INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR TRENDS IN ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 – APRIL 2015 - ISSN: 2349 - 9303 An Efficient System Of Electrocardiogram Data Acquisition And Analysis Using LABVIEW 1 Dr.C.Gowri Shankar2 PhD, Associate professor, 2 KSR college of Engineering Tiruchengode, Namakkal. Shamsudeen Shafreen.S1 Master of Engineering in Embedded system technologies, KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, Namakkal. Abstract- The Electrocardiogram has a vital role in the diagnosis of heart related diseases. Through the technology has improved a lot, still we cannot reduce a death because of patient gets delay in reaching the hospital. In medical emergency, saving a single minute is worthwhile. The ultimate aim of this work is to develop a handy cost effective Data Acquisition (DAQ) and analysis system for ECG. This DAQ comprises of several modules like Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), power supply, amplifiers, isolators, filters and interfacing circuits. This system chiefly intends to collect the ECG signal is highly useful in clinical application such as diagnosing the problems like tachycardia, bradycardia, IInd degree heart block, myocardial infarction, etc. ECG signal will be collected from the patient using 3 lead ECG sensors and given to NI ELVIS DAQ will then transfer the signal to laptop through NI6008 data acquisition card. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) in LabVIEW software is also developed to incessantly monitor the ECG signal traces and record the ECG data with high accuracy, and from the ECG signal is analyzed using LabVIEW software and the data is send to hospital through wireless transmitter prior to ambulance reaching the hospital. Also 104 is configured further proficiency of treatment to patient. This system is applicable in the people crowded area to diagnose heart related emergency and read the ECG value with the help of a medical physician. Keywords—LabVIEW:Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench, DAQ: Data Acquisition System, GUI:Graphical user interfaces, ELVIS: Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite. I. LabVIEW is a graphical programming environment which has become widespread throughout research labs, academia and industry. It is powerful and versatile analysis and instrumentation software for measurement and automation [19]. Since the LabVIEW is software oriented, it offers more flexibility than standard laboratory instruments. Because of their appearance and operation imitates the physical instruments like oscilloscopes, the LabVIEW programs are called virtual instruments (VIs). LabVIEW is designed to facilitate data collection and analysis, as well as offers numerous display options. With data collection, analysis and display combined in a flexible programming environment, the desktop computer functions as a dedicated measurement device. The LabVIEW contains a comprehensive set of VIs and function for acquiring, displaying, and storing the data, as well as the tools since it will support you to troubleshoot your code [20]. LabVIEW Programs/codes are also described as Virtual Instruments or VIs. It is mainly employed for Signal Processing (Analysis), Data Acquisition and hardware control. LabVIEW consists of three components namely the front panel, block diagram and connector panel. The front panel is build by means of controls and indicators. Controls are used to allow a user to supply information to the VI while the Indicators are used to indicate, or display the results based on the inputs. The back panel is a block diagram consists of the graphical source code. The objects which are placed on the front panel will appear on the back panel as terminals. It also consists of structures and function which carry out operations on controls and furnish data to indicators. The structures and function are available on the function palette and can be positioned on the back panel. Controls, indicators, structures and functions will be collectively INTRODUCTION Biomedical signals are basic observations for analyzing the body function and also it is used for diagnosing a many kinds of diseases [14]. ECG is the recording of the electrical impulses that are generated in the heart. These impulses initiate the contraction of cardiac muscles. The vector is a diagrammatic way to show the strength and the direction of the electrical impulse. The ECG signal is normally low in amplitude, so we need necessary amplification is required to find different abnormalities [18]. The ECG signal is a graphical record of measuring the duration and magnitude of the electrical activity that is generated by depolarization and repolarization of the atria and ventricles. In an ECG, one cardiac cycle consists of the P-QRS-T waves are shown in the figure 1. Fig 1: The element of the ECG complex 130 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR TRENDS IN ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 – APRIL 2015 - ISSN: 2349 - 9303 known as nodes. Nodes are connected to one another by means of wires. A virtual instrument can either be run as a program with the front panel serving as a user interface. The front panel defines the inputs and outputs for the given node through the connector panel. The Biomedical Workbench in LabVIEW Biomedical Toolkit provide applications for both the bio-signal and biomedical image analysis. These applications also allow you to apply biomedical solutions using National Instruments software, such as LabVIEW, with National Instruments hardware, such as NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite II (NI ELVIS II). We can acquire real world and real-time biomedical data by using biomedical sensors and national instruments hardware. Also we can import biomedical data from files, such as files from the physiobank database t o the application in this kit for analysis. We can utilize the applications in Biomedical Workbench to extract the features from electrocardiogram signals to analyze heart rate variability and to measure blood pressure. Fig.2 Block diagram of data acquisition system design II ECG SIMULATOR This front-end pre-processing, which is referred to as signal conditioning, includes functions such as signal amplification, filtering, electrical isolation, and multiplexing. Many transducers require bridge completion, linearization, excitation currents or voltages, high amplification for proper and accurate operation. ECG signal is normally low in amplitude, so we can’t extract the signal and signal conditioning is required. In DAQ system there is no need of external signal conditioning. ECG SIMULATOR is a virtual ECG machine. It is used to produce a large kind of the ECG waveform without using the ECG machine. It is likely to generate the typical ECG waveforms of different leads and many arrhythmias. There are many advantage of using ECG SIMULATOR like recording the data and reduce a difficulties in the real time. An ECG signal is a periodic signal in which fundamental frequency can be determined by the heartbeat which also satisfies the Dirichlet’s conditions. Therefore Fourier series can be used to represent the ECG signal. Observing Fig. 1, it can be observed that a single period of an ECG signal is a combination of triangular and sinusoidal wave forms in which each significant feature of ECG signal can be denoted by the shifted and scaled versions of one of these waveforms as shown below. • QRS, Q and S portions of ECG signal can be represented by triangular waveforms. • P, T and U portions can be represented by triangular waveforms. IV NI ELVIS III DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM NI ELVIS is a National Instruments Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite. It comprises of LabVIEW based virtual instruments, a bench-top workstation a multifunction data acquisition (DAQ) device, and prototype board. This combination provides a readily available suite required in most educational laboratories. The system depends on LabVIEW it delivers the suppleness to offer complete data acquisition and prototyping capabilities. The NI ELVIS is a multifunctional DAQ device and also have digital I/O line control or read the state of Boolean device such as relays. Finally, counter I/O lines are used for controlling and measuring timing of a DAQ process. The DAQ device is composed of ADC and DAC. These two components of the DAQ System are mainly used to produce and the read signal. The multiplexer is used to connect the various analog input lines to the ADC. Before an analog Signal is converted to a digital signal, it must be sampled. Generally, conversion occurs uniformly in time. A DAC can generate a voltage with maximum specified voltage rate. Based on industry-standard NI LabVIEW graphical system design software, the NI ELVIS with USB plug-and-play capabilities, powerful data acquisition, offers the flexibility of virtual instrumentation and also allows faster and easy measurement. The NI ELVIS II and its integration with Multisim10.1, including features such as 3D NI ELVIS II and simulated/real instruments in Multisim10.1, provides the ideal platform for teaching and research of bioinstrumentation. The NI ELVIS II data acquisition systems are shown in figure 3. The Block diagrams of data acquisition system are shown in figure.2. Data Acquisition system is also called DAQ or DAS. It is the process of taking a real world signals such as voltage or current as any electrical input, for processing, analysis, storage, data manipulation or conditioning. Many applications employ plug-in boards to acquire data and transfer it to computer memory. Others use DAQ hardware remotely from the PC that is coupled through parallel port, serial port, GPIB-Bus or Net operates. Many real world sensors and transducers generate output signals that must be conditioned before it is fed to a DAQ board in order to effectively and correctly acquire the signal. 131 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR TRENDS IN ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 – APRIL 2015 - ISSN: 2349 - 9303 Fig.3 THE NI ELVIS II DAQ Fig. 4 ventricular tachycardia front panel. In this paper shows the connection of three leads circuit. Vernier EKG sensor is one which part of acquiring signal. There are three colour is assigned for the circuit to be connected. The entire circuit is formed based on the Einthoven’s triangle. It is nothing but the formation of the LEAD I, LEAD II, and LEAD III. LEAD I is a placed between the right arm to the left arm. LEAD II is a placed between the right arm to left leg. LEAD III is a placed between left arm to left leg. Instead of above, this paper shows a picture the electrode is placed on wrist and elbows. For normal human the heart rate is varies from 60-100 bpm.Tachycardia is a heart rate that exceeds the 100. The uncontrolled of the upper and lower chamber of heart rate exceeded due to rapid increase of electrical signal. Sometime there are no symptoms or complication. In serious cases, tachycardia occurs due to sudden cardiac arrest or death. Fig. 5 ventricular tachycardia block diagram The front panel and block diagram for ventricular tachycardia shown in figure 4 and 5. In front panel shows the waveform is too fast ventricular contraction and relaxation. It exist the normal beat. V RESULT AND DISCUSSION The bradycardia is in which the heart rate below the normal range. The normal peoples of the heart rate are 60-100. If below the 60 may be act as bradycardia. It is occurs mostly due to the aging or fitted people like a regular exercises, gymnastics etc. In some case caused due to the excess of potassium in the blood, low rate of thyroid or electrolyte imbalance. The front panels for bradycardia are shown in figure 6. The waveform derives that too slow of the heart beat. It is also normally occurs in young fit people. The simulation tool is used for data acquisition and analysis of ECG using LabVIEW 2012. Biomedical tool kit is used for simulation. In the LabVIEW contain two windows; they are front panel and the block diagram. In front panel contain the control and indicator, block diagram contain the function and connecting wires. When we run the LabVIEW, it changes from grid window to gray window in front panel without fail. If not connecting any wire properly, the broken arrow shown in run button. If any errors occur, it will show in the command window. Input signal is taken from ECG simulation. 132 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR TRENDS IN ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 – APRIL 2015 - ISSN: 2349 - 9303 Fig. 6 bradycardia front panel Fig. 8 1st degree heart block The myocardial infarction is commonly known as heart attack. It is normally happen due to the blockage of the heart muscles. The coronary artery is a small part of heart muscles. When arteries get clot, there is a reduced flow of blood supply or oxygen. This is possible to happen due to the inflammation of coronary arteries or wounded the heart muscles. The front panel for 1st degree AV block shown in figure 8. The waveform correlated that the prolonged PR interval, greater than 0.2 sec. VI CONCLUSION Front panel for Myocardial infarction are shown in figure 7. The waveform correlated that the change in the ST segment. The main objective in carrying out this project is to detect the heart related diseases through the LabVIEW and classify whether it is a normal or abnormal signal. It is clearly mentioned with proof that the LabVIEW is a safe tool for detecting abnormalities in an efficient, accuracy and real time manner. From the LabVIEW biomedical tool kit, analyzed the RR interval, 1ST degree AV block, tachycardia and the bradycardia. VII FUTURE WORK In the future work, I suggest that analysis the more diseases like sudden cardiac arrest, cardiac vascular disease, and pulmonary diseases, atrial flutter ventricular flutter, etc. From that analyzed disease send to hospital through wireless transmitter before subject reached to hospital and also configuring ambulance 104. VII REFERENCES [1] Fig.7 myocardial infarction The excess of P-R interval is may be act as 1st degree AVblock. It is also known as prolonged P-R interval. This is happen due to excess of 300ms. 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