plate 2) and shows angular relationship with each other. The general trend of these barytes veins are N20-400 W but few are trending N20-600E. The important mineralization structures observed in the area are as follows; Veins: A tabular or sheet like body of mineral which has formed along fissures in rocks. Fractured filled veins are produced where the mineralization has occurred along narrow openings. Linked veins: When individual fractures are linked by diagonal veinlets, they are called linked veins (Plate 3). Fan shaped: When veins radiating from one base and spread like fan (Plate 4). Chambered veins: when the walls of fissures are not straight and parallel but are irregular and brecciated. The fragments of different shape and size of the host rock are caught up in mineralization. The caught up fragments may have orientation differing from the host rock. Such veins are known as chambered veins (Plate 5). Crustified veins: successive deposition of one or more mineral crusts on two walls of fissure opening gives rise to crustified veins. The first formed minerals will be deposited on the vein walls followed by successive minerals layers Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 17 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) towards the centre of the cavity. Usually an irregular opening or vug left at the centre (Plate 6). The barytes is fine to coarse grained and massive. At times crystalline variety is also observed. The color varies from white to off white, bright grey and pink, and at some places yellow in color. Lustre is vitreous to earthy. The crystalline variety is translucent. Rarely transparent variety is also observed. Under microscope the coarse grain barytes appears cloudy. The minerals associated with barytes are mainly pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite with little calcite, hematite, magnetite, iron oxide and stains of malachite developed randomly. Thick veins and patches of hematite/ iron oxides are also observed. The brecciated rock, at places, shows limonitic box work (Plate 7), probably after the sulphide mineralization (galena and pyrite). Most of the field samples of the ferruginous brecciated quartz- barytes rocks at places cherty are medium grained mainly composed of barytes 70%, quartz 25%, opaques 5%. The cut surface shows long rod shaped grains and patches of white barytes lying in association of grayish black, fine to medium grained galena. Number of very thin veins of hematite criss crossing the rock. The overall grain size of the rock is fine to medium grained. Coarse grained barytes is seen on the uncut surfaces. Barytes It occurs as very coarse grains showing long tabular, columnar, wide columnar, coarse lozenge shaped grains joined to each other forming a large size mass. It also occurs in cavity as parallel rods showing equal width or tapering at one end, lies attached to sulphides (Pyrite etc.) on both the ends. The barytes fills up the cracks and interspaces between the broken pyrite. Here the barytes is folded and curved. Under cross nicols it shows a very high degree of undulatory extinction in all the grains. The barytes also shows polysynthetic twining. ISSN No: 2319-3484 The large size barytes grains are surrounded by abundant fine to very fine grained grains of barytes showing different shapes viz. rod shaped, semi round or square shaped, all knitted and joined together (Plate 8). High RI of barytes distinguished it from the quartz grains. The coarse grained columnar laths invariably show two sets of well-developed cleavages lying at right angles to each other numerous thin cracks are seen in grains along with black and earthy powdery material and opaques as inclusions in it. Inclusions of quartz grains are also present in barytes mass. The opaque minerals viz. pyrite, galena, hematite are fine to medium grained. The grains show different shapes and sizes. Numbers of fracture filled veins of iron oxide of varying thickness cut across the whole thin section. The veins are curved and parallel and vary in thickness and lie joined to each other. The veins cut across the grains of barytes. The outlines of veins are highly serrated. Rectangular, cubic and round shaped grains of pyrite in association with barytes are observed. Genesis The investigation in the present study area reveals the following characteristics of the barytes occurrence; (i) It occurs as various types of veins criss crossing the slate and brecciated quartz barytes rock. (ii) The veins show various structures of cavity filling, chambered veins, linked veins, and crustified veins. Based on the study of mode of occurrences, mineralization textures, structures and petrography, it can be concluded that barytes in Punagarh area is epigenetic hydrothermal vein and cavity filling type deposit. In the present area of investigations the possible source of hydrothermal solutions could be Erinpura granite. The mineralizing solutions have been derived as the last phase of igneous intrusion. Barium with other metal ions and sulphur ions has been carried in solution. Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 18 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) While moving along various openings in the rocks, this hydrothermal solution mixed with other circulating fluids viz. meteoric, connate waters etc. has been oxidized. The barium and sulphate ions combined to form barium sulphate (BaSO4). This solution sulphate upon reaching the solubility limits precipitated as barium sulphate i.e. barytes in veins and other openings available in rocks of the area, along with other associated minerals. The present relationship of barytes mineralization is the result of various post depositional tectonic events in the area. Plate 2: Quartz-barytes rock with different orientation of barytes veins. Acknowledgments We deeply acknowledge to the facilities provided by Prof. T. K. Pandya, Head, Department of Geology, Prof. Vinod Agrawal, Chairman, faculty of earth science, Mohanlal Sukhadia University Udaipur and Prof. Harsh Bhu for their support and help to prepare this research work. Plate 3: Linked veins of barytes in slate. Plate 4 : Fan shaped barytes veins in slate. Plate 1: Showing long rod shaped grains and patches of white/ brown color is barytes in association with brownish black colored hematite. Plate 5 : Showing chambered veins. ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 19 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) References [1] Anon. IBM, (January 2015): Indian Minerals Year Book- 2013, Part IIIMineral Reviews, 52nd addition [2] Gupta, S.N. Arora, Y.K. Mathur, R.K. Iqballuddin, Prasad, B., Sahai, T.N. 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