mmmmmmmamtmmmamtmmammmmmmayt GOAL! COAL! COAL! Galen's Head Dispensary, T. J. HYATT, lienuiDf Preparation AND VENEREAL INFIRMARY, Chartered by the Legislature of Ky. WHOUSALE AND BBTAIL DEALER IN C O CONCENTS ATED Bli.HLl MM Drop- Kidneys. Gravel and sical Swellings. tb power of Med'dne Increase excites the ABSORBENTS Into healthy TVU MM! -- hes k. TiTfRT OR CA UNNATURAL RNL ROBMEWTS ere mm Mt wet! a DMa mm insemination HELM BOLL'S EX THE BEST NORTHERN LAKE ICE immI WEAKNESSES FUR Habits of bissipa. Arisimg from Exoaasoe, tion, Early Indiscretion or Abase, KVHM WITS TWl r.ULOWTJM ATTBKDCS I Trembling. Waterhksaosi rain id i ne Flushing of ibeBMy Erupt ons on the Pace--, to Exertion: of Memory; Imposition wx nf IltxruK I of Vleton; P.. lid countenance Drnea t the Skin; LoMOf P ssmvsatti wf B eAtlitng: Lassitude 8ys:em FATUITY, med-lct- o tel Ismealty and ( onuumpllon. Many are aware of the canae of their suffering, bet MM will confess. The record of the Insane Asylums and the melancholy death by Consumption, bear ample witness to the troth of the assertion. WITH CONSTITUTION OMOB AFrBCTED WBAKNBA8. MA OB TOUXO. 8INGLV, M ABRIBD. OB CONTEMPLATING MARRIAOB. peculiar to Females, the Extract unequalled by any other remedy as In Irregularity. Palnfuroeai.or Suppre.- of Quaternary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schlrrons i of the V terra. Lescurrhaa, or White. Sterility, Incident to the sex. whether tor al complaint Habits ot Dlssl patten, or in the 1. Decline or Change of Ufa. I COAL! COAL! (O BfESrRS. iiietho,! of 1TA for Take no Balaam. Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine Unpleasant and Dangeroas Diseases. liilo-inl- ell cre, nd strictly Plttsbure Om.1, which thev otlrr at prices to either wholesale O' reUll to suit Inirih ers wonld do well to call at suit the time Uielr ofllce, No. 1S5 Market street, between First and Beeonfl. txtore purcnasitiK eseivucre. ranai mi 01MSTE4I IMPROVED ROSE WASH pitfiivKa, CITY, Coal. ., WAR! WAR! WAR! POSl RE. Spring Chickens, TERRAPINS, BACK OYSTERS, SHAD, BEEN THE VICTIMS OP And an other And who bare paid HEAVY FEES to be cured In a short time, hare f ,und teat they were deceived, and that the "Pouu" he, by the use of "Powerful Astringents," been dried up in the ytem. to break out In an eswreveted torm . ltd SALMON, luxuries. J. sit nAd CAWEIN & CO. TOMMliAnlGLAMli I'ERH APS AFTER MARRIAGE Fresh Potomac Shad, Clams, Oysters in the Shell, Jack Seine, Bluewing Ducks, USE HELMBOLB'S EXTRACT BUCHU and llaassss of The Urinary Organs, Whether existing In MALI OB FEMALE, from whatever cum orlgtualtng, ana no matter of those Orgats require the aid of a Dicarric HELMBOLB'S EXTRACT BUCHU N. B. Families, Hotels, and Pa'tles can be supplied with Hie ahove lUKUtle at the .liortest notice. And It Is certain to hare the desired effect In all Defeases for which It 1 recommended. Evidence of the most responelble and reliable charac i t wiii accompany the medicines. CEBTIPICATUB OF CUBES. with names known to d FAME 3. M. ALEXANDER. 3. F. CAU.vELL UNION A CARNELL, RESTAURANT, fourth st., bat. Main and Market, v. s. ARB IS DAILY RECEIPT OP ALL LlXC WErtessuch a SHELL OYSl'KttS, QUAILS Served In the best ttyie and Physicians, Please Notice. sacell. r WE MAKE MO SECRET OF "INGREDIENTS t the VENISON. AC Give Ie7?dfm shceethotlce EATING HOUSE! HELMBOLB'S EXTRACT BUCHU Jefferson St., opposite Courthouse Is composed of Buchn. 'Ooheb and Juniper berries, selected with fr. at ears by a cotapetent Draggli, Practical H B. HELMBOLD 68NUINK PREPARATION. HELMBOLPS AFFIDAVIT. hashre me an Alderman of the B. Helm sold, who being duly otb any, nts proper .'Uoc a coatain no narcotic aw aXTsri, or other Injurious drift, but are purely vegetable H. K HELM BOLD Bwowi and saranrtbed befsre me. rh'a SM day of No WM. P. HI BEARD. tim Sir. ISM. Alderman. Ninth St., above Race, Phlla. ctty of ewora, PhUed-ipbt- H a. Physicians in Attendance FBOM I AM. TO 8 P. M. Plica, $1 per Bottle, or 6 for $. It win re delivered to any sir! ram, sacs rely pack ad A U led h Ttntb st BoeUh . M betow Chestnut. Philadelphia. of Ceeeterfeiters and pM Wan aodeavor art'cles Dealers, "OF THEIR OWE" nnd to dMpeaw oft the rarataSMsj sMMatad by Extract Eochn. Said by all IrrajMjats ererywhara. SeTABB FOh UKLMBOLD'h TAKE AiO OTHEB.JB Oat oat the advertisement and aead tor It. and AVOID AND EXPOSURE. Describe symptoms IMPOSITION mm cemmautcatiooa. J. B. MONTGOMEXI OLIVER. WAGONER OUT OF FLIGL'T Imnnnml lvlatlilan. VlnTn, Nolle by American Eclipse, out of nuneriFia or oniention. win stand, the prevent sea on at my stables, at the ri ilnre ririrp n Xlfl th. and SSD to Insure. For uart ienlni m kiii AddraM F. G. MURPHY, M j wood, April 10. 1981. Bardstown, By. RT nn TO THE L 4 DIES PlLl.a All aillEIIT STREETS, KEWTUCHT. rPHB SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM A his friends and the public r- nerally, that he has n leaaad tnis old and Hotel, in the city of Lex Ington and that he haa taken charge of the aame. The House baa races Ur undergone a thorough renova Hon; the roams are newly an i neatly furnished; and tl II further Improvement will b made t render It In deS Medical Infirmary, dAw OK PRICE 990 CASH. LOUISVILLE MOWER" Lob 8ol88iirou THE KEPT ON HAND A LABGB AND SELECT A LWAYS assortment of SWORDS ATtfD SAB&BS, Ac. OFFICER'S AMMUNITION BOX (Invented, and steps taken to procure a patent, by J. J. IllrshbnhO, containing separate and safe partitions fo powder-flasballs, cap, cartridges, or sundries, screw driver and wrench. This article Is very neat and can be worn on a common regit. atlon belt, or shoulder-straand will prove to be a desirable objeel for officers. All goods of superior quality and moderate prices at J. J. HIRHCllBUnL'S Jewelry Store, No. 238 south side of Main. delO oae door al. ve Third st. NEW BREECII-I.OADIN- HIFI.E. G weight, b potindi ; calibre, balls, am. as Colt 'a Amy Pisti.l ; and at V4 mile the penotration is doable that Mlebrated arm. It ahoota with the aecnraey of a target Can cot possibly miss fir.. Metal cartridge, eoat-iahalf th. price of Colt's ; entirely waterproof, and iadestrnotibl. by rongh carriage. Can b. used all day without cleaning. Is the only gnn that doe. not leak fir. at the breech. Simple and durable as the beat mo. gun. Made exclntively for and sold only by B. KITTREDQE c CO., 134 Main Street, Cincinnati. Dealer. In Onns, Sporting Apparatus, and Military of barrel, 24 inches inch ; 28 elongated ril. Goods. FROM FORTY TO SIX HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES KACH. C"OME OF THEM UNSURPASSED FOR BEAUTY O and fertility, and each having a proper proportion ot cleared and timbered land. The timber Is generally of the finest quality. One of these Is tho Home Farm of the undersigned, adjoining the healthy and pleasant town of Lexington, tne county seat ot ocou county, inaiana, 3U miles distant from Louisville. Ky.. and 17 miles from Madison. Ind. The soil and location are very superior, with first- class dwelling nouse, nam, stables, tenant nouses, good mental trees, and in act, every thing that pertains to a s farm and residence, and all now in tne very best ord- - r Theol uef Farms are generally In the same neighbor hood:..i eof various sizes and qualities, each moreoi less Improved, ranging lu price from 18 to 130 psr acre, and will be sold lr. tracts to suit purchasers, on the folh lowing favorabl' terms, namely, cash and tht remainder in u c annual payments, if desired, secured bv mortgagex c th e land. Persons wish Egto purchase land, and especially those who may desire to remove their families from place necessarllv exposed to danger tn these perilous times, to a quiet, sale, nea'tny,:ana pleasant loea.ity. will una this an excellent, opportunity. Any one able to make the first payniesa can make the others off the land. For further information apply by letter, or In person K. U.IW.U. KNUUMl, to sel8 lAwt. 'xlncton. Indiana. STEEL, fJLOW. TETE CALL THE ATTENTION v of farmers to our new and Improved which nilcht be check d with a slm pie remedy, If neglected, often terminates seriously. Few are aware of the Importance of stopping a Cough or "slight cold," tn its first stage; that which 1n the beginning would yield to a mild remedy "f uot attended to. soon attacks tbe lung-- . "BXOWN'S BRONCHIAL TKOCUcS were first Introduced eleven years ago. Jt has been proved thai they are the best article bejore the public for Cocoas. Colos, Bronchitis, Asthma, Gataxxh, the Hooking Gtugh In OoNsDMPTiON. and numerous affec Hons of the THXOifi giving Mitui4 relief. srill find them effectual for clearing and the voice. We can concur heartily In the many commendation f the ' BRONCHIAL TROCHES," prepared by the Messrs. Brown. At the very time they were brougnt .o our notice, me were suffering rom a severe cold, from which we ob immediate and permanent relief by the use of tbe TltOCUKS. If any of onr readers are 'rom bronchial Irritation, particularly ministers jr public speakers, they will find that this simple rem-sdwill bring almost magical relief, and enable them to weak with little difficulty or suffering. Boston Chrit-xa-n WatcJtman and ReJUctor. As there are many Imitations, ask for and Caution jbtain only "Brown's Bronchial Troches?" which by kmc experience have provtd their value, having reset ved the sanction of physicians generally, and Wstlmo-rial- s from eminent men throughout the country. fel9d.wASw2mlns aed g Being satisfied that no plow Is perfect, wlthr ut a share, we warrant them to ou'.last three Rounder, or any other plow made In one piece. Thu moldboards are or thick steel, an l will last ten years. As to model , lightness of draft, and superior finish they are equal to the best. We make our former plows Cast and Wrought Staarea. We also make all kinds of WAGONS, and have on hand a large lot of TWO AND FOUR HORSE WAGONS, with Plow Castings, Pipe and fine flnjsh; together wagon Boxes. HAYS A COOPER, Louisville, Ky. alodAwtf T HAVEoVKh. on Waiu. al6d2m!ns TO THE Mmm I AM MANUFACTURING A VERY SUPERIOR WRITING INK. It lseonal to anv made for RECOKD. AC.; answers admirably for SCHOOLS, as it is quite black when used, and more so afterwards. Sold wholesale and retail at my factory on Green sU above nevenin, norm side. TH08. A. HURLEY. feSdAwSm PIANO-FORT- & ROSEN, MANUFACTURERS E or Stoppage of Nature, suf- MANHOOD; HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED! buwu, DRY GOODS. " CORNER JEFFERSON m'6 STREET, MA1SBT SIDE BETWEEN SIXTH AND SBVBNTB LOUISVILLE. KY. A nn hunit a onmnlete assortment of PI lsS3 dAwly ANOS at reasonable prices. i,h Works Union Marble ..a doth.... BE. .............. MU1EOON fc CO., THIRD AND FOURTH f .oBlavllle, Er. MONUMENTS AND ALT MANUFACTURERS OF ocT dly WORK. 9BEEN STREET, BET. Exchange and Banking Office, 332 MARKET STRHBT, Between Third and Fourth, north side, five doors alovi Fourth, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. BOUGHT AT BEST RATES UNOURRBNT MONEY received on deposit, and Collection! oc31 promptly attended to. MRS. FRENCH, CLAIRVOYANT M18(JRLLANEOU8. MORE NEWS. THE MOST ELEGANT AND HERRING. NEW 25MACKEREL bbls No. 3 large Mackerel. 1981, do; 50 hf bbls No. a arge do do do; TiklttsNo. 2 do 200 boxes Magda'en Herring: Just received and for sale by NOCK, WICKS A CO.. SIS and 317 Main st. a22 TETE ABE PREPARED TO SELL GOODS IW OUR Vv line as low as any house In the United States, and 18 HHDS PORTO RICO SUGAR, JUST will do It, and invite t he attention of the trade to our SUGAR-- and for sale by JAR. LOW A 00. aSS stock. mhll dtf GARDNER A 00. samx KAHN, WOLF gill, nv snp't & CO., Corner Fifth and Main Sts., LOUISVILLE, KY.. WHOLESALE HAVE. CLOTHIERS, USUAL. A LARGE AsND WELL .. J stock of AS CLOTHG, READY-MAD- E To which they Invite the attent'on of tv.elr friends sad riOD FISH a ANT) for sale low by BORE T APT IP, DRUMS EXTRA NO. I SON A CO., 314 DERM Orders executed promptly ami la the moot fashionable style. aASdlm FA BEL. a. Mti.i an F. FABEL r k OfCOM Main st, "aFT MANUFACTURERS 5TAE PRBSSBD MOLD CAIIUE8! Severing ALSO, OXIDE. OUVE. GERMAN, PALM AND FAMILY SOAP 8. LARD-OI- L Etc.. No. 145 east Jda Third street, between Main and Water. Lou (anile, a. Having entirely new machinery, with the latest a long experience and practice will us turn out as good articles, and sell tem at as sasonable prices as any housejn tho West. tmWOrders soUrte.1 and promptly Sited at the sbor st norlre mrt J- - 8. MoCLELLAN. McCIELLAN H. L. MoCLELJLAN 6c BB.O., Wholesale Commission merchants, stubet, 818 MAirv rd and North side, feld3m Fourth, Louisville Ky. MILLINERY GOODS MRS. WM. OSRORE, RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE PFB-Uc that she is now opening a fresh stock ot seasooaD e woofd embracing ail the artlc'es In thia '.in which she mil sell low for HAT and BOW NaT FRAMES ot the latest Importations whol sale and retail. BLKACHING and DYEING carefully attended to at the old stand. aillixihi :IN JetWeea at., bet. Third 57 dtf mad mvtmmti, Mrmtht-Li- TI8I wteThrT person may learn to Any mm tsmmasM AND SHOES R. M. IN6ALL8, Commission Merenant tf- tor the sate mt BOOTS, SHOES, AND HAT NOW RECEIVING A LARGE IUPjLT X8 these goods, adapted to the spring trad' oSered at manufacturers' nrtcea. Thaaa L.. and dealrable, and the attention of tacounT try merchants laTirvlted, as many low to close consignments. ASS Mat'.. between V artn prfthaOeets, feSS dtf Louisville, Kv. e ussim a very ahart u tehe - - sia, 1 wr ' :, nacornea rnanaiawwi w .e obtecUons, as say are as Bahte to per on. V9" JO even a moment' exairrnattea. will readily They will Jo mare an tetter work than any v errer Ma. bias ever odhred to the public, making tha th-- 1 -- CHst beaattful lork-sttt- ri alike nn both stdea. Send for an specimen o? sewing apon any teortei von wish, and yoa will Uu see km It doo. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TWN SSF Please address or eaB oa i T. JOHlVSTOMy MAIN STREET, X mvSO DOOM TWO THIRD 1 OTJTS1 VI Tj XtEI. At J.J MlTsohbn ; KT., slry Store. A Hogg, MS Maim ttreetsM Ril BBaae eelev fcai 1 WBLL-M- A OLOTHIiS-i-j- H LAD I B S AND ' lBriushiiif A NOTICE. BOOTS ss am oi inve c' SlRTlf Or --, BrnsneB, 11 oasa-- The great d:mcatty wVb THE W ILL CONTINUE THE BUS! THE UNDERSIGNED ......... ..... at tha nM mtmnA v., uli.i style ot JaMES A. CLARK A CO. JAMES A CLARK. GEo. W. MORRIS. Louisville. March (8th. al dtf TVaaiiira SitedEa, OrimUmU SEW1SG MACHINES COMBINE THrj A. most recent improvements, are aearty oofcae tn operation, run with th p',:lf '.and are better adai,'' or raaaawuse man aayotnar. nry aja WmV' ole least P..rrh. COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING Henry Hart and James A. Clark, as wnole-sat- e dealers In Wines, LlQUors and Fancy tirocertes, ec t,Honl.s,lle Ky oler the name and style or HART A CLARK, Is tbts day dissolved by thf . mutual . consent . A. " sl.irt ..nil riTfiirad K. i n . . will continue the business, and Henry Ha-'- t Is entitled to collect the debts and settle up the affairs of the late copartnership. " HENRY HABT. JAMAS A. CLaRK. Louisyilje, March lath. 182. fSacMne Warranted the Best ia tae Market lues Ntw it., 4 a a. mum UMiiata iiTiam Loalavliie. ByJJJ Notice of Dissolution. Ttnnn aThronirh Ttrtetfl for T1.t,tH11 Orchard, Somerset, Richmond, Mt. Sterling. Winchester nicuuiasviiia, ueorxetown, eneioy vine, and other towns In the Interior, for sals, and all further Information can be had at the Depot ta Louisville, mmw nf J.m,m and Br! ok streets. Trucks 209 Third Street. ON ville. Grab Orchard. Somerset. Rl.hmnnit Vtt atn'in. and all Interior towns, ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave Louisville at 4 P. m., stopping at all stations when flagged as tar as Frankfort; and returning, will leave Fiaukfort at MO a. a., arriving at Louisville at 9 a. a. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Lexington at 1 p. a., and arrives at LouiarUle at 7:10 P. a. FREIGHT TRAINS leave Louisville on and Fridays, FKEIG1IT TRAINS n Thursday, and Saturdays. u rocetrod and discharged from 7 JO a. rFret:ht h.. to 5 Sl 8HDTTLS MARKET ARE NOW JO HIV L. Loul-vlll- PHYSICIAN, TO HER FORMER RESIDENCE, HAS RETURNED Third street, east side, two doors north of Walnut, where she receives patients, and may be consulted Persons In the In reference to all diseases as usual. country desiring examination by look of hair, will address her, Box 1,428, with the Inclosed fee of 13, and laSSdtf receive Immediate attention. BROUGHT TO THIS displayed at IVBR Memphis Branch Train will leave Bowltnggreen dally (Sundays excepted) at 15 P. a., on arrival of Train from Louisville, heturnlng will arrive at BowUnggrem at 11:10 A. a., and connect with Train from Nashville for d.j.v. Grocnman WW MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS 5,30 p. sr. dtr STOCK OF Mw Ilivivi UtLmm TO MIELLANEOUS. And all kinds of Country Produce. AND AFTER MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1361, will run dally (Sundays excepted) as follows: EXPRESS TRAIN will leave Louisville at SJ0 A. a., stopping at all stations when flagged except Fair Grounds, Race Course, Brownsooro and Belleview, con necting at Eminence with stage tor Newcastle, at Frank WAREHOUSE) Louisville, Kv. AFTER WEDNESDAY. APRIL 9. ON AND and Freight Trains will run through to Edgefield (opposite Nashville) without change of cars. Passenger Trains will leave Louis ville dally, at 7:45 a. a., aud anive at hdgefield at 6:20 P. M.. Returnlug will leave Edgefield at T:00 a. M., arriving at Louisville at ft SADDLERY AND DEALERS III BACON. Kl Ol It. WHIHEY, uTxjrmfmfllVrmmammWsmT w. h. btokes.) MANUFACTURERS WoCLD FTND IT TO THEiK INTEREST MERCHANTS AND tholr purcnaseai and oraers from a a'stance wilt be attended toasu MMwmEasm9MXfratmM9mmamm ln to a. a ED T Freliht Trains will leave daily (Sundays excepted) for Nashvlde A Memphis Branch at 3 00 A. a Train for Lebanon will leave daily (except Sunday) at o:4A a. a. All Freights for Main road. Lebanon an Memphis, Branches, must be In the Depot by 4:00 p. m. Train for Bardstown will leave dally (except Sunday at 4:00 P. a. AH Fre'ghts for Bardstown Boadand Main Road North ot Bardstown Junction must be la Depot by 1st) P. at. B. MAlteHEUSupX an JyUitt 435 MAIM STREET, BETWEEN FIFTH AID SIXTH, NO. LILiROAD. AT STREETS STOKES, Coach and Saddlerv H a r tl w (Buuuasaua AND NASHVILLE itaX7amwHM-npEns- FOURTH PAT. W. H. CLINTON JOHNSON. AganL ATI. CittiTHERS. Supt. sSBskasQgsBBBssWsWsn anmj0GH....................0B0. gQ PBm OF-JrpBAINB WILL LEAVE JEFFBRSONVILLE. poslte Louisville, at 3:00 P. H., AND IOiOO P. n . 3:00 P. a. LIGHTNING EXPRESS EAST -- Dally (Sundays excepted) connecting at Seymour with Trains on the Oh'o and Mississippi Railroad for Oinctnuatl Oolnmbns. New York. Boston. Philadelphia, Baltr more, and all Eastern Cliies and at IndlaaapoUs with Belletontalne line for Cleveland, Plttslurg Philadelphia, Baltimore, and all the principal cities In the East: also withTralnson the Terrs Haute and Lafayette Railroads for St. Louis, Ohicagc, Rock Island. Uplncey. Hannibal. St. Joseph, and all the other principal cities In tho West and Northwest. 1000 p. sl NIGHT EXPRESS Dally (Saturday, excepted), connecting at Seymour wtth trains on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad for Cincinnati md ail Eastern cities; at Indlanapol'a wth the Line and Ind ana Ceutral for Toledo, Detroit Cleveland, Buffalo, New Fork, toe on, Phllade'phu! Baltimore, and ail points In the East; and w th the Cincinnati and Chicago lerre Hanto and Richmond and Lsfayette RaiiroaCs 'or Chicago, St, Paul, 8t. Joseph St. Lonls and a t nMnts in 'the West and Northwest. LOUISVILLE AND NATIONAL HOTEL IB SITUATED IU THE TEXT CENTER OF THE El OTfnleat to the Railroad, Tolegrapk sad Express Ofltees, the Banks. PeeOof and within one square of the principal Steamboat Tin Ban -The House has been th roughly renovated and 1 1 Bite a fef the summer baaineaa. than it ever was before, and to tho traveling comma irEjr, and petaous rlsfittsa; the ctty fox offers every Ind ace ro est for patronage. PRICES TO 9CTT THE TIMES. TIOLMM--Ml of Tlmo. Ojti.gtn.a:e OF MAIN THE RAILROAD! V iLLE LOUISVILLE FRA.NKF0KT AND LEXINGTON ft FRANK! 0RT SORT T. A. 1862 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1862 dsjTHW Which have never yet failed (when the directions hare been strictly followed) in removing difficulties arising from ON LOUISVILLE, HEW ALBANY AND CHICAGO RAILROAD ! FOR 8T. LO UIB, CHIC A GO DETROIT AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAY 4. 1862. PASSKN-ge- r Trains will Uave New Albany, opposite Louisville, as follows: 8.00 A. M. CHICAGO EXPRESS (dally except Sunday), making close connection at Mitchell, with O. A M Railroad, for St Louis, Cairo and the West, reaching Bt. Louis at 9:00 P M . connecting also at Green Costle Junction with T. A R. Railroad Eaot and West, at Lafayette with T. A W. Kallroad East and Wen, and at Michigan City for Chicago and Detroit. &O0 P. M. ST. LOUI8 NIGHT EXPRESS (dallv), react tag ST. LOUIS at A. M. and CINCINNATI at &00 A. M. This Train runs to Mitchell only RETURNING Leaves St. Louts at 7:00 A. M.. and COO P. M., making Immediate connection at Mitchell with South-bountrain: arriving at New Albany at 7 SOP M.,an1 4:30 A.M. ONLY ONE CHANGE OF CARS TO ST. LOO If CINCINNATI OR CHICAGO 1 BVBAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH --fjA. AsT"Th's road tuns the orlr trains from Louisville connecting with theOhlo A t R R., Wesu AVAT" For Through Tickets and further information aprly at the GENERAL RAILROAD lt'FICB, south west corner of Main and Third streets, Louisville, Kv JS9F" Trains are rttn by Loulsvlle time. A. B. CULVER. Snp't. B. B. PaXXSB, Agent. myl apptk-aOu- CO, Sc National Hotel, HAHHOW, Proprietor. IKAMPUKTATIOIS. CHANGE Or TIME INK! INK! INK! HINZEN -- freo upon PATCH KC- - A.- mySdAwlm SUTLERS. GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY," DR. HARVEY'S Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. I BENJ. F. AVERY. JOHN HARVEY, HAVINO FOR UPWARDS OF years devoted his professional time exclusively to the treatment ot Female Difficulties, and having ucceeded In thousands of cases In restoring the afflicted to sound health, has now entire confidence In offering pubiloly his Obstruction, 00 CASH. af Kentucky Aarlcultnral Works, Market Street, bet weea Prootasi asval Jarkaask commence the marufactuMcf Harvesters last season, with the belief that we con hi furnish Machines better salted to the wants alreadywfIntroduced Our plan Is to make separate, not combl ,ed. Machines; made for the special purpose, they can be simple cheap and tal?dan7rS?Si5IJ they are necesarilr- cmp ex and cost'v. and generally, after one season's use.when We matla but fowMechtaes for last tewVest but troe i tL, out of V?.2? performed well, as tbe certificates which we offer In onr descriptive circular, fn m thoseorder. who hare had experience with Harvesters, will ar.o'wT MaMe? Offlre THOUSAND PLuWS AND A KlGtlT J. large stock of Points. Landsides, Ac, of assorted sizes lor sale. Terms caan. thrice ts heretofore. In scutheast corner of my factory building. Main and Ftf.eenth streets, Entrance IMPORTANT TO LADIES. M n:v i PLOW. STEEL MOWER." PRICE FOR BALE ON TEN YEARS CREDIT CONTAINING OP THE "LOUISVILLE IS MADE ALMOST ENTIRELY OF IRON X it cuts a swath 4 feet 4 Inches wide, and cots even and obstructions, or lor mivlni from rleld to del i It Is rrriril tn thros pounds. Which U heavier than several nf On Invrnwl M.rhl subject. The tongue Is loose, and there 1 no weight on the horses' neck. Fifteen Improved Farms in tbe State of Indiana, COLD," COUGH, "8LIBTHOARSENESS, or Sore Thrsat A DESCRIPTION MACHINE THIS breaking, mh9 dAwSm Louisville, Ky. Price Six Cents. THK NATURE, A LECTURE Treatment, and Radical Cure of Sper- matorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, InvolIMiSnni HatiimI DeMlltv lllri ConImtenluiei.K to Marrlsge generally, Nenrouaness. sumption. Kp'leps-- and Fits; Mental and Physical Inc-paclall renpeett worthy of public patronage, and an agrees-bornAc By Bt;BT. J. to those w .o may avail themselves of IU result ng from Book, Ac. of the Green CULVER WELL, M.D.. Author ' l?ts2dlag to devote his own time and attention to th "A Boob to Tfeossssas of Sufferers I ail mas, and to surrowni mnmi ir witn to a. Detect s i a piaiu rem aaq pome miner ksi, in auanuve getner wiin natami, the assurance to the public that no post pats', on receipt of six cent, or two postage stamps, on his part shall be ranting to make the old by Dr. CU J. C. KLINE, 1JT Bowery, New York, Postta all respect worthy of its reputation in its Profeaalot however, are too aaafly and too frequently inxde to hoof much vaiue uuless accompanied by cor-- i Mtinartlnr acts, and he therefore only asks that the oabBc may tet the sincerity of his pledge by giving him a call They will always And him ready to minister to their comforts n the beat manner 1 n his power. WORLIT. latfdtf REAPER.' WRI HS soo POUNDS. CUTS H FEET WIDE. AND FROM 4 TO 14 INCHES HIGH. IT IS OF LIGHT DRAKT. AID WITrlOCP THTS MACHINE APParsk It wl'l cut. under favorable cin umstances, from 15 to 25 acres per dav. There Is no driver's seat on the Machine: this taavTiifk th w n gearing and boxes convenient for oiling or adjusting. Tne driver rtd' the horse on tho opositesldo from tae caiters.aao Is tn oo leeus ang of run eaw atonta Z accidentally fa L The gearing is all secured In an Iron fram'; the btarlnas are Ion and secure froi .lirt. With care thlo part of the Machine aliibetoii last 'or mmv ril irahonri. h'gh-cu- t of the ' Loulsvll e Reaper" eaves the handling uf a Urge portion of the heaviest part of the straw, and the forfcer lays off the arafn perf-- rt eslly as uron the ordinary high-cu- t taeataoant of work per day. The change from lew-! L,7i.hMt bundles Machines, wMch are not capable of dolnit overoao-hal- t . mTZZl y 'wo pts ns in one minute Farmers who usnil y have ha to spend a half hoar In making this change win appreciate ibis Improvement A lover .sSaail.iii t ngue to the trame to give the platform the pmper Inclination s The Machine Is perfectly balanced. There Is no weight upon toe borses exMSmNBja7 aa FOR OFFICERS I.. HALL, M.U., SALT RIVER. IF MAIN OF THE "LOUISVILLE DESCRIPTION te Of I Dr H. is agent for Dr. RATIER'S FRENCH PERIODICAL safe and certain remedy for Men Obstructions, Ac Price per Mall, strual irregularities. II, and one postage stamp. CAUTION. Tneoe Pill should not be used during preen, ncy, as they are sure to produce miscarriage. Tbe above remedies sent by mall to any addreM. Patient at a distance can consult us by letter, postage stamp inclosed. Office, No. lit Jefferson street, bet. First and Second All letters should be addressed Or In restoring the system to perfect health, when fering from Spinal Affections, Prolapsus, Uteri, the Whites, or other weakn, as or the Uterine Organs. Also, in all cases of Debility or Nervous Prostrations, Hysterics. Palpitations, Ac, Ac, which are the forerunners of more serious disease. constiS9 Tliese Pills are perfectly harmless on the femle tution, and may betaken by the most delicate without causing distress; at the same time they act like Also, at the same place, the flne young stallion SALT restoring RI ER, by Die hull, out of Brown Fanny, by a aire of a charm by strengthening, invigorating, and the svsteui to a healthv condition, and by bringing on Hetnsohu A Poe's old blaek Pilot, out of a thoroughno matter trom the monthly period with regularity, bred mare, at St. tbe season, and SIS to Insure. may arise. They should, SALT RIVKKlsadark brown or black, Sve years old what cause the obstructions be taken duriug the first three or four tht Spring, fifteen hands three Inches high, heavy set however, not though sate at any other time, aa and very strong; has floe action, and very stylish, and monihs of pregnancy, would be tbe result, trotted in hsawna. a mile, with little handling, on the mlscarriHge Kach box contains SO Pills. Pxtca Onx Dollax. and Lexington Course, In M, at four years old. 1 his horse by mall prepaid, by will be under tbe management and contract or F. G and when desired, will beJ. snt BRYAN, General Agent, Murphy who raised him. Rochester, N. T. P7M JOHNSON, Assignee Sold by Druegists generally. Or any advertised agent. of P. a. MURPHY aUdlm RAYMOND A TYLEK, Wholesale and Retail Agents, Louisville. Ky. a8 dA weowlnsl y SStlil lfVa Bmw fir 'A DYBUNQ. SCOURING. AND TAILORING Is on Jefferson stre. t, north side, between Third and Fourth, No 316, where the above named work la done tn a ttyle that surpasses anything In this community. Owners foel disappointed when they see their old cloLhes; they present a very different appearance for a reasonable consideration. Those philosophers who Insist that drees makes tht man, can put their philosophy to tho test at a very trl fling expense, by calling at J. H. MONTGOMERY'S Those who have dilapidated wardrobe establishment. would do well to have them pa-- through my hands: they will find It profitable by so doing All work placed in my care ts done with neatness and dispatch. All kinds of Clothing made to order on the shortesi notice and most reasonable terms. I feel grateful to the community for their liberal pa tronage, and 1 flatter myself that I have given satisol faction, or else I could not have the work that la dally brought to my shop; and toe cry is, "Still they come. It Is the whole cry. If you want your work done right, go to Montgomery's; there yon will be pleased, for hols the one that ran dolt. Lot tlioe fraternity bring their work along, and b longing to have It done in a handsome style. Ladles' Silks, Satins. Velvets, Woolens, and Cotton, cleansed and dyed to any shade or color, and warranted not to rub off or fads. Crape Shawls cleansed to loot, like new. As the good weather ts coming, ladles, sen;' your Shawls and Dresses and have them beautified. Please call and examine the work at my shop, and Be sure and call at satisfy yonrselvet. MONTGOMERY'S. No. 467, Jefferson st , seS dtr between Third and Fotitth Ohrono Thermal Female Pills, PHCENIX HOTEL, Sims! asttsea tor lain msUol in Depot a st and sole JjjftjBSSWBSrAjlfiiaaH : THEDEAD BROUGHT TO LIFE DR. BE POUN f OYSTERS AT 25 CENTS WHERK CANSAewed, fried or broiled; also, all other delicacies of the season. 1 have also fltud up Refretbm' nt Booms expressly for Ladl B. mhUdSm WARNER. Proprietor. IB VACUO. and Analytical Chemist, turn of ON THE PLAN OF THE H08P1TA DEr VENKRIEN8. PARIS, THiWE AFFIJOTBD WHEREany iorm of Private Dis-- BVJfZJf' ease can receive pronipc irwimeui i ; Hyphll-la- . without rigkoreTiO':-,.- ' e;trlct.ures. Ul- SMaarrtM sers. i r.mors, Oartcenu Secondary and Const : at Sot. l SnhtPs. of the ttiaueys, etc. FlftOQU years ot extensive prac Uoe exclusively devote to the treat-meu- i ot those complaints, enable us to effect cures In cases where others of seas experience have failed. Special attention given to the treatment of Nervous Debility. Im- potency. Seminal Weakness, and all those distressing ymptotus caused by a secret habit of vouth, which ruins the body and mind, unfitting the sufferer for either business or society. Some of the effects of these early habits are dizziness of tbe head, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, weakness of the back and limbs, nervousness, dyspepsia, symptoms ot consumption, Ac Upon the mind they produce loas of memory, confusion of ideas, depression or spirits, evil to re codings, aversion u society, sel.'iilstrust, timidity, Ac. Our remedies prevett and cure Nocturnal Emtss give tone to the nerves, strength to the system, rbeerfnlnen to the mind. Married men cr those contemplating marriage, w are suffering from any of the above fearful maladies, can obtain permanent and speedy relief by an early application at onr ofllce. OONDUOTBD Public hpeaker and Singvra strengthening GROUSE IT MEDICAL INFIRMARY Which 1 known to te the best In the country, on hand In barrela, bait barrels, quarter bairels, bottle, and draught for sale by CO. till Kr'ER A C ., mh24 Sole Aeents. rUEASAVts PREPARED 1.0TJI3VIIII.E JOHN W. HARRIES' ALEXANDER THE GREAT DIUBETIC. atacdlng. ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. C . C. RI EFER Sl CO.. Pro's. FIFTKEW YEARS' EXPERIENCE Dayton Ale and Porter. OF HOW LONG STANDING year' And all other delicacies of the season, received dally by Express, and served up In the most spproved style, at ' fHKMmmmWnHMMMMMMMMMcX UXHTov or PEACH O&CHaU), DIAMOND MnAA Lr?---i- .sl Coal. Coal. SHELL SO 00,, & Jealarli:, WALKER'S EXCHANGE, WOBM-OU- LOUISVILLE. KY. STAPLE AND FANCY DBY GOODS all descriptions, at unprecedented low prices. LAWNS, SILKS, PLAID COTTONI. POPLINS. DELAINES, BROWN COTTONS, MOZAMBIQUE. BLEACHED COTTONS PARASOLS, PRINTS. WHIT R GOODS, PLANTATION DRILLS, HOSIERY ANDGLOVBS. LINENS. CHINTZES, FANCY LINENS. Ac. Together with everything nfuallv kept in a first-claDry Goods House, to which we Invite the attention ol our lady friends and cash buyers generally. mh30d6a- DINUFKLDRR A GOLDMAN STOCK OF OUB complete, Merchant, Ageit and Thoaeaade upon Thousands to DBS. H. G. MILLER THOSE AFFLICTED WITH anv disease of a t'KIVATE NATURiC. such aa Gonorrhea, Primary or G ut. Stricture. Coai Secondary Siphiht. Seminal Weakness. Sexual VebUUy. Jm- FMrff aBrett. jafmiew Market Mad Jtjtrtcn, treat staV potency. Barrenness, or any dis Mr. ease ot tne uenttai or uniary xaRaONS DV.IR1NU GOAL CAN BE BUPPL1BD Al Organs, before imparting the X any one should first abort not!ce by calling at the tbove plice, an.t with fecet toNew Treatise on Sexual the beat article la tae mancot, at tne towost casn rcadonr gtveblrj yorardens. lals dt; Dlbtlity; sent by mall to auy address on receipt of one three cent postage stamp. This work contains mucn va uahle information never before published, and of the most vital Importance to the health and happiness of every individual, bith male and f mals. It contains an elaborate treatise n the various diseases Incident to the Genital Organs of both sexes, together with list of Remedies, Prises, Ac. We are agents for Mad. CapraulV TO THIS LADIES Pkmal. Monthly Pills, a safe and effectual remedy for Obstructions all trniale disease?, such as Irregularities, of the Menses, Whites, Ac. Price uy mail, Sl and one THE BUST QllALITi AND AT THE LOWEST postage stamp. during taken by Prl. e for Cautios. These Pills should not be CRITTENDEN B GAKTT. pregnancy, as they are inre to produce miscarriage. West sjde Third near Main. A , fur M. La Croix Fxknch Pxxvintivi Podkrb. Bv their use married ladles may limit the number of their offspring at pleasure without the least danger of nlury to health. They act by presenting conception aking place. One box will last for years. Price by On tbe Cold Westher, and no Retreat. mall. S2 and two postage stamps. FOR CONST ON HAND AND HAVE ANTU Females will obtain mnch valuable information by V? sale, the Pittsburg and Pomeroy Coal, at the eadlng our New Medical Treatise. lowest market price. Give us your orders. Persons wishing to consu't us personally on any of CHJCKKR1NG A RROTHPR. the above diseases will find us at our office, jorth-eae- t sta. de2dlv Omen Oomer Market ard PT-corner Ihlrd and Market streets; private en'rance on Third street, from 6 a m. to p m , and from 3 to 6 and to 9 p. .; Sundays from 8 to 11 A. a. No charge for rooms Consultation or exaKlaatlona. QUALITY OF PITTSBURG COAL AT TH entlrelv private. Secrecy Di all cases Inviolable. Address all letters to Alao.bBBOH BOTTOM OOAI A CO . DBS. II. G. MILLER BMBB M Louisville. Ky. J. If- KELLOGG. Agcct, aZ7dAw Third Htrewt, hrt waea Main nasi Marknt. MAT IB FOR THE CURE OF ALL iau R ET A U K AN T8. It oaaaac frequent deatre. and give itrencth ts Urinate, thereby resuovtnc obstruction, preventing and conni I gtrlitire- - f tt . l'i tW. allaying palo and In- so In the class of diseases, and For ali affection ondocted on the European Plan, Proprietors. little or no 8'Al Market street, between Third and Fourth, Shoulder-strap- Off! ma Ml Tblri street, betw.i. Market and on. at Rot b's oM ftand. and WM Kouthw-s- t corner of Brook and Market trett-- ft "LOUISVILLE REAPER." Names of officers and regiments, or any Inscription desired etched on blades. No sword will be sold without having passed through a severe trial. An entirely new and usefnl article of PRIVATE DISEASES. iocrot Dlsoasoi WHO HAVE DR. GATES' iRVBKa FOR ANY OF TUP ABOvE COALS RB specttnllv foivte.1 and pv iptlv. filled at the lo Oonstantly jo jtoo.1 supr ij CANNEL sn.' PKAOX;K I'oMER )Y for kitchen, panor or chMnber nae.hsf 0OAI. V tiOLllMAft, For all grades of officers; Pistols, Belts, Sashes, Peasants f siisai or MX market prices Of the PBY'TONA DINtiFKLDKl. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, . 'atgejsassmaasgaBa bet?n Pittsburg and Peytona Cannel Coal, AN. for the P omerov Goal, Sole Cl RKS POlBONOUS. DISEASED. AND ntavninc Siaty largt Hj'J, mJ Thirty fnr flaiei wjt AaioTirfsiM of cm astaxrm cad V'ynotMv of vie wasiaf Ortant u stair qf Bealih and Dur.atr, ON A NEW METHOD OP treating VKNKURAL DISEASES, Including Syphilis In all Its alag eel : Gonorrhea. Gleet, Stricand Hydrocele, ture. Varicodle. Disease- - of the Kidney, Bladder, Ac. WITHOUT MEIiCURY! a valuable treatise on malady of youth, d that SKM1NAL WKAKNKSS, Nocturnal Emlskhin, Sexual Debility, Ira potency, Ac .thesseretlnflim-ttle- s of youth and maturity aris-1nfrom the banefal habit of eif-sbuse. To which h added observations on FEMALE DISEASES, and other tntereuun niaxicr ot tne utmost imruiriHiire ui the married, and thoe cortcmplatlmc marriage, who entertain doubts of tbelr physical ability to enter that state. Sent to any aidreas In a sealed wrapper, on receipt ot Ten uenr-- or tour stamps. Those afflicted with any of the above disosaoa. boior niacins themselves under the treatment of any one. ahouid first road this work. We decota our Millie time and attention to tne treap ment of the ration private diseases treated of In our Report, out InspenBary if the onlv Institution of the Kind in America which has been established by a special charter, and this fact should el ve It a preference over tbe various quack of doubtful character to be found In sd large citi s. TO FEMALES. Special attention given to all diseases Also far sale of Females DR. DEWEES'S RrGULATOR PILLS For Female Obstructions, Irregularities, Ac. Married ladles In certain situations should not use them, as they would cause Mdjcakxiaox Price II per box, and may ho sent by mall. An Invaluable article DR. GALEN'S PREVENTIVE (jt those wishing to limit the number of their offspring, or the barren who desire children; warranted not to the health. The Preventive, which will last tor a lifetime, will be sent to any address under seal, on the racelpt of the price TWO DOLLARS. PATIENTS AT A D18TANCEBy sending a brief statement of their symptoms, will receive a Blank Chart containing a list of questions, our terms tor the course of treatment. Ac. Medicines sent to any part of the ountrv to cute any case at home, free from damage or MgtoaHr. The Consulting Surgeon, who Is a regular gradnate ot jne of the first Institutions in the country, and of large experience In the treatment of Venereal Diseases, will rive his personal attention t j office patients during an hour of the day or even'ng. Consultations and exaoit oallon.s strictly pilvat and free of charae. Market and OFHCB No. 314 Filth street. leffcrson, west aide. To Insure safely to all letters, direct to 0ALS.V. uBAI) DISPENSARY Drawer 247. Louisville. Kv. mhl9 dAwia J A O'COWIVOB, TO J08. ROBB), (SUOCESROHS rRl CK ONLY TEN CENTS, MESXOA.L REPORT. FOR SALE! AND I At tin HELMBOLB'S EXTRACT BUCHU AND NO APOIT THIS BRIGG3 k t heir customers and the pub W. T. HLft.RTFOB.Il BE WITHOUT IT. in all their ctare; at little ex: in diet; no InconvenUnoe. COAL! CONSTANTLY IN RECEIPT OF 8TICTLT SCBBENRD PlttHburg and tottshlogeny CX1AL, mined expreasly for this market, from 'he noie, 'Hyatt" mires, which I offer In lot tt suit the burer, at the loweat market price. Al-the Hartford City, which surpasses any coa! or c jsUrg. W. L MUKPHV. No. 48 Third st , a( net. Main and Market, eat side. Coal. abotx. HO FAMILY SHOULD I N. W. HUGHES. J. N. COLLINS. Females, Females, Females, sxi fciarro Coal j JUST PUBLISHED Ag-ent- Requires the aid ef medicine to strengthen and tnvV-oratthe System, which HEI.MBOLDS EXTRACT invariably does. A trial will convince the OLD Coal BOLI AGENT FOR HRVKRAL OF THE BEING PITTSBURG MIMES and YOl)GUIOGHNY and hat-lu- g devote hi- - exclusive attention during tht past twenty years, to the COAL nCSINESS, feel him of sell JnatlOed In oOerlng to the public coal the bes quality, by the barge or boat load, or by retail, at nc tumMtv low price to suit the time, at bio office, No 10i FourUi street, between Ma'u and Watr, cast side Be buy and sells exclusively FOR CASH, and guaran tr l:l retail enstcmers irocxi weight, aa hi coal la al a sworn vJ inspector. N. W. HUGHES. anXT dtr FITS, EPILEPTIC In owe of which tbe patient mar expire. Who can say they are uol frequently followed by those "direful TBI .i Coal ! AM of the These symptoms. If allowed to go on, which this In variably remove, aoon fbl:owt 1M POTENCY Will be found at Hyatt' Depot. No. IIS for sale at all beurs during the day In large or small quantities RACT BUCHU T Coal, YonghiOgheny and ut of the rrl.bratet Hne known as the f. tiya't a r Umll shipped exprcly Horner Mines, f1 . . . . mined sn.l fur CAS. h II. use. oi mcii nr winii riu I.V. -ut Uv "T,I T'Ak Also. omerov. Hart-t.laige or mkll lots toMlfcftayers. ir ni rke;. (lir nl other va letlea of, O-- l beatInblack orniththe at price to eultt lie Urae. al-oine toal alwy n band, i ut up In uogsN a I ready for stiipp lur bv rail or rlV' r ar exceeiiuimy nw raws, rem, immmHtn All nrdvrs sent to ilyatl's Coal Dtpot aball be prompt:, attended to. -- ALSO ' ol tha dlmM Per , r Poiiyre and Specific Remedy Bladdar, For the Cure of all Private Diseases K TO INFORM HIS CUSTOMERS ANT) TH 'n genera that La ha moved M office to ot 1 tiira arm rfeu. iwu iu iuc cuiiaiauii) I.e k iw No. 113 mue me om iunuj WISHES i.r FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Pittsburg A L A-- ....... tJ MISCELLANEOUS. jW. LUMBER. COAL HELMBOLD'S ,n vmn ABM'S v JOI a... and -- VeiytianBH JOHN F. H ARV RY RBSPBOTTVLL? JJRj-ratso- na 5? TJ . mFF .0- - HI8 Fa prepare A F .15 to tae trac er tne bnsl- n- , area ulWi'i wer- -t a iw .' Pvtey rsi. isirti! asd terms) r t J GERMAN - SUSLSZ V'mll U " INSBRAiNCE COMPANY. last Side Third 8U,aet. Vale 4 Market. THE 8REAT CLOTHING HOUSE -- OF SPROULE & MANDEVILLE. Serine Styles Just Received SH'RTS Linen sad Muslin. 3NDBRSH1RT8 and DRAWERS BR SOCKS Silk, Lisle, and Cotton. BUSINESS SUITS. CarWr Mala 811k. Llnea and Mae. oclsrttf TgJgu mm4.r .W 8PROCLE A MANDETILE. - A ' A1101 mhS3 Organdie Maallai. PBCHASE FEOSA SIGHT DRAFTS FOREIQ3ST RTS W VroVJajraoe! affffillaS? ACCtlON. JAMES LOW A CO.. Ml and SMI gteSei sasuf AfmtUrmimm SHi.YjLE Corner Hancock and Main 9 dtf I. If. Tftnia FOR SALE Math ts. V. $2 50 per Thousand. Av
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