Oly Old Time Song Book 2011

Oly Old Time
Song Book
Oly Old Time Class
These days class is held at Lincoln Elementary on Wednesdays except the first Wed. of the
month. Sometimes alternate locations are used on the first. We play from 7-9pm. During the first
part of class we learn a tune and then spend the rest of the class jamming.
In case you are wondering what old time means, here is one interpretation: "Old Time"
refers to a genre of traditional American folk music passed down orally from generation to
generation. It changes over time. It is a blend of country, african, bluegrass, blues and anglo-celtic
music all melded together. It’s good for singing, socializing, and dancing.
Oly Old Time has been meeting almost every week since Fall of 2006. Oly Old Time's first
incarnation was "Banjo Class" at the Olympia Free School, but it quickly became an old time string
band class. The Olympia Free School has all but disappeared and re-emerged, but Oly Old Time
still trudges along. Over four hundred people have participated Oly Old Time Class since its
inception and new people come almost every week. Average weekly attendance ranges from five to
twenty-five. Every night is different but beginner or professional you are bound to have a good
time. The Oly Old Time Festival has also been a huge success the last three years, which has
drummed up a lot of interest.
Banjo, fiddle, and acoustic guitar are the most common instruments at class, but lots of
stringed instruments can work. Bass, cello, mandolin, ukulele, spoons, bones, washboard, washtub,
harmonica, jaw harp, bouzouki, feet and saw have all worked into the mix quite well.
Support for instruments and skill levels varies from week to week based upon who attends,
but you can expect to learn something from someone regardless of your age or musical
background. The more that come, the better it gets. If you need a loaner instrument, let us know
ahead of time. Coming by to just listen is encouraged. Listening is an important part of learning
any music. You can't play the tune until you can hear it in your head. The general format of the
class goes like this: choosing the key/tuning/tune of the night; tuning; stragglers straggle in; intro
go-around; play a few tunes from previous weeks; confirm the tune of the night; play that tune for
a long time slowly; break off into groups based on instrument and skill level; meet back up and
play it again; jam until 9pm.
Email olyoldtime@gmail.com for questions or to be put on the list serv.
For more information about the songbook contact tclaw@olyoldtime.org
For more information about the annual festival contact emily@olyoldtime.org
For more information about class contact mikey@olyoldtime.org
Musical Peculiarities and Chord Numbers
There is a chord numbering system called the Nashville Number System, amongst other
names. It is used by people who understand music theory to speed up verbal communication about
music and to easily switch keys (mostly to accomodate vocal/instrument range). Oly Old Time has
adapted a chord numbering system to meet their very limited needs. OOT has a relatively 'small
box' that they have put old time music into to make it accessible to more people. The chord
numbering system is one tool to aid people in playing and learning music in a friendly group
setting. At first, playing the same tune in two different keys can seem like a whole new tune. In
most cases, on most instruments commonly used to play old time, it is as simple as using a capo or
tuning it differently. The fingerings and chord shapes across the four most common keys can be
similar or identical.
The four keys are A, C, D, and G. There are a few old time tunes in the Key of F and B flat
or minor keys, but most social musicians around Olympia don't know or play any tunes in those
keys. For the last 3 years or so the Oly Old Time scene has embraced the cross tuned fiddle in
GDGD. The majority of the time we play 'cross A tunes' (as other old timers may know them)
dropped down to cross G. They are played in the same way with exactly the same fingerings. This
is easier on the instruments (less string tension), and some people find it more comfortable to sing
in the key of G (grizzle).
We like cross tuning the fiddle because it is an open tuning like on the banjo. Historically
Oly Old Time has had a preference towards banjo centric fiddle tunes, being that it is not unheard
of to have 6-7 banjo players around at a given event (sometimes no fiddlers). Cross tunes lend
beginners an easier time figuring out intonation (where to put your fingers), because you can
always drone (two notes at once) on the open string next to the one being noted. If the two notes
sound good together then your finger is in the right spot. This is not possible with all
combinations on a standard tuned fiddle. The open tuning lends itself towards more rhythmic and
less notey playing which may or may not be conducive to learning.
At class we usually try to shy away from writing down notes, tabs, or chords to emphasize
learning by ear. If you are a visual learner, OOT may not be a the best fit for you. Special needs
can sometimes be accomodated depending on who else shoes. Please try to be open to trying to
learn music by ear, the way it was learned by most people playing music for thousands of years.
Most of the melodies and chord patterns we play are very simple, and through repetition make
more sense every go around.
There are three very common chords for the type of old time music we play. They are G(1), C(4),
D(5). If you can figure out how to play those chords on your instrument you can learn this music
by ear and on the fly. The way you figure out the chord numbers is by counting up the alphabet. If
we were in the key of G the G-chord would be the 1-chord, and all the way up. G-1, A-2, C-4, D5, Em-6, and F-7.(8 would be an octave-G) In all 4 keys we play in we don't encounter many flats,
sharps, minors, etc. All the chords are assumed to be natural and major. The one exception being
the 6-chord. In all 4 keys we play the 6-chord is an assumed minor. Key of G: the 6-chord is Em,
key of A is 6-F#m, key of C is 6-Am, and key of D is 6-Bm. 7-chords are used often in modal
tunes. We don't really know what modal means. All of that sounds confusing, but for the most
part you will only need to know where your 1,4,and 5 chords are in a few keys (1 key to start).
Songbook Identity
Oly Old Time does not claim that the chords listed in this book are 'the' chords for the tunes.
Chords in old time music are a matter of preference a lot of the time. It is more about melody
than the accompaniment. Some people prefer just the 1 and the 5 for practically all tunes, and
some people would play lots of minor chords, 2 chords, or swing style chords with the same exact
tune. What we do claim, is that the chords listed will work pretty well with the way we
commonly play the tunes around here. There are likely a few errors, but feel free to scratch it out
and write in what works for you. There are hundreds of different ways to play each tune, so don't
think of this as a chord bible.
There are also hundreds of verses and variations, being that a lot of these songs are not
written down, and are passed down orally for hundreds of years (telephone game). Times change,
the language changes, and some words are a bit out of date or more offensive in current times.
This is not a lyric bible either, but we do pride ourselves on collecting the cool verses and
chucking the overdone tasteless ones. This book strongly represents a preference for what we call
tune-songs. They are not just melodic tunes without singing, and they are not just a song where
you strum chords. Most tune-songs in this book have a decent fiddle melody and some cool
Volunteers have spent a lot of time trying to remove offensive language and make the
content more accessible/representative while not modernizing/tokenizing and keeping the
integrity of the tunes and songs as they came to us. More work needs to be done there. Any help
or suggestions are welcome. Any alterations or distribution you do is fine with us. Nobody claims
to have written most of the old songs and tunes, so it doesn’t hurt to share them with anyone. And
the way you play it will be different, in some ways making it your own. As far as the
unincorporated Oly Old Time is concerned all this stuff is anti-copyright so do with it what you
Roundpeak refers to a region of Appalachian North Carolina where Tommy Jarrell and other
well known old time musicians spent their lives. Folk revivalists flocked there in the 1960's, 70's,
and 80's, made a grip of field recordings, learned the tunes that were openly shared with them, and
spread the tunes around the country quite a bit. So much so that they are some of the most
common tunes played in many circles, at most festivals, and in this book. If you know of
different tune sourcing information let us know and it may be on the next edit.
Beyond Roundpeak
There is Old Time Music in many different styles from many different places in the country.
New Englanders play a Northern old time called Quebecios or French Canadian. Folks form the
gulf play creole, cajun, dixieland jazz, and zydeco music. Folks in Kentucky play traditional
bluegrass which was the next progression in modernizing southern old time music to make it more
listenable and composed. Midwesterner's have there own set and styles of old time fiddle tunes.
The West Coast was colonized last, so most of the fiddlers and banjo players out here who were
raised with the music have family from further East roots. Native folks of the Metis tribe adopted
some French culture, fiddles, and their own form of square dancing.
Ain't Got No Honey Babe Now
A part:
Used to go a courtin', didn't know how
Now my love got married, ain't got no honey babe now
Wish I was a sailor, way out on the sea
Than to be a married woman, with a baby on my knee
When I was a baby, I'd sit on mama's knee
Said she'd love me all her life, and oh what a gal I'd be
Goin' to the depot, I'm goin' downtown
Goin' to the races, gonna lay my money down
When I was a rich gal, had fellas all around
Now that I'm a poor gal, ain't got no honey babe now
B part: 1111/1155/1144/5511
Angelina Baker
A part: (chorus)
Angelina Baker lived near the village green
The way I always loved her, beats all I ever seen
B part: (same chords, replace the 6 with a 4 if you want to cheer up)
Her father was a baker, they called him uncle sam
I never can forget her, no matter where I am
Angelina Baker, left me here alone
Left me here to weep a tear and play on the old jawbone
Sixteen horses in my team the old grey went before
Almost broke Angelina’s heart to hear the wagons roll
Bought Angeline a brand new dress, neither black nor brown
It was the color of a stormy cloud, before the rain poured down
Her brother was a banker, they call him Brother Bill.
He drinks and smokes and eats a lot, guess he always will
Angelina Baker age is forty-three
Little children round her feet and a banjo on her knee
Angelina she’s so tall, she cannot see the ground
Even needs a telescope to look upon the town
Baltimore Fire
A part: (parts sung alternately)
I was goin' to the falls by a narrow
When I heard a cry, I ever shall remember
The fire sent and cast it's burning embers
Another fated city of our land
Amid an awful struggle of commotion
The wind blew a gale from the ocean
Brave firemen struggled with devotion
But they after all, proved in vain
B part: (chorus)
Fire, fire, I heard those cries
From every breeze that passes by
All the world was one sad site of pity
Strong men in angry praise
Calling loud to heaven for aid
While the fire in ruin was laying
Fair Baltimore, a beautiful city
Banjo Picking Girl
I'm goin' around this world, baby mine
I'm goin' around this world, baby mine
I'm goin' around this world, I'm a banjo-picking girl
I'm goin' around this world, baby mine
I'm goin' to Arkansas, baby mine (x2)
I'm goin' to Arkansas, gonna see my Ma and Pa...
I'm goin' to Tennessee, baby mine (x2)
I'm goin' to Tennessee, and I hope you’ll foller me...
I'm goin' to Chattanooga, baby mine (x2)
I'm goin' to Chattanooga, and from there its on to Cuba...
I'm goin' to North Carolina, baby mine (x2)
I'm goin' to North Carolina, and from there on to China...
I'm goin' across the ocean, baby mine (x2)
I'm goin' across the ocean, if I get the notion...
If you ain't got no money, baby mine (x2)
If you ain't got no money, get yourself another honey...
Goin' to Yumtown West baby mine, the place I love the best
Goin' to the East side baby mine, there it sure is grease time
Goin' to the West side baby mine, because it is the best side
Goin' to Portland town baby mine, never wanna go more than now
Goin' to Illinois baby mine, to see those pretty boys
Goin' cross the river baby mine, couple more jumps and I'll be with her
Barlow Knife
A part:
I’ve been working (searching) all my life
All I got is a Barlow knife
Buckhorn handle and a Barlow blade
Best dang knife that ever was made
B part: 4444/4451 C part: 1111/1151
A part:
The baby this, and the baby that
The baby killed my old tom cat
Wrap him up in the table cloth
We’ll put him up in the stable loft
Wrap him up in calico
We’ll smack his bottom and let him go
The baby laughed, the baby cried
I stuck my finger in the baby’s eye
B part: (chorus)
What you gonna do with the baby? What you gonna do with the baby-o? (x2)
Been All Around This World
Hang me, oh hang me, and I’ll be dead and gone
Hang me oh hang me, I’ll be dead and gone
It's not the hangin' that I mind, it's layin' in jail so long
I’ve been all around this world
Lulu, oh Lulu, come and open that door
Lulu, oh Lulu, come and open that door
Before I have to open it, with my old forty-four
I’ve been all around this world
Goin' on top the mountain, its where I'll take my stand
Goin' on top the mountain, where I'll take my stand
Pistol in my pocket, six-shooter in my hand
I’ve been all around this world
Mama and Papa, little sister makes three
Mama and Papa, little sister makes three
If your tryin to find me, I’ll be hanging from the gallows tree
I’ve been all around this world
Workin’ on that new railroad, mud up to my knees x2
Workin’ for John Henry, he’s so hard to please
I’ve been all around this world
Used to have a big grey horse, Arrow was his name x2
Caught me makin' moonshine, they told me get off that train
I've been all around this world
Big Eyed Rabbit
A part:
Yonder comes a rabbit, skipping through the sand
Shoot that rabbit, he don’t mind
Fry him in my pan, I’ll fry him in my pan
Yonder comes a rabbit, just hard as he can run
It’s yonder comes another one
I’ll shoot him with my gun, gun, shoot him with my gun
Yonder comes my darlin', its how do you know?
Know her by her pretty blue eyes
Shinin’ bright like gold, shinin' bright like gold
Drivin' down the ol' dirt road, just to get a thrill
If I hit a rabbit, I'll cook him on my grill
Then on to the cider mill, my belly I will fill
Yonder comes a rabbit, hoppin' through the snow
Grab 'em by the ears and throw 'em in the pot
In the fire it will go, fire it will go
B part: (chorus)
Big-eyed rabbit’s gone, gone, the big-eyed rabbit’s gone
Rockin' in a weary land, land, I’m rockin' in a weary land
Big Scioty
A part:
I've got a gal (guy) that I love so well
She goes to heaven and I go to hell
Can't go home again, can't go home again
The river's deep an' the river's wide
Can’t see nothin’ on the other side
Can’t go home again lord, can’t go home again
I've lived on the river all my life
Ain’t known nothin’ but toil an strife
I can't go home again, I can’t go home again
B part: (chorus)
East and West that highway rolls
Lord have mercy on a poor boy's soul
Miss my blue eyed baby-o
Miss my blue eyed baby-o
Black Annie
A part: B part: (same chords)
Ol' black Annie got away (x3)
Down the middle of the bar room door
Ol' black Annie got caught (x3)
Down the middle of the bar room door
Black-Eyed Suzie
A part:
Bob and I we came to town
Met a little girl called Suzie Brown
Her eyes were black and her hair was brown
Prettiest girl in the whole damn town
Fell in love with her that night
Was out with her 'till ‘fore daylight
We held each other so very tight
Said we’d kiss and never fight
One of the things that makes me happy
Is two little boys that call me pappy
One named Sam and the other named Davy
One likes ham and the other likes gravy
Love my wife and love my family
Love my friends, love my mammy
Some got drunk, some got boozy
Not many got drunk like me and Suzie
If your momma knew she'd tan your hide
Your daddy would hunt you dead or alive
B part: (chorus) C part: 1111/1151
Hey, black-eyed Suzie, hey (2x)
Blackest Crow
The time draws near my dearest dear, when you and I must part
But little you know of the grief and woe, of my poor aching heart
It's what I suffer for your sake, you're the one I love so dear
I wish that I was going with you, or you were to stay here
I wish my breast was made of glass, wherein you might behold
For there your name lies wrote my dear, in letters made of gold
Oh there your name lies wrote my dear, believe me when I say
You are the only one for me, until my dying day
The blackest crow that ever flew, would surely turn to white
If ever I prove false to you, bright day would turn to night
Bright day would turn to night my love, the elements would mourn
If ever I prove false to you, the seas would rage and burn
I wish that you and me my love, were on yonder shady rock
And we had neither wealth nor care, and riches was forgot
I'd wish for every day a week, and every week a year
How happy happy would I be, in presence of you dear
And when you're on some distant shore
Think on your absent friend
And when the wind blows high and free
A line to me pray send
And when the wind blows high and free, love, send your thoughts to me
So I may know, by your handwrite, how times, they fare with thee
Boil Them Cabbage Down
Boil them cabbage down, down
Bake them biscuits brown, brown
The only song that I ever did sing
Was boil them cabbage down
Raccoon is a cunning thing
Travels in the dark
Only thing that makes him cringe
Is to hear that rover bark (Arf!)
Raccoons got a bushy tail,
Opossums tail is bare
Rabbits got no tail at all
Just a little bunch of hair
Raccoon in a ‘simmon tree
Possum on the ground
Possum says to raccoon
“Won’t you shake some ‘simmons down?”
Raccoon in a ‘simmon tree
‘Simmons start to fall
Possum says “you son of a gun
I didn’t want ‘em all”
Bowling Green
A part:
I wished I was in Bowlin’ Green, sittin’ in my chair, one arm round my
Pretty little gal(whiskey jug), other round my dear, the other round my dear
B part: (chorus) 4
Goin’ to Bowlin’ Greeeeen, oooh, good ol’ Bowlin' Green
I wish I was a bumble bee, sailin’ through the air, take my feller by my side
Catch em’ if you dare, catch em’ if you dare
If you see that man of mine, tell him once for me (if you please)
If he loves another gal, I will set him free, yes I’ll set him free
Goin’ through this whole (old) wide world, goin’ through alone
Goin’ through this whole wide world, I ain’t got no home, I ain’t got nohome
Breaking up Christmas
A part: 1111/1151
B part: 1
Hoo-ray Jake and Hoo-ray John
Breakin' up Christmas all night long
Way back yonder a long time ago, the old folks danced the do-si-do
Way down yonder alongside the creek, I seen Santy Claus washin' his feet
Santa Claus come, done and gone, breakin' up Christmas right along
Buffalo Gals
A part (chorus):
Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight
Come out tonight, come out tonight
Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight
Dance by the light of the moon
I danced with a gal with a hole in her stockin'
And her heel kept a-rockin' and her toe kept a knockin'
I danced with a gal with a hole in her stockin'
And we danced by the light of the moon
As I was walkin' (down the street x3)
A pretty girl I chanced to meet
Under the silvery moon
I asked her if she'd (stop and talk x3)
Her feet covered the whole sidewalk
She was fair to view
I asked her he she'd stop to dance, have a dance, care to dance
I thought I might get a chance
To shake a foot with her
I asked her if (she'd be my wife x3)
Then I'd be happy all my life
If she'd marry me
B part: (same chords)
Chilly Winds
I'm goin' where them chilly winds don't blow, don't blow
I’m goin’ where the climate suits my clothes
Sing me a song, sing it soft and low
Out where them chilly winds don't blow
If you're feelin' lonely, if you're feelin' low
I love you more than you will ever know
I'm leavin' in the springtime, won't be back ‘til Fall
No, I might not come back at all
See you when your troubles are like mine like mine
See you when you aint got a dime
Mike Seeger and Paul Brown Melody/Lyrics:
Who will rock rock your cradle when I'm gone darlin’ babe
Now, who will rock your cradle when I'm gone
Goin’ where that climate suits my clothes darlin’ babe
Baby my time ain't gone
I'm goin’ where them chilly winds don't blow darlin babe (x2)
Who will stir your gravy when I'm gone darlin’ babe (x2)
A part:
B part:
You be the horse and I’ll be the rider
Down to the stillhouse to get a little cider
Cider, cider, a little more cider, down to the stillhouse to get a little cider
Hickory horse and a white oak saddle, and a pretty little girl ridin’ a’straddle
Sal went down to get a little cider, little white dog run along side her
A part:
You ought to see my Cindy, she lives away down South
And she's so sweet the honey bees, they swarm around her mouth
She hugged me and she kissed me, she called me sugar plum
With apple butter on the shelf, this is where we lay our home
Cindy got religion, she had it once before
But when she heard my old banjo, she's the first one on the floor
Cindy went to the preachin', she swung around and 'round
She got so full of glory, she knocked the preacher down
B part: (chorus)
Get along home, Cindy Cindy, get along home
Get along home, Cindy Cindy, I’ll marry you some day
Cluck ol' Hen
A part: (chorus)
Cluck ol' hen, cluck and sing
Ain't laid an egg since way last Spring
Cluck ol' hen cluck and squall
Ain’t laid an egg since way last Fall
B part: (same chords)
My old hen, she won’t do
She lays eggs and taters too
First time she cackled, she cackled a lot
Next time she cackled, she cackled in a pot
My old hen’s a good old hen
She lays eggs for the railroad men
Sometimes nine sometimes ten
That’s enough for the railroad men
My old hen’s a good old hen
She lays eggs for the railroad men
Sometimes one sometimes two
That’s enough for the whole dang crew
Had a little hen, she had a wooden leg
The best dang hen that ever laid an egg
Laid more eggs than any hen around the barn
Another little drink won't do me no harm
A part:
Everywhere in the world I go, I like sugar in my coffee-o
How in the world did the old folks know, I like sugar in my coffee-o
I've been high, I've been low, I like sugar in my coffee-o
B part: 1111/1151/1114/5551
Cornbread and Butterbeans
Cornbread and butterbeans, and you across the table
5 (like D7 if in G)
Eatin' beans and making love, as long as I am able
Hoein' corn and cotton too, and when the day is over
Ride the mule, cut the fool, and love again all over
Wearing shoes and drinking booze, that goes against the bible
A necktie will make you die, and cause you lots of trouble
Street cars and whiskey bars, and kissing pretty men
Kissin them, that's the end of a terrible beginning
Can't read and don't care, and education's awful
Raising heck and writing checks, it oughtta be unlawful
Panty hose and fancy clothes is just a waste of money
Come with me and stay with me, and you could be my honey
Goodbye, don’t you cry, goin’ to Lousiana
Buy a dog and a big fat hog and marry Sousiana
Ding dong sing a song, I’m on a trip to China
Cornbread and butterbeans, back to Carolina
Cotton Eyed Joe
A part:
Cornstalk fiddle and a shoe string bow
Play a little tune called Cotton Eyed Joe
Bring out your fiddle, rosin your bow
Play a little tune called Cotton Eyed Joe
I fell down and stubbed by toe
Call for the doctor cotton eyed Joe
Papa Murphy’s is where he goes
Brings home the bacon, brings home the dough
Fell off the dumpster, broke his toe
Call for the doctor, everybody go
Where did he come from where did he go?
Where did he come from, nobody knows
Corndog dinner, mustard on his nose
Box of rotten produce, the compost grows
B part: (chorus) (same chords)
Where did ya come from, where did ya go
Where did ya come from, Cotton Eyed Joe
Cripple Creek
A part:
Pull my britches down to my knees
Pull my britches down whenever I please
Old Sal lives up at the head of the creek
Goin' up to see her bout twice a week
She got kisses sweet as wine
Wrap herself around me like a sweet potato vine
Guys down cripple creek, bout half grown
Jump on a tubesteak like a dog on a bone
Guys down cripple creek, layin in the shade
Stealin money from the bossman, quick as a spade
I got a pal, he loves me
He’s as sweet as sweet can be
He’s got tunes, like a dog’s got fur
Taught me all of his fancy words
B part (chorus):
Goin' down cripple creek, goin' on a run
Goin' down cripple creek, have a little fun
Goin' down cripple creek, rain and sand
Goin' down cripple creek, see my man
Cumberland Gap
A part:
4 1
Me and my wife and my wife’s pap, walked all the way to the Cumblin’ Gap
4 1
Cumberland Gap, Cumberland Gap, walked all the way to the Cumblin’ Gap
Way down yonder (big ol' feller) sittin’ on a log
Finger on a trigger and eye on a hog...
Lay down boys, take a little nap, wake up sober in the Cumberland Gap...
Now when I die, don’t bury me at all, just pickle my bones in alkyhol
Lay my hands on top o’ my chest, and tell them pretty gals I’ve gone to rest
Come along girls and come with me, we all go back to Tennessee...
If it ain’t there when I get back, I’ll raise the devil in the Cumberland Gap...
Old aunt Kate, old aunt Sal, old aunt Kate’s got a pretty little gal...
Old aunt Kate, if you don’t care, leave my demijohns sittin’ right there...
B part (if in the key of D): 5511/4411
C part (if in the key of D): 1144/1144/1151
B part (if in cross G or A): 1144/1144/1151
Dance All Night (with a Bottle in
your Hand)
A part: 1144/5511
B part:
Dance all night with a bottle in your hand
A bottle in your hand, a bottle in your hand
Dance all night with a bottle in your hand
Just for a day get the fiddler a dram
C part: 11115555/1111/1551
I left that jawbone sitting on the fence
I ain’t seen nothing of the jawbone since
Walk jawbone, kitty get along
In comes Sally with the big boots on
Who’s been here since I been gone?
Pretty little girl with the red dress on
She took it off, and I put it on
In comes Sally with the big boots on
Dance all night with the fiddler’s gal
Swing around the corner with the other fella’s gal
Swing that calico Sally Ann
We don’t give a dang, we’ll catch it if we can
Darling Nellie Gray
A part:
There's a low green valley on the old Kentucky shore
Where I've whiled many happy hours away
A-sitting and a-singing by the little cottage door
Where lived my darling Nellie Grey
When the moon had climbed the mountain and the stars were shining too
Then I’d take my darling Nellie Grey
And we’d float down the river in my little red canoe
While my banjo sweetly I would play
My canoe is under water and my banjo is unstrung
And I'm tired of living anymore
My eyes shall look downward and my songs shall be unsung
While I stay on the old Kentucky shore
My eyes are getting blinded and I cannot see my way
Hark, there's someone knocking at my door
I hear the angels calling and I see my Nellie Grey
Farewell to the old Kentucky shore
B part (chorus):
Oh my darling Nellie Grey, they have taken you away
And I'll never get to see you any more
I'm a-sitting by the river and I'm weeping all the day
For you've gone from the old Kentucky shore
'De Boatman Dance
A part:
4 5
Hi ho 'de boatman row, floatin' down 'de river on 'de Ohio
4 5
Hi ho 'de boat man row, up an' down on 'de Ohio
B part:
'De boatman dance, 'de boatman sing, 'de boatman do most anything
And when 'de boatman gets to shore, he spends his cash and works for more
'De boatman is a thrifty man, none can do as 'de boatman can
'De oyster boat should keep to de shore, 'de fishin' smack should venture
'De schooner sails before de wind, 'de steamboat leaves a streak behind
I went on board 'de other day, to see what de boatman had to say
An 'dar I let my passion loose, n' 'dey cram me in de ol caboose
I've come dis time, I'll come no more, let me loose, I'll go ashore
For they whole hoss, an' they a bully crew, a hoosier mate an' a captain too
When you go to de boatman's ball, better dance with me or not at all
Got a sky-blue jacket and a cute ol' hat, look out, my boys, for 'de nine tail
cat He steal my sheep, he cotch my shoat, 'den put 'em in bag and tote 'em to
C part: (chorus)
Dance boatman dance, dance boatman dance
Dance all night 'til broad daylight
And go home with 'de kids in 'de mornin'
Don’t Drink Nothin’ but Corn
A part: 1111/1111/1144/5511
B part: 1511/1144/1511/1144/1511
Don't Get Trouble in Your Mind
A part:
These chains are a’breakin’, breakin’ in my heart
Now I’m getting older and growing cold sweetheart
I went to see that girl of mine set my business right
She said you are the meanest boy that ever lived or died
Again I went to see that girl she said she loved me some
And she threw her arms around me like a grapevine ‘round a gun
If you see that gal of mine tell her if you please
Before she goes to make her bread roll up them dirty sleeves
Last time that I seen that girl she was standin’ in the door
With Johnny's arms around her and a baby on the floor
What my Mama told me, surely come to pass
Drinkin’ and a’gamblin’ will be my ruin at last
What my Papa told me, surely will be done
I’ll be in the penitentiary ‘fore I’m twenty-one
B part: (chorus)
Don't get trouble in your mind, don't get trouble in your mind (x2)
Don't You Hear Jerusalem Moan
A part:
Well a Methodist preacher you can tell him where to go
Don't you hear Jerusalem moan
Don't never let a chicken get big enough to crow
Don't you hear Jerusalem moan
Well a hard-shell preacher you can tell him how he do...
Well he chews his own 'bacco and he drinks his own brew...
Well a Baptist preacher you can tell him by his coat...
Have a bottle in his pocket that he can't hardly tote...
Well a Campbellite preacher his soul is saved...
Well he has to be baptised every other day...
Well the holy roller preacher he sure is a sight...
Well he gets 'em all to rollin and he kicks out the light...
The Presbyterian preacher he lives in town...
Well he gives 'em all a kick and goes hobblin' around...
B part: (chorus)
Don't you hear Jerusalem moan
Don't you hear Jerusalem moan
Thank God there's a heaven and a ringin' in my soul and my soul's got free
Don't you hear Jerusalem moan
Dona Got a Ramblin' Mind
Dona got a ramblin' mind (x3)
Dona gone down the line
Dona gone jump the fence
A part:
Fare you well, my Doney, fare you well I say
Fare you well my Doney, come another day
Lips just like a cherry, Cheeks just like a rose
How I love my Doney, God almighty knows
You may ride the grey mare, I will ride the Roan
If you see my Doney, tell her I’m sitting at home
Wish I had a band box, put my Doney in
Take her out and kiss her, put her back again
Preacher in the pulpit, bible in his hand
Said he wouldn’t preach no more, till he got another dram
Make me a sandwich doney, with mustard and boloney
Make me a sandwich Maggie, make it nice and big
Make me a sandwich Maggie, with mayo and smoked pig
B part: 1111/1144/ 1111/1151
Down To Tampa
My mama she told me when I was nine years old
You gotta be a hustla' gosh darn your hard luck soul
I got my ticket, and I tell ya what I think I'll do
I'm goin' down to Tampa, settle down
Now conductor, conductor please won't you let me ride your blinds
You got to have a ticket, don't you know this train ain't mine
I got my ticket, and I tell ya what I think I'll do
I'm goin' down to Tampa, settle down
My mama she told me and my papa he told me too,
Don't you let no west virginia boys make make a gosh-darn fool outta you
I got my ticket, and I tell ya what I think I'll do
I'm goin' down to Tampa, settle down
I'm goin' I'm goin,' and your cryin' won't make me stay
Yes the more you trouble, the more it drives me away
I got my ticket, and I tell ya what I think I'll do
I'm goin' down to Tampa, settle down
B part: (chorus)
Settle down, settle down, settle down
Settle down, settle down, settle down
I got my ticket, and I tell ya what I think I'll do
I'm goin' down to Tampa, settle down
Drunken Hiccups / Rye Whiskey
(all other parts are all 1)
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry
If I don't get rye whiskey I surely will die
Jack of diamonds, jack of diamonds, I know you of old
You've robbed my poor pockets, of silver and gold
Whiskey, you villain, you've been my downfall
You've kicked me, you've cuffed me, but I love you for all
They say I drink whiskey, my money is my own
And them that don't like me can leave me alone
I'll eat when I'm hungry, I'll drink when I'm dry
And when I get thirsty I'll lay down and cry
It's beefsteak when I'm hungry and whiskey when I'm dry
Greenbacks when I'm hard up and heaven when I die
Baby, oh baby, I've told you before
You make me a pallet, I'll lay on the floor
If the ocean was whiskey and I was a duck
I would dive to the bottom and never come up
But the ocean ain't whiskey, and I ain't no duck
So I'll play the Jack of diamonds and trust to my luck
Ducks on the Millpond
A part: B part: (same chords) 1111/1151
All I want in Grizzle creation, is a pan to sizzle, and a long vacation
Ducks on the millpond, geese in the ocean, all'empretty boys, just in a notion
Rain come wet me, sun come dry me, stand back gov't, ain't gonna fight me
Ducks on the millpond, geese in the clover, tell 'em pretty gals to come on
Eighth of January
A part:
In 1814 we took a little trip
Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty mississip
Took a little bacon and we took a little beans
And we fought the bloody british down the town of New Orleans
-We looked up the river and we see the british come
There must ave been a hundred of them beatin on the drums
They stepped so high and the made their bugles ring
We stood by our cotton bales and didn’t say a thing
-Old Hickory said we could take them by surprise
If we didn’t fire our canons till we looked them in the eyes
So we held our fire till we could see their faces well
Opened up our squirrel guns and really gave em….well…
-We fired our canons till the barrels melted down
So we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round
We filled his head with canon balls and powdered his behind
And when we touch the powder off the gator lost his mind
-Yah they ran through the Brambles and they ran through the briars
And they ran ran through the bushes where a rabbit wouldn’t go
They ran so fast that the hounds couldn’t catchem
Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
B part: (chorus)
Fired our guns and the British kept a comin’
But there wasn’t as many as there was a while ago
Fired once more and they began a runnin'
Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
Fall On My Knees
I looked up, I looked down, that long lonesome road
Its hang down your little head and cry pretty one
Hang down your little head and cry
I fall on my knees and I pray to you please
To come stand around with me, (2 syllable adjective) one
Stand around with me
Well I wish to the Lord that I'd never been born
Or died when I was young, pretty one
Or died when I was young
Then I never should have kissed your red rosy lips
Or heard your lying tongue pretty one
Or heard your lying tongue
You've told me more lies than the stars in the sky
And you'll never get to heaven when you die pretty one
Never get to heaven when you die
Well my suitcase is packed and I'm never comin' back
Goodbye little lover I'm gone, I'm gone
Goodbye little lover I'm gone
There’s more than one, Lord there’s more than two
No other little lover like you, pretty one
No other little lover like you
Call up my sheep, feed my little lamb
Its goodbye, little darlin', I'm gone, I am (x2)
Fire on the Mountain
A part:
Fire on the mountain, run boys run, fire on the mountain, run boys run
Fire on the mountain, run boys run, Sal let me chaw on your rosin some
Fire on the mountain, run boys run, fire on the mountain ‘til the day is done
Old Uncle Cyrus fished all night, never caught a fish on a crawfish bite
Old Mother Taylor she drinks whiskey, old Mother Taylor she drinks wine,
Old Mother Taylor she got drunk, swung across the river on a pumpkin vine
Fire on the mountain, fire on the hillside, fire on the mountain, run girls run
B part: 1144/4444/1144/4444/1151
A part:
Once I had a fortune, all locked up in my trunk
I lost it all a gambling (in a poker game), one night when I got drunk
Wish I had a pretty little horse, corn to feed him on
And a pretty little boy to stay at home and feed him when I’m gone
B part: (same chords)
Georgia Railroad
A part:
Peter and I we went a-fishin'
Georgia railroad I am bound
Caught a big mudcat, threw ‘em in the kitchen
Georgia railroad, Georgia bound
Walked down the road ‘til it got right muddy
Georgia railroad I am bound
But I'm so drunk I can't stand steady
Georgia railroad, Georgia gal
I got drunk and fell in a gully
Georgia railroad I am bound
I got drunk but I never got muddy
Georgia railroad, Georgia gal
I led sheep up to the pasture,
Georgia railroad I am bound
But my gal said: "Sheep can't you go a little faster"
Georgia railroad, Georgia gal
Sheep said: "Cow, I have a sore toe"
Georgia railroad I am bound
Cow said: "Sheep, I did not know"
Georgia railroad, Georgia gal
B part: (same chords)
God Gave Noah the Rainbow Sign
God gave Noah the rainbow sign, don't you see
God gave Noah the rainbow sign, don't you see
God gave Noah the rainbow sign
No more fire in the water next time
Hide me, oh rock of ages cleft for me
East and West the fire will roll, hide thou me... (x2)
East and West the fire will roll
Lord have mercy on my poor soul
Hide me, oh Rock of Ages cleft for me
Poor old Noah planted him a vine, don't you see... (x2)
Poor old Noah planted him a vine
Then commenced to make a little wine
Hide me, oh Rock of Ages cleft for me
Poor old Noah drank a little wine, don't you see... (x2)
Poor old Noah drank a little wine
He got higher than a Georgia pine
Hide me, oh Rock of Ages cleft for me
Poor old Lazarus, poor as I, dont you see... (x2)
Poor old Lazarus, poor as I
When he died he had a home on high
Oh there's honey in that rock, don't you see... (x2)
Oh there's honey in that rock, way up high on the mountain top
Joseph weeped, Mary moaned, Jesus got choked on a chicken bone...
Goin’ Across the Sea
Won’t you come and go
Come and go with me
Fly to me my pretty little Miss
I’m going across the sea
I’m going across the sea
Stay forever more
Left my little darlin’
Standin’ in the door
Wind is howling low
Wind is howling high
Go with me my pretty little love
‘Til the day I die
Can’t you change a nickel
Can’t you change a dime
Wouldn’t you give one dollar bill
To call your name as mine
Donie, Donie, Donie
What makes your face so red?
Working out in the crops, son
With a fever in my head
Pull down my fiddle
Rosin up my bow
Play a song for heartache, y’all
‘Cause trouble’s all I’ve known
Goin’ Down That Road Feelin’ Bad
Goin’ down that road feelin’ bad
Goin’ down that road feelin’ bad
Goin’ down that road feelin’ bad
And I ain’t gonna’ be treated this way
They feed me on Velveeta Cheese
And I wish I had cornbread and beans
I’m down in that jail on my knees
They fed me on cornbread and beans
Back up that train and go home
Goin where them chilly winds don't blow
Those two dolla' shoes hurt my feet
Takes a ten dolla' shoe to fit my feet
I’m goin’ where the chilly winds don’t blow
I’m goin’ where the weather suits my clothes
I'm goin’ where the water tastes like wine
I'm goin’ where the grizzle tastes like swine (where there's biscuits all the
I’m gonna ride my bike all the way , I’m gonna ride to Portland today
I’m gonna turn this hard tac into pie , I’m gonna do it with Harry Potter style
Goodbye Liza Jane
A part: (chorus)
Oh how I love her, ain’t that a shame
5 1
Oh how I love her, good-bye Liza Jane
B part: *( ) = bonus chords
Miss Liza wears a dress of green, good-bye, good-bye
5 1
She wears it when she’s feeling mean (clean), good-bye Liza Jane
Miss Liza wears a dress of purple, good-bye, good-bye
She wears it when she walks her turtle, good-bye Liza Jane
Miss Liza wears a dress of maroon, good-bye, good-bye
She wears it when she goes goes up in a balloon, good-bye Liza Jane
Miss Liza wears a dress of rye, good-bye, good-bye
She wears it when she’s asking “Why?” good-bye Liza Jane
Miss Liza wears a dress of mint, good-bye, good-bye
She wears it when she wants a tint, good-bye Liza Jane
Miss Liza wears a dress of red, good-bye, good-bye
She wears it when she bumps her head (goes to bed), good-bye Liza Jane
Miss Liza wears a dress of blue, good-bye, good-bye
She wears it she ties her shoe, good-bye Liza Jane
Miss Liza wears a dress of white, good-bye, good-bye
She wears it when she says good night, good-bye Liza Jane
Miss Liza wears a dress of orange, good-bye, good-bye
She wears it when she’s stirring porridge (up in storage), good-bye Liza Jane
Miss Liza wears a dress of pink, good-bye, good-bye
She wears it when she tries to think (takes a drink), good-bye Liza Jane
Got No Silver, No Gold Blues
Lord I got no silver, lord I got no gold
Almost naked and it done turned cold
I laid my head upon that railroad track
Thought of my Doney and I pulled it back
Oh that old graveyard, that terrible old place
Lay you on your back and throw dirt in your face
Oh that a way a'bullyin', no it won't do
See what bullyin has brought you to
If you don't believe that'a bully is dead
Look what a hole in the bully's head
One in his head and two in his thigh
How is that way that the bully died
My name is (_____) and I'm from Tennesee
If you don't like my peaches don't shake my tree
You eat the beefsteak and I eat the liver
Come eat the gizzard over the by the long river
Goin' Up To Hamburg
A part:
B part:
C part: (Tag)
Goin' up to Hamburg to see my little lady, goin' up to Hamburg, yes I am
Greasy Coat
A part:
I don’t drink and I don’t smoke, I don’t wear no greasy coat
I don’t spit and I don’t chew, I don’t smooch with the ones that do
I don’t burp and I don’t fart, I don’t fool with froofy art
I don’t cheat and I don’t lie, all you sinners are gonna die
I don’t stink and I don’t smell, all you punks can go to hell
Tell the preacher tell the pope, I don’t wear no greasy coat
B part: 1177/1111/{1177}/17[51]
{Some folks say we don’t have fun}, [but we do]
Greasy String
A part: 1111/1155/1111/4151
B part:
Run little feet, stop and sing
Mash a little harder on the greasy string
Jaybird whistle and the cat-bird sing
Mash a little harder on the greasy string
Jaybird whistle and the cat-bird meow
Mash a little harder on the greasy cow
My old lady’s mad at me
Because I won’t drink ginger tea
Well she is good and she is bad, she gives me the devil when she gets mad
Greenback Dollar
I don't want your greenback dollar I don't want your watch and chain
All I want is your heart darlin' won't you take me back again
Once I had a darlin' sweetheart
And she thought the world of me
'Til another love persuaded
Now she cares no more for me
Many a night we strolled together
Down beside the deep blue sea
If you ever love another
In my grave I'd rather be
Mama said we could not marry
Papa said you'll never do
If you ever learn to love me
I will run away with you
Grizzle Grazzle Instructional
This is the Grizzle Grazzle Instructional Hoedown
Take your skillet, pass it round
If you don’t share your grizzle
You gonna spend your life down where it sizzles
First you take your taters and you wash ‘em
Wash 'em, wash 'em good
Then you take your taters and you chop 'em
Chop 'em, chop 'em right
Take your onions and you peel 'em...Take your onions and you dice 'em...
You take your pan and you heat it
Heat it, heat it good
You take your cider and you drink it
Drink it all night long
You take your oil and you dump it
Dump it, dump it good
Then you take your salt and you sprinkle
Sprinkle, sprinkle right
Then you take your grizzle and you eat it
Eat it all night long
Then you take your grizzle and you share it, share it with all your friends
Shoulder up your gun and whistle up your dog
Shoulder up your gun and whistle up your dog
We're off to the woods to catch a ground hog
Oh groundhog (yimacomayankatumayay)
Whistle up my dog and shoulder up my gun (x2)
Going to the mountains to have a little fun
I run him in a rock, I run him off the cliff (x2)
Great big ground hog, bigger'n I can lift
I run him in the rock, I run him in log (x2)
Good god almighty what big groundhog
I pulled out my knife and skinned one side (x2)
Good god almighty what a ground hog hide
Yonder comes grandad poppin' his cane (x2)
Swearin' he'll eat that groundhog brain
Yonder comes Sal with a snicker and a grin (x2)
Groundhog gravy all over her chin
Birthday Song for Carolyn Arnold variation:
If her lip puckers out, quick get her some soup, (x2)
Make it with food that you get from the coop, oh Schmarmy boop
Loudest cackle and her big red hair (x2)
Garlic and kale flyin' everywhere, oh Schmarmy bear
Plays on her fiddle and strums on her 'jo (x2)
She’s the kinda gal you’d want to know, oh Schmarmy bow
Sparkely gloves and dancers thighs (x2)
When she gets hungry you can see it in her eyes, oh Schmarmy pie
Rides around town on her little blue bike (x2)
All the noises she makes I wish I had a mic, oh Schmarmy bike
Hand Me Down My Walking Cane
Hand me down my walkin’ cane
Hand me down my walkin’ cane
Hand me down my walkin’ cane
Gonna leave on the midnight train
Take me away, take me away, take me away
Hand me down my quart of corn, I'll get drunk as sure's you're born
I got drunk and I landed in jail, and there wasn't no one to go my bail
The meat is tough, and the beans are bad, oh, my God, I can't eat that
If I had listened to what you said, I'd be at home in my feather bed
If I should die in Tennessee, just send my bones home C.O.D.
But if I die in New York State, just ship my body back by freight
If I die in Arkansas, send my bones to my mother-in-law
Here comes Sal from the far field, kickin up dust like an automobile
Oh, hell is deep, and hell is wide, ain't got no bottom, ain't got no side
Now some folks say, it ain't no fun, when a song like this goes on and on
Handsome Molly
Well I wish was in London, or some other seaport town
Step my foot in a steamboat, and sail the ocean round
Sailin' round the ocean, sailin' round the sea
I'd think of handsome Molly, wherever she may be
I saw her at church last Sunday, she passed me on by
I knew her mind was changing, by the roving of her eye
Her hair as black as a Raven's, her eyes were black as coal
Her teeth shown like lilies, out in the morning cold
Now do you remember Molly, when you give me your right hand
Said if you ever married, I'd be your man
Now you've broke your promise, go marry whom you please
My heart is broken, 'til I get some ease
A part:
Well I plant my corn all in one row
Feed it all to the horny ewe
Well the horny ewe is a very fine sheep
And the rest of the flock is hard to beat
B part: 4455/1151
Hound Dog Song
A part:
Old Lem Briggs and Old Bill Brown
Took a load of corn to town
Ol' Jim dog the ornery pup
He just naturally followed us up
As we drive past the country store
A passel of yaps come through the door
Jim he scooted behind a box
Showered him with sticks and rocks
They tied a tin can to his tail
And run him past the county jail
That just naturally makes me sore
Bill he cussed and Lem he swore
B part: (chorus)
Every time I come to town
The boys go kickin' my dog around
It makes no difference if he's a hound
You gotta quit kickin' my dog around
Ida Red
A part:
5 1
Ida Red, Ida Blue, I got stuck on Ida too
Ida Red, Ida Green, prettiest gal I've ever seen
Ida Red she came to town, leading a billy goat trailin' a hound
Ida Red, she ain't no fool she can ride astraddle on a humpback mule
Up the road down the road all my people live down the road
Up the creek down the creek see old Santa Claus washin' his feet
She's been to Italy, been to Spain, Shakes in the sunshine shakes in the rain
Went to a dance with Ida Red, shimmy wiggle shake it, and the papa fell
Shakes to the left, she shakes to the right, shakes all day and most of the
She went to the dance with a guy named Stout, told myself she's gonna wear
it out
All the soldiers, and the sailors, and the farmers too, always shakin' and she
never gets blue
B part: 1111/1151
Jimmy Sutton
A part:
Sheep, sheep, sheep, and mutton
If you can’t dance that, you can't dance nothin’
…And a baa! Baa! old Jimmy Sutton
We'll kill us a sheep and eat the mutton
And save the tail for old Jimmy Sutton
And a baa! Baa! old Jimmy Sutton
Well, the cow fell down and skinned her shin
Good God-a-mighty, how the billy-goat grinned…
I can’t stand meal, I can’t stand mutton
I sure don’t care for that old Jimmy Sutton…
(You can’t sing that, you can’t sing nothin’)…
I took my gun and I went a-hunting
“Bang!” went the gun, and down went the mutton...
Cow and the sheep walking through the pasture
“Cow,” says the sheep, “Can’t you walk a little faster?”...
I like Sal, she likes chicken
I'll keep Sal, all the time pickin'...
Sheep got up, goat rolled over
Goat got up with a mouth full of clover...
B part: 5555/5511
John Brown’s Dream
All 3 parts 1111/1151
B part:
John Brown dreamed, John Brown dreamed that the devil was dead (x2)
Soon be time, soon be time to cook and eat again (x2)
Who’s been here, who’s been here while I been gone (x2)
Pretty little gal, pretty little gal with the red dress on (x2)
C part:
Come on Lula, come on Lula, come on Lula with the hog and the bread (x2)
Boatin’ up Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, boatin' up Cindy how do you do (x2)
I’m gonna marry, I’m gonna marry, I’m gonna marry that pretty little girl
John Hardy
John Hardy he was a desperate little man
He carried two guns ev'ry day
Killed him a man in the West Virginia
Oughta seen poor Johnny gettin' away, oughta seen poor Johnny gettin' away
John Hardy was standin' at the barroom door, didn't have a hand in the game
Up stepped his wombat, threw down fifty cents
Said, "Deal my wombat in the game''(x2)
John Hardy he had ten miles to go, and half of that he run
He run till he come to the broad river bank
He fell to his breast and he swum (x2)
He swum till he came to his mother's house, "My boy, what have you done?"
''I killed me a man in that West Virginia Land
Now I know that I have to be hung''(x2)
John Hardy was lyin' on the broad river bank, as drunk as a man could be
Up step the police n' took him by the hand
"Johnny boy, come and go with me''(x2)
John Hardy, he stood inside his cell, tears running down his eyes
Said "I've seen the death of many a poor boy
And now I'm ready to die''(x2)
I been to the East and I been to the West, I been this whole world 'round
I been to the river and I been baptized, now I'm on my hanging ground (x2)
John Henry
A part:
When John Henry was a little baby, a sitting on his papa's knee
He picked up a hammer and a little piece of steel
Said, hammer's gonna be the death of me, Lord, Lord
Hammer's gonna be the death of me
Well, the captain said to John Henry, gonna bring me a steam drill 'round
Gonna bring me a steam drill out on the job, gonna whup that steel on down
John Henry said to his captain, a man ain't nothin' but a man
And 'fore I let that steam drill beat me down, I'll die with a hammer in my
John Henry said to his shaker, Shaker, why don't you sing?
I'm a throwin' nine pounds from my hips on down, listen to that cold steel
John Henry was driving on the mtn. and his hammer was flashing fire
And the last words I heard that poor boy say, cool drink of water fore I die
John Henry, he drove fifteen feet, the steam drill only made nine
He hammered so hard he broke his po' heart, laid down his hammer and he
John Henry had a pretty woman, her name was Polly Ann
John Henry took sick 'n went to bed, Polly Ann drove steel like a man
John Henry had a little baby, you could hold 'em in the palm of your hand
The last words I heard that poor boy say, my daddy was a steel drivin' man
Every Monday mornin' when the bluebird begins to sing
You can hear John Henry a mile or more you can hear that hammer ring
They took John Henry to the graveyard, and they buried him in the sand
And every locomotive comes a roaring by says, there lies a steel driving man
Johnson Boys
A part:
Have you heard of many a story
Told by young and old with joy
About the many deeds of daring
That was done by the Johnson boys
That was done by the Johnson boys
They were lads of skill and courage
And their sight was very far
And they joined the country's service
In that awful civil war
The Johnson boys were boys of honor
They knew how to court the maids
They knew how to hug and kiss them
Hop up pretty girls don't be afraid
They were scouts for the rebel army
And were known far and wide
When the Yankees saw them coming
They threw down their guns and hide
B part:
Hop up pretty girls don't be afraid
Hop up pretty girls don't be afraid (x2)
June Apple
A part:
I wish I was a June apple, hanging on that tree
Every time my true love passed, she’d take a little bite of me
Going 'cross the mountain
I'm going in the spring
And when I get to the other side
I'll hear my true love sing
Don't you hear that banjo sing
I wish that gal was mine
Can't you hear that fiddle sing
I wish that gal was mine
Goin' down to the river to feed my sheep
Goin' down to the river Charlie
Goin' down to the river to feed my sheep
Feed them on Barley
Charlie he’s a nice young man
Charlie he’s a dandy
Charlie he’s a nice young man
He feeds the children candy
I wish I had some sticks and poles
To build my chimney higher
Every time it rains or snows
It puts out all my fire
B part: 1111/7744/1111/1151
Keep My Skillet Good n' Greasy
Gonna get me sack of flour, bake me hoecakes every hour
Keep my skillet good 'n greasy all the time, time, time
Keep my skillet good 'n greasy all the time
Cornbread 'n beans and them good ol' collard greens
Keep my skillet good 'n greasy all the time, time, time...
Gonna Make me some corn puddin, now don’t you say I wouldn’t
Keep that cast iron handy all the time, time, time...
Gonna get a jug of brandy, keep me good an fine an dandy
Keep me good 'n drunk 'n boozy all the time, time, time...
Well honey if you say so, I won't never work no more
I'll just lay around your shanty all the time, time, time...
Got some chickens in my sack, got the bloodhounds on my track
Keep my skillet good 'n greasy all the time, time, time...
If they beat me to the door, I'll hide 'em in the floor
Keep my skillet good 'n greasy all the time, time, time...
Well the gun it went blip, and the bullet it went zip
Keep my skillet good 'n greasy all the time, time, time...
Walkin' down the street, and I stole a ham of meat
Keep my skillet good 'n greasy all the time, time, time...
Kitty Clyde
A part: (chorus)
Say do you love me, Kitty Clyde, Kitty Clyde
Say do you love me Kitty Clyde
Say do you love me, my sweet little girl
Oh say do you love me Kitty Clyde
B part: (same chords and melody)
Oh I wish I was a little bee, a honey bee
I'd never gather honey from a flower
I would steal just one kiss from my sweet Kitty's lips
And build a hive on her brow
Oh I wish I was a fish, a little fish
I'd never bite the hook nor the line
I would swim, I would swim to the middle of the sea
And leave all them big fish behind
Oh I wish I was a little dove, a turtledove
I would fly far over the sea
I would fly, I would fly, but I never would return
'Til my sweetheart sent for me
Lazy John
A part:
Work all week in the noon day sun
Fifteen cents when Saturday come
Goin' to the dance to have some fun
Why don’t you get along Lazy John
B part: (chorus)
Lazy John, Lazy John
Why don’t you get your days work all done
You're in the shade, I’m in the sun
Why don’t you get along Lazy John
Every night when I get home
Beans in the pot an the old jaw bone
Here today, tomorrow he’s gone
Why don’t you get along Lazy John
I got a landlord, lives down the road
His teeth is crooked and his legs are bowed
He better hope I ain’t got a gun
Why don’t you get along Lazy John
Goin' to the dance on Saturday night
We’re gonna dance 'til morning light
Go to work at the break of dawn
Why don’t you get away Lazy John
Let Me Fall
If I get drunk, if I get drunk
Just let me fall, little darlin', on the ground
Oh me, oh my
Let me fall, let me fall, let me fall
Weap and moan, weap and moan
Carry me home little darlin', take me home
On the ground, on the ground
Just let me fall, little darlin', on the ground
Lay me down, lay me down
Just lay me down little darling on the ground
Old hard road, old hard road
Kill me dead, kill me dead, kill me dead
Tie my shoes, tie my shoes
If I get drunk, little darlin; tie my shoes
Let me fall, on my knees
Let me fall little darlin' on my knees
Little Maggie
Oh it’s yonder stands little Maggie, got a dram glass in her hand
She's drinkin' to drown her troubles, and courting some other man
Oh, how can I ever stand it, to see them two blue eyes
Shining like some diamonds, pretty diamonds in the sky
Come and go with me to the depot, got a suitcase in my hand
Lord, I’m going away and leave you, you can hunt you another man
(I’m going to some far distant land)
Oh the last time I saw little Maggie, she was sitting on the banks of the sea
Had the whiskey bottles all stacked around her, and a banjo on her knee
Pretty flowers they’re made for blooming, pretty stars they’re made to shine
Pretty women they’re made for loving, and little Maggie she’s made for
Oh, I’d rather be off in some dark hollow, where the sun don’t never shine
Than to think that you love some other, won’t be no little darling of mine
Go away, go away little Maggie, go and leave me as fast as you can
Gonna hunt me another woman, like you got you another man
Little Rabbit Ware’s Your Mammy
A part: 1111/1155/1111/1151 B part: 1144/1155/1144/1151
Little rabbit where’s your mammy (x3) gone to Alabamy
Little rabbit where’s your mammy-o (x3) dead and gone to glory-o
Liza Jane
A part: 1111/1144/1111/1151
B part:
Oh Liza, oh Liza Jane
Oh Liza, ridin' on that train (or she got on that train)
Wish I had a needle and thread, fine as I could sew
Sew that pretty one to my side, down the road we’d go
Hardest thing I ever did, was workin' on the train
Easiest thing I ever did, was kiss on Liza Jane
Hell and damn that, hell and damn that train
Hell and damn that train that killed ol' Liza Jane
Liza Jane (Modalish)
A part:
Asked that girl to marry me and this is what she said
Said she would not marry me if everyone else was dead
Easiest job I ever had was breaking on the train
Hardest job I ever had was lovin’ Liza Jane
Goin’ to the mountain to raise a patch of cane
Bring a barrel of sorghum to sweeten up Liza Jane
When I went to see her she wrung her hands and cried
Said I was the ugliest thing that ever lived or died
Whiskey by the barrel and sugar by the pound
Great big bowl to put ‘em in and a spoon to stir ‘em round
You can climb the cherry and I will climb the rose
How I love that pretty little gal god almighty knows
B part: (chorus) 1155/1511 na na na na na na na
Liza Jane (Little)
A part:
I got a gal in Arkansas... little Liza Jane
She's got a thing for the apple sauce... little Liza Jane
B part: (chorus and same chords)
Oh sweet Liza, little Liza Jane
Oh sweet Liza, little Liza Jane (or ridin' on the train)
I'm gonna marry her if I can...
She loves me 'cause I'm a union man...
Heard a speach from the President...
Wants to put me in a regiment...
I went to the draft and I stood in line...
Now I'm number 309...
They said in Congress yesterday...
'Take the right to strike away'...
They say the labor camps are fine...
To make the young folks toe the line...
I can't marry you today...
I can't afford it on my pay...
Cut the pay and raise the rents...
Its all for national defense...
Better make the government change its plan...
I aim to be a married man...
Mole in the Ground
I wish I was a mole in the ground, I wish I was a mole in the ground
If I's a mole in the ground, I'd root that mountain down
I wish I was a mole in the ground
I wish I was a lizard in the spring (x2)
If I's a lizard in the spring, I could hear my true love sing...
I don't like no railroad man (x2)
'Cause a railroad man will kill you if he can
And drink up your blood like wine
Tempie wants a nine dollar shawl (x2)
When I come around the hill with my forty dollar bill
She says baby where you been so long
Baby where you been so long (x2)
I been around the bend with the rough and rowdy men
And now I am off to go again
Baby let your hair hang down (x2)
Let your bangs roll down, let them roll upon the ground...
If I was a salmon in the stream (x2)
If I's a salmon in the stream, you could barely hear me scream...
I wish I was ants in your pants (x2)
If I's ants in your pants, I could surely make you dance...
Molly Put the Kettle On
A-B-C part: 1155/1151
Molly put the kettle on, Jenny ring the dinner horn
Molly put the kettle on and we’ll all have tea
Swing Sal, swing Sue, swing that gal with the run down shoe
Swing Ma, swing Pa, swing that gal from Arkansas
Swing Cal, swing Sus, swing T-Claw with the run down shoe
Take her to the back and promenade all
Pull that calico from the wall
My Horses Ain't Hungry
My horses ain't hungry, they won't eat your hay
So fare thee well Polly, I'm goin’ on my way
Your parents don't like me, they say I'm too poor
They say I'm unworthy to enter your door
Go saddle me my pony my pretty little babe
I'll ride out tomorrow but I'm coming back someday
Oh yes I’ll go with you before I am told
It’s your love that I wanted no silver, nor gold
It's true I've no silver, It's true I've no gold
It's true that I love you and now you've been told
New River Train
A part:
Darlin' you can't love one, darlin' you can't love one
You can't love one and have any fun, oh darlin' you can't love one
Darlin' you can't love two (x2)
You can't love two and your little heart be true, oh darlin you can't love two
Darlin' you can't love three (x2)
You can't love three and still love me, oh darlin you can't love three
Darlin' you can't love four (x2)
You can't love four and love me anymore, oh darlin you can't love four
B part: (chorus, same chords and melody)
I'm ridin' on that new river train, ridin' on the new river train
That same old train that brought me here, gonna carry me away again
Old Dan Tucker
Well I come to town the other night
I heard the noise and saw the fight
The watchman he was running around
Yelling «Old Dan Tucker has come to town»
Get out the way, old Dan Tucker, you’re too late to get your supper
Get out the way, old Dan Tucker, you’re too late to get your supper
Now old Dan Tucker is come to town, riding a billy goat leading a hound
Hound dog bark and billy goat jump, landed Dan Tucker on top of the stump
Now old Dan Tucker is come to town, winging the ladies 'round and 'round
First to the right and then to the left, then to the girl that he loves best
Now old Dan Tucker he got drunk, fell in the fire and kicked up a chunk
Red hot coal got in his shoe, and oh my lawd how the ashes flew
Old Joe
A part:
Old Joe, Old Joe looks just like me
B part: 1111/5555/1111/5551
Old Joe Clark
A part:
I went round to Old Joe’s house, sat down at his table
Ate so much that hog-eyed meat, the grease ran out my navel
I went down to Old Joe's house, found him sick in bed
Put my fingers down his throat, and pulled out a chicken head
Old Joe Clark he got sick, what do you reckon ailed him
Drunk six quarts of possum soup, then his stomach failed him
Old Joe Clark had a yellow cat, wouldnt sing nor pray
Stuck her head in buttermilk jar, washed her sins away
Old Joe Clark had a house, fifteen stories high
Every story in that house, filled with chicken pie
Wouldn't marry an American, tell you the reason why
Blows his nose in old cornbread, calls it pumpkin pie
Old Joe Clark had a cow, she was muley born
Took a jaybird a week and a half to fly from horn to horn
B part: (chorus)
Fare ye well, Old Joe Clark, goodbye Betty Brown (fare ye well, I say)
Fare ye well, Old Joe Clark, bound to leave this town (I'm goin' another day)
Old Napper
A part:
Napper comes to my house
I thought he come to see me
Then I come to find out
He coaxed my wife to leave me
B part:
Poor Old Napper, Poor Old Napper, couldn’t get away (x2)
He goes to his cabin, he said he loved her more
My rifle shot came flyin’, laid him on the floor
Napper he had money land, and later so he said
But, If he’d of stayed at home last night, I wouldn’t of kilt’ him dead
Ol’ Yellar Dog Come Trottin’
Through the Meetin’ House
A part:
Ol’ yellar dog come trottin’ through the meetin’ house,
Trottin’ through the meetin’ house, trottin' through the meetin' house,
Ol’ yellar dog come trottin’ through the meetin’ house, down in Alabam’
B part:
4 1
6 1
4 1
Brave girls here, brave girls here, brave girls here, way down in Alabam’
Ol' Man Can Yr Dog Cacha Rabbit
Old man can your dog catch a rabbit, take 'em n' try'em, take 'em n' try'em
Old man can your pony carry double...
Old man does your daughter wanna marry, I don't know, I don't know
Make my home where the sun is always shinnin', it's never grey, it never
Paddy Won't You Drink Some g.o.c
A part: 1
You be the horse and I'll be the rider
Going to Paddy Watson's to get some cider
B part:
Paddy won't you drink some, Paddy won't you drink some
Paddy won't you drink some good ol' cider
Had a little cider last night, a little night before sir
Going out tomorrow night to get a little more sir
Paddy won't you drink some, Paddy won't you drink some
Paddy won't you drink some good ol' cider
Pretty Little Widow
A part:
Oh my my, pretty little widder, if I was a young boy, I’d go and get her
She don't like me 'cuz I'm rough n' rowdy, everytime I see her, hardly tells me,
When I go away I'll write no letter, but I'll come back when I feel a little better
B part: 1177/1151
Police come didn’t wanna go this mornin'
Police come didn’t wanna go this mornin'
Police come didn’t wanna go, shot 'em in the head with my 44' this mornin'
Police come to my back door, keep your finger on the trigger and your eye on the hog
Roll your dice have a little fun this mornin', run like the devil when the police come
'Larm bell rang didn’t wanna go this mornin', told my boss to sweep the floor
Taxman come wanted him some, but I wanted it all and I didn’t have none
Bullfrog jumped from bank to bank, skinned him on his belly from head to shank
I got drunk and fell on the floor, good corn likker and I want some more
Preacherman come called me his son, told that preacherman he better run
Two little kids layin in bed this mornin, one rolled over to the other and said
I got something aint gonna tell, don’t wanna go to heaven so im goin to hell
Raleigh and Spencer
Raleigh and Spencer alone in this town (are Burnin' Down)
There ain't no more liquor in this town (x2)
I’ll pawn you my shoes for a bottle of booze
Drink it and lay right down and die
I can eat more chicken than anyone can fry, I can tell more low down lies
I can tell more lies than the stars in the skies, never get to heaven when I die
Eat more beans than you can cook in a week
I’ll eat em and lay right down and die
Trade you my life for a big piece of pie , I’ll eat it and lay right down and die
You can stomp on the flowers that grow roun my grave
Watch them bloom and rise again
Watcha gonna do when your money's all gone
Hang down your weary head and cry
Red Rocking Chair
I ain't got no use, I ain't got no use
For that red rocking chair (apple juice)
I ain't got no sugar baby now
I ain't got no honey baby now
Who'll rock the cradle (x2) and who'll sing this song
Who'll be your honey when I'm gone (x2)
I'll rock the cradle (x2) and I'll sing this song
I'll rock the cradle when you're gone (x2)
Laid her in the shade (x2) gave her every dime I made
What more could a poor boy do (x2)
It’s all I can do (x2) and it’s all I can say
I'll sing it to your mama next payday (x2)
Some old rounder come along (x2) took my sugar babe and gone
And I ain't got no sugar baby now
And I ain't got no honey baby now
It's who'll call me honey (x2) and who will sing that song
Who will rock the cradle when you're gone (x2)
Reuben’s Train
I'm a-riding on this train, there are tears in my eyes
Tryin' to read a letter from my home...
Oh me, oh my, [he run it to the Lord knows where] (or the end of [last
If this train runs me right, I'll be home Wednesday night
For I'm nine hundred miles from my home...
(And I hate to hear that lonesome whistle blow)
Reuben had a train went from Portland to Maine
Couldn’t get no letter’s from his home...
Well, this train I ride on is a hundred coaches long
You can hear her whistle blow a hundred miles...
If my woman says so, I won't railroad no more
I'll sidetrack that wheeler and go home...
Old Reuben made a train, and he put it on the track
He run it to the Lord knows where...
You oughta been in town, to see old Reuben's train go down
You could hear the whistle blow a hundred miles...
I've been to the East, and I've been to the West
I'm going to the one I love the best...
Last night I laid in jail, had no money for to go my bail
Lord how it sleeted and it snowed...
I got myself a blade, laid ol' Reuben in the shade
I'm startin' me a graveyard of my own
Ride Ol' Buck to Water
A part: 1
Ride ol' buck to water (x3)
Sold it for a dollar and a quarter
B part: 1111/1151
Saw him down at the foot of the hill
If he hadn't come back, I'd been a standin' there still
Roll on Buddy
Roll on buddy roll on, roll on buddy roll on
You wouldn't roll so slow if you knew what I know, roll on buddy roll on
I'm goin' to the East, Karo (x3) going to the west, to the one I love the best
My home is down in Tennessee, in Tennessee where I want to be, sunny TN
Rolling Mills is Burning Down
Oh them rolling mills is burning down, plumb down
Oh them rolling mills is burning down
Them rolling mills is burning down, plumb down, to the ground
And they'll never build them back anymore
Oh darlin’, oh darlin’, run here, I don’t want to see you cry
The best of friends will fall out and fight, and it’s why not you and I
Oh, go and get your revolver, come shoot out my brains
For I'd rather be dead and buried in my grave, than to be in the trouble I'm in
There's a pain in my finger, I know, there's a pain in my toe
There's a pain in my true love's side, where somebody fooled her I know
Sail Away Ladies
A part:
Soon as I get my new house done, sail away ladies, sail away
I’ll give the old one to my hun, sail away ladies, sail away
Hush little darlin’ don’t you cry...
I’m gonna love you bye and bye (or you’ll be an angel…)
I’ve gotta home in Tennessee (or I find my home in…)
There ain’t no place I’d rather be...
Come along boys and come with me (or girls)
I’ll take ya back to Tennessee...
Playin’ tunes and rubbin’ knees...
There ain’t no place I’d rather be...
If the landlord asks for rent I’m sunk...
I’ll go to the bar and get piss drunk...
B part:
Don’t you rock em’ Daddio, don’t you rock ‘em Daddio,
Don’t you rock em’ Daddio, sail away ladies, sail away
Sail Away Ladies (Modal)
Me and my gal we went to town, sail away ladies, sail away
She went to buy a ten dollar gown...
Looked at the green, looked at the red... I'll take them both is what she said...
She tried on one she looked so neat... Then she found another man to
Now ol' gal, I guess we're through... You's my gal and another man's too...
Now ol' gal, you've done me wrong... When I leave I'm a long time gone...
Now ol' gal look what you've done... You put an end to all our fun...
Went upstairs, pack my trunk... I'm agoin' to the bar and I'm gonna get drunk
Sally Ann
A part: 1111/1155/1144/5511
B part:
Ride the buggy, yes I am
Ride in the buggy, Sally Ann
Sally Ann, Sally Ann
I’m going to the wedding, yes I am
I’m a-going to the wedding old Sally Ann
Greenback dollar
Greenback dollar, good as gold
Sift your meal and save your bran
The old cow needs it Sally Ann
C part:
How in the world can I swing Susan
Susan’s done and gone
She’s done and gone (or “she’s gone away”)
Susan’s gone away
Sally’s in the garden sifting sand
Susan’s in bed with the hog-eye man
I’m going home with Sally Ann
I’m going homw with Sally Ann
Who in the world in the doggone nation’s
Throwing them rocks at me
All of them rocks, all them rocks, all of them rocks at me
Sandy Boys
A part:
Somebody stole my old coon dog
Wish they’d bring him back
Run the old sow over the fence
Little ones through the cracks
B part:1111/1177/1111/1151
Hey hey sandy boys, hey get along I say
Hey hey sandy boys, waitin' on the break of day
Mama lies sick in bed, papa’s gone to town
Charlie wears them high top boots, wish that he’d come around
Say Darlin' Say
Hush little darlin', don’t say a word
Daddy’s gonna buy you a mockingbird
Say darlin say
If that mocking bird don’t sing, daddy’s (or momma) gonna buy you a diamond ring...
If that diamond ring turns brass, daddy’s (or papa) gonna buy you a looking glass...
If that lookin glass get broke, daddy's gonna buy you a billy goat...
If that billy goat fall down, you'll still be the prettiest girl in town...
If that billy goat won’t pull, daddy gonna buy you a cart and bull...
If that cart and bull fall over, daddy gonna by you Dog named rover...
If ol' rover stinks and bites, daddy gonna buy you a cock to fights...
If that cock gone and get killed, we’ll go to Richmond you’ll be thrilled...
Say little darlin' would ya marry me, we could build a house by the old oak tree...
The old oak tree we’ll build our home, never more in this world to roam...
We could get married by the old oak tree, children bouncing on daddy's knee...
Starch and iron would be my trade, you can get drunk and lay in the shade...
Say Ol’ Man Can I Have Your
A part:
Say old man can I have your daughter
To make my bread and carry my water
Yes sir, yes sir, you can take her
But she won’t come, and I can’t make her
B part:
Shady Grove
Shady Grove, my little love
Shady Grove, my darlin'
Shady Grove, my little love
Goin' back to Harlen
Coffee grows on the white oak tree, the river flows with brandy
The rocks on the hills are covered with gold, and the girls are sweet as candy
Did you think my little miss, that I would live without you
I'll let you know before I go, I hear so little about you
Every time I take that road, it's always dark and cloudy
Every time I see that girl, I always tell her howdy
If I had no horse at all, I'd be found a-crawlin'
Up and down this rocky road, a-looking for my darling
Peaches in the summertime, apples in the fall
If I can't get the girl I love, I won't have none at all
Shortenin' Bread
A part:
Three little children, lying in bed
Two was sick an' the other 'most dead
Sent for the doctor, the doctor said
Give those children some short'nin' bread
B part:
Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin'
Mama's little baby loves short'nin' bread
Put on the skillet, slip on the lid
Mama's gonna make a little short'nin' bread
That ain't all she's gonna do
Mammy's goin' to make a little coffee too
When those children, sick in bed
Heard that talk about short'nin' bread
Popped up well to dance and sing
Skipped around and cut the pigeon wing
Slipped to the kitchen, slipped up the lid
Filled my pocket full of short'nin' bread
Stole the skillet, stole the lid
Stole the gal makin' short'nin' bread
Caught me with the skillet, caught me with the lid
Caught me with the gal makin' short'nin' bread
Paid a dollar for the skillet, a dollar for the lid
Spent a year in jail eatin' short'nin' bread
Sinners Have Come
By the way the river has run, I know the sinners have come
And by the way the way branches do sway, I know the sinners have come
Preacher man with that good book in his hand, listen my daughters and sons
By the way the righteous do pray, I know the sinners have come
Beneath our souls the ground has turned cold, and the sky has darkened
By the way the branches do sway, I know the sinners have come
Soldier’s Joy
A part:
Fifteen cents for the morphine, twenty-five cents for the beer
Fifteen cents for the morphine, gonna take me away from here
B part:
Grasshopper sittin' on a sweet potato vine (x3)
Long come a chicken and says its mine
Love somebody yes I do (x3)
Ain't gonna tell you who
Dance all night and fiddle all day (x3)
That's the soldier's joy they say
Sun comes up and the moon goes down (x3)
See my little Sally in her morning gown
Sourwood Mountain
A part:
Roosters a-crowin' on Sourwood Mountain
Hi ho fiddle, I ay
So many pretty ones you can't count 'em
Hi ho fiddle I ay
My true love's a blue-eyed daisy
If I don't get her, I'll go crazy
Big dogs bark and little ones bite you
Big girls court and little ones spite you
My love lives at the head of the holler
She won't come and I won't foller
My true love lives over the river
A few more jumps and I'll be with her
Ducks in the pond, geese in the ocean
Devil's in the women if they take a notion
B part: (chorus)
5 1
Roosters a-crowin' on Sourwood Mountain, hi ho
So many pretty ones you can't count 'em, hi ho fiddle I ay
Sow 'em on the Mountain
Sow 'em on the mountain, reap 'em in the valley (x3)
You gonna reap just what you sow
If you've been a gambler, better quit your gamblin' (x3)...
If you been a tattler, you better quit your tattlin' (x3)...
If you been a liar, you better you quit your lyin' (x3)...
If you been a cheatin', you better you quit your cheatin' (x3)...
If you been a warrin', you better quit your warrin' (x3)...
Squirrel Heads and Gravy
A Part:
B Part:
Squirrel heads and gravy
Squirrel heads and sauce
Squirrel heads and gravy, I want to eat them all night long (every day)
Sugar in the Gourd
A part:
I met her on the road, and she danced on a board
Tuned up my fiddle and gave her sugar in the gourd
Sugar in the gourd and I can't get it out
And the way to get the sugar out, roll the gourd about
Starry Crown
A part:
I met old Satan through the door
And I hit him on the head with a two by four
And I’m gonna wear that starry crown, over there
I met old Satan down the lane
And I hit in on the head with a walking cane
And I’m gonna wear that starry crown over there
I met old Satan round the stump
And I gave him a kick for every jump
And I’m gonna wear that starry crown over there
I met old Satan through the door
And I hit him on the head a two by four
And I’m gonna wear that starry crown over there
B part: (chorus)
Over there, over there,
I’m gonna wear that starry crown over there
5 1
For I got no skillet and I got no lid, ashcake tastes like shortenin' bread
And I’m gonna wear that starry crown, over there
Sugar Hill
A part: (B part same chords)
If you want to get your eye knocked out
If you want to get your fill
If you want to get your head chopped off
Just climb ol' sugar hill
Jay bird on the mountain top
And a red bird on the ground
Black bird in the sugar tree
Shaking that sugar down
They said she got mighty sick
And what do you recking ailed her
Drunk three quarts of sugar top
And then ther stomach failed her
Thirteen cents in pocket change
And don't you hear it jingle
I'm going to court them pretty gals
As long as I stay single
Yonder comes my own true love. and how do you think I know
Tell her by her shoe fly dress, that comes from sugar store
Get your banjo off the wall, grab your fiddle, Bill
Hitch the horses to the sleigh, we'll climb old sugar hill
I'm getting lonesome for my gal, I want a drink of rye
I'm going up to sugar hill, and you know the reason why
That Boy I Love
I don't want no sugar in my tea
I don't want no sugar in my tea
That boy I love, is sweet enough for me
I don't want no gravy on my rice
I don't want no gravy on my rice
That boy I love done stole my appetite
Woke up this mornin', blues three different ways
Woke up this mornin', the blues three different ways
An to my to leave you, only one to stay
Rather drink muddy water, sleep in a hollow tree
Rather drink muddy water, sleep in a hollow tree
Than to hear that sweet boy, he don't want me
I aint good lookin', teeth don't shine like pearls
I aint good lookin', teeth don't shine like pearls
So glad good looks don't take you through this world
I'm leavin here, I sure don't want to go
I'm leavin here, I sure don't want to go
I'm goin to the city, sure don't want to go
Train on the Island
Train on the island, hear that whistle blow
Go and tell my true love, I'm sick and I can't go
Go and tell my true love, I'm sick and I can't go
Train on the island, listen to it squeal
Go and tell my true love how happy I do feel (x2) (I can’t roll the wheel)
Steam from the whistle, smoke from the stacks
Goin' to catch that 518, I'm never comin' back (x2)
Bring me a sip of water, bring it in a cup
Me and my man done split up, and we're never gonna make up (x2)
Show me the crow that flies so high and show me the one that falls
If I can't get the man I love, I don't want none at all (x2)
Went out over the mountain, to hear that banjo ring
Went out over the other side just to hear my darling sing (x2)
Make me a banjo out of a gourd, string it up with twine
The only tune that it would play, I wish that man were mine (x2)
Train on the island, headed for the north
Go and tell my true love, he don't know what she's worth (x2)
Train on the island, headed for the West
Me and my man done split up, perhaps its for the best (x2)
Train on the island, headed for the East
Goin tell my true love, I’m gonna fix us up a feast (x2)
Trouble in Mind
Trouble in mind, I'm blue, but I won't be blue always
‘Cause, the sun gonna shine, on my back door someday
I'm goin' down, down to the river, I'm gonna take my rockin' chair
Lord, if the blues overtake me, I'm gonna rock on away from here
I'm gonna lay, lay my head, on some sad, old railroad iron
I'm gonna let that 2:19, pacify my mind
Trouble in mind, that's true, I have almost lost my mind
Life ain't worth living, I feel like I could die
Trouble in mind, I'm blue, my poor heart is healing slow
I've never had such trouble in my whole life before
Well it's trouble, oh trouble, trouble on my worried mind,
When you see me laughin' I'm laughin' just to keep from cryin'
You been a hard-hearted mama, great god! you been unkind
Gonna be a cold, cold papa, cause you to lose your mind
I'm all alone at midnight, and my lamp is burnin' low
Ain't never had so much, trouble in my life before
Lookee here, sweet mama, see what you have done, done
Why you made me love you, now you're reg'lar man done come
Now all you men's the same, but now I'm old enough to change my name
Lord, that sun's gonna shine in my back door someday
Trouble in mind, I'm blue, but I won't be blue always
Child, that wind's gonna come and blow my blues away
Very Smelly Whiff On Me
Take a whiff, take a whiff, take a whiff on me
Everybody take a whiff on me
Hey hey, baby take a whiff on me
Grizzlin' in the mornin', grizzlin' at night
Grizzle all the time 'cause it feels so right...
Grizzle in the mornin' grizzle in bed
Trash in the fridge, trash on my head…
Playin' in a dumpster dodgin' the meat
Got fifty pounds of sugar and a big block of cheese…
Got a two string guitar, forty in my hand
We really are tone deaf so join our band…
Shakin' it, shakin' it at the show
I smell bad don’t ya know…
Got off the hound from a three day ride
Smells like something crawled in me and died…
We’re such good friends you know its true
Might smell bad but I smell like you…
Went down South to see my dad
He said “Hun, you sure smell bad.”
So I turned around and went back to Olympia
Walkin' in my Sleep
A part:
Walkin' in my sleep, babe
Walkin' in my sleep
Every time I close my eyes (up and down that dixie line)
I end up on my feet
B part:
If you see that gal of mine tell her if you please
If she loves another man I will set her free
Bake them biscuits baby bake them good and brown
When I eat my breakfast, I'm West Virginia bound
Pain in my finger pain in my toe
Pain in my ankle bone ain't gonna work no more
Yonder come that gal of mine how do you think I know
Know her by her golden curls hangin' down so low
Washin’ Jim
A part:
My dog Jim, my dog Jim, o’ he does like to play
He went over to Mica’s house, and played in the mud all day
B part:
Washin’ Jim, washin’ Jim, soaps and suds all over him
Washin’ Jim, washin’ Jim, soaps and suds all over him
In his ears, out his nose, wash the dirt between his toes
Round’ his eyes, over his legs, paws as fat as tuning pegs
Washin’ Jim, washin’ Jim, washin’ Jim all day
Washin’ Jim, washin’ Jim, no Jim you can’t play
Washin’ Jim, washin’ Jim, washin’ Jim all over the hill
Washin’ Jim washin’ Jim, washin’ Jim all over the hill
My dog Jim, took a swim, for to wash the dirt off him
My dog Jim, took a swim, for to wash the dirt off him
A part:
Chickens crowin' in the old plowed field (ol' pine tree)
Chickens crowin' in the old plowed field
Chickens crowin' in the old plowed field
Down in North Carolina
Rivers up cain’t get across (x3)...
I'm waterbound can’t get home (x3)...
Old mans mad and I don’t care (x3) fell in love with his daughter
If he don’t let her go, were gonna run away (x3)...
Wake up Charlie let's go home (x3) before the water rises
Logged the trees down in Brentwood
Killed the bees down in Brentwood
Logged the trees, killed the bees, down in Tennessee y'all
Pave your heart down in Brentwood
Save your soul down in Brentwood
Pave your heart save your soul, down in Tennessee y'all
Stay all night, don’t go home
Stay all night, don’t go home
Stay all night, don’t go home
Stay with me ‘til morning
B part:
Western Country, Susannah Gal,
Pretty Little Miss
A part: 1144/1155/1144/1511
B part:
Fly around my pretty little miss, fly around my daisy
Fly around my pretty little miss, you almost drive me crazy
Going to get some weevily wheat, I’m going to get some barley
Going to get some weevily wheat, and bake a cake for Charlie
How'd you make you living now, Susan-anna gal
Drinking whiskey and playing cards, Susan-anna gal
I'm going to the Western Country, Susan-anna gal
I'm going to the Western Country, Susan-anna gal
I wish I was in the Western Country, sittin' in a big armchair
One arm around my whiskey jug, the other round a leg of deer
Cheeks as red as a blooming rose, eyes of the prettiest brown
I'm goin' to see my pretty little miss, before the sun goes down
The ring that's on my true love's hand, it shines as bright as gold
I'm goin' to see my pretty little miss, even if it rains or snows
Head was like a coffee pot, nose was like a spout
mouth was like a fireplace, with the ashes all raked out
If you see that girl of mine, I wish that you would tell her
To be true to her soldier boy, and have no other feller
Whiskey Before Breakfast
A part:
Early one morning 'fore the sun could shine
I was walkin' down the street, not feelin' so fine
I saw two old men with a bottle between 'em
And this is the song that I heard them singin'
B Part:
Lord protect us, Saints preserve us
We been drinkin' whiskey 'fore breakfast
I passed by the steps where they were a' sittin'
I couldn't believe how drunk they were gettin'
I said "Old men you been drinkn' long?"
"Long enough to be singin' this song"
They handed me a bottle, said, "Take a little sip"
And it felt so good, I just couldn't quit
So I took a little more, next thing I knew
There were three of us sittin' there singin' this tune
One by one everybody in town
Heard our ruckus and they all came down
Pretty soon all the streets were a-ringin'
With the sound of the whole town laughin' and singin'
Wide Open Spaces
A part: (chorus)
Trouble in mind ever since I was born
Its trouble still left to be found
We all find ourselves in trouble sometimes
And its hard to get your feet back on the ground
B part:
My hearts been in a blender ever since I can remember
And I don’t know what it is that I done
You know I can’t help but break the law sometimes
And that law man’s bound to come
An now each night I dream of those wide open spaces
And a home up among the pines
And a place so far away from all that city noise
And a little piece of mind
And its hard to believe that the lifestyle we lead
Could ever be considered a crime
I just want to take a walk out in the woods at night
And smoke a joint from time to time
Now I spend all my days way up in the cascades
And lets leave this whole city behind
I just have to spend some time under the cold night sky
For to keep me satisfied
Willow Garden
Down in the willow garden, where me and my true love did meet
There we went a courtin', my love fell off to sleep
I had a bottle of burgundy wine, my love she did not know
It was there I poisoned that dear little girl, down on the banks below
I drew a saber through her, it was a bloody knife
I threw her into the river, which was a dreadful sight
My father oft had told me, that money would set me free
If I would murder that dear little girl, whose name was Rose Connelly
My father sits at his cabin door, wiping his tear dimmed eyes
For his only son soon shall walk, to yonder scaffold high
My race is run beneath the sun, the scaffold now waits for me
For I did murder that dear little girl, whose name was Rose Connelly
No more, we'll sit in the garden, no more will lie beneath the stay
A dreamin' on a future which never will be ours
I loved that girl with all my heart, I loved her as my life
Whatever was I thinking, when I layed her down to die
A part:
We were campin', we were boilin' up some beans
Makin' coffee, with the water from the stream
We slept outside and we slept inside too
With so many nights of sleepin' I only want to sleep with you
B part:
Yodelady, yodelady of my dreams
Yodelady and you make my blood run clean
Yodelady, yodelady of my dreams
Yodelady, yodelady, yodelady
You came dancin' through the landscape of my sleep
Then you asked me, what if I'm the one you wed
I tried to kiss you, but I got drunk instead
You broke my lonliness, when you came to me and smiled
And I would never think you’d hear me shout
You broke me like an egg over the hills and valleys
Well folks I was a yolk of love broken and playin' on the trees
T-Claw Here,
It is great you’re interested in square dance calling. I decided to include this in the songbook,
to try to get more people calling dances. This is part of the Dare To Be Square Calling Zine that
is an ongoing work in progress. It is always good to have something in writing. However, I have
found that the old books written in the 60’s and 70’s don’t help me that much. What I need, is to
get calls from people who are calling now.
To learn a fiddle tune I jam and jam and jam until the tune is stuck in my head, and then all
of a sudden I can play it. My approach to learning dances is similar, I dance and dance and
dance, until the calls and the motions are flowing right out of me.
Sometimes recordings or written lyrics can really help solidify what you already know. With
that being said, this handbook does not spell out, word for word how to teach someone to do si
do or even the Texas Star figure. I give you some tips, some background, and some calls. If you
don’t already know how to dance the dance or what each of the calls mean, then you should find
someone who does and dance it more before you try to call. I am not supposing that everyone
learns through experience it’s just that, to learn how to call, you just have to do it. Figure out the
calls to one easy dance, crank up the music, have a drink, and teach your friends how to dance.
It is great to try it out on people whop haven’t danced before because they will be ignorant and
have fun anyways, but it is also nice to start out with dancers who know what they are doing and
don’t need as much prodding or assistance in getting going. I learned how to call out of
necessity. I was playing old time music for a couple of years and had never seen a square dance
happen in Olympia except for the annual May Day Hoedown. Get that? Annual. That just ain’t
enough dancin’. So, I channeled the punk kids going crazy at shows into a whirlwind of
traditional square dance furry.
I learned my first few dances as a team at Dare to be Square West 2007. We all were taught
the calls from Bill Martin and then just started dancing and chiming in with the calls as we were
able. What I learned in this hour long workshop is that you can’t rely on workshops and festivals
to learn how to call. They will bring out dance and music masters, but for the most part “they”
learned just by doing it. They can give you some insight and tricks of the trade, but they will not
put you up there and turn you into a caller.
When you are doing dances without sound systems, a loud steel guitar, resonator banjo, or
monster bucket bass can be your best friend. Practice yelling doesn’t hurt also. If you got a
wood floor to work with, wear boats and just stomp away. The dancers and any ramshackle
band will fall in line.
In the future more descriptions of dance moves and figures, more dance calls, more history,
and more pictures can be included in this zine. This is meant as a starting place and to give you
something to take home. It is also meant to be altered, replicated, distributed by the community.
So by all means, lets have the zine grow with the community. If you have more dance calls to
contribute or just want an electronic copy of this (for easy editing) let me know. Hold Fast and
Never Let Go!
More Questions or for submissions of content, hit me up.
T-Claw roundandpointy@gmail.com 615-430-8230
OLD KING BUBBA'S SUGGESTIONS for teaching square dances.
I like scripts for teaching the moves and figures. You can ad lib within the script, but the script is like a
foundation. For example, when I teach a right hand turn I use variations on this script: "Join right hands with
your partner. Use a thumbs-up arm wrestling grip. Elbows down, joined hands up. Strong arm muscle; don't
stretch your arms out. Now walk around each other, pulling away from the center so it feels like riding a
merry-go-round." I've worked that out over time so that it tells people what I think they need to know. Its
memorized, I can say it automatically, I use pantomime and gestures at the same time, and there are just
enough words to get people all the way around each other. You need to come up with your own language that
fits your personality and agenda. Personally, I find it a real aid to have a few well thought out boilerplate
instructions for the dance elements that are important to me, rather than ad lib and work out stuff on the fly.
When you move into the teaching phase, pare down your words. The more you talk the less they listen. Use a
little bit different voice for the commands, to separate the basic instruction from the banter. (For instance, I
slow down my tempo and simplify my phrases when I change, even in mid-sentence, from chatting to
Use consistent descriptions from one dance to the next. "Swing" in this walk-through means the same in the
next dance, etc. And incorporate the call into your teaching so the dancers aren't surprised and bamboozled
when you start shouting "Couple one rip 'n' snort!"
Its fun to make up calls, of course, but you need to recognize your role as a tradition-bearer. The oldfashioned calls are as much a part of square dancing as the fiddling. Its better to have a good repertoire of call
lines that you can dip into for variety, rather than make up calls. Wait a few years until you really understand
the rhythm and flow of the dancing and the place calling has in that.
Analyze your dances. Know ahead what parts of the dance will need careful or extra teaching so you don’t get
a nasty surprise when you trot the thing out at the next square dance.
a. Use physical demonstration (including pantomime) in place of verbal descriptions as much as possible.
b. Practice any teaching language or demonstration ahead of time if you can, just like you practice the actual
c. Use demonstrations to isolate and teach the tricky parts.
d. Just demonstrate short sections, rarely the whole dance. Don't show more than dancers can absorb.
Its okay to use stop-and-go in the first walkthrough. If you've had to do a lot of teaching, walk through the
dance a final time without stopping. Go slower than dance tempo, but make it flow along naturally.
Trust people to get it and they will. Don't be afraid to start the dance. Avoid excessive walk through
repetitions, it will never be perfect. People will learn on the fly. (You've heard that rousing cheer when they
have finally nailed the dance.)
Always pay attention to how other callers teach. New callers tend to focus on learning new dances from other
callers, but its way more important to watch how they teach. Dances are everywhere and a dime a dozen. But
there ain't no books on how to teach a crowd to dance. Pick it apart mentally, see what works, make note of
what doesn't work. Learn by watching and listening critically. Imagine how you would do it better. You don't
need to confront them with their errors, just be aware, and be willing to learn from their example, positive or
Practice, practice, practice your calls and your teaching language. Try them out on your cat. Rehearse the
movements you will use to pantomime or demonstrate aspects of the dance. Don't just visualize it, get up and
do it physically. Judge your teaching from the viewpoint of a dancer, and be brutal. I've seen more dances bog
down while a caller fumbles and bumbles and tries to invent a description of the dance on the fly.
Clear teaching before the music starts is way more important than an interesting call during the dance. The
teaching should move right along. Experience will enable you to spot what part of your walk-through is not
working for a particular crowd.
The main thing at a one-night-stand is to get on the side of the dancers. Kid them about their possible reluctance to
dance, their fear of looking dumb. And be the biggest fool on the dance floor. By joking about your own dance
skills in a self-deprecatory way, and by mixing with the crowd and dancing with them, you give them permission to
make mistakes and loosen up. Don’t bother pushing people to dance at a more challenging level than you would
normally expect them to do. That is your ego trip and it has nothing to do with why these people have gathered
together this night. A one-night-stand is less a test of your teaching skills than it is a challenge to develop hosting
skills. You are the host, the life, of the party. You’re the one who slaps people on the back and cajoles them into
dancing. You wear the lampshade and crack the jokes. A one-night-stand is a party, not a dance class. Keep it very
simple, keep it moving at a speedy pace, keep them laughing.
Never stand behind the mic and beg people to come out and dance. Go get them, physically invite them in to the
party. I often start off these dances by announcing: “Folks, So-and-so (the bride and groom, the CEO, etc.) has
asked us to lead you all through a few old-fashioned dances. You don’t have to know a thing about dancing to do
this stuff. You don’t even have to like dancing! We’ll teach you everything and show you how to do it. For the first
dance you don’t even need a partner. I’m not going to teach it; you just have to be able to hang on and go for the
ride.” With that, the band starts playing and I grab a couple of people who are obviously game, like the bride and
groom, and start forming up a long line. We course amongst the tables and hallways until we have a good-sized
crew. I lead them out onto the floor and we do the grand march spiraling figure that turns inside out. We might do
that twice, and then open into a circle, circle left and right, into the center and back and finally clap along to the
music until the band is finished. After that you’ve got them. Tell them to choose a partner and get back in the circle.
For the second dance I often choose a circle mixer that ends with a promenade. After dancing the mixer a few
times, I go out on the floor and pick a lead couple and have them follow me from the bottom of the hall up through
the center of the circle to the top, signaling the other couples to follow the leaders. This forms long-ways sets
automatically and everyone has a new partner to dance a long-ways dance with. After that it is usually time for a
Organize your dances progressively, so that you introduce new figures, moves and concepts on a learning curve
rather than all at once. Start off very easy and fun, just to get people moving with the music.
Call a mixer for your second or third dance. Another one later, or early in the last half. Mixers can jazz up the
energy of a crowd, and they do mix people all together. Which is a good subconscious lesson to sneak up on them,
since these dance parties are intended to create a socializing stir.
Its not easy to judge when is the best time to finish a dance. 4-couple squares, of course, are self-limiting. They
have a natural end point. But the whole set long-ways dances and the Appalachian big circle dances, them are
horses of a different hue. Its better to quit while people are doing well, before fatigue sets in. Leave them wanting
more. But don't end the dance too soon. Sometimes it takes awhile for the group as a whole to get the dance
working. If it seems to be coming together and the dancers are starting to dig it, let the dance run on awhile.
I like to include couple dances. Seems like Portland musicians will only play waltzes, so at least 2 waltzes. (If you
have a band that can play the music, you might included a schottische, polka, swing dance, 2-step, or whatever.)
It’s a good idea to take a break at some point. The musicians can use a rest, and so can your voice. Keep it short or
people will start leaving.
If you have some more difficult dances, save them until the middle or just after the middle of the dance. By that
time people will have some skills down and will be warmed up and still sharp. They won't be ready earlier and they
will be too fatigued later.
Place one or two easy but active dances that require little teaching at the very end of the evening. The dancers will
be getting tired by then and won't tolerate a long teaching session. They just want to get moving at that time. You
will leave them with a feeling of success.
Be prepared to wad up your dance plan and toss it in the trash. As the host of the party you need to adjust your
program of dances to fit the tenor of the dance crowd. If the dances you planned on calling turn out to be too
difficult, you will have to substitute easier ones. But don't let them see you perspire and wring your hands. They'll
have you for lunch.
Make any announcements after you get people formed up for a dance and before you begin teaching it. You have
their attention then and you can make short work of it.
The Old-Time Herald Volume 1, Number 6 (Winter 1988-89)
The Dance Beat / Issues in Old Time Music
Community Dances in the Eighties: Dare To Be Square!
The Old-Time Herald Volume 9, Number 3
Dance Beat/Issues in Old-Time Music
Old-Time Square Dancing in the 21st Century: Dare to be Square!
Family Dances
New callers and new dancers are a great combination. If you make a few mistakes and keep smiling, no one will
know the difference. One of my favorite dances to start with is the Virginia Reel. Gender identification is optional.
Don’t be afraid to have call and response calling, because kids love it and they are learning. At the last family
dance I did, I got 6 kids up on stage to learn and call into the microphone. They loved it and they were great.
Galopede (longways set)
All go forward and back
All pass through to the other side (trade places with partner)
All go forward and back
All pass through back to original place
Right hand turn partner
Left hand turn partner
Top couple dance to the bottom and all others move up one place
This is best for about 5-8 couples. Dudley Laufman also calls this the
Mousetrap. If lines are longer than about 8 couples or the top couple is
slow to get to the bottom they might get caught in the middle of the forward
and back.
On a dance like this, a 4-yr. old can dance next to a parent or older child
as one person with a partner in the other line. Don't need to be hung up
about only two people dancing as a couple.
Scottish Reel (for about 4-6 couples in longways set)
First person in the right line leads the line weaving through the dancers in
the opposite line;
Opposite line does the same;
Top couple sashay (dance) down the middle and back, cast out by themselves
to the bottom of the set;
Lines join hands and sashay down and back as a group (or two hand turn
partner and do si do)
Alabama Gal (longways set for 6-8 couples)
Top couple sashay down and back
Right hand turn partner, left hand turn partner
Top couple cast out and lead lines to the bottom
Top couple make an arch and all others come up through the arch, top couple
stays at the bottom
Big Circle (with partner)
Circle left and right
Into the middle and back twice
Do si do partner
Do si do neighbor
Promenade partner
Wind Up the Ball of Yarn
If you have enough people for a good sized circle (about 20 or more)
Everyone keeps holding hands in a circle left; you drop
your hand with the person on your left and you lead the circle into a spiral
into the middle, then reverse the spiral to come back out. You can turn it
into a circle facing out and then do a backwards spiral into the middle
again or as you come out of the spiral turn to face the circle in again.
Rural Felicity (longways set for 5-8 couples, top couple active)
Long lines go forward and back
Top couple sashay down to the bottom of the set
Long lines go forward and back
Couple who sashayed down sashay back to the top
All do si do partner
All two hand turn partner
All except active couple make two hand arches with partners forming a long
tunnel. Active couple dance down under the tunnel to the bottom of the set.
Simple Figures
Totally simple: circle left, circle right,
go in (2, 3, 4) and out (2, 3, 4).
Another simple figure: Right hands across and how are you, Left hands
back fine thank you.
Birdie in the Cage (4 person set)
Birdie in the cage (one lady in the middle other 3 circle around her),
Bird hops out and the crow hops in (that's her partner),
He flaps his wings he's gone again (crow rejoins circle).
You either have couples move to a new set or you do a cumulative thing where couple one gathers in 2 to circle
up6, etc. If you do the cumulative thing, then you can get two birds in
the cage, etc.
Simple Reel Set: Get everyone in two lines.
Long lines go forward and back.
Use farm animals or cat and dog to distinguish the lines.
Top cat leads the line around the dogs and back to place.
Top dog leads the dog line around the cats and back to place.
Top couple sashay to the bottom and back and then "peel the banana": each leads
the line around and down to the bottom.
Top couple makes an arch at the bottom and everyone else comes through.
Kids really like watching adults try to get under their arch...
Don’t be afraid to make things up. Kids just like playing around, so make up your own group coordinated play session with the kids.
Introduction Calls
All into your places, brighten up your faces
Tighten up your laces for a good long haul!
Up the river, down the bend, join your hands, we’re goin’ again!
All join hands and circle to the left, now circle right like a wagon wheel
The more you dance the better you feel
In to the middle to the sound of the fiddle
All join hands and circle south, let a little moonshine in your mouth
Tighten your belt, pull down your vest, swing the one that you love best
First you whistle and then you sing, all join hands and form a ring
Or …Join your hands from a ring, circle left while you shout and sing
Honor your partners and corners all, square your sets and listen to the call
All eight balance, all eight swing, swing your partner, pretty little thing
Now promenade around the ring
Honor your partner sides address, join your hands and circle left
Reverse back about a mile, lady in the lead and the gent run wild
All jump up and never come down, swing your big food round and round
And promenade around the town, jaybird sittin’ on frozen ground
Face the front face the back, circle to the sizzle of the Tennessee tats
Reverse back on the same ol’ track, make your feet go whickety whack
2, 4, 6, 8, circle left and don’t be late, back you go with heel and toe
Circle high and circle low
1,3,5,9, circle left your doin just fine
Swing your partner high and low, swing ‘em till they holler woah
Scratch your heel and save your toe, then promenade around the row
Pop your whip and jerk that line lets all start dancin’ , have a good time
On your heel and on your toe, stomp your feet and here we go
Look at your honey, bow and smile, join you hands and circle a mile
Back to the right you’re goin’ wrong ladies in the lead, gents come along
Honor your partners bow and smile, step right up and swing awhile
All jump up and when you come down, swing your honey round n’ round
Hold your breath, and from a circle, circle fast until your face turns purple
Breathe it in, shout and grin, circle up fast and we’ll go again
Swing ‘em boys, and do it right, swing your partners all through the night
Swing your partners, don’t be late,
Swing your corner like swingin’ on a gate
Now your own and promenade eight
Swing your partner a swing and a whirl, do-sa-do the corner girl
Swing your darling, swing your maid
Keep on swingin’ till you promenade
And bring the caller some lemonade
Square Dances
(4 couple square unless otherwise noted)
“Star Swap”
From: Bill Martin
(scattered circles, two couples)
Join hands and circle left, reverse, now circle right
Shake right hands, right hand star, the other way back, left hand star
Gents drop out and ladies go, swing a little bit on the heel and toe
Now swing your opposite don’t be slow
[Repeat all above but swing partner instead of opposite]
*Promenade on to a new circle after you are back with your partner
[When the gents drop out, they just release hands and the ladies keep turning
until the swing partner or corner. After that first swing with the corner, that
corner becomes their partner temporarily. So, Gents finish the swing with the
lady on the right, gent on the left and facing your original partner.]
“Two Little Sisters”
From: Bill Martin
Lady number one out to the right
Two little sisters circle around
Home you go swing your own
Three little sisters form a ring
Break that ring with a partner swing
Four little sisters circle around
Everybody swing when they come down
Now promenade around the town
(Repeat with ladies 2,3,4 and then the gents too if ya want)
“Virginia Reel” anti-war variation
From: Bill Martin and T-Claw (longways set gender is negligible)
All join hands, up and back
Lets get our troops out of Iraq
Back again
Alemande right, if it takes all night
Alemande left, this war is theft
Do si do, the one you know
Do si do, the bombs won't blow
Now swing your own, as you’ve been shown
Top couple Sache down
Clap your hands stomp your feet, against police brutality
Sache down, Sache back, people’s revolution across Iraq
Now frace the front and peel off
When you get to the bottom
Make an arch, go on through, give the state a big pee yew
Stop this war, thats what we’ll do
“Grapevine Twist”
First gent take your lady by the wrist
Round that lady with a grapevine twist
Back to the center with a whoah haw gee
And around that gent from Tennessee
Circle up four in the middle of the floor
On to the next and dance some more
“Swing Like Thunder” (good mixer or running set figure too)
First couple out to the couple on the right
Circle four for half the night
Gents arms across, ladies bow, gents bow under
Hold your holts and swing like thunder
Break that basket form a ring
Circle left around that thing (or break that ring with a partner swing)
On to the next to pick up six… don’t be late to pick up eight
Face better grin when you pick up ten
“Birdie in a Cage” (good mixer or running set figure too)
First couple out to the couple on the right
Circle four for half the night
Birdie in the cage, three hands round, make that big foot jar the ground
Birdie fly out, the crow hop in, I’ll take my tonic with a bottle o’ gin
Crow go home to swing his own, and on to the next
“Texas Star” (works well with 3 or 5 couples too)
Ladies to the center and back to the bar
Gents to the center with a right hand star
Right hand out, left hand back, make your feet go whickety wack
Meet your partner pass them by
Take the next one on the fly(gents pick the next lady up around the waste)
Gents swing out, ladies swing in, form that Texas star again
Break and swing that new girl round, -romenade around the town
“Duck for the Oyster”
(good mixer or running set figure too)
First couple out to the couple on the right
Circle to the left, and to the right
Duck for the oyster
Dive for the clam
Shoot for the hole in the ol’ tin can (shoot them off to a distant land)
“Push Ma, Shove Pa”
From: Steph Noll, Charmaine Slaven, Paul Silveria, and T-Claw
Couple number one,
Down the center and divide the ring
Around one (stand) behind the next
And you push ma, shove pa, swing that gal from Arkansas
(or swing that gal to the open spot)
Same ol’ gent with a brand new girl, down the center and divide the world
(repeat until everyone is home and swing)
other patter:
-Same old rooster with a brand new hen
Down the middle and do it again
-Same old buck with a brand new doe
Down the middle and don’t be slow
-Same old bee with a brand new queen
Give the floor that waxy sheen
-Same old grizz’ with a brand new fish
Keep on dancin’, cuz’ you ain’t finished
-Same old tree with a brand new fruit
Dance so hard, your partner hoots
-Same old possum with a brand new coon
Down the center and divide the room
-Same old doe with a brand new doe
You can swing both ways, don’t you know
-Same old buck with a brand new buck
Down the middle, and try your luck
“6 Go Forward, 8 Fall Back”
From: Lucas Hicks
(Good for ruckus parties)
Couple number one,
Down the center and divide the ring
Gent to the left, lady to the right
Line of 4 hold on tight
4 steps forward, 4 steps back
4 slide to the right on the outside track
Join hands (attack formation) 6 Go Forward, 8 Fall Back
8 go forward, 6 fall back, 4 slide right on the outside track
4 steps forward 4 steps back
4 slide right on the outside track
Join hands and 6 go forward, 8 fall back
8 go forward, 6 fall back
4 slide right on the outside track
Circle 4 to the right, half way
Duck for the oyster, dive for the clam,
Shoot them off to a distant land
And everybody swing, promenade around the ring
(Then every couple gets a chance to lead)
“Plow the Row”
From: Paul Silveria
Couple 1, back to back
Head around that outside track
Corner couples circle 3
Open up into a line of 3
Up and back
Up again and make an arch
Lone couple, plow the row
Everybody home and swing your own
“3 Couple Dance”
From: Paul Silveria
Circle right, circle left, right hand star, left hand star
Bottom gent pull her under, middle couple pull her under
Top (last couple) everybody swing, form a brand new ring
“Uptown Downtown”
From: Amy Hofer
Couple one, head up town
Bring that other couple down
Pick them up and put them down
Separate go round the town
Right elbow when you get down
Strip the willow
“Lady Round the Lady and the Gent Also”
From: Caroline Oakley
Lady round the lady and the gent also
Lady round the gent but the gent don’t go
Little circle left
Little circle right
Left to your opposite
Right to your own
And promenade in a little ring and on to the next
“Nervous Breakdown”
From: Sandy Bradley (large circle mixer)
Right hand turn
On to the next with a left hand turn, on to the next for a two hand swing
Do si do that pretty little thing, and on to the next for a balance and swing
“Chase the Rabbit, Chase the Squirrel”
From: Caroline Oakley
Couple one out to the right and circle left for half the night
Chase the rabbit, chase the squirrel
Chase that pretty girl around the world
Swing your partner
Chase the possum, chase the coon
Chase that bad boy around the room
Everybody swing
On to the next
“Take a Little Peek”
From: Maggie Lind
Couple one out to the right and circle left
Couple one take a little peek
Head back home and swing your sweet
Couple one peek once more
Swing your partner off the floor
On to the next (or put in a Georgia Rang Tang Do Si Do)
“Right Hand High, and a Left Hand Low”
From: Beth Molaro
Head couples balance and swing
Ladies out to the right of the ring
Circle left on the side
Open up into lines of three
[Long lines go to and fro, two lone gents do si do
With a right hand high, and a left hand low](x3)
Everybody swing your own
“Butterfly Whirl”
From: Bob Dalsemer
Couple one into the middle for a butterfly whirl
Down the set and divide the world
Everybody do si do
Allemande left your corner
Box the gnat
Pull by
Swing your corner on the fly
Head on home for a promenade pie
Gent one with a brand new girl into the middle with a butterfly whirl
“Low Gent Pull Through”
From: Gabe Strand
3 couple mixer
Circle left, circle right
Allemande left your corner
Allemande right your partner
Right hands across with a right hand shake star
Left hands back
Low gent pull through
You swing here and she’ll swing you
Promenade off to a couple of new couples
“Ladies Chain”
From: Gabe Strand
Head couples up and back, up again and make an arch
Side ladies chain through, side ladies chain back
Allemande left with your left hand, walk right into a right left grand
“Easy Square”
From: Bob Dalsemer
First couple stand back to back
Walk once around the outside track
Walk all the way around the outside ring
While the rooster’s crow and the birdie’s sing
Meet your partner right elbow swing
Once and a half
Allemande left corners all
Promenade your partners all
Repeat couples 2,3,4, Couples 1 and 3, couples 2 and 4, all couples
“Two Lone Gents”
From: Michael Ismerio
Gent one out to the right circle up three hands round
Steal that lady, on to the next
Leave her behind, they form a line, onto the next your doing fine
Take her home and circle three, then form a line two ladies and me
Lines of three forward and back
Two lone gents go back to back
With a right hand high and left hand low
Send the ladies to the (sides) and here we go
Lines of three forward and back
Two lone gents go back to back
With a right hand high and a left hand low
Send the ladies to the (heads) and here we go
Repeat with sides, Repeat with heads
tip: Let the gents finish their do si do before calling the right hand high. That
way the other dancers are watching the two lone gents do their thing
“Duck and Dive”
From: Bob Dalsemer and Paul Silveria
Couple one out to the right, circle left half way around
Inside arch, outside under, dip and dive, pillage and plunder
On to the next join hands and circle left
Turn the opposite lady with the right hand round
Now your partner with the left hand round
I’ll swing yours you swing mine, I’ll swing mine any old time (your own)
Onto the next circle four halfway round, couple one out to the right
Circle left half way around, inside arch, outside under
Dip and dive, pillage and plunder, everybody home, swing your own
“Cheat or Swing”
From: Caroline Oakley
Couple one balance and swing, gent you stay there
Lady lead out to the right of the square, with a right elbow
Back home with a left elbow, down the set for a right elbow
Back home with a left elbow, to the side with a right elbow
Back home do si do, and cheat or swing
Everybody home, everybody swing (Ladies 1+2, 3+4, Gents 1 +2, 3+4)
“Elbow Swing”
From: Gabe Strand
Couple one out to the right
Two gents swing with a left elbow
Opposites swing with a right elbow
Two gents swing with a left elbow
Now your partner with a right elbow
Opposites swing, partner swing, and on to the next
“Honest Square” (divide the ring)
By: Agnes Cunningham OK
First couple, balance and swing, down the center and divide the ring
Down the center and cast off six, the tenant farmer’s in an awful fix
Swing at the head and the foot couples too, sides go right and left through
Beans all gone, there ain’t no more, down the center and cast off four
Swing at the head and the foot couples too, sides go right and left through
Down the center and cut off two, what the heck can a poor man do?
Home you are and everybody swing, allemande left go around the ring
Eight million acres of company land, partner by the right,
Shake for a right left grand, meet your partner promenade,
Join the union don’t be afraid
Second couple balance and swing. down the center and divide the ring
Gent to the left and lady to the right, the tenant’s union will put up a fight
Swing at the head and the foot couples too, sides go right and left through
Down the center as you down before, down the center and cast off four
Swing at the head and the foot couples too, sides go right and left through
Better join the union too, down the center and cast off two
Home you are and everybody swing, allamande left go around the ring
Half the land is all dried out, and the rest is up the landhog’s snout
Meet your partner, promenade, join the union don’t be afraid
3rd. couple balance do the same, we ain’t playin’ till they change the game
Down the center, cast off six union’s gonna see that they change it quick
Swing your honey off the floor, recruiting officer get away from my door
You don’t catch me in a rich man’s war, down the center and cast off four
Swing at the head and the foot couples too, sides go right and left through
Cast off two an’ ‘fore we’re through, we’re gonna cast off the landhog too
Home you are and everybody swing allemande left go around the ring
All bucks, the oil man’s makin’, while tax is added to the price of bacon
Fourth couple, balance and swing, down the center and divide the ring
Down the center and cast off six, the ruling class just can’t be fixed
Swing at the head and the foot couples too, side go right and left through
Money all gone, it’s out the door, down the center and cast off four
Swing at the head and the foot couples too, sides go right and left through
Down the center and cut off two, you know what we gotta do?
Home you are and everybody swing, allemande left go around the ring
Apple pie, we are all fans, partner by the right, for a right left grand
Meet your partner promenade, all of us must not behave
This sorta thing has got to stop, grab your partner and hippity hop
Grab your partner and promenade, everybody here is union made
Break Figures
“Lady Get Around”
Lady 1 to C2, swing someone that’s what you do. Lady one to C3
“Pass One Man”
Join hands and circle left
Other way back, go single file
Ladies turn back gents follow
Ladies turn out, pass one man
Give the next one your left hand
Back to your partner right left grand
“Gent’s Don’t Go”
Join hands and circle left
Other way back, go single file
Ladies turn back gents follow
Ladies turn out, gents don’t go
(you can to a corner allemande to a RLG if you want)
Find your partner and promeno
“Sausage Grinder”
Allemande left your corner
Allemande right your partner
Swing your corner with all your might
Put that lady on your right
“Do Saw Do”
Face your partner, do si do
Chicken in the bread pan scratchin’ out dough
On the corner, see saw
Go back home and swing your taw
“Big Grand”
All eight balance, all eight swing
Swing your partner pretty little thing
Allemande left to the corner you go
Grand chain eight around the row
Wave the ocean wave the sea (pass their partners once)
Wave that pretty one back to me and promenade
“Rip and Snort”
Couple one you rip and snort
Down the middle and cut them off short
Split the apple split the pear
Everybody get on out of there
Make an arch couple 2
Dive on through that’s what you do…
“Couple Switcheroo”
Couple one to the right of the square
Circle left, don’t be scared
Circle right, hold on tight
Swing the opposite with all your might
Gent bring that gal on to the next,
Circle up left,
Circle right,
Bring that girl on the next and
Circle left,
Circle right, swing your opposite everybody swing
“Box the Nat”
Face your partner shake right hands
Pass on by with a right left grand
Meet your partner, box the gnat
Head on back (or call RLG) on the reverse track
Promenade (or box the gnat again)
“Ladies (or gents) to the Middle, Back to Back”
Ladies to the middle, back to back, gents go around that outside track
Meet your partner, pass them by, take the next one on the fly
“Star Hand Grand”
Gents to the middle with a right hand star
Other way back with a left hand star
Right to your partner with a right left grand
“In and Out with a Half Sashay”
In to the middle and back that way
Roll away with a half sashay (all the way around then)
In to the middle and back once more
Swing yoyur partner right off the floor
“Swingin’ on a Gate”
Swing on the corner like swingin’ on a gate
Now your own if your not too late
Allemande left on your left hand (corner), dance on into a right left grand
Hand over hand, go around the ring, meet your partner, pretty little thing
And promenade
“Simple RLG”
Face your partner, shake right hands, pass on by with a right left grand
Pass them once and around you go, next time you meet you promeno
“Little Red Wagon”
Allemande left with your left hand
Right hand to your partner, right left grand
Here we go in a little red wagon
The hind wheels off and the axle’s draggin’
Meet your own and promenade
Promenade eight till you come straight
“Four Ladies Chain”
Four ladies chain across the set
Chain right back your not through yet
Turn around with your left hand
And promenade with your ol’ man
“Pretty Little Ring”
Ring ring, pretty little ring, break that ring with a corner swing
Ring ring, pretty little ring, break that ring and swing your own
Now promeney and promeneaux head back home that’s what you do
Or now promeney and promeknow head back home and knead the dough
“Promenade Roll Back”
Promenade 8 and don’t slow down
Keep on walkin’ your partners ‘round
Gals roll back to the next in line
Promenade again and keep in time
4 times then swing
“Star Promenade”
Ladies to the center and back to the bar
Gents to the middle with a right hand star
A right hand star in the middle of the hall
Come back by the left to your partners all
And promenade around the hall
“Star RLG”
Ladies to the center and back to the bar
Gents to the middle with a right hand star
Back by the left in the middle of the land
Meet your own go right and left grand
Hand over hand around the hall
Meet your partners and promenade all
Closing Calls
The jug is empty, the keg is dry, so leave your partner and say goodbye
That’s the end I do believe, kiss the caller before you leave
That’s all there is, there is no more, take your partners off the floor
Wave to the caller at the door
That’s the end of this old square, so promenade to a big soft chair
You know where and I don’t care
Form a ring, a pretty little ring
Break that ring with a corner swing
Promenade your partners all
Take trip around the hall, with your
Big foot up and your little foot down
When you get home settle on down
First old couple you rip and snort
Go down the middle and cut ‘em off short
Gent go left and the gal go right
Everybody else just hang on tight
Then down the center you go once more
And promenade right off the floor
Promenade Patter
Horses in the corral, cows in the stall, promenade now, one and all
Little bit o’ heel, little bit o’ toe, promenade as you always do
Promenade up, and promenade down, strut your stuff round the town
Promenade eight till you come strait, chow’s on the table so don’t be late
Promenade eight, promenade all, promenade around the hall
Tap your heel and save your toe
Chicken in the bread pan scratchin’ at the dough
Meet your partner in calico, and promenade around the row
Meet your partner, pat ‘em on the head
If they don’t like biscuits, feed ‘em cornbread, and promenehd
Barbed wire fence broken down gate, meet your partner and promenade
Pronamanah, pronamanah
Promeno, promenade, your partners hair could use a little pomade
Promeney, promenai, if you’d just ask me, I’d share my pie
Right left grand round the ring, when you see your partner you promeney
RLG around you go, when you see your partner you promeno
RLG a little farther, when you see your partner, you promenartner
There once lived a curly headed gal with a warm smile and an empty belly. Now this gal was from
California, but we’ll call her Carolina. It was during a particularly frosty winter that Carolina had no food and no
money. She rambled around town singing her favorite songs hoping the generosity of strangers would relieve her
One day as Carolina was wandering down a road she came upon a tabby cat playing a fiddle. As she came near
Carolina began to cry, for the cat played a song so slow and mournful that Carolina could not stop herself.
“What is wrong?” she asked the cat. “Why do you play such a sad song?”
“My fiddle is weeping,” replied the tabby, “Because my paws are quite cold and my belly is so empty.”
“I am shivering as well. And I have not eaten in weeks. May I play with you?” Asked the girl.
“Certainly” replied Carolina. And so Carolina took her guitar off her back and began to plunk along as the
two rambled down the road further.
Eventually they came upon a heron perched on the edge of a trashcan. “What are you doing up there?” shouted
the tabby cat. This was a peculiar sight, for the tabby knew this bird was not one to idle on such a perch.
“I was looking for food. But all I can find are these tin cans.” Said the heron.
Carolina and the tabby began to look through the trashcan. Not surprising they found nothing to eat. But Carolina
had another idea.
“Why don’t you peck at those cans while the tabby and I play a song?” So the tabby struck up a tune while the
three played and played until their limbs grew week and stiff. They were so deeply satisfied by their music that for
a moment all had forgotten the ever-present hunger pains. They also had neglected to notice a deer with a banjo
strapped to her back that was now standing right beside them.
“Hello” The deer said. “My name is Juniper, and like you I am cold and hungry. But I know of a certain grizzly
bear who has more chestnuts and corn than he could ever eat alone.
“Who is he?” Asked the heron.
“Where is he?” Asked the tabby cat.
“Is he kind to strangers?” Asked Carolina.
“He has the loudest roar and the sharpest claws but the warmest heart. However he has been asleep since the first
snow fall, and I have tried my hardest to wake him with no success. I have been plucking my banjo and singing
with all my strength, but neither are loud enough to cause a stir.”
“If we play our instruments together.” The heron said, “I know we’d be loud enough to wake him.”
So the vagrant bunch followed Juniper to the grizzly’s home, playing as they walked. News had spread quickly
and along the way two frogs equipped with mandolins had joined the march. As they rambled further they past two
huntsmen washing hides.
“Come join in!” cried the tabby.
One grabbed the washtub, and the other the washboard, and the two followed suit. Now their music resonated
throughout the woods, attracting the attention of cellist who willingly joined the procession. Soon they reached the
grizzly’s home. He lay fast asleep while the musical bunch surrounded him. They played so loud that not even the
bear’s snoring could be heard. But he still did not wake.
“Something’s missing!” croaked to frog.
Unknowest to all, an owl entered carrying two spoons. “Mind if I join?” She shouted. But the music was so loud
that no one could hear her. So the owl joined in anyway.
Finally the grizzly awoke from his slumber. He was so thrilled to hear their song that he began to dance, stomping
his feet and clapping his claws. And before anyone asked, the grizzly cooked up a feast of which everyone partook.
And from that night on the group called themselves the Grizzle Grazzle Trash Can Band, playing music for all
who will listen and filling the bellies of all who are hungry.