BLOOMBERG POLITICS/THE DES MOINES REGISTER IOWA POLL SELZER & COMPANY 437 Democratic likely caucusgoers Compared to 402 Republican likely caucusgoers Margin of error: ± 4.7 percentage points for Democrats Margin of error: ± 4.9 percentage points for Republicans Study #2118 May 25-29, 2015 4,161 contacts weighted by age, sex, and congressional district to conform to active voters in the Iowa voter registration list Methodology June 1 (Bloomberg) — The Iowa Poll, conducted May 25-29 for Bloomberg Politics and The Des Moines Register by Selzer & Co. of Des Moines, Iowa, is based on telephone interviews with 437 registered Iowa voters who say they definitely or probably will attend the 2016 Democratic caucuses and 402 registered voters who say they definitely or probably will attend the 2016 Republican caucuses. Interviewers contacted 4,161 randomly selected active voters from the Iowa secretary of state’s voter registration list by telephone. Responses were adjusted by age, sex, and congressional district to reflect all active voters in the voter registration list. Questions based on the subsample of 437 likely Democratic caucus attendees have a maximum margin of error of plus or minus 4.7 percentage points, and questions based on the subsample of 402 likely Republican caucus attendees have a maximum margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 percentage points. This means that if this survey were repeated using the same questions and the same methodology, 19 times out of 20, the findings would not vary from the percentages shown here by more than plus or minus 4.7 or 4.9 percentage points, respectively. Results based on smaller samples of respondents—such as by gender or age—have a larger margin of error. Republishing the copyright Iowa Poll without credit to Bloomberg Politics and The Des Moines Register is prohibited. Poll Questions BASED ON DEMOCRATIC CAUCUSGOERS PERCENTAGES MAY NOT ADD TO 100% DUE TO ROUNDING. Now, I’m going to mention some prominent Democrats, including people talked about as possible candidates for the Democratic nomination for president. For each, please tell me if your feelings are very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable. If you don’t know enough about the person to answer, just say so. (Record “don’t know” as “not sure.” Rotate list, but Obama always goes first.) Fav A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Unf Very Favorable Mostly Favorable Mostly Unfavorable Very Unfavorable Not Sure Barack Obama, president of the United States May-15 Jan-15 89 9 49 40 6 3 2 86 13 49 37 5 8 1 Joe Biden, vice president of the United States May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 76 20 22 54 14 6 4 78 60 20 34 25 15 53 45 14 19 6 15 2 6 Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 86 12 39 46 7 6 2 84 76 15 19 46 43 38 33 7 8 8 11 1 5 Martin O’Malley, former governor of Maryland May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 20 8 4 17 5 3 72 13 13 9 9 2 2 11 11 6 7 3 2 78 78 Bernie Sanders, U.S. senator from Vermont May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 47 12 23 24 8 4 41 37 29 12 13 17 10 20 19 8 8 4 5 51 58 Elizabeth Warren, U.S. senator from Massachusetts May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 62 9 31 31 6 3 28 58 44 11 11 30 23 28 21 6 6 5 5 31 45 Jim Webb, former U.S. senator from Virginia May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 22 9 3 19 7 3 69 21 16 11 12 3 1 18 15 8 8 3 4 68 72 Which one of the following Democrats would be your first choice for president? (Read list and rotate.) And who would your second choice be? (If “Uncommitted” or Not sure in first choice, code second choice as No first choice and do not ask. Read list only if necessary.) First Second Combined Joe Biden 8 31 39 Hillary Clinton 57 15 72 Martin O’Malley 2 3 5* Bernie Sanders 16 13 29 Jim Webb 2 5 7 “Uncommitted” (VOL–only if respondent says the word “uncommitted.”) 6 6 12 Not sure 8 13 No first choice N/A 14 *“Combined” does not match the following ever/never support question for certain candidates due to rounding. See next page for tracking. Which one of the following Democrats would be your first choice for president? (Read list and rotate.) And who would your second choice be? (If “Uncommitted” or Not sure in first choice, code second choice as No first choice and do not ask. Read list only if necessary.) First Joe Biden Hillary Clinton Martin O’Malley Bernie Sanders Jim Webb “Uncommitted” (VOL–only if respondent says the word “uncommitted.”) Not sure No first choice May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 May-15 Jan-15 Oct-14 Second Combined 8 31 39 9 9 26 19 35 28 57 15 72 56 53 15 15 71 68 2 3 5* 1 - 3 1 4 1 16 13 29 5 3 6 4 11 7 2 5 7 3 1 6 2 9 3 6 6 12 4 3 3 N/A 8 13 6 12 8 5 N/A 14 N/A N/A 10 15 *“Combined” does not match the following ever/never support question for certain candidates due to rounding. (Ask only for each candidate NOT answered as first or second choice in horserace.] I’m going to mention the Democrats who are not your first or second choice. For each, please tell me if you think you could ever support the person for president or would never support the person for president. (Read appropriate names. Use same rotation as horserace question. If selected as first or second choice in horserace, code AC=4 and do not ask.) A. B. C. D. E. Joe Biden Hillary Clinton Martin O’Malley Bernie Sanders Jim Webb Ever Never Not sure 1st or 2nd choice in Q.6a/b 37 16 34 23 32 15 9 13 18 13 10 3 48 30 47 39 72 6 29 7 Rotate next two questions. Regardless of whom you plan to support in the Democratic caucuses, who better represents your political beliefs, Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren? Hillary Clinton May-15 Oct-14 Elizabeth Warren Neither (VOL) Not sure 48 37 3 12 52 26 4 18 Regardless of whom you plan to support in the Democratic caucuses, who better represents your political beliefs, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders? Hillary Clinton May-15 58 Bernie Sanders 26 Neither (VOL) 3 Not sure 13 I’m going to mention things about Hillary Clinton that have been in the news recently. For each, please tell me if this is something that bothers you or not—just answer yes or no. (Rotate list.) I’m going to mention those news items again. This time, please tell me if you think this will or will not hurt Hillary Clinton in the general election if she is the nominee. Just answer yes or no. (Mark all yeses. Multiple responses accepted, so total may exceed 100%.) A. B. C. She kept a private email server and deleted emails she did not consider related to her service as secretary of state How she handled the attacks in Benghazi and the aftermath The Clinton Foundation, founded by Bill Clinton, accepted contributions from foreign governments when she was secretary of state None of these/not sure Not Sure Will hurt in general election Bothers Does not bother 20 78 2 41 20 73 8 39 27 70 3 37 34 When you think about the controversies surrounding Bill and Hillary Clinton, do you tend to think they just get a bad rap, or do you think they have shown a pattern of unethical behavior? (Rotate answer options.) 71 14 14 Bad rap Have shown a pattern of unethical behavior Not sure
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