PROGRAM Welcome Welcome to the IM4DC Alumni Forum 2015. I am pleased to note that after just three years of operation, IM4DC is able to demonstrate strong and positive impacts from mining for development activities within our partner nations. Research shows strong evidence of improved capacity for mining governance within partner organisations, while at an individual level, participants have made changes within their organisations. The research also shows us that as IM4DC alumni, you have further developed your leadership capability; initiated innovation and change; strengthened networks; and have the potential to contribute to the improvement of your countries, on a social, economic and environmental level. This year’s Alumni Forum program has been designed with input from alumni, 20 of whom are acting as facilitators and speakers in the forum and presenters at the following day’s conference. As with previous forums, our intent is for a high level of interaction, discussion and debate. I hope that your time with us in Perth is both thought-provoking and stimulating, and that the program provides you with tools to make transformational change in your organisations to achieve real and sustainable benefits from mineral and energy resources. We know from past events that networking, relationship building and sharing of experiences are key to the success of our alumni events. Director, IM4DC Ian Satchwell M4DLink is a global, active, online community of practice for Mining for Development alumni, faculty and experts. It’s a place where members can share goals, collaborate, share ideas and practical examples with people from other sectors, regions and countries. Our M4D community is made up of over 1600 alumni and faculty who have participated in short courses, study tours, scholarships and fellowships delivered by IM4DC, Australia-Africa Partnerships Facility and Australia Awards. As the Program Chair, I would also like to welcome you to the Mining for Development Alumni Forum 2015. I look forward to insightful discussions exploring our theme of Shared goals – realising benefits. This sets the scene for stimulating workshop sessions around how we can engage the leaders of today and tomorrow in the leading practices and new ideas; how to best develop networks and capacity and take into account cultural, sectoral and geographical boundaries; how we can improve people’s lives through empowerment becoming advocates for change; and how we can bring influence to bear on legislation, policy and practice to realise developmental benefits. The cross cutting theme of gender equality will also guide discussion as we consider the role mining can play in the economic empowerment of women, indigenous and vulnerable groups and what partnerships and strategies are needed to deliver lasting change a the community level. This year, M4DLink has undergone major site enhancements with a number of new features – including the introduction of a news page and a groups page. Alumni can join or create thematic groups or country groups.Through groups, alumni can connect with members with similar interests, share resources, access topical news, discuss challenges, and publicise events that relate to the country group or thematic group. As the current IM4DC contract draws to a close the next phase of the M4D alumni will begin. The UWA and UQ Minerals and Energy for Development Alliance has been created to ensure this unique collaborative network has the opportunity to continue to grow and flourish. This Alumni Forum will formulate recommendations that will be communicated at the Mining for Development Conference on 30 April. Alumni Collaborate Competition Earlier this year, multi-sectoral alumni teams were invited to submit proposals for the Alumni Collaborate Competition. Proposals were judged on the importance of the mining for development challenge; the methodology to achieve the outcome; alignment with conference themes and subthemes; and the team composition. Based on this criteria Community Based Environmental Management (CBEP) Zambia-Ghana comprising Idah, Bright, Aaron and Belinda were selected as the winning entry. The strengths of their proposal were an innovative approach to build capacity in the community around environmental management and a diverse multi-sectoral team with valuable knowledge and skills to support project delivery. Professor Paul Flatau I look forward to the continuing M4D alumni journey and encourage alumni to actively engage with the network and collaborate to realise inclusive sustainable socio-economic benefit from mineral resources. Director of The University of Western Australia Centre for Social Impact Program Chair Muza Gondwe, Alumni Coordinator Join the conversation Program Wednesday, 29 April 2015 The University Club of Western Australia BHF Banquet Hall Foyer TA Theatre Auditorium BH Banquet Hall T Ground Floor Terrace LC Lower Colonnade YC Royal Perth Yacht Club Alumni Forum VENUE 08.30 - 09.00 Registration 09.00 - 09.25 Welcome to country Dr Richard Walley OAM, A Nyoongar man of the South-West region Introduction Ian Satchwell, Director, IM4DC, Australia Opening remarks Patricia Musingura Nduru, Director, Monitoring and Inspection, Uganda Human Rights Commission, Uganda Keynote address The realities of trying to share goals and realise benefits Professor Marcia Langton, Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies Centre for Health Equity, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia Keynote discussion session CHAIR: 10.15 - 10.45 Morning tea Networking and M4DLink Zone 10.45 - 12.15 Case study presentations Speaking from experience – four first-hand accounts Engage Develop Empower Influence CHAIR: 09.25 – 10.15 Mining for Development Alumni Forum 2015 BHF TA TA Professor Paul Flatau, Director of The University of Western Australia Centre for Social Impact Program Chair Robin Evans, Deputy Director – Education and Australian Capability, IM4DC, Australia PANELLISTS: Dr Rowena Varela, Director, Research and Extension, Caraga State University, Philippines Bat-Orshikh Erdenebat, Executive Director, Development Solutions NGO, Mongolia Herizo Harimalala Tsiverisoa, Director of Education, Lapidary and Jewellery Training Department, Institut De Gemmologie de Madagascar, Madagascar Dr Sizwe Phakathi, Deputy Head, Safety and Sustainable Development, Chamber of Mines of South Africa and Senior Research Associate, University of Johannesburg, South Africa T LC TA VENUE 12.15 - 13.30 Lunch Networking and M4DLink Zone 13.30 - 15.30 Workshop forum Alumni collaborate CHAIR: T LC BH Professor Paul Flatau, Director of The University of Western Australia Centre for Social Impact Program Chair FACILITATORS: Idah Zulu, Lecturer/Assistant Dean, Copperbelt University, Zambia Aaron Soko, Head of Environment, Mines Safety Department, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development, Zambia Belinda Zimba, Director, EcoView Environmental Consultants, Zambia Bright Afum, Lecturer and Departmental Examinations Officers, University of Mines and Technology, Ghana 15.30 - 16.00 Afternoon tea Networking and M4DLink Zone 16.00 - 16.45 Reflection session Feedback and panel Q&A CHAIR: T Professor Paul Flatau, Director of The University of Western Australia Centre for Social Impact Program Chair LC TA PANELLISTS: Muza Gondwe, Alumni Coordinator, IM4DC Lesley Siowi, Environmental Scientist, Department of Mining, Autonomous Bougainville, Papua New Guinea Belinda Zimba, Director, EcoView Environmental Consultants, Zambia 16.45 - 17.00 Forum Wrap Up 17.15 Transfer to Royal Perth Yacht Club – dinner venue 17.30 – 19.30 Dinner Share a taste of Australia 19.30 Shuttle bus – hotel return Richard Slattery, Deputy Director – Operations and Business Development IM4DC TA YC Join the conversation at Key speakers Ian Satchwell Director, IM4DC, Australia Speaker and host Ian has been Director of IM4DC since its inception in 2011. His career spans 28 years in industry and development policy, operating at the businessgovernment-community interface with professional experience in Australia, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Prior to his IM4DC role he held senior roles in national economics consultancy firms, advising industry and government on issues relating to resources development and infrastructure; and management positions within minerals and energy industry bodies. His board-level experience includes three other business associations where he has been closely involved in policy development and strategy design, with particular emphasis on investment, trade, infrastructure and regional development. Ian has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia and has held the role of National President of the Australia Indonesia Business Council. Mining for Development Alumni Forum 2015 Patricia Musingura Nduru Professor Marcia Langton Director, Monitoring and Inspection, Uganda Human Rights Commission, Uganda Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies Centre for Health Equity, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia Alumnus of OHS Leadership 2014 Opening remarks Patricia has over ten years’ experience as a human rights lawyer promoting and protecting human rights. She contributed to the development of: an East African framework on good governance; the Plan of Action on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights; the draft East African Bill of Human Rights and the protocol to extend the jurisdiction of the East African Court of Justice to handle human rights. In her current role, Patricia is responsible for monitoring Uganda’s compliance with international human rights standards, analysing policies, bills and other relevant documents including annual and special reports to Parliament. She is currently overseeing the development of the first National Action Plan of Human Rights in Uganda and the first initiative by the Justice, Law and Order Sector to document conflict related human rights violations during the 20 year conflict in Northern Uganda. Keynote Speaker: Alumni Forum Panellist: Influence legislation, policy and practice to achieve lasting benefits Professor Marcia Langton has forty years of experience in Indigenous affairs at the community, regional and national level and has specialised in Indigenous agreements with the mining industry and resource sector through the Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements research projects ( Her other research concerns Indigenous relationships with place, land tenure and legal recognition in Australia. She has contributed to Indigenous policy, serves on a number of boards, including as Chairperson of Guma ICRG JV Pty Ltd, as a director of Indigenous Construction Resource Group Pty Ltd, and is Co-Chair of Cape York Partnership. Awarded B.A. (Hons) from the Australian National University and a PhD from Macquarie University, she is an anthropologist and geographer, and often called upon to give expert advice on native title and resource issues, social issues and Indigenous management of land and resources. She is a Fellow of Trinity College, Melbourne, a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia, and a member of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. Robin Evans Dr Rowena Varela Bat-Orshikh Erdenebat Deputy Director – Education and Australian Capability, IM4DC, Australia Director, Research and Extension, Caraga State University, Philippines Executive Director, Development Solutions NGO, Mongolia Alumnus of Environmental Management 2014 Alumnus of Community Aspects of Resource Development 2014 Chair: Case study presentations Robin was appointed to his current role in 2011, and is responsible for developing and implementing the Centre’s education and alumni program. He has over 30 years’ experience working in and around the mining industry, his roles in industry and academia taking him around Australia, Latin America, the Asia Pacific and Africa. A mining engineer by training, prior to joining IM4DC he was based at The University of Queensland’s Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, focusing on risk management and valuation processes across sustainable development and the minerals industry. Other projects have included the social impacts of mine closure and the development of project-related sustainability indicators, and was responsible for the development and co-ordination of CSRM’s Education and Training Program. Since its inception, Robin and the Program Team have been responsible for the co-ordination and delivery of IM4DC’s integrated program, including over 80 short courses and workshops both in Australia and overseas. Case Study Panellist: Engage leaders of today and tomorrow in best practice and new ideas Dr Rowena Varela is an Entomologist who studies insect diversity and movements to determine habitat connectivity. Her interest in entomology led her to nickel mine rehabilitation where she and her team introduced the ‘Ecobelt’ – forest corridors to promote ecosystem and habitat restoration. She studied landscape ecology and habitat connectivity because she believes ‘everything is connected to everything else’ and she shares this principle of interrelatedness with her students. At present, she heads the S&T Program for Responsible Mining in Mindanao, a research and development program funded by the Philippine Government through the Department of Science and Technology. Case Study Panellist: Develop networks and build understanding, knowledge and capacity Bat-Orshikh has more than six years’ experience in design, implementation and evaluation of local community and business development programs and activities, and some four years on international trade in China, Turkey and Mongolia. In his current role, Bat-Orshikh is focused on strengthening performance, governance and sustainability of local non-governmental organisations and social enterprises in Mongolia. He is also working with rural communities, especially in mine-affected areas, to develop entrepreneurial skills and knowledge. The development and application of new models of socially responsible business is a key feature of his future professional objectives and works. Herizo Harimalala Tsiverisoa Director of Education, Lapidary and Jewellery Training Department, Institut De Gemmologie de Madagascar, Madagascar Alumnus of Community Aspects of Resource Development 2014 Case Study Panellist: Empower agents of change to improve people’s lives Herizo Harimalala Tsiverisoa is a geologist and a lapidary trainer currently in charge of the lapidary and jewellery department at the Institut De Gemmologie de Madagascar. She is also involved in job creation and business opportunity programs to empower women and people with special needs following their training. Her previous roles include social and environmental impact assessment of a gold mining project in the east of Madagascar. She was also an Intern at GLW Conseils, a leading environmental impact assessment and mitigation firm where she assessed the economic, social and physical impacts of industrial and mining projects. Horizo studied at the University of Antananarivo Madagascar/ Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique d’Antananarivo/ Geology Department. Join the conversation at Dr Sizwe Phakathi Deputy Head, Safety and Sustainable Development, Chamber of Mines of South Africa and Senior Research Associate, University of Johannesburg, South Africa Alumnus of Emerging Leaders in African Mining 2014 Case Study Panellist: Influence legislation, policy and practice to achieve lasting benefits Dr Phakathi facilitated the implementation of the Culture Transformation Framework for the South African mining sector to ensure safer and healthier workplace conditions. His review of South Africa’s mining industry safety performance culminated in new occupation health and safety milestones for the industry. He has also recently been involved with a project aimed at improving safety, security and participation of women miners in South African mines. Dr Phakathi has conducted research and consultancy work for South African mining companies, authored and co-authored a number of research and change management reports, conference presentations, journal articles, monographs and book chapters and has won numerous awards for his research work. Professor Paul Flatau Director of The University of Western Australia Centre for Social Impact, Australia Program Chair Professor Flatau commenced his current role in December 2010 where he undertakes teaching, research and public engagement activities in the areas of social finance, social innovation, and the measurement of the economic and social impact of activities and programs. He has worked closely with the corporate, government, philanthropic and third (not-for-profit) sectors, in a collaborative effort to build community capacity and to measure the social impact of activity including the mining industry. He has been engaged closely with the IM4DC over the past four years. He has over 60 publications in applied economics and has made significant contributions to the analysis of social and economic outcomes and social impact and the effectiveness of programs and interventions. Mining for Development Alumni Forum 2015 Belinda Zimba Bright Oppong Afum Director, EcoView Environmental Consultants, Zambia Lecturer and Departmental Examinations Officers, University of Mines and Technology, Ghana Alumnus of Emerging Leaders in African Mining 2014 Facilitator: Workshop forum – Alumni collaborate Panellist: Reflection session Belinda is an environment management and social economic expert specialising in mining and mineral processing operations. She has executed several socio-economic and environmental management consultancies in Zambia’s extractive sector focusing on environmental and social planning, performance monitoring and audits, post-closure reclamation and monitoring. She has undertaken several Environmental and Social Impact Assessments for extractive companies in Zambia and coordinated projects in partnership with other national and international organisations. She has also spearheaded negotiations between communities living in the mining areas and the mining companies. Belinda has served on several policy working groups at sub-regional levels through African Initiative on Mining, Environment and Society (AIMES) with support from the Third World Network-Africa; Afrodad and Tax Justice Network-Africa. Alumnus of Emerging Leaders in African Mining 2014 Facilitator: Workshop forum – Alumni collaborate Bright graduated as a First Class Mining Engineer and worked with AEL Mining Services before joining African Underground Mining Services as a Mining/Projects Engineer. He later won a Commonwealth Shared Scholarship in 2011 to study MSc Environmental Monitoring and Analysis at the Aberystwyth University in the UK. He designed and facilitated the formation of the African Society, and returned to AUMS as a Senior Mining/Projects Engineer. Bright is currently a PhD candidate with the Mining Engineering department of UMaT, working on a research project regarding mercury pollutants in the Birim River Basin in Ghana. His areas of expertise are surface and underground mining operations, mine closure, reclamation and rehabilitation, environmental impacts assessments including air pollutants and blast impacts prediction and modelling, water pollutants speciation and modelling, and project management. Idah Ethel Zulu Aaron Soko Lesley Siowi Muza Gondwe Lecturer/ Assistant Dean, Copperbelt University, Zambia Head of Environment, Mines Safety Department, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development, Zambia Environmental Scientist, Department of Mining, Autonomous Bougainville, Papua New Guinea Alumni Coordinator, IM4DC, Australia Alumnus of Regional Development 2014 Facilitator: Workshop forum – Alumni collaborate Idah is a lecturer and researcher at the School of the Built Environment. She has a Master Degree in Urban Management and Development with a specialisation in Regional Development Strategies from the Erasmus University, Netherlands. She teaches Regional Development Planning, a key focus being how mining development can promote balanced regional development and translate into improvements in lives of local communities. She also consults on integrated development plans of some districts in Zambia. Previous to her role at the Copperbelt University, she worked with an NGO in carrying out environmental performance monitoring audits in mining firms. Alumnus of OHS Incident Investigation, Mine Closure Framework and Large Volume Waste 2014 Facilitator: Workshop forum – Alumni collaborate Aaron is responsible for the timely review of the Environmental Impact Assessment reports and plans, conducting site verifications, regular sampling to monitor environmental status, certification of relevant lawful approvals, collection and management of relevant environmental information. He also collaborates with other institutions within and outside Zambia on relevant data, information and records, timely calculation of environmental protection fund contributions and supervision of the Environment Section which is constituted of Inspectors of Environment, Mining Technicians, Research Assistants and Laboratory Assistants with whom he conducts reviews and ensures up-date awareness of legislation pertaining to the mining industry. Richard Slattery Deputy Director – Operations and Business Development IM4DC, Australia Wrap up and thanks Alumnus of Environmental Management 2014 Conference Alumni Representative Lesley graduated from the University of Papua New Guinea with a Bachelor in Science (BSc) majoring in Environmental Science. She joined the newly established Department of Mining in Bougainville in 2007 and was initially sent to train and work with organisations such as the Department of Mineral Policy and Hazard Management, the Mineral Resources Authority and Newcrest Mining Limited. Within her Autonomous Bougainville Government Mining department, Lesley works for the Policy and Regulatory branch, where they are focused on establishing our mining policies, legislation and environment legislation. Panellist: Reflection session Muza joined IM4DC as the Alumni Coordinator in 2014. She brings to IM4DC her experience managing blogs, discussion forums, and learning management systems to support online and offline communities of practice. Previously she has worked as a Research Associate and Lecturer in the Science Communication Program at The University of Western Australia. Prior to joining The University of Western Australia, Muza worked as a Lecturer at the University of Malawi where she was involved in the African Journals Partnership Project. Muza has also worked as the Managing Editor for a World Health Organization Project where her role involved developing workflows and managing online collaborative software. She has also been involved in HIV/AIDS project management in Malawi and the Caribbean. Richard was appointed to his current role with IM4DC in 2012 and is responsible for the operational management of financial, human and infrastructure resources. Richard brings extensive development program experience having previously worked in a senior capacity with AusAID. Previously, Richard was based in Papua New Guinea as a Development Specialist for AusAID’s Sub National Program where his work was focused on engaging with the aid program for Papua New Guinea’s decentralised system and sub national levels of government and administration. Other AusAID roles included Provincial Program Specialist responsible for establishing the AusAID office in Provincial Papua New Guinea and working with AusAid units including Strategic Policy and Coordination and the Civil Society. In these roles, Richard was closely involved with local stakeholder liaison and in developing, managing and monitoring development assistance activities. Alumni Forum Participants Mohammed Abdul-Razak Senior Economics Officer, Ministry of Finance, Ghana Kaepae Ken Ali PhD candidate, Curtin University, Papua New Guinea Prince Aboagye Programmes Officer, Centre for Social Impact Studies (Cesis), Ghana Abdullahi Also Director, Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, Nigeria Joseph Adelegan Infrastructure Expert and Division Chief, Environment and Sustainable Development, ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development, Togolese Republic David Adeosun Assistant Director and Head of Infrastructure Delivery Co ordinating Unit, National Planning Commission, The Presidency, Abuja, Nigeria Veronica Adigbo Assistant State Attorney, Ministry of Justice & AttorneyGeneral’s Department, Ghana Bright Oppong Afum Lecturer and Departmental Examinations Officer, University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Ghana Dianne Aikung-Hombhanje Principal Legal Counsel, Mineral Resources Authority, Papua New Guinea John Peter Amewu Director of Policy and Evidence, Africa Center For Energy Policy(ACEP), Ghana Fidelis Agwate Angachia Service Head (Mining Exploitation Monitoring Service), Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development, Cameroon Parkinson Azagba Technical Assistant, ECOWAS, Infrastructure Department, Nigeria Professor Nimfa Bracamonte Professor Sociology Department, MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines Ezekiel Burain Senior Project Officer, Autonomous Bougainville Government (Office of Panguna Negotiations), Papua New Guinea Mylah Faye Aurora Carino Regional Director, National Economic and Development Authority, Philippines Mining for Development Alumni Forum 2015 Modou Kane Diao Chief of Transport Division Planning and Policies, Ministry of Infrastructure and Land Transport, Senegal Brian Guyo Principal Administrative Officer, Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development, Zimbabwe Eko Diputra Analyst of Mineral Production and Sales, Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia Herizo Harimalala Tsiverisoa Director of Education, Lapidary and Jewellery Training Department, Institut de Gemmologie de Madagascar, Madagascar Yeo Dogatiene Chef de Mission, Bureau National d’Etudes Techniques et de developpement (BNETD), Cote d’Ivoire Uvie Uviomor Igini Assistant Chief Scientific Officer, Ministry of Environment, Nigeria Tumurbaatar Dorjsuren Officer, Ministry of Industry, Mongolia Nata Jaya Data Infrastructure Planning and Analyst, Education and Training Agency for Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, Indonesia Tsetsegjargal Enkhbayar Postgraduate Student, University of Queensland, Australia Caroline Kathambi Kiangura East & Southern Africa Coordinator, Publish What You Pay (PWYP), Kenya Bat-Orshikh Erdenebat Executive Director, Development Solutions NGO, Mongolia Fabiana Kiedanski Schein Professional Assistance, Miem-Dinamige, Uruguay Hazel Gachunga Senior Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya Freda Kitum Lawyer, Mineral Resources Authority, Papua New Guinea Andrew Gunua Chief Mining Warden, Mineral Resource Authority, Papua New Guinea Sereima Koli Environment Officer, Department of Mineral Resources, Fiji James Kundu Director of Geological Survey Ministry of Petroleum and Mining, Republic Of South Sudan Min Zar Ni Lin Deputy Team Leader, Myanmar EITI National Coordination Office, Myanmar Irene Messiba Deputy Director, Ministry of Transport, Ghana George Milongo Acting Senior Mining Engineer (Mineral Economics), Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development, Zambia Syukril Muhammad Head of Spatial Planning Division, Regional Development Planning Board, Indonesia Ali Munawar Professor of Soil Science, Tidar University, Indonesia Mwiya Mwandawande National Coordinator & Consultant, Extractive Industry Transparency Alliance & Action Aid Zambia Fair Green Global Project, Zambia Yesi Nasrul Program Officer, Institute for Essential Services Reform, Indonesia Patricia Musingura Nduru Director, Uganda Human Rights Commission, Uganda Cyrus Ngo’o Conseiller/ Advisor, Office of the Prime Minister, Cameroon Ernest N’Guessan Deputy Director, Ministry of Industry and Mines / General Direcorate of Mines and Geology, Cote d’Ivoire Joseph Nonde Director - Design & Monitoring, Zambia Revenue Authority, Zambia Sheyla Bethsy Palomino Ore Geoscientist Researcher, Energy and Mining Ministry, Peru Anthony Penaso University President, Caraga State University, Philippines Sizwe Phakathi Deputy Head of Safety and Sustainable Development, Chamber of Mines of South Africa, South Africa Asharurozi Rubani Djais Head of Division, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources District Banjar South Kalimantan, Indonesia Dedi Rustandi Head of Unit Training and Evaluation, Education Training Centre Mineral and Coal, Indonesia Eileen Saiyomina Acting Senior Program Officer - Non Renewable Resource, Department of National Planning & Monitoring, Papua New Guinea Samuel Sarpong Lecturer, University of Mines and Technology, Ghana Alioune Sarr Chief of Mining Projects Division, Ministry of Industry and Mines, Senegal Lesley Siowi Environmental Scientist, Department of Mineral and Energy Resources, Papua New Guinea Aaron Soko Head of Environment, Mines Safety Department, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development, Zambia Battulga Sosorbaram Head of Mining Division, Mineral Resource Authority, Mongolia Khadija Suleiman-Bello Assistant Director, Revenue Mobilisation Allocation & Fiscal Commission, Nigeria Raijeli Taga Acting Manager Mining Division, Mineral Resources Department, Fiji Enkhtsetseg Tudev Senior Expert ASM Governance and Policy, Sustainable Artisan Mining Project Implemented by Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency in Mongolia, Mongolia Aldwin Urbina OIC - Supervising Economic Development Specialist, National Economic and Development Authority, Philippines Rowena Paglinawan Varela VP for Research & Extension, Caraga State University, Philippines Gisselle Vila Benites Academic Manager, PUCP Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru Belinda Zimba Director, EcoView, Environmental Consultants, Zambia Idah Ethel Zulu Assistant Dean, Copperbelt University, Zambia VENUE The University Club of Western Australia BH Banquet Hall LC Lower Colonnade TA Theatre Auditorium T Ground Floor Terrace Club Cafe T Club Entrance Hackett Drive Banquet Hall Foyer Reception BHF Conference Foyer TA BH BHF LC P Entrance 1 CONTACT International Mining for Development Centre The University of Western Australia WA Trustees Building Level 2, 133 St Georges Terrace Perth, Western Australia 6000 Tel: +61 8 9263 9811 Email: HOSTED BY FUNDED BY IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS
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