Illinois PTA Proposed 2015-2016 Budget Account Number Account Description 40100-20 Dues 41900-20 Donations 42000-20 Board Donations 42700-20 Partners and Sponsors 41400-20 Miscellaneous Income Total 13-14 Budget 13-14 Actual 14-15 Budget 14-15 Actual 15-16 Proposed 240,000 201,875 240,000 153,483 100 295 100 21 1,000 1,516 1,000 454 35,200 32,815 55,000 -2,913 2,000 5,339 2,000 58,206 278,300 241,840 298,100 209,251 226,500 We have received 67% of the dues required to reach the budgeted amount for 20142015 The funds shown are overpayments locals have made on their dues, generally $0.25 at a time. 1,400 Currently on target to receive $33,000 from the AIM Partnership; and have not finalized the convention sponsorships for 2015; the negative number is due to a 55,000 contract payout. 100 This line includes some items miss catagorized in the general ledger. The majority of the income was from: $51,160.62 from the sale of the building and the College 2,000 St. property; $1,958.78 a refund from the old building utitlities; $2,564.74 from the annual Paypal Transfer to be distributed; A $963.20 from the sale of items in the building; A refund from AIM $270; and Reinstatement fees $980.95 285,000 Executive & Board Expense 51010-20 Executive Committee & Board Executive & Board Expense Total 19,000 24,571 22,000 6,492 19,000 24,571 22,000 6,492 Support for the meeting expense for the board and all committee work including physical meetings, virtural meetings and conference calls. $3,381 was spent out of 24,000 the Committees line in 2012-2013; officers expenses and the cost of a parliamentarian. This line was increased to allow for inflation and to absorb the Officers' and parlimentarian line items of $1,000. 24,000 52030-20 52050-20 Education & Promotional Expense Regions Chicago Dupage West East Central Northern Northwest Cook South Suburban Cook Southern West Central West Suburban Cook Leadership Training Development 10,000 3,462 711 592 10,000 1,866 23 76 186 289 258 852 155 562 1,123 319 182 2,500 230 1,800 0 1,500 Support for the development and implemenation of member training in all settings, i.e. workshop, conference call, webinar and e-course. 2,500 Support for the National Engage page and any legislative activity in the state of Illinois. It allows for the travel costs of the legislation director or and appointed representative to attend the National Legislation conference in Washington DC. 52061-20 Legislation Expenses 1,500 1,000 2,500 0 52070-20 Nat. PTA Conv. Delegate 2,500 1,984 2,500 306 52131-20 Representation 3,500 937 2,500 1,001 52150-20 Program Development 4,800 1,970 2,000 493 52160-20 Membership Promotion 2,500 2,198 4,000 1,655 52180-20 Cultural Arts 1,000 327 1,500 618 28,300 12,108 24,000 5,939 Education & Promotional Expense Total 10,000 Support for the field service work in the 10 regions 2,500 For up to 5 delegates travel expenses to National Convention Support for Board members or appointees to represent the Illinois PTA at other 2,500 organization's events. Support for the costs associated with the development and roll out of new 1,000 programs. This line item is shared by all program directors except, leadership, legislation and membership/marketing. 1,000 $1,250 of this was for the filming of the general sessions at convention, $197.50 was for Constant Contact (Membership Communication system) upgrades 2,500 The funds spent are to support the Spotlight 2015 event 23,500 no misc exp Operational Expense Total 53010-20 Insurance 8,000 5,308 4,000 2,815 3,000 53020-20 Legal and Audit 5,000 3,800 5,000 3,925 5,000 53041-20 Office Expense 64,500 53,261 51,000 34,426 60,000 53050-20 Personnel 139,500 135,364 168,800 78,642 169,000 Building Op. and Maint Real Estate Taxes 7,000 2,000 10,700 1,624 9,000 Operational Expense Total 226,000 197,733 237,800 119,808 237,000 Miscellaneous Expense 500 477 500 10,189 500 Expense Total 273,800 234,889 284,300 142,428 285,000 53111 - 20 53100 - 20 0 0 Support for the insurance expenses such as liability at Illinois PTA sponsored events; officer's liability; board bonding; and the liability for and contents of the current leased office space. Support for the annual audit and any legal fees that may be incurred. The big expense we have for postage is the shipping of the LUP. We will not have this expense in the 2nd half of the year. Suport for all expenses related to employing a staff of 4-5 including salaries, payroll taxes and production, insurance stipends, employee training, etc. The $125,000 listed in the prior budget was for salaires alone. This line includes the other items listed. This line will be deleted next year This line will be deleted next year $7,529.66 was the final negotiated payment for the 2013 convention; $1,419 was for printing additional membership cards;
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