IMVC RTO Complaints and Appeals Policy & Procedure Policy To ensure that the Inner Melbourne VET Cluster (IMVC) has a fair and transparent means for the RTO to respond to allegations involving the conduct of the RTO, its trainers, assessors, students, other RTO staff and or a third party providing services on the RTO’s behalf. It ensures that the IMVC deals with complaints and appeals in a constructive, timely and sensitive manner. The IMVC aims to ensure that recipients are satisfied with the outcome of their complaint or appeal. Definitions A complaint or appeal is deemed to be dissatisfaction with the processes, outcome or quality of service provided by employees of the IMVC, a third party or other students. Grievance is an actual or supposed circumstance regarded as a just cause for the complaint. This will be included in complaints Examples of complaints include the following: : Enrolment process Processes The quality of the training delivery Assessment outcomes/including recognition of prior learning Issuing of results, certificates and /or statements of attainment Any other activities associated with the delivery of training and assessment services Conduct of the RTO in regards to its recipients Conduct of other students Issues arising from third party providers on behalf of the RTO Other issues such as discrimination, sexual harassment, victimisation, disability discrimination and bullying A complaint or appeal is deemed to be formal when it is made in writing to the RTO Operations Manager who will then formally acknowledge this in writing. Procedure: This procedure describes the process by which trainers, assessors, students, other RTO staff and or a third party providing services on the RTO’s behalf may have problems addressed effectively, professionally and confidentially. 1. The complainant or appellant is encouraged to discuss the complaint or appeal with the relevant trainer or person involved to attempt to resolve the issue at the time. 2. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved, the complaint or appeal should be referred to the RTO Operations Manager using the Complaints and Appeals Form 3. The RTO operations Manager is responsible for: a. acknowledging the complaint or appeal in writing b. investigating the complaint or appeal and contacting the complainant/appellant within 10 working days to try and negotiate a mutually satisfying resolution. 4. If the complaint or appeal is about a specific individual the RTO Operations Manager’s response will include: March 2015 Policy: Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure: RTO Page 1 of 3 Version 5.0 IMVC RTO Complaints and Appeals Policy & Procedure Informing the person about whom the compliant/appeal is made and seeking their views and perspective Giving consideration to the use of a mediator 5. If the complainant or appellant is not satisfied with the response of the RTO Operations Manager’s, the complaint or appeal will be referred to the Youth and Community Transitions Manager. 6. Should the complainant or appellant be dissatisfied with the outcome of this process, external mediation and resolution is available. A request for external mediation or dispute resolution must be made in writing. The following people/organisations are available: Collingwood DSCV Neighbourhood Justice Centre 241 Wellington Street Collingwood VIC 3066 Tel: 9948 8628 Fax: 9948 8629 The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia Postal Address: Level 13, 200 Queens Street Melbourne 3000 Tel: (02) 92513366 7. The Youth and Community Transitions Manager, the Executive Officer and or Board will consider the recommendation of the external mediator prior to confirming or amending the original decision and communicate the decision with supporting reasons in writing to the parties involved in the process within 2 weeks. 8. The cost of any external mediation discussed between the IMVC and the recipient. Any case of special consideration in regards to the costs involved will be considered if this is lodged in writing. 9. Following this process, if the complainant or appellant is not satisfied they may take the matter to the: Victorian Registration & Qualification Authority (VRQA) GPO Box 2317 Melbourne 3001 Tel: 9637 2806 10. If the complaint or appeal is not resolved within sixty (60) days, the RTO Operations Manager or the Youth and Community Transitions Manager will notify the persons involved in writing of this and outline the process of the complaint or appeal. 11. The RTO Operations Manager or the Youth and Community Transitions Manager will update the complainant or appellant on a regular basis until the issue is resolved. 12. The IMVC will document complaints and appeals and their resolution on the Complaints register. 13. The outcomes of the complaints and or appeals will be discussed at the RTO management meeting. Outcomes will be put in place so actions are taken to eliminate or reduce the likelihood reoccurrence 14. The RTO will ensure that it securely maintains records of all complaints and appeals and their outcomes March 2015 Policy: Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure: RTO Page 2 of 3 Version 5.0 IMVC RTO Complaints and Appeals Policy & Procedure 15. The Complaints and Appeals policy and procedure is made available on the IMVC website, student and trainer handbooks. Standard 3: Student welfare Policy Authorisation: Responsibility: Confirmation Date: Version No: March 2015 Policy: Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure: RTO Executive Officer 14/7/11 Signed: 5 Review Date: April 2016 Page 3 of 3 Version 5.0
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