AT A GLANCE SINCE ITS INCEPTION, MARVEL COMICS HAS BEEN DEFINED BY HARDHITTING ACTION, COMPLEX CHARACTERS, ENGROSSING STORY LINES AND — A B OV E A L L — H E R O I S M AT I TS F I N E ST. G E T T H E SC O O P O N M A R V E L S ’ S MOST POPULAR CHARACTERS WITH THIS EASY-TO-FOLLOW ROAD MAP TO T H E I R G R EAT E ST A DV E N T U R E S . AVA I L A B L E FA L L 2 0 1 5 ! STAR WARS As the ph e n ome n on dawn e d in 19 77, Ma rve l Comic s p ub li sh e d th e ve ry firs t S ta r Wa rs c omic -book s e rie s . Now, Sta r Wa rs h a s c ome h ome a s top-tie r c re a tors te ll n ew storie s th a t a re n oth in g s h ort of e s s e n tia l re adin g for fan s of a ga la xy fa r, fa r away. STAR WARS VOL. 1: SKYWALKER STRIKES TPB .............................................6 STAR WARS: DARTH VADER VOL. 1 - VADER TPB .........................................4 8 STAR WARS: PRINCESS LEIA TPB ..........................................................................8 STAR WARS: JOURNEY TO STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS - SHATTERED EMPIRE TPB .....................................................................................................78 STAR WARS: KANAN - THE LAST PADAWAN VOL. 1 TPB ...............................8 2 STAR WARS: THE ORIGINAL MARVEL YEARS OMNIBUS VOL. 3 HC .............. 11 STAR WARS: THE MARVEL COVERS VOL. 1 HC .............................................47 STAR WARS: EPISODE VI - RETURN OF THE JEDI HC ....................................8 0 STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: RISE OF THE SITH VOL. 1 TPB ....10 STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: THE EMPIRE VOL. 2 TPB .............8 4 STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: INFINITIES TPB .......................... 125 THE AVENGERS I ro n Ma n ! Tho r! C ap tai n Ameri ca! Hu lk! B lac k Widow! Hawkeye ! T h ey a re E arth’s Mi ghti est H ero es, ple dge d to prote c t th e pla n e t fro m i ts mo st p owerful threats! AVENGERS BY JONATHAN HICKMAN VOL. 2 HC ....................................................1 6 NEW AVENGERS BY JONATHAN HICKMAN VOL. 2 HC ...........................................1 6 AVENGERS WORLD VOL. 4: BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT TPB ....................................1 8 AVENGERS: TIME RUNS OUT VOL. 1 TPB ...............................................................1 9 AVENGERS BY KURT BUSIEK & GEORGE PEREZ OMNIBUS VOL. 2 HC................ 118 AVENGERS: TIME RUNS OUT VOL. 2 TPB ...............................................................7 3 CAPTAIN AMERICA & THE MIGHTY AVENGERS VOL. 2 TPB .................................. 122 SECRET WARS Ti m e ru n s ou t. Eve ryth in g e n ds . T h e Se c re t Wa rs co mme n c e in Ma rve l’s bigge s t eve n t eve r! SEE PAGES 168-172 FOR A COMPLETE SECRET WARS CHECKLIST 1 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY The enti re gala xy is a me s s . Wa rrin g e mpire s a n d c os mic te rroris ts p lague every corn e r. Some on e h a s to ris e a bove it a ll a n d figh t for th o se w ho have no o ne to figh t for th e m. T h e G u a rdia n s of th e G a la xy a re Pe t e r Qui ll, a.k.a. Star- Lord; G a mora , th e mos t da n ge rou s woma n in th e u n ive r se ; Drax the Dest royer; Roc ke t Rac c oon ; a n d G root. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 4: ORIGINAL SIN TPB ....................................159 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 5 PREMIERE HC ..............................................2 8 GUARDIANS TEAM-UP VOL. 1 TPB ..........................................................................6 4 GUARDIANS OF KNOWHERE TPB ......................................................................... 151 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY SOLO CLASSIC OMNIBUS HC .............................. 119 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY BY JIM VALENTINO VOL. 3 TPB ...............................6 2 X-MEN T h ey h ave always li ved i n the shadows — bu t a s th e th re a ts a g ai nst them have grow n, th e X -Me n h ave c ome in to th e li ght! Mutant hero es C yclo ps , S torm, Rogu e , G a mbit, Wo l ve ri n e and m o re defend them selve s a n d th e ir fre e doms a g a in s t a wo rld that hates and fears th e m! ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 2 HC .....................................................................................24 ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 3 HC ...................................................................................154 ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 6: THE ULTIMATE ADVENTURE TPB....................................155 UNCANNY X-MEN VOL. 5: THE OMEGA MUTANT TPB.............................................8 5 X-MEN: YEARS OF FUTURE PAST TPB ..................................................................100 X-MEN ‘92 TPB .......................................................................................................143 X-MEN: AGE OF APOCALYPSE VOL. 2 - REIGN TPB ................................................76 X-MEN: AGE OF APOCALYPSE VOL. 3 - OMEGA TPB ............................................160 X-MEN EPIC COLLECTION: THE GIFT TPB ............................................................162 IRON MAN A tech geni us, a billion a ire , a de bon a ir playboy — Tony S ta rk is m any thi ngs. Bu t more th a n a ny oth e r, h e is th e A rmore d A ve n ge r — Iro n Man! With h is eve r-evolvin g a rmor, Iron Ma n is a le ade r amo ng the Ave n ge rs wh ile va lia n tly oppos in g h is own formida ble gallery o f rogu e s ! SUPERIOR IRON MAN VOL. 1: INFAMOUS TPB...................................................... 161 SUPERIOR IRON MAN VOL. 2 PREMIERE HC...........................................................3 2 ARMOR WARS: WARZONES! TPB ..........................................................................10 4 DAREDEVIL Bl i n de d b y a rad i o acti ve i so to p e as a te e n , bu t gifte d with a rada r s e n s e eve n b etter than si ght, Matt M u rdoc k de fe n ds th e powe rle s s b y d ay a s Manhattan’s to p atto rney. B y n igh t, h e figh ts th e c ity’s de ad l i e s t fo es as the swashb uckli ng D a re devil, th e Ma n With ou t Fe a r! DAREDEVIL VOL. 4 TPB........................................................................................................... 11 0 DAREDEVIL EPIC COLLECTION: WIDOW’S KISS TPB ............................................................... 1 3 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: DAREDEVIL VOL. 9 HC ...................................................................3 6 2 SPIDER-MAN “Wi th great p ower there mu s t a ls o c ome gre a t re s pon s ibility!” With th e s e as hi s watchwo rd s, S pide r-Ma n s e rve s h is be love d New York City a s its greatest champ i o n — u s in g h is wa ll-c rawlin g a bilitie s to s pin a we b a ga inst dead ly fo es li ke the G re e n G oblin , Ve n om a n d D oc tor Oc topu s ! AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 4 TPB .........................................................................................2 0 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 5: SPIRAL TPB ............................................................................2 2 SPIDER-MAN: RENEW YOUR VOWS TPB................................................................................ 1 3 4 SPIDER-VERSE: WARZONES! TPB .......................................................................................... 1 3 2 SPIDER-ISLAND: WARZONES! TPB ...........................................................................................5 6 MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN ULTIMATE COLLECTION BOOK 2 TPB ...................7 0 MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN ULTIMATE COLLECTION BOOK 3 TPB ................. 1 5 6 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 17 HC .....................................1 6 0 THOR H e is th e so n o f Od i n, the sci o n o f As ga rd, th e broth e r of Loki a n d th e G o d of Thunder! H e i s Tho r, the migh tie s t h e ro of th e Nin e R e a l m s a n d p ro tecto r o f mo rtals o n Ea rth — from th re a ts born ac ro s s th e uni verse o r deep w i thi n th e h e llis h pits of S u rtu r th e F ire D e m o n. By the mi ght o f hi s mystic h a mme r Mjoln ir, n o ma n or m o n s te r s hall harm Mi d gard ! THORS TPB ........................................................................................................................13 9 WOLVERINE His u nyie ldin g A da ma n tiu m c laws a n d de a th -de fyin g h e a lin g fac tor h ave made h im on e of th e world’s m o st popu la r a n d ic on ic c h a rac te rs . T h e be s t th e re is a t wh a t h e doe s , Wolve rin e rips th rou gh a ll c h a lle n ge rs in s olo ac tion a n d a s a me mbe r of th e X -Me n ! DEATH OF WOLVERINE TPB...................................................5 WOLVERINE: OLD MAN LOGAN VOL. 0 – WARZONES! TPB .102 WOLVERINES VOL. 4: DESTINY TPB ...................................3 4 WOLVERINE EPIC COLLECTION: THE DYING GAME TPB .162 3 DEADPOOL The Me rc with a Mou th — a ve ry big mou th — c a n ’t s e e m t o stay ou t of trou ble , wh ic h is ju s t fin e with re ade rs wh o love th e mix of h igh ac tion a n d h ila riou s c ome dy th a t’s made him on e of th e mos t popu la r c on te mpora ry c h a rac te rs i n c omi cs! DEADPOOL’S SECRET SECRET WARS TPB ............................................................50 MRS. DEADPOOL AND THE HOWLING COMMANDOS TPB ....................................57 DEADPOOL VS. THANOS TPB ............................................................................... 126 DEADPOOL BY POSEHN & DUGGAN VOL. 3 HC .................................................25 DEADPOOL BY POSEHN & DUGGAN VOL. 4 HC ............................................... 157 DEADPOOL CLASSIC VOL. 13: DEADPOOL TEAM-UP TPB .................................62 DEADPOOL CLASSIC VOL. 14: SUICIDE KINGS TPB .......................................163 ALL AGES Fu n fo r the w ho le fami ly, Marvel’s A ll A ge s c omic s de live r th e b e s t s up er- hero characters and c omic -book ac tion in a w i de range o f ki d - fri end ly co lle c tion s — in c lu din g U l tim a te Sp i der- Man and Avengers: Ea rth ’s Migh tie s t H e ro e s , ti e- i ns to Di sney XD’s p o p ula r Ma rve l U n i ve rs e ani m ati o n b lo ck! MARVEL UNIVERSE ALL-NEW AVENGERS ASSEMBLE VOL. 3 DIGEST ...........164 MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN: WEB WARRIORS VOL. 3 DIGEST ..164 4 SEPTEMBER DEATH OF WOLVERINE TPB Logan is no stranger to death. He’s killed thousands. He’s watched teammates, friends and lovers die. Now, stripped of his healing factor, the X-Man and Avenger faces his own date with the reaper. There’s a bounty on his head, a price big enough to put a horde of enemies and assassins on his trail. The race is VU[VÄUK>VS]LYPULI\[^OVW\[V\[[OLJVU[YHJ[&:HIYL[VV[O&=PWLY&6YZVTLVULL]LU^VYZL&>OLU 3VNHUKPZJV]LYZ[OH[OPZT`Z[LY`MVL^HU[ZOPTHSP]LOL[\YUZVU[OLVɈLUZP]L(Z[OLO\U[LKILJVTLZ [OLO\U[LYVUJLTVYLOL»ZKL[LYTPULK[VKPL[OL^H`OLSP]LK;OL>VS]LYPUL^PSSNVV\[ÄNO[PUN COLLECTING: DEATH OF WOLVERINE 1-4 DATA AUTHOR: CHARLES SOULE ARTIST: STEVE MCNIVEN ISBN: 978-0-7851-9163-6 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 144 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES DEATH OF WOLVERINE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-9351-7 - JANUARY-15 WOLVERINE: OLD MAN LOGAN TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3172-4 - SEPTEMBER-10 5 SEPTEMBER STAR WARS VOL. 1: SKYWALKER STRIKES TPB Writer Jason Aaron’s early collaboration with artist Cameron Stewart on DC/Vertigo’s The Other Side was named one of The Washington Post’s “Best Comics of 2007.” His next project, Scalped, garnered industry-wide praise and led to a guest spot on Wolverine. After signing with Marvel Comics, Aaron completed another run on Wolverine, as well as stints on Black Panther and Ghost Rider, before moving on to Wolverine: Weapon X and a relaunch of Wolverine. In the wake of his status-quo-shattering miniseries X-Men: Schism, he helped usher in a new era for Marvel’s mutants in the pages of Wolverine & the X-Men and then Amazing X-Men. Aaron delivered a centuriesspanning epic for Marvel NOW! in Thor: God of Thunder before rocking the Marvel Universe with Original Sin. The greatest space adventure of all returns to Marvel! Luke Skywalker and the ragtag rebel band VWWVZPUN[OL.HSHJ[PJ,TWPYLHYLMYLZOVɈ[OLPY biggest victory yet — the destruction of the massive Death Star. But the Empire’s not toppled yet! Join Luke, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2 and the rest of the Rebel Alliance as they ÄNO[MVYMYLLKVTHNHPUZ[[OLL]PSVM+HY[O=HKLYHUK his Master, the Emperor! But when a Rebel assault goes very wrong, Han and Leia will have to think fast [VTHRL[OLPYLZJHWL¯^OPSL3\RLÄUKZOPTZLSMMHJL to-face with Darth Vader! In the explosive aftermath, a humbled Luke returns to Tatooine to learn more about his mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi. Meanwhile, Leia and Han undertake a vital — and dangerous — ZLJYL[TPZZPVU¯I\[JHU[OL`Z\JJLLK^P[OV\[3\RL& Artist John Cassaday’s collaboration with writer Joss Whedon on Astonishing X-Men further enhanced the artist’s already impressive resume. Lauded as “an illustration god” by Warren Ellis and “an opalescent talent” by legendary author Alan Moore, Cassaday continues to be an impressive force in the industry. Cassaday’s work on Astonishing X-Men and WildStorm’s Planetary garnered him an unprecedented three consecutive Eisner Awards for Best Artist; Astonishing also won for Best Continuing Series. In addition to his work with Whedon, Cassaday has contributed to the Marvel Knights Captain America series and the Captain America: Fallen Son miniseries, as well as providing covers and design work for the revamped Lone Ranger series published by Dynamite Entertainment. Cassaday has participated in a crossAtlantic project, illustrating I Am Legion for the French publisher Humanoids, available in America through Devil’s Due. Already a legend in the comic-book industry, Cassaday’s work was spotlighted in 2008 in the pages of Conde Nast’s prestigious online magazine, showcasing his impressive artistic achievements to a worldwide audience. COLLECTING: STAR WARS 1-6 DATA AUTHOR: JASON AARON ARTIST: JOHN CASSADAY ISBN: 978-0-7851-9213-8 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 144 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR "This is a comic burdened with glorious purpose, arriving with pomp and circumstance for a comic expected to sell one million copies." - Entertainment Weekly COMP TITLES CIVIL WAR TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2179-4 - APRIL-07 MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6403-6 - NOVEMBER-14 Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. © & TM 2015 LUCASFILM LTD. 6 "As writer Jason Aaron steers new series, million-selling comic is a Force to be reckoned with." - Washington Post 7 SEPTEMBER XXXXXXXX STAR WARS: PRINCESS LEIA TPB When Princess Leia Organa was captured by the Empire, she never betrayed her convictions — even after the complete destruction of her homeworld, Alderaan. When her rescue came, Leia grabbed HISHZ[LYHUKQVPULK[OLÄNO[LZJHWPUNIHJR[V the Rebel Alliance and helping strike the biggest blow against the Empire — the destruction of the Death Star! But in the aftermath of that victory, the question remains…what is a princess without H^VYSK&(Z3LPHJVTLZ[VNYPWZ^P[OOLYSVZZH new mission leads her to the underground world of Sullust. The Empire is rounding up fugitive Alderaanians, and that doesn’t sit well with their princess! But what can one woman do against the .HSHJ[PJ,TWPYL&;OL`»YLHIV\[[VÄUKV\[1VPU[OL galaxy’s toughest princess on a quest to save her people and rebuild her life! New York Times best-selling author Mark Waid has worked for every major company in the comics industry in a near three-decade career, writing thousands of issues including runs of Amazing Spider-Man, X-Men, Ka-Zar and Fantastic Four. His other works of note include his collaboration with painter Alex Ross, Kingdom Come, which earned an Eisner Award for Best Limited Series; his long run on DC’s Flash; and his revamp of the Man of Steel’s origin in Superman: Birthright. For three years, >HPKZLY]LKÄYZ[HZLKP[VYPUJOPLMHUKSH[LYJOPLMJYLH[P]L Vɉ JLYVM)VVT:[\KPVZMVY^OVTOPZWYVQLJ[ZPUJS\KLK Irredeemable. He collaborated with Chris Samnee on Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom for IDW and writes the series 0UZ\ɈLYHISL for his digital-comics website, Thrillbent, while he is enjoying the greatest outpouring of critical acclaim he’s ever received with the Eisner Award-winning Daredevil. Artist Terry Dodson broke into Marvel Comics with Storm, a four-issue series with writer Warren Ellis focusing on the longtime X-Man. After a stint on the X-Men teen ZWPUVɈZLYPLZGeneration X, Dodson helped writer Karl Kesel launch Harley Quinn for DC Comics, starring the Joker’s deadly female sidekick. Following the completion of writer Mark Millar’s Marvel Knights Spider-Man, Dodson again collaborated with Millar on the EA video game Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects. Following runs on Uncanny X-Men and Defenders with writer Matt Fraction, Dodson remains one of the most popular artists PU[OLÄLSKHZ[H[\ZOLH[[YPI\[LZPUSHYNLWHY[[V[OL contributions of his wife, Rachel, who adds her talented inking to much of Terry’s work. COLLECTING: PRINCESS LEIA 1-5 "10 out of 10" - Newsarama DATA AUTHOR: MARK WAID ARTIST: TERRY DODSON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9317-3 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PRICE: $16.99US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK COLLECTING: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DATA COMP TITLES AUTHOR: XXXXXXXXX CIVIL WAR TPB ARTIST: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ISBN: ISBN: 978-0-7851-2179-4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX- APRIL-07 PUB MONTH: XXXXXXXXXX DEADPOOL KILLS THE UNIVERSE PRICE: $ XXXXXXX US MARVEL / $ XXXXXXXX CAN TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6403-6 - NOVEMBER-14 SUBJECT CATEGORY: XXXXXX RATING: XXXXXXXXX TRIM SIZE: XXXXXXXXXX PAGE COUNT: XXXXXX TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR "Princess Leia #1 is waiting to be re-read, just as surely as the original movies are waiting to be re-watched" MARKETING- ComicBookResources Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. MARKETING Review coverage COMP TITLESfrom major entertainment and comic websites. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade ISBN: XXXXXXXXXXX - XXXXXXXXXX shows. XXXXXXXXXX Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade XXXXXXXXXXX publications. ISBN: - XXXXXX News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. © & TM 2015 LUCASFILM LTD. 8 "Marvel's Star Wars hot streak continues with the release of Princess Leia #1" - IGN DATA AUTHOR: XXXXXXXXX ARTIST: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ISBN: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX PUB MONTH: XXXXXXXXXX PRICE: $ XXXXXXX US / $ XXXXXXXX CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: XXXXXX RATING: XXXXXXXXX TRIM SIZE: XXXXXXXXXX PAGE COUNT: XXXXXX TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ISBN: XXXXXXXXXXX - XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX ISBN: XXXXXXXXXXX - XXXXXX SEPTEMBER Offering a new way for fans to collect and read classic and iconic Star Wars stories across the past 35 years of published titles, the Epic Collections collect full, unbroken runs of Star Wars titles set in the Old Republic, the Galactic Empire, the Rebellion and more. 1 These stories take place before Episode I. ® RISE OF THE SITH 53499 STAR WARS: JEDI — THE DARK SIDE #1-5, STAR WARS: QUI-GON & OBI-WAN — THE AURORIENT EXPRESS #1-2, STAR WARS: QUI-GON & OBI-WAN — LAST STAND ON ORD MANTELL #1-3 AND STAR WARS: JEDI COUNCIL — ACTS OF WAR #1-4; AND MATERIAL FROM STAR WARS (1998) #4-6 AND STAR WARS TALES #1, #3-5, #7, #9-10, #13-14 & #24 ISBN 978-0-7851-9722-5 VO LU M E 9 780785 197225 $34.99 US $38.99 CAN hen young Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn is dispatched to prevent a civil war, he has a close encounter with the Dark Side! Years later, Qui-Gon and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi face an out-ofcontrol cloud cruiser and the lawless world of Ord Mantell, where everyone holds a grudge — and a blaster! And Mace Windu’s Jedi Knights face the threat of the Yinchorri — a race more deadly than they ever imagined! RISE OF THE SITH VOL. 1 W EPIC COLLECTION EPIC COLLECTION THE ROAD TO THE PHANTOM MENACE BEGINS HERE! MARVEL.COM L E G E N D S STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: RISE OF THE SITH VOL. 1 TPB When young Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn is dispatched to prevent a civil war, he has a close encounter with the dark side! Years later, Qui-Gon and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi face an out-of-control cloud cruiser and the lawless world of Ord Mantell, where everyone holds a grudge — and a blaster! And Mace Windu’s Jedi Knights face the threat of the Yinchorri — a race more deadly than they ever imagined! COLLECTING: STAR WARS: JEDI - THE DARK SIDE 1-5, STAR WARS: QUI-GON & OBI-WAN - THE AURORIENT EXPRESS 1-2, STAR WARS: QUI-GON & OBI-WAN - LAST STAND ON ORD MANTELL 1-3, STAR WARS: JEDI COUNCIL - ACTS OF WAR 1-4, MATERIAL FROM STAR WARS (1998) 4-6; MATERIAL FROM STAR WARS TALES 1, 3-5, 7, 9-10, 13-14, 24 MARKETING DATA AUTHOR: SCOTT ALLIE, MIKE KENNEDY, RYDER WINDHAM, RANDY STRADLEY, JAN STRNAD, JASON HALL, DEAN MOTTER, JIM WOODRING, ROB WILLIAMS, VARIOUS ARTIST: MAHMUD ASRAR, LUCAS MARANGON, RAMON BACHS, DAVIDE FABBRI, JOHN NADEAU, JESUS SAIZ, ROBERT TERANISHI, CULLY HAMNER, VARIOUS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9722-5 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 488 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR © & TM 2015 LUCASFILM LTD. Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AVENGERS VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3706-1 - MARCH-09 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3692-7 - FEBRUARY-09 10 SEPTEMBER NON-RETURNABLE STAR WARS: THE ORIGINAL MARVEL YEARS OMNIBUS VOL. 3 HC The original Star Wars comic-book saga concludes! Savor an all-action adaptation of Star Wars: Episode VI The Return of the Jedi,HUKÄUKV\[^OH[OHWWLUZHM[LY[OL)H[[SLVM,UKVY3\RL3LPHHUK[OLPYHSSPLZZLLR[VLZ[HISPZOH new galactic government — but Imperial Forces still stand in the way. When Darth Vader falls, a Dark Lady will rise! Meanwhile, Han Solo and Chewbacca head to Wookiee World! The Ewoks go to war! And tragedy strikes close to *76·JV\SKP[IL[OH[L]LUHKYVPKJHUJY`&7S\Z!HJVYU\JVWPHVMStar Wars rarities — including exclusive stories only published in the UK! COLLECTING: STAR WARS 79-107, ANNUAL 3; RETURN OF THE JEDI 1-4; MATERIAL FROM PIZZAZZ 1-16; MATERIAL FROM STAR WARS WEEKLY (UK) 60, 94-99, 104-115; MATERIAL FROM EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (UK) #149, 151, 153-157; MATERIAL FROM STAR WARS (UK) 159 MARKETING DATA Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. AUTHOR: ARCHIE GOODWIN, JO DUFFY, LINDA GRANT, ANN NOCENTI, CHRIS CLAREMONT, ALAN MOORE ARTIST: AL WILLIAMSON, RON FRENZ, DAVID MAZZUCCHELLI, TOM PALMER, BRET BLEVINS, TONY SALMONS, JAN DUURSEMA, CYNTHIA MARTIN, KLAUS JANSON, HOWARD CHAYKIN, WALTER SIMONSON, DAVE COCKRUM, CARMINE INFANTINO, JOHN STOKES, ALAN DAVIS & MORE! ISBN: 978-0-7851-9346-3 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $125.00 US / $140.00 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OMNIBUS RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 1136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR © & TM 2015 LUCASFILM LTD. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES STAR WARS: THE ORIGINAL MARVEL YEARS OMNIBUS VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-9106-3 - JANUARY-15 NEW X-MEN OMNIBUS HC (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6505-7 - AUGUST-12 11 SEPTEMBER A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 1 TPB Meet Jessica Jones. Once upon a time, she was a costumed super hero…but not a very good one. Her powers were unremarkable compared to the amazing abilities of the costumed icons that populate the Marvel Universe. In a city of Marvels, Jessica Jones never found her niche. Now a chain-smoking, self-destructive alcoholic with a mean inferiority complex, Jones is the owner and sole employee VM(SPHZ0U]LZ[PNH[PVUZ·HZTHSSWYP]H[LPU]LZ[PNH[P]LÄYT specializing in superhuman cases. COLLECTING: ALIAS 1-9 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: MICHAEL GAYDOS, BILL SIENKIEWICZ ISBN: 978-0-7851-9855-0 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: EXPLICIT CONTENT TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 208 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3481-7 JANUARY-10 DAREDEVIL: YELLOW TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-0969-3 - JULY-11 A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 2 TPB All she ever wanted was to be a super hero. But life had other plans for Jessica Jones. Now, the adventures of the wouldbe Avenger turned bitter superpowered private eye continue with two new cases. In “Rebecca, Come Home,” Jessica travels to upstate New York to investigate the disappearance of a teenage girl rumored to be a mutant in a prejudiced small [V^U·I\[HT\YKLYT`Z[LY`HUKHKY\URLUPSSHK]PZLKÅPUN might complicate matters somewhat. COLLECTING: ALIAS 11-15 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: MICHAEL GAYDOS, DAVID MACK ISBN: 978-0-7851-9856-7 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: EXPLICIT CONTENT TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 128 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3481-7 JANUARY-10 DAREDEVIL: YELLOW TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-0969-3 - JULY-11 12 SEPTEMBER DAREDEVIL EPIC COLLECTION: WIDOW'S KISS TPB The return of a legend…and the end of an era! Gene “the Dean” Colan draws Daredevil once again, as Mr. Fear launches his latest campaign of terror! But when Matt comes between his angry ex-love Black Widow and evil T\[HU[6TLNH9LKOL^PSSMLLSTVYL[OHU[OL>PKV^»ZIP[L·^OH[KLHKS`NHTLPZ[OL(]LUNLYWSH`PUN&(UK ++TLL[Z+7^OLU+LHKWVVSJVTLZHJHSSPUNI\[^PSS;`WOVPK4HY`THRLP[HU\UOVS`SV]L[YPHUNSL&(UK ^OH[KVLZP[HSSTLHUMVY+L\JL[OL+L]PS+VN&7S\ZÅHZOIHJR[V4H[[4\YKVJR»ZJVSSLNL`LHYZHZOLTLL[Z -VNN`5LSZVUMVY[OLÄYZ[[PTL(UKOV^·HUK^O`·OHZ4H[[YLNHPULKOPZZPNO[&+HYLKL]PS»ZÄYZ[ZLYPLZ O\Y[SLZ[VHÄUPZOHUKP[»ZNVPUN[VLUK^P[OHIHUN COLLECTING: DAREDEVIL (1964) 365-380, -1; DAREDEVIL/DEADPOOL ANNUAL '97 (DAREDEVIL EPIC COLLECTION VOL. 21) DATA AUTHOR: JOE KELLY, SCOTT LOBDELL, DG CHICHESTER, VARIOUS ARTIST: CARY NORD, GENE COLAN, ARIEL OLIVETTI, RICHIE ACOSTA, CULLY HAMNER, TOM MORGAN, LEE WEEKS, VARIOUS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9297-8 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 504 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES DAREDEVIL EPIC COLLECTION: FALL FROM GRACE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8516-1 - APRIL-14 CAPTAIN AMERICA EPIC COLLECTION: DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8866-7 - MARCH-14 13 SEPTEMBER LUKE CAGE: SECOND CHANCES VOL. 1 TPB Power Man no more! Harlem’s favorite son is ripping up the silk shirt and getting back in the game as Luke Cage, Hero-For-Hire — and he’s working overtime! With Chicago as his new home, it’s no surprise that Luke soon has his hands full with the Untouchables! And that puts him square in the Punisher’s sights. Bullets are one thing for a guy with steel-hard skin, but he’ll need a power upgrade before locking horns with the Rhino and butting heads with the Hulk! It’s far from a sweet Christmas when a new foe strikes, one with ties to one of his greatest enemies! With his family’s lives at stake, Luke sure is a friend in need. Good thing that Iron Fist is his best friend indeed! COLLECTING: CAGE (1992) 1-12, MATERIAL FROM MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988) 82 DATA AUTHOR: MARCUS MCLAURIN ARTIST: DWAYNE TURNER, RURIK TYLER, GORDON PURCELL, SAL VELLUTO ISBN: 978-0-7851-9298-5 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 320 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES IRON FIST: THE LIVING WEAPON VOL. 1 - RAGE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5435-8 - DECEMBER-14 ALL-NEW GHOST RIDER VOL. 1: ENGINES OF VENGEANCE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5455-6 - OCTOBER-14 14 SEPTEMBER NEW PRINTING! FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA TPB >OLYL^LYL`V\^OLU`V\OLHYK[OH[*HW[HPU(TLYPJHKPLK&@V\^LYLWYVIHIS`ZOVJRLKTVZ[SPRLS`[OPURPUN ¸/V^JV\SK[OL`&/V^JV\SK[OPZOHWWLU[V*HW&¹(UKMVYHTVTLU[WLYOHWZ`V\[OV\NO[HIV\[HSS[OL^H`Z the super-soldier meant something to you. Fallen Son follows the reaction of the legendary hero’s best friends and closest comrades as they struggle to work through the stages of grief stirred by the loss of their ally. Wolverine. The Avengers. Hawkeye. Spider-Man. Iron Man. All have their own sense of loss, their own levels of grieving. COLLECTING: FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA - WOLVERINE 1, FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA - AVENGERS 1, FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA - CAPTAIN AMERICA 1, FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA - SPIDER-MAN 1, FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA - IRON MAN 1 DATA AUTHOR: JEPH LOEB ARTIST: LEINIL FRANCIS YU, ED MCGUINNESS, JOHN ROMITA JR., DAVID FINCH, JOHN CASSADAY ISBN: 978-0-7851-9859-8 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 128 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES CIVIL WAR TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2179-4 - APRIL-07 CIVIL WAR: CAPTAIN AMERICA TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2798-7 - MAY-07 15 SEPTEMBER AVENGERS BY JONATHAN HICKMAN VOL. 2 HC 0UÄUP[`PZ\WVU\Z;OL(]LUNLYZT\Z[HJ[MHZ[^OLUHSPLUYHJLZ ÅLLPUNHUPU[LYNHSHJ[PJ[LYYVYJYHZO[V,HY[O*HW[HPU<UP]LYZL and Manifold take a trip across the universe…but whatever OHWWLULK[V,_5POPSV(I`ZZ:[HYIYHUKHUK5PNO[THZR&(Z the Avengers recruit more members to deal with the mounting threat, the Builders enter the universe — and cosmic war begins. +LLWPUZWHJL[OL(]LUNLYZQVPU[OLPU[LYNHSHJ[PJÄNO[I\[[OL Builders have already decimated the forces of the mighty Skrull ,TWPYL·ZV^OH[JOHUJLKV,HY[O»Z4PNO[PLZ[/LYVLZZ[HUK& COLLECTING: AVENGERS 14-23 DATA AUTHOR: JONATHAN HICKMAN, NICK SPENCER ARTIST: STEFANO CASELLI, LEINIL FRANCIS YU ISBN: 978-0-7851-9708-9 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 272 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES AVENGERS VOL. 1: AVENGERS WORLD PREMIERE HC (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6823-2 - APRIL-13 AVENGERS VOL. 2: THE LAST WHITE EVENT PREMIERE HC (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6824-9 - JULY-13 NEW AVENGERS BY JONATHAN HICKMAN VOL. 2 HC The Multiverse is collapsing, destroying entire dimensions, and the Illuminati must combat the ever-increasing Incursions even as they cope with their own personal challenges. The worldwide Terrigenesis has thrown Black Bolt’s kingdom into chaos. Reed Richards transforms one of his greatest inventions to view the death of worlds. And Dr. Strange considers selling his soul as Black Panther and Namor continue their royal feud. But as the Incursions quicken and the team encounters the power of the Great Society, it becomes clear that only one parallel Earth can survive. COLLECTING: NEW AVENGERS 13-23 DATA AUTHOR: JONATHAN HICKMAN ARTIST: SIMONE BIANCHI, RAGS MORALES, VALERIO SCHITI, KEV WALKER ISBN: 978-0-7851-9709-6 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 280 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES NEW AVENGERS VOL. 1: EVERYTHING DIES PREMIERE HC (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6836-2 - JULY-13 NEW AVENGERS VOL. 2: INFINITY PREMIERE HC (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6837-9 - JANUARY-14 16 SEPTEMBER HAWKEYE VOL. 2 HC Team Hawkguy has been hit hard, and now they’re going their separate ways. Kate Bishop is on a journey to ÄUKOLYZLSMPU3(;YV\ISLPZ4HKHTL4HZX\LÄUKZOLYÄYZ[4LHU^OPSL*SPU[»ZIHJROVTLPUOPZHWHY[TLU[ building. Kate took the dog, so he’s badly in need of a best friend. It’s a good thing that Barney Barton, world’s NYLH[LZ[IYV[OLYPZIHJRPU[V^U·YPNO[&;OL;YHJRZ\P[+YHJ\SHZ^HU[[OLPYI\PSKPUNIHJRHUK[OL`»YLNL[[PUN ZLYPV\Z*SPU[»ZNVPUN[VLUK\WKLHMVY^VYZL0[»ZHSSYHJPUN[V[OLIPNÄUPZO/H^RL`LHNHPUZ[HUHYT`^P[OH SP[[SLOLSWMYVTHSS[OLMYPLUKZOLJHUÄUK3PRL[OH[TV]PL9PV)YH]VPM1VOU>H`UL^VYLW\YWSL COLLECTING: HAWKEYE 12-22, ANNUAL 1 DATA AUTHOR: MATT FRACTION ARTIST: FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA, DAVID AJA, ANNIE WU, CHRIS ELIOPOULOS, JAVIER PULIDO ISBN: 978-0-7851-5461-7 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 280 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES HAWKEYE VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8487-4 - NOVEMBER-13 HAWKEYE VOL. 1: MY LIFE AS A WEAPON TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6562-0 - MARCH-13 17 SEPTEMBER AVENGERS WORLD VOL. 4: BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT TPB /V^KPK[OPUNZNL[[VIL[OL^H`[OL`HYLPU[OL¸;PTL9\UZ6\[¹Z[VY`&-PUKV\[OLYLPU(=,5.,9: WORLD! Cannonball and Smasher face their greatest adventure yet…parenthood! Can the new parents Z\Y]P]LHULUJV\U[LY^P[O[OL:/0»(9047,90(3.<(9+&;OLHUZ^LYZ`V\»]LILLU^HP[PUNMVY COLLECTING: AVENGERS 34.2, AVENGERS WORLD 17-21 DATA AUTHOR: FRANK J. BARBIERE ARTIST: MARCO CHECCHETTO ISBN: 978-0-7851-9252-7 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 144 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES AVENGERS WORLD VOL. 1: A.I.M.PIRE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8981-7 - JULY-14 AVENGERS WORLD VOL. 2: ASCENSION TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9094-3 - NOVEMBER-14 18 SEPTEMBER AVENGERS: TIME RUNS OUT VOL. 1 TPB The Illuminati killed a world…and their own is next. Jonathan Hickman’s cataclysmic saga, two years in the making, jumps ahead to its epic climax! For Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Illuminati, it has all been building to this — the day of the Final Incursion! Eight months after the events of Original Sin, and the revelation of the Illuminati’s desperate, world-destroying actions, much has changed for the Avengers. How have they survived [OLPYZPUZ&(UK[OL*HIHSOHZYLMVYTLK^P[OHUL^KLHKS`JHZ[I\[[OLPYTV[P]LZHYLJVTWSPJH[LK)V[O NYV\WZ^PSSÄNO[[VZH]L[OLPY^VYSK·I\[OH]LHSS[OLIH[[SLZ[OL`»]LLUK\YLKHSS[OLZHJYPÄJLZ[OL`»]LTHKL WYLWHYLKLP[OLYNYV\WMVY[OLPUL]P[HISLTVTLU[^OLYL[PTLY\UZV\[MVYL]LY`IVK`& COLLECTING: AVENGERS 35-37, NEW AVENGERS 24-25 DATA AUTHOR: JONATHAN HICKMAN ARTIST: STEFANO CASELLI, MIKE DEODATO JR., VALERIO SCHITI, KEV WALKER, VARIOUS ISBN: 978-0-7851-8923-7 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 144 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES AVENGERS: TIME RUNS OUT VOL. 1 PREMIERE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-9341-8 - JANUARY-15 AVENGERS VOL. 1: AVENGERS WORLD TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6652-8 - MARCH-14 19 SEPTEMBER AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 4 TPB Spider-Verse is over, but that doesn’t mean Peter Parker is safe. Someone (or something) has invaded Parker Industries HUKPZ[HYNL[PUNP[ZZ[HɈ)\[OV^&7HYRLY Industries’ security can keep out any living thing! Enter the Ghost! With this superpowered saboteur, no secret is safe — no PEOPLE are safe, either, for that matter. COLLECTING: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 16-18, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL DATA AUTHOR: DAN SLOTT, SEAN RYAN, JAI NITZ ARTIST: CHRISTOS GAGE, HUMBERTO RAMOS, BRANDON PETERSON, RON SALAS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9338-8 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 104 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Dan Slott has built a loyal fan base by combining oldschool fun with stories and characterizations friendly to new readers. Following a run on She-Hulk — which combined his sly humor and encyclopedic Marvel knowledge with an imaginative take on a comic-book SH^ÄYT·:SV[[TV]LKPU[V[OL\WWLYLJOLSVUVM4HY]LS writers, launching Avengers: The Initiative and taking the reins on Mighty Avengers from Brian Michael Bendis. When Marvel gave Spider-Man a fresh start in 2008, Slott was one of several rotating writers on a thricemonthly Amazing Spider-Man. Slott became the writer TVZ[JSVZLS`PKLU[PÄLK^P[O[OL^LIZSPUNLY»Z¸)YHUK5L^ Day” era, and the title hit the “Big Time” when he took over as full-time writer. Sean Ryan started as an intern at Marvel Comics in 2003. Since then, he has worked as an editor at both Marvel and DC. His writing credits include assorted one-shots and limited series for Marvel, as well as the New Suicide Squad series for DC. Christos N. GageZVSKOPZÄYZ[ZJYLLUWSH`PU HUKOHZ been working steadily ever since; he started writing comics in 2004 with DC’s Deadshot miniseries, featuring the sharpshooting anti-hero from Suicide Squad. He then began co-writing Avengers: The Initiative with Dan Slott, which led to him becoming the sole writer on the book and its successor, Avengers Academy. His additional Marvel credits include Civil War: Casualties of War, House of M: Avengers, Iron Man, Union Jack and World War Hulk: X-Men. Mexican artist Humberto Ramos made his American comics debut in 1994 with DC’s Impulse, featuring the Flash’s brash grandson. In 1998, Ramos launched the creator-owned Crimson\UKLY>PSKZ[VYT»Z*SPɈOHUNLY imprint, illustrating the title for more than two years. He then moved to Marvel, becoming one of the most recognizable and innovative talents in comics. An industry veteran, artist Brandon Peterson got his big break penciling Uncanny X-Men. Following a stint at Top Cow, Peterson returned to Marvel — illustrating such titles as Magneto Rex, Astonishing X-Men and X-Men. Since serving as CrossGen’s lead artist, art director and vice president, Peterson’s Marvel credits include such series as Ultimate X-Men, Ultimate Extinction and Strange. COMP TITLES MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 1: THE PARKER LUCK TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6676-4 - NOVEMBER-14 Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 2: SPIDERVERSE PRELUDE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8798-1 - JANUARY-15 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 20 21 SEPTEMBER AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 5: SPIRAL TPB ;OL\UKLY^VYSKPZPUHJVUZ[HU[Å\_HUK has been since the Kingpin got taken out at SHADOWLAND. That war is heating up and Spidey’s going to do something about it. But he’s not the only one-- Police Captain Yuri Watanabe is trying to curtail the madness IV[OPUOLYKH`QVIHZHWVSPJLVɉ JLYHUK as the vigilante THE WRAITH! Do she and :WPKL`WSH`I`[OLZHTLY\SLZ& COLLECTING: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 16.120.1 Gerry Conway wrote Daredevil, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man and others. He was instrumental in Marvel’s 1970s horror boom with work on Man-Thing, Tomb of Dracula and Werewolf by Night. His years on Amazing Spider-Man yielded such historic highlights as the groundbreaking death of Gwen Stacy and the debut of the Punisher. He also wrote DC’s Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Legion of Super-Heroes. For TV, he has written and produced episodes of Diagnosis: Murder, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Huntress and Matlock. Carlo Barberi’s work for Marvel Comics has included such titles as New Mutants, Ororo: Before the Storm and Deadpool. For DC, he has illustrated Superman, Justice League Unlimited and Flash. DATA AUTHOR: GERRY CONWAY ARTIST: CARLO BARBERI ISBN: 978-0-7851-9316-6 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 1: THE PARKER LUCK TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6676-4 - NOVEMBER-14 MARKETING AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 2: SPIDERVERSE PRELUDE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8798-1 - JANUARY-15 Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 22 23 SEPTEMBER ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 2 HC The time-displaced young X-Men continue to adjust to a present day that’s more awe-inspiring and disturbing than they could ever imagine! But as Jean Grey pushes her powers to the limit and Mastermind targets the young Jean, will a tragic history YLWLH[P[ZLSM&(UKHZVULVM[OLPYU\TILYKLWHY[Z[VQVPU[OL adult Cyclops’ crew of revolutionaries, the teens encounter the Uncanny Avengers…and young Cyclops meets the adult version of his brother Havok! Then, in the fallout from the Battle of the Atom, Kitty Pryde and the All-New X-Men’s faith in Wolverine’s Jean Grey School has been completely eroded — so where have [OL`NVULPUZ[LHKHUK^OH[^PSS[OL`KV& COLLECTING: ALL-NEW X-MEN 11-15, 18-21; X-MEN: GOLD 1 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS, CHRIS CLAREMONT, VARIOUS ARTIST: STUART IMMONEN, DAVID LAFUENTE, BRANDON PETERSON, BOB MCLEOD, VARIOUS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9822-2 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 272 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 1: YESTERDAY'S X-MEN PREMIERE HC (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6820-1 - APRIL-13 ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 2: HERE TO STAY PREMIERE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-6821-8 - JUNE-13 A-FORCE PRESENTS VOL. 1 TPB Marvel’s most amazing heroes step into the spotlight in this allaction book packed with adventure, danger, drama…and fun! Black Widow seeks redemption for her past — in ways that the Avengers wouldn’t approve! When Carol Danvers takes on the legacy of Captain Marvel, she’ll live her dream of traveling to the Z[HYZ;LLUHNL2HTHSH2OHUÄNO[ZJYPTLHZ4Z4HY]LS¯I\[PZ ZOLYLHK`MVY[OPZKHUNLYV\ZUL^SPML&:OL/\SRPZU»[Q\Z[HNYLLU powerhouse — she’s an attorney with legal skills that will knock OLYVWWVULU[Z»ZVJRZVɈ(T`Z[LYPV\Z^VTHUSPM[Z[OLOHTTLY Mjolnir, and claims the powers of the mighty Thor! And Squirrel Girl faces her most dangerous challenge yet: college! COLLECTING: BLACK WIDOW (2014) 1, CAPTAIN MARVEL (2014) 1, MS. MARVEL (2014) 1, SHE-HULK (2014) 1, THOR (2014) 1, UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL (2015) 1 DATA AUTHOR: NATHAN EDMONDSON, KELLY SUE DECONNICK, G. WILLOW WILSON, CHARLES SOULE, JASON AARON, RYAN NORTH ARTIST: PHIL NOTO, DAVID LOPEZ, ADRIAN ALPHONA, JAVIER PULIDO, RUSSELL DAUTERMAN, ERICA HENDERSON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9898-7 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $14.99 US / $16.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL. 1: HIGHER, FURTHER, FASTER, MORE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9013-4 - OCTOBER-14 MS. MARVEL VOL. 1: NO NORMAL TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9021-9 - OCTOBER-14 24 SEPTEMBER DEADPOOL BY POSEHN & DUGGAN VOL. 3 HC The magical day has arrived: Deadpool and succubus queen Shiklah tie the knot! But when Deadpool and OPZIYPKLOVUL`TVVUPU1HWHU^PSSTHYYPLKSPMLHNYLL^P[OV\YTV\[O`TLYJ&6Y^PSSOLZ[HY[KVPUN[OL¸[HRL T`^PMLWSLHZL¹QVRLHSS[OL[PTL&4LHU^OPSL(NLU[7YLZ[VUTHRLZHZ\YWYPZPUNKPZJV]LY`!+LHKWVVSOHZH KH\NO[LY(UK[OLYL»ZTVYL[VOLYSPML[OHUTLL[Z[OLL`L)\[+LHKWVVSPZ\W[VOPZULJRÄNO[PUN+YHJ\SH»Z MVYJLZ¯JHUOLLZJHWLPU[PTL[VZHMLN\HYKOPZV^UÅLZOHUKISVVK&(UK^OLYLKPKOPZKH\NO[LYL]LU JVTLMYVT& COLLECTING: DEADPOOL 26-34, ANNUAL 1 DATA AUTHOR: GERRY DUGGAN, BRIAN POSEHN, FABIAN NICIEZA, MARK WAID, JOE KELLY, CHRISTOPHER PRIEST, JIMMY PALMIOTTI, FRANK TIERI, ARTIST: MIKE HAWTHORNE, SCOTT KOBLISH, SCOTT HEPBURN, JOHN MCCREA, PACO MEDINA, NIKO HENRICHON, JOHN TIMMS, DEXTER SOY, ALVIN LEE ISBN: 978-0-7851-9825-3 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED RATING: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 312 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES DEADPOOL BY POSEHN & DUGGAN VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5446-4 - FEBRUARY-14 DEADPOOL VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5602-4 - JULY-11 25 SEPTEMBER CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL. 3 TPB Captain Marvel’s time as an astronomical avenger has pitted her against some of the ^VYZ[[OLNHSH_`OHZ[VVɈLYSVVRPU»H[`V\ 1»:VU;OL/HɈLUZ`L*VUZVY[P\TOHZILLU tracking Captain Marvel and Tic for weeks. 5V^[OL`»]LÄUHSS`JH\NO[\W[V[OLTIV[O Captain Marvel was barely able to survive [OLSHZ[[PTLZOLZX\HYLKVɈHNHPUZ[[OL /HɈLUZ`L¶[OPURZOL»SSILZVS\JR`HNHPU& COLLECTING: CAPTAIN MARVEL 12-15 Writer Kelly Sue DeConnick has adapted several manga works into English for Viz Media and Tokyopop, and co-written 30 Days of Night: Eben & Stella with Steve Niles. Her Marvel credits include the revamped Captain Marvel, the highly acclaimed Osborn: Evil Incarcerated miniseries and the one-shot Sif spotlighting the Thor heroine. Spanish artist David Lopez has penciled New Avengers: The Reunion and its follow-up, Hawkeye & Mockingbird. In Mystic, he helped bring to life a story of epic high fantasy set against a backdrop of impending civil war. At DC, he has provided artwork for Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight and Catwoman. He cocreated Fallen Angel with writer Peter David. DATA AUTHOR: KELLY SUE DECONNICK ARTIST: DAVID LOPEZ ISBN: 978-0-7851-9841-3 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $12.99 US / $13.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 96 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL. 1: HIGHER, FURTHER, FASTER, MORE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9013-4 - OCTOBER-14 Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL. 2: STAY FLY TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9014-1 - APRIL-15 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 26 “Extremely “xxxxxxxxxxx” fun while– keeping xxxxxxxxxxxx a great sense of dramatic tension and emotional investment.” – Comic Vine 27 SEPTEMBER GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 5 PREMIERE HC With the Slaughter Squad hot on their tails, the X-Men and the Guardians of the Galaxy HYLNVPUN[VOH]L[VÄUKZVTL^OLYL[V stash this loot. The odds against them, their only option for gaining the upper hand might lie with the mysterious Black Vortex. Will the temptation of the Black Vortex’s unknown WV^LYIL[VVT\JOMVY[OPZIHUKVMTPZÄ[Z& COLLECTING: GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 24-27, ANNUAL 1 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: VALERIO SCHITI ISBN: 978-0-7851-9766-9 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: PREMIERE RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Award-winning comic-book creator Brian Michael Bendis is one of the most successful writers in the industry today. As well as an acclaimed run on Daredevil, he has helmed a renaissance for Marvel’s popular Avengers franchise and written the event projects House of M, Secret War, Secret Invasion, Siege and Age of Ultron. Bendis is one of the architects of Marvel’s Ultimate line of comics, having written every issue of Ultimate Spider-Man since its launch in 1999 and introduced the multiracial Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales, to international media fanfare. Bendis has taken on Marvel’s merry mutants in the pages of All-New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men and launched Guardians of the Galaxy into the stratosphere for Marvel NOW! His creator-owned projects include Scarlet with Alex Maleev, Brilliant with Mark Bagley, and Takio and the Eisner Award-winning Powers with Mike Oeming. Italian artist Valerio Schiti began his career in his native country working on such titles as John Doe for Aurea and H.E.R.O.I.N.MVY=LYKLULYV¸:HJYPÄJL¹HZOVY[Z[VY` appearing in 2011’s Ghost Rider #1^HZOPZÄYZ[^VYR for Marvel Comics. Schiti has since illustrated Journey Into Mystery, featuring the Asgardian warrior goddess Sif, with writer Kathryn Immonen. He has also penciled multiple issues of Angel for IDW Publishing. SEE INSIDE F OR DE TAILS NOW! MARKETING COMP TITLES GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3: GUARDIANS DISASSEMBLED PREMIERE HC (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5479-2 - DECEMBER-14 Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY/ALLNEW X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF JEAN GREY PREMIERE HC (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6830-0 - JUNE-14 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 28 “A gift for any longtime fans” - Comic of the Day 29 SEPTEMBER HOWARD THE DUCK VOL. 0: WHAT THE DUCK TPB /6;VɈ[OLWHNLZVM¯[OLWVZ[JYLKP[Z scene at the the end of a popular movie, HOWARD THE DUCK is back! Join him as he takes on the weird cases that only a talking duck can crack as the Marvel Universe’s resident private investigator! Let Sex Criminals’ CHIP ZDARSKY (a writer known mostly as an artist) and JOE QUINONES (an artist known mostly as a lover) guide you through his new world as he takes on THE BLACK CAT and MYSTERIOUS FORCES FROM OUTER SPACE! Chip Zdarsky is best known as the artist of the awardwinning Sex Criminals and the writer of Kaptara, both from Image Comics. Howard the Duck PZOPZÄYZ[4HY]LS series, but he's read many of their books, like X-Men, Spider-Man and Hawkeye. Zdarsky lives alone. After collaborating with writer Kurt Busiek on the Green Lantern feature in Wednesday Comics, artist Joe Quinones’ ÄYZ[^VYRMVY4HY]LSJHTLVUHUAmazing Spider-Man showdown with the vampire Morbius, followed up with the side-splitting irreverence of Deadpool in Captain America: Who Won’t Wield the Shield? COLLECTING: HOWARD THE DUCK 1-5 DATA AUTHOR: CHIP ZDARSKY ARTIST: JOE QUINONES ISBN: 978-0-7851-9772-0 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. COMP TITLES Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. ROCKET RACCOON VOL. 1: A CHASING TALE PREMIERE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-9389-0 - MARCH-15 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. THE SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN VOL. 1: GETTING THE BAND BACK TOGETHER TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8494-2 - MARCH-14 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 30 31 SEPTEMBER SUPERIOR IRON MAN VOL. 2 PREMIERE HC What shocking revelations have left TONY :;(92YLLSPUN&>PSS7,77,976;;:[\YU OLYIHJRVU;VU`MVYNVVK&;OLPTWVZZPISL is working against him. Doubt is creeping in. His history is uncertain…and his future has just been complicated by another ghost of the past. COLLECTING: SUPERIOR IRON MAN 6-9 Tom Taylor is a multi-award-winning and New York Times bestselling comic book author, playwright and screenwriter. He is well known for his work on Superior Iron Man, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Earth 2 and various Star Wars titles. He is also the co-creator and head writer of the upcoming CG animated series The Deep based on his graphic-novel series of the same name. Artist Yidiray Çinar created the fanzine publishing group Capa Comics in 1997 in his hometown of Istanbul, Turkey, which helped him make connections across the globe. hPUHYÄYZ[THKLHUHTLMVYOPTZLSMPU(TLYPJH^P[OOPZ work on Digital Webbing’s Nothingface and Fist of Justice. He then began work at Image Comics, drawing a short story for Savage Dragon and becoming the regular penciler on Noble Causes. At DC, he worked on Teen Titans, Fury of Firestorm and Legion of Super-Heroes. For Marvel, he is the artist on Superior Iron Man. Italian artist Laura Braga attended the International School of Comics and the Disney Academy. She has worked for various major Italian, French-Belgian and Spanish comic-book publishers, and as a storyboard artist for TV commercials. Braga has been the regular artist for Top Cow's Witchblade, and illustrated issues of The Darkness and Cyber Force. Her credits also include the Friends Forever4V[PVU)VVRMVY4HKLÄYL-VY4HY]LSZOLOHZ illustrated Captain Marvel and Superior Iron Man. DATA AUTHOR: THOMAS RAY TAYLOR ARTIST: LAURA BRAGA, YILDIRAY CINAR ISBN: 978-0-7851-9378-4 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: PREMIERE RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR SEE INSIDE F OR DE TAILS MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. COMP TITLES Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. IRON MAN VOL. 1: BELIEVE PREMIERE HC (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6833-1 - APRIL-13 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. IRON MAN VOL. 2: THE SECRET ORIGIN OF TONY STARK BOOK 1 PREMIERE HC (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6834-8 - SEPTEMBER-13 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 32 33 SEPTEMBER WOLVERINES VOL. 4: DESTINY TPB 4Y:PUPZ[LY^HZYVIILKVMOPZWYPaL¶[OL(KHTHU[P\T JV]LYLKIVK`VM>VS]LYPUL¶^OLU[OL?4LUZ[VSLP[MYVTOPZ Finlandian fortress. But they left something behind...another piece of the puzzle, something else that was taken from our [LHT;OL9,=,5.,VM4Y:PUPZ[LYILNPUZ¶HUK^OVIL[[LY [VPUP[PH[LP[[OHU[OL7HYHKPZL[LHT& COLLECTING: WOLVERINES 16-20 DATA AUTHOR: CHARLES SOULE, RAY FAWKES ARTIST: ARIO ANINDITO, JUAN CABAL, JONATHAN MARKS, ARIELA KRISTANTINA, JUAN DOE ISBN: 978-0-7851-9767-6 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES DEATH OF WOLVERINE: THE LOGAN LEGACY TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9259-6 - MARCH-15 WOLVERINE & THE X-MEN VOL. 2: DEATH OF WOLVERINE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8993-0 - JANUARY-15 THE PUNISHER VOL. 3: LAST DAYS TPB The Howling Commandos have Frank Castle’s only remaining family sequestered in a swanky Los Angeles hotel. As L.A. LY\W[ZPUJOHVZ-YHURIYPUNZ[OLÄNO[HUKTVZ[VM3(»Z gangs, to them. That hotel is about to get a lot less swanky. *HU-YHURS\YL[OL/V^SPUN*VTTHUKVZ[VOPZZPKL&>OH[ ^PSSOHWWLU[V[OLTPMOLJHU»[& COLLECTING: THE PUNISHER 13-20 DATA AUTHOR: NATHAN EDMONDSON ARTIST: MITCH GERADS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9254-1 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 184 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES THE PUNISHER VOL. 1: BLACK AND WHITE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5443-3 SEPTEMBER-14 THE PUNISHER VOL. 2: BORDER CROSSING TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5444-0 JANUARY-15 34 SEPTEMBER NEXTWAVE: AGENTS OF H.A.T.E. - THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPB (NEW PRINTING) RRRAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!! Action! Excitement! ,_WSVZPVUZ;OL/PNOLZ[(U[P;LYYVYPZT,ɈVY[VY/(;, (a subsidiary of the Beyond Corporation©) put NEXTWAVE [VNL[OLY[VÄNO[)PaHYYL>LHWVUZVM4HZZ+LZ[Y\J[PVU>OLU NEXTWAVE discovers that H.A.T.E. and Beyond© are terrorist cells themselves, and that the BWMDs were intended to kill them, they are less than pleased. In fact, they are rather angry. COLLECTING: NEXTWAVE: AGENTS OF H.A.T.E. 1-12 DATA AUTHOR: WARREN ELLIS ARTIST: STUART IMMONEN ISBN: 978-0-7851-9839-0 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 304 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES WARLOCK BY JIM STARLIN: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8847-6 - FEBRUARY-14 S.H.I.E.L.D. BY STERANKO: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8536-9 - OCTOBER-13 MOON KNIGHT VOL. 3: IN THE NIGHT TPB A new chapter that brings the horror and insanity of MOON KNIGHT to new heights! Mysterious wolves are threatening [OLUPNO[ZPU5L^@VYR*P[`HUKP[»Z\W[V4Y5PNO[[VÄN\YLP[ all out. COLLECTING: MOON KNIGHT 13-17 DATA AUTHOR: CULLEN BUNN ARTIST: RON ACKINS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9734-8 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES MOON KNIGHT VOL. 1: FROM THE DEAD TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5408-2 OCTOBER-14 THE PUNISHER VOL. 1: BLACK AND WHITE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5443-3 SEPTEMBER-14 35 SEPTEMBER GREENBERG THE VAMPIRE TPB Oscar Greenberg is not your typical vampire. He doesn’t drink human blood, for one. He’s a successful author — albeit prone to writer’s block. And he’s a good son, who’s kept his secret from his dear old Mama. Oscar’s also very much in love with Denise, the vamp who turned him. Their happily-ever-after might actually last forever — unless someone comes between them. Someone like Arthur Keaton: Vampire Hunter, who also happens to be Denise’s brother! Then there’s the demonic Lilith, who has long had designs on Oscar. COLLECTING: MARVEL GRAPHIC NOVEL 20, MATERIAL FROM BIZARRE ADVENTURES 29 DATA AUTHOR: JM DEMATTEIS ARTIST: STEVE LEIALOHA, MARK BADGER ISBN: 978-0-7851-9791-1 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: MATURE TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 104 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES STAR-LORD: GUARDIAN OF THE GALAXY TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5449-5 - JULY-15 MARVEL FIRSTS: THE 1960S TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5864-6 - OCTOBER-15 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: DAREDEVIL VOL. 9 HC Teamed with the Black Widow, Daredevil’s adventures continue in the latest and greatest Marvel Masterworks yet! DD must make his decision between Karen Page and Black Widow — and when he does, it means it’s time to head west…where he and the Black Widow begin their exploits in San Francisco! There they’ll face new challenges and classic villains — Electro, Killgrave the Purple Man, and Mr. Fear, just to name a few. And they’ll do it while looking better than ever, courtesy of the unmatched art team of Gene Colan and Tom Palmer! COLLECTING: DAREDEVIL (1964) 85-96 DATA AUTHOR: GERRY CONWAY ARTIST: GENE COLAN ISBN: 978-0-7851-9152-0 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $75.00 US / $85.00 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: MASTERWORKS HC RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 7 X 10 PAGE COUNT: 272 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES MARVEL MASTERWORKS: DAREDEVIL VOL. 7 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-6644-3 - OCTOBER-13 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: DAREDEVIL VOL. 8 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8841-4 - MAY-14 NON-RETURNABLE INCREDIBLE HULK EPIC COLLECTION: GHOSTS OF THE PAST TPB As one Leader falls, another rises! An epic clash between the Hulk, the Leader and the U-Foes is going to end very badly for the gamma-brained villain. Rick Jones’ girlfriend Marlo won’t fare any better: She dies! But thankfully, that’s not the end of her story. As for the Hulk, he’s about to NL[HUVɈLYOLJHU»[YLM\ZL·VUL[OH[ puts him in charge of the Pantheon! COLLECTING: INCREDIBLE HULK (1968) 397-406, INCREDIBLE HULK ANNUAL 1819; MATERIAL FROM NAMOR THE SUBMARINER ANNUAL 2, SILVER SURFER ANNUAL 5, DR. STRANGE, SORCERER SUPREME ANNUAL 2, MARVEL HOLIDAY SPECIAL 2 (INCREDIBLE HULK EPIC COLLECTION VOL. 19) DATA AUTHOR: PETER DAVID, RON MARZ, ROY THOMAS ARTIST: DALE KEOWN, JAN DUURSEMA, CHRIS BACHALO, GARY FRANK, KEVIN MAGUIRE, JAMES FRY, TOM MORGAN, MC WYMAN, VARIOUS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9299-2 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 480 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR 36 COMP TITLES SILVER SURFER EPIC COLLECTION: WHEN CALLS GALACTUS TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9002-8 DECEMBER-14 MOON KNIGHT EPIC COLLECTION: BAD MOON RISING TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9096-7 - OCTOBER-14 ICON SCARLET BOOK 2 PREMIERE HC Scarlet’s call to arms has been heard all over the world. And the world reacts. Can a modern revolution NHPU[YHJ[PVU&(UK^OH[^PSS[OLNV]LYUTLU[KV[VZO\[OLYKV^U&-YVT[OL,PZULY(^HYK^PUUPUN[LHT behind DAREDEVIL and MOON KNIGHT! COLLECTING: SCARLET 6-10 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: ALEX MALEEV ISBN: 978-0-7851-8429-4 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: PREMIERE RATING: MATURE TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 176 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES SCARLET BOOK 1 PREMIERE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5251-4 - JULY-11 POWERS: BUREAU VOL. 1 - UNDERCOVER TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6602-3 - JANUARY-14 37 SEPTEMBER DARK TOWER: THE DRAWING OF THE THREE HOUSE OF CARDS TPB Eddie Dean, the troubled young man gifted with the ability to open doors to other worlds, has smuggled narcotics from Nassau to New York City, but now has to escape a packed airplane guarded by armed Custom Agents! How will Eddie H]VPKWYPZVUHUK`L[HSZVM\SÄSSOPZJVU[YHJ[ ^P[O[OLKHUNLYV\ZTVIZ[LY)HSHaHY&;OL answer lies in Mid-World, and with a dying gunslinger named Roland! The chilling chapter by writers Peter David (Spider-Man 2099) & Robin Furth (The Dark Tower: A Complete Concordance), and artist Piotr Kowalski (Marvel Knights: Hulk)! COLLECTING: DARK TOWER: THE DRAWING OF THE THREE - HOUSE OF CARDS 1-5 DATA AUTHOR: ROBIN FURTH, PETER DAVID ARTIST: PIOTR KOWALSKI ISBN: 978-0-7851-9281-7 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: MATURE TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Robin Furth is perhaps the only person who knows more about the Dark Tower mythos than Stephen King himself. As author of the two-volume The Dark Tower: A Concordance, Furth is in a unique position to help adapt King’s work into a Marvel Comics series. She has also written comics of her own, including a tale of Wolverine in Rampaging Wolverine and a story of the Fantastic Four’s children in Girl Comics. Peter DavidPZVULVM[OLPUK\Z[Y`»ZTVZ[WYVSPÄJHUK versatile writers, whose record-breaking stint on Incredible Hulk remains a fan favorite to this day. His critically acclaimed association with X-Factor,ÄYZ[PU the early 1990s, and then from 2005 onwards, may one day even surpass it for longevity. His other comics work includes Justice, Spider-Man 2099 and Captain Marvel for Marvel; Aquaman, Supergirl and Young Justice for DC; Dreadstar for First Comics; Spy Boy for Dark Horse; and the creator-owned Soulsearchers and Company and Fallen Angel. David is also a novelist and screenwriter. Among his credits are more than 70 books — including some 40 Star Trek tie-ins; original novels such as Sir Apropos of Nothing, Howling Mad and Knight Life; movies Trancers 4 and Trancers 5; and episodes of Babylon 5 and Crusade. He also co-created the TV show Space Cases with actor-writer Bill Mumy. Piotr Kowalski grew up in Europe, where he worked as a storyboard artist for the movie industry and advertising sector. He was also known for his work on such comic books as Gail, La Branche Lincoln, Urban Vampires and Dracula L'immortel. He made his debut in the American market with Malignant Man for Boom! Studios and later illustraeted Sex! for Image Comics. MARKETING COMP TITLES Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. DARK TOWER: THE DRAWING OF THE THREE - THE PRISONER TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9157-5 - MARCH-15 Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. DARK TOWER: THE GUNSLINGER - LAST SHOTS TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-4941-5 - OCTOBER-13 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. ©2015 Stephen King. All rights reserved. 38 39 SEPTEMBER BIG THUNDER MOUNTAIN RAILROAD HC Millions of fans have climbed aboard the “wildest ride in the wilderness”—and now Marvel hurtles you through the mists of time to reveal the never-before-told saga of how the dangerous gold mine of Big Thunder Mountain became the haunted legend it is today! Mine owner Barnabas T. Bullion is determined to shelter his teen daughter Abigail from the dangers of the Wild West, but this brave young hero has other ideas… which include robbing her own father’s mine as a masked bandit! Earthquakes! Floods! Dynamite-chewing goats! Can the denizens of Rainbow Ridge survive the clash between THURPUK»ZNYLLKHUKUH[\YL»ZM\Y`&(UK what is the protective power that dwells KLLW^P[OPU[OLT`Z[LYPV\ZTV\U[HPU& Surprises await you in the latest Disney Kingdoms saga by the acclaimed duo of Dennis Hopeless (Spider-Woman) and Tigh Walker (Avengers Undercover)! Kansas City native Dennis Hopeless has been writing independent comics since 2007 — including Gearhead (Arcana), a four-issue super hero vengeance tale, and LoveSTRUCK (Image), an original graphic novel about how you don't have to believe in love to make it. His Marvel work includes the upcoming Legion of Monsters with artist Juan Doe. Tigh Walker is a Toronto-based artist who enjoys grilled cheese sandwiches. He has worked in the comic/ HUPTH[PVUÄST]PKLVNHTLÄLSKZHUKOHZHILHYKUHTLK Sparkplug. His Marvel credits include Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Avengers Undercover. Self-taught Spanish artist Felix Ruiz has been published extensively in both Spain and Switzerland. For Marvel, he has illustrated Halo: Fall of Reach, Marvel Zombies 5, New Mutants and more. COLLECTING: BIG THUNDER MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1-5 DATA MARKETING AUTHOR: DENNIS HOPELESS ARTIST: TIGH WALKER, FELIX RUIZ ISBN: 978-0-7851-9701-0 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED RATING: ALL AGES TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 128 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES DISNEY KINGDOMS: SEEKERS OF THE WEIRD HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5452-5 - AUGUST-14 FIGMENT HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-9099-8 - MAY-15 Elements based on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad © Disney 40 41 SEPTEMBER MAX RIDE: FIRST FLIGHT TPB James Patterson’s worldwide Best-selling series gets a Marvel makeover. Follow the soaring adventures of Max and her L_[YHVYKPUHY`¸ÅVJR¹·-HUN0NN`5\KNL Gasman and Angel — as they try to escape their creators and defend themselves from the diabolical Erasers. Along the way Max KPZJV]LYZOLYW\YWVZL¶ZH]PUN[OL^VYSK¶ I\[JHUZOL& COLLECTING: MAX RIDE: FIRST FLIGHT 1-5 Marguerite Bennett has worked for Marvel, DC and BOOM! on projects from Batman and Secret Wars to FOX’s Sleepy Hollow. She has collaborated with writers such as Scott Snyder, Kieron Gillen, Tom Taylor and Chris Claremont, and artists ranging from Stephanie Hans to Bill Sienkiewicz. Alex Sanchez is a New York City-raised artist and graduate of the Kubert School. He's worked for every major comicbook publisher, and provided sequential, cover and fullcolor mixed-media artwork for titles such as BuɈ y: Tales of the Vampires, JSA, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Katana, The Evil Within and Elektra. DATA AUTHOR: MARGUERITE BENNETT ARTIST: ALEX SANCHEZ ISBN: 978-0-7851-9742-3 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. COMP TITLES Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. CASTLE: RICHARD CASTLE'S DEADLY STORM PREMIERE HC PREMIERE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5327-6 - SEPTEMBER-11 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. DARK TOWER: THE GUNSLINGER - LAST SHOTS TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-4941-5 - OCTOBER-13 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 42 43 INTERIOR PAGES FROM MAX RIDE: FIRST FLIGHT SEPTEMBER DEXTER DOWN UNDER TPB +L_[LYYL[\YUZPUHISVVKZVHRLK(\Z[YHSPHUHK]LU[\YL^YP[[LUI`OPZJYLH[VY1LɈ3PUKZH`+L_[LY4VYNHU isn’t just Miami’s No. 1 forensic blood-spatter expert — he’s also a serial killer who targets other killers! But when Dexter travels Down Under on the trail of a new murderer, he quickly learns that sharks aren’t Australia’s only deadly predator. Who is setting up illegal hunting safaris in the Outback, and are they [HYNL[PUNTVYL[OHUIPNNHTL&+L_[LYPU]LZ[PNH[LZHZVUS`OLJHUI\[ZVVUKPZJV]LYZ[OH[OLPZU»[[OL hunter — he’s the prey! Now Dexter is trapped in a private preserve where humans are in the crosshairs. >PSS[OPZVULLUK^P[OHIHUN& COLLECTING: DEXTER DOWN UNDER 1-5 DATA AUTHOR: JEFF LINDSAY ARTIST: DALIBOR TALAJIC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5451-8 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES DEXTER DOWN UNDER PREMIERE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5450-1 - AUGUST-14 DEXTER TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-4845-6 - MARCH-15 *VW`YPNO[I`1LɈ3PUKZH`(SSYPNO[ZYLZLY]LK 46 OCTOBER STAR WARS: THE MARVEL COVERS VOL. 1 HC Star Wars has returned to Marvel, and a galaxy of comic book stars have joined the celebration! Welcome back Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, Artoo, Threepio, Darth, Boba and the rest as you’ve never seen them before in this astonishing collection of covers from the likes of John Cassaday, Joe Quesada, Alex Ross, Skottie Young, J. Scott Campbell, Salvador Larroca, Terry Dodson and plenty more! Featuring every illustrated variant of the million-selling STAR WARS #1, plus all the covers of STAR WARS #26, PRINCESS LEIA #1-5 and DARTH VADER #1-6. Then prepare to be wowed by the new cover art from Marvel’s classic STAR WARS collections, including Adi Granov’s sensational takes on the original trilogy. It’s packed with special features, but this is one book you should judge by its covers! MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. DATA AUTHOR: JESS HARROLD ISBN: 978-0-7851-9838-3 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED RATING: ALL AGES TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 208 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES MARVEL'S GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: THE ART OF THE MOVIE HC SLIPCASE ISBN: 978-0-7851-8553-6 - AUGUST-14 MARVEL'S CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER - THE ART OF THE MOVIE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8444-7 - APRIL-14 © & TM 2015 LUCASFILM LTD. 47 OCTOBER STAR WARS: DARTH VADER VOL. 1 - VADER TPB The original Dark Lord of the Sith stars in OPZÄYZ[VUNVPUNZLYPLZ,]LYZPUJL+HY[O =HKLY»ZÄYZ[VUZJYLLUHWWLHYHUJLOLOHZ become one of pop culture’s most popular villains. Now, follow Vader straight from the ending of A NEW HOPE into his own solo adventures — showing the Empire’s war with the Rebel Alliance from the other side! But when a Dark Lord needs help, who JHUOL[\YU[V&(Z=HKLYW\YZ\LZH]LY` personal vengeance against the Rebels and investigates the Emperor’s secret machinations, he clashes with weaponsscavenger Aphra and deadly Battle Droids, and returns to Geonosis to build an army. But some very powerful people don’t want him to learn the truths he seeks! Gueststarring Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett and more! An award-winning critic and journalist, Kieron Gillen wrote for organizations such as PC Gamer, The Guardian, Rock Paper Shotgun and Wired before turning his attention to comics. His previous credits include the critically lauded Phonogram with frequent creative partner Jamie McKelvie, as well as Thor, S.W.O.R.D. and Generation Hope. Gillen relaunched two longstanding Marvel series in Uncanny X-Men and Journey into Mystery before turning his attention to Iron Man for Marvel NOW! After illustrating Death’s Head II and Dark Angel for the Marvel UK imprint, Salvador Larroca scored a regular gig on Ghost Rider. He graduated to Fantastic Four, working alongside one of his favorite writers, Chris Claremont. From 2000 to 2006, Larroca depicted Marvel’s mutants across Uncanny X-Men, X-Men and X-Treme X-Men. His popularity continued to build as he crossed over to newuniversal, a striking take on the New Universe by writer Warren Ellis. Following a stint on Amazing SpiderMan, Larroca brought his maturing style to a lengthy run on Invincible Iron Man and the X-Men: No More Humans original graphic novel. COLLECTING: DARTH VADER 1-6 “Off to a great start.” "Will remind you why you love (and hate) Darth Vader" - Kotaku – IGN "Darth Vader serves as an excellent counterpart to Marvel's main series." – New York Daily News DATA AUTHOR: KIERON GILLEN ARTIST: SALVADOR LARROCA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9255-8 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR © & TM 2015 LUCASFILM LTD. MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. COMP TITLES Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. CIVIL WAR TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2179-4 - APRIL-07 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6403-6 - NOVEMBER-14 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 48 "Darth Vader is here and this is a series you have to read." - Comic Vine 49 DEADPOOL'S SECRET SECRET WARS TPB NOT A SECRET WARS TIE-IN! is... but not THAT Secret Wars. Remember [OLVYPNPUHS:LJYL[>HYZMYVT &(UK remember how Deadpool played a huge PTWVY[HU[YVSLPUP[&>HP[`V\+65»;&;OLU you need to read this series immediately and be educated! From the team that brought you DEADPOOL KILLUSTRATED comes the most Secretest War of all! COLLECTING: DEADPOOL'S SECRET SECRET WARS 1-4, SECRET WARS (1984) 1 DATA AUTHOR: CULLEN BUNN ARTIST: MATTEO LOLLI, JACOPO CAMAGNI ISBN: 978-0-7851-9867-3 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Writer Cullen Bunn»ZÄYZ[^VYRPUJVTPJZ^HZ^P[OHY[PZ[ collaborator Brian Hurtt on Oni Press’s noir/horror comic The Damned and the follow-up series The Damned: Prodigal Sons, as well as The Sixth Gun. Bunn’s early Marvel work included contributions to Immortal Weapons and Deadpool Team-Up, followed by work on miniseries Fear Itself: The Deep and Fear Itself: The Fearless. In addition to solo turns on series Wolverine and Captain America and…, Bunn has co-written Captain America with Ed Brubaker and Venom with Rick Remender, whom he later succeeded as writer. He wrote the Spider-Man: Season One graphic novel, the Superior Carnage Annual and the fan-favorite Fearless Defenders before launching Magneto into his own ongoing series for All-New Marvel NOW! Italian artist Matteo Lolli has kept Marvel’s all-ages series fresh and exciting with his lively pencils on titles including Marvel Adventures Spider-Man, Marvel Adventures Iron Man and Marvel Adventures Super Heroes. He brought his talents to the regular Marvel Universe with 4HY]LS56>»ZÄYZ[Thunderbolts Annual. A winner of Marvel’s 2008 Chesterquest international talent search, Italian artist Jacopo Camagni has worked L_[LUZP]LS`VU[OLW\ISPZOLY»ZHSSHNLZ[P[SLZ¶PUJS\KPUN Black Widow and the Marvel Girls, Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil, Marvel Adventures the Avengers, Marvel Adventures Spider-Man, Marvel Adventures Super Heroes, and Skrulls vs. Power Pack. MARKETING COMP TITLES Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. DEADPOOL VOL. 1: DEAD PRESIDENTS TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6680-1 - JUNE-13 Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6403-6 - NOVEMBER-14 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 50 51 HOUSE OF M: WARZONES! TPB The House of Magnus controls all, having crushed all resistance to their reign. 4HNUL[VY\SLZ^P[OHUPYVUÄZ[^OPSLOPZ children and grandchildren live their lives as royals — with all the privileges and pitfalls that come with that title. But is Magneto’s JVU[YVSHZHSSLUJVTWHZZPUNHZP[ZLLTZ& And what happens to a conqueror when [OLYLPZUVVULSLM[[VJVUX\LY& Kansas City native Dennis Hopeless has been writing independent comics since 2007 — including Gearhead (Arcana), a four-issue super hero vengeance tale, and LoveSTRUCK (Image), an original graphic novel about how you don't have to believe in love to make it. His Marvel work includes the upcoming Legion of Monsters with artist Juan Doe. Jorge Molina’s Marvel credits include Captain America: Man Out of Time with Mark Waid, X-Men with Victor Gischler, Models, Inc., What If? Secret Wars, the Siege crossover issues of Avengers: The Initiative and World War Hulks: Spider-Man & Thor. In addition, he has illustrated covers for Ultimate Spider-Man and New Mutants. COLLECTING: HOUSE OF M (2015), HOUSE OF M (2005) 1 DATA AUTHOR: DENNIS HOPELESS ARTIST: JORGE MOLINA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9872-7 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 120 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. COMP TITLES Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. HOUSE OF M TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-1721-6 - MAY-06 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 52 53 MARVEL 1872 TPB REAL HEROES DIE WITH THEIR BOOTS ON. :OLYPɈ:[L]L9VNLYZMHJLZJVYY\W[PVUHUKMLHY in the boom town of Timely. The only thing Anthony Stark seems capable of is pulling a JVYRZVJHUOLW\SS9VNLYZMH[MYVT[OLÄYL& But...a stranger comes to town that will change Timely forever... for anyone left standing, that is. COLLECTING: 1872, AVENGERS (1963) 80, MATERIAL FROM MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988) 170 Gerry Duggan received the education he needed to write from a steady diet of comic books and Late Night With David Letterman. He didn’t know he wasted a ton of money on a pricey diploma from Emerson College in Boston. After graduating, he arrived in Los Angeles and hooked up almost immediately with Brian Posehn. Together, they’ve written Marvel NOW!’s Deadpool, The Simpsons and The Last Christmas, the true story of Santa Claus after the apocalypse. Both he and artist Phil Noto earned Eisner Award nominations for The InÄnite Horizon, a re-imagining of The Odyssey in a dystopian future. He also counts Nova and Hulk among his roster of Marvel titles. Born in Wisconsin and raised in Michigan, cartoonist Evan "Doc" Shaner has worked for Dark Horse, Marvel and DC on such titles as Adventures of Superman, Ghostbusters, Blood Brothers and Deadpool Annual. DATA AUTHOR: GERRY DUGGAN ARTIST: EVAN “DOC” SHANER ISBN: 978-0-7851-9877-2 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 120 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. COMP TITLES MARVEL 1602 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-4134-1 - FEBRUARY-10 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 54 55 SPIDER-ISLAND: WARZONES! TPB The Spider-Queen has turned Manhattan into an island of Spider-Madness and Peter Parker has lost, thanks to Spider-Scribe Christos Gage (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN) & rising star artist Paco Diaz (WOLVERINE, SCARLET SPIDERS). With Spider-Man defeated and captive, does Flash ;OVTWZVU(2(=,564Z[HUKHJOHUJL&(SS[OPZWS\Z]PZP[[OL4*WH[JOVM)(;;3,>693+ COLLECTING: SPIDER-ISLAND (2015) DATA AUTHOR: CHRISTOS GAGE, TOM DEFALCO ARTIST: PACO DIAZ, RON FRENZ ISBN: 978-0-7851-9885-7 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 1: THE PARKER LUCK TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6676-4 - NOVEMBER-14 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 2: SPIDER-VERSE PRELUDE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8798-1 - JANUARY-15 56 MRS. DEADPOOL AND THE HOWLING COMMANDOS TPB She is Shiklah—undisputed Queen of the Monster Metropolis below Manhattan! In the world that was, she married Deadpool, the Merc with the Mouth. But nothing on Battleworld is quite as it was. Now, she commands the Howling Commandos: Werewolf by Night! Frankenstein’s Monster! The Living Mummy! 4HU;OPUN(UK4HYJ\Z[OL*LU[H\Y>OH[^V\SKOLYSH[LO\ZIHUK[OPURVM[OH[&&& COLLECTING: MRS. DEADPOOL AND THE HOWLING COMMANDOS DATA AUTHOR: GERRY DUGGAN ARTIST: SALVADOR ESPIN ISBN: 978-0-7851-9880-2 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6403-6 - NOVEMBER-14 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 57 GIANT-SIZE LITTLE MARVELS: AVX TPB The toughest, funniest, craziest and most adorable Marvel heroes THROW DOWN. Featuring all your favorites including Cyclops, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Wolverine! They’re all there, just shorter! Skottie Young brings out the big guns in the series fans have been waiting for! Distinctively stylized illustrator Skottie Young has worked in both comics and animation for Warner Bros., Universal, Spike TV, Mattel, Fisher Price, Marvel, Dark Horse, Image and more. His Marvel work includes runs on Human Torch and Venom, the Spider-Man: Legend of the Spider-Clan limited series and a revamp of New Warriors. He also drew the X-Men/Runaways team-up for Free Comic Book Day 2006 and a run of New X-Men. COLLECTING: GIANT-SIZE LITTLE MARVEL: AVX, A-BABIES VS. X-BABIES 1 DATA AUTHOR: SKOTTIE YOUNG ARTIST: SKOTTIE YOUNG ISBN: 978-0-7851-9870-3 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES YOUNG MARVEL: LITTLE X-MEN, LITTLE AVENGERS, BIG TROUBLE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8498-0 - OCTOBER-13 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 58 59 OCTOBER NOVA VOL. 6: HOMECOMING TPB Nova joins the Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men for a huge adventure. With the Black Vortex itself in his possession, Sam goes on the run for his life. Good thing they call him the human rocket! Then, Nova turns to DOC GREEN, THE INCREDIBLE HULK, for help with his busted helmet! Their quest takes them halfway across the universe and puts them in danger that even the Hulk can’t punch out of! COLLECTING: NOVA ANNUAL 1 (2015), NOVA 28-31 MARKETING DATA AUTHOR: GERRY DUGGAN ARTIST: DAVID BALDEON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9375-3 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 120 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES NOVA VOL. 3: NOVA CORPSE TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-8957-2 - JUNE-14 NOVA VOL. 4: ORIGINAL SIN TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-8958-9 - JANUARY-15 NOW! 60 OCTOBER ROCKET RACCOON VOL. 1: A CHASING TALE TPB Rocket Raccoon is the last of his kind: a hero to the weak, a champion of good, a swashbuckling pioneer of valor (and guns). But his life of adventure may end abruptly when he’s framed for murder — and the authorities HYLU»[[OLVUS`VULZVUOPZ[HPS.L[P[&;OLYL»ZHUV[OLY¸9VJRL[9HJJVVU¹V\[[OLYLI\[[OL\UP]LYZLQ\Z[HPU»[ IPNLUV\NO;OLSVVRHSPRLRPSSLYPZVULZ[LWHOLHKVM9VJRL["UV^P[»Z\W[VV\YOLYVHUKOPZWHS.YVV[[VÄUK [OL[Y\[O*HU9VJRL[THRLP[V\[HSP]LHUKJSLHYOPZUHTL& COLLECTING: ROCKET RACCOON 1-6 DATA AUTHOR: SKOTTIE YOUNG ARTIST: SKOTTIE YOUNG, JAKE PARKER ISBN: 978-0-7851-9045-5 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES ROCKET RACCOON VOL. 1: A CHASING TALE PREMIERE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-9389-0 - MARCH-15 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 1: COSMIC AVENGERS TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6607-8 - APRIL-14 61 OCTOBER DEADPOOL CLASSIC VOL. 13: DEADPOOL TEAM-UP TPB Evidently, the voices in his head aren’t enough company for Deadpool! These riotous, ridiculous and outright reprehensible team-ups pair the irrepressible mercenary with 4HY]LS»ZÄULZ[JOHYHJ[LYZHUKJYLH[VYZ+VU»[L_WLJ[»7VVS to hog all the glory, though; he’ll share the spotlight with his new buddies, and drive them all bonkers in the process. Featuring a roster of Marvel comics all-stars! COLLECTING: DEADPOOL TEAM-UP (1998) 1, DEADPOOL TEAM-UP (2010) 899-883 DATA AUTHOR: JAMES FELDER, ROB WILLIAMS, VARIOUS ARTIST: PETE WOODS, DALIBOR TALAJIC, CHRIS STAGGS, SHAWN CRYSTAL, MATTEO SCALERA, VARIOUS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9732-4 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 448 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES DEADPOOL CLASSIC VOL. 9 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8513-0 - JANUARY-14 DEADPOOL CLASSIC VOL. 10 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9046-2 - NOVEMBER-14 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY BY JIM VALENTINO VOL. 3 TPB Jim Valentino completes his explosive exploration of the Marvel Universe of the 31st Century! The original-and-future Guardians welcome the return of their ally Starhawk — but why is that IHKUL^ZMVY4HQVY=PJ[VY`»ZSV]LSPML&;OLY\[OSLZZ9HUJVYPZ HSZVIHJRHUK[OH[»Z[YV\ISLMVYL]LY`IVK`>PSSZOLÄUKOLY HUJLZ[VY>VS]LYPUL&:PS]LY:\YMLY»ZYLHWWLHYHUJLTH`IL^VYZ[ of all — because where he soars, Galactus is sure to follow! COLLECTING: GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (1990) 21-29, ANNUAL 2; MARVEL SUPER-HEROES (1967) 18 DATA AUTHOR: JIM VALENTINO, ARNOLD DRAKE ARTIST: JIM VALENTINO, MARK TEXEIRA, HERB TRIMPE, JJ BIRCH, GENE COLAN ISBN: 978-0-7851-9812-3 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 312 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY BY JIM VALENTINO VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8420-1 - JANUARY-14 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY BY JIM VALENTINO VOL. 2 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8563-5 - JULY-14 62 OCTOBER INFINITY WAR AFTERMATH TPB ;OL0UÄUP[`>HYPZV]LY·UV^JVU[PU\L[OLZ[VY`^P[O>HYSVJRHUK[OL0UÄUP[`>H[JO*HUHJVTH[VZL(KHT V]LYJVTLOPZPKLU[P[`JYPZPZHUKW\[OPTZLSMIHJR[VNL[OLYHNHPU&0MOLKVLZ:PS]LY:\YMLYOHZHMH]VY[VHZR· one that would pit Warlock against Mephisto for the soul of Surfer’s love Shalla-Bal! Plus, there’s the battle that green ink was invented for: Drax the Destroyer vs. the Incredible Hulk! Meanwhile, Quasar battles for the title of Protector of the Universe — and his very life; Pip the Troll battles a resident of Monster Isle, the deadly Gamora confronts the U.N. — and don’t miss a very Thanos Christmas! COLLECTING: WARLOCK & THE INFINITY WATCH 11-17, SILVER SURFER/WARLOCK: RESURRECTION 1-4, QUASAR 41-43; MATERIAL FROM MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988) 112, MARVEL HOLIDAY SPECIAL 2, MARVEL SWIMSUIT SPECIAL 2 MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. DATA AUTHOR: JIM STARLIN, MARK GRUENWALD ARTIST: TOM RANEY, ANGEL MEDINA, TOM GRINDBERG, JIM STARLIN, ANDY SMITH, VARIOUS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9814-7 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $39.99 US / $43.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 368 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES INFINITY WAR TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2105-3 - APRIL-06 INFINITY GAUNTLET TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5659-8 - SEPTEMBER-11 63 OCTOBER GUARDIANS TEAM-UP VOL. 1 TPB Launching directly out of Guardians of the Galaxy comes a new story bringing the Guardians to the Marvel Universe’s grandest stage for an out-of-this-world adventures with some of the biggest hitters Marvel has [VVɈLY:LL[OL.\HYKPHUZHZZLTISLZPKL by-side with the mighty Avengers. Next, Ronan the Accuser joins the battle after the Black Vortex strikes the Kree Empire. Then see what happens when the intergalactic bounty hunters travel to New York and run into She-Hulk! COLLECTING: GUARDIANS TEAM-UP 1-5, TAILS OF THE PET AVENGERS 1 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS, SAM HUMPHRIES, JOHN LAYMAN, ANDY LANNING, ANDY SCHMIDT ARTIST: ARTHUR ADAMS, MIKE MAYHEW, OTTO SCHMIDT, GUSTAVO DUARTE ISBN: 978-0-7851-9714-0 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES Award-winning comic-book creator Brian Michael Bendis is one of the most successful writers in the industry today. As well as an acclaimed run on Daredevil, he has helmed a renaissance for Marvel’s popular Avengers franchise and written the event projects House of M, Secret War, Secret Invasion, Siege and Age of Ultron. Bendis is one of the architects of Marvel’s Ultimate line of comics, having written every issue of Ultimate Spider-Man since its launch in 1999 and introduced the multiracial Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales, to international media fanfare. Bendis has taken on Marvel’s merry mutants in the pages of All-New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men and launched Guardians of the Galaxy into the stratosphere for Marvel NOW! His creator-owned projects include Scarlet with Alex Maleev, Brilliant with Mark Bagley, and Takio and the Eisner Award-winning Powers with Mike Oeming. Los Angeles-based writer Sam Humphries made his Marvel debut on John Carter: Gods of Mars with artist Ramón Pérez. His other credits include Our Love Is Real, HZJPÄ love story with artist Steven Sanders; SacriÄce with artist Dalton Rose; and Fraggle Rock. Since his beginnings with Ann Nocenti in Longshot (which earned him a Russ Manning Award), Arthur Adams has most often displayed his distinctive and detail-intensive art in miniseries or one-shots (including several Uncanny X-Men Annuals) — along with brief but memorable stints on Fantastic Four, X-Factor and other titles. He co-created “Jonni Future” for Alan Moore’s Tom Strong’s TerriÄc Tales, and Dark Horse Comics has published his creator-owned Monkeyman and O’Brien. Renowned for cover art at Marvel, DC and elsewhere, Adams has also illustrated trading cards, posters and shirts, among other products; his art can be found in [V`KLZPNUÄSTHK]LY[PZLTLU[ZHUKHZLYPLZVMX-Menthemed Campbell Soup labels. Jeph Loeb’s Hulk series featured a string of issues in which Adams provided interior art. (WYVSPÄJHY[PZ[MVYHU\TILYVMJVTWHUPLZMike Mayhew is known for his photo-realistic and painterly renderings. Mayhew began his career at DC and soon made a name for himself penciling Topps’ Zorro and Lady Rawhide. In 2000, he helped relaunch Vampirella with fully rendered pencils. Mayhew soon brought his painted art to 4HY]LSILJVTPUNHWYVSPÄJJV]LYHY[PZ[MVYZ\JO[P[SLZHZ Elektra, Mystique, She-Hulk and Storm and providing illustrations for two Mary Jane prose novels. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 1: COSMIC AVENGERS TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6607-8 - APRIL-14 MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2: ANGELA TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6608-5 - OCTOBER-14 Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 64 OCTOBER DEATHLOK VOL. 2: MAN VERSUS MACHINE TPB +LH[OSVRPZZLU[VUHTPZZPVU[OH[OLJHU»[Z[VTHJO¶^OH[ ^PSSOHWWLU^OLUOLJOHSSLUNLZ*65;963&(NLU[/VWL knows the only way to Henry Hayes is through his daughter, and she enlists unlikely help to bring the girl in. Meanwhile, Domino sets her own plan in motion. COLLECTING: DEATHLOK 6-10 DATA AUTHOR: NATHAN EDMONDSON ARTIST: MIKE PERKINS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9279-4 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES IRON FIST: THE LIVING WEAPON VOL. 1 RAGE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5435-8 - DECEMBER-14 ALL-NEW GHOST RIDER VOL. 1: ENGINES OF VENGEANCE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5455-6 - OCTOBER-14 MAGNETO VOL. 4: LAST DAYS TPB Earth is on a collision course with oblivion…and Magneto’s just learned time is running out. With everything he’s fought for being brought to an inescapable end, how will the Master VM4HNUL[PZTZWLUKOPZ3(:;+(@:VU,HY[O&>PSS4HNUL[V JLSLIYH[LOPZSLNHJ`¯VYIL[VY[\YLKI`P[& COLLECTING: MAGNETO 18-21 DATA AUTHOR: CULLEN BUNN ARTIST: PAUL DAVIDSON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9805-5 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $12.99 US / $13.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 96 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES MAGNETO VOL. 1: INFAMOUS TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8987-9 OCTOBER-14 MAGNETO VOL. 2: REVERSALS TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8988-6 FEBRUARY-15 66 BLACK WIDOW VOL. 3: LAST DAYS TPB ;OL^VYSKOHZ[\YULKHNHPUZ[)SHJR>PKV^/LY^LIPZIYVRLU/V^^PSSZOLKLHS^P[O[OPZ&;OLÄUHSWH[O [V*OHVZPZH[OLYMLL[I\[^PSSOLYV^UKLTVUZRLLWOLYMYVTÄUHSS`[HRPUNP[&>OH[OHWWLULK[V0ZHPHO& *HU)SHJR>PKV^Z[PSS[\YU[V[OL(]LUNLYZVYL]LU[V:/0,3+&5H[HZOH^HU[ZHUZ^LYZHIV\[*OHVZ and now she has a list of people who have them. COLLECTING: BLACK WIDOW 13-20 DATA AUTHOR: NATHAN EDMONDSON ARTIST: PHIL NOTO ISBN: 978-0-7851-9253-4 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 184 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES BLACK WIDOW VOL. 1: THE FINELY WOVEN THREAD TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8819-3 - AUGUST-14 BLACK WIDOW VOL. 2: THE TIGHTLY TANGLED WEB TPBISBN: 978-0-7851-8820-9 - FEBRUARY-15 67 OCTOBER SILK VOL. 1: NOW AND THEN TPB Cindy Moon exploded out of her bunker and into the Marvel Universe when we ÄYZ[SLHYULK[OH[ZOLOHKILLUIP[[LUI` [OLZHTLYHKPVHJ[P]LZWPKLYMYVT[OLÄYZ[ arc of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. She then went on to save Peter Parker’s life (more than once!) and traverse the Spider-Verse alongside Spider-Woman. Now, as SILK, Cindy is on her own in New York City, ZLHYJOPUNMVYOLYWHZ[KLÄUPUNOLYV^U future, and webbing up wrong-doers along the way! Robbie Thompson (writer from TV’s :<7,95(;<9(3ÄSSZ[OPZUL^Z[VY`^P[OOPZ unique blend of antics and feels. Featuring interiors by future superstar Stacey Lee. Robbie Thompson is a comic-book and TV writer. His TV JYLKP[ZPUJS\KL[OLZJPÄOP[Supernatural on The CW, The New Woody Wood Pecker Show for Cartoon Network, Human Target for Fox and The Cape for NBC. He also wrote Ark,HUVYPNPUHSZJPLUJLÄJ[PVUZLYPLZMVY Oni Press that was then developed into a web series by 60 Frames Studios. Thompson is writer of the Marvel Comics series Silk. COLLECTING: SILK 1-7 DATA AUTHOR: ROBBIE THOMPSON ARTIST: STACEY LEE ISBN: 978-0-7851-9704-1 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 160 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL. 1: HIGHER, FURTHER, FASTER, MORE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9013-4 - OCTOBER-14 MS. MARVEL VOL. 1: NO NORMAL TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9021-9 - OCTOBER-14 MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 68 “This is a great new character from the big two.” – Graphic Policy 69 OCTOBER MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN ULTIMATE COLLECTION BOOK 2 TPB Miles Morales is still getting used to being Spider-Man when *HW[HPU(TLYPJHTHRLZOPTH]LY`ZWLJPHSVɈLY0Z4PSLZYLHSS` QVPUPUN[OL<S[PTH[LZ&>P[OH^V\UKLKUH[PVUJY`PUNV\[MVY heroes, Miles Morales is determined to prove that he has what it takes! But when a terrifying new Venom symbiote surfaces, armed with the truth about the incident that gave the new Spider4HUOPZWV^LYZ:WPKL`TPNO[OH]LQ\Z[THKLOPZÄYZ[[Y\L archenemy. COLLECTING: ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN (2011) 13-28, 16.1 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: DAVID MARQUEZ, MARK BAGLEY, MARK BROOKS, DAVID LAFUENTE, SARA PICHELLI ISBN: 978-0-7851-9779-9 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 376 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VOL. 1 - REVIVAL TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5417-4 - NOVEMBER-14 ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN BY BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5713-7 - AUGUST-12 DAMAGE CONTROL: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPB .HSHJ[\ZH[L`V\YHWHY[TLU[I\PSKPUN&;OL:/0,3+/LSPJHYYPLY JYHZOLKVU`V\YJHY&(SPLUZKLZ[YV`LK4HUOH[[HU¯HNHPU&*HSS DAMAGE CONTROL! Meet the Marvel Universe’s No. 1 cleanup crew, the guys and gals with the bulldog badge who work tirelessly to put New York back together after every super-hero battle — from giant robots, to the devastation wreaked by the Acts VM=LUNLHUJL[V[OLJVTPUNVM[OLJVZTPJJSLHUMYLHR,KPÄJL9L_ 5V[KPZHZ[YV\ZLUV\NO&/V^HIV\[[OLPYIPNNLZ[JOHSSLUNLZ[V date: Dr. Doom’s unpaid bill and the aftermath of World War Hulk! COLLECTING: DAMAGE CONTROL (1989A) 1-4, DAMAGE CONTROL (1989B) 1-4, DAMAGE CONTROL (1991) 1-4, WWH AFTERSMASH: DAMAGE CONTROL 1-3; MATERIAL FROM MARVEL AGE ANNUAL 4, MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988) 19, IRON MAN ANNUAL 11 DATA AUTHOR: DWAYNE MCDUFFIE ARTIST: ERNIE COLON, KYLE BAKER, SALVA ESPIN ISBN: 978-0-7851-9790-4 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $ 34.99 US / $ 38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 392 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES DEATHLOK THE DEMOLISHER: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9112-4 - OCTOBER-14 DEVIL DINOSAUR BY JACK KIRBY: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9037-0 - JUNE-14 70 SILVER SURFER VOL. 3: LAST DAYS TPB Trapped in time, lost in space, with alien threats forever on the attack, and Paradise just outside his YLHJO>OH[[LYYPISLWYPJL^PSS[OL:\YMLYWH`[VM\SÄSSOPZTVZ[ZLSÅLZZWYVTPZL&5VZ\YMIVHYK5V[YHJLVM the Power Cosmic. No hint of silver. It’s an all-new life for Norrin Radd on an all-new world. COLLECTING: SILVER SURFER 11-15 DATA AUTHOR: DAN SLOTT ARTIST: MIKE ALLRED ISBN: 978-0-7851-9737-9 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES SILVER SURFER VOL. 1: NEW DAWN TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8878-0 - NOVEMBER-14 DAREDEVIL VOL. 1: DEVIL AT BAY TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5411-2 - NOVEMBER-14 71 OCTOBER S.H.I.E.L.D.: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OMNIBUS HC It’s one of Marvel’s most innovative series, now in one complete volume! With international threats on the rise, a council of global powers taps Nick Fury to protect us from Hydra, A.I.M., Baron Strucker and the Yellow Claw! The greatest team in comics, Stan Lee & Jack Kirby, dove into the world of covert ops, mixing Cold War drama with the mighty Marvel manner — but when Steranko took over, he rewrote the entire rulebook. COLLECTING: Strange Tales 135-168, Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1968) 1-15, Fantastic Four 21, Tales of Suspense (1959) 78, Marvel Spotlight (1971) 31, Avengers (1963) 72 DATA AUTHOR: STAN LEE, STERANKO, GARY FRIEDRICH, JACK KIRBY, ROY THOMAS, DENNIS O’NEIL, ARCHIE GOODWIN ARTIST: JACK KIRBY, STERANKO, FRANK SPRINGER, HERB TRIMPE, JOHN SEVERIN, DON HECK, BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH, HOWARD CHAYKIN, SAL BUSCEMA, JOE SINNOTT, DICK AYERS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9852-9 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $99.99 US / $112.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OMNIBUS RATING: ALL AGES TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 960 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES NON-RETURNABLE THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN OMNIBUS VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8565-9 - SEPTEMBER-13 THE FANTASTIC FOUR OMNIBUS VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8566-6 - OCTOBER-13 S.H.I.E.L.D. BY LEE & KIRBY: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPB Celebrating S.H.I.E.L.D.’s 50th anniversary, Marvel proudly presents [OL]LY`ÄYZ[:/0,3+HK]LU[\YLZ/H]PUNYL]VS\[PVUPaLK everything from super heroes to war and Westerns, in 1965 Stan Lee & Jack Kirby set their sights on the spy game. Cold War covert ops had been dominating headlines, so they created an international organization to protect the Marvel Universe. Headed by Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D. featured amazing gadgets, world-dominating villains and the debut of the awesome Helicarrier! COLLECTING: STRANGE TALES (1951) 135-150, FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) 21, TALES OF SUSPENSE (1959) 78 DATA AUTHOR: STAN LEE, JACK KIRBY, DENNIS O’NEIL ARTIST: JACK KIRBY, JOHN SEVERIN, DON HECK, JOE SINNOTT, JOHN BUSCEMA, HOWARD PURCELL, OGDEN WHITNEY ISBN: 978-0-7851-9901-4 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: ALL AGES TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 256 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES S.H.I.E.L.D. BY STERANKO: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8536-9 OCTOBER-13 NICK FURY, AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D. CLASSIC VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6064-9 - JULY-12 72 THE COMPLETE COLLECTION ® BY LEE & KIRBY OCTOBER AVENGERS: TIME RUNS OUT VOL. 2 TPB /V^JHU,HY[O»Z4PNO[PLZ[/LYVLZWVZZPIS`OHS[[OLHIZVS\[LLUKVML]LY`[OPUN&(M[LY[^V`LHYZVM carefully crafting his cataclysmic saga, writer Jonathan Hickman jumps ahead eight months to the grand ÄUHSL·[OLKH`VM[OL-PUHS0UJ\YZPVU(M[LY[OLYL]LSH[PVUVM[OL0SS\TPUH[P»ZKLZWLYH[L^VYSKKLZ[YV`PUN actions, the Avengers are fragmented. While one group seeks out the Illuminati for a confrontation, HUV[OLY[HRLZ[OLÄNO[[V[OLUL^*HIHS^OPJOPZLUNHNLKPUHISVVK`TPZZPVUHSS[OLPYV^U COLLECTING: AVENGERS 38-39, NEW AVENGERS 26-28 MARKETING DATA AUTHOR: JONATHAN HICKMAN ARTIST: STEFANO CASELLI, MIKE DEODATO JR., KEV WALKER, SYMON KUDRANSKI, MIKE PERKINS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9373-9 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES AVENGERS: TIME RUNS OUT VOL. 1 PREMIERE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-9341-8 - JANUARY-15 AVENGERS VOL. 1: AVENGERS WORLD TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6652-8 - MARCH-14 73 OCTOBER WEREWOLF BY NIGHT OMNIBUS HC witches to aliens to Dracula himself! But which horrifying heroes will join Jack in the 3LNPVUVM4VUZ[LYZ& He’s Jack Russell by day, but he’s the Werewolf By Night! On his 18th birthday, Jack discovers that he has inherited his father’s curse — and that’s when things really get hairy! Can he save his sister MYVTZOHYPUNOPZMH[L&+PZJV]LYOV^1HJR became one of Marvel’s supernatural stars of the seventies in these classic adventures, serving up everything from COLLECTING: MARVEL SPOTLIGHT (1971) 2-4, WEREWOLF BY NIGHT (1972) 1-43, MARVEL TEAM-UP (1972) 12, TOMB OF DRACULA (1972) 18, GIANT-SIZE CREATURES 1, GIANT-SIZE WEREWOLF 2-5, MARVEL PREMIERE 28 DATA AUTHOR: GERRY CONWAY, LEN WEIN, MARV WOLFMAN, MIKE FRIEDRICH, DOUG MOENCH, TONY ISABELLA ARTIST: MIKE PLOOG, WERNER ROTH, TOM SUTTON, GIL KANE, DON PERLIN, ROSS ANDRU, GENE COLAN, VIRGILIO REDONDO, YONG MONTANO ISBN: 978-0-7851-9908-3 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $125.00 US / $140 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OMNIBUS RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 1176 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR NON-RETURNABLE COMP TITLES INFINITY GAUNTLET OMNIBUS HC PEREZ COVER ISBN: 978-0-7851-5468-6 - JULY-14 MARVEL ZOMNIBUS HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-4026-9 OCTOBER-12 MAN-THING: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION VOL. 1 TPB Marvel’s melancholy muck-monster, by the man who knows him best! With the Nexus of All Realities as the ultimate staging post, prepare for the wildest journeys of your life PU[OPZÄYZ[]VS\TLVMHJVTWSL[LJVSSLJ[PVU of Steve Gerber’s Man-Thing tales! Join the most startling swamp-creature of all in encounters with the Thing, sorcerers Dakimh and Jennifer Kale, and the most far-out fowl ever created, Howard the Duck! Plus existential angst, clashes with the modern world, and the death of a clown! COLLECTING: ASTONISHING TALES (1970) 12-13, FEAR 11-19, MARVEL TWO-INONE 1, MAN-THING (1974) 1-8; MATERIAL FROM SAVAGE TALES (1971) 1, FEAR 10, MONSTERS UNLEASHED 5 DATA AUTHOR: STEVE GERBER, GERRY CONWAY, ROY THOMAS, VARIOUS ARTIST: GRAY MORROW, JOHN BUSCEMA, RICH BUCKLER, JIM STARLIN, VAL MAYERIK, MIKE PLOOG, GIL KANE, VARIOUS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9905-2 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $39.99 US / $43.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 440 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES STAR-LORD: GUARDIAN OF THE GALAXY TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5449-5 - JULY-14 MARVEL FIRSTS: THE 1960S TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5864-6 - OCTOBER-11 MONSTER OF FRANKENSTEIN TPB Gothic horror in the macabre Marvel THUULY6ULVM[OLTVZ[[LYYPM`PUNÄN\YLZ PUHSSVMÄJ[PVUS\YJOLZPU[VOPZV^U Z comic book series, collected in color for [OL]LY`ÄYZ[[PTL>P[ULZZHKYHTH[PJ retelling of Mary Shelley’s literary classic, then follow the Monster in his quest for the last living descendant of his creator, Victor Frankenstein. It’s an odyssey that will lead him into a confrontation with Marvel’s other groovy ghoulies, Dracula and Werewolf By Night! COLLECTING: FRANKENSTEIN (1973) 1-18; GIANT-SIZE WEREWOLF BY NIGHT 2; MARVEL TEAM-UP (1972) 36-37; MATERIAL FROM MONSTERS UNLEASHED 2, 4-10; LEGION OF MONSTERS (1975) 1 DATA AUTHOR: GARY FRIEDRICH, DOUG MOENCH, BILL MANTLO ARTIST: MIKE PLOOG, JOHN BUSCEMA, BOB BROWN, VAL MAYERIK, DON PERLIN ISBN: 978-0-7851-9906-9 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $39.99 US / $43.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 536 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR 74 COMP TITLES STAR-LORD: GUARDIAN OF THE GALAXY TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5449-5 - JULY-14 MARVEL FIRSTS: THE 1960S TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5864-6 - OCTOBER-11 OCTOBER THE MARVEL LEGACY OF JACK KIRBY HC Jack Kirby earned the nickname "King" over 50 plus years in comics, from co-creating Captain America to the Fantastic Four to Devil Dinosaur. In addition, Jack’s explosive layouts, high drama and fantastic imagination helped evolve the art form in ways few others can claim. Now, the House of Ideas explores that work in THE MARVEL LEGACY OF JACK KIRBY HC. In essays and commentary, this deluxe, V]LYZPaLK]VS\TLYL]PL^Z[OLJVTPJZ[OLPUÅ\LUJLHUK[OL[PTLZVM2PYI`HUKW\[ZHZWLJPHSMVJ\ZVU the month that changed everything, November 1961. Don’t ask — just buy!!! DATA AUTHOR: JOHN RHETT THOMAS ARTIST: JACK KIRBY ISBN: 978-0-7851-9793-5 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $49.99 US / $55.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED HC WITH SLIPCASE RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 11-5/16 X 9-3/8 PAGE COUNT: 240 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES MARVEL'S GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: THE ART OF THE MOVIE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8553-6 - AUGUST-14 MARVEL'S CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER - THE ART OF THE MOVIE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8444-7 - APRIL-14 75 OCTOBER MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE DEFENDERS VOL. 5 HC Steve Gerber’s Defenders run comes to its revolutionary conclusion in the latest Marvel Masterworks extravaganza! Gerber consistently broke the boundaries of what a superhero comic could be, and his Headmen saga stands as one of the high points in a celebrated career. From the Elf With a Gun to Bambi and the Bozos, Gerber wove together an unlikely cast with a challenging critique of the era’s culture. /PZZ[VYPLZ^V\SKPUÅ\LUJLHNLULYH[PVUVMUL^^YP[LYZ and with artwork by the stellar team of Sal Buscema and Klaus Janson, Defenders is an indisputable ’70s Marvel masterpiece. COLLECTING: DEFENDERS (1972) 31-41, ANNUAL (1976) 1, MARVEL TREASURY EDITION (1974) 12 DATA AUTHOR: STEVE GERBER ARTIST: SAL BUSCEMA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9182-7 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $75.00 US / $85.00 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: MASTERWORKS HC RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 7 X 10 PAGE COUNT: 280 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE DEFENDERS VOL. 3 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5961-2 - AUGUST-12 NON-RETURNABLE MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE DEFENDERS VOL. 4 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-6627-6 - FEBRUARY-14 X-MEN: AGE OF APOCALYPSE VOL. 2 REIGN TPB The world groans under the Darwinian conqueror Apocalypse’s rule. Under his thumb, America has become a dark and dangerous K`Z[VWPH^OLYLT\[HU[ZY\SLO\THURPUKZ\ɈLYZHUKZ\Y]P]HSVM [OLÄ[[LZ[PZHSS)\[PU[OLZOHKV^Z[OLMYLLKVTÄNO[LYZRUV^UHZ the X-Men — following a tenuously thin thread of hope — continue their dangerous and multi-pronged plan to restore the true Marvel Universe. COLLECTING: ASTONISHING X-MEN (1995) 2-3, AMAZING X-MEN (1995) 2-3, GAMBIT AND THE X-TERNALS 2, GENERATION NEXT 2, WEAPON X (1995) 2, X-CALIBRE 2-3, FACTOR X 2-3, X-MAN 2-3, X-UNIVERSE 1, MATERIAL FROM X-MEN: YEAR OF THE MUTANTS COLLECTORS PREVIEW DATA AUTHOR: SCOTT LOBDELL, FABIAN NICIEZA, LARRY HAMA, WARREN ELLIS, JOHN FRANCIS MOORE, JEPH LOEB, TERRY KAVANAGH ARTIST: JOE MADUREIRA, ANDY KUBERT, TONY DANIEL, CHRIS BACHALO, ADAM KUBERT, ROGER CRUZ, KEN LASHLEY, STEVE EPTING, STEVE SKROCE, CARLOS PACHECO ISBN: 978-0-7851-9365-4 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 408 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES X-MEN: AGE OF APOCALYPSE PRELUDE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5508-9 - JUNE-11 AGE OF APOCALYPSE VOL. 1: THE X-TERMINATED TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6302-2 - OCTOBER-12 76 OCTOBER GEORGE ROMERO'S EMPIRE OF THE DEAD: ACT THREE TPB 0[»ZaVTIPLZ]Z]HTWPYLZ·^P[OKLZWLYH[LJP[PaLUZJH\NO[PU[OLJYVZZÄYL·HZ[OLSLNLUKHY`.LVYNL 9VTLYV\USLHZOLZ[OLÄUHSJOHW[LYPUOPZUL^\UKLHKLWPJAVTIPL(\[VWZ`)\[PZ?H]PLYKLHKVY \UKLHK&+Y7LUU`1VULZTH`OH]LHUHZ[`Z\YWYPZLJVTPUNOLY^H`>OVPZRPKUHWWPUN[OLJOPSKYLUVM 5@*^OLYLHYL[OL`[HRPUN[OLTHUK^O`&;OLM\[\YLVM4HUOH[[HUTH`YLZ[PU[OLHUZ^LYZ COLLECTING: GEORGE ROMERO'S EMPIRE OF THE DEAD: ACT THREE 1-5 DATA AUTHOR: GEORGE ROMERO ARTIST: ANDREA MUTTI ISBN: 978-0-7851-8520-8 PUB MONTH: OCTOBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 128 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES GEORGE ROMERO'S EMPIRE OF THE DEAD: ACT ONE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8517-8 - AUGUST-14 GEORGE ROMERO'S EMPIRE OF THE DEAD: ACT TWO TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8519-2 - MARCH-15 77 NOVEMBER STAR WARS: JOURNEY TO STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS - SHATTERED EMPIRE TPB CLASSIFIED! CLASSIFIED! COLLECTING: XXXXXXXX DATA AUTHOR: GREG RUCKA ARTIST: TBD ISBN: 978-0-7851-9781-2 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 128 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES MARKETING CIVIL WAR TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2179-4 - APRIL-07 Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6403-6 - NOVEMBER-14 Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. © & TM 2014 LUCASFILM LTD. 78 NOVEMBER STAR WARS: EPISODE VI - RETURN OF THE JEDI HC Luke Skywalker faces his destiny as the NYLH[LZ[[YPSVN`PUHSSVMÄJ[PVUJVUJS\KLZ remastered for the modern age! These are grim times for the Rebel Alliance. Han Solo is in the hands of the vile Jabba the Hutt. The Jedi Master Yoda grows weak. Emperor Palpatine is determined to turn Luke to the dark side. And Darth Vader nears completion of a new dreaded Death Star L]LUTVYLWV^LYM\S[OHU[OLÄYZ[;VH]LY[ certain doom, the Rebels head to the forest moon of Endor — but will the native Ewoks be friends or foes? Before the Battle of Endor begins, Princess Leia faces dramatic revelations. And when Luke surrenders to Vader, the fate of the galaxy may rest on the ultimate father and son confrontation! It’s return, remastered — read it! COLLECTING: STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI (1983) 1-4 (REMASTERED) DATA AUTHOR: ARCHIE GOODWIN ARTIST: AL WILLIAMSON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9369-2 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR As both writer and artist, Archie Goodwin (d. 1998) got his start in comic strips and cartoons before moving to Warren Publishing’s Vampirella — and from there to Marvel, where he eventually succeeded Gerry Conway as editor in chief. He has been credited with saving 4HY]LSMYVTÄUHUJPHSY\PU^P[O9V`;OVTHZI`ZLJ\YPUN adaptation rights to the legendary Star Wars franchise, perceiving its potential long before later merchandisers. He also wrote comic-book adaptations of Alien, Blade RunnerHUKV[OLYOP[ÄSTZ/LJYLH[LKIV[O4HY]LS»Z Graphic Novel line and its Epic Comics imprint — where, as editor, he occasionally appeared in caricature as alien, elf or other. He also edited early English translations of the Akira series and the works of Moebius. At DC Comics, he guided the destinies of Batman and Starman; one of his most memorable bodies of work was his collaboration with Walter Simonson on the “Manhunter” backup feature in Detective Comics^OPJO^VUÄ]L:OHaHT(^HYKZ Veteran illustrator Al Williamson (d. 2010) began his career at age 17 as an assistant on the Tarzan newspaper strip. Williamson soon found work at EC Comics drawing ZJPLUJLÄJ[PVUZ[VYPLZMVY[P[SLZSPRLWeird Science and Weird Fantasy. In the late 1950s he illustrated Western, jungle and war stories for Atlas Comics, the forerunner of Marvel. Williamson helped launch Warren Publishing’s Creepy and Eerie, and King Features’ Flash Gordon, a character he would continue to work with for years. Williamson illustrated the Secret Agent Corrigan newspaper strip for 13 years and the Star Wars newspaper strip for three. In the late 1980s, Williamson became an inker. His work on Daredevil and Spider-Man 2099 won several Harvey Awards; his inks on Atomic Age won him an Eisner. SEE INSIDE F OR DE TAILS COMP TITLES MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. THANOS: THE INFINITY REVELATION OGN-HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8470-6- AUGUST-14 Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. AVENGERS: ENDLESS WARTIME OGN-HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8467-6 - OCTOBER-13 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. © & TM 2015 LUCASFILM LTD. 80 NOVEMBER STAR WARS: KANAN - THE LAST PADAWAN VOL. 1 TPB Kanan Jarrus. In STAR WARS REBELS, OL»ZHJVJR`ZHYJHZ[PJYLULNHKLÄNO[PUN against the Galactic Empire alongside the ragtag crew of the Ghost. But years before, at the height of the Clone Wars, he was known as Caleb Dume, a Jedi Padawan training under Master Depa Billaba. Neither master nor apprentice ever suspected that their “loyal” Clone Troopers would turn on them upon the issuing of Order 66 — the Emperor’s order to execute all Jedi. How did Caleb Dume escape the Jedi purge? How did he learn to survive on his own after his master fell? And how did he become the man we know now as Kanan Jarrus? What can a Padawan do when simply being a Jedi makes him a target? Join young Caleb for a tale that bridges the years between the Clone Wars and Rebels! Creator of the popular ’90s animated series Gargoyles, Greg Weisman produces The Spectacular Spider-Man on Kids’ WB! In comics, Weisman has co-written Captain Atom with Cary Bates and contributed to Who’s Who: The +LÄUP[P]L+PYLJ[VY`VM[OL+*<UP]LYZL. Spanish artist Pepe Larraz penciled the Spider-Island: The Amazing Spider-Girl miniseries, previously having illustrated stories in anthologies such as -LHY0[ZLSM!;OL Home Front, >LIVM:WPKLY4HU, Marvel Adventures Super Heroes and X-Men: To Serve and Protect. COLLECTING: KANAN - THE LAST PADAWAN 1-5 DATA AUTHOR: GREG WEISMAN ARTIST: PEPE LARRAZ ISBN: 978-0-7851-9366-1 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $17.99 US / $19.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES CIVIL WAR TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2179-4 - APRIL-07 DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6403-6 - NOVEMBER-14 82 83 NOVEMBER THE EMPIRE VOL. 2 A ISBN 978-0-7851-9724-9 VOLUME 2 STAR WARS: DARK TIMES #6-17, STAR WARS: DARK TIMES — BLUE HARVEST #0 & STAR WARS: DARK TIMES — OUT OF THE WILDERNESS #1-5 Offering a new way for fans to collect and read classic and iconic Star Wars stories across the past 35 years of published titles, the Epic Collections collect full, unbroken runs of Star Wars titles set in the Old Republic, the Galactic Empire, the Rebellion and more. ® 53999 These stories take place between Episodes III & IV . 9 780785 197249 $39.99 US $43.99 CAN s the Empire strengthens its grip in the wake of the events of Star Wars Episode III — Revenge of the Sith, the remaining Jedi are marked for death! Jedi Master K’kruhk faces a battle for his life — one with deadly parallels for Bomo Greenbark and the crew of the smuggler vessel Uhumele. Meanwhile, Master Dass Jennir is down to his last credit, and faces a stark choice: compromise his ideals or starve. Being a Jedi may make him an outlaw, but will being an outlaw mean he’s no longer a Jedi? Darth Vader doesn’t care: He’s on the trail of Dass either way — and so is the dread assassin Falco Sang! EPIC COLLECTION EPIC COLLECTION THE DARK TIMES CONTINUE! THE EMPIRE MARVEL.COM L E G E N D S STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: THE EMPIRE VOL. 2 TPB As the Empire strengthens its grip in the wake of the events of Star Wars: Episode III 9L]LUNLVM[OL:P[O, the remaining Jedi are marked for death! Jedi Master K’kruhk faces a battle for his life — one with deadly parallels for Bomo Greenbark and the crew of the smuggler vessel <O\TLSL Meanwhile, Master Dass Jennir is down to his last credit, and faces a stark choice: compromise his ideals or starve. Being a Jedi may make him an outlaw, but will being an outlaw mean he’s no longer a Jedi? Darth Vader doesn’t care: He’s on the trail of Jennir either way — and so is the dread assassin Falco Sang! COLLECTING: STAR WARS: DARK TIMES 6-17, STAR WARS: DARK TIMES - BLUE HARVEST 0, STAR WARS: DARK TIMES - OUT OF THE WILDERNESS 1-5 MARKETING DATA Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. AUTHOR: RANDY STRADLEY ARTIST: DAVE ROSS, DOUGLAS WHEATLEY ISBN: 978-0-7851-9724-9 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $39.99 US / $43.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 440 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AVENGERS VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3706-1 - MARCH-09 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3692-7 - FEBRUARY-09 © & TM 2015 LUCASFILM LTD. 84 NOVEMBER UNCANNY X-MEN VOL. 5: THE OMEGA MUTANT TPB The X-Men gather to unseal the last will and testament of their beloved leader, Charles Xavier — but what they learn will change Xavier’s entire legacy! And as they hunt an all-powerful mutant whom Charles had secreted away, Scott Summers faces his own past. Thanks to his Phoenix-possessed murder of Professor X, Cyclops destroyed his former life and has become one of the world’s most wanted men. But is the greatest threat to his safety lurking within the dark recesses of his own mind? COLLECTING: UNCANNY X-MEN 26-31 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: KRIS ANKA, CHRIS BACHALO ISBN: 978-0-7851-8939-8 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES UNCANNY X-MEN VOL. 2: BROKEN TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6703-7 - JULY-14 UNCANNY X-MEN VOL. 3: THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE INHUMAN TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8937-4 - JANUARY-15 85 SECRET WARS HC The Marvel Universe is no more! The interdimensional Incursions have eliminated each and every dimension one by one ·HUKUV^KLZWP[L[OLILZ[LɈVY[ZVM the scientists, sages and superhumans of both dimensions, the Marvel Universe and Ultimate Universe have collided with one another…and been destroyed! Now, all that exists in the vast empty cosmos is a single titanic patchwork planet, made of the fragmented remains of hundreds of devastated dimensions: Battleworld! And the survivors of this multiversal catastrophe must learn to survive in this strange new realm! What strange creatures inhabit this world? Which familiar faces will make their return? And what happens when the various realms go to war? The Marvel Universe is dead…and the victors of the Secret Wars will determine what comes next! COLLECTING: SECRET WARS 0-8 DATA Jonathan Hickman is the award-winning writer/artist of critically acclaimed independent titles Pax Romana, Transhuman and The Nightly News. Teaming with writer Brian Michael Bendis, he launched Marvel’s Secret Warriors, spinning out of :LJYL[0U]HZPVU He has also scribed the Dark Reign: Fantastic Four limited series, which served as a warm-up for his revered runs on Fantastic Four and FF, and two :/0,3+ series. One of Marvel’s cornerstone writers, Hickman helped launch the Ultimate Universe into its second decade with <S[PTH[L *VTPJZ<S[PTH[LZ <S[PTH[L;OVY and <S[PTH[L*VTPJZ Hawkeye before bringing his intricate plotting to the pages of Avengers and 5L^(]LUNLYZHis impressively full plate includes a trio of lauded series for Image: East VM>LZ[, Secret and the Eisner Award-nominated The 4HUOH[[HU7YVQLJ[Z Croatian artist Esad Ribic broke into the U.S. comic industry with 4 Horsemen with writer Robert Rodi. His JSHZZPJ,\YVWLHUPUÅ\LUJLKHY[PZ[PJZ[`SLNHYULYLK attention from Marvel Comics, leading to a careermaking series of painted covers for Wolverine and 2PUNWPU Ribic also illustrated fan-favorite character Gambit’s debut in the pages of <S[PTH[L?4LU Ribic’s stunning interior artwork on the Rodi-penned3VRP elicited JYP[PJHSJVTWHYPZVUZ[V[OLSLNLUKHY`(SL_9VZZÄYTS` establishing him as one of the industry’s premier painters. Ribic’s interior art has also graced the stunning Silver :\YMLY!9LX\PLT and :\I4HYPULY!;OL+LW[OZ He went on to launch <UJHUU`?-VYJL with writer Rick Remender and <S[PTH[L*VTPJZ<S[PTH[LZ with writer Jonathan Hickman. AUTHOR: JONATHAN HICKMAN ARTIST: PAUL RENAUD, ESAD RIBIC ISBN: 978-0-7851-9884-0 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $49.99 US / $55.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 224 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. COMP TITLES Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. AVENGERS VS. X-MEN HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-6317-6 - NOVEMBER-12 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. INFINITY HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8422-5 - FEBRUARY-14 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 86 “We’ve never done anything like this, ever.” – Tom Brevoort, SVP Executive Editor, Marvel Entertainment “It's the most coordinated event we've ever done.” – Axel Alonso, Editor in Chief, Marvel Entertainment A-FORCE VOL. 0: WARZONES! TPB An all-new book featuring Marvel’s Mightiest Women! In a secluded corner of [OL)H[[SL^VYSKHUPZSHUKUH[PVUPZÄLYJLS` protected by a team of Avengers the likes of which has only ever been glimpsed before. Fighting to protect the small sliver of their world that’s left, the Amazing A-FORCE stands shoulder to shoulder, ready to take on the horde! COLLECTING: A-FORCE 1-5 G. Willow Wilson is the Eisner Award-nominated author of the ongoing series Air and the graphic novel Cairo (both ^P[OHY[PZ[427LYRLY/LYÄYZ[UVUÄJ[PVUIVVR^OPJO contains no pictures whatsoever, ;OL)\[[LYÅ`4VZX\L was released in June 2010 from Grove/Atlantic. Marguerite Bennett has worked for Marvel, DC and BOOM! on projects from Batman and Secret Wars to FOX’s Sleepy Hollow. She has collaborated with writers such as Scott Snyder, Kieron Gillen, Tom Taylor and Chris Claremont, and artists ranging from Stephanie Hans to Bill Sienkiewicz. Jorge Molina’s Marvel credits include Captain America: 4HU6\[VM;PTLwith Mark Waid, X-Men with Victor Gischler, Models, Inc., >OH[0M&:LJYL[>HYZ, the Siege crossover issues of Avengers: The Initiative and World War Hulks: Spider-Man & Thor. In addition, he has illustrated covers for <S[PTH[L:WPKLY4HU and New Mutants. DATA AUTHOR: G. WILLOW WILSON, MARGUERITE BENNETT ARTIST: JORGE MOLINA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9861-1 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. COMP TITLES Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. AVENGERS WORLD VOL. 1: A.I.M.PIRE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8981-7 - JULY-14 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 88 89 AGE OF ULTRON VS. ZOMBIES TPB THE ULTIMATE DEATH SENTENCE IN BATTLEWORLD. There’s a place that’s so KHUNLYV\ZP[»Z^HSSLKVɈMYVT[OLYLZ[VM BATTLEWORLD. Where WILD ZOMBIES feast on those who’ve been banished for crimes against the state. Where cold, mechanical ULTRONS destroy anything that’s human. Pity those who get caught between the two, for their deaths WON’T be fast and painless! COLLECTING: AGE OF ULTRON VS. ZOMBIES, AGE OF ULTRON 1 British writer James Robinson made a name for himself in the late 1980s with several indie series before getting enthusiastic reviews for his work on DC series Starman, 1\Z[PJL:VJPL[`VM(TLYPJH and Superman. For Marvel, he has scripted Generation X, Fantastic Four and All-New Invaders/LOHZ^YP[[LUZL]LYHSMLH[\YLÄSTZJYLLUWSH`Z – including the adaptation of the comic book ;OL3LHN\L VM,_[YHVYKPUHY`.LU[SLTHU – and directed Comic Book Villains, which he also wrote. Steve Pugh spent his early years menacing comic readers in horror title Hellblazer before side stepping into super heroics via the Vertigo incarnation of Animal-Man. Having written and painted the Hotwire books for Radical, Pugh was drawn back to ink for a second stab at Animal-Man for its critically acclaimed revival. He later helped writer James Robinson throw Marvel’s Invaders back into combat in All-New Invaders. DATA AUTHOR: JAMES ROBINSON ARTIST: STEVE PUGH ISBN: 978-0-7851-9863-5 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 128 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. COMP TITLES News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. AGE OF ULTRON TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5566-9 - MAY-14 MARVEL ZOMBIES TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2014-8 - SEPTEMBER-08 90 91 INFINITY GAUNTLET: WARZONES! TPB Think your life is hard? Anwen Bakian’s family lives in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, scrounging for food and avoiding giant bugs intent on eating them. Mom left years ago to join the Nova force and never came back. So it’s just Anwen, her dad, her sister and her grandpa against the huge insects. ;OH[PZ\U[PSZOLÄUKZHT`Z[LYPV\ZZ[VUL that may or may not hold incredible cosmic power. Don’t miss this incredible new book by DEADPOOL writer Gerry Duggan and EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE writer/artist Dustin Weaver that will set the cosmic table for the Marvel Universe for years to come! COLLECTING: INFINITY GAUNTLET Gerry Duggan received the education he needed to write from a steady diet of comic books and Late Night With David Letterman. He didn’t know he wasted a ton of money on a pricey diploma from Emerson College in Boston. After graduating, he arrived in Los Angeles and hooked up almost immediately with Brian Posehn. Together, they’ve written Marvel NOW!’s Deadpool, The Simpsons and ;OL3HZ[*OYPZ[THZ, the true story of Santa Claus after the apocalypse. Both he and artist Phil Noto earned Eisner Award nominations for ;OL0UÄUP[L/VYPaVU, a re-imagining of The Odyssey in a dystopian future. He also counts Nova and Hulk among his roster of Marvel titles. A professional comic-book artist since 2003, Dustin Weaver’s work on Dark Horse’s Star Wars and King Kong led him to Marvel, where he’s drawn X-Universe storylines in X-Men: Kingbreaker,?4LU!3LNHJ` and the X-Necrosha one-shot. Weaver has collaborated with writer Jonathan Hickman on two :/0,3+ series, as well as Avengers. He wrote the Rocksteady and Bebop issue of IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villains Micro-Series and produces the webcomic Amnia Cycle on his blog. DATA AUTHOR: GERRY DUGGAN, DUSTIN WEAVER ARTIST: DUSTIN WEAVER ISBN: 978-0-7851-9874-1 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. COMP TITLES Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. INFINITY GAUNTLET TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5659-8 - SEPTEMBER-11 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. INFINITY WAR TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2105-3 - APRIL-06 92 93 INHUMANS: ATTILAN RISING TPB There is a rebellion brewing on Battleworld and it stretches far and wide into every domain. Medusa, ruler of Attilan, is tasked with uncovering the leader of this uprising and scuttling it with extreme prejudice. When she discovers the leader of this rebellion is Black Bolt, however, things get complicated. Based in Brooklyn, New York, Charles Soule has written novels, comics, screenplays and stories of all types. He is the author of Strange Attractors, 27, Strongman and 3L[[LY, as well as runs on Swamp Thing and Red 3HU[LYUZ for DC Comics, and Thunderbolts for Marvel. (SZVHT\ZPJPHUHUKHUH[[VYUL`:V\SLZVTLOV^ÄUKZ time to be one of the busiest men in comics, counting She-Hulk, Inhuman and Superman/Wonder Woman among his roster of titles. COLLECTING: INHUMANS: ATTILAN RISING Artist John Timms, born in Costa Rica, studied animation in Venezuela and has worked as a 2D animator on JVTTLYJPHSZZLYPLZHUKHZOVY[ÄST:PUJLIYLHRPUNPU[V comics, he has illustrated Deadpool, Nova and Inhumans: ([[PSHU9PZPUN DATA AUTHOR: CHARLES SOULE ARTIST: JOHN TIMMS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9875-8 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. COMP TITLES Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. INHUMAN VOL. 1: GENESIS TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8577-2 - DECEMBER-14 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 94 MARVEL ZOMBIES: BATTLEWORLD TPB Elsa Bloodstone is stationed on the Shield, burdened with the Sisyphean task of keeping the zombie hordes from rampaging through Battleworld. In those moments where she’s not enrapt in the throes of battle, she meditates on her deceased father…how everything he taught her gave OLY[OLTLHUZ[VÄNO[[OLaVTIPLZI\[HSS the love he didn’t give her is what motivated the self-destructive actions that landed her VU[OL>HSSPU[OLÄYZ[WSHJL)\[^OLUZOL sees a human child caught in the middle of the zombieverse, she’ll muster every ounce of determination she has to throw herself into the zombie horde to rescue the girl. And VUJLZOLÄUKZOLYZOL»ZNVPUN[VOH]L[V ÄNO[OLY^H`IHJRV\[¯ Simon Spurrier is a rising talent in the U.S. comics world, but his work is well-known in his native England. He PZHYLN\SHYJVU[YPI\[VY[V[OL]LULYHISLZJPÄJVTPJZ anthology (+On this side of the pond, Spurrier has written :PS]LY:\YMLY!0U;O`5HTL and Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch for Marvel. Artist Kevin “Kev” Walker cut his teeth on the venerable British comics magazine 2000 AD, eventually moving on [V[OLW\ISPZOLY»ZÅHNZOPWJOHYHJ[LY1\KNL+YLKKHUK other popular series. After illustrating Annihilation: Nova, Walker teamed with writer Fred Van Lente on Marvel Zombies 3 and its follow-up, Marvel Zombies 4. He also KYL^^YP[LY1LɈ7HYRLY»Z;O\UKLYIVS[Z COLLECTING: MARVEL ZOMBIES (2015), MARVEL ZOMBIES (2006) 1 MARKETING DATA Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. AUTHOR: SIMON SPURRIER ARTIST: KEV WALKER ISBN: 978-0-7851-9878-9 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES MARVEL ZOMBIES TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2014-8 - SEPTEMBER-08 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 96 SQUADRON SINISTER TPB They’re the WORLD’S GREATEST… VILLAINS. The SQUADRON SINISTER. And they’re taking Battleworld by force in this Secret Wars tie-in for fans of crime epics like The Godfather, The Sopranos and Sons of Anarchy. But will controlling one Domain be enough for Hyperion and his gang? COLLECTING: SQUADRON SINISTER, AVENGERS (1963) 69-70 DATA A veteran TV writer, Marc Guggenheim has scribed episodes of The Practice, 3H^6YKLYand Brothers & Sisters, created the series Eli Stone, and served as a writer/producer for FlashForward. In the world of comics, he came on strong with memorable work on Blade, Wolverine, Amazing Spider-Man and Young X-Men. Subsequent credits include0YVU4HU]Z>OPWSHZO and (THaPUN:WPKLY4HU7YLZLU[Z!1HJRWV[ Following his dynamic and eye-catching work on Marvel UK’s Dark Guard, Spanish artist Carlos Pacheco went on to illustrate Bishop, ?<UP]LYZL, Starjammers and Excalibur for Marvel before becoming regular penciler on X-Men. He then teamed with Kurt Busiek on the fan-favorite Avengers Forever. Pacheco wrote and drew Fantastic FourHUKWLUULKHZWPUVɈInhumans TPUPZLYPLZ/PZÄYZ[^VYR\WVUYL[\YUPUN[V4HY]LSPU was <S[PTH[L*VTPJZ(]LUNLYZ with writer Mark Millar. He subsequently helped relaunch <UJHUU`?4LUwith Kieron Gillen. AUTHOR: MARC GUGGENHEIM ARTIST: CARLOS PACHECO ISBN: 978-0-7851-9888-8 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. COMP TITLES SQUADRON SUPREME TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-8469-0 - MAY-13 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 98 X-MEN: YEARS OF FUTURE PAST TPB In the dystopian nations of BATTLEWORLD, [OLT\[HU[ZVM5L^@VYR*P[`T\Z[ÄNO[ to survive the rule of the Sentinels. At their center is Kate Pryde, a heroine tried and tested by war, and mother of the last mutant ever to be born before the purges of the Mutant Control Act. With revolution in the wind, the X-Men are not a broken team with nothing left to lose, but a desperate family with more at risk than ever before! COLLECTING: YEARS OF FUTURE PAST Marguerite Bennett has worked for Marvel, DC and BOOM! on projects from Batman and Secret Wars to FOX’s Sleepy Hollow. She has collaborated with writers such as Scott Snyder, Kieron Gillen, Tom Taylor and Chris Claremont, and artists ranging from Stephanie Hans to Bill Sienkiewicz. Artist Mike Norton introduced young Marvel super hero Gravity with writer Sean McKeever. He has also drawn multi-issue runs of Marvel Adventures Spider-Man and Runaways, in addition to shorter stints on Marvel projects such as New X-Men, Nick Fury’s Howling Commandos and I [Heart] Marvel: Masked Intentions, the latter featuring Firestar and Justice. Other work includes AllNew Atom, The Waiting Place, Jason and the Argobots, Queen and Country, Green Arrow/Black Canary and Voltron. He also served as art director for Devil’s Due Publishing. DATA AUTHOR: MARGUERITE BENNETT ARTIST: MIKE NORTON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9894-9 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 120 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6453-1 - DECEMBER-11 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 100 101 WOLVERINE: OLD MAN LOGAN VOL. 0 – WARZONES! TPB Enter the Wastelands…a realm where all heroes have been murdered by their arch-enemies, villains ^OVUV^Y\SLV]LY[OLSHUK^P[OHUPYVUÄZ[0U[OLTPKZ[VM[OPZK`Z[VWPHUJOHVZVULTHUTH`THRL HKPɈLYLUJL¯HYLS\J[HU[^HYYPVY^OV^HZVUJL[OLNYLH[LZ[T\[HU[VMHSS¯HTHURUV^UHZ63+4(5 LOGAN. COLLECTING: OLD MAN LOGAN 1-5 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: ANDREA SORRENTINO ISBN: 978-0-7851-9893-2 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES WOLVERINE: OLD MAN LOGAN TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3172-4 - SEPTEMBER-10 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 102 AGE OF APOCALYPSE: WARZONES! TPB :\Y]P]HSVM[OLÄ[[LZ[;OPZPZ[OLVULWYPUJPWSL[OH[NV]LYUZ[OLSHUKZVM)HYVU(WVJHS`WZL/PZT\[HU[ armies have subjugated the human population, forcing them into ghettos. The X-Men have failed in their every attempt to unseat Apocalypse from his throne. The dream of Charles Xavier is dead. This is the world that Doug Ramsey has grown up in. A world where he has spent most of his life hiding in fear. COLLECTING: AGE OF APOCALYPSE DATA AUTHOR: FABIAN NICIEZA ARTIST: GERARDO SANDOVAL ISBN: 978-0-7851-9862-8 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 120 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES X-MEN: THE COMPLETE AGE OF APOCALYPSE EPIC BOOK 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-1714-8 - MAY-06 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 103 ARMOR WARS: WARZONES! TPB A SHADOW FALLS OVER AN ARMORED UTOPIA. TECHNOPOLIS: Amazing Domain of science and wonder created by rival genius brothers TONY AND ARNO STARK. A utopia except...a unique disease forces EVERYONE to wear armor to live and breathe. In this armored land a hero is murdered and the killer's identity a mystery Baron Tony Stark must solve. But in doing so, will Technopolis be forced into a civil war? COLLECTING: ARMOR WARS DATA AUTHOR: JAMES ROBINSON ARTIST: MARCIO TAKARA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9864-2 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES IRON MAN: ARMOR WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-2506-8 - JANUARY-07 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 104 RED SKULL TPB One of the most vile villains of the Marvel Universe gets his very own twisted Secret Wars series! Red Skull should be dead but his legend grows, so a team that includes Winter Soldier, Magneto, Electro and Lady Deathstrike are sent on a dangerous odyssey to the Deadlands to prove it…but no one ever comes back alive from the Deadlands! Forced to overcome zombies, Ultron drones and the Annihilation Wave, [OLYHN[HN[LHTVM]PSSHPUZ^PSSÄUK[OH[[OL`TH`IP[[LUVɈTVYL[OHU[OL`JHUJOL^ COLLECTING: RED SKULL & MORE! DATA AUTHOR: JOSHUA WILLIAMS ARTIST: LUCA PIZZARI ISBN: 978-0-7851-9846-8 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $14.99 US / $16.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES CAPTAIN AMERICA VOL. 1: CASTAWAY IN DIMENSION Z BOOK 1 TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6655-9 - MARCH-14 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 105 SECRET WARS 2099 TPB When everything ends, it’s time to go back to the future. Revisit the world of 2099 and see it in a whole UL^SPNO[HZJOHYHJ[LYZ^OVOH]LUL]LYILLUZLLUILMVYLTHRL[OLPYÄYZ[HWWLHYHUJLZ¶PUJS\KPUN[OL AVENGERS 2099. Can the ideal of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes survive in a world where megacorporations Y\SL^P[OHUPYVUÄZ[& COLLECTING: SECRET WARS 2099 DATA AUTHOR: PETER DAVID ARTIST: WILL SLINEY ISBN: 978-0-7851-9883-3 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES SPIDER-MAN 2099 VOL. 1 TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-8478-2 - JUNE-13 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 106 NOVEMBER THANOS: COSMIC POWERS TPB The ever-scheming Thanos forges unlikely new alliances! But what secret mission could lead Rhino, Super-Skrull, Titanium Man and more to join Thanos’ new team of would-be Defenders? That’s exactly ^OH[[OL:PS]LY:\YMLYHUK*HW[HPU4HY=LSS»ZZVU3LNHJ`ULLK[VÄUKV\[0UVYKLY[VMHJL[OL.HSHJ[\Z level threat of the terrible Tyrant, the Mad Titan must recruit some cosmic powerhouses. Who will join Thanos’ cause? Legacy? Terrax the Tamer? Jack of Hearts? What about Ganymede, last of the Spinsterhood and sworn enemy of Tyrant? And where do the loyalties of Morg, Herald of Galactus lie? COLLECTING: SECRET DEFENDERS 12-14, COSMIC POWERS 1-6 DATA AUTHOR: RON MARZ ARTIST: TOM GRINDBERG, RON LIM, JEFF MOORE, ANDY SMITH, SCOT EATON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9817-8 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 344 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES INFINITY GAUNTLET TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5659-8 - SEPTEMBER-11 SILVER SURFER: REBIRTH OF THANOS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6643-6 - JULY-12 107 NOVEMBER A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 3 TPB As a costumed adventurer, Jessica Jones was plagued by a lack of self-esteem and an inability to master her superhuman powers. Eventually she realized that she would forever be considered a second-rate super hero, and hung up her cape and tights. Now a tough-as-nails private investigator, Jessica returns OVTL[VÄUKHT`Z[LYPV\ZNPYSPUHJVZ[\TLOPKPUNPUOLYHWHY[TLU[I\[[OLNPYSÅPLZH^H`ILMVYL1LZZPJH JHUÄUKV\[^OVZOLPZ;OYV\NOZV\YJLZ1LZZPJHKPZJV]LYZ[OH[OLYPU[Y\KLYPZ4H[[PL-YHURSPUHRH Spider-Woman, a teenage super hero with a connection to Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson. COLLECTING: ALIAS 10, 16-21 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: MICHAEL GAYDOS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9857-4 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: EXPLICIT CONTENT TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 160 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3481-7 - JANUARY-10 DAREDEVIL: YELLOW TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-0969-3 - JULY-11 108 NOVEMBER JESSICA JONES COMIC-BOOK ARTWORK BY STEVE MCNIVEN NON-RETURNABLE MARVEL’S A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: SEASON ONE HC Ever since her short-lived stint as a Super Hero ended in tragedy, Jessica Jones has been rebuilding her personal life and career as a hot-tempered, sardonic, badass private detective in Hell’s Kitchen, New York City. Plagued by self-loathing, and a wicked case of PTSD, Jessica battles demons from within and without, using her extraordinary abilities as an unlikely champion for those in need… especially if they’re willing to cut her a check. In this new collectible volume, go behind the scenes into the world that brings the story of Jessica Jones to life. Packed with stunning production photography, as well as exclusive interviews, this deluxe companion reveals the details of the set and script of Marvel’s AKA Jessica Jones through the eyes of its makers. DATA AUTHOR: TBD ISBN: 978-0-7851-9902-1 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $49.99 US / $55.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED HC WITH SLIPCASE RATING: MATURE TRIM SIZE: 11-5/16 X 9-3/8 PAGE COUNT: 200 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES MARVEL'S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: SEASON ONE DECLASSIFIED HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8998-5 - JULY-14 MARVEL'S GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: THE ART OF THE MOVIE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8553-6 - AUGUST-14 109 NOVEMBER DAREDEVIL VOL. 4 TPB In order to preserve the new life he’s built, Daredevil is faced with a critical decision which may mean the death of Matt Murdock! Plus, with a new rival in town, is DD’s time in San Francisco coming to an end? COLLECTING: DAREDEVIL 15.1, 16-18 DATA AUTHOR: MARK WAID ARTIST: CHRIS SAMNEE ISBN: 978-0-7851-9802-4 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 104 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR New York Times best-selling author Mark Waid has worked for every major company in the comics industry in a near three-decade career, writing thousands of issues including runs of Amazing Spider-Man, X-Men, Ka-Zar and Fantastic Four. His other works of note include his collaboration with painter Alex Ross, Kingdom Come, which earned an Eisner Award for Best Limited Series; his long run on DC’s Flash; and his revamp of the Man of Steel’s origin in Superman: Birthright. For three years, >HPKZLY]LKÄYZ[HZLKP[VYPUJOPLMHUKSH[LYJOPLMJYLH[P]L Vɉ JLYVM)VVT:[\KPVZMVY^OVTOPZWYVQLJ[ZPUJS\KLK Irredeemable. He collaborated with Chris Samnee on 9VJRL[LLY!*HYNVVM+VVT for IDW and writes the series 0UZ\ɈLYHISL for his digital-comics website, Thrillbent, while he is enjoying the greatest outpouring of critical acclaim he’s ever received with the Eisner Award-winning Daredevil. Chris Samnee has drawn comics for major and indie publishers including Marvel, DC/Vertigo and Oni Press. His credits include the Vertigo graphic novel Area 10 with writer Christos Gage and the Marvel series Thor: The Mighty Avenger with writer Roger Langridge. He subsequently joined a team of artists including Mike Deodato and Jackson Guice on Ed Brubaker’s Captain America and helped launch Captain America and Bucky. His other projects include Serenity: The Shepherd’s Tale, while his two collaborations with Mark Waid on 9VJRL[LLY!*HYNVVM+VVT and Daredevil won him the 2013 Eisner Award for Best Penciler / Inker, shared with Hawkeye’s David Aja. Waid and Samnee will usher the Man Without Fear into the next stage of his life in a Daredevil relaunch for All-New Marvel NOW! Chris lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with his lovely wife, two adorable daughters and happy cat. COMP TITLES DAREDEVIL VOL. 1: DEVIL AT BAY TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5411-2 - NOVEMBER-14 MARKETING DAREDEVIL VOL. 2: WEST-CASE SCENARIO TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5412-9 - MARCH-15 Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 110 111 NOVEMBER HAWKEYE VOL. 5: ALL-NEW HAWKEYE TPB Hawkeye returns in an all-new book MLH[\YPUNZ\WLYZ[HY^YP[LY1LɈ3LTPYLPUOPZ Marvel debut and Eisner Award-winning artist Ramon Perez, as they bring you a fresh new look into the life of everyone’s favorite Avenger. With Kate Bishop, his trusted ward and protégé (not titles she would use) back at his side, Team Hawkeye is thrown into an all new adventure spanning two generations of avenging archers. Past and present lives collide as Kate and Clint face a threat that will challenge everything they know about what it means to be Hawkeye. Ramón Pérez is the multiple-award-winning cartoonist best known for his graphic-novel adaptation of Jim Henson’s ;HSLVM:HUK for Archaia Entertainment. His catalogue of work includes editorial, book and advertising illustration; comic and sequential art; graphic design; storyboarding; and concept design. Pérez has contributed to Wolverine & the X-Men, <UJHUU`?-VYJL, Star Wars: The Close Wars, 1VOU*HY[LY!;OL.VKZVM4HYZ, his creator-owned endeavors )\[[LYU\[ZX\HZO and Kukuburi, and more. Canadian Jeff Lemire is a multiple Eisner and Harvey Award-nominated New York Times Bestselling cartoonist known for Sweet Tooth, Essex County, Trillium and +LZJLUKLY He has also written considerably for DC Comics, including Animal Man and .YLLU(YYV^ HawkeyePZOPZÄYZ[^VYRMVY4HY]LS COLLECTING: ALL-NEW HAWKEYE 1-5 DATA AUTHOR: JEFF LEMIRE ARTIST: RAMON PEREZ ISBN: 978-0-7851-9403-3 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR NOW! MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. COMP TITLES Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. HAWKEYE VOL. 1: MY LIFE AS A WEAPON TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6562-0 - MARCH-13 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. HAWKEYE VOL. 2: LITTLE HITS TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6563-7 - JULY-13 112 113 NOVEMBER SPIDER-GWEN VOL. 1: MOST WANTED? TPB The breakout hit of the biggest Spider-Event of the century is taking the comics world by storm with her own series! Gwen Stacy is Spider-Woman, but you knew that already. What you DON’T know is what friends and foes are waiting for her in the aftermath of Spider-Verse! From the fan-favorite creative team that brought you Spider-Gwen’s origin story in EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE, Jason Latour and Robbie Rodriguez! Jason Latour’s kinetic brand of art has appeared in Marvel titles including Daredevil: Black and White, I Am an Avenger, Wolverine and Captain America. He illustrated the noir graphic novel Noche Roja from Vertigo, as well as )79+/LSSVU,HY[O!;OL7PJRLUZ*V\U[`/VYYVY from Dark Horse, and collaborated with Jason Aaron on Scalped. Latour also drew the comic-book adaptation of Quentin Tarantino’s +QHUNV<UJOHPULK. His parallel writing career began with the creator-owned 3VVZL,UKZ, and has continued with stories in the Marvel series <U[VSK ;HSLZVM7\UPZOLY4(? and A+X. Latour stepped into Ed Brubaker’s shoes to continue the adventures of Winter Soldier. COLLECTING: SPIDER-GWEN 1-5 Artist Robbi Rodriguez made his debut in 2005 on Image Comics' Hero Camp, later illustrating such Image titles as Night Club, 24seven and Hazed. Subsequent credits include Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen and the Harvey Award-nominated Maintenance, both published by Oni Press. His Marvel contributions include New Mutants and -LHY0[ZLSM!>VS]LYPUL. DATA AUTHOR: JASON LATOUR ARTIST: ROBBIE RODRIGUEZ ISBN: 978-0-7851-9773-7 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. COMP TITLES Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. MS. MARVEL VOL. 1: NO NORMAL TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9021-9 - OCTOBER-14 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. HAWKEYE VOL. 1: MY LIFE AS A WEAPON TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6562-0 - MARCH-13 114 “Make sure you pick this book up. You'll be happy you did.” – Comic Vine 115 NOVEMBER MS. MARVEL VOL. 4 TPB When the world is about to end, do you still RLLWÄNO[PUN&-YVT[OLTVTLU[2HTHSH put on her costume, she’s been challenged, but nothing has prepared her for this: the Last Days of the Marvel Universe. Fists up, let’s do this, Jersey City. Plus a VERY special guest appearance fans have been clamoring for! G. Willow Wilson is the Eisner Award-nominated author of the ongoing series Air and the graphic novel Cairo (both ^P[OHY[PZ[427LYRLY/LYÄYZ[UVUÄJ[PVUIVVR^OPJO contains no pictures whatsoever, ;OL)\[[LYÅ`4VZX\L was released in June 2010 from Grove/Atlantic. Canadian artist Adrian Alphona studied graphic design at Toronto’s George Brown College and joined TorontoIHZLK)YPNO[(U]PS:[\KPVZILMVYLOLSHUKLKOPZÄYZ[ professional comic-book work as co-creator of Runaways with writer Brian K. Vaughan. While he designed all the early Runaways characters, Alphona has said he especially likes drawing Nico and Karolina. With writer G. Willow Wilson, he later launched the critically acclaimed All-New Marvel NOW! series 4Z4HY]LS. COLLECTING: MS. MARVEL 16-19, MATERIAL FROM AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 7-8 DATA AUTHOR: G. WILLOW WILSON ARTIST: ADRIAN ALPHONA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9736-2 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 120 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. COMP TITLES Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. MS. MARVEL VOL. 1: NO NORMAL TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9021-9 - OCTOBER-14 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL. 1: HIGHER, FURTHER, FASTER, MORE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9013-4 - OCTOBER-14 116 “…a breath of fresh air.” – Weekly Comic Book Review 117 NOVEMBER AVENGERS BY KURT BUSIEK & GEORGE PEREZ OMNIBUS VOL. 2 HC Fan-favorite creators Kurt Busiek and George Pérez craft a new era for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! The Avengers forge an uneasy alliance with the Thunderbolts to face Count Nefaria — but the true threat comes from the stars, as Earth is declared a cosmic maximum security prison for alien criminals! COLLECTING: AVENGERS 24-56, 1 1/2, ANNUAL 2000-2001; THUNDERBOLTS 42-44; MAXIMUM SECURITY: DANGEROUS PLANET; MAXIMUM SECURITY 1-3; AVENGERS: THE ULTRON IMPERATIVE DATA AUTHOR: KURT BUSIEK, ROGER STERN, FABIAN NICIEZA, ROY THOMAS, STEVE ENGLEHART ARTIST: GEORGE PEREZ, STUART IMMONEN, JOHN ROMITA JR., STEVE EPTING, ALAN DAVIS, MANUEL GARCIA, KIERON DWYER, BRENT ANDERSON, IVAN REIS, PATRICK ZIRCHER, ISBN: 978-0-7851-9807-9 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $125.00 US / $140.00 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OMNIBUS RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 1248 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES AVENGERS BY KURT BUSIEK & GEORGE PEREZ OMNIBUS VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-9288-6 - MARCH-15 THE AVENGERS OMNIBUS VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5846-2 - FEBRUARY-12 NON-RETURNABLE A-FORCE PRESENTS VOL. 2 TPB Prepare for excitement and action as Marvel’s most spectacular heroes continue their adventures! Black Widow’s quest for atonement takes a dark and mysterious turn! Will Captain Marvel survive on the front lines of a war on an alien world? The all-new Ms. Marvel adjusts to her strange and immense new powers, but can she come to terms with her Inhuman legacy? :OL/\SRVWLUZOLYV^USH^WYHJ[PJLI\[OLYÄYZ[JSPLU[WYV]LZ to be a ton of trouble! Witness the new Thor in all-out action against an army of invading Frost Giants! And Marvel’s most unbeatable hero, Squirrel Girl, must invade Stark Enterprises! COLLECTING: BLACK WIDOW (2014) 2, CAPTAIN MARVEL (2014) 2, MS. MARVEL (2014) 2, SHE-HULK (2014) 2, THOR (2014) 2, UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL (2015) 2 DATA AUTHOR: NATHAN EDMONDSON, KELLY SUE DECONNICK, G. WILLOW WILSON, CHARLES SOULE, JASON AARON, RYAN NORTH ARTIST: PHIL NOTO, DAVID LOPEZ, ADRIAN ALPHONA, JAVIER PULIDO, RUSSELL DAUTERMAN, ERICA HENDERSON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9899-4 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $14.99 US / $16.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL. 1: HIGHER, FURTHER, FASTER, MORE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9013-4 - OCTOBER-14 MS. MARVEL VOL. 1: NO NORMAL TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9021-9 - OCTOBER-14 118 NOVEMBER NON-RETURNABLE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY SOLO CLASSIC OMNIBUS HC They’re the galaxy’s greatest heroes — but who were they before they met? Find out in this complete collection of their earliest appearances! Drax’s sole mission is to destroy Thanos. But when Thanos launches an all-out war with Gamora as his uneasy ally, can Drax succeed even with the Avengers’ help? Plus, the space-faring adventures of the legendary Star-Lord! Rocket Raccoon’s quest in the Keystone Quadrant! And Groot tries to conquer Earth?! COLLECTING: INCREDIBLE HULK (1968) 271, ANNUAL 5; IRON MAN (1968) 55; CAPTAIN MARVEL (1968) 27-33, 43-44, 58-62; STRANGE TALES (1951) 180-181; WARLOCK (1972) 9-11, 15; AVENGERS (1963) 219-220, ANNUAL 7; MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE ANNUAL 2; MARVEL PREVIEW 11; MARVEL SPOTLIGHT (1979) 1-2, 6-7; MARVEL PREMIERE 61; ROCKET RACCOON (1985) 1-4; STAR-LORD SPECIAL EDITION & MORE! DATA AUTHOR: BILL MANTLO, CHRIS CLAREMONT, LEN WEIN, JIM STARLIN, MIKE FRIEDRICH, STEVE ENGLEHART, AL MILGROM, DOUG MOENCH, JIM SHOOTER, JACK KIRBY, SCOTT EDELMAN ARTIST: SAL BUSCEMA, JIM STARLIN, AL MILGROM, PAT BRODERICK, BOB HALL, STEVE GAN, KEITH GIFFEN, JOHN BYRNE, CARMINE INFANTINO, BILL SIENKIEWICZ, GENE COLAN, TOM SUTTON, MIKE MIGNOLA, JACK KIRBY, MIKE ZECK, KEITH POLLARD, MICHAEL GOLDEN ISBN: 978-0-7851-9832-1 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $125.00 US / $140.00 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OMNIBUS RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 1122 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES THE AVENGERS OMNIBUS VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5846-2 - FEBRUARY-12 NEW X-MEN OMNIBUS HC (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6505-7 - AUGUST-12 119 NOVEMBER LOKI: AGENT OF ASGARD VOL. 3 LAST DAYS TPB He’s Loki’s older, nastier, vastly more powerful future self. His machinations have cost Loki everything... but who IS King Loki? What kingdom would have him? What dread Asgard is he the Agent of? And what evil scheme has he been brewing all this time? Loki began his third life by annihilating the soul of his second - his better, purer self. Now he pays the price. COLLECTING: LOKI 12-17 DATA AUTHOR: AL EWING ARTIST: LEE GARBETT ISBN: 978-0-7851-9332-6 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $17.99 US / $19.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES LOKI: AGENT OF ASGARD VOL. 1 TRUST ME TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8931-2 SEPTEMBER-14 ORIGINAL SIN: THOR & LOKI - THE TENTH REALM TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9169-8 NOVEMBER-14 BUCKY BARNES: THE WINTER SOLDIER VOL. 2 - LAST DAYS TPB 4LYa)V^HWWYVHJOLZJP]PS^HY¶P[ZÄYZ[PUV]LYZL]LU hundred years. Is Winter Soldier the catalyst? Bucky Barnes ÄNO[ZMVYOPZSPML*YVZZIVULZZL[Z[OLWSHUPUTV[PVU8\HRL and Ventolin join forces. The other Bucky Barnes came to the 616 part of the Multiverse to help. But did the man who helped end war just cause it in another universe? COLLECTING: BUCKY BARNES: THE WINTER SOLDIER 6-11 DATA AUTHOR: ALES KOT ARTIST: MARCO RUDY ISBN: 978-0-7851-8930-5 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $17.99 US / $19.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES WINTER SOLDIER: THE BITTER MARCH TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5473-0 SEPTEMBER-14 WINTER SOLDIER VOL. 1: THE LONGEST WINTER TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-4440-3 OCTOBER-12 120 NOVEMBER THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL VOL. 2: SQUIRREL YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE TPB The breakout character of 2015 continues her one-woman crusade against injustice and jerks! These TAILS of the Squirrel Girl will show you the Marvel Universe’s most powerful super hero from a bunch of brand-new perspectives, several of them QUITE ASTONISHING. COLLECTING: THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL 5-8 DATA AUTHOR: RYAN NORTH ARTIST: ERICA HENDERSON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9703-4 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $ 14.99 US / $ 16.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES BLACK WIDOW VOL. 2: THE TIGHTLY TANGLED WEB TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8820-9 - FEBRUARY-15 SHE-HULK VOL. 1: LAW AND DISORDER TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9019-6 - OCTOBER-14 121 CAPTAIN AMERICA & THE MIGHTY AVENGERS VOL. 2: LAST DAYS TPB These are the stories of the end of the world, and of the people who faced the end together. Some of them wore costumes, and some of them didn’t. Some had super-human powers, and all some had were each other. They were the Mighty Avengers. And this is what they did on the last day. Plus: The AGE OF ULTRON hits Britain, and Captain Britain hits back with a little help from his friends - including a vacationing Captain Marvel! COLLECTING: CAPTAIN AMERICA & THE MIGHTY AVENGERS 8-9, CAPTAIN BRITAIN & THE MIGHTY DEFENDERS 1-2, AVENGERS ASSEMBLE 15AU MARKETING DATA AUTHOR: AL EWING ARTIST: LUKE ROSS, BUTCH GUICE ISBN: 978-0-7851-9803-1 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES CAPTAIN AMERICA VOL. 1: CASTAWAY IN DIMENSION Z BOOK 1 TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6655-9 - MARCH-14 AVENGERS WORLD VOL. 1: A.I.M.PIRE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8981-7 - JULY-14 122 STAR-LORD & KITTY PRYDE TPB :;(9369+(5+20;;@79@+,ÄUHSS`PU[OLPYV^UZLYPLZ[VNL[OLY)\[HYL[OL`;6.,;/,9[VNL[OLY& (UKPZ[OPZ[OL2P[[`7Y`KL[OH[7L[LYSV]LZVYVULMYVTHJVTWSL[LS`KPɈLYLU[YLHSP[`&;OPZIVVR[HRLZ place right in the thick of things on BATTLEWORLD and is sure to be a wild ride! COLLECTING: STAR-LORD & KITTY PRYDE & MORE! DATA AUTHOR: SAM HUMPHRIES ARTIST: ALTI FIRMANSYAH ISBN: 978-0-7851-9843-7 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES LEGENDARY STAR-LORD VOL. 1: FACE IT, I RULE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9159-9 - FEBRUARY-14 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 1: COSMIC AVENGERS TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6607-8 - APRIL-14 123 NOVEMBER MOON KNIGHT EPIC COLLECTION: SHADOWS OF THE MOON TPB Ghosts, werewolves and things that go crazy in the night! Marvel’s multiple-personality midnight marauder takes the ÄNO[[V[OLZ[YHUNLZ[YVN\LZ»NHSSLY`PUHSSVMJVTPJZ·MYVT Arsenal, the one-man army, to the nun with a crossbow known as Stained Glass Scarlet. The Jester is no joke, for Moon Knight or Daredevil. Then there’s Morpheus, who’s guaranteed to give you sleepless nights. COLLECTING: MOON KNIGHT (1980) 5-23 (MOON KNIGHT EPIC COLLECTION VOL. 2) DATA AUTHOR: DOUG MOENCH, JACK HARRIS, ALAN ZELENETZ ARTIST: BILL SIENKIEWICZ, DENYS COWAN, GREG LAROCQUE ISBN: 978-0-7851-9810-9 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $39.99 US / $43.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 512 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES MOON KNIGHT EPIC COLLECTION: BAD MOON RISING TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9096-7 - OCTOBER-14 SILVER SURFER EPIC COLLECTION: WHEN CALLS GALACTUS TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9002-8 - DECEMBER-14 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: SPIDER-WOMAN VOL. 1 HC Jessica Drew debuts as Spider-Woman in her inaugural Marvel Masterworks! Raised within the arms of the terrorist group Hydra, Jessica was taught to see the world from their twisted point of view, and became a top agent in their international criminal network. But when her path crossed with Nick Fury and the Thing, she began to break the bonds of her indoctrination, becoming her own woman — and soon, an incomparable Marvel hero! COLLECTING: MARVEL SPOTLIGHT (1971) 32, MARVEL TWOIN-ONE (1974) 29-33, SPIDER-WOMAN (1978) 1-8 DATA AUTHOR: MARV WOLFMAN, ARCHIE GOODWIN ARTIST: CARMINE INFANTINO, SAL BUSCEMA, RON WILSON, JOHN BUSCEMA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9178-0 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $75.00 US / $85.00 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: MASTERWORKS HC RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 7 X 10 PAGE COUNT: 272 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES MARVEL MASTERWORKS: MS. MARVEL VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8811-7 - OCTOBER-14 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE MIGHTY THOR VOL. 1 HC (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-9132-2 - FEBRUARY-15 124 NON-RETURNABLE DECEMBER INFINITIES P Offering a new way for fans to collect and read classic and iconic Star Wars stories across the past 35 years of published titles, the Epic Collections collect full, unbroken runs of Star Wars titles set in the Old Republic, the Galactic Empire, the Rebellion and more. 1 These stories are alternate takes on Episodes IV, V & VI. ® INFINITIES 53999 STAR WARS INFINITIES: A NEW HOPE #1-4, STAR WARS INFINITIES: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK #1-4, STAR WARS INFINITIES: RETURN OF THE JEDI #1-4 & THE STAR WARS #0-8 ISBN 978-0-7851-9725-6 VOLU M E 9 780785 197256 $39.99 US $43.99 CAN lay “What if?” with the original trilogy in a series of tales exploring the endless possibilities of Star Wars. How would A New Hope have gone if Luke Skywalker missed the target in his attack on the Death Star? What would have become of the Rebel Alliance if Luke perished in the icy wastelands of Hoth during The Empire Strikes Back? What if Return of the Jedi’s rescue of Han Solo had gone badly wrong? And in the ultimate alternate take on the galaxy far, far away, follow Annikin Starkiller into The Star Wars in an epic based on the original draft of George Lucas’ screenplay! EPIC COLLECTION EPIC COLLECTION THE STORIES YOU KNOW... REIMAGINED! MARVEL.COM L E G E N D S STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: INFINITIES TPB Play “What if?” with the original trilogy in a series of tales exploring the endless possibilities of :[HY>HYZ How would A New Hope have gone if Luke Skywalker missed the target in his attack on the Death Star? What would have become of the Rebel Alliance if Luke perished in the icy wastelands of Hoth during ;OL,TWPYL:[YPRLZ)HJR& What if Return VM[OL1LKP’s rescue of Han Solo had gone badly wrong? And in the ultimate alternate take on the galaxy far, far away, follow Annikin Starkiller into The Star Wars in an epic based on the original draft of George Lucas’ screenplay! COLLECTING: STAR WARS INFINITIES: A NEW HOPE 1-4, STAR WARS INFINITIES: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK 1-4, STAR WARS INFINITIES: RETURN OF THE JEDI 1-4, THE STAR WARS 0-8 MARKETING DATA Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. AUTHOR: CHRIS WARNER, DAVE LAND, ADAM GALLARDO, J.W. RINZLER ARTIST: DREW JOHNSON, AL RIO, DAVIDE FABBRI, RYAN BENJAMIN, MIKE MAYHEW, SCOTT KOLINS, VARIOUS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9725-6 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $39.99 US / $43.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 504 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AVENGERS VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3706-1 - MARCH-09 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3692-7 - FEBRUARY-09 © & TM 2015 LUCASFILM LTD. 125 DECEMBER DEADPOOL VS. THANOS TPB When life in the universe suddenly stops dying, Deadpool suspects his former rival, Thanos the Titan. As the two lovers of Death (in both its physical and theoretical manifestations) battle to save the universe from immortality, they must confront their own reasons for living and their passions for dying. Writer/artist Tim Seeley has penciled New Exiles and Weapon X: First Class, and wrote and drew Ant-Man & Wasp. He has also written and illustrated various .01VL series for Image and Devil’s Due. Other credits include Hack/Slash and3VHKLK)PISL, as well as the webcomic Colt Noble and the Megalords. COLLECTING: DEADPOOL VS. THANOS 1-4 DATA AUTHOR: TIM SEELEY ARTIST: TBD ISBN: 978-0-7851-9845-1 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. COMP TITLES DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6403-6 - NOVEMBER-14 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. DEADPOOL KILLS DEADPOOL TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8493-5 - DECEMBER-13 126 “xxxxxxxxxxx” – xxxxxxxxxxxx CIVIL WAR: WARZONES! TPB Prepare to discover one of Battleworld’s most contested zones — where CIVIL WAR UL]LYLUKLK0U[OPZ+VTHPU[OLJVUÅPJ[ over the Superhuman Registration Act reached a climax that physically tore the country in half. The East became the Iron, with Tony Stark imposing order. The West became the frontier known as the Blue, with Steve Rogers enforcing justice. Each may have his throne, but this is no game. The nation’s heroes are split between the feuding territories — old friends now bitter enemies, and families torn apart. But, six `LHYZSH[LY[OL[^VÄN\YLOLHKZTLL[H[[OL Divide that scars the landscape. Could this OPZ[VYPJZ\TTP[TLHU[OLYLPZÄUHSS`OVWL for peace? CIVIL WAR plus SECRET WARS equals probably not! COLLECTING: CIVIL WAR (2015) Based in Brooklyn, New York, Charles Soule has written novels, comics, screenplays and stories of all types. He is the author of Strange Attractors, 27, Strongman and 3L[[LY as well as runs on Swamp Thing and Red 3HU[LYUZ for DC Comics, and Thunderbolts for Marvel. (SZVHT\ZPJPHUHUKHUH[[VYUL`:V\SLZVTLOV^ÄUKZ time to be one of the busiest men in comics, counting She-Hulk, Inhuman and Superman/Wonder Woman among his roster of titles. A copy of How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way sparked Leinil Yu’s interest in comics when he was 11. Positive responses from industry talent scouts and the publication of his fan art in Wizard magazine later reinforced it, HUK>OPSJL7VY[HJPV»Z[\[LSHNLOLSWLKOPTSHUKOPZÄYZ[ mainstream comics gig on Wolverine in 1997. Following a successful run, Yu took on such titles as <UJHUU`?4LU X-Men, Superman: Birthright and <S[PTH[L>VS]LYPUL]Z /\SRAfter an extended period laying the groundwork in New Avengers, he and writer Brian Michael Bendis turned the Marvel Universe upside down with the massive Secret Invasion crossover. Together with Mark Waid, he has added a surprising agent to the ranks of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Indestructible Hulk. Yu has also provided concept artwork MVYÄSTZHUK]PKLVNHTLZ DATA AUTHOR: CHARLES SOULE ARTIST: LEINIL YU ISBN: 978-0-7851-9866-6 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 120 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. COMP TITLES Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. CIVIL WAR TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2179-4 - APRIL-07 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 128 129 INFERNO: WARZONES! TPB Spinning out of the universe-shattering events of Secret Wars comes a new twist on the X-Men classic that’s a whole hell of a lot hotter than you remember. 5 years ago a band of demons rose up out of the ÄLY`KLW[OZHUK[\YULK4HUOH[[HUPU[V/LSS on Earth. The X-Men fought to vanquish the demon horde and... The X-Men failed. Welcome back to the Inferno. On this the ÄM[OHUUP]LYZHY`VM4HUOH[[HU»ZMHSS7PV[Y Rasputin is leading a small band of mutants back into the Inferno. Colossus doesn’t RUV^^OH[[OL`»SSÄUKVU[OLV[OLYZPKLVM [OVZLÅHTLZI\[OLRUV^ZMVYJLY[HPU They’re not coming back without his sister. Kansas City native Dennis Hopeless has been writing independent comics since 2007 — including Gearhead (Arcana), a four-issue super hero vengeance tale, and 3V]L:;9<*2 (Image), an original graphic novel about how you don't have to believe in love to make it. His Marvel work includes the upcoming3LNPVUVM4VUZ[LYZ with artist Juan Doe. Spanish artist Javier Garrón studied architecture before his work on webcomics and blogs got the attention of DC comics. He went on to draw Batman Eternal, 0UÄUP[L *YPZPZ!-PNO[MVY[OL4\S[P]LYZL, Batgirl: Future's End and more. Garron made his Marvel debut with Cyclops in 2014. COLLECTING: INFERNO DATA AUTHOR: DENNIS HOPELESS ARTIST: JAVIER GARRON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9873-4 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. COMP TITLES News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. X-MEN: MESSIAH COMPLEX TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2320-0 - NOVEMBER-08 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 130 131 SPIDER-VERSE: WARZONES! TPB Spinning out of the SPIDER-VERSE event, H[LHTVM:WPKLYZÄUKZ[OLTZLS]LZMHJL to-face with Battleworld! Starring SPIDERGWEN, SPIDER-MAN NOIR, SPIDER-MAN: INDIA, MAYDAY PARKER, SPIDER-UK and SPIDER-HAM! COLLECTING: SPIDER-VERSE (2015) Writer Michael Costa is best known for his work at IDW Publishing on several G.I. Joe titles, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro-Series and Smoke and Mirrors. Costa’s credits also include God Is Dead for Avatar Press and DC’s New 52 series Blackhawks. For Marvel, Costa has written Scarlet Spiders and the All-New X-Men/ Indestructible Hulk/Superior Spider-Man crossover "Arms of the Octopus," and contributed to A+X. Portuguese architect, illustrator and comics creator André Araújo has illustrated Bluewater Productions’ ;OL3LNLUK VM0ZPZ and published creator-owned works through Zona, a Portuguese magazine for comic creators, and on the Web. DATA AUTHOR: MIKE COSTA ARTIST: ANDRE ARUAJO ISBN: 978-0-7851-9887-1 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 120 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 1: THE PARKER LUCK TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6676-4 - NOVEMBER-14 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 2: SPIDER-VERSE PRELUDE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8798-1 - JANUARY-15 132 SPIDER-MAN: RENEW YOUR VOWS TPB Not even The Amazing Spider-Man is safe from Secret Wars! In this new Marvel Universe, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson and their daughter Annie have to scrape by to make ends meet, but they have each other…However, who is Regent and what is his nefarious plan that has already claimed Daredevil and Moon Knight? It’s a brand new world full of brand new challenges for Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man!!! Dan Slott has built a loyal fan base by combining oldschool fun with stories and characterizations friendly to new readers. Following a run on She-Hulk — which combined his sly humor and encyclopedic Marvel knowledge with an imaginative take on a comic-book SH^ÄYT·:SV[[TV]LKPU[V[OL\WWLYLJOLSVUVM4HY]LS writers, launching Avengers: The Initiative and taking the reins on Mighty Avengers from Brian Michael Bendis. When Marvel gave Spider-Man a fresh start in 2008, Slott was one of several rotating writers on a thrice-monthly Amazing Spider-Man. Slott became the writer most JSVZLS`PKLU[PÄLK^P[O[OL^LIZSPUNLY»Z¸)YHUK5L^+H`¹ era, and the title hit the “Big Time” when he took over as full-time writer. Slott stunned readers when Doctor Octopus became the Superior Spider-Man, and continues to chart the adventures of the now-returned Peter Parker, as well as those of the Silver Surfer. COLLECTING: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: RENEW YOUR VOWS DATA AUTHOR: DAN SLOTT ARTIST: ADAM KUBERT ISBN: 978-0-7851-9886-4 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR The son of industry pioneer Joe Kubert, Adam Kubert has won numerous comic-industry achievement awards during a career stretching into its third decade. His landmark runs on Wolverine and Incredible Hulk made him a superstar, earning him both an Eisner Award and H>PaHYKTHNHaPULH^HYK/PZZ\IZLX\LU[LɈVY[ZMVY Marvel include Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine with Jason Aaron, as well as covers for such series as Wolverine: Weapon X and New Mutants. Kubert also joined the stellar artistic lineup of the event series (]LUNLYZ]Z?4LU. MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. COMP TITLES Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 1: THE PARKER LUCK TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6676-4 - NOVEMBER-14 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 2: SPIDER-VERSE PRELUDE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8798-1 - JANUARY-15 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 134 135 ULTIMATE END TPB MILES MORALES and the rest of the heroes VM[OL<3;04(;,<MHJLÄUHSL_[PUJ[PVU(Z the end of their world becomes inevitable, ^PSS[OLOLYVLZ»OLHY[IYLHRPUNZHJYPÄJLZ THRLHU`KPɈLYLUJL&;OLKYHTH[PJLUKVM an era begins! COLLECTING: ULTIMATE END 1-5 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: MARK BAGLEY ISBN: 978-0-7851-9890-1 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 120 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Award-winning comic-book creator Brian Michael Bendis is one of the most successful writers in the industry today. As well as an acclaimed run on Daredevil, he has helmed a renaissance for Marvel’s popular Avengers franchise and written the event projects /V\ZLVM4, Secret War, Secret Invasion, Siege and (NLVM<S[YVU. Bendis is one of the architects of Marvel’s Ultimate line of comics, having written every issue of Ultimate Spider-Man since its launch in 1999 and introduced the multiracial <S[PTH[L Spider-Man, Miles Morales, to international media fanfare. Bendis has taken on Marvel’s merry mutants in the pages of All-New X-Men and <UJHUU`?4LU and launched .\HYKPHUZVM[OL.HSH_` into the stratosphere for Marvel NOW! His creator-owned projects include Scarlet with Alex Maleev, Brilliant with Mark Bagley, and Takio and the Eisner Award-winning Powers with Mike Oeming. /PYLKVU[OLZ[YLUN[OVMOPZ6ɉ JPHS4HY]LS;Y`V\[ penciling submission, Mark Bagley rose to prominence as the artist of 1990s sleeper hit New Warriors. Following an acclaimed run on Amazing Spider-Man, he worked with writer Kurt Busiek on Thunderbolts. When Marvel launched its Ultimate line, Bagley and Brian Michael Bendis led the way with <S[PTH[L:WPKLY4HU, whose years of success made the pair the longest-running creative team in Marvel history. Bendis and Bagley have also collaborated on Avengers Assemble and the creatorowned Brilliant. His recent credits include Fantastic Four, *H[HJS`ZT!;OL<S[PTH[LZ»3HZ[:[HUKand Hulk. MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. COMP TITLES Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN BY BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5713-7 - AUGUST-12 Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. 136 137 CAPTAIN MARVEL & THE CAROL CORPS TPB Atten-Hut! These ladies are the best of the best and will take you down if you threaten their Captain. Welcome to Hala Field, where being a part of the elite Carol Corps, requires guts, guile and a whole lot of NYP[:VW\[VU`V\Y\UPMVYTHUKNL[YLHK`MVYHOPNOÅ`PUN*HW[HPU4HY]LS[HSL`LHYZPU[OLTHRPUN COLLECTING: CAPTAIN MARVEL & THE CAROL CORPS, CAPTAIN MARVEL (2012) 17 DATA AUTHOR: KELLY SUE DECONNICK ARTIST: DAVID LOPEZ ISBN: 978-0-7851-9865-9 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL. 1: HIGHER, FURTHER, FASTER, MORE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9013-4 - OCTOBER-14 CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL. 1: IN PURSUIT OF FLIGHT TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6549-1 - JANUARY-13 138 THORS TPB The Thors of every domain, together in one book! As cosmic cops! Whenever there’s trouble on Battleworld, the Thors answer the call. But a string of mysterious murders leaves some of them asking questions that may unravel all of reality! A hard-hitting Marvel Comics police drama. With hammers. Lots and lots of hammers. COLLECTING: THORS, THOR CORPS (1993) 1-4 DATA AUTHOR: JASON AARON ARTIST: CHRISTOPHER SPROUSE ISBN: 978-0-7851-9889-5 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 184 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES THOR: GOD OF THUNDER VOL. 1 - THE GOD BUTCHER TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6697-9 - FEBRUARY-14 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 139 E IS FOR EXTINCTION/X-TINCTION AGENDA TPB E is for Extinction asks what happens when mutants prove they really are Homo SUPERIOR? What will OHWWLU[V[OL?4LU^OLU[OL`ÄNO[MVYH^VYSK[OH[^HU[Z[VIL[OLTYH[OLY[OHUOH[LHUKMLHY[OLT& And what exactly is Magneto doing running the Xavier Institute?? COLLECTING: E IS FOR EXTINCTION, X-TINCTION AGENDA DATA AUTHOR: MARC GUGGENHEIM, CHRIS BURNHAM ARTIST: CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICO, RAMON VILLALOBOS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9868-0 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 176 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES X-MEN: MESSIAH COMPLEX TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2320-0 - NOVEMBER-08 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 140 WHERE MONSTERS DWELL TPB GARTH ENNIS returns to Marvel Comics proper and he’s bringing his The Boys collaborator Russ Braun along with him! Fighter planes and dinosaurs collide in this raucous tale that starts with the classic Marvel character Phantom Eagle and digs much deeper! COLLECTING: WHERE MONSTERS DWELL 1-5 DATA AUTHOR: GARTH ENNIS ARTIST: RUSS BRAUN ISBN: 978-0-7851-9892-5 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES MARVEL FIRSTS: THE 1960S TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5864-6 - OCTOBER-11 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 141 WEIRDWORLD TPB Welcome to the wildest, most dangerous new corner of the Marvel Universe. Welcome to Weirdworld. A world of swords and sorcery and strange, perverted science. A world where one barbarian walks alone, on a dark and savage quest through all things weird and fantastic from throughout Marvel history. His name is Arkon. A lost man in a lost world. Follow him if you dare. COLLECTING: WEIRDWORLD (2015) DATA AUTHOR: JASON AARON ARTIST: MICHAEL DEL MUNDO ISBN: 978-0-7851-9891-8 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES THOR: GOD OF THUNDER VOL. 1 - THE GOD BUTCHER TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6697-9 - FEBRUARY-14 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 142 X-MEN '92 TPB Everyone’s favorite version of the X-Men from the ’90s is back! When Baron Kelly charges the Clear Mountain Project and it’s mysterious new director with “mutant rehabilitation,” it’s up to the X-Men to investigate! PLUS: Free Range Sentiels?!? COLLECTING: X-MEN '92 DATA AUTHOR: CHRIS SIMS, CHAD BOWERS ARTIST: SCOTT KOBLISH ISBN: 978-0-7851-9830-7 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 128 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES X-MEN: MESSIAH COMPLEX TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2320-0 - NOVEMBER-08 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 143 FUTURE IMPERFECT: WARZONES! TPB On Battleworld, the dictator of dystopia is a familiar face. THE MAESTRO rules but there are those who want him dethroned! What role does RUBY SUMMERS have in the plan for this dangerous rebellion? Have the rebels genuinely found ODIN, the father of THOR, as an ally against the Maestro? COLLECTING: FUTURE IMPERFECT DATA AUTHOR: PETER DAVID ARTIST: GREG LAND ISBN: 978-0-7851-9869-7 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES HULK: PLANET HULK TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2012-4 - APRIL-08 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 144 PLANET HULK: WARZONES! TPB A forbidden zone of wild HULKS. A battle-worn gladiator named STEVE ROGERS. A journey that could IYLHR[OLZWPYP[VMH^VYSK»ZNYLH[LZ[MYLLKVTÄNO[LY.SHKPH[VY:;,=,96.,9:OPZ[Y\Z[`Z[LLK+,=03 DINOSAUR and the mysterious DOC GREEN go deeper into one of the most dangerous domains of BATTLEWORLD, the HULK-infested territory known as GREENLAND! COLLECTING: PLANET HULK DATA AUTHOR: SAM HUMPHRIES ARTIST: MARC LAMING ISBN: 978-0-7851-9881-9 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 120 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES HULK: PLANET HULK TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-2012-4 - APRIL-08 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 145 RUNAWAYS: BATTLEWORLD TPB The best and brightest teens from all corners of Battleworld are chosen to attend a prestigious school on the planet’s capital! But what does the new class do when they discover the school’s beloved headmaster is actually a diabolical super villain? RUN AWAY! A SECRET WARS story like none other from the remarkable minds of Noelle Stevenson (Lumberjanes) and Sanford Greene (UNCANNY AVENGERS)! COLLECTING: RUNAWAYS (2015), RUNAWAYS (2003) 1 DATA AUTHOR: NOELLE STEVENSON ARTIST: SANFORD GREENE ISBN: 978-0-7851-9882-6 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES RUNAWAYS: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8558-1 - AUGUST-14 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 146 HAIL HYDRA TPB Safety through obedience. Strength in conformity. Hydra is watching. Welcome to a Domain ruled by Hydra, and its capital, New York. The city that had better sleep after curfew, if it knows what’s good for it. But when the `V\UNOLYVUHTLK5VTHKÄUKZOPTZLSMPU[OPZYV[[LU)PN(WWSLOL^PSSJOHSSLUNL[OPZYLNPTLVM[LYYVY5VTHK is no stranger to hellish surroundings — he grew up in Dimension Z, where he was raised as Captain America’s son. But in Hydra’s zone of Battleworld, Nomad will face a new kind of nightmare. A very personal foe with an alltoo-familiar face — the Sentinel of Subjugation known as Captain Hydra! COLLECTING: HAIL HYDRA, HANK JOHNSON, AGENT OF HYDRA 1 DATA AUTHOR: RICK REMENDER ARTIST: ROLAND BOSCHI ISBN: 978-0-7851-9871-0 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES CAPTAIN AMERICA VOL. 1: CASTAWAY IN DIMENSION Z BOOK 1 TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6655-9 - MARCH-14 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 147 1602 WITCH HUNTER ANGELA / RANGERS OF THE SHIELD TPB In the Battleworld of 1602, Angela and Sera are Witch Hunters, the scourges of King James’ England. In a land beset by magic and monstrosity, they seek a new and seductive evil—not witchbreed, but deal-making FAUSTIANS, who bargain with ancient creatures for unnatural power. And in THE SHIELD CORPS, THE SHIELD is the only thing that protects the more civilized areas of Battleworld from the ZOMBIE HORDES, DEATH MACHINES and ANNIHILATION WAVES. Anyone who annoys Doom gets sent to The Shield. Anyone who gets sent to the shield deals with ABIGAIL BRAND. COLLECTING: 1602 WITCH HUNTER ANGELA, RANGERS OF THE SHIELD DATA AUTHOR: KIERON GILLEN, MARGUERITE BENNETT ARTIST: STEPHANIE HANS, FILIPE ANDRADE ISBN: 978-0-7851-9860-4 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 176 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES MARVEL 1602 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-4134-1 - FEBRUARY-10 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 148 M.O.D.O.K. ASSASSIN TPB In a world populated by the most fearsome thieves, murderers and ne’er-do-wells, there is one who is a HEAD above the rest… Enter, M.O.D.O.K.: The Mental Organism Designed Only for KILLING! Killville’s ]LY`V^U4LYJ^P[OH4H^PZVWLUMVYI\ZPULZZ)\[OPZUL_[QVITH`ILIP[PUNVɈTVYL[OHUOLJHU chew… COLLECTING: M.O.D.O.K. ASSASSIN DATA AUTHOR: CHRIS YOST ARTIST: AMILCAR PINNA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9876-5 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $16.99 US / $18.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES THE SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN VOL. 1: GETTING THE BAND BACK TOGETHER TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8494-2 - MARCH-14 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 149 DECEMBER MASTER OF KUNG FU: BATTLEWORLD TPB In Master of Kung Fu, journey to the mystical land of K’UN LUN, where the study of martial arts reigns supreme! In a world where everyone is well-trained in at least some form of deadly combat, what becomes of a drunken, drop-out failure? COLLECTING: MASTER OF KUNG FU 1-4, 5 RONIN 2 DATA AUTHOR: HADEN BLACKMAN ARTIST: DALIBOR TALAJIC ISBN: 978-0-7851-9879-6 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES IRON FIST: THE LIVING WEAPON VOL. 1 - RAGE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5435-8 DECEMBER-14 ALL-NEW GHOST RIDER VOL. 1: ENGINES OF VENGEANCE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5455-6 - OCTOBER-14 GHOST RACERS TPB Welcome to the scorching-hot track where cursed souls race at the speed of sin, anything and everything goes and the only is no rule. It’s the spectacle known as the Ghost Races, the hellish “entertainment” known to BATTLEWORLD! 1st place prize: Temporary freedom from the ARENA, but what happens to the unlucky and unholy losers? It’s all-out, highspeed warfare among the most bizarre and vicious GHOST RIDERS of the MARVEL UNIVERSE. Expect MANY familiar SKULLS!! COLLECTING: GHOST RACERS, GHOST RIDER (1973) 35 DATA AUTHOR: FELIPE SMITH ARTIST: JUAN GEDEON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9921-2 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $ 15.99 US / $ 17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES ALL-NEW GHOST RIDER VOL. 1: ENGINES OF VENGEANCE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5455-6 OCTOBER-14 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 DECEMBER-11 150 GUARDIANS OF KNOWHERE TPB A single moon orbits Battleworld. But no, that’s no moon. It’s a space station. It’s Knowhere. The head of a dead Celestial, somehow saved in the universal collapse, a colony brimming with convicts and criminals. The Galaxy may be gone, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t places that still need heroes. Places that need champions. That need GUARDIANS. COLLECTING: GUARDIANS OF KNOWHERE, NEW AVENGERS: ILLUMINATI 3 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: MIKE DEODATO ISBN: 978-0-7851-9844-4 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $15.99 US / $17.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 112 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 1: COSMIC AVENGERS TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6607-8 - APRIL-14 SECRET WARS TPB (NEW PRINTING) ISBN: 978-0-7851-5868-4 - DECEMBER-11 151 THE KORVAC SAGA: BATTLEWORLD TPB :[YHUKLKVUZ[JLU[\Y`,HY[O[OLZ[JLU[\Y`.\HYKPHUZÄUHSS`OH]LHJOHUJL[VSVJH[L[OLHUVTHS` that is ripping the past, present and future of the Universal Time-stream apart. Plus: Lord Michael Korvac governs the Forest Hills, but his domain is threatened by rival lords, chaotic threats from beyond the Wall, and, worst of all, a dark madness that is spreading through the population. Led by the noble Major Victory, 2VY]HJZSV`HS.\HYKPHUZT\Z[ÄUK[OLZV\YJLVM[OLL]PSILMVYLP[JVYY\W[Z[OL^VYSKHZ[OL`RUV^P[ COLLECTING: GUARDIANS 3000 6-8, THE KORVAC SAGA (2015) DATA AUTHOR: DAN ABNETT ARTIST: OTTO SCHMIDT, NICO LEON ISBN: 978-0-7851-9313-5 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 160 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 1: COSMIC AVENGERS TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6607-8 - APRIL-14 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2: ANGELA TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6608-5 - OCTOBER-14 152 DECEMBER BLACK PANTHER BY CHRISTOPHER PRIEST: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION VOL. 2 TPB When T’Challa falls to the one foe he’s never beaten, Killmonger earns the right to become the new Black Panther! Only Everett K. Ross can save T’Challa’s life — okay, Ross plus Moon Knight, Brother Voodoo and the 7HU[OLY.VK:[PSSZ\ɈLYPUN[OLKLWVZLK>HRHUKHUSLHKLYÄUKZOPTZLSMJH\NO[PUHJH[[YHW^P[O[OL(]LUNLYZ HUK¯+LHKWVVS&:[VYTVM[OL?4LUVɈLYZJVTMVY[HZ>HRHUKHÄUKZP[ZLSMVU[OL]LYNLVM^HY^P[O3LT\YPH and Atlantis — and Klaw, Malice and Man-Ape threaten to destroy the African Avenger once and for all! COLLECTING: BLACK PANTHER (1998) 18-35, DEADPOOL (1997) 44 DATA AUTHOR: CHRISTOPHER PRIEST ARTIST: KYLE HOTZ, SAL VELLUTO, TOMM COKER, MARK BRIGHT, NORM BREYFOGLE, JIM CALAFIORE ISBN: 978-0-7851-9811-6 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 448 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES BLACK PANTHER: WHO IS THE BLACK PANTHER TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9799-7 - MARCH-15 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY BY ABNETT & LANNING: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9064-6 - AUGUST-14 153 DECEMBER ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 3 HC The original X-Men’s arrival in the present sent shockwaves through the Marvel Universe, but we’ve only seen [OLLɈLJ[ZVU,HY[O·\U[PSUV^>OLUHUHSPLUYHJLKPZJV]LYZ[OH[1LHU.YL`·VUJLVYM\[\YLOVZ[VM[OL destructive Phoenix Force — is back, they decide to hold her accountable for Dark Phoenix’s genocide! Now it’s up to the Guardians of the Galaxy to help the All-New X-Men save Jean from twisted intergalactic justice. But will they be enough against the universe’s most powerful army? Back on Earth, the present-day Beast is tortured by his decision to bring the original X-Men forward in time, but can he repair the damage he’s done while the future Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is still gunning for the time-tossed teens? COLLECTING: ALL-NEW X-MEN 22-30, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 11-13 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: STUART IMMONEN, SARA PICHELLI, VARIOUS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9823-9 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 288 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 1: YESTERDAY'S X-MEN PREMIERE HC (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6820-1 - APRIL-13 ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 2: HERE TO STAY PREMIERE HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-6821-8 - JUNE-13 154 DECEMBER ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 6: THE ULTIMATE ADVENTURE TPB Dimension-hopping is something of an X-Men rite of passage, and it’s about time the All-New X-Men took the plunge! You don’t always have to travel Miles away to visit a new place, but will the tangled Web in ^OPJO[OLZL`V\UN[PTLKPZWSHJLK?4LUÄUK[OLTZLS]LZ<S[PTH[LS`IYPUNHIV\[[OLPYLUK&6RH`LUV\NO subtlety: The All-New X-Men meet Miles Morales, the Ultimate Spider-Man — and this is a showdown you won’t want to miss! Will either universe ever be the same again? Guest-starring scores of Ultimate JOHYHJ[LYZ7S\Z!0[»Z0JLTHU\USLHZOLKHZ`V\UN)VII`+YHRL[HRLZ[OLVɈLUZP]L(UK?TH`IL HIHUKVUPUNOLYSVULY^H`ZHZZOL[HRLZHUPU[LYLZ[PU[OLOPNOÅ`PUN(UNLS COLLECTING: ALL-NEW X-MEN 31-36 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: MAHMUD ASRAR ISBN: 978-0-7851-8969-5 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 3: OUT OF THEIR DEPTH TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6639-9 - JUNE-14 ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 4: ALL-DIFFERENT TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8861-2 - JANUARY-15 155 DECEMBER MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN ULTIMATE COLLECTION BOOK 3 TPB The Ultimate Spider-Man is back in action! Unfortunately, Galactus has arrived in the Ultimate Universe, and he hungers. Miles must undertake a dangerous trip to Galactus’ home universe if Earth has a chance of surviving this cataclysm! Then, Miles faces the worst villain from his predecessor’s past: the Green Goblin — the man who killed Peter Parker! But is Peter truly dead? As events unravel in surprising fashion, Spidey takes on Spidey — and only one of the two will rise! COLLECTING: CATACLYSM: ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN 1-3, ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN 200, MILES MORALES: THE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN 1-12 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: DAVID MARQUEZ, MARK BAGLEY, MARK BROOKS, DAVID LAFUENTE, SARA PICHELLI ISBN: 978-0-7851-9780-5 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 360 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VOL. 1 REVIVAL TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5417-4 - NOVEMBER-14 ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN BY BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS VOL. 1 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5713-7 - AUGUST-12 156 DECEMBER DEADPOOL BY POSEHN & DUGGAN VOL. 4 HC It’s the end of the road for the Merc with a Mouth! First, our red-clad hero is stalked by a classic Spider-Slayer! >HP[[OPZPZU»[H:WPKLY4HUIVVR+LHKWVVSOHKIL[[LYÄUKV\[^OH[»ZNVPUNVUILMVYLP[THZOLZOPTPU[V spider-paste! Then, inverted by the events of Axis, Deadpool puts down the guns…and goes Zen! So how can he possibly save his friends from an attack by the also-inverted X-Men?! In the aftermath, Deadpool takes a relaxing vacation to the Middle East, clashes with Omega Red, journeys into the Tomb of Scariness with Shiklah…and battles the revenge-crazed ULTIMATUM organization! Oh, and he dies at the end. Is that a spoiler? COLLECTING: DEADPOOL 35-44, 250 DATA AUTHOR: GERRY DUGGAN, BRIAN POSEHN, VARIOUS ARTIST: MIKE HAWTHORNE, SCOTT KOBLISH, SALVA ESPIN ISBN: 978-0-7851-9826-0 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: OVERSIZED RATING: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 7-1/4 X 10-7/8 PAGE COUNT: 304 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES DEADPOOL BY POSEHN & DUGGAN VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5446-4 - FEBRUARY-14 DEADPOOL VOL. 1 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-5602-4 - JULY-11 157 DECEMBER A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 4 TPB Jessica Jones is a hard-nosed private investigator, and the dark underbelly of the Marvel Universe is her beat. But it wasn’t always this way. Once, Jessica stood alongside Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the (]LUNLYZHZHJVZ[\TLKZ\WLYOLYV>OH[JOHUNLK&>OH[LUKLKOLYJYPTLÄNO[PUNJHYLLYILMVYLP[L]LU NV[Z[HY[LK&5V^MVY[OLÄYZ[[PTLSLHYUHSSVM1LZZPJH»ZOPKKLUZLJYL[Z·OV^ZOL^HZVYWOHULKOV^ she got her powers…and the dark, unspoken chapter in Marvel Universe history that changed her life forever. Guest-starring Peter Parker, Jean Grey, Luke Cage, Ant-Man and the mighty Avengers! COLLECTING: ALIAS 22-28 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: MICHAEL GAYDOS, MARK BAGLEY ISBN: 978-0-7851-9858-1 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $24.99 US / $27.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: EXPLICIT CONTENT TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 176 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3481-7 - JANUARY-10 DAREDEVIL: YELLOW TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-0969-3 -JULY-11 158 DECEMBER GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 4: ORIGINAL SIN TPB The true ending of the Cancerverse saga — revealed at last! Remember when Star-Lord, Thanos and 5V]H^LYL[YHWWLKPU[OLOVYYPÄJ*HUJLY]LYZL&>OLU:[HY3VYKHUK5V]H^LYLNVPUN[VZHJYPÄJL[OLPY lives to take out Thanos once and for all? Nova disappeared, Star-Lord went back to being Star-Lord, and +YH_¯KPLK&)\[:[HY3VYK+YH_HUK;OHUVZHSSZLLT[VILY\UUPUNHYV\UKQ\Z[ÄULUV^HKH`Z0[»Z[PTL for some answers: What really happened to Richard Rider? COLLECTING: GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 18-23 DATA AUTHOR: BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS ARTIST: ED MCGUINNESS, VALERIO SCHITI, DAVID LOPEZ ISBN: 978-0-7851-9246-6 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 1: COSMIC AVENGERS TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6607-8 - APRIL-14 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2: ANGELA TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6608-5 - OCTOBER-14 159 DECEMBER MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 17 HC J. Jonah Jameson has Peter Parker pegged as Spider-Man. Dr. Faustus is set to drive our hero insane. The Molten Man returns. The Punisher is back in town. And that’s just the warm-up for the return of the Green Goblin, in the conclusion of Len Wein’s celebrated Amazing Spider-Man run! When the Goblin strikes, all IL[ZHYLVɈ:WPKLY4HU»ZZLJYL[PKLU[P[`[OLSP]LZVM(\U[4H` and Mary Jane, everything is on the line! COLLECTING: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) 169-180, ANNUAL (1964) 11, NOVA (1976) 12, MARVEL TREASURY EDITION (1974) 14 DATA AUTHOR: LEN WEIN, ARCHIE GOODWIN, BILL MANTLO, MARV WOLFMAN ARTIST: ROSS ANDRU, DON PERLIN ISBN: 978-0-7851-9186-5 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $75.00 US / $85.00 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: MASTERWORKS HC RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 7 X 10 PAGE COUNT: 288 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 15 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-6631-3 - APRIL-13 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 16 HC ISBN: 978-0-7851-8801-8 - APRIL-14 NON-RETURNABLE X-MEN: AGE OF APOCALYPSE VOL. 3 OMEGA TPB The original Age of Apocalypse saga comes to an explosive end as the alternate-universe X-Men’s desperate gambles bear fruit! Gambit recovers the one artifact that might end Apocalypse’s reign before it began, while Weapon X obtains the means to destroy his kingdom — and Generation Next pays the ultimate price rescuing Illyana Rasputin! COLLECTING: WEAPON X (1995) 3-4, GENERATION NEXT 3-4, GAMBIT AND THE X-TERNALS 3-4, ASTONISHING X-MEN (1995) 4, X-MAN 4, X-CALIBRE 4, FACTOR X 4, AMAZING X-MEN (1995) 4, X-UNIVERSE 2, X-MEN OMEGA, AGE OF APOCALYPSE: THE CHOSEN DATA AUTHOR: LARRY HAMA, SCOTT LOBDELL, FABIAN NICIEZA, JEPH LOEB, WARREN ELLIS, JOHN FRANCIS MOORE, TERRY KAVANAGH, MARK WAID ARTIST: ADAM KUBERT, CHRIS BACHALO, SALVADOR LARROCA, JOE MADUREIRA, STEVE SKROCE, KEN LASHLEY, STEVE EPTING, TERRY DODSON, ANDY KUBERT, CARLOS PACHECO, ROGER CRUZ ISBN: 978-0-7851-9379-1 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 400 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES X-MEN: AGE OF APOCALYPSE PRELUDE TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-5508-9 - JUNE-11 AGE OF APOCALYPSE VOL. 1: THE X-TERMINATED TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-6302-2 - OCTOBER-12 160 DECEMBER SUPERIOR IRON MAN VOL. 1: INFAMOUS TPB What is the price of perfection? How much would you pay for beauty? Immortality? Tony Stark has what `V\^HU[·I\[H[H[LYYPISLJVZ[;OL(_PZLɈLJ[OHZSLM[;VU`HJOHUNLKTHU!/L»ZTVYLZ[`SPZOTVYL JVUÄKLU[HUKTVYLJ\UUPUN[OHUL]LYILMVYL(UKOL»ZYLHK`[VSLHK:HU-YHUJPZJVPU[V[OLM\[\YL^P[O the widespread release of a remade version of Extremis — the virus that once nearly destroyed Tony! Daredevil isn’t down with Stark’s new vision, but can the Man Without Fear lead the rebellion against the Superior Iron Man? How far will Tony go to keep the secret of his success private? COLLECTING: SUPERIOR IRON MAN 1-5 DATA AUTHOR: TOM TAYLOR ARTIST: YILDIRAY CINAR ISBN: 978-0-7851-9249-7 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $19.99 US / $21.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATING: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 136 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR MARKETING Review coverage from major entertainment and comic websites. Presence at comic conventions and publishing trade shows. Advertising in national magazines, newspapers and trade publications. News coverage on with exclusive interiors previews available. COMP TITLES IRON MAN VOL. 1: BELIEVE TPB (MARVEL NOW) ISBN: 978-0-7851-6665-8 - MARCH-14 INVINCIBLE IRON MAN VOL. 1: THE FIVE NIGHTMARES TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-3412-1 - MARCH-09 161 DECEMBER WOLVERINE EPIC COLLECTION: THE DYING GAME TPB Logan succumbs to the beast within! Wolverine has lost his Adamantium skeleton and his healing factor is on the fritz, but he’s been coping fairly well. That ends now. The dark path that Logan’s on is about to cost him his humanity — perhaps forever! As Wolverine heads home, team-ups with Gambit, Deadpool and Ghost Rider all lead to one of the greatest Wolverine/Sabretooth battles of all time — a clash of the titans from which neither escapes unscathed. COLLECTING: WOLVERINE (1988) 87-100, WOLVERINE ANNUAL '95, WOLVERINE: KNIGHT OF TERRA (WOLVERINE EPIC COLLECTION VOL. 8) DATA AUTHOR: LARRY HAMA, CHRIS GOLDEN, IAN EDGINTON, JOHN OSTRANDER ARTIST: ADAM KUBERT, FABIO LAGUNA, DUNCAN ROULEAU, CHRIS ALEXANDER, RAMON BERNARDO, VAL SEMEIKS, JH WILLIAMS III, BEN HERRERA, JAN DUURSEMA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9261-9 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 488 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES WOLVERINE EPIC COLLECTION: MADRIPOOR NIGHTS TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8903-9 - DECEMBER-14 X-MEN EPIC COLLECTION: CHILDREN OF THE ATOM TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8904-6 - JANUARY-15 X-MEN EPIC COLLECTION: THE GIFT TPB Swords and sorcery, mutant style! When Kulan Gath strikes, [OL?4LU(]LUNLYZHUK:WPKLY4HUÄUK[OLTZLS]LZ in the middle of a barbarian nightmare! Can they defeat the sorcerous villain and restore the world? Things are no less mystical for the X-Men and Alpha Flight when the [YPJRZ[LYNVK3VRPVɈLYZHNPM[[V[OLWLVWSLVM,HY[O¯I\[ big surprise, it comes with a price! And, blade in hand, Nightcrawler swashbuckles his way through an otherdimensional solo adventure! Enough fantasy for you? COLLECTING: UNCANNY X-MEN (1963) 189-198, X-MEN ANNUAL (1970) 8, X-MEN AND ALPHA FLIGHT (1985) 1-2, NIGHTCRAWLER (1985) 1-4 (X-MEN EPIC COLLECTION VOL. 12) DATA AUTHOR: CHRIS CLAREMONT, JO DUFFY, DAVE COCKRUM ARTIST: JOHN ROMITA JR., BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH, STEVE LEIALOHA, PAUL SMITH, DAVE COCKRUM ISBN: 978-0-7851-9217-6 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 512 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES X-MEN EPIC COLLECTION: CHILDREN OF THE ATOM TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8904-6 - JANUARY-15 WOLVERINE EPIC COLLECTION: MADRIPOOR NIGHTS TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8903-9 - DECEMBER-14 162 DECEMBER DEADPOOL CLASSIC VOL. 14: SUICIDE KINGS TPB Deadpool continues his quest for truth, justice and cold hard cash! Eleven desperate men compete in a deadly, illegal reality game show that will leave one of them rich and the rest dead. One of the competitors is Wade Wilson…but what is his hidden agenda? (Besides the cash.) Then, framed for killing innocents, Deadpool winds up in the Punisher’s sights! Luckily for Wade, Daredevil and Spider-Man come to his defense…but can the redclad trio unravel the web of lies and clear Deadpool’s name? COLLECTING: DEADPOOL: GAMES OF DEATH 1; DEADPOOL: SUICIDE KINGS 1-5; DEADPOOL 900, 1000; X-MEN ORIGINS: DEADPOOL; MATERIAL FROM MARVEL DIGITAL HOLIDAY SPECIAL 2, MARVEL SPOTLIGHT: DEADPOOL DATA AUTHOR: MIKE BENSON, ADAM GLASS, JASON AARON, JOE KELLY, CHARLIE HUSTON ARTIST: SHAWN CRYSTAL, CARLO BARBERI, CHRIS STAGGS, ROB LIEFELD, KYLE BAKER, VARIOUS ISBN: 978-0-7851-9733-1 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: PARENTAL ADVISORY TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 392 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES DEADPOOL CLASSIC VOL. 9 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-8513-0 - JANUARY-14 DEADPOOL CLASSIC VOL. 10 TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9046-2 - NOVEMBER-14 SILVER SURFER EPIC COLLECTION: FREEDOM TPB The sentinel of the spaceways soars again! After years [YHWWLKVU,HY[O[OL:PS]LY:\YMLYÄUHSS`IYLHRZMYLLVM Galactus’ barrier and returns to the stars. His full power cosmic restored, he heads for Zenn-La…but the old saying holds true: you can’t go home again. While the age-old war between the Kree and the Skrulls heats up once again, the Elders of the Universe target Galactus! COLLECTING: SILVER SURFER (1982) 1, SILVER SURFER (1987) 1-14, SUPER-VILLAIN CLASSICS 1; MATERIAL FROM EPIC ILLUSTRATED 1, MARVEL FANFARE (1982) 51 (SILVER SURFER EPIC COLLECTION VOL. 3) DATA AUTHOR: JOHN BYRNE, STAN LEE, STEVE ENGLEHART, MARK GRUENWALD ARTIST: JOHN BYRNE, MARSHALL ROGERS, JOE STATON, JACK KIRBY, JOHN BUSCEMA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9903-8 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $34.99 US / $38.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: ALL AGES TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 488 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES SILVER SURFER EPIC COLLECTION: WHEN CALLS GALACTUS TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9002-8 - DECEMBER-14 MOON KNIGHT EPIC COLLECTION: BAD MOON RISING TPB ISBN: 978-0-7851-9096-7 - OCTOBER-14 163 JUVENILE MARVEL UNIVERSE ALL-NEW AVENGERS ASSEMBLE VOL. 3 DIGEST The Avengers return for an all-new volume of evil smashing! See what happens when the world’s greatest heroes battle the “Dark Avengers,” a.k.a. the Squadron Supreme. Then follow Black Widow as she sets out on a plan to YPK[OL^VYSKVM[OL0UÄUP[`:[VULZ(SZV featuring Ant-Man and Thanos! COLLECTING: MARVEL UNIVERSE AVENGERS ASSEMBLE SEASON TWO 9-12 DATA ADAPTED BY: JOE CARAMAGNA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9360-9 PUB MONTH: NOVEMBER PRICE: $9.99 US / $10.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: DIGEST RATINGS: ALL AGES TRIM SIZE: 5-1/8 X 7-13/16 PAGE COUNT: 88 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR COMP TITLES MARVEL UNIVERSE AVENGERS ASSEMBLE VOL. 1 DIGEST ISBN: 978-0-7851-8418-8 - MARCH-14 MARVEL UNIVERSE AVENGERS ASSEMBLE VOL. 2 DIGEST ISBN: 978-0-7851-8880-3 - AUGUST-14 AVENGERS: NO MORE BULLYING TPB THE MARVEL SUPER HEROES MAKE BULLYING A THING OF THE PAST! The Avengers have always stood up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, but this time they’re in for a bombastic adventure of the highest order! Plus, swing along with Spidey and a gathering of his amazing friends as they take on this important social issue in the inimitable Mighty Marvel Manner! DATA AUTHOR: SEAN RYAN, JODY HOUSER, GERRY DUGGAN ARTIST: CARLO BARBERI, TANA FORD, MARCIO TAKARA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9851-2 PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBER PRICE: $14.99 US / $16.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: TRADE PAPERBACK RATINGS: RATED T+ TRIM SIZE: 6-5/8 X 10-3/16 PAGE COUNT: 96 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR Featuring guest stars from across the Marvel Universe including Spider-Man and The Guardians of the Galaxy! COLLECTING: AVENGERS: NO MORE BULLYING 1, THOR (1966) 356, PREVENT CHILD ABUSE AMERICA PRESENTS: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ON BULLYING PREVENTION 1, MATERIAL FROM DAREDEVIL (2011) 28; STOMP OUT BULLYING COVER GALLERY COMP TITLES MARVEL UNIVERSE AVENGERS ASSEMBLE VOL. 1 DIGEST ISBN: 978-0-7851-8418-8 - MARCH-14 MARVEL UNIVERSE AVENGERS ASSEMBLE VOL. 2 DIGEST ISBN: 978-0-7851-8880-3 - AUGUST-14 MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN: WEB WARRIORS VOL. 3 DIGEST Spider-Man teams up with the Marvel Universe's greatest heroes in a series of all-new, all ages adventures! See Spidey team up with Blade to track down Dracula. Also featuring Captain America, Wolverine, Iron Patriot and Nick Fury’s secret super monster team The Howling Commandos! DATA ADAPTED BY: JOE CARAMAGNA ISBN: 978-0-7851-9385-2 PUB MONTH: DECEMBER PRICE: $9.99 US / $10.99 CAN SUBJECT CATEGORY: DIGEST RATINGS: ALL AGES TRIM SIZE: 5-1/8 X 7-13/16 PAGE COUNT: 88 TYPES OF ILLUSTRATION: COLOR 164 COLLECTING: MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN: WEB WARRIORS 9-12 COMP TITLES MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDERMAN: WEB WARRIORS VOL. 1 DIGEST ISBN: 978-0-7851-9383-8 - APRIL 2015 MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDERMAN VOL. 1 DIGEST ISBN: 978-0-7851-6149-3 - DEC. 2012 STAR WARS CHECKLIST STAR WARS VOL. 1: SKYWALKER STRIKES TPB PAGE 6 165 STAR WARS CHECKLIST STAR WARS: JOURNEY TO STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS SHATTERED EMPIRE TPB PAGE 78 STAR WARS: KANAN - THE LAST PADAWAN VOL. 1 TPB PAGE 82 STAR WARS: PRINCESS LEIA TPB PAGE 8 STAR WARS: DARTH VADER VOL. 1 - VADER TPB PAGE 48 166 STAR WARS CHECKLIST STAR WARS: THE ORIGINAL MARVEL YEARS OMNIBUS VOL. 3 HC PAGE 11 STAR WARS: EPISODE VI RETURN OF THE JEDI HC PAGE 80 STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: RISE OF THE SITH VOL. 1 TPB PAGE 10 STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: THE EMPIRE VOL. 2 TPB PAGE 84 167 STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: INFINITIES TPB PAGE 125 SECRET WARS CHECKLIST 1602 WITCH HUNTER ANGELA / RANGERS OF THE SHIELD TPB ................. 148 A-FORCE VOL. 0: WARZONES! TPB........................................................................... 8 8 AGE OF APOCALYPSE: WARZONES! TPB ................................................................103 AGE OF ULTRON VS. ZOMBIES TPB ...........................................................................9 0 ARMOR WARS: WARZONES! TPB ...........................................................................104 BLACK WIDOW VOL. 3: LAST DAYS TPB ..................................................................6 7 BUCKY BARNES: THE WINTER SOLDIER VOL. 2 - LAST DAYS TPB .............. 120 CAPTAIN AMERICA & THE MIGHTY AVENGERS VOL. 2: LAST DAYS TPB ..122 CAPTAIN MARVEL & THE CAROL CORPS ...............................................................138 CIVIL WAR: WARZONES! TPB ....................................................................................128 DEADPOOL'S SECRET SECRET WARS TPB............................................................... 5 0 E IS FOR EXTINCTION / X-TINCTION AGENDA TPB ..........................................140 168 SECRET WARS CHECKLIST FUTURE IMPERFECT: WARZONES! TPB .................................................................144 GHOST RACERS TPB ...................................................................................................... 150 GIANT-SIZE LITTLE MARVELS: AVX TPB .................................................................. 5 8 GUARDIANS OF KNOWHERE TPB............................................................................. 151 HAIL HYDRA TPB .............................................................................................................147 HOUSE OF M: WARZONES! TPB ..................................................................................5 2 INFERNO: WARZONES! TPB .......................................................................................130 INFINITY GAUNTLET: WARZONES! TPB ..................................................................9 2 INHUMANS: ATTILAN RISING TPB ........................................................................... 9 4 LOKI: AGENT OF ASGARD VOL. 3 - LAST DAYS TPB .......................................... 120 M.O.D.O.K. ASSASSIN TPB ........................................................................................ 149 169 SECRET WARS CHECKLIST MAGNETO VOL. 4: LAST DAYS TPB ........................................................................... 6 6 MARVEL 1872 TPB............................................................................................................. 5 4 MARVEL ZOMBIES: BATTLEWORLD TPB ................................................................. 9 6 MASTER OF KUNG FU: BATTLEWORLD TPB ........................................................ 150 MRS. DEADPOOL AND THE HOWLING COMMANDOS TPB .............................5 7 PLANET HULK: WARZONES! TPB .............................................................................145 THE PUNISHER VOL. 3: LAST DAYS TPB ............................................................ 3 4 RED SKULL TPB ............................................................................................................... 105 RUNAWAYS: BATTLEWORLD TPB ........................................................................... 146 SECRET WARS 2099 TPB ............................................................................................. 106 SECRET WARS HC ............................................................................................................. 8 6 170 SECRET WARS CHECKLIST SILVER SURFER VOL. 3: LAST DAYS TPB................................................................... 7 1 SPIDER-ISLAND: WARZONES! TPB............................................................................5 6 SPIDER-MAN: RENEW YOUR VOWS TPB ..............................................................134 SPIDER-VERSE: WARZONES! TPB ............................................................................. 132 SQUADRON SINISTER TPB .......................................................................................... 9 8 THORS TPB ........................................................................................................................139 ULTIMATE END TPB ........................................................................................................136 WEIRDWORLD TPB ........................................................................................................142 WHERE MONSTERS DWELL TPB ...............................................................................141 WOLVERINE: OLD MAN LOGAN VOL. 0 – WARZONES! TPB ..........................102 X-MEN '92 TPB .................................................................................................................143 171 NETFLIX CHECKLIST MARVEL'S A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: SEASON ONE HC PAGE 109 A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 1 TPB PAGE 12 A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 2 TPB PAGE 12 A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 4 TPB PAGE 158 A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 3 TPB PAGE 108 LUKE CAGE: SECOND CHANCES VOL. 1 TPB PAGE 14 172 INDEX 1602 WITCH HUNTER ANGELA / RANGERS OF THE SHIELD TPB .............................................................148 A-FORCE PRESENTS VOL. 1 TPB .................................................................................................................. 24 A-FORCE PRESENTS VOL. 2 TPB .................................................................................................................118 A-FORCE VOL. 0: WARZONES! TPB ............................................................................................................... 88 A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 1 TPB ....................................................................................................12 A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 2 TPB ....................................................................................................12 A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 3 TPB ................................................................................................. 108 A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: ALIAS VOL. 4 TPB ..................................................................................................158 AGE OF APOCALYPSE: WARZONES! TPB ................................................................................................... 103 AGE OF ULTRON VS. ZOMBIES TPB .............................................................................................................. 90 ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 2 HC ........................................................................................................................... 24 ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 3 HC ..........................................................................................................................154 ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 6: THE ULTIMATE ADVENTURE TPB .......................................................................155 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 4 TPB .............................................................................................................. 20 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 5: SPIRAL TPB ............................................................................................... 22 ARMOR WARS: WARZONES! TPB ................................................................................................................ 104 AVENGERS BY JONATHAN HICKMAN VOL. 2 HC ..........................................................................................16 AVENGERS BY KURT BUSIEK & GEORGE PEREZ OMNIBUS VOL. 2 HC ...................................................118 AVENGERS WORLD VOL. 4: BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT TPB .........................................................................18 AVENGERS: NO MORE BULLYING TPB ....................................................................................................... 164 AVENGERS: TIME RUNS OUT VOL. 1 TPB ......................................................................................................19 AVENGERS: TIME RUNS OUT VOL. 2 TPB ..................................................................................................... 73 BIG THUNDER MOUNTAIN RAILROAD HC ................................................................................................... 40 BLACK PANTHER BY CHRISTOPHER PRIEST: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION VOL. 2 TPB......................153 BLACK WIDOW VOL. 3: LAST DAYS TPB ....................................................................................................... 67 BUCKY BARNES: THE WINTER SOLDIER VOL. 2 - LAST DAYS TPB...........................................................120 CAPTAIN AMERICA & THE MIGHTY AVENGERS VOL. 2: LAST DAYS TPB..................................................122 CAPTAIN MARVEL & THE CAROL CORPS ....................................................................................................138 CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL. 3 TPB ....................................................................................................................... 26 CIVIL WAR: WARZONES! TPB ........................................................................................................................128 DAMAGE CONTROL: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPB ........................................................................... 70 DAREDEVIL EPIC COLLECTION: WIDOW'S KISS TPB ...................................................................................13 DAREDEVIL VOL. 4 TPB .................................................................................................................................110 DARK TOWER: THE DRAWING OF THE THREE - HOUSE OF CARDS TPB .................................................. 38 DEADPOOL BY POSEHN & DUGGAN VOL. 3 HC .......................................................................................... 25 DEADPOOL BY POSEHN & DUGGAN VOL. 4 HC .........................................................................................157 DEADPOOL CLASSIC VOL. 13: DEADPOOL TEAM-UP TPB ......................................................................... 62 DEADPOOL CLASSIC VOL. 14: SUICIDE KINGS TPB .................................................................................. 163 DEADPOOL VS. THANOS TPB .......................................................................................................................126 DEADPOOL'S SECRET SECRET WARS TPB .................................................................................................. 50 DEATH OF WOLVERINE TPB ............................................................................................................................. 5 DEATHLOK VOL. 2: MAN VERSUS MACHINE TPB ........................................................................................ 66 DEXTER DOWN UNDER TPB .......................................................................................................................... 46 E IS FOR EXTINCTION/ X-TINCTION AGENDA TPB ......................................................................................140 FALLEN SON: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA TPB ................................................................................15 FUTURE IMPERFECT: WARZONES! TPB .......................................................................................................144 173 INDEX GEORGE ROMERO'S EMPIRE OF THE DEAD: ACT THREE TPB ................................................................. 77 GHOST RACERS TPB .....................................................................................................................................150 GIANT-SIZE LITTLE MARVELS: AVX TPB ....................................................................................................... 58 GREENBERG THE VAMPIRE TPB ................................................................................................................... 36 GUARDIANS OF KNOWHERE TPB ................................................................................................................151 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY BY JIM VALENTINO VOL. 3 TPB .................................................................. 62 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY SOLO CLASSIC OMNIBUS HC ...................................................................119 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 4: ORIGINAL SIN TPB .........................................................................159 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 5 PREMIERE HC ................................................................................. 28 GUARDIANS TEAM-UP VOL. 1 TPB ............................................................................................................... 64 HAIL HYDRA TPB ...........................................................................................................................................147 HAWKEYE VOL. 2 HC .......................................................................................................................................17 HAWKEYE VOL. 5: ALL-NEW HAWKEYE TPB ...............................................................................................112 HOUSE OF M: WARZONES! TPB .................................................................................................................... 52 HOWARD THE DUCK VOL. 0: WHAT THE DUCK TPB.................................................................................... 30 INCREDIBLE HULK EPIC COLLECTION: GHOSTS OF THE PAST TPB ......................................................... 36 INFERNO: WARZONES! TPB ..........................................................................................................................130 INFINITY GAUNTLET: WARZONES! TPB......................................................................................................... 92 INFINITY WAR AFTERMATH TPB .................................................................................................................... 63 INHUMANS: ATTILAN RISING TPB ................................................................................................................. 94 LOKI: AGENT OF ASGARD VOL. 3: LAST DAYS TPB ....................................................................................120 LUKE CAGE: SECOND CHANCES VOL. 1 TPB ...............................................................................................14 M.O.D.O.K. ASSASSIN TPB ............................................................................................................................149 MAGNETO VOL. 4: LAST DAYS TPB ............................................................................................................... 66 MAN-THING: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION VOL. 1 TPB .............................................................................74 MARVEL 1872 TPB........................................................................................................................................... 54 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: DAREDEVIL VOL. 9 HC ....................................................................................... 36 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: SPIDER-WOMAN VOL. 1 HC .............................................................................124 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN VOL. 17 HC ....................................................... 160 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE DEFENDERS VOL. 5 HC ............................................................................. 76 MARVEL UNIVERSE ALL-NEW AVENGERS ASSEMBLE VOL. 3 DIGEST .................................................... 164 MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN: WEB WARRIORS VOL. 3 DIGEST ..................................... 164 MARVEL ZOMBIES: BATTLEWORLD TPB ...................................................................................................... 96 MARVEL’S A.K.A. JESSICA JONES: SEASON ONE HC ............................................................................... 109 MASTER OF KUNG FU: BATTLEWORLD TPB ...............................................................................................150 MAX RIDE: FIRST FLIGHT TPB ....................................................................................................................... 42 MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN ULTIMATE COLLECTION BOOK 2 TPB ................................... 70 MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN ULTIMATE COLLECTION BOOK 3 TPB ..................................156 MONSTER OF FRANKENSTEIN TPB ...............................................................................................................74 MOON KNIGHT EPIC COLLECTION: SHADOWS OF THE MOON TPB ........................................................124 MOON KNIGHT VOL. 3: IN THE NIGHT TPB ................................................................................................... 35 MRS. DEADPOOL AND THE HOWLING COMMANDOS TPB ........................................................................ 57 MS. MARVEL VOL. 4 TPB ...............................................................................................................................116 NEW AVENGERS BY JONATHAN HICKMAN VOL. 2 HC .................................................................................16 NEXTWAVE: AGENTS OF H.A.T.E. - THE COMPLETE COLLECTION ............................................................ 35 NOVA VOL. 6: HOMECOMING TPB................................................................................................................. 60 PLANET HULK: WARZONES! TPB .................................................................................................................145 174 INDEX RED SKULL TPB ............................................................................................................................................ 105 ROCKET RACCOON VOL. 1: A CHASING TALE TPB ..................................................................................... 61 RUNAWAYS: BATTLEWORLD TPB .................................................................................................................146 S.H.I.E.L.D. BY LEE & KIRBY: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPB .............................................................. 72 S.H.I.E.L.D.: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OMNIBUS HC .......................................................................... 72 SCARLET BOOK 2 PREMIERE HC .................................................................................................................. 37 SECRET WARS 2099 TPB ............................................................................................................................. 106 SECRET WARS HC .......................................................................................................................................... 86 SILK VOL. 1: NOW AND THEN TPB................................................................................................................. 68 SILVER SURFER EPIC COLLECTION: FREEDOM TPB ................................................................................. 163 SILVER SURFER VOL. 3: LAST DAYS TPB ...................................................................................................... 71 SPIDER-GWEN VOL. 1: MOST WANTED? TPB.............................................................................................. 114 SPIDER-ISLAND: WARZONES! TPB ............................................................................................................... 56 SPIDER-MAN: RENEW YOUR VOWS TPB .....................................................................................................134 SPIDER-VERSE: WARZONES! TPB ................................................................................................................132 SQUADRON SINISTER TPB ............................................................................................................................ 98 STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: INFINITIES TPB.......................................................................125 STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: RISE OF THE SITH VOL. 1 TPB ...............................................10 STAR WARS LEGENDS EPIC COLLECTION: THE EMPIRE VOL. 2 TPB ........................................................ 84 STAR WARS VOL. 1: SKYWALKER STRIKES TPB ............................................................................................ 6 STAR WARS: DARTH VADER VOL. 1 - VADER TPB ........................................................................................ 48 STAR WARS: EPISODE VI - RETURN OF THE JEDI HC ................................................................................ 80 STAR WARS: JOURNEY TO STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS - SHATTERED EMPIRE TPB................. 78 STAR WARS: KANAN - THE LAST PADAWAN VOL. 1 TPB ............................................................................ 82 STAR WARS: PRINCESS LEIA TPB ................................................................................................................... 8 STAR WARS: THE MARVEL COVERS VOL. 1 HC ............................................................................................47 STAR WARS: THE ORIGINAL MARVEL YEARS OMNIBUS VOL. 3 HC ...........................................................11 STAR-LORD & KITTY PRYDE TPB .................................................................................................................123 SUPERIOR IRON MAN VOL. 1: INFAMOUS TPB ...........................................................................................161 SUPERIOR IRON MAN VOL. 2 PREMIERE HC .............................................................................................. 32 THANOS: COSMIC POWERS TPB .................................................................................................................107 THE KORVAC SAGA: BATTLEWORLD TPB ...................................................................................................152 THE MARVEL LEGACY OF JACK KIRBY HC .................................................................................................. 75 THE PUNISHER VOL. 3: LAST DAYS TPB ....................................................................................................... 34 THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL VOL. 2: SQUIRREL YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE TPB ................................121 THORS TPB ....................................................................................................................................................139 ULTIMATE END TPB .......................................................................................................................................136 UNCANNY X-MEN VOL. 5: THE OMEGA MUTANT TPB ................................................................................. 85 WEIRDWORLD TPB ........................................................................................................................................142 WEREWOLF BY NIGHT OMNIBUS HC ............................................................................................................74 WHERE MONSTERS DWELL TPB ..................................................................................................................141 WOLVERINE EPIC COLLECTION: THE DYING GAME TPB ...........................................................................162 WOLVERINE: OLD MAN LOGAN VOL. 0 – WARZONES! TPB....................................................................... 102 WOLVERINES VOL. 4: DESTINY TPB .............................................................................................................. 34 X-MEN '92 TPB ...............................................................................................................................................143 X-MEN EPIC COLLECTION: THE GIFT TPB ...................................................................................................162 X-MEN: AGE OF APOCALYPSE VOL. 2 - REIGN TPB..................................................................................... 76 X-MEN: AGE OF APOCALYPSE VOL. 3 - OMEGA TPB ................................................................................ 160 X-MEN: YEARS OF FUTURE PAST TPB........................................................................................................ 100 175 ORDERS HACHETTE BOOK GROUP ƩŶ͗ KƌĚĞƌ ĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ ϯ ĞŶƚĞƌ WůĂnjĂ ŽƐƚŽŶ͕ D ϬϮϭϬϴͲϮϬϴϰ WŚŽŶĞ͗ ϭͲϴϬϬͲϳϱϵͲϬϭϵϬ &Ădž͗ ϭͲϴϬϬͲϮϴϲͲϵϰϳϭ ŵĂŝů͗ ŽƌĚĞƌ͘ĚĞƐŬΛŚďŐƵƐĂ͘ĐŽŵ / Θ WhEd͗ ƵƐĞ ^E ϮϬϬͲϮϮϬϱ CUSTOMER SERVICE: WŚŽŶĞ ͗ ϭͲϴϬϬͲϳϱϵͲϬϭϵϬ &Ădž ͗ ϭͲϴϬϬͲϯϯϭͲϭϲϲϰ ŵĂŝů͗ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌ͘ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞΛŚďŐƵƐĂ͘ĐŽŵ RETURNS: ,ĂĐŚĞƩĞ ŽŽŬ 'ƌŽƵƉ ϯϮϮ ^͘ ŶƚĞƌƉƌŝƐĞ ůǀĚ >ĞďĂŶŽŶ͕ /E ϰϲϬϱϮ INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT ,ĂĐŚĞƩĞ ŽŽŬ 'ƌŽƵƉ Ϯϯϳ WĂƌŬ ǀĞŶƵĞ EĞǁ zŽƌŬ͕ Ez ϭϬϬϭϳ hE/d ^dd^ dĞů͗ нϭͲϮϭϮͲϯϲϰͲϭϯϮϱ &Ădž͗ нϭͲϮϭϮͲϯϲϰͲϬϵϯϯ ŵĂŝů͗ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůΛŚďŐƵƐĂ͘ĐŽŵ SPECIAL MARKETS ,ĂĐŚĞƩĞ ŽŽŬ 'ƌŽƵƉ Ϯϯϳ WĂƌŬ ǀĞŶƵĞ EĞǁ zŽƌŬ͕ Ez ϭϬϬϭϳ Ăůů ƚŽůůͲĨƌĞĞ͗ ;ϴϬϬͿ ϮϮϮͲϲϳϰϳ &Ădž ƚŽůůͲĨƌĞĞ͗ ;ϴϬϬͿ ϰϳϳͲϱϵϮϱ ůů ƉƌŝĐŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ĐŽǀĞƌƐ ĂƌĞ ƐƵďũĞĐƚ ƚŽ ĐŚĂŶŐĞ͘
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