GEORGE WYTHE HIGH SCHOOL BAND #1 Maroon Way • Wytheville, VA 24382 • Phone: (276) 228-3981 • Fax: (276) 228-4124 Email: • Website: Courses: School of Rock Director: Mr. Bob Priest Email: Term: Contact: Web: 2013-2014 (276) 228-3981 Course Description: A basic course on how to play popular music as an individual and in an ensemble. Students will receive instruction in: Singing, Guitar, Bass and Keyboards. Stress will be placed on tuning, chording, strum patterns, reading music in 1st position, tablature and power chords, basic rock beat patterns, keyboard chords and melody, singing properly on pitch and in harmony. Students will learn music from all popular genres. Students will learn about the music industry. Students will perform in class as individuals and in ensemble settings. There may be a small Concert performed after school hours. Materials Needed: Guitar picks (5), a 3 ring hard binder with loose-leaf paper and dividers for portfolio, pencil, set of guitar strings, one set of drum sticks. Guitar tuner (optional). A home guitar is recommended for home practice. There is a $5.00 user fee for this class. Grading: 25% Musicianship 25% Participation and Classroom Procedures 30% Rehearsal Procedures 20% Portfolio Musicianship (25%) Each member should be present and on time for all classes. 1. Each member should have all Materials required at the beginning class, 2. Once class begins, each member should concentrate on the music and objective being rehearsed and use their listening skills as the primary means of communication. The more intensely each member listens and responds to the music around them, the higher the performance level of the individual. 3. Students will play only when instructed to do so. 4. All Materials are to put away at the end of class. 5. Be Respectful of Others. Inappropriate language will not be tolerated! Participation and Classroom Procedures (25%) Playing evaluations will be given on a regular basis; there will be a few written evaluations. Being a performance based class; the majority of class time will be spent learning to play and sing. Rehearsal Procedures (25%) As your skills progress you will be graded on how well you spend your time in preparation on assignments during class. Portfolio (20%) The Portfolio will contain all handouts and notes from classroom instruction. Also in the Portfolio will be student composed songs, and a catalogue of Pop Songs. The portfolio should be in an ordered and organized condition. George Wythe High School • Home of the Mighty Maroon Marching Band • Scott Memorial Middle School The Pride of Virginia’s Mountain Empire GEORGE WYTHE HIGH SCHOOL BAND #1 Maroon Way • Wytheville, VA 24382 • Phone: (276) 228-3981 • Fax: (276) 228-4124 Email: • Website: Syllabus Agreement Form I have read, understand and agree to follow the course syllabus requirements for the School of Rock Class at George Wythe High School. Student Name (Print) Grade Address City\Zip Parent or Guardian (Print) Home Phone Work Phone Parent Email Student Email Student Signature Date As the legal guardian or custodial parent, I grant the George Wythe High School\Scott Memorial Middle School Music Department permission to use my child’s photo and first name on their Web site for the purpose of illustrating typical activities of a club, organization or educational activity. __________________________________________ ______________________ Parent\Guardian Signature Date George Wythe High School • Home of the Mighty Maroon Marching Band • Scott Memorial Middle School The Pride of Virginia’s Mountain Empire
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