Western Terrace Rental Application Name - Occupant Soc. Sec. No. Soc. Sec. No. Name - Occupant Names of Children Birthday Apt. No. Date of App. Type Rent Date of Occup. Lease Security and Birthdates Length Accepted deposit Pet deposit Rejected Prorate Notified Agent: Date/lnit. ) ( Home phone: Birthday Public servo transferred Update mailbox, Rolodex, lists Keys checked/made Lease signed & explained Pre. ocC. given Pre. occ. returned Work Present Address: Street Apt. No. Mortgage Yr. bought Monthly payment Street Apt. No. Company Previous Present Previous Company address: employer: employer: Occupant's Vehicles employer: parked on property: Checking Savings City/StatelZip Phone account: written Rent Paid to Length of Resid. (If selling home) Selling real estate agent Phone Phone Rent Paid to Phone from phone income Supervisor from phone income Supervisor from phone income City/State/zip Apt. Name Length of Resid. City/State/Zip Position Supervisor Company City/State/Zip Position Company City/StatelZip Position Make Year License Number account: orders Apt. Name Motorcyle: Make Year License Number Bank City/State/Branch Phone Bank City/State/Branch Phone Loan: Phone Monthly payment open/closed Loan: Phone Monthly payment open/closed Personal reference: Personal reference: Emergency Name contact: Street address City/State ZIP Phone Please answer the following questlorls: Do you own a pet? What type? Weight: Have you ever been evicted from a place of rental? Do you owe any unpaid rent? Have you ever violated a lease, rental agreement or regulationsat a former place of rent? Have you ever been charged with misuse or abuse to any rental property? - Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a motor vehicle violation? If so, please explain: This isto inform you that as part of our procedure for processing your application, an investigativeconsumer report may be prepared whereby information is obtained through personal interviews with your landlord, employer or others with whom you are acquainted and a credit check. This inquiry includes information as to your character, general reputation, personal characteristics and mode of living. l!We hereby agree, in the event of the approval of this rental application, to execute a lease in accordance with the terms set forth in this rental application and my/our rentalliabiiity shall commence on pursuant to the terms of the lease. Owner andior agent for the owner reserves the right to reject this application and to refuse possession of the above mentioned accommodations. l!We have read the foregoing and certify that the information herein Is TRUE and CORRECT,that this application is submitted for the purpose of inducing approval of this application in my/our behalf, and any errors in this application may be used by the owner andior agent to terminate the lease agreement at any time. DEPOSIT and RECEIPT Applicantherebydeposllsthe amountof $ . This amount willbe refundedwllhin 7 workingdays !!the applicantisnot acceptedas a residentby , 20or if applicantwithdrawsthis applicationin writing by 5:00 p.m. on .20 lithe applicationisacceptedandresidentdoes notenter intoa leaseagreementwllhin72hours01notdieation of acceptance,thenthe amountdeposlledshallbe retainedas liquidateddamagesfor holdingthe apartmentoffthe market. Ifapplicantdoesenter intoa leaseagreementthenthe deposllshallby appiiedto the securitydeposll requiredunderthe lease.Ifapplicantis acceptedas a residentandenters intoa leaseagreement,then this documentshallbecomepart of the lease. Ifthe landlorddeterminesthat any informationcontainedherein isfalse,thanthat shallconstlluteanevent of defaullunderthe lease. l!there isan applicationfee, IIis non-refundable, Date Signature of applicant Date Signature of applicant Date Leasing Agent
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