METAKILL TECHNICAL BULLETIN SNAIL AND SLUG BAIT SALES & CUSTOMER SERVICE VICTORIA / SOUTH AUSTRALIA John Barbetti _ 0407 922 102 NEW SOUTH WALES TBA QUEENSLAND Mark Adams _ 0428 456 688 WESTERN AUSTRALIA Andrew Alexander _ 0458 684 688 “ Imtrade METAKILL is specifically formulated to be weather resistant providing maximum effectiveness for longer periods. ” PRODUCT FEATURES Weather resistant pellets, retain their integrity even upon direct contact with moisture or humidity. Our 5-day water submerged test proves it Safe to handle dust free pellets High active product contains 50 g/kg of Metaldehyde Flexible application methods due to uniform pellet size. Free flowing pellets suitable for use with a range of spreading equipment delivering up to 80 pellets p/m 2 Cost effective product with minimal need for re-baiting as a result of METAKILL’s high resilience to degradation High palatability through quality carbohydrate ingredients that deliver a lethal dose WWW.IMTRADE.COM.AU METAKILL TECHNICAL BULLETIN SALES & CUSTOMER SERVICE SNAIL AND SLUG BAIT EMAIL SALES@IMTRADE.COM.AU TOLL FREE 1800 171 799 17 OCEAN STREET KWINANA WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6167 SNAIL FACTS Crop yield can be reduced by snails feeding directly on seedling and leaves. Cooler moist conditions trigger snail activities and with the approach of Autumn rains this is an ideal time to apply Imtrade METAKILL to stop snails finding food and reproducing. BAIT RATES 100 A study conducted by GRDC (2012) shows a proportional relation of baits/sqm versus % snail mortality (Figure1) (Ref “Effect of size & density of bait pellets on juvenile snail mortality” Helen DeGraaf GRDC 2012). 90 % mortality Imtrade METAKILL has a uniform small pellet size which delivers approximately up to 76 pellets/ sqm. This increases the potential for snails to encounter the bait pellets when they are actively foraging for food. 80 150 snails/m2 70 300 snails/m2 60 50 40 30 0 20 40 60 80 100 Number of baits per sqm Figure 1: Per cent mortality (± Standard Error) of juvenile Italian white snails showing increased mortality with increased number of baits per m2 at two snail densities WEATHER RESISTANCE Snail baits remain active until subjected to moisture. Inferior bait pellets will swell, fall apart and become inactive. Imtrade METAKILL is specifically formulated to be weather resistant providing maximum effectiveness for longer periods. This reduces the need to re-apply baits following rainfall or irrigation. IMTRADE METAKILL 50g/kg Metaldehyde REFERENCE PRODUCT 50g/kg Metaldehyde INFERIOR COMPETITOR 20g/kg Metaldehyde IMPORTANT For current application use instructions, always refer to the product label. COPYRIGHT Information contained herein remains the copyright of Imtrade Australia and cannot be reproduced without the company’s permission. © 2014/03 Imtrade: M. Macpherson WWW.IMTRADE.COM.AU
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