IWP 2015 30 Hour Summer Flyer v2

2015 IWP Summer Workshop--Teaching Writing
When: Monday through Friday, July 13-17, 2015, 8:30-2:30
Where: Edison Elementary School
246 South Fair Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois (convenient to area highways)
Why Give Up a Precious Week of Summer?
As good teachers, we all care deeply about providing the best literacy instruction possible for our students.
With the new emphasis on writing in our schools and the introduction of writing workshop into the curriculum,
many teachers are wondering just how to proceed. The experienced teacher-leaders of IWP have been
helping colleagues adopt and refine writing instruction for many years and can provide a great many
essential strategies, ideas and tips.
Who's Invited?
This program is designed for classroom teachers, support staff and school literacy leaders and will be led by
an experienced IWP teacher/leader.
Topics Covered
Engaging and practical strategies for teaching writing that you can begin on Day 1
Balancing in-depth learning in the writing curriculum with standardized test expectations
Setting up, conducting and managing writing workshop to build strong and successful writers
Energizing renewal for ourselves as we work with committed professionals from all grade levels
Cost & Credit
$275 per teacher. 2 hours of CPS lane credit offered for Chicago teachers completing the course. Optional
2 semester hours of graduate credit, from National-Louis University, at a low workshop tuition rate. 30
CPDU's are available at no cost.
Please complete the attached registration form and mail, with a $50 registration fee (counts toward the $275
tuition), to Steve Zemelman (See registration form for address). For further information, contact Steve
Zemelman at stv.zemelman@comcast.net or call (847) 674-2318. Registration is limited. Seats are
expected to fill fast, so please send in your registration with the registration fee as soon as possible.
Visit our website: www.illinoiswritingproject.com and check out our FaceBook page!
IWP Summer Workshop--Teaching Writing 2015
Edison Elementary School
Monday through Friday, July 13-17, 8:30 A.M. - 2:30 P.M.
Name __________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
City __________________________State________________ Zip __________________
School _________________________________________________________________
School’s Town___________________________________________________________
Grade or Position ______ Email ____________________________________________
Daytime Phone (
) _________________ Evening Phone (
) __________________
Please complete this registration form and mail with the $50 registration fee
(counts toward participation fee) to:
Dr. Steve Zemelman,
Illinois Writing Project,
9423 Lincolnwood Drive, Evanston, IL 60203
For further Information, contact Steve at stv.zemelman@comcast.net or call (847) 674-2318
Visit our website: www.illinoiswritingproject.com and check out our FaceBook page!