植 物 學 雑 誌 第 五 雀 第 五 十 二 號 明治 廿四年 六 月十 日 THE [Vol. BOTANICAL ®. June MAGAZINE, No. 10, 1891. A New Japanese 5 2. ] Prasiola1 Rydkichi Yatabe, Sc. D. Prasiola japonica, nov. sp. Nor. fap. Kawa-nori, , y. ; r) . ULVACE. (Plate XXV.) Thallus expanded, delicately membranaceous, ovate, oblong, linear-oblong, lanceolate, or irregularly lobed, crispate at the margin, bright green, 1-2o cm. long, 0.5-4 cm, broad. in fours. specimens the thallus lobed and plicately variously rocks by scope shows a minute that diameter. irregularly Its thallus point. the cells margin is notched. of cells which the about i Ia, in diameter, arranged Attached to rocks in clear rapid stream. In small often Cells subquadrate, and at that less thickened point surface generally the thallus at the section lower is attached ends. but in larger is attached in fours undulate, shows Towards downwards by means that ones to the surface of the thallus arranged slightly elongated or oblong, It view are generally as long as broad. cells become ovate crispate., Its transverse are twice the The is mostly under the and about but the point micro7 ,a. in in some it consists of cases of one layer of attachment into slender colorless of entangled fibres of fibres. more or (j 88) A NEW JAPANS PRASYOLA. From the diagnoses of ~e-Toni' and Wollet it seems that this species is nearly auied to P. me%icana, LMiebm. This alga grows in rapid streams in mountainous parts of the country. My specimens are from NikkO (province of Shimotsuke), Kiriu (KOzuke), Shibakawa (Suruga), I)aiyagawa, at N ikkO, is well known as one of the localities where this alga grows abundantly. and Oimura (Mino). The ravine known as the The specimens figured are two of those kindly collected for me by Mr. I. Ogasawara, He sent to me early in March, 1891, a stone about 30 cm, in diameter, on which was growing a number of this alga. The stone was taken from the Kiriu-gawa, a rapid stream near the town of Kiriu. In the districts where this alga grows people collect it in large quantities especially in autumn, press and dry it into the form of quadrangular sheets, and sell them as an article of food under the names different in various localities, such as Kawa-nori, Shibakawa-nori, ,Daiyag awa-nori, &c. They are eaten either slightly broiled or vinegared after putting them in water. The sheets sent from Kiriu are 32 cm, long ad 26 cm, broad; those from Shibakawa, 48 cm, long and 28 cm, broad; those from NikkO, 48 cm, long 34 cm, broad;. They are not so commonly sold at shops as the sheets similarly prepared from Porphyra and Enteromospha, common forms ~ofalga in the shallow sea. According to Mr. I. Ogasawara who has written to me in regard to this alga, it is generally about r o cm. long, but larger specimens are 20 cm. or more long. It can be collected from the time of the year when the frost first * De-Toni , Sylloge f Wolle, Fresh-Water Algarum, vol. i., p. I43• Algae, p. 107, t. 91. 日 本 藻 局 方 植 disappears till the time when it again forms. 物 篇 (189) But the specimens collected in spring and summer cannot be so well preserved for use as those collected in autumn, which can be preserved for °a long time and have a more agreeable odor. The quantity gathered at the locality where Mr. Ogasawara resides inssmall., amounting in value only to about $ 140 to $ i 50 in a year. Plate XXV. Fig, i, 2, whole plant (nat. size); 3-6, surface views of different parts of thallus; 3, margin (x 4.20); 4, same (x 560); 5, middle portion (x 420; 6, base (x 240); 7, transverse section of thallus (x 4.20). 日本 藥 局 方植 物 篇 (前號の綾 き) 會員 第 五 十 一 號 正 誤(162)ノ 澤 田駒次 郎 第 十 五 行 廿 一一字 目 ノ ハ ヲ ノ誤 同 第 二 十 行 十 二 字 目 リ ノ下 「生 シ タ ル 」ノ四 字 ヲ睨 ス伺 第 二 十 一 行 五 字 目 種 ハ 禰 ノ 誤 性質 達 刺 侃 篤 護 護 ハ 白 玲 ト禰 シ樹 幹 呂掻 裂 ヂ 施 シ其 傷 ロ ヨ9滲 出凝 固 セ シ モ ノ ヲ敗 メ テ乾 固 セ ヲ モ ノハ共 質 善 艮 昌 シ テ形 千長 圓若 ク ハ扁 李長 サ・ 一 二 「イ ヅ チ」乃 至 三 「イ ソ チ」饒 一∫ イ γ チ」四 分 一 乃 至 一 「イ ソ チ」許 昌 シ テ 白 色 黄 色 若 ク ハ 禍 色 ノ 毛 ノ ア リ3乙土 耳 格 ヨ リ産 出 ス ル 毛 ノ ハ 梢 ≧大 イ ナ 墾英 國 製 藥 會 甦 列 品 ノ標 本 中 昌 長 サ 撒 「イ ソ チ 」幅 サ ニ 「 イ ソ チ 」厚 サ ー 「イ ソ チ」 ノ 殆 ソ ト十 分 一 昌 ヲ テ 其 重 量 三 弓 弱 昌 至 ル 毛 ノ ア リ ト 本 品 ハ 表 面 隆 起 シ テ激 層 チ 爲 ス 是 レ 柔 軟 ナ ル護 護 ノ漸 次 島 凝 固 ヲ タ ル 徴 候 施 ス 叉 西 里 亜 塵 達 刺 侃 篤 護 護 ド総 ス ル 毛 ノ ハ 共 實 波 斯,古 ヨ リ産 シ 澄 明 昌 シ テ 黄 色 ヲ 呈 ス故 亀 士 変 傘 産 ヨ9容 爾的 斯丹 易 ク 之 ヲ 匠 別 ス3ζ自 ヵ ラ 滲 出 シ テ 凝 固 セ ヲ モ ノ ハ 艶 豆 大 ノ扁 片 チ 爲 シ褐 色,黄 色 或 》・暗 色 ヲ呈 ヴ
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