overview sheer top & vest www.sewdifferent.co.uk (1,1) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 10cm 12.5cm 6cm 6cm 19cm (2,1) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 15cm 1.5cm 4cm 8.5cm 48cm If you are drawing out the pattern yourself, follow the blue measurements. (3,1) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 11.5cm 34cm 12.5cm 14.5cm (4,1) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 5cm 28.5cm (1,2) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 14cm Use a side plate - approx 19cm diameter - to create this part of the curve If you are drawing out the pattern yourself, follow the blue measurements. Sewing instructions in black 22.5cm VEST FRONT SHEER TOP & VEST AIN Cut 1 on folded fabric 28cm (2,2) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 Sewing instructions in black 43.5cm 53cm Copyright Sew Different www.sewdifferent.co.uk FABRIC GRAIN FOLD While this pattern and tutorial are free and the originator is happy for them to be distributed and used by third parties, they must ALWAYS be linked and accredited to the website www.sewdifferent.co.uk and never pasted into an independent website without permission. SHEER TOP FRONT & BACK SHEER TOP & VEST (3,2) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 If you are drawing out pattern yourself, follow blue measurements. FOLD Sewing instructions in (4,2) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 t the w the black Use a side plate - approx 19cm diameter - to create this part of the curve 22.5cm FABRIC GRA (1,3) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 Use a stretch fabric Copyright Sew Different www.sewdifferent.co.uk While this pattern and tutorial are free and the originator is happy for them to be distributed and used by third parties, they must ALWAYS be linked and accredited to the website www.sewdifferent.co.uk and never pasted into an independent website without permission. FOLD 21cm 75.5cm TO PRINT THIS PATTERN: PRINT In Page Handling: Page scaling - Tile large pages (2,3) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 Cut 2 on folded fabric Use a sheer fabric 36cm 33.5cm FOLD (3,3) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 VEST B SHEE FABRIC GRAIN 31cm Cut 1 Use a Copyrig www.se While this free and the them to be third partie linked and www.sewd pasted into without pe 7.5cm (4,3) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 BACK ER TOP & VEST on folded fabric a stretch fabric ght Sew Different ewdifferent.co.uk pattern and tutorial are e originator is happy for distributed and used by es, they must ALWAYS be accredited to the website different.co.uk and never o an independent website rmission. 76cm 21cm (1,4) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 Page scaling - Tile large pages Tile scale - 100% Overlap - 0 30cm On one of the SHEER TOP pieces, cut along the pink line to create the front neck scoop. Sew together the SHEER TOP FRONT and SHEER TOP BACK along the shoulder seams. Sew each of the SLEEVES to the SHEER TOP joining the green and yellow dots. Sew the FRONT and BACK SHEER TOP together long the side seams all the way from the red dots to the blue dots. Sew the VEST FRONT and VEST BACK togther along the shoulder seams and then along the side seams. Hem sleeve cuffs with a small zigzag (to allow stretch as it is put on.) Hem all other raw edges with a small running stitch. 24.5cm FOLD (2,4) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 SLEEVE SHEER TOP & VEST Cut 2 on folded fabric 14.5cm Use a stretch fabric 2cm FABRIC GRAIN Copyright Sew Different www.sewdifferent.co.uk While this pattern and tutorial are free and the originator is happy for them to be distributed and used by third parties, they must ALWAYS be linked and accredited to the website www.sewdifferent.co.uk and never pasted into an independent website without permission. If you patter blue m Sewin (3,4) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 u are drawing out the rn yourself, follow the measurements. ng instructions in black 6.5cm 24.5cm (4,4) -1- sheer top pattern final.indd 29/03/2015 21:31 30cm m
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