VOL. 4 - ISSUE 50 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/APRIL 04, 2015 Bharucha Baug Revelry Pg. 06 RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MCS/101/2015-17 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM Agiary Etiquette Pg. 10 02 Editorial SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 Dear Readers, D A newspaper is not to be confused with a well-crafted brochure or Company $QQXDO5HSRUW,WLVWRFDUU\ZKDWTXDOLÀHVDVQHZVDQGYLHZV,WLVWRHQDEOH $ tthe Community of Readers to identify what inspires them, to seek what ssurrounds them and to absorb what interests them. It is ideally made up of well-spoken and rational unbiased writers of different genres who know that w different people choose to focus on different things and try to cater to them d all. 3DUVL7LPHVKDVDOZD\VORYHGEHLQJDQLQWHUDFWLYHSDSHUWKDWGRHVQ·WFRPPDQGRYHULWV5HDGHUVOLNH an egotistical Trustee with misplaced Authority Issues. We would rather be your friendly neighbour and someone who cares for you because simply put, your problems are our problems and your celebrations are our triumphs! ,QWKLVVDPHVSLULWZHFDUU\WKLVZHHNSOHDVIURPYDULRXV5HVLGHQWVRI7DWD%ORFNVLQ%DQGUDDQG RWKHUVFRQFHUQHGDERXWWKHLU6HFXULW\LVVXHV.XGRVWR%HKUDP%DXJIRUWKHQHZ&&79$FWLRQE\ the way! '3&JRHVXQGHU WKH FUXHO NQLIH RIFLW\ SODQQLQJ VXUJHU\DV$XWKRULWLHV FRQYHUW VRPHRILWV PRVW SHDFHIXOTXLHWURDGVLQWR+DZNHU=RQHV/HW·VEHLQWHUDFWLYHDQGKHOSRXU'3&IULHQGVDQGIDPLO\ NHHSWKHSODFHJUHHQDQGTXLHWOLNHWKH\KDYHDOZD\VGRQH&KHFNRXWWKHUHSRUWSHQDQGVFLVVRU LQKDQGSOHDVHRQ3JMXVWXQGHUWKHDUWLFOHDERXWWKHVDGVWDWHRIDIIDLUVRI%KDUGD+RXVH 8GYDGD 7KH5XVWRP%DXJ0D\4XHHQLVEDFNDJDLQ)RUDOOWKH3<7V3UHWW\<RXQJ7KLQJVRIWKH&RPPXQLW\ WKLVLV\RXUFKDQFHWRVKLQHDQGJDLQFRQÀGHQFHDQGDIDQIROORZLQJ6LJQXS6LJQXS :HKDYHKDGDKXJHRYHUÁRZRI/HWWHUVWRWKH(GLWRUDQGDUHSULQWLQJRQO\DVPDQ\DVZHFDQWKLV week. Please bear with us. (QMR\WKH3DUVL7LPHVWKLVZHHNDQGKDYHDZRQGHUIXOEOHVVHGXVHIXOUHOD[HGDQGKDSS\ZHHNHQG PARSEE HANDSOME EDUCATED BOY, 33, WORKING ON CRUISE SHIP, HAVING OWN ACCOMMODATION INVITES EDUCATED, WORKING GIRL. Freyan. Contact: 9167051003 / 66764837 :DNHXSFDOO 'HDU(GLWRU This is in response to the open OHWWHU ZULWWHQ E\ D 0U $U]DQ - *KDGLDOO\ WR 0U 5DWDQ 1 7DWD LQ \RXU SUHYLRXV HGLWLRQ , DSSUHFLDWH WKHIDFWWKDWDVDQRQUHVLGHQW0U *KDGLDOO\ KDV WDNHQ WKH LQLWLDWLYH to highlight the current plight RI %DQGUD 7DWD %ORFNV DQG LW·V residents. Aged 75, I am one of the YHU\ IHZ ROG UHVLGHQWV ERUQ DQG UDLVHGLQ7DWD%ORFNV ,Q WKH OHWWHU 0U *KDGLDOO\ has brought to light two issues, ÀUVW D UHFHQW FDVH RI KLJKKDQGHG approach by the Trust & secondly the complete lack of security for WKH(VWDWHDQG5HVLGHQWV $V EHQHÀFLDULHV RI DQ\ 7UXVW ZH OLYH RQ WKH EHQHYROHQFH DQG the philanthropy of the founding 0HPEHUV RI WKH 7UXVW LQ WKLV FDVH that of the illustrious House of Tatas. The chair of any Trustee comes with a great deal of responsibility and is not there to be occupied just for name sake. The Trustees are entrusted to purely H[HFXWH WKH 'HHGRIWKH7UXVW DQG QRW WR GLVUHJDUG EHQHÀFLDULHV DQG make it look as though the Trustees are the ones showering their EHQHYROHQFH 7KLV PLQGVHW LQ P\ opinion is unbecoming of anyone entrusted to be a Trustee. 7KH OHWWHU ZULWWHQ E\ 0DQL ' 9DJFKLSDYDOOD UHJDUGLQJ WKH ZD\ in which matters were dealt by the Trust, post her sister Roda S. -HVDQJ·VGHPLVHGLGQRWVKRFNPH RQH ELW ,·P VXUH WKHUH DUH PDQ\ more shocking cases related to other residents, who all out of fear KDYHFKRVHQWREHDULQVLOHQFH7KLV is a direct result of the complete disconnect on part of the Trustees ZLWK WKH EHQHÀFLDULHV RI WKH 7UXVW LH XV 5HVLGHQWV %HOLHYH PH ZH the Residents would each like to personally thank all our Trustees for WKH EHQHYROHQFH VKRZHUHG RQ XV RQO\LIWKH\ZRXOGFDUHWRYLVLWWKH 7DWD %ORFNV (VWDWH LQ WKHLU RIÀFLDO FDSDFLW\ ZKLFK WKH\ KDYHQ·W IRU many many years. Regarding the security of %DQGUD 7DWD %ORFNV WKDW LV LQGHHG D FU\LQJ VKDPH 0U *KDGLDOO\ KDV rightfully mentioned that there is only one guard to man 25 buildings EXWKHKDVPLVVHGRXWRQVRPHHYHQ PRUHYLWDOIDFWV7KHVHEXLOGLQJV are spread out in 3 separate FRPSRXQGVHDFKKDYLQJPDLQURDGV & lanes running between them. These three separate compounds KDYH RYHU JDWHV DQ HTXDOO\ large boundary wall. Considering all RIWKHDERYH*RGRQO\NQRZVKRZ FDQMXVWZDWFKPDQNHHSJXDUG" 7KH UHDVRQ JLYHQ E\ WKH 7UXVW IRU KDYLQJ MXVW RQH ZDWFKPDQ is that the watchman is there to SURWHFW WKH7UXVW (VWDWH QRW WKH Residents. I ask the Trustees, what SURWHFWLRQ RI WKH 7UXVW (VWDWH DUH WKH\ WDONLQJ DERXW" 3DUWV RI WKH (VWDWHKDYHEHFRPHDWKRURXJKIDUH (VWDWH FRPSRXQG LV UHJXODUO\ XVHG by antisocial elements to consume $OFRKRO1DUFRUWLFVFHUWDLQSDUWV RI WKH (VWDWH DUH XVHG E\ FRXSOHV LQGXOJLQJLQLQGHFHQWDFWV(VWDWHLV freely used as a public parking spot, (VWDWHZDOOVKDYHEHHQHQFURDFKHG upon and the list goes on and on. Has the Trust considered that any FULPH DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH DERYH acts within the walls of the Trust (VWDWH DUH WKH VROH OLDELOLW\ RI 7UXVW" Post the macabre murder RI /DWH 0U 'DULXV .DSDGLD 5HVLGHQWV RI %DQGUD 7DWD %ORFNV KDYH FROOHFWLYHO\ ZULWWHQ WR DOO the Trustees requesting an urgent meeting to discuss security matters. The Trust is in receipt of RQH OHWWHU RQ DQG D IROORZXSOHWWHURQWLOO GDWH WKH\ KDYH RQO\ UHSOLHG WR VD\ that they are “trying to organise a meeting at the earliest”. In the meanwhile during the earlier hours RIWKHUHKDYHEHHQWZR DOOHJHG FULPHV LQ 7DWD %ORFNV RQH a robbery & the other an attempt WR UREEHU\ <HW WKH 7UXVW LV VWLOO ´WU\LQJµ WR DUUDQJH D PHHWLQJ" ,I not for a murder, what will it take IRUWKH7UXVWHHVWRDFW" <HV,GRDGPLWWKDWDV5HVLGHQWV we are equally to be blamed. We WKH 5HVLGHQWV KDYH DV PXFK DQ indifferent attitude & also lack a coRSHUDWLYHVSLULWMXVWDVWKH7UXVWHHV GR+RZHYHUDV7UXVWHHVRIVXFKDQ HVWHHPHG7UXVWZHH[SHFWWKHPWR UDLVH DERYH XV DOO DQG UHVROYH WKLV matter which concerns the security RIXV5HVLGHQWVWKH7UXVW(VWDWH 2YHU UHFHQW \HDUV DOO WKDW WKH (PSOR\HHV DQG 7UXVWHHV RI %DL +LUDEDL 7DWD 0HPRULDO 7UXVW KDYH done best, is to constantly pass the buck from one to the other. It LVDFRPPRQUHVSRQVHJLYHQWR7DWD %ORFNV5HVLGHQWVE\7UXVW(PSOR\HHV & Trustees, which has now become a joke amongst residents and I TXRWH´0DUDKDWKPDDNDLQDWKL+X WRKNDLQDLMDQXµ1RWKLQJLVLQP\ KDQGV,GRQ·WNQRZDQ\WKLQJ , DP VXUH WKDW 0U 5DWDQ 1 Tata is not appraised of all these happenings and he is understandably busy with more important matters such as major acquisition projects. %DQGUD7DWD%ORFNVKXPEO\UHTXHVW WKH NLQG LQWHUYHQWLRQ RI RXU GHDU UHVSHFWHG0U5DWDQ17DWD %HVWUHJDUGV Soli K. Paymaster *KDPEDUVDQG'RQDWLRQV 'HDU(GLWRU This article is in the interest of our Community and not meant WR VWDUW DQRWKHU FRQWURYHUV\ ,W carries a message which is left to POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication. Ǯǯ ǡƤǤ ǡ requested to contact the individual authors if his / her details are mentioned. SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 the reader’s conscience. In the Parsi media, one reads about the Announcements of Ghambars and Appeals for Donations. /HW·V WDNH WKH *KDPEDUV ÀUVW They are mainly of two types. One is where a Donor organises it in memory of a dear departed relative. The second type is organised to commemorate an occasion and bring get-togetherness, interaction and bonhomie (for convenience, these 3 words are referred to as bonding hereon) among the Community members. The question is - Are these purposes served? In a very recent Ghambar, Parsis quarrelled and even became physical to get dinner coupons. A shameful video of that is circulating on WhatsApp and must have sneaked outside our Community through relatives from inter faith marriages. In the same Ghambar, there is a rumour that these coupons were sold outside at a premium because the menu was expected to be a delicious one. Hope this rumour is false. The arrangements at Ghambars are of two types – those not so well organised and those very well organised. In the previous ones, those who attended later reported WKDW WKHUH ZHUH ÀJKWV WR FDSWXUH seats in the Pangat or booking a place in the standing lines behind the diners, breathing down their necks, peeping over their shoulders and discussing items of food being served, thereby making the diners uncomfortable. Some left immediately after dinner saying, “Arre kaale kaam per javanu che” RU´.DDOHVDYDUHPDULÁLJKWMDOGLQL che”. In the second type, the well organised ones, the diners enter as per their Pangat number in a disciplined manner, seat, eat and immediately leave making room for the next Pangat. The serving is fast, eating also has to be fast, so as not to get missed out on any item and an exit from the venue to make room for others. Coming back to the question “Are the purposes of the Ghambars served?” How many persons behave solemnly, memorise the name/ names and bless the departed soul/s in whose memory the Donor has organised the Ghambar? Where is the bonding in Ghambars where people dine and leave quickly? They hardly can meet those who are allotted other Pangats. The only thing they can do is observe the faces of the diners sitting in the opposite row. Where is the solemnity or bonding? The Annual Jamshedi Navroz Ghambar held at Dadar Parsi Gymkhana, The May Queen Ball, etc. are examples where Parsis jointly enjoy the programmes even if they don’t opt for dinner thereafter. Another example is the ZOSTA Annual Award giving function wherein the crowd collectively cheers our scholars, again without opting for dinner. Is not bonding experienced in such functions? They prove that dinners are not necessary for bonding. If at all a Ghambar is to be given, where is the need for a lavish menu? This brings to memory the Ghambars of the 1950s at Alibag, which were very simple affairs, wherein a simple menu of rice, dal, a side dish and chappatis was served. Despite this menu and the distance, the Community in very large numbers attended and enjoyed them. The purpose of rich 03 Letters to the Editor and poor dining together was thus served. Let today’s Ghambars have that menu and let’s see how many attend? Maybe there will not be a second Pangat. A sad thing in today’s Ghambars is lakhs (or maybe a crore) of Rupees are spent, RQO\WRJHWÁXVKHGGRZQ the washrooms the next day. Most of the food is wasted on the Patras, a crime and curse when so many Indians sleep on a hungry stomach. By all means, a Donor is free to decide whether to give a Ghambar or not but please make proper arrangements so that proper bonding of the Community takes place. Please also adopt a simple menu, maybe slightly better than the 1950s’ ones, restrict the expenditure and thereby put the balance amount to better use? This brings us to the second topic – DONATIONS. The Donors of Ghambars must GHÀQLWHO\ EH GRQDWLQJ to our Charities. However, by restricting the expenditure and better still, foregoing the Ghambar altogether, they will have extra funds for Donations. This way, their donations will still serve the Community in a better, larger and long lasting way than momentarily ÀOOLQJEHOOLHVRQO\WREH thrown down the drain the next day. Moreover, they will get sincere blessings from the EHQHÀFLDULHV Some of the places where Donations can be given are as follows. Most of us may be aware of them. They are not numbered as per priority. All are important. The Mumbai Doongerwadi. The expenses incurred in maintenance exceed the donations received. The Parsee General Hospital. Here too, expenses are more than donations which have dwindled due to recession abroad. Let’s have better medical and diagnostic facilities here, so that patients don’t go elsewhere to get them. Let’s prevent it from getting defunct like The Parsi Lying In Hospital. The Parsi wards in JJ and Masina Hospitals which serve our poor. The old Age Homes in Mumbai, Navsari and elsewhere. 7KH$EXZDOD 3DUVL ,QÀUPDU\ LQ Navsari. It seems this is the only one that admits immobile Parsis too. The Atashbehrams, Adarians and Dadgahs. Barring the few which came up in last 20 years or so, the rest are well over 100 years old. Their structures, sooner or later, will need attention. The Kathi Funds. Kathi is becoming very expensive day by day and we all know that it is the Kathis and not sandalwood, which VXVWDLQ RXU KRO\ ÀUHV IRU ORQJHU periods of time. The Mobeds of our Community. They are the ones who give a yeoman service to the Community getting meagre or no Corporate - type perks. We should try and understand the efforts they put in their Nahans, in the consecration of Varasyajis and Dokhmas, in performing odd hour ceremonies like Nirangdin, Bois and many other activities, the most important being sustaining our Holy Fires through which we reach the Almighty. Please spare a thought to the damage their eyes undergo and the heat and smoke they endure while facing the Holy Fires. Remember also that their Amelioration has stopped months ago. The helpers in our Adarians, Atashbehrams and Dadgahs. They clean them and also silently give support services to our Mobeds and indirectly to us. The Nasesallars at Doongerwadis. Without them, who ZLOOWDNHXVWRRXUÀQDOGHVWLQDWLRQ" The Parsi ladies who make Sudrehs and weave Kustis. Their expertise should not die out. The Parsi students in our Orphanages and Madressas. They can be helped in their education, health and well being. Increase the talent in our Community. We hardly have any reserved seats for admission to professional courses. Through donations, we can capture some seats like those done through a Contd. on Pg. 12 04 SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 IS THIS REAL LIFE OR IS IT JUST FANTASIE!! F Roxanne Bamboat antasie Fine Chocolates is a legendary brand that has been creating chocolates since 1946 and Zeba Kohli is the Chocolataire extraordinaire behind it’s fabulous product line. Zeba Kohli has spent the past 18 years devoted to the art of making delicious Chocolate products. She says, “Chocolate is a amazing medium to me. it’s not only the ultimate medium WRFUHDWHOLWWOHPROWHQWUXIÁHV pralines & cakes but also a medium to sculpt, paint & wear!” ….Yes wear!!!! Zeba has also created a fabulous line of edible chocolate body paint for children and adults! Zeba invited a host of people over for the launch of her bakery line which is now to sit side by side on the shelf next to her Fantasie Chocolates. The launch of her new bakery line was marked by a wonderful party attended by the members of the media, prominent food bloggers in the city and even some familiar and famous faces. Guests were invited to the store to indulge and eat to their hearts content. Having sampled almost everything, it’s safe to say the store has outdone itself with the new bakery collection. In case you’re not in Mumbai but still want a piece of the deliciousness, you can order online through their website and they will deliver it anywhere! For more details - http:// www.fantasiechocolate.com/ fantasieindia/default.aspx FANTASIE FINE CHOCOLATES 38, Maharshi Karve Road, Marine Lines, Mumbai 400 020. Tel: 2201 7018/2203 7033. Telefax: 2205 1865 SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 05 Community Coverage medical or personal, is provided free of cost all through their lives. Doctors visit them on a day-to-day basis and physiotherapy is given, to keep them mobile and in good health. Mr. Khojeste Mistree mother and her work. Ratamai Peer said that she has been visiting the ward for the past 30 -40 years, and has over the years seen the tremendous change that has come over the ward. The ‘Work for a cause - not for applause, Live life to express - not to impress, Don’t strive to make your presence noticed - just make your absence felt’ ‘D ua Tandarosti’ is a prayer that we recite for the well being and good health of our loved ones. But there are many people who are old with no one to take care of them. Who is going to pray ‘Dua Tandarosti’ for them? On 21st of March, Jamshedi Nowroze day ‘Dua Tandarosti’ was recited for the 45 residents of the Parsi Ward at the J. J. Hospital, who may not have their near and dear ones by their side. All those who departed during the year were also remembered during the Jashan ceremony, which is being held at the Ward for the past 28 years. After a Humbandagi, which was recited by nearly 75 people who were present for the celebrations, the gathering, that included BPP Trustee Mr. Khojeste Mistree, Mrs. Anahita Desai, etc. moved to the main hall. The name of BPP Trustee Mrs. Arnavaz Mistry is synonymous with the Parsi Ward. She addressed the gathering by welcoming everyone, and said that ‘‘When we take care of our old friends here, we make sure that WKHLU HYHU\ ZLVK LV IXOÀOOHG and that they are kept in a happy, healthy and hygienic atmosphere over here.’’ She added that the ward is ‘home’ to the bed-ridden, physically and mentally challenged Community members, where each one is treated with love, care and dignity. Every requirement of theirs, whether H[SODLQHG WKH VLJQLÀFDQFH RI this day and elucidated how it is being celebrated since the days in Iran. He also appreciated the bright, clean environment of the ward that was being maintained by Mrs. Mistry over the years with total dedication and devotion. Mrs. Anahita Desai congratulated Arnavaz for the great work that she has been doing for the ward. Mrs. Hutokshi Dadabhoy who has been lending a helping hand to the ward for the past 3 years requested the congregation to visit the ward not only on the Navroze day but also on other days to gain immense blessings from the residents, which she said would be more precious than any money in the world. Mr. Tehmton Anklesaria congratulated Arnavaz not only for the way she tends to the ward, but also commended her for teaching the value of true service to her daughter Yasmin to carry on the good work. Arnavaz’s daughter Yasmin, who is a pillar of strength and support to her mother, and is already following her foot-steps by doing some wonderful work, said that she is proud of her residents are now living in a hygienic atmosphere and are at peace in their twilight years, she added. Ms. Jaloo Behramfram said that ‘atma ni unnati’ can occur if we serve the creations of almighty, and that service to the downtrodden should be the purpose of our lives. She ended the address with an ode to Arnavaz: ‘To all patients lonely, neglected and sad Arnavaz provides dreams and makes them feel glad Turns their days of pain and sorrow With love and hope for a pleasant tomorrow’. Finally, Mrs. Mistry thanked Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy, the Dean Dr. Lahane and the staff of Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals, all her friends, donors and supporters who have stood by her and encouraged her year after year by gracing this joyous occasion. All the guests were treated to ‘falooda’ and snacks. For further information kindly contact Mrs. Arnavaz Mistry on 9821009289. 06 Community Coverage <RXQJDQG7DOHQWHG S hehnaz M. Bhujwala was recently named a “Southern California Rising Star” by both the Los Angeles Magazine and Southern California Rising Stars Magazine. This young dynamic California based lawyer is a partner at the prestigious Boucher LLP. SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 Congratulations Diana Doctor, You Win Rs. 2000/for your Winning Entry! Please contact Maher at the Parsi 7LPHV2IÀFHRQ (022) 66330405 (Monday to Thursday, 10:30 am-5 pm) to collect your prize. T he proposed Metro-III stations at Kalbadevi and Girgaum are high on the agenda of Metro Rail Corporation (MMRC) Chief Ashwini Bhide. Despite Marine Lines Station and Charni Road Station being in the close vicinity, the Chief of the MMRC has met with the residents, mostly Parsis of Karim Manzil in the Chira Bazaar Area and informed them that their homes would be temporarily ‘razed’ to the ground to aide in the new construction! “We are trying to meet the Chief Minister to request him to spare our houses as we cannot move with our elderly family members. What is the guarantee that we will get our building back DIWHUIRXUÀYH\HDUV"µDVNHGDUHVLGHQW6RPHRIWKHPKDYHHYHQ approached the local Shiv Sena leaders for help. Percy Hirji Elavia B harucha Baug Association organised a programme to celebrate the auspicious festival of Jamshedi Navroze on Saturday 21st March, 2015 on the central ground of Bharucha Baug. The programme started with a Khushali nu Jashan led by Er. Hamavand Katila of Patel Agiary, Andheri who also led a Hambandagi after the Jashan Ceremony. The Jashan was followed by a lecture by Gulshan D. Morawala Jamshedi Navroze gift to Bharucha Baug Residents: CCTV Cameras at their Club House also included his wife Mrs. Havovi Khurshed Dastoor. He was then felicitated by the Committee with a shawl, D ERXTXHW RI ÁRZHUV DQG D memento. The Association announced the re-opening of the Mody Hall Club House after extensive renovation for which grateful thanks were conveyed to the Trustees of Bombay Parsi Punchayet. The Association also thanked Mr. Ratansha Mir The Club premises are now covered by a CCTV system donated by one of the active committee members, Mr. Cyrus Dolasha. This was followed by a couple of rounds of housie, and a musical programme anchored by Mr. Tehmtan J. Dumasia of K Caterers who served a very well appreciated contributory dinner. Photos Courtesy: Kaizad Chinoy Vada Dasturji Saheb Khurshedji Kekobad Dastoor of Udwada on ´7KH 6LJQLÀFDQFH RI -DPVKHGL Navroze”. He enlightened the audience with the history of Jamshedi Navroze and its VLJQLÀFDQFH DV WKH EHJLQQLQJ of a New Year for a very large part of the world as proclaimed by benevolent King Jamshed of Iran. Vada Dasturji Saheb’s speech was sincerely appreciated by the audience which incidentally for his very generous donation of Rs. 1 lakh in fond memory of his late wife Allan and late son Kerman for improvement of indoor and outdoor facilities of the Bharucha Baug Club. Thanks were also conveyed for donations received from past and present members of the Baug for re-equipping the club with various sports equipments. 07 SATU SA TURD RDAY A , APRIL 04, 2015 SATURDAY, O n Saturday 11th April 2015 all roads will lead to Dadar Parsee Colony Gymkhana to witness the 3rd All Parsee Powerlifting Contest organised jointly by The Naryman Dubash Foundation and D.P.C. Gymkhana. Over the last two years the competition has seen Veteran, Men and Women participants from not only Mumbai but also from Surat, Navsari, Vapi, Valsad, Dahanu and Pune. Also at the competition, there were superb performances and Body Beautiful exhibitions by Powerlifters and Body Builders of International repute. On the 11th, the event begins at 2 pm with the weigh-in of the competitors. The contest begins at 3 pm with the veteran category followed by the ladies and the mens. The highlight of the evening starts at 6 pm with a spectacular display of strength, agility and prowess by visually - impaired children of Udaan Foundation performing all sorts of routines on the Malkhamb. The icing on the cake is a show by Miss India (not the rampZDONLQJ RQH 6XSHUÀW showing off her muscle power and strength skills at the show. The evening will culminate with a contributory dinner, the passes for which are available with the custodian of the Dadar Parsee Colony Gymkhana. See you at the 3rd All India All Parsee Powerlifting Competition on 11th April at the Dadar Parsee Colony Gymkhana. For more information connect to contribute@parsi-times.com 08 On the occasion of 85th Anniversary of Bhartiya (Bhatia) Stree Mandal, H.E. Mr. C. H. Kapadia, Consul General of Madagascar in India was among several donors invited. The Doctor is in Dr. Delna & Dr. Kashmira Goghavalla (Physiotherapists) T he back is an intricate structure made up of interconnected and overlapping elements; muscles, tendons, ligaments, spinal cord, disc, nerves and multiple small joints. With the increasing number of patients, causes and host of treatments available for back pain it is becoming essentially important to know your back pain in detail. When you go to the doctor (your general practitioner/ orthopedic / physiotherapist) and complain of your back pain you will be asked the following questions with the given reasons. Identifying the correct cause for pain is the ÀUVW VWHS IRU HIIHFWLYH SDLQ management. Q: Since when do you have the back pain? A: It is important to know when the pain started; a recent pain could be due to some acute trauma to the back and a long standing pain could be due to some postural problem or an ignored previous injury. Q: Where is the exact location of your pain? A: Location of your pain can be an easy guide for your doctor to know which structure of your spine is involved. Q: Is the pain localized only to the back or is it going down to the leg? A: Pain radiating down to the legs indicates a nerve being compressed at the spinal level; due to a disc bulge or narrowing of the foramen through which the nerve passes. Q: Your age? A: Young individuals generally suffer from disc problems, SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 postural pains, facetal locking. Old individuals suffer from degenerative changes of the spine, compressive fractures. Q: Which movement gives you pain; bending forwards, backwards, side bending or rotations? A: Pain/restriction in bending. Forward points to disc problem. Backward – facetal problem/ canal narrowing. Sideways – nerve impingement. Q: Do you have any other fracture depending on the severity either belt and bed rest are advised or surgical management may be opted. P H Y S I O T H E R A P Y MANAGEMENT Depending on the cause of your problem physiotherapy management varies. 'LVF UHODWHG SUREOHPV Mckenzie group of exercises are followed as prescribed by your physiotherapist. 0XVFXODU VSDVPV are medical problem? A: Pain from the kidney, gall bladder, pancreas and ovarian problems are also referred to the back. Other disorders including; TB spine, scoliosis, congenital anomalies, tumors must be ruled out with simple investigations like X-ray/MRI/ Blood tests. TREATMENT Once the correct cause of your pain is diagnosed management follows. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT Your general practitioner/ orthopedic will give you pain killers/ muscle relaxants to reduce the pain and bring down the muscle spasms. In case of compression dealt with electrotherapy modalities, cyriax mobilization. 6SRQG\OLWLF SUREOHPV mobilization of the spine and strengthening of the spinal muscles. 3RVWXUDO SDLQV the level at which the postural problem exists is diagnosed and treated. Appropriate stretching of tight muscles is carried out with strengthening of the weak ones. /RFNHG MRLQWV mobilization and manipulations done to unlock the joints. Make sure your back problem is diagnosed correctly and managed appropriately. SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 Community Coverage W h a t a n Dr. Shernaz B. Avari electrifying scene tralia as the world witnessed at the MCG in Australia ows. most of the crowd were all in their yellows. e Excitement, happiness and joy were the emotions which were galore in the Aussie camp. On one hand the Australians had won the cup while on the other side New Zealand had won a lot of hearts all over. As the curtains came down on this superb tournament. Here’s a look at some of the best performances. +,*+(675816&25(50DUWLQ*XSWLOO UXQV +,*+(67:,&.(77$.(50LWFKHOO6WDUF ZLFNHWV +,*+(67,1',9,'8$/6&25(0DUWLQ*XSWLOO DJDLQVW:HVW,QGLHV %(67%2:/,1*),*85(67LP6RXWKHH DJDLQVW(QJODQG 21/<3/$<(5,12',+,6725<726&25( &216(&87,9(&(1785,(6.XPDU 6DQJDNNDUD 7KH%LJJHVWFODVKLQWKHFULFNHWLQJDUHQD« Australia Vs New Zealand 7KH ELJ J GD\ \ RI WK 0DUFK KDG ÀQDOO\ arrived and an Australia put their best foot IRUZDUG IRUZDUG DV WKH\ WRRN WR WKH ÀHOG LQ WKHÀ WKHÀQDOVDJDLQVWWKHLU1HZ=HDODQG cou counter part. The kiwis were bow bowled out for a mere 183 runs. Inde Indeed a better score was expected from them. The Australian bowling was spot on as the batsman found LW GLIÀFXOW GL WR VFRUH UXQV ,Q UHSO\ the Australian side put up an autho authoritative performance chasing down the target with plenty of overs rremaining… Finally winning this encount encounter and their 5th World Cup by 7 wickets wickets. %5,()6& %5,()6&25( New Zealand Zeala 183( 45) Austral Australia 186/3 (33.1) Man of the Match: James Faulkner Pla Player of the Series: Mitchell Starc The Pioneer A irAsia India on Saturday 21st March, unveiled its 4th Aircraft with a livery dedicated to JRD Tata at the GMR Aero Technic MRO Hangar, Hyderabad, as a mark of respect to the pioneer of civil aviation in the Indian sub-continent. The aircraft has been christened as ‘The Pioneer’. The livery of AirAsia India’s fourth aircraft dons an image of JRD Tata with a Puss 0RWKWKHDLUFUDIWKHÁHZRQ October 15, 1932, leading to the birth of Tata Airlines and starting civil aviation in the sub-continent. This marked the celebration of the growth of AirAisia India by honoring WKHPDQZLWKRXWZKRPÁ\LQJ would have been impossible in India. The Tata group has shaped Indian aviation to a great extent and has been a huge support to the AirAsia India team as well. 09 10 Community Coveragee O n the 15th of March, March XYZ Children from all 7 groups scattered across the length and breadth of Mumbai put on their neatest clothes, wore their red velvet topis and went for a special Agiary visit with their XYZ friends. There they met the Dasturjis and watched them perform the Khushali-ni-machi. After that, each Priest chatted with the group and gently reminded them of the etiquette that needs to be maintained in the Agiary. The children asked a lot RITXHVWLRQVDQGFODULÀFDWLRQVRQYDULRXVPDWWHUVOLNHZK\DOOER\VFDQQRWEHFRPH Priests and why Navjotes are done only after a child reaches a certain age, etc. p j said! The kids then came back and share with us what their respective Dasturjis SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 The spirit of the Youth Tehmurasp’s Titans - Seth Ardeshir Bhicajee Patel Dadgah, Salsette Volunteers at the Agiary Visit Rustom’s Rockstars - Tata Agiary, Hill Road, Bandra Jamshed’s Giants & Homai’s Heroes - M.J. Wadia Agiary, Lalbaug, Parel Daraius’ Daredevils - Karani Agiary, Cusrow Baug Cyrus’ Superstars - Shapurji Jokhi Agiary, Godrej Baug Behram’s Battalion - Madressa & Rustom Faramna Agiary, Dadar My Dasturji said…. Go to the Agiary daily. Don’t forget to clean and wash your hands, legs and face before entering the Agiary. Don’t forget to say your Kusti prayers before entering the Agiary. Observe the changing of the Gehs and the ringing of the bell 9 times. It is important to recite 9 Yathas at that point of time if one is not already praying. Wear clean, light colour clothes when you go to pray. Avoid stripes or dark colours and jazzy colours. Simple and sober colours are good. Do not wear shorts or miniskirts and try and wear clothes that completely cover you. When you enter the Fire Temple wash your hands and face along with any exposed part of the body, as it may carry dust. If you are wearing a sleeveless dress then wash your entire arms. Remember, no hair should be seen and should never fall. Cover your head with a topi and a scarf. Tell your Mumma to get you a Mathubanu or Topi in cotton. Shoes or slippers which have leather soles are the ideal footwear. Remember this trick… untie your shoe lace before washing your hands so that you do not need to struggle to remove your shoes without touching them after the kusti is done. Rakhia should be applied before you start praying and only on your forehead! Put money you offer in the box and only the sandalwood in the khumcha as they should not touch each other. Also sandalwood must never be touched with wet hands. Please avoid kissing frames and applying rakhia to frames. Also, never show ones back to the Fire or the Kebla. SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 11 High Profile The Investor’s Advocate Khushnum Y. Mistry P.T.: At what age did you decide to start your career into the stock market industry? Regan: Well, I started my trading career at the age of 18, while I was still studying in college. I knew at that age, that I wanted to get into a profession that lasted. My heart leaned towards getting to know the stock market industry, and somewhere along the road, I just knew that this profession was of my calling. P.T.: Your journey to becoming the Senior Associate Vice President in Darashaw in 8 years… Regan: (With a spark in his eyes…) Generally, Darashaw only hires Management Trainees, but they made an exception in hiring me as a Graduate Trainee, because of my work experience as a Market Research in Novartis. My sheer enthusiasm to learn about the market and the willingness to take on added responsibility opened up my way to progress in this company. The turning point was when I had a serious interaction with the owner of the company, Mr. Dara K. Mehta. He had complete faith in my abilities and trusted my working style. The encouragement received from my seniors, helped me a lot to climb the ladder of success in this organisation. P.T.: Do you think that luck has played an important part in your progress? Regan: (After pondering for a moment…)Luck gets you to the opportunity, but hard work will Dr. Regan Firdosh Homavazir, a Chartered Market Technician, Senior Associate Vice President-Equity Fund Manager and Head of Research with Darashaw & Co. Pvt. Ltd. is a stock market expert, known even to home traders because of his frequent CRRGCTCPEGUQP/QPG[%QPVTQN#UVTCVGIKEVJKPMGTCOQVKXCVKQPCNVGCORNC[GTCPFCRGTHGEVKQPKUVCRVN[FG°PG4GICP P.T. Reporter Khushnum Y. Mistry had an inspiring conversation with Dr. Homavazir, a 31-year old professional, and delved into his charismatic personality, early struggles in the corporate world, roadblocks and his stern mindset, all of which allow him to be the best, at whatever he does. 0\<HDU9LVLRQ To start an NGO that takes care of the old and aged. I would also like to start a Zoroastrian Community Centre to help guide students in their academic and professional lives. Missing in our Community members is a drive which recognises no such word as impossible, and accepts no such reality as a failure. insecurities and failure in life. My philosophy of success derives from this short dialogue: “You were the moon. All this time. determine if you make use of it. I do agree that I was at the right place, at the right time, but I have only achieved success after putting in slog work for numerous hours. These years of dedication and hard work GHÀQH PH DV D SHUVRQ DQG transformed me from being a boy to a man. P.T.: Apart from dedication and hard work, to whom do you owe your success? Regan: As cliché as it sounds, I owe my success to my parents and to Mr. Dara K. Mehta who have been the instrumental forces that drove me to achieve academic accolades and helped me trend my career graph. My parents have given me the freedom to fail, thereby, eliminating the concept of fear, altogether. I am also extremely fortunate to have great siblings, Zuleika and Malcolm, who have been my strength always. P.T.: Do you have any interests outside of your work? Are you associated with any organisations? Regan: (Enthusiastically…) Of course! Apart from being a Chartered Market Technician, P\ LQWHUHVW OLHV LQ WKH ÀHOG of teaching. People skills are my best assets along with, delivering motivational speeches for students. Like Zoroastrian Values That I Stand By %H QLFH WR SHRSOH starting with your own family. Charity begins at home. )LQG WKH WLPH WR GR good for others, not only out of compulsion, but passion. 1HYHU JHW ERJJHG GRZQ with failure. Stephen King says, “We never NQRZZKLFKOLYHVZHLQÁXHQFH or when, or why.” I have been associated with many Top B schools, and I have also taught Management Subjects to students at Indo American Chamber, a few years back. I was also a Treasurer for the Association of Technical Market Analysts (ATMA). P.T.: Wow, that’s quite intense! So, does that leave you with any time to pursue fun activities? Regan: (Laughs…)Yes, time does permit me to pursue fun activities. I enjoy sailing, swimming, and walking by the sea. P.T.: Your motivation to success… Regan: Always remember that people who put you down are the product of their own And he was always there for you to make you shine.” “Was he the sun?” “No, honey, he was the darkness.” 12 Letters to the Editor SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 Contd. from Pg. 03 donation given by Mr. Daruwala to Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli. Unfortunately those 10 seats reserved in 1950s gradually came to zero years back, as per the signed Agreement. At least over 150 Parsi HQJLQHHUV PXVW KDYH EHQHÀWWHG from this. The Agiary Project in Navi Mumbai. This project consists of an Agiary and a ground + 4 storied building for Marriage/Navjot halls and old age homes. It is trying WR FRPH XS DQG QHHGV ÀQDQFLDO support. There are already over 250 Parsis residing in Navi Mumbai and the nearest Agiary is far away in Thane. The various Dharamshalas and Aramgahs which have become old and are in need of repairs. ZTFI who arrange food and help for our poor and needy. Young Rathestars who arrange help and food for Parsis staying in remote villages in Gujarat and also trying to make them stand independently on their feet. The WZO. They help many institutions under their control. The Mancherji Edalji Joshi Memorial Trust which grants educational aid to the needy deserving students. Frohar Foundation. They bring out a weekly programme of Community interest on TV along with their other activities. Mind you, these programmes are not supposed to carry any advertisements. Increase the fertility of our Community. Help from Jiyo Parsi is WLPHERXQGDQGKDVVRPHÀQDQFLDO restrictions. And there are many, many others. My dear Humdins, calmly think over this, keeping the interest RI WKH &RPPXQLW\ ÀUVW DQG \RXUV second. Wasteful expenditures through Ghambars will slowly turn out to be self destructing for the Community in a long run. Through donations, the Community will continue to remain self preserving and self sustaining. Till how long, do we want to depend on an outsider to repair Doongerwadi Bunglis and MHADA to repair buildings in Navroz Baug!!!??? Do we not want to be independent? Please remember one thing, very, very, few from outside our Community will come to our rescue, as the general false impression outside is, ‘All Parsis are very rich’. Soli D. Kanga 7UXWK,V$OZD\V%LWWHU Dear Editor, This has reference to the open letter from Mr. Arzan Ghadially, requesting intervention of Mr. Ratan Tata in Parsi Times dated the 28th March, 2015 enumerating the matter relating of Mrs. Mani Vaghchhipawalla. While I appreciate Mr. Arzan Ghadially’s concern for maintaining decorum and allowing a period of 10 days after demise of the tenant before initiating action of preventing trespass, we should not ignore the danger of some unscrupulous / unauthorized person intruding into WKH ÁDW RQ WKH SUHWH[W RI FDUU\LQJ on Religious customs and then not moving out. I know of many such instances in Parsi Colonies and buildings XQGHU 3DUVL 7UXVWV ZKHUH ÁDWV DUH encroached by so called relatives under the guise of doing prayers for the deceased and then claiming their tenancy right as a descendant of the deceased tenant. As we all are acutely aware, Court cases WDNH GHFDGHV WR FRPH XS IRU ÀQDO hearing at trial court level, then there is Appeal. In the process a one full generation of otherwise eligible person is deprived of residing in VXFKDÁDW How can one forget an attempt by so called distant relative WU\LQJ WR XVXUS D ÁDW RI D ORQH lady in Cusrow Baug? As far as my knowledge goes there are innumerable eviction suits pending in different courts since decades. By trespassing and taking possession RI VXFK ÁDWV WKHVH WUHVSDVVHUV not only cause waste of time and money of the concerned Trusts but also deprive deserving members of our Community whose applications IRUDÁDWUHPDLQSHQGLQJZLWKWKH Trusts for ages. I request Trustees of various Trusts - Tata, Wadia, Camas, etc. and even BPP to publish the details RI QXPEHU RI VXFK FDVHV ÀOHG E\ the Trust against such trespassers. At least those guilty of usurping WKH ÁDW ZLOO EH H[SRVHG 7KH worst part is that such trespassers DOUHDG\ KDYH WKHLU RZQ ÁDWV DQG ORFNWKHÁDWRIWKH7UXVWRUGHPDQG D SULFH IRU VXUUHQGHULQJ WKH ÁDW encroached by them. In short, it becomes a tool to extort money from the owners/Trusts. I know of instances where Parsis having RZQHUVKLS ÁDWV LQ 7RZHUV KDYH FRPSHOOHG &KDULW\ 7UXVW WR ÀOH HYLFWLRQFDVHVDJDLQVWWKHPIRUÁDWV encroached by them in the colonies meant for the poor. Ulterior motive is to get extort money for returning WKHÁDWWRULJKWIXORZQHU,IHHOWKDW Trust should publish names of such characterless persons and expose them. Name them and shame them. I understand that entire Parsi Sanatorium in Colaba which was supposed to be a transit camp is being occupied by such trespassers. Do we need more examples? Timely action is the essence before some “relative” cooks up a claim. I congratulate Secretary / Chief accountant and Trustees of Bai Hirabai Tata Memorial Trust for safeguarding the Trust Property, by timely action. I feel that other Trust should follow similar action and ensure that they don’t have to repent, by allowing cakewalk to so called “RELATIVES”. Perhaps the correspondent may not like my contradictory views on his letter but as the saying goes -TRUTH IS ALWAYS BITTER. Homi Dalal 6XSSRUWLQJ0U*KDGLDOO\ Dear Editor, I wholeheartedly standby and support the letter written by Mr. Arzan Ghadially to you on 28th March, 2015. I do so not just for the fact that I am the only son of Mrs. Mani Dara Vaghchhipawalla but also as a self-respecting Zoroastrian. I am glad that matters regarding the Bai Hirabai Tata Memorial Trust have been brought to light. Our aim of writing the letter was neither to malign the Trust nor any particular person/persons. Rather our sole objective was that the values of this great Trust are upheld by its representatives & do not go in vain. This Trust has done a lot of good for the Zoroastrian Community and we would like to make sure it continues to do so for many more years to come. My family and I are undoubtedly indebted to the house of Tatas and have collectively given over 117 years of our service to the Tatas. This is why it hurts to see such a nonchalant and insensitive approach by representatives of a Tata Trust. This apathetic approach of the Trust is with respect to most if not all matters. Take the pathetic Security of Tata Blocks as a prime example. We need some urgent intervention from the Tata Sons. Nevil Dara :KHQ³+(´'HVLUHV :H'HVHUYH Dear Editor, Sounds strange, but it is true, when our “Karma” boomerangs, we realize it. Since our concepts are subject to reason and logic, we believe in what we perceive only. Nature has its own ways to compel us to believe without evidence. The truth is not alone what we believe in, but also that which contradicts our belief. Wisdom cannot be adulterated, so we do not let our spirit awaken. The Community has reached the crossroads where “Paiso humdinone kotari khay che”. Whereas the poor have to struggle for everything, the rich bargain in the name of benevolence. Charity without publicity has become a matter of WKH SDVW 'R ZH FRQÀUP WKDW WKH donation is judiciously utilized for the purpose it is donated? Do we FRQÀUP WKDW WKH EHQHÀW UHDFKHV WKH EHQHÀFLDU\" &KDULW\ VKRXOG PDNH WKH EHQHÀFLDU\ VHOIUHOLDQW and not dependant. We fail to realize that unless the wealth is acquired through modest means, it spells curse. It is better to share our necessities rather than display our generosity vide amassed wealth. Optimism is reduced to wishful thinking and hypocrisy has become the call of the day. Progress is FRQÀQHG WR DFTXLULQJ PDWHULDO wealth. Mixed marriages have diluted our Parsipanu. Who will applaud our achievements in the absence of our posterity? Nobody rises after falling in love as the reality transpires soon thereafter. In the bygone days men need not breakup with his parents to marry. Whether they marry a Parsi or a non-Parsi, today’s women refuse to stay with in-laws and treat them as babysitter. Naturally their children will also follow the suite and neglect them in their ripe age. Women claim that they are not child producing machines. Nature has made them so. Motherhood is the bliss of femininity. You owe your existence to the labour pains your mother underwent. Our identity will be wiped off even if we physically do not become extinct. If we cannot be faithful to our ownselves, how shall we be faithful to HIM? We have had enough of gahambars to appease our belly. Let us not starve our spiritual appetite. Maneck Panthaky 7R0U5DWD7DWD Dear Mr. Ratan Tata, It’s been a long time that I have EHHQSRQGHULQJRQWKHYDFDQWÁDWV at Andheri West opposite Bharucha Baug which belongs to the Tata group which were earlier rented out to the employees of Tata group and which are now lying vacant over the years. Knowing the benevolence of the Tatas to the Community and to the Country as a whole my very humble suggestion to Mr. Ratan Tata is why not carry out repairing work on the old buildings and then convert them to ownership buildings and sold to Parsis at a very reasonable rate (as was done by the BPP at Panthaky Baug) so that many Parsi families who are spread out in Mumbai city can afford to buy and stay among their own kind. In a way this will also help in bringing more of our young boys and girls to come together and marry within the Community. With the vast expertise at your disposal, I am sure things can be worked out to get all the relevant permissions from various departments and like so many other Trusts under the aegis of the Tatas, this project may also be named after one of the founders of India’s leading industrial houses of Tatas which has made our Community and our Country so proud. This will be one more addition in the list of charities from the house of Tatas and which the Community will cherish to years on end. Khushroo F. Bativala 0HHWLQJZLWK0LQRULW\ &RPPLVVLRQ Dear Editor, I have read your articles in Parsi Times as well as Times City and was most amused that some people do have the future of Mazdayasni Zarthostis and its assets at heart, but how far the good Samaritans will succeed is left to the imagination of our dwindling Community. The heritage issues of the Community will also dwindle, if we do not take the right steps to grow from strength to strength. In the year 1990, I along with my good friends Yazdi Munsif and his wife Homai, rushed to the Santacruz Airport where we were called to meet the then Chairman of the National Minority Commission, as the Honorable Chairman was WR WDNH D FRQQHFWLQJ ÁLJKW RQ WKH day. As we rushed to the airport he was kind enough to wait for us. We explained our needs for survival and the future of the Community. The Honorable Chairman put it straight to us – “Four of your Parsi eminent gentlemen had written to the then Government that Parsis do not need reservations”. Not naming the four gentlemen in this write up, we were surprised as to what gave them the right to speak for the Community as their names came forward. We were shocked at this statement. The Honorable Chairman reminded us of two other gentlemen in the year 1935 who denied two reserved seats in Parliament as a Minority much akin to two seats to Anglo Indians. We met the Honorable Chairman not as an individual but under the banner of Zoroastrian Cultural Welfare Association (registered). We had a good meeting for 45 PLQXWHV DQG ÀQDOO\ EHIRUH SDUWLQJ he requested us to write back to him stating all the institutions in Bombay provided by Parsi philanthropists in the national interests as well as to the Community in the growth of Bombay city. We were aware that Bombay city was our growth to eminence DQG WRGD\ , ÀQG WKH &RPPXQLW\·V future is bleak in the absence of growth. The growth lies in the “World Alliance of Mazdayasni Zarathostis” by amalgamation of all trust funds and properties. The path to righteousness as shown by our revered Prophet Spitman 8665 years BC. Our rights and rituals can follow but without difference to originality and not by the dictates of Mobedisms and Dasturisms who have guided our path wrongly. We are not Parsis, Iranis or Faslis, but Mazdayasni Zarathostis. Mr. Ahmad, the Honorable Minority Commission Chairman, whose photo appears on the front page of P.T., looks to be sincere but helpless as we experienced in the year 1990 as explained above. Whilst we have Minority Stamp as our number is less than 50,000, EXWZLWKRXWEHQHÀWV,IZHJHWWKH EHQHÀWV RI UHVHUYDWLRQV LQ OLHX RI all our institutions providing solace for national interests, I think our youths (students) should be given 2% reservations which actually the Federation or the Punchayets must work for. It is not easy for the Chairman RI 0LQRULW\ &RPPLVVLRQ WR IXOÀOO the 8 accounts which were put forward to him as stated. He is only a representative of the Minority Commission. It is the Government who should be approached directly. BPP Trustee Khojeste Mistree brought in the subject of VISA problem to Parsis from Pakistan. This seems to be his personal endeavour. The VISA problem is a subject matter for External Affairs & Foreign Ministries. I do not understand why there is a VISA problem for Parsis. Mr. Mistree as a Trustee should have stressed more for Reservation for our youths under the aegis of Minorities. The future is not far when we will be called a “tribe” as the ÀJXUH ZLOO JR GRZQ IURP to less than 10,000 looking at the Parsi deaths (55) in your paper between 28th February and 24th 0DUFK 3OHDVH FRPSDUH WKLV ÀJXUH with births in the same period and the calculation will be shocking. Therefore, I stress once again our growth lies in “World Alliance of Mazdayasni Zarathostis”, in contrast to Parsis, Iranis and Faslis as taught by Mobedism and Dasturism. Dr. Syrus D. Irani 7$7$%ORFNV&RORQ\6HFXULW\ Dear Editor, After the recent incident in our colony it’s sad to see how we still languish without proper security assistance. There have been several cases in the past which have gone unreported at the time as most of those crimes were on account of theft. However, this incident should not go unreported and stern steps need to be taken to ensure that this was an isolated incident. We urge the Trustees to lend XVWKHLUVXSSRUWDQGSURYLGHDÀUP conclusion to this ongoing situation. Regards Minocher Parakh 7$7$%ORFNV6HFXULW\ Dear Editor, This is regarding the security of Bandra Tata Blocks. We the residents are constantly under a security threat and fear for our safety. Contd. on Pg. 14 13 SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 T o perceive is so easy in life, the same to understand is so GLIÀFXOW,QWRGD\·VZRUOGSHUFHSWLRQWDNHVSODFHLQHYHU\ÀHOGRI OLIHEHLWVFLHQFHFRPPHUFHSV\FKRORJ\:K\GRSHRSOHWHQG WRSHUFHLYHIURPRQHDQRWKHU":KDWDUHWKHUHDFWLRQVDQGFRQFOXVLRQV RQLW"+RZQDWXUDOLVLWIRUDKXPDQEHLQJWRSHUFHLYHDQGGRZHHYHU realize the end result? )ULHQGVOHWPHVKDUHDQLQWHUHVWLQJDQHFGRWHZLWK\RX2QHÀQH GD\ , ZDV VLWWLQJ DORQJ WKH EHDFK VLGH ZDWFKLQJ WKH ZDYHV VLOHQWO\ PDNLQJDVSODVK$V,ZDVLQP\RZQZRUOGWKLQNLQJKRZWKHGD\SDVVHG E\,KHDUGVRPHFRPPRWLRQKDSSHQLQJ,LJQRUHGLWWKLQNLQJWREHD XVXDOÀJKWDPRQJVWWKHSRRUXUFKLQV4XLFNO\,WRRNDSLHFHRISDSHU DQG VWDUWHG SHQQLQJ P\ WKRXJKWV DV ZKDW KDSSHQHG WKH HQWLUH GD\ Neville Colah $OORIDVXGGHQ,KHDUGDJURXSRIER\VOLVWHQLQJLQUDSWDWWHQWLRQWR DQROGPDQZLWKDQDPHWDJ3HUF\ZKRZDVDURXQG\HDUVRIDJH EDOGDQGZDVVORZO\PXWWHULQJVRPHWKLQJDERXWSHUFHSWLRQPDQDJHPHQW1RZPDQDJHPHQWEHLQJP\ IDYRXULWHVXEMHFW,EHFDPHFXULRXVDQGUHVWOHVVWRNQRZZKDWWKHROGPDQZDVXSWR,MRLQHGLQZLWK WKHJURXSRIER\VOLVWHQLQJLQZUDSWDWWHQWLRQZLWKDQLQWHUHVWLQJVWRU\RI$UXQ0DWKXUKLVH[HPSOR\HH $UXQKDGWRERDUGDÁLJKWWR6LQJDSRUHDVKHZDQWHGWRDWWHQGWKHZHGGLQJFHUHPRQ\RIKLVFRXVLQ +H OXFNLO\ JRW D ZLQGRZVHDWDQGZDVKRSLQJWKDW the co-passenger VLWWLQJ QH[W WR KLP ZRXOG EH VRPHRQH ZLWK D good sense of humor and that KLV MRXUQH\ ZRXOG EH VDIH $UXQ·V H\HV IHOO RQ D fashion magazine DVKHORRNHGDWWKHPRGHOZLWKD FXUYDFHRXV ÀJXUH LQ D EODFN VWXQQLQJ GUHVV +H VPLOHG mischievously ZLVKLQJ WKH VDPH 0DKDUVKL.DUYH0DUJ2SS&KDUQL5RDG5DLOZD\6WDWLRQ0XPEDL PRGHOZRXOGEHKLV 0,125,7< co-passenger and $33/,&$7,216$5(,19,7(')257+(32676)5207+($&$'(0,&<($5 KRZ SOHDVDQW WKH MRXUQH\ZRXOGEH$ 81$,'(' ZKLOHODWHUVXGGHQO\ the airhostess announced sternly ´7KH ÁLJKW ZLOO QRZ WDNH RII please fasten your seatbelts” and as $UXQ ZDV GRLQJ VR KHVDZDJHQWOHPDQ coming near by his VHDW DQG VSHDNLQJ in a rough English accent to the DLUKRVWHVV DVNLQJ IRU KLV VHDW QXPEHU $IWHU FRQÀUPLQJ KLV VHDW QXPEHUKHVDWGRZQEHVLGHV$UXQORRNLQJJULPDQGEHOHDJXHUHG $URXQG DQ KRXU ODWHU ZKHQ WKH\ KDG VHWWOHG LQ WKH FORXGV WKRXVDQG RI PHWHUV DERYH WKH VHD OHYHO$UXQ JODQFHG DW WKH FR SDVVHQJHUWU\LQJWRH[FKDQJHDVPLOHDQGVWDUWDFRQYHUVDWLRQ)URP KLV DSSHDUDQFH DQG GHPHDQRU KH ORRNHG WR EH ZRUNLQJ LQ D WRS PXOWLQDWLRQDOÀUP$UXQVWDUWHGH[SORULQJGLIIHUHQWZD\VDQGPHDQV WRNLFNVWDUWDFRQYHUVDWLRQEXWDOOKHFRXOGJDWKHUIURPKLPZDVDQLO UHVSRQVH0HDQZKLOHDIHZSUHWW\ÁLJKWDWWHQGDQWVSDVVHGE\ZLWK VRPHVQDFNVDQGMXLFHIRUDOOSDVVHQJHUV7KHÁLJKWDWWHQGDQWFDPH WR$UXQ DQG KH VPLOHG ZLWK D VPDOO H[FKDQJH RI KXPRU7KHQ WKH ÁLJKWDWWHQGDQWFDOOHGWKHFRSDVVHQJHUDQGJDYHKLPWKHRSWLRQV DYDLODEOH%XWWR$UXQ·VXWWHUVXUSULVHWKHJHQWOHPHQÁDWO\UHIXVHG IRUDQ\WKLQJDQGVLPSO\VDLG´1RWKDQNVµ$UXQZDVP\VWLÀHGDWWKH FRSDVVHQJHU·VFDOORXVDWWLWXGHDQGFRXOGQ·WLPDJLQHKRZKLVRIÀFH FROOHDJXHVZRXOGWROHUDWHKLPGDLO\ +HZRQGHUHGDERXWKLVIDPLO\PHPEHUVDQGKRZWKH\ZRXOGEH UHVSRQGLQJWRKLVFDOORXVDWWLWXGH$UXQWKHQGHFLGHGWRUHOD[DQGVR KHFORVHGKLVH\HVDQGGHFLGHGWRUHVWIRUDIHZKRXUVRIKLVMRXUQH\ ZKLFK ZRXOG EH PXFK EHWWHU DQG VRRWKLQJ IRU KLP UDWKHU WKDQ VFUXWLQLVLQJWKHSDVVHQJHU$FRXSOHRIKRXUVODWHULWZDVDQQRXQFHG WKDW WKH ÁLJKW KDG ODQGHG DQG WKH captain called the passengers to DERDUG ,Q D VSULQJ RI D PRPHQW WKHSDVVHQJHUQH[WWR$UXQMXPSHG IURP KLV VHDW DQG VWDUWHG WRZDUGV WKHJDWHEXWVLQFHWKHUHZDVDELJ queue he started shouting to let KLP JR $UXQ JHVWXUHG KLP DVNLQJ him to be patient, but he said in D WXUEXOHQW YRLFH ´([FXVH PH 6LU , QHHG WR UXVK LPPHGLDWHO\ DV P\ ZLIH DQG FKLOGUHQ PHW ZLWK D car accident last evening”, and ZLWKWKDWVWDWHPHQWWKHJHQWOHPHQ GLVDSSHDUHG LQ D ÁDVK WRZDUGV WKH H[LWFRXQWHU $UXQ ZDV GXPEIRXQGHG IRU D 7+(%<5$0-((-((-((%+2<&2//(*(2)&200(5&( Contd. on Pg. 14 14 Classifieds Travel Comfortably in Brand New A/c INNOVA/SKODA RAPID Reasonable Rates & with Excellent Service. $17,48( To Udvada, Navsari, Surat, Mahableshwar, PRINCE METAL MART Shirdi, Goa etc. BUYER OF OLD RECORD, Contact Navaaz AUDIO SYSTEMS,OLD CAMERA, OLD NOTE 9819244454 / 9322279869 BUNDLES, ZARI BORDER - SAREES OLD TASBI, TRAVEL Comfortably in KERBA, WRIST WATCHES, Mahindra Xylo, 3 Row PEN, OLD COINS, GLASS A/C on hire at reasonable WEAR, GERMAN SILVER. rate for Airport, Navjote, 9920663443 / 9820647858 Wedding, Outstation. Contact Hutoxi %86,1(662))(5 9819408576/9819648099. REPAIRS LCD, LED, Television DVD Player, Audio System Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Microwave, AC Computer For Details: 9322417064, 9820308174 &$7(5(56 9821319228 / 9820006236 3(5621$/ ,17(5,25(;7(5,25 &,9,/3$,17,1* FOR PAN CARD, NEW, DUPLICATE. AHURA SERVICES CHANGES, NAME 9029493663. RESIDENCE. OFFERS REPAINTING ALSO GOVT. SENIOR SERVICES OF YOUR CITIZENS I.D. CARD. COMPLETE ONE BHK HOME FOR JUST RS.7000/- ONLY. HOSHAANG 9833419049 SPITAMAAN CREATION FAIR DEAL - SHOP FOR SUPER FINISH JOBS IN PAINTING, PLASTERING, TILING, MARBLE, GRANITE, POLISH. CALL - HUFRON: 9820764177 / 24139214 / at Boyce Agiary Estate 24166820 Tardeo. Embroidered Kurties, DRESSMAKERS/ TAILORS 1LJKWLHV ZHVWHUQ 2XWÀW D. Shamji & Co. Sadra, Kusti, Toran. Bailiff & Sons PARSI DAGLI 9819620666 Shirts | Pants | Safari Suits Bhupendra Gohil &$5+,5( 22663131 / 9821005381 143-B, Perin Nariman Brand New Renault Scala Street, (Bazargate Street), 5 seater for Fort, Mumbai - 1 Local, Outstation, dshamji33@gmail.com Airport pick and drop www.dshamjidagli.com Wedding and Navjote. Contact:- Sarosh ELECTRONICS/REPAIRS 9664050845/9820576501 Any Washing Machine / Dishwasher / INNOVA Triple A/C Dryer/ Microwave Oven / utmost comfortable & Refrigerator / AC / LCD / reasonable rate, driven PLAZMA / LED by Parsi owner for local, Contact NATIONAL outstation and happy (SAHIL) 9773158833/ occasion, Kurush Bailiff: 24034358 One Year Gaurantee Parsi Owned & Driven SWIFT D’ZIRE & INNOVA CAR (A.C. & IN GOOD CONDITION) AVAILABLE ON HIRE FOR OUTSTATION AND WITHIN MUMBAI. PLEASE CONTACT ROHINTON - 9223395255 DEEKAY PACKERS & MOVERS 6,78$7,21:$17(' National, International A Parsi gent in sound health, Clearing, Forwarding, with 35 years of experience +RXVHKROG*RRGV2IÀFHV working overseas with Vehicles, Pets ĞdžĐĞůůĞŶƚ ŽĸĐĞ ŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ 14 Years Experience ĂŶĚ ƉƌŽĐƵƌĞŵĞŶƚ ƐŬŝůůƐ ŝƐ ůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ĨŽƌ ĞŵƉůŽLJŵĞŶƚ ŝŶ Kersi: +919892014580, DƵŵďĂŝ͘ ĞƚĂŝůĞĚ ďŝŽͲĚĂƚĂ +919892922006 ĐĂŶďĞĨŽƌǁĂƌĚĞĚŽŶƌĞƋƵĞƐƚ͘ Contact 9757086155 TEMPO Trucks available Email: perkm49@gmail.com ON HIRE. We Undertake 6(59,&(6$9$,/$%/( contracts of shifting household furniture, etc, with skilled labour. Contact Dutta AHURA Services 9029493663 offers maids, nanny, nurses, wardboys, trained and reliable staff. Daily, Monthly and Yearly. Services, Business, Love Marriage, Gruhkalesh, Sautan, Satru Problem, Laxmi Bandhan, Muth Karni, Vashi Karan, Marriage Problem. PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEOGRAPHY ARMAITY & RASHID D. BAMANBEHRAM First Parsi Lady Videographer Famous Press Photographer Ex. Special Executive Magistrate HD. VIDEOSHOOTING PHOTOGRAPHY & ALBUMS FOOD/TIFFIN SERVICES JUST FISH 9029493663. FRESH & CLEANED Jumbo Prawns, Pomfrets, Surmai, Halwa, 500gms packs Rs.400/only. Free Home Delivery with COOK for purchase of Rs.1500/- worth Inaugural week offer Wedding, Navjotes, Birthdays & Engagements Contact: 6/3, Khareghat Colony, Hughes Road, Mum-7 armaitybamanbehram@yahoo.com Armaity: 9820188266 Rashid: 9820224667 Looking for 1RK short lease 3 months in Andheri East. Call 8879942897. FURNITURE/FIXTURES Looking for 1BHK in Salsette / Andheri East / AIR-CONDITION REFRIGERATORS West for Outright sale. Call Indian / Imported 8879942897. No Brokers Double Door, Frost Free Guarantee Genuine Repairs At Your Door Step Installations/ Maintenance Contract. Splits and Window Air-Conditioners Frizare 9820197439 26002674 / 65544903 HEALTH AND RELATIONSHIP Problems resolved through distant Spiritual Healing. 1000/month. Mistry - 9769658808 CLOCK REPAIRS 3$&.(56029(56 Repairs of English /German Grandfather Clocks, $$7$6+758&.(56 Contractors to Godrej for Quarter Chimers, Carriage professional movers and Clocks, Pocket / Wrist packers, quality service Watches. Contact: Cyrus and shifting job as per Khambatta: 26042635, your requirement and 9820895967, 9820257919. satisfaction : 9820120285 PARSI COLONY DADAR RESIDENTIAL USE L/L 1 BHKitchenette GROUND FLOOR FULLY RENOVATED WATER 24HRS 518 SQ. FT.CALL 9820441053 / 24148694 5XQQLQJ7H[W&ODVVLÀHG Rs. 10/ per normal word Rs. 15 / per bold word &ODVVLÀHG'LVSOD\(4cm X 4cm) Box Rs.500/per insert On Every 3 Classified, 1 Free CLASSIFIEDS EXCEL ELECTRONICS CLASSIFIED RATES SHYAM TRAVELS Travel in A/C Innova to Udwada, Surat, Panchgani etc Airport, Local and on Happy Ocassions. CONTACT: 98203 67891 9820987891 Please do note that while we are happy to bring the Community together via our Classified Section we are not responsible and do not endorse any product or service advertised in our Classified Section and will not be held responsible by any third party for the content of the ad space. SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 Contd. from Pg. 12 Our neighbourhood is thriving with various illegal activities and our unsecured compound is prone to crime. We constantly fear for the security of our families. The recent murder has shaken us all up. We request the Trust to take note of this and assist us with proper security. H. N. Kapadia. Contd. from Pg. 13 moment and felt as though a lightening had struck him, regaining his senses he realized what had happened. His thoughts quivered around the old man, the agony and pain he must be going through the entire journey, yet he managed to keep his calm WKURXJKRXWWKHÁLJKW$UXQ realized that all this time he had been perceiving the thoughts about the old man and how guilty he was feeling now but the truth was exactly the opposite. Arun was the last person to walk out as he kept thinking the last sentence said by the co-passenger, and with this ended Percy’s narration. The lexicon is over for the day you may go home now said Percy in his rich baritone voice to the group of boys.I got up stunned from the perception management chapter suddenly checking it was an hour, but the value added was immense. I walked upto Percy with a tinge of smile in my mind thinking about what I had perceived about Percy ZKHQ,VDZKLPIRUWKHÀUVW time and thanked him for the wonderful lesson. As I started walking towards my house, my mind deep in thoughts about perception management and its encounters. How many times have we come across similar circumstances where we quickly without a second thought, create an opinion or draw a conclusion about anyone, being a friend, person or a situation under any circumstance, but do we ever realize how wrong we are into doing this? We should always remember to take a step back and ask ourselves “Are we taking all perspectives into consideration?” Remember to conclude is very easy but the same needs to be taken into consideration with all the perspectives involved. Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1. Printed at M/s Pri Media Services Pvt Ltd., Plot No. EL 201, Mhape, Navi Mumbai - 400 705. (GLWRU)UH\DQ%KDWKHQD&RQWDFW1RV$GYW)D[2IÀFH7LPLQJDPWRSP0RQGD\)ULGD\ 19 SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 Like: Parsi Times http://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes Name...Urvaksha S. Tangri . I work at... My family business - Noble Trading Co. I work as... Help my father in the business. That basically means... I make sure the products get delivered on time. I look after the smooth-functioning of the business. My work day begins with... Listing down the to-do list for the day. I wish this would change about my job... Nothing at all! I have been working here for... 1 year. I head to office and head back home at these times... Head to office at 10am. No fix timing to get back home. Some of the things that make up my work day… Good clients and learning something new every day from my father. Someone I think has an interesting job is… The one who gets to ride beautiful bikes and write reviews on them. Dear Mamaiji, You always make me read the Gujarati calendar date from the front page of the Parsi Times. Today is Behram Roj. What does that mean? Dear Dikri, Today is Behram Roj. Dedicated to the Great Mighty Angel, Behram. Behram Yazad is the Yazata that comes to ones assistance in the most dire of circumstances and helps you in the best possible way. He stands for Victory, Truth, Strength, Might, Goodness. He instills courage in those who call upon him. Behram Yazad, is also called Verethraghna, who helps people overcome innate base emotions like falsehood, greed, avarice, lust etc. Praying regularly to Him, is considered very efficacious. Behram Yazad is amongst the most popular Yazatas amongst Zoroastrians. He is credited with creating many miracles. My favourite prayer to Behram Yazad is “Mushkil Aasan Saheb, Paak Behram Yazad Saheb ni Panaah”. With inputs from Parvez J. Daruwala Tushna Mehta A KHDOWK\ ORRNLQJ KHDG RI KDLU VWDUWV ZLWK D JUHDW ORRNLQJ KDLUFXW 6LQFHKDLULVVXFKDELJSDUWRI \RXU DSSHDUDQFH NHHSLQJ LW ZHOOPDLQWDLQHGZLOOPDNH\RX PRUHDWWUDFWLYH/LNH\RXUFDU \RXU KDLU QHHGV PDLQWHQDQFH LQRUGHUWRSUHVHUYHVWUHQJWK HODVWLFLW\ DQG VKLQH $ JRRG VKDPSRRDQGFRQGLWLRQHUZLOO KHOSFOHDQVHWKHKDLUDQGDGG PRLVWXUH DQG VWUHQJWK DQG HODVWLFLW\ Stay healthy - 7KH FRQGLWLRQRI\RXUKDLULVRIWHQ D UHÁHFWLRQ RI WKH RYHUDOO KHDOWKRI\RXUERG\(DWZHOO H[HUFLVHGULQNSOHQW\RIZDWHU JHWHQRXJKVOHHSDQGUHGXFH VWUHVV LQ \RXU OLIH 'RLQJ VR ZLOOUHVXOWLQDKHDOWKLHUVFDOS DQGJUHDWORRNLQJKDLU/LYLQJ ZHOO DQG VWD\LQJ KHDOWK\ ZLOO DOVR LQFUHDVH WKH UDWH RI KDLU JURZWK Avoid anything tight - A WLJKW KDW RU SRQ\WDLO FDQ FDXVH ´WUDFWLRQ DORSHFLDµ D FRQGLWLRQ LQ ZKLFK KDLU LV SXOOHGRXWRIWKHVFDOS,IZRUQ ORQJHQRXJKWKHGDPDJHFDQ EHFRPH SHUPDQHQW $ WLJKW KDWRUSRQ\WDLOFDQDOVRFDXVH GDPDJH WR WKH FXWLFOH DQG EUHDNDJH :KLFK LV ZK\ D ORW ZRPHQH[SHULHQFHIUL]]\KDLU DURXQG WKHLU WHPSOH DUHDV 7KDW KDV EDE\ KDLU WKDW KDV EURNHQ RII DQG GXH WR WKH VXPPHU KHDW NLFNLQJ LQ LWV IUL]]HVXS Reduce Frizz - /RZ PRLVWXUH DQG SURWHLQ LQ WKH KDLU FDQ FDXVH IUL]] 7R PLQLPL]H WKLV SUREOHP XVH D JRRG PRLVWXUL]LQJ FRQGLWLRQHU $IWHU \RX VKDPSRR DQG DUH JRLQJ WR FRQGLWLRQ PDNH VXUH \RX DSSO\ D JRRG DERXW RI FRQGLWLRQHUDURXQGWKHIUL]]\ DUHD $ VOLFN VPRRWKLQJ VHUXP FDQ EH DSSOLHG WR DGG VKLQHZKHQWKHKDLULVGU\DOVR DQG JLYH WKH KDLU D VPRRWKHU DSSHDUDQFH 6XPPHU VZLPPHUV VWD\ WXQHG IRU QH[W ZHHNV DUWLFOH RQ VXPPHU KDLU FDUH ZKLOH \RXVZLP Fish Fillets with Tartar Sauce Ingredients for main dish: ÀVKÀOOHWV WDEOHVSRRQVOLPHMXLFH WDEOHVSRRQ IUHVKO\ FUXVKHGEODFNSHSSHU 6DOWWRWDVWH FXSVÁRXU FXSVEUHDGFUXPEV EHDWHQHJJV 2LOWRIU\ For Tartar Sauce: FXSWKLFNPD\RQQDLVH RQLRQÀQHO\FKRSSHG JUHHQ FKLOLHV ÀQHO\ FKRSSHG $GDVKRIOHPRQMXLFH Directions: &RPELQH WKH WDUWDU VDXFH LQJUHGLHQWV 0DULQDGH WKH ÀVK LQ WKH OLPH MXLFH VDOW DQG SHSSHU IRU PLQXWHV 3ODFH WKH ÁRXU DQG EUHDGFUXPEV LQ WZR VHSDUDWH SODWHV %HDW WKH HJJV &RDW HDFK ÀVK ÀOOHW ZLWK WKH ÁRXU 'LS LQ WKH HJJ 'UHGJH ZLWK EUHDGFUXPEV3ODFHRQDÁDW SODWH /HDYH LQ WKH IULGJH WLOO UHDG\ WR IU\ 'HHS IU\ HDFKÀOOHW3ODFHRQDWLVVXH 6HUYHZLWK7DUWDU6DXFH Purveen Dubash is a chef with many knives in her pretty KRPH NLWFKHQ FDELQHW )URP 79 DQFKRU WR HGXFDWRU WR author she is armed with culinary skills to put your tummy LQWRDK\SQRWLFVWDWH:HDUHSURXGWRSUHVHQWWR\RXKHU UHFLSHV ZKLFK KDYH WKH XQLTXH GLVWLQFWLRQ RI EHLQJ QRW only simple to follow but yummy to taste! If you have clients, friends and family abroad, and you need to WDONWRWKHPRIWHQ5LQJRLVDFKHDSDQGHIÀFLHQWVROXWLRQ Ringo lets you make low cost international calls without using the ,QWHUQHW:L)LRU*<RXFDQFDOODQ\PRELOHRUODQGOLQHSKRQH QXPEHUDQ\ZKHUHLQWKHZRUOG1RZWDONWR\RXUKHDUW·VFRQWHQW ZLWKRXWZRUU\LQJDERXWSKRQHELOOVRULQWHUQHWFRQQHFWLYLW\ ,KDYHWULHGLWDQGLWZRUNVZRQGHUIXOO\ZHOO&DOOVWRWKH86DUH DVORZDV5VSHUPLQXWHDQGWKHFDOOTXDOLW\LVYHU\FOHDU Invite your friends and earn credits for each of your friends who tries it out - that is so inviting! Just download the app, install it and place a call to those in your GLUHFWRU\RUMXVWGLDODQHZQXPEHU7KHV\VWHPZLOOFDOO\RXEDFN DQGFRQQHFW\RXWRWKHFDOOHGQXPEHU1RIDQF\VWXIIMXVWGLDO get a call back and talk! 7U\LWWRGD\WKHÀUVWFDOOLVIUHHDQG\RXGRQRWKDYHWRJLYH\RXU credit card either for the free call! Yazdi Tantra’s column is crafted for those of you who enjoy a bit RIWHFKQRORJ\DQGORYHÀQGLQJTXLUN\WKLQJVWRGRLQWKLVZHEDQG mobile savvy world. This entrepreneur celebrates his interest in the ÀHOGRIZHEEDVHGWHFKQRORJLHVZLWKKLVFROXPQVDQGRWKHUZHEVLWHV OLNHon-lyne.blogspot.in and Community centric Zoroastrians.net. Of course, his Parsi Times column is our favourite! 20 Parsi Times - English and Gujarati. Regn. No. MCS/101/2015-17. Published on 4th April, 2015, 2QUVGFCV/WODCK2CVTKMC%JCPPGN5QTVKPI2QUV1H°EG/WODCK on every Saturday. SATURDAY, APRIL 04, 2015 Parsi Point BHARDA HOUSE DHARAMSHALA SHUT I Dear Readers, Hawker Stalls selling fast food will be soon be allowed to place their carts on pavements across D.P.C. the largest Parsi Cluster in the world. This means littering, food carts, unwanted crowds and no place to walk on pavements outside our Agiary and Schools. Under the guise of some Central Law and some Directives of Supreme Court, the employees of M.C.G.M. and Urban Development Ministries are in process of issuing Pitch licences (to these Hawkers) in the DPC Area. Some 1800 new Pitches Licences will be issued in Ward Number 174. Residents of the area are protesting against same. in the name of Mr. B. B. Bharda who is expired and donated the property. The Electric Meter is on a personal name and is used for the commercial premises. The concerned Investigation department raided the place on 13th of December, 2014 and 31st January, 2015 for electricity meter. P.T.: Who is to blame? And what -XVW WR OHW \RX NQRZ :DUG 1XPEHU LQFOXGHV WKH IROORZLQJDUHDVZKLFKKDYHEHHQ 2.HGIRUKDZNHUV 0DQFKHUML-RVKL0DUJ J.B. Vatcha School is on this road. )LUGRVKL5RDG D.P.Y.A. School is on this road. .KDUHJKDW5RDG The Fire Temple is on this road. The Body has also decreased the no hawker zone around the religious location from the previously acceptable 100 metres to now only 50 metres. 7LODN5RDG which ends in Adenwala Road is the status of things with you? Shaheen Irani: The Organization itself is to blame. I have complained to the Committee but no one paid attention. They are all sitting in Mumbai all these days as I was trying to solve the problem with my Shiv Sena pull and at a subsidized rate but they are not ready to take it forward. They want to go to the Court to solve this. On 24th of March, I resigned or else I would have been arrested. I went to the old WZO India Dharamshala and said I have quit. Cyrus Tampal took the keys and said he would take care of it. He went there but within a day he also found the situation too much and within a day he locked the Dharamshala and left. Parsi Times then called up Mr. Rusi Bhumgara who directed us to Mr. Noser Meherji a Donor and Trustee of WZO India (not to be confused with WZO Trust Funds). We asked Mr. Meherji about the issues regarding the lock down of their Bharda House Dharamshala in Udvada. About the electrical issue, Mr. Meherji said that ‘‘people came all the way from Surat to check if we were stealing electricity. We were not. The simple case is that they had calculated not on electric bill but on the amount of load we were using. This is something we will challenge in the Consumer Court as we cannot just wither away Trust money.’’ When we asked about the alleged valuation issue, Mr. Meherji said that this was not true. He went on to say that against advice they had picked their manager in Udvada and it was unfortunate that they did not have a representative there to manage the situation thus far. Mr. Meherji alleges that the ex-Manager Shaheen was trying to extort from them. He requested us to downplay the issue and not place it in print but to focus our efforts on happier things like ‘Gambhars’ and Community event coverage. What happens now remains to be seen but Parsi Times will let you know as soon as Bharda House is open to visitors and pilgrims again. :+$7<28&$1'272+(/3 6WHS Gather all the residents of your home and sign this petition with everyones name. 6WHS Cut it out of the Parsi Times 6WHS Whenever you have the time this week, from 4th April to 11th April, GURSRIIWKHÀOOHGIRUPDWDQ\ of the two places mentioned here. 3/($6( go only between 10am.-2 pm. OR 5pm. -9pm. '523=21( Zareen Engineer, 623 Marker Mansion, DPC 25 '523=21(, The Office, Dadar Parsi Colony Gymkhana To, Town Vendors Committee (H.O.), M.C.G.M. , Fort, Mumbai 1 7KURXJK:DUG2IÀFHU)1RUWK Dear Sir, :HWKHXQGHUVLJQHGKDYHDQREMHFWLRQRI\RXUDOORWPHQWRISLWFKOLFHQVHVLQ:DUG1XPEHUPRUHSDUWLFXODUO\PHQWLRQHGEHORZWRWKH+DZNHUVDVSHU\RXU SURSRVHGQHZSROLF\ .LQGO\SXWRXUREMHFWLRQRQUHFRUGDQGFDOOXVIRUDKHDULQJ Signed: >3OHDVHSXWDOOIDPLO\QDPHVDQGVLJQDWXUHVRQWKLVVKHHW&XWLWRXWDQGVHQGLWWRWKHDERYHPHQWLRQHGDGGUHVVHVIRUUHFRUGLQJWKLVZHHN@ FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP has issues with now exManager Shaheen Irani. The issues have reached a boiling point and Bharda House, a supposed haven built with love and donations is now suffering at the hands of this alleged misappropriation of funds and of course the obvious ego issues that come hand and glove with many an organization. We spoke with both sides of the quarrel. Mr. Shaheen Irani had this to say: Parsi Times: When to you think the problem will get solved? Shaheen Irani: It is unsolvable. At the present VWDJH LW LV YHU\ GLIÀFXOW WR get the problem solved. The Trust might take the legal approach. P.T.: Is it true that the land value has been under declared and the electric department has issues with Bharda House? Shaheen Irani: The land value has been declared in the Gram Panchayat as Rs. 4,00,000/approximately which is very much less than the original value of the land. According to me, Electric Meter is faulty. It is )HHG%DFN n March 2014, WZO India (not to be confused with WZO Trust) opened the doors of its Parsi Dharamshala in Bharda House, Udvada, for visitors to the Holy Town. The new facility ensured visitors a convenient and very reasonable place to stay in Udvada. Last week we got news that the facility had been padlocked VKXWDQGVRZHGHFLGHGWRÀQG out why. Upon enquiring with some people we discovered multiple alleged issues behind the closed and sealed doors. According to sources, the Committee had allegedly misdeclared the value of the approximate INR 2.5 Crore property at a value of INR 4 Lakh. This issue has apparently been revealed and even made it to the mainstream State Papers. The second issue seems to be with the Electric board of the area. According to the Government Department, Bharda House has allegedly been using way over the Load DOORWWHGWRLW$ÀQHRIOHVVWKDQ INR 3 Lakh was levied but has not been paid. It is not uncommon knowledge that the Committee
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