Heritage Harbor golf and country club April 2015 THE OFFICIAL Newsletter OF HERITAGE HARBOR Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt It’s what hundreds of thousands of kids do year after year on Easter morning. Its what we all remember doing as a child, searching for those eggs, hoping we can find them all so we don’t have a rotten egg in a few days. There’s more than just a traditional Easter egg hunt to do on Easter morning! These are some fun Easter scavenger hunt ideas for kids to do to celebrate and have fun with Easter! Roses are red, violets are blue, look in the place, where u keep your shoes (shoe cupboard/rack) Let's escape to a fairytale today, Cinderella or little Miss Hubbard! Your clue is hidden in the….(cupboard) Pens and pencils, books and lunch you’ll find me here I have a hunch (School bag) I have four legs but cannot walk; you sit at me, when using your knife and fork! (Stick under the kitchen/dining table) A rubber ducky says rub-a-dub-dub.? (Bath) Scrape the scraps off your plate; this machine cleans them just as great! (Dishwasher) You'll find in your closet a basket, now GO! It's been hiding in there the whole time, don't you know? (Closet/wardrobe) Ring ring time to rise and shine. (Near the alarm clock) You've been at this for some time, now you're getting the rhythm your next egg/clue is hidden behind your favorite games system! (Playstation, Xbox, Wii) Cozy and Warm you rest your head (Your Bed) Leafy and green is where I can be seen (Plants) I love to see my reflection – I am such a pretty egg (Near the mirror) Soaking, soapy, sudsy bubbles, if you don`t find me I will be in trouble. (Bath) I have two wheels that spin, ride it fast and you may win, you choose the direction, but wear a helmet for protection! (Near their bike) Come find me before `the mouse’ eats me! (Computer) If I take a spin I will come out all clean again (Washing machine, laundry room) If the Easter bunny left you a letter – where might you find it (Mailbox) I play in it at the beach or in the yard, but there`s no need to build castle (Near or in the sandbox) Check the desk, on a top-row shelf. I'll bet you can find the clue by yourself. (Desk) You sit on me all day, sometimes you even lay, I'm where you watch T.V. I'm very easy to see (Couch) I'm always cold, I'm never hot, you keep food here, I'm always near (Refrigerator) In the room we bake a pie, where do we look out to see the sky? Your next clue you will spy. (Put the next clue on the kitchen window) Look, oh look see, and yourself you will see. And when you do, you will find your next clue. (Mirror) Sweaty and stinky this hunt has made you, don't give up. To clean yourself this is where you'll need to go, (Bathroom) This is close to where you sleep, you might keep toys under here, there are no monster here as you see, you will find something and say "YIPEE!" (Under bed) The numbers 1 to 12 are here, take a look for some Easter cheer. (Clock) I have 4 legs, but cannot walk. You may sit and me and use your knife and fork. (Dinner table) If eggs are what you are looking to find, take a look in the paper you unwind. (Toilet roll) The next Easter egg will be found with ease If you get a sudden urge to sneeze (In a box of tissues) PUBLISHED BY IKARE PUBLISHING INC. WWW.IKAREPUBLISHING.COM - 813-991-7843 Complete Plumbing Repair ● ● ● ● ● ● Sewer and drain cleaning Slab Leaks-ultrasonic leak detection Water Heater Installation and Repair (Never more than 1 hour labor charge for electric water heater repairs, plus parts) Faucet and toilet repairs Repipes Fixture replacements Free Estimates, All Work Guaranteed, No Travel Charge (813) 882-8646 Lic # CFC022569 1/2 OFF First Month Full Service * FREE * Inspections Water Testing For All Your Pool & Spa Care Needs! Estimates Nationally Certified #CPO‐468984 We also offer: • • • • • • Weekly Chemicals Only $39 & up per month Weekly Full Service $69 & up per month Cleanup/Startups Salt Water Conversions Filter & DE Grid Service / Replacements Pool Enclosure Screen Replacements Want Honest Reliable Affordable Full Service Pool Care? Call TB Pool & Spa ‐ “We’ll dive right in!” Glen & Deborah Cheramie Owners/Operators 813‐508‐0058 TBPoolAndSpa@gmail.com HERITAGE HARBOR HERALD PAGE 3 Heritage Harbor Herald Kim E. Uhlig 991-7843 Heritage Harbor Contact Clubhouse & Restaurant 19502 Heritage Harbor Parkway Lutz, Florida 33558 (813)949-6841 phone (813)909-4826 fax Landry Singleton (baby/pet sitting) 14 220-8356 Gabe Arzuaga (baby/pet sitting) 14 352-1480 Ashley Sutch (baby/pet sitting) 17 995-1397 Nick Martz (baby/pet sitting) 14 909-9151 Brianna Hill (baby/pet sitting) 16 810-7703 Mikayla King (baby/pet sitting) 14 325-0056 Mariah Schwartz (baby/pet sitting) 19 579-7125 Proshop - John Panno (813)949-4886 phone (813) 949-2780 fax hproshop@tampabay.rr.com R.J. Schwartz (baby/pet sitting) 17 579-7125 Sarah Steblin (baby/pet sitting) 16 313 7105 Communications Committee Newsletter and Website Clint Swigart news@heritageharborgolf.com Rosie Jimenez (baby/pet sitting) 16 528-5591 Hannah Tallent (baby/pet sitting) 14 482-5426 Sarah Whitmer (baby/pet sitting) 13 948-0974 Publication deadlines are 9:00am on the third Wednesday of each month.Distribution: 670 Clubhouse - Kathy Costello hhdesk@tampabay.rr.com Articles of general interest and letters to the Editor are welcomed for inclusion. All written communication may be edited for length and clarity and cannot be returned.The Editor reserves the right to change policies and advertising rates without prior notice.The views expressed in articles in the newsletter do not necessarily represent the views of IKare Publishing Incorporated, the Editors and Publishers of the Heritage Harbor Herald Restaurant - Nic Kalojiannis (813)949-6841 Ext.3 hhclub@tampabay.rr.com Please call Karen at 907-3629 to get more information on advertising rates or email us at IKarepublishing@aol.com IKare Publishing Inc. and Heritage Harbor are not responsible for the actions or credibility of any the advertisers in this newsletters. It is the individual’s responsibility to check references on all advertisers. You may view the Heritage Harbor Herald in it’s entirety by logging onto Community Association Community Association Manager Shelly Bramm 4131 Gunn Highway Tampa, Florida 33618 (813) 600-1100 ext. 160 sbramm@greenacre.com FAX (813) 963-1326 Administrative Assistant DRB Forms Ellen Morgado (813) 600-1100 ext. 139 emorgado@greenacre.com Accounting Department Questions regarding payments Joy Thiel (813) 600-1100 ext.124 jthiel@greenacre.com Golf Course Maintenance (813) 909-4336 heritageharbormaintenance@verizon.net Website www.heritageharborgolf.com Design Review Board hhdrb@tampabay.rr.com Director of Operations - CDD Greg Tamborello (813) 949-6841 cddoperations@heritageharborgolf.com Vice President Russ Rossi Treasurer Clint Swigart Secretary Rob Rossi Director Nick Bonanno *** Area code 813 unless noted otherwise. Community Development District Jim Hayford CDD District Manager Jim.Hayford@STservices.com Off: 813-991-1116 Ext: 103 CIS Critical Intervention Services (813) 221-1911 Community Resource Officer Deputy John Hajj Jr, HCSO Phone 264-8979 Fax 264-8975 Sheriff’s Department 247-8200 Board Of Directors President Shelley Grandon If you would like to add a name to the list for babysitting or pet sitting, please email the information to: news@heritageharborgolf.com The Club House Fitness center is open from 5am till 11pm. Come use our great facility and get in better shape. All you have to do is use an advertiser in this issue! Yes, it’s that easy! When you need something done in your home, or any services available in this newsletter call on the advertisers that give your community a free newsletter! Your community does not pay for your newsletter. The advertisers in this newsletter pay to print and mail each issue. Email ikarepublishing2@aol.com and tell us the company you used, your full name, address and phone number. Upon verifying the information, we will select a winning name at random each month. If you don't win this month use another advertiser send us your name again and get another chance to win $25.00. Erin Porter Photography Formerly Erin Spinazzola Photography • Graduate of the New York Institute of Photography • No non-sense pricing/See website for pricing • Specializing in children, family, maternity photos Mention this ad and receive Your Neighborhood Photographer 813-766-6125 • • • • • http://www.erinporterphotography.com Over 34 years experience in full service property rental management. Residential/Investment sales and purchase. Certified Residential Specialists. Complete tenant screening with credit and criminal reports. Full property maintenance and repair. www.advantagerealtytampa.com 813-908-8300 Advantage Realty Services, Inc. 3337 Bearss Ave. Karen Joyal and Joyce Brake PAGE 5 HERITAGE HARBOR HERALD Deed Restrictions Needing Your Compliance Compliance with the Deed Restriction excerpts listed below ensure property values are maintained or even increase so please read carefully! The complete listing of deed restrictions are located on the website www.heritageharborgolf.com under tab “Homeowner’s Association” then click on “HOA Documents”. Painting: If you are painting the outside of your home, you MUST submit an application to the Design Review Board prior to painting and you must use the approved colors scheme to avoid penalties. For an application please refer to the “HOA Documents” tab on the website link mentioned above. Maintaining Yard and Landscaping Includes: • Mowing grass weekly during the growing season. • Edging the grass on both sides of the sidewalk and driveway and the street curb. • Removing all loose grass from the sidewalk, driveway and street edge. • Keeping plant beds free of weeds and other unwanted growth. Spring and Summer Dangers For Dogs • Keeping the landscape plant growth trimmed. • Removing dead plant growth. • Removing dead palm fronds from your palm trees. Spring and summer can be a dangerous time of year for our pets. In the spring landscapers put chemicals on the lawns to control bugs and weeds. These chemicals can get on to the animals’ feet and then the pet cleans their feet and ingests the chemicals. After walking your dog wet a towel and wipe the dog’s feet off so the dog does not ingest the chemicals. • Replacing dead sod in a timely manner. Pet of the month for April 2015! WRIGGS, 6mos Havanese puppy...likes walks to the clubhouse, and finding tennis balls in the parking lot there. Carries them all the way home and hides them. We have 12 balls at home and we don't play tennis... As the warmer weather comes in don’t walk your dog during the mid-day hours. The roads and sidewalks can burn their paws. Walk in the morning or evenings when the pavement is cooler. Also bring a bottle of water for your dog to drink. It does help cool the animal down. Another thing is to watch out for snakes during the day. Snakes like to hide under bushes to keep cool but toward the evening they like to come out onto the sidewalks and roadway to collect the heat. Snakes are cold blooded and need the morning sun and the heat of the evening sidewalks and roads to keep warm. Snake bites are expensive for the anti-venom. Maintenance of the Exterior of the House: Roofs need to be cleaned, mailboxes need to be maintained, driveways need to be cleaned, and the exteriors of houses need to be repaired, cleaned and/or painted. Garbage Cans Stored In View: All trash or waste containers must be stored so they are not visible from the street except within 12 hours of trash pickup. Thank you in advance for your support of the deed restrictions in your community. The Board and your fellow neighbors appreciate your compliance! *New PAGE 7 HERITAGE HARBOR HERALD How to clean ugly black streaks on your roof! Ask the Builder, by Tim Carter Reprinted courtesy of Tampa Bay Times Q. Many roofs in my neighborhood, mine included, are covered with black streaks. What’s causing this to happen, and can the roofs be cleaned? I’m able to walk on my asphalt shingle roof with ease, but am afraid of hurting the shingles by cleaning them. Once the roof is clean, is there a way to prevent the streaking from returning? Could all of this been prevented? A. Hundreds of thousands of roofs on homes and other buildings suffer from the stains you’re plagued with. It’s a harmless algae that’s gorging itself on the powdered limestone filler that’s often added to the liquid asphalt in shingles to help add weight to them. Spring Yard And Home Chores Spring is nearly here and outdoor chores are in order: • regularly! • Let me save you some trouble, however: Most manufacturers will void the warranty on their shingles if they discover you used a pressure washer on your roof. They’re afraid that if an untrained person gets the cleaning wand too close to the surface, it will blast away the ceramic granules that provide protection to the tender shingle below. Instead, you should clean your roof with just regular soap and water with a scrub brush. I’ve gotten stellar results using an oxygen bleach solution. Some people use chlorine bleach and water but chlorine bleach is highly toxic to any vegetation that surrounds your home. Any chlorine solution that drips or that is rinsed off the roof can kill your landscaping. Oxygen bleach does not harm vegetation. It’s best to clean a roof when it’s cool and the sky is overcast. Working on a sunny day will cause the cleaning solution to evaporate in seconds or a few minutes. Spray the oxygen bleach solution on the roof working in strips from to bottom of the roof. Each strip you clean should only be 4 feet wide. Do NOT stand on a wet part of the roof as you clean. Always be on a dry section, as the cleaning solution is slippery. Consider wearing a fall-protection harness in case something goes wrong. Once the roof is clean, you can prevent the algae from coming back by installing a 3 inch strip of copper at the top of the roof. Every time it rains, a tiny amount of copper will wash down on the roof. Copper is a natural biocide, and the algae will not grow in its presence. Zinc works too, ad does lead, but copper is more powerful. Adjust your sprinkler times for the drier months expected through May. • Check your lawn and resod areas which were too weedy during the last growing season. • Replace all dead plants/those that did not survive the winter. • This limestone never use to be a component of shingles. When the mats used to build shingles switched from traditional felt paper to fiberglass, the manufacturers had a problem getting the shingle to the minimum weight requirement. Someone decided to use powered limestone dust –but they didn’t realize that it was a delectable table food for tiny algae. Fortunately, the algae doesn’t harm the shingles. The first thing to do is to read any paperwork that came with your shingles concerning their warranty. You want to know how the manufacturer recommends that you clean its product. If you don’t have the paperwork, you can frequently get it online at the manufacturer’s website. Service your mowers as they are about to work again Prune easement trees 15ft above roadway grade (anything below 15ft will get damaged by Republic Services trucks, Fedex, UPS etc.). Prune shrubs and trees when new growth begins: The end of the dormant season is a good time to prune many trees and shrubs. Cold damaged shrubs can be pruned back to where new growth appears. • Replace winter annuals. • If you have azaleas in your landscape they need to be pruned after blooming. • Prune spring flowering trees and shrubs after blooming: Prune after the last flowers fade but before new buds set in mid to late summer. • This is when palms and ornamentals should have been fertilized. • Mulch conserves moisture during dry weather and minimizes weeds in landscape beds. • The drier months are ideal for completing jobs like exterior home repainting. • Clean mailboxes and mail posts Specializing In Heritage Harbor Because every move counts! RE/MAX ACR Elite Group 14823 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa FL 33618 Direct: 813-728-3880 Email: Linda@TampaRealtyNow.com Craig Nowicke Linda Nowicke Realtor SOLD! 19011 FISHERMANS BEND DR $224,900 4Br/3Ba/2 Car 2,057 SqFt Waterfront, Granite, Laminate Find out the Fair Markey Value of your home in 18 seconds by visiting: TampaRealtyNow.info PENDING 4202 SANDY SHORES DR $334,900 5Br/2.5Ba/3 Car 3,886 SqFt Wood Floors, .49 acres, Waterfront 80% of our homes sell in 45 days or less! www.TampaRealtyNow.com PAGE 9 HERITAGE HARBOR HERALD The Growing Problem Of Stucco Damage Stucco on the outside of a home is susceptible to water damage. More and more homes in our community are experiencing stucco failures requiring expensive repairs. As a hard surface, stucco bears a great deal of stress as the home settles and during hot-cold expansion periods. When settling or expansion contractions are severe enough, the stucco cracks. Most stucco deterioration and resulting infrastructure damage is the result of water infiltration. Water infiltration will cause wood to rot, and metal lath and nails to rust, which eventually will cause stucco to lose its bond and pull away from its substrate. You may notice blemishes, peeling, or blisters in the stucco as signs of the damage. Horizontal cracks and bulges are a sure sign of an area needing to be evaluated by a professional. In many community the builders used a very thin flat paint which offers very little protection to the stucco and allows water to seep into the smallest cracks. Over time this may contribute to stucco damage and failure. This type of damage has been most prevalent on the two story homes where the metal lath has separated away from the plywood substrate in the wall of the second story. If your home still has the original exterior paint from the builder, it is probably time to consider having your exterior evaluated. Many small cracks can be easily repaired if there is no underlying damage. Then it is simply a matter of painting the exterior with two or more coats of high quality exterior paint. In most cases, depending on the condition of the house, an exterior repainting should cost under $3,000. This is far less expensive than having major stucco repairs and then having to repaint the house as well. Useful Information: • Older eggs are easier to peel than fresh eggs. If you are planning to make hard boiled eggs for Easter and want to make sure that the eggs are easy to peel, buy your eggs at least a week ahead of time (two weeks even better, they'll keep). • If you need easy-to-peel eggs and you have fresh eggs, you might want to try steaming the eggs for 20 minutes. Somehow the steam penetrates the shell a bit making the eggs easier to peel. • If you've boiled a batch of eggs that you are now finding difficult to peel, try cracking the shells all around without peeling them and soaking the eggs in water for a while. The water often seems to seep in enough under the shell to make the egg easier to peel. 1. Place the eggs in a single layer at the bottom of a saucepan. Cover with at least an inch or two of cold water. The more eggs that are crowding the pan the more water you should have over the eggs. Heat the pot on high heat and bring the water to a full rolling boil. Adding a teaspoon of vinegar to the water may help keep egg whites from running out if an egg does crack while cooking. Also some people find adding 1/2 teaspoon of salt to the water helps prevent cracking as well as making the eggs easier to peel. 2. Turn off the heat, keep the pan on the hot burner, cover, and let sit for 10-12 minutes. If you have the type of stove burner that doesn't retain any heat when turned off, you might want to lower the temp to low, simmer for a minute, and then turn it off. Depending on how cooked you like your hard boiled eggs, the eggs should be done perfectly in 10-12 minutes. When you find a time that works for you, given your preferences, the types of eggs you buy, your pots, stove, and cooking environment, stick with it. If I'm cooking a large batch of eggs, after 10 minutes I'll sacrifice one to check for doneness, by removing it with a spoon, running it under cold water, and cutting it open. I also find that it is very hard to overcook eggs using this method. I can let the eggs sit, covered, for up to 15-18 minutes without the eggs getting overcooked. 3. Strain out the water from the pan and run cold water over the eggs to cool them quickly and stop them from cooking further. Or, if you are cooking a large batch of eggs, remove them with a slotted spoon to a large bowl of ice water. The best way to store hard boiled eggs is in a covered container in the refrigerator. Eggs can release odors in the fridge which is why it helps to keep them covered. They should be eaten within 5 days Simplyreceipes.com PAGE 11 HERITAGE HARBOR HERALD The HOA and CDD Boards The first question often asked is “what is the HOA and what is the CDD and what do they do?’. In the spirit of educating the community, we have listed some general areas of interest here. CDD (Community Development District) Responsible for the common areas. What does that mean? Well, since the roads in Heritage Harbor are public (financed through bond money); the landscaping around the roads is maintained by your CDD. Each homeowner’s lawn is private, but the medians and areas near the entrances and by each subdivision monument are CDD maintained. The waterfall by the main entrance, the ponds and their maintenance, the gate and guardhouse itself, all of it is maintained by the CDD through what are called ‘non ad-valorem’ taxes. Non ad-valorem taxes are specific to CDD residents; they are additional to any ‘regular’ property taxes you would see on a normal tax bill from Hillsborough County. The golf course and restaurant, which fall under the direction of the CDD (not the HOA), do not receive the benefit of any revenue from non ad-valorem taxes. These two enterprises are without any guaranteed income stream…and the statement “I pay my taxes” really has no relevance at the golf course or the restaurant. Both facilities are open to the public. CDD meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at the Clubhouse…usually one month a meeting will start at 9am, the next month will start at 6pm and back and forth; allowing many residents the chance to attend when they previously may not have been able to. For CDD issues, please contact Greg Tamborello at cddoperations@heritageharborgolf.com. HOA (Homeowners Association) Owns the Clubhouse building, and is the “landlord” to the CDD for their restaurant and golf operations. The HOA also owns and maintains all amenity areas in Heritage Harbor; the pool, tennis courts, roller rink, basketball court, beach volleyball area and playground. The HOA collects monthly dues through its management company, Greenacre Properties. The HOA leases the Clubhouse to the CDD so they may conduct their golf and foodservice operations. The HOA also oversees, through the Design and Review Board, compliance of all architectural guidelines. Through Greenacre Properties, the HOA enforces our governing documents, including individual lot related issues. HOA meetings are typically the last Thursday of every other month at the Clubhouse and start at 6:30pm. For HOA issues, please contact Shelly Bramm @ ext. 160. HOA Board Members Shelley Grandon – President Russ Rossi – Vice President Clint Swigart – Treasurer Rob Rossi – Secretary Nick Bonanno – Director CDD Board Members A vacation, a weekend away from home, or a business trip should be a pleasant experience for you and your family. You can make each trip more enjoyable and carefree if you will take a few simple steps to reduce the possibility that your house will be burglarized or vandalized while you are gone. Here are a few tips for protecting your home while you are away: Several Days before you leave: • Notify your Sheriff's Office about your departure and return dates. Give a name and telephone number of a neighbor or relative to notify in case of an emergency. Your home will be periodically checked by officers patrolling in your area. • Notify the Post Office to hold your mail or arrange with a neighbor to pick up your mail daily and hold it. • Have a trusted neighbor pick up your newspaper each day or have your delivery stopped while you are away. • Arrange with a neighbor or relative to watch your house, give them a key and let them know where or how you can be reached in an emergency. Just Before You Leave: • Unplug or turn down the volume control on your telephone so it cannot be heard from outside. • Set an electrical timer to turn some lights on and off during the evening hours. • Before leaving make sure all windows and doors are locked or fastened. • Put window shades in normal position, and make sure all main floor drapes, shades, and curtains are arranged so that David Penzer – Chairman Rich Gordon – Vice Chairman Shelley Grandon – Assistant Secretary Russ Rossi – Assistant Secretary Rob Rossi – Assistant Secretary neighbors and police can see your house. ( Don't close blinds, pull shades down or do other things that advertise that the house is empty ). Your Family’s Oral Health Is Important to Dr. Douglas So We Offer You... • • • • • • • Beautiful smile makeovers Preventative, restorative and cosmetic care Emergencies are welcome Flexible financing Convenient hours Low radiation digital x-rays Massaging dental chairs Offer expires April 30, 2015 Call for a Convenient Appointment: 813-960-3300 5306 Van Dyke Rd. Lutz, FL 33558 - www.DouglasDentistryFL.com PAGE 13 HERITAGE HARBOR HERALD Pool Rules for 2015 SRK After-School & Summer Camp Enroll now for Fall 2015/2016 After-School Year and Summer Camp 2015. Special Rates this year for combination enrollment for 5 & 6 year olds enrolling in Summer Camp and After-School save $20 per week– Call for details and Enroll Now! • Make sure your child’s summer and after school activities are filled with lots of fun by joining us at SRP this summer and fall. LIMITED SPACES • At SRK After-School and Summer Camp we focus on outdoor activities, action filled games that get the kids moving, swimming and a 2-story water slide. We have movies, video games and more for those rainy days. After-school offers quiet homework time and assistance. NEW THIS SUMMER Overnight Camping! Adventure Island Trips! PAGE 15 HERITAGE HARBOR HERALD Recipe For Dirt Cups 1 package Oreo cookies 1 small box of chocolate instant pudding 2 cups cold milk 1 small 8 oz. tube of Cool Whip 1 bag of gummy worms In a large zip-lock bag, crush the Oreo cookies. In a bowl, whisk together pudding mix with milk following package directions. Let sit for five minutes then stir in Cool Whip and half of the crushed Oreos. Spoon mixture into 8 clear cups. Put the remaining Oreo crumbs on top of mixture and place 2-3 gummy worms on top pushing part of "worm" into "dirt." Eat and enjoy! Bacon Cheddar Deviled Eggs Place eggs in a saucepan, and cover with cold water. Bring water to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Cover, and let eggs stand in hot water for 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from hot water, and cool. To cool more quickly, rinse eggs under cold running water. Meanwhile, place bacon in a large, deep skillet. Cook over mediumhigh heat until evenly brown. Alternatively, wrap bacon in paper towels and cook in the microwave for about 1 minute per slice. Crumble and set aside. Peel the hard-cooked eggs, and cut in half lengthwise. Remove yolks to a small bowl. Mash egg yolks with mayonnaise, crumbled bacon and cheese. Stir in mustard. Fill egg white halves with the yolk mixture and refrigerate until serving. IKare Publishing Inc. www.ikarepubishing.com The Heritage Harbor Herald has been designed, published, and mailed by IKare Publishing Inc. at no cost to Heritage Harbor. IKare Publishing is provided all articles in this newsletter by the BOD or residents. IKare Publishing is not responsible for content. 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