KETCHUM COED SOCCER 2015 ADULT LEAGUE SIGN-UP SEASON RUNS: June 10, 2015 - Aug 12, 2015 Name: __________________________ Address: __________________________ City: __________________________ Phone: _______________ (Cell) $50.00 League Fee $70.00 After May 31 _______________ (Other) Age: ________ (18 and over) Email: __________________________ (June 3 is final cutoff) Ketchum Coed Soccer Ability Level: Beginner Intermediate Advanced Gender: Female Are you willing to play Goalie part time? No Are you interested in also being a Ref? Refs earn $35 per game. Yes Return to Sturtevant’s in Ketchum, or mail to: PO Box 4140 Ketchum, ID 83340 Male Yes Make checks payable to: No Is there ONE person you’d like to play with? Their Name:___________________________ Fields: Ketchum: Atkinson Park Elkhorn: Sagewillow Campus Game Days & Times: Wednesday Evenings June 10 — August 12 5:30 & 7:00pm League Picnic: NOTE: They must choose you as well! Choose more than 1 August 12th at Atkinson Park person and there is no guarantee you will play with them. Be sure to sign the League & Field Liability Waiver. League Rules attached. Release of Liability Waiver (Name of Participant) ___________________________ in the Ketchum Coed Soccer League. The undersigned hereby acknowledges that by participating in the above-named activity, the undersigned has voluntarily given this consent. The undersigned understands that there are inherent and other risks involved in the sport of soccer, and that injuries are a common and ordinary occurrence of the sport. In consideration for being permitted to participate in the Programs, the undersigned hereby freely and voluntarily assumes all risks of serious injury or death. The undersigned releases, waives and forever discharges from any liability and holds harmless and indemnifies Ketchum Coed Soccer, LLC, their officers, directors, organizers, captains, referees and agents, as well as the organizations and individuals associated with the playing fields—including Ketchum’s Atkinson Park, the Community School’s Sagewillow Campus, and Hailey’s BCRD fields—for any injury to themselves or to any other person or property arising out of or resulting from their participation in the program, and for any damages and costs, including attorney’s fees and cost of litigation that may be recovered by the participant. This Release of Liability shall be legally binding upon the participant, heirs, personal representatives, and assigns. The undersigned has carefully read this Release of Liability and fully understands its content. The undersigned is aware that they are releasing certain legal rights by this release that the undersigned otherwise may have, and signs this Release of Liability of the undersigned’s free will. The undersigned also authorize Ketchum Coed Soccer, LLC, to use their photo for reproduction in any manner the league desires, for advertising, display, social media or editorial use. Signed: ______________________________________ Date: _____________________________ (Participant) Mailing Address: ________________________________________ State: _________________ Zip: _______________ City: ______________________ Phone: ________________________ ACCEPTED Ketchum Coed Soccer, LLC By: _____________________________ Date: ________________________________________ KETCHUM COED ADULT SOCCER League Priorities Have Fun! Improve Your Skills Avoid Injuries Meet New Friends Have Fun! Get In Shape Encourage New Players Love the Sport Have Fun! LEAGUE RULES: 1. This is a non-contact league. Absolutely no slide tackling or dangerous play. Yellow & Red Cards will be issued by the referee at their discretion. Two Yellow Cards in a game equals a Red Card & you will be ejected from the game. Two Red Cards during the season is grounds for ejection from the league. 2. Referees have final say on all calls. Only team captains may talk to referees during games. Arguing is NOT tolerated & is grounds for a Red Card. 3. Only 8 male players are allowed on the field at a time. A team is required to play short (less than 11 players) if 3 women are not available. Men over 50 years of age also count towards this allotment. 4. Pick-up players are allowed if a team has 10 or fewer players. However, any pick-up player must be 18 or older, registered with the league, and have signed all league & field liability waivers before entering into play. 5. No male player can score more than 2 goals per game. 6. Games consist of two 40-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime break. 7. Minimum age is eighteen (18) for league play. 8. All other rules fall under FIFA guidelines. 9. No dogs are allowed in Atkinson Park. Please make the necessary arrangements to leave your dogs at home. 10. No alcohol is allowed on the Sagewillow campus. Park only in designated lot. 11. Have Fun!!! Join us on Facebook: Please email questions to:
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