ILC Training Booklet - Independent Living Centre WA

A wealth of knowledge
and experience leads to
professional training
Staffed by expert health professionals and with
over 35 years experience providing a valuable service to
the community, the Independent Living Centre WA (ILC)
is well positioned to deliver professional training and
community information sessions on a range of
topics including:
Assistive technology and equipment
– prescription and use
Why choose the ILC as your training provider?
Who can the ILC provide training and information
sessions for? 3
Training for Health Professionals
Training for Teachers and Education Assistants
Training for Support Workers and Aged Care Providers 6
Community Information Sessions
Training Delivery Methods
eLearning 8
Home modifications
n Assistive learning technologies in education
Home, community and aged care services,
pathways and funding
Multicultural aged care services
Learning and development through play
Independent Living Centre WA 1
Our training and information
sessions tick all the boxes
The Independent Living Centre WA
Professional Training
The ILC offers training and professional development to:
Content is based on over 35 years experience delivering
training and expert information within the aged care,
disability and community sectors.
Training delivered by experienced health professionals
with extensive knowledge and clinical expertise.
Professional and accessible training facilities and a large
range of equipment for hands on learning experiences.
Customised training programs to suit the needs of your
organisation, school or community group.
Practical approach to learning.
Community Information Sessions
The ILC is a leading provider of community information sessions for:
Scheduled training and information sessions as well as the
option to book the ILC for your own tailored training.
Reasonably priced fees.
Free information sessions are available for eligible groups.
People with disability
n Older people
n Family members, friends and neighbours
n Carers
n Community, seniors and day centre groups
n Organisations and service providers in the disability, health,
community care or aged care sectors
nStudents, including university and TAFE students, studying in
the disability, education, health, community care, aged care and
childcare sectors
nHealth professionals, including therapists, social workers,
medical staff and pharmacists
n Local Area Coordinators and planners
n Teachers and education assistants
n Support workers and aged care providers
n Playgroups and community based support groups for children
Up to date information based on best practice.
Ability to partner with external groups and organisations
to deliver training and information sessions, including
conference presentations.
Health professionals
Teachers and education assistants
Support workers
Service providers in the disability, health or aged care sector
Early childhood service providers
Independent Living Centre WA 3
Training for Health Professionals
Training for Teachers &
Education Assistants
Assistive Technology & Equipment
The ILC offers training for health professionals to increase knowledge
and skills in the area of assistive technology.
Training topics include:
Seating, scooters and wheelchairs
Pressure management
Emerging equipment and technology
Home modifications
Paediatric equipment
Transport and driving
Assistive technology to support sexuality and intimacy
Augmentative and alternative communication (devices,
apps, software)
Tablet technologies – iPad & Android, apps for communication,
learning, independence, access
Computer access and environmental controls
Assistive learning technologies
Positioning and mounting of assistive technology
Assistive Learning Technologies
With the emergence of new assistive learning technologies for the classroom,
the ILC offers customised training for educators working with students with
disabilities, complex communication needs and learning difficulties.
Training topics include:
Using Tablets and choosing apps for students with special needs
nLiteracy support technologies including software training –
Text Help, Word Q, Clicker, Co:Writer and more
n Communication device training
n Implementing communication aids in the classroom
nCommunication apps and software – including Proloquo2Go,
Touch Chat, Boardmaker, Tobii Communicator and more
n Positioning and mounting of assistive technology
n Switch accessible technology
n Assistive technology for cooking
n Telecommunication options for students with disabilities
Consultation services are available to support schools to invest wisely in
assistive technology. The ILC Tech team specialises in designing training
and providing in-classroom support to meet the specific training needs
of your school.
Young Carers
The ILC Young Carers program offers information sessions to school
staff and students.
Sessions cover:
Who is a young carer?
How to identify young carers in your school
How to support young carers
Independent Living Centre WA 5
Training & Information Sessions for
Support Workers & Aged Care Providers
Community Information Sessions
The ILC can deliver information on a range of topics, including:
Assistive Equipment and Technology
The ILC specialises in training for support workers and care staff, working in
the home, community, disability and aged care sectors. Customised training
ensures that support workers can understand, operate and use assistive
equipment and technologies effectively with their clients.
Multicultural Aged Care Information and Training
ILC’s Multicultural Aged Care Service (MACS) offers information and
training to support aged care providers to plan and establish best practice
in the delivery of culturally appropriate services for older people from
diverse backgrounds. Training is available throughout the metropolitan
and regional areas.
Training is delivered by ILC MACS as well as in collaboration with other
organisations on the following topics:
Overview of services at the ILC and how we can help
n Overview of specific assistive equipment such as communication
aids, mobility equipment or cooking aids
n Accessing funding for equipment
n Safe driving
nOverview of HACC (Home & Community Care) services and carer
respite programs
n Overview of services for young carers
n Pathways for accessing aged care & disability services
n Navigating aged care services for older people from
diverse communities
n Caring for people with dementia
n Carer wellbeing
Cultural awareness
n Cultural competency
nCulturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) perspectives
in dementia care – speaking my language
n CaLD perspectives in palliative care
n CaLD perspectives in continence care
n Supporting older people who
have experienced trauma
Independent Living Centre WA 7
Training delivery methods
To ensure information and training is accessible state-wide, the ILC
offers professional training and information sessions in various
ways including:
Face to face
Small and large groups
At the ILC
At your location
ILC eLearning
eLearning refers to training and information that is delivered via electronic
media such as the internet. The ILC is able to deliver training via
videoconference, Skype, live and recorded webinars as well as via our
online classroom through Blackboard Collaborate.
Our recorded webinars are available at
“Fiona and Amy were terrific for my group of
Polytechnic West Ed Support Students. They really
had a huge knowledge of the products and made the
sessions fun and interactive. Thank you so much for
a great excursion for my students.”
Ellie Tompson – Lecturer Polytechnic West
“Thanks for the fantastic talk you gave, our lives are
really changing with the population growth and we
all need to be aware of the cultural differences.”
Suzanne Maxwell – Community Visitors Scheme
Coordinator, Baptistcare
Contact us to find out more information about how to access
information via eLearning.
Independent Living Centre WA 9
We can tailor training to suit you.
Contact us today to discuss your training
and information needs!
Call 08 9381 0600 to speak to our Training Coordinator
to view upcoming training and information sessions
for an overview of training and information sessions
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to receive training and events updates