E.O.공감 인수 변형편 Contents 1 변형문제 003p 2 정답및 해설 051p R REAL 공감[共感]영어 E.O.공감 인수 변형편 1 변형문제 E.O.공감 인수 변형편 인터넷 수능 영어독해연습(1) 2강 2번 요지추론 변형 01 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? One of the most common negotiating mistakes is to announce that you have found the solution to the problem. City planners unveil their scheme for a new wastedisposal site without having involved the residents of the surrounding neighborhood; in response, a citizens’ group immediately organizes to fight the project. Management announces a new work plan without having consulted its employees; the workers secretly sabotage the plan. The national budget director and the President’s chief of staff closet themselves with six congressional leaders and emerge with an agreedupon set of budget cuts; members of Congress who weren’t involved denounce the agreement and reject it in the subsequent vote. So, too, your negotiating counterparts are likely to reject your proposal if . *sabotage 고의로 방해하다 **denounce 비난하다 ① it reflects little of social justice ② they have no role in shaping it ③ you make objections to their ideas ④ you haven’t unveiled your hidden scheme ⑤ a solution can be made without your participation 인터넷 수능 영어독해연습(1) 3강 4번 제목 추론 변형 02 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? When we decide to improve ourselves ― to shake things up ― we run straight into resistance from autopilot. While the autopilot system in a car can easily be switched off so that the driver can resume control, disabling any part of your personal autopilot requires real effort. Autopilot likes routine and resists change. The more change we impose on ourselves, the more resistance we must overcome. And yet we nearly always shoot for an instant transformation, resolving to be slim, to be neat, to be on time. Such wannabe resolutions require changing scores of behaviors and . Resolving to be slim means changing your habits in almost every eating circumstance: what you eat, how often you eat, how much you eat, the way you eat. Suddenly every action, every choice demands scrutiny, conscious effort, and willpower. ① deprive us of our control system ② facilitate resisting all the changes ③ make it easy to switch off autopilot ④ put us broadly at war with autopilot ⑤ demand real effort to keep our autopilot 004 *autopilot 자동조종장치 **scrutiny 면밀한 검토 REAL 공감[共感]영어 R 인터넷수능 영어독해연습(1) 8강 3번 어휘 추론 변형 03 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? It turns out we had completely missed a key component of the immune system, the peacekeepers. When a parasite is ensconced and initial attempts to expel it are unsuccessful, what should the body do? It could fight forever. In some cases this does happen and when it does, the disease and the problems caused by the body’s immune response almost inevitably outweigh the trouble caused by the worm itself. In this context, the body may be better off giving in to the reality that the worm is present and learning to tolerate it. The answer appears to be that if the parasite survives initially, the body learns to tolerate it. A team of peacekeeper cells calls off the antiparasite armed forces. In brief, the peacekeepers . They reserve the body’s energy to fight another day against a more beatable or virulent foe. *ensconced 자리를 잡은 **virulent 치명적인 ① are against the war ② incapacitate parasites ③ balance the response ④ make the enemy stronger ⑤ organize and train the army 인터넷수능 영어독해연습(1) 11강 4번 빈칸 추론 변형 04 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? In ASL (American Sign Language) the sign for “me” is a point to one’s chest; the sign for “you” is a point to one’s partner. What could be more transparent? One would expect that using “you” and “me” in ASL would be as easy as knowing how to point, which all babies, deaf and hearing, do before their first birthday. But for the deaf children Laura Ann Petitto studied, . The children used the sign of pointing to their conversational partners to mean “me” at exactly the age at which hearing children use the spoken sound you to mean “me.” The children were treating the gesture as a pure linguistic symbol; the fact that it pointed somewhere did not register as being relevant. This attitude is appropriate in learning sign languages; in ASL, the pointing handshape is like a meaningless consonant or vowel, found as a component of many other signs, like “candy” and “ugly.” ① pointing is not a pointing action ② pointing gestures are difficult to learn ③ pointing does not convey any meaning ④ the direction of pointing is not important ⑤ each pointing gesture has several meanings 005
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