International Journal of Teacher Educational Research (IJTER) Vol.4 No.4 April, 2015 ISSN: 2319-4642 ATTITUDE OF THE B.Ed., STUDENTS TOWARDS SMART CLASS ROOM IN ARNI TALUK Mr.H.PRABHU, Ph.D., Research Scholar (EXT), Bharathiar University, COVAI. Sri Balaji College of education Arcot Road, ACS Nagar, Irumbedu, Arni Taluk. 632 317. Tiruvannamalai district, Tamilnadu. Mrs.G.REENADEVI Assistant professor Sri Balaji College of education Arcot Road, ACS Nagar, Irumbedu, Arni Taluk. 632 317. Tiruvannamalai district, Tamilnadu. Dr.P.VAIYAPURI RAJA, Ph.D Assistant professor for M.Ed. Sri Balaji College of education Arcot Road, ACS Nagar, Irumbedu, Arni Taluk. 632 317 Tiruvannamalai district, Tamilnadu ABSTRACT Smart Classrooms are technology enhanced classrooms that foster opportunities for teaching and learning by integrating learning technology, such as computers, specialized software, audience response technology, assistive listening devices, networking, and audio/visual capabilities. Smart classroom is flexible and can be customized to meet the individual needs of the learners. Smart classroom encourages students to take personal responsibility for their own learning. When learners succeed, it builds selfknowledge and self-confidence in them. So, the present study has high need and importance. The present study has been done so as to study the Attitude towards Smart Classroom of the B.Ed., students as they were the persons to teach the budding students of the digital world. Random sampling technique has been used in the selection of the sample of as many as 200 B.Ed., students and the Attitude towards smart classroom scale constructed and validated by Prabhu, H.,, (2014) has been distributed to them and the responses were collected and computed according to the objectives framed. The findings of the study revealed that the B.Ed., students show favourable attitude towards smart classroom and the same trend has been seen in respect of the sub-samples, too. ATTITUDE TOWARDS SMART CLASSROOM The technologies have educational utility and can be integrated into a smart classroom. There is no standardized list of digital equipment for smart classrooms. The present study has been done so as to study the Attitude towards Smart Classroom of B.Ed., students as they were the persons to teach the budding students of the digital world. Smart Classrooms are technology enhanced classrooms that foster opportunities for teaching and learning by integrating learning technology, such as computers, specialized software, audience response technology, assistive listening devices, networking, and audio/visual capabilities. Smart classroom is flexible and can be customized to meet the individual needs of the learners. Smart classroom encourages students to take personal responsibility for their own learning. When learners succeed, it builds self-knowledge and self-confidence in them. So, the present study has high Attitude of B.Ed. students towards Smart Classroom in Arni Taluk 10 International Journal of Teacher Educational Research (IJTER) Vol.4 No.4 April, 2015 ISSN: 2319-4642 need and importance. The present study has been done so as to study the Attitude towards Smart Classroom of the B.Ed., students as they were the persons to teach the budding students of the digital world. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The following were the objectives framed for the present investigation. 1. To study the B.Ed., students‟ attitude towards smart classroom. 2. To study if there is any significant difference in attitude towards smart classroom between the male and female B.Ed., students. 3. To study if there is any significant difference in attitude towards smart classroom between the B.Ed., students studying in the colleges located in the urban area and in the rural area. 4. To study if there is any significant difference in attitude towards smart classroom between the B.Ed., students residing in the urban area and in the rural area. HYPOTHESES The following were the hypotheses for the present investigation formulated from the framed objectives. 1. The B.Ed., students‟ shows a favourable attitude towards smart classroom. 2. There is no significant difference in attitude towards smart classroom between the male and female B.Ed., students. 3. There is no significant difference in attitude towards smart classroom between the B.Ed., students studying in the colleges located in the urban area and in the rural area. 4. There is no significant difference in attitude towards smart classroom between the B.Ed., students residing in the urban area and in the rural area. METHOD Normative survey method has been employed in the present study. TOOL USED The tool used for the present study was, attitude towards smart classroom scale constructed and validated by Prabhu, H.,, (2014) was used in the present investigation. The scale consists of 20 items. Each item has been set against five responses i.e. “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, “Undecided”, “Disagree” and “Strongly Disagree”. The statements were scored as 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 for the positive statements and the Attitude of B.Ed. students towards Smart Classroom in Arni Taluk 11 International Journal of Teacher Educational Research (IJTER) Vol.4 No.4 April, 2015 ISSN: 2319-4642 scoring has been reversed for the negative statements. In this way all the items in the scale should be scored. The maximum score for this scale is 100 and the minimum score is 20. Those who obtain the score upto 31 were said to have an unfavourable attitude towards smart classroom, those who score above 31 upto 74 were said to have a neutral attitude towards smart classroom and those who score above 74 were said to have a favourable attitude towards smart classroom. The attitude towards smart classroom scale has construct validity as the items selected were having the„t‟ value of more than 1.75 (Edwards, 1957). Its intrinsic validity was found to be 0.90. The reliability of this scale by split-half technique is found to be 0.81. Thus the attitude towards smart classroom scale has validity and reliability. SAMPLE Random sampling technique has been used in the selection of the sample of as many as 200 B.Ed., students studying in education colleges situated in the Arni taluk of Tamilnadu, India. STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES USED The mean and standard deviation for the entire sample and its sub-samples were computed for attitude towards smart classroom scores. The test of significance („t‟ test) was used in order to find out the significance of the difference between the means of the attitude towards smart classroom score. The collected data were computed with the SPSS 11.5 and the results were furnished accordingly in the Table 1 and Table 2. TABLE 1 THE MEAN AND THE STANDARD DEVIATION OF THE ATTITUDE TOWARDS SMART CLASSROOM SCORES OF THE ENTIRE SAMPLE AND ITS SUB-SAMPLES STANDARD ‘t’ SIGNIFICANCE S.NO SAMPLES SUB-SAMPLES N MEAN DEVIATION VALUE AT 0.05 LEVEL 1 2 3 4 Entire sample Male students Sex Female students Rural area College locality Urban area Rural area Residence Urban area 200 101 99 119 81 96 58.15 61.50 54.72 58.17 58.11 59.56 28.67 27.94 29.14 28.84 28.59 28.11 104 56.84 29.24 1.68 Not significant 0.02 Not significant 0.67 Not significant Attitude of B.Ed. students towards Smart Classroom in Arni Taluk 12 International Journal of Teacher Educational Research (IJTER) Vol.4 No.4 April, 2015 ISSN: 2319-4642 TABLE 2 THE LEVELS OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SMART CLASSROOM SCORES OF THE ENTIRE SAMPLE AND ITS SUB-SAMPLES ATTITUDE LEVELS S.NO SAMPLES SUB-SAMPLES UNFAVOURABLE NEUTRAL FAVOURABLE 1 Entire sample 2 Sex 3 College locality 4 Residence 74 (37.0%) 43 (21.5%) 83 (41.5%) Male students Female students Rural area Urban area Rural area 30 (29.7%) 44 (44.4%) 46 (38.7%) 28 (34.6%) 32 (33.3%) 24 (23.8%) 19 (19.2%) 22 (18.5%) 21 (25.9%) 23 (24.0%) 47 (46.5%) 36 (36.4%) 51 (42.9%) 32 (39.5%) 41 (42.7%) Urban area 42 (40.4%) 20 (19.2%) 42 (40.4%) FINDINGS OF THE STUDY The following are the important findings of the present investigation which were inferred from the Table1. 1. Majority of the B.Ed., students‟ shows a favourable attitude towards smart classroom. The same trend has been seen in respect of the sub-samples, too, except the female students as they show unfavourable attitude towards smart classroom in majority. 2. There is no significant difference in attitude towards smart classroom between the male and female B.Ed., students. 3. There is no significant difference in attitude towards smart classroom between the B.Ed., students studying in the colleges located in the urban area and in the rural area. 4. There is no significant difference in attitude towards smart classroom between the B.Ed., students residing in the urban area and in the rural area. CONCLUSION: The present investigation revealed that majority of the B.Ed., students studying in the Arni Taluk, Tamilnadu, India, shows a favorable attitude towards smart classroom which in turn gives a very high level of achievement for the B.Ed., students in their career. REFERENCES Best, John. W., (1963), “Research in Education”, Prentice hall of India (p.t) Ltd, New Delhi. Prabhu, H., Reenadevi, G., and Vaiyapuri Raja, P., (2014), “Construction and validation of the attitude towards smart class room scale”, Attitude of B.Ed. students towards Smart Classroom in Arni Taluk 13
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