I N F O R M AT I O N S H E E T I M ACC F T I R S O F T WA R E S U I T E pg 1/3 imacc-instruments.com IMACC FTIR Software Suite There are four software packages included with all IMACC FTIR instruments that comprise the IMACC FTIR Software Suite (IFSS): IMACC SCRIPT EDITOR controls sequences of events for the FTIR instrument and for external equipment. IMACC MONITOR is a graphical display package providing standard or customized display of both spectral and gas concentration data. IMACC QUANTIFY generates and tests analysis methods and provides batch reprocessing of spectral data. IMACC TOOL BOX provides tools for manipulating data. IMACC SCRIPT EDITOR The script editor is a simple “drag and drop” package that allows the user to set up sequences of events for the FTIR as well as external equipment. Objects are simply dropped into the script window in the order in which they are to be executed. Typical events: FTIR data acquisition Valve control Pressure/temperature sensor interfacing or background collection Logical objects also exist and can be used to set up loops or branches as desired. Loops may be continuous or started and stopped based on time or external events. For example, a loop may be set up to collect and process data continuously until 23:30:00 hours, at which time processing stops, valve 1 is closed, valve 2 is opened, and a background spectrum is collected. After this is complete, valve 2 is closed, valve 3 is re-opened, and data collection continues (looping back to the top). Each element of a script has its own setup window with tabs: Collect, Bench, Directory, Omnic, and Auto-Background. The Collect tab sets items like integration time, spectral band width, shift correction parameters, the background file to be used, the analytical method or methods to be used, and whether or not the IMACC dynamic reference selection and IMACC bias correction features should be used. Tables are used to set all FTIR bench parameters, the directories and types of data to be saved, the default Omnic parameters to use, and the automated background collect parameters. Various scripts can be created and saved for different applications. These are opened manually or automatically by the IMACC Monitor discussed below. Custom objects can also be added to the script menu so user specific equipment or options can be included in all scripts. IMACC Script set up to collect, perform valve control, and collect background. I N F O R M AT I O N S H E E T I M ACC F T I R S O F T WA R E S U I T E pg 2/3 IMACC MONITOR The IMACC Monitor is used to display data or spectra during real time acquisition or using saved data files. The IMACC Monitor typically opens and automatically runs a specified script when it is started and allows the user to create custom windows and panes within the windows that can graphically display spectra, interferograms, or gas concentration data. It can also produce tabular lists of diagnostic information or gas concentrations. The interface is very versatile so users can customize the display to their needs. A Monitor layout is also saved so multiple display layouts can be set up and opened to configure the screen for particular applications. Typical layout created by IMACC Monitor for display of tabular and graphical data from FTIR. IMACC QUANTIFY The IMACC Quantify is used to create new analysis routines, to test them, and to batch reprocess spectral data. Once an analysis method is developed, it can be used by IMACC Script or IMACC Monitor to analyze spectra in real time. The IMACC quantify software has several powerful features including spectral line shift correction, linearity correction, and dynamic reference selection. IMACC Quantify Setup showing the window used to select analysis regions and windows within regions. Quantify also allows the user to set up windows within analysis regions to avoid interferences from other compounds or to skip highly absorbing areas. Dynamic reference selection actually changes the references used in the method “on the fly” to keep up with process/sample changes, minimizing the errors in the analysis process. As references are changed, their individual linearization correction parameters are also changed. This shows the screen used for linearity corrections of individual compounds. Shown is the linearity for NO from zero to 500 ppm in a 5m cell. The upper plot on the right is the percent error which ranges from -0.19% to 0.15%. Shows quantitations of sample spectra. There are two lines of numbers for each compound because dynamic references selection is being utilized so the software adjusts all references to match the observed concentrations and then re-analyzes the spectrum. 800 Paloma Drive, Suite 150 Round Rock, TX 78665 imacc-instruments.com Robert Spellicy, Ph.D. rspellicy@imacc-instruments.com 512-341-8189 Troy Boley, Ph.D. tboley@imacc-instruments.com 770-883-7082 I N F O R M AT I O N S H E E T I M ACC F T I R S O F T WA R E S U I T E pg 3/3 IMACC TOOL BOX Several special tools are included in the IMACC Tool Box: A Spectral Averager that allows multiple spectra to be input and averaged to produce a single output spectrum with averaged collection parameters such as temperature and pressure. The averager also allows the user to alter pressure, temperature, path-length, and gas-concentration information in the header of spectral files; A Synthetic Io Generator which uses a set of chosen points along the baseline of a spectrum to fit an “averaged” quadratic polynomial to it. The result is a smooth polynomial defining the baseline of the spectrum and having data points at the same spacing as the fit spectrum. This Io can then be used to convert single beams to absorbance when a measured Io is not available or impossible to collect. A Batch Reprocessor that allows a large number of spectral files to be reprocessed with any specified background and analysis methods. The reprocessor generates a new gas concentration file as output that can be used in all IMACC display software packages as well as Microsoft Excel and Access. The IMACC Tool Box is being updated regularly, and updates are available for free download. 800 Paloma Drive, Suite 150 Round Rock, TX 78665 imacc-instruments.com Robert Spellicy, Ph.D. rspellicy@imacc-instruments.com 512-341-8189 Troy Boley, Ph.D. tboley@imacc-instruments.com 770-883-7082
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