INVITATION Change Management Forum 2015 Tuesday 12 May 2015, 09:00 – 15:30 This year, Implement Consulting Group has invited J. Stewart Black, Professor of Global Leadership and Strategy at IMD, to share his perspectives and insights on how to lead successful change. We have designed a programme where you will: •Be inspired by J. Stewart Black who is one of the leading capacities within change management •Be introduced to tools and frame works on how to lead strategic change to ensure the desired impact •Learn about trends in organisational change and company transforma tions in Nordic companies •Meet peers facing similar challenges with change as yourself Organisational change efforts still fail two-thirds of the time despite years of research and work with change management. To help overcome these figures we have invited Professor J. Stewart Black to share his perspec tives on how to overcome the barriers that prevent change. In his view, these are: failure to see, failure to move and failure to finish. J. Stewart Black will talk about his book “It Starts with One: Changing Individuals Changes Organizations” and provide research-based yet very practical guides on how to lead strategic change initiatives. Addition ally, we will share new perspectives on what works in Nordic change initiatives based on our ongoing work with Nordic companies and a large study across the Nordic countries in 2014 and 2015. These insights will be presented using both research and live company cases. We hope to see you for a day full of inspiration and insights on how to lead change with impact. Participant target group The event is addressing senior level management leading strategic change, HR directors, change managers and heads of strategy or business development. You will get a unique opportunity to interact directly with J. Stewart Black and discuss his latest thinking, but also to engage in dialogue with peers facing the same change challenges as yourself. J. Stewart Black Professor at IMD on Leadership and Strategy and has also served at INSEAD and University of Michigan. He is author of 15 books and over 100 articles, including the book “It Starts with One”. As a keynote speaker, consultant, researcher and author, he has worked with a variety of organi sations globally on formulating and implementing successful strategies based on cutting-edge research and practice. INVITATION Change Management Forum 2015 Tuesday 12 May 2015, 09:00 – 15:30 PROGRAMME PRACTICAL INFORMATION 09:00 Welcome Introduction at the tables Time Tuesday 12 May 2015 09:00 – 15:30 (breakfast at 08:30) 09:15 Presentation of current trends in working with change in the Nordics 09:45 It starts with one – Overview Changing individuals changes organisations J. Stewart Black, Professor at IMD 10:45 Re-orientation of SKAT Transforming SKAT Jesper Rønnow Simonsen, CEO at SKAT 11:30 Lunch 12:15 utting the customer at the centre – a cultural transformation P Thomas Mitchell, Head of Personal Banking Denmark at Danske Bank 13:00 It starts with one – Tools for assessment and diagnose Changing individuals changes organisations J. Stewart Black, Professor at IMD Place Axelborg Vesterbrogade 4A 1620 København V Price Free of charge Enrolment ChangeCopenhagen Contact If you have any questions about the event, please contact: Thomas Bundgaard Møldrup +45 2926 3225 15:00 Closing dialogues at the table/QA or 15:30 Goodbye or stay for a snack Michael Steffensen +45 2338 0045
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