Incarnation - St. James Parish ...Administered By the Trinitarians MARCH 29,, 2015 Tel: 609-882-2860 Fax 609-637-0460 Fr. Santhosh George Kozhippadan, O.SS.T. Pastor Fr. Kenneth Borgesen, O.SS.T. In Residence Fr. Charles Flood, O.SS.T. In Residence Fr. John Dorn, O.SS.T. In Residence Fr. Philip Cordisco,O.SS.T. In Residence Deacon Thomas H. Rivella Deacon Joseph A. Hannawacker Deacon Frank Golazeski Deacon James Alessi EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS Incarnation Church 1545 Pennington Road, Ewing, NJ 08618 !"#$%"$&'(")*+,%#+) Monday thru Friday 6:45 am Fridays during school year 9:00 am Saturday 9:00 am Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 7:30 am 11:00 am, and 5:30 pm Confession: 4:30 to 5:15 pm Saturdays St. James Church Monday thru Saturday 8:00 am Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 9:30 am Confession 3:30 to 3:45 pm on Saturdays St. James Church 29 East Paul Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08638 Business Manager: Ronald Kraemer Secretary: Nina Siwy email: Office is open: Mon-Fri 9:00AM- 8:00PM Saturdays: 10:00AM-4:00PM lUGzGwGˀGzUGmGtSGpUoUtUGGGGGwaG]W`T__YTZYY_G lUGzGwG kGGmGmGˀGzUGkGzSGpUoUtUGGGwaG]W`T__YT_`_`G kGGmGm tGkaGu GwGTG]W`T__ZT\_^ZG tGk rGGjaG{G}GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGwa]W`TZW]T]]W`GG rGGjaG CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION–S T. JAMES MASS INTENTIONS ! HOLY WEEK 2015 ǡ͚͠ǡ͚͙͘͝ ͠ǣ͘͘ Ƭ Ǥ Ǥ ͡ǣ͘͘ Ǥ ǤǤơ ͜ǣ͘͘ ǯ ǤƬ ǯ Ǥ ƬǤ ͝ǣ͛͘ Ƭ ǤƬ ǡ͚͡ǡ͚͙͘͝Ǧ ͟ǣ͛͘ Ǥ ͡ǣ͛͘ Ǥ ǤƬ ͙͙ǣ͘͘ ƤǤƬ ǤƬ Ƭ Ǥ ͝ǣ͛͘ Ǥ ǡƬ Ǥ ǡ͛͘ǡ͚͙͘͝ ͞ǣ͜͝ Ǥ ͠ǣ͘͘ ǤƬ ǤƬ ǡ͙͛ǡ͚͙͘͝ ͞ǣ͜͝ ǤƬ ͠ǣ͘͘ ơ ǤƬ ͞ǣ͘͘ ͟ǣ͘͘ ǡ͙ǡ͚͙͘͝ ͞ǣ͜͝ Ǥ ͠ǣ͘͘ Ǥ ǤƬ ǤƬ Friend us on Facebook: Incarnation-St-James-Catholic-Church ! ǡ͚ǡ͚͙͘͜ ǯ ȋǤȌ ǤƬ ͙͘ǣ͘͘ ͟ǣ͘͘ ǡ͛ǡ͚͙͘͜ ͛ǣ͘͘ ͟ǣ͘͘ ͙͘ǣ͘͘ ͙͙ǣ͘͘ ͙͚ǣ͘͘ ͙ǣ͘͘ ǡ͜ǡ͚͙͘͝ ͜ǣ͘͘͝ǣ͛͘ ! ͟ǣ͘͘ Ǥ ǤǤ ǡ͝ǡ͚͙͘͝ ͟ǣ͛͘ ͡ǣ͘͘ ͡ǣ͛͘ ͙͙ǣ͘͘ ͝ǣ͛͘ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ƭơ Ǥ ȋǯȌ Ǥ ȋǤȌ Ǥ Ǥ Follow us on Twitter: @ISJParish /@FrSanthosh /@DeaconFrankG ! ! ! ! Dear ISJ Family, “Today is Palm Sunday and it is the beginning of the Great Week of the Christian Community, Holy Week: the week in which we remember and witness to and relive in our own lives the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Every other dimension of the Christian life finds its roots and inspiration in this Paschal Mystery. The readings we hear on Palm Sunday recall two things: the entry of Jesus unto Jerusalem, which we heard at the beginning of Mass, and then the narrative of the Passion of Jesus which we have heard in the Gospel reading. Jesus’ first hearers were aware of the way in which the history of salvation had unfolded over the centuries and how these events were recorded in the scriptures of the Old Testament. These scriptures pointed towards the Redeemer who was to come. But as we have heard in both of our readings not everyone who knew those scriptures was able or willing to recognize in Jesus the fulfilment of the promises of old. We face the same challenge today. We have to ask ourselves then the question: “who is this Jesus Christ who enters into Jerusalem and who enters into our world and into the life of each of us”. And we have to ask ourselves: how, when we recognize this Jesus, must we change the way we live? Today we commemorate Christ's entry into Jerusalem for the completion of the Paschal Mystery. In the old calendar before Vatican II, the Church celebrated Passion Sunday two Sundays before Easter, and then Palm Sunday was the beginning of Holy Week. The Church has combined the two to reinforce the solemnity of Holy Week. Lord. But by our faith we know, as they did not, all that His triumph stands for. He is the Messiah, the Son of David and the Son of God. He is the sign of contradiction, acclaimed by some and reviled by others. Sent into this world to wrest us from sin and the power of Satan, He underwent His Passion, the punishment for our sins, but issues forth triumphant from the tomb, the victor over death, making our peace with God and taking us with Him into the kingdom of His Father in heaven. We pray that our celebration of Holy Week here will be a moment of renewal as we in all humility recognize the saving power of God revealed in Jesus who, as we heard in the second reading, humbles himself and gives himself for us. There is a growing interest in our days – among believers and nonbelievers alike – in pilgrimages and pilgrim walks. The fundamental pilgrim walk of the believing Christian, however, is the interior walk and the journey of life which we make alongside Jesus in this Holy Week. We journey with Jesus as he humbles himself and gives himself to death, so that all can reach resurrection and new life. Let us set out then on that pilgrim journey. In Christ, Fr. Santhosh George OSST Our Parish Communal Lenten Reconciliation Service with individual confessions will take place this coming Tuesday. As you make your personal preparations for Holy Week and Easter, I invite you to join us in receiving the healing power of Jesus and the gift of God’s grace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please plan on joining your parish community on March 31 at 7:00pm. Please join us for “Soup and Bread” at 6:00pm before the Penance Service. If this date is inconvenient for you there are other opportunities being offered for confessions on Holy Saturday. Please make a note of this. The Palm Sunday procession is formed of Christians who, in the "fullness of faith," make their own the gesture of the Jews and endow it with its full significance. Following the Jews' example we proclaim Christ as a Victor... Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Thank you for your ongoing Catholic Stewardship and support of the Incarnation St. James Parish. Nothing can be done without you and your participation and generosity in time, spirit, and financial support. Weekly Goal: $13,500 Weekly Collection for March 22nd - not available INCARNATION-ST. JAMES LAY MINISTRIES - Readers HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 7:00 PM Sr. Diane Simons GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2015 3:00 pm M. Bedard. D. Ionata Holy Week is the week preceding Easter and the final week of Lent. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. Holy Week includes Holy Thursday (also known as Maundy Thursday) and Good Friday, which, together with Holy Saturday, are known as the Triduum. Before the revision of the liturgical calendar in 1969, Holy Week was the second week of Passiontide; in the current calendar, Passiontide is synonymous with Holy Week. During Holy Week, Christians commemorate the Passion of Christ, Who died on Good Friday in reparation for the sins of mankind, and rose on Easter Sunday to give new life to all who believe. Thus, while Holy Week is solemn and sorrowful, it also anticipates the joy of Easter through the recognition of God's goodness in sending His Son to die for our salvation. catholiconline EASTER VIGIL SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 2015 7:00 pm Sr. Diane Simons, M. Enourato, M. Bedard, T. Cammarata, D. Gowaty RESURRECTION OF THE LORD EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 2015 7:30 am J. Birchenall 9:00 am Sr. Francis Michael 9:30 am J. Paul 11:00 am D. Cox 5:30 pm NO MASS Incarnation Church Parish Lenten Soup & Bread Tuesday, March 31st at 6:00 PM followed by Penance Service 7:00 PM The Penance Service is a time to reflect on this season of Spiritual Renewal and Sacrifice to help prepare for the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus. Join us for prayer, song and reflection followed by individual confessions. Come at 6:00 PM to enjoy soup, bread and fellowship in the church auditorium. Please Remember the Sick in Your Prayers Lowell Allen, Cathy Amico, Maribel Aromin, Bob Bark, Connie Beckman, Samuel Berenato, Melissa Berkenkopf, Rose Bonifazi, Fr. Ken Borgesen O.SS.T., Anita Boyle, Abigail Brady, Peter Brennan, Charlie Brower, Margaret Ann Bruno, David, Karen Cahill, Jessica Carlini, Robin Carlini, Amara Chambers, Todd Christian, Mary Crossily, Said Crusade, Collin Dalrimple, Frank DeFeo, Jean DelVecchio, Colin Delaney, Mary Delaney, Nicole Dennion, Rosily Devassy, Anna DiMemmo, Patricia Downs, Margaret Duncan, Tom Dzubek, Marie Emma, Palma Fecak, Claudia Fiorvanti, Xavier Freehoff, Rennie Funari, Barbara Fusceallo, Marie Gavigan, Alfredo Gentile, David Gillico, Rose Gizzi, Matthew Gorham, Dominick Gustino, Natalie Gustino, Mary Hendrickson, Regina (Van Wagner) Hoffman, Edward Housel, Irene Infanti, Mark Infanti, Louis Inverso, The Johnson Family, William Kampe, Donna Kanewski, Michele Kausler, Kenneth, William Kampe, Kneeshaw, Joseph Kuhn, Anthony LaBron, Thomas Lawrence, Larry LeClaire, Betty Lisiewski, Vicki Long, Rogelio Lopera, Rose May, Armando Mannocchi, Janet McMyne, Genevieve Montague, Lucy Mule, Annie Nalbone, Rose Nalbone, Ken Nelson, Sean O’Connor, Anne Patrone, Bernice Pearre, Benny Petosa, Diane Pilot, Helen Popick, James Raccosta, Amanda Radice, Mary Jo Ranfone, Paula & Patty Reali, Zachary, Judy & Baby Zoya Reese, Chet Rhodes, Ling Rhodes, Peggy Richerson, Richard Richardson, Joel Rivera, Steve Robbinson, Dolores Rogers, Cathy Roland, Jeff Romani, Marion Ritzo, Nikki Russo, Carol Salender, Marie Sander, Eddie Sattler, Leni Sattler, Paul Sattler, Joseph Scannelli, , Jean Shapiro, Samantha Simmers, Nina Simpson, Sr. Rose, Mary Frances Smith, Clara Stefane, Ann Steffen, Sonny Stillatano, Tina Taglireno, Sophie and Natalie Tezsla, Marie Fiore Tomczyk, Kathleen Trainor, Josephine Vannozzi, Frank Volpe, Christopher Ward, Jean Ward, Stephanie Weightman, Albert Zampiri, Nicholas Zuccarello, Jonathan Zybal. Please call the parish office at 609-882-2860 to add a name to the prayer list and to inform us when all is well so we may take a name off the list. MARCH 29, 2015 HOLY WEEK and EASTER MONDAY, March 30 TUESDAY, March 31 WEDNESDAY, April 1 Incarnation 6:45 am St. James 8:00 am Fr. Santhosh invites you to come and experience two talks given by Fr. Frank Sirolli, O.S.A. on Holy Thursday and Good Friday entitled *A Thank you --To all who participated in our recent endeavors -- The Palm Cross Sale and the Spirituali-TEA. Your support is greatly appreciated. *Monthly Meeting Notice • Sunday -- following the 9:30am Mass at St. James -- April 12th, • Your presence is welcomed. ISJ PARISH FAITH FORMATION ROGRAMS “Our Longings for Limitless Love” HOLY THURSDAY, April 2 NO MORNING MASSES Mass of the Lord’s Supper Incarnation Church 7:00 pm Homilist: Fr. Frank Sirolli, O.S.A. Eucharistic Procession (weather permitting) Adoration until 10:00 pm GOOD FRIDAY, April 3 NO MORNING MASSES Passion of the Lord Solemn Service and Communion Incarnation Church 3:00 pm Homilist: Fr. Frank Sirolli, O.S.A. 5:00 pm Stations of the Cross - ISJ Youth HOLY SATURDAY, April 4 NO MORNING MASSES Confessions Incarnation Church 10:00-11:00 am St. James Church 1:00-2:00pm Blessing of Baskets Incarnation Church 11:00 am St. James Church 12:00 pm EASTER VIGIL St. James Church 7:00 pm NO 4:00 pm Mass EASTER SUNDAY, April 5 RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Incarnation Church 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am NO 5:30 pm Mass St. James Church 9:30 am MARCH 22 - NO RCIA MARCH 23- NO Religious Education MARCH 26 - NO Bible Study For more information on Faith Formation please call Sister Diane at 609-882-8989. On Tuesday, April 14 at 6:30 pm, Incarnation St. James will host a "Taste of the Town" event showcasing many local restaurants. The $25 admission lets you sample all the participating restaurants best dishes! Tickets can be purchased by calling the school at 609-8823228. Tickets will also be sold after mass on April 11th and 12th. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! NELSON’S BBQ RIBS & CHICKEN DAY AT ISJ SCHOOL: ! Nelson's BBQ is Coming to ISJ School! Looking for delicious, mouthwatering BBQ Ribs and Chicken? Look no further than IncarnationSt. James School! We are having another Nelson's BBQ Day on Thursday, April 23rd from 3:00 to 6:00 PM. Cost is $13.00 for BBQ ribs meals, and $8.00 for BBQ chicken meals. Each meal includes a 12 oz. soda, roll w/butter, and your choice of a cold side salad. Simply preorder your meals by April 14th by calling the school at 609-882-3228, or download the Nelson's BBQ pre-order form from our website All proceeds benefit ISJ 's 8th grade class trip fund. Don't miss this! Incarnation-St. James school is located at 1555 Pennington Road, Ewing, NJ 08618. The Ewing Knights of Columbus a scholarship for students who will be attending Catholic high school in the 20152016 academic year. The Contest is open to students who meet one or more of the following criteria: 1. Sponsored by a member of the Ewing Knights of Columbus 2. Graduates of Incarnation St. James School 3. Members of Incarnation St. James or Our Lady of Good Counsel Parishes 4. Residents of Ewing Township. 5. Attending Villa Victoria in Grades 9 - 12. Interested students should submit an essay of 200-500 words on the topic "How My Faith Helps Me Face Challenges" along with their name, address, telephone number, high school, elementary or junior high, year of high school graduation and name of sponsor (if applicable) to: Scholarship Committee Ewing Knights of Columbus c/o Thomas J. DeFalco 132 Bull Run Rd., Ewing, NJ 08638 Essays must be received by MARCH 31, 2015. Scholarship awarded on the quantity and quality of essays received. Maximum awarded is $200. The total awarded is $1000. Contact Thomas DeFalco at 882-6480 with questions. Thank you. Meals on Wheels of Trenton/Ewing delivers meals to homebound of Trenton/Ewing. We are in need of weekly & substitute volunteers. Meals are picked up at 10:15 and completed about 12:30. Volunteers go out in pairs, driver and the other delivers food to client’s door. We have other volunteer opportunity. Please contact the coordinator Stephanie Bradly at 609-695-3483 or St. James Seniors - June 22-26, 2015 5 day/4 night trip to Coastal Maine ● 4 night/4 breakfast/4 dinners, including a lobster dinner at Bluenose Inn, Bar Harbor, ME ● Whale Watch Cruise ● Visit Maine Lighthouse Museum, Mount Battie & Camden, views of Penobscot Bay ● and lots more ● Hotel & meal gratuities ● Baggage handling ● Motor coach transportation included $100.00 per person deposit due at sign-up $785.00 per person, double occupancy Single supplement $250.00 additional For additional information & reservations, contact Connie Fanelli 609-585-0575 Anointing of the Sick/Communion to the Homebound: Please notify the Parish Office when serious illness occurs or when the sick, aged, or incapacitated are confined to home for an extended period. Arrangements can be made to bring communion to those unable to attend Mass. The Ewing Knights of Columbus are participating in the “40 cans for lent” program. Please bring your canned food donations (and any other non-perishable food items) you would like to donate and place them in the containers located at each entrance. All food donated will be given to the Mt. Carmel Guild. What is 40 CANS FOR LENT©? It is a program designed to help fight hunger. While Christian based, is entirely non-denominational. All that is required is the desire to help others. Now God is asking you.............What will you say? This past February our 7th and 8th grade honors math students took the Preliminary IHM Math contest with over 1,000 other 7th and 8th grade students throughout the United States. These students are receiving certificates for their participation in that contest. Grade 7 Bridget Hoyt Daniel Kottcamp Grade 8 Sophia Green Dennis Liu Alexander Madrigal Laurel Peters-Acceus Scott Silagy The top 100 students in each grade will go on to be finalist in the IHM Contest that will take place on April 21st and 22. We are proud to announce that we have three students who were in the top 100. Grade 7 Daniel Kottcamp Grade 8 Dennis Liu Scott Silagy Congratulations to these students and to their teacher Sister George Mary. Good Luck in the finals. NEW FAMILIES We welcome new families to Incarnation-St. James Parish and request you register as soon as possible. Sincere membership is determined by registration, faithful participation at Mass and sharing of one’s time, talent and resources with this community of faith. The parish can not issue certification of eligibility for sacramental sponsorship if a person is not an active parishioner. A. PENNACCHI & SONS MASONRY RESTORATION COMPANY Colavita Jewelers, Inc. 209 Scotch Rd., Ewing, NJ 08628 Specializing in Brick, Stone Pointing, and Basement Waterproofing Phone: 609-883-1090 SIDEWALKS -CHIMNEYS PORCHES - STUCCO & FOUNDATION RESTORATION Established in 1947 (609) 584-5777 • (609) 393-9225 WANTED: Buying All Gold Jewelry Also Buying Dental Gold, Coins, Diamonds and Silver New, Used, Old, Broken, Damaged Rosa Perone-Boccella, Owner Authentic Italian BYOB 94 South Main St.,• Yardley, PA 267-392-5738 Open daily for brunch, lunch & dinner! SLA2012 THIS SPACE AVAILABLE FOR INFORMATION ON ADVERTISING, PLEASE CALL LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC 1-800-888-4574 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. MARCH 13, 2015 10:16 AM CHURCH OF INCARNATION, TRENTON 04-0399 Coins American & Foreign Scrap Gold Gold & Silver Paper Money Old Jewelry Estates • Collections Maria Rita Succi • Owner In Business Since 1974 56 Main St., Flemington, NJ 1700 South Broad Street • Trenton, NJ 08610 (609) 695-1700 • (800) 325-7034 800-819-9875 908-782-0840 Tues-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3 or By Appointment WILSON-APPLE FUNERAL HOME SERVING EWING TOWNSHIP FOR 50 YEARS Pre-Need Planning 609-737-1498 Robert A. Wilson, Owner NJ Lic. No. 2520 R. Asher Wilson, Manager NJ Lic. No. 3823 Pennington Circle, Pennington, NJ M. WILLIAM MURPHY, INC. Funeral Homes THIS SPACE AVAILABLE established 1870 609-882-3800 • 935 Parkway Ave. Ewing, NJ 08618 Timothy W. Everett 1863 Hamilton Ave. Hamilton, NJ 08619 Carmen C. Huber NJ Lic. No. 3506, Manager NJ Lic. No. 3983, Manager FOR INFORMATION ON ADVERTISING, PLEASE CALL LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC 1-800-888-4574 John M. “Mark” Arnold, NJ Lic. No. 4236, Owner Henry B. Murphy, NJ Lic. No. 1936, Director Emeritus Ewing Medical Associates, P.A. Internal Medicine • Family Practice Serving the Community for Over 45 Years THIS SPACE IS Board Certified Physicians In Network for Most Insurances New Patients Welcome Eugene A. Ryfinski, M.D. Paul A. Walker, D.O. Harsha K. Oza, M.D. 1539 Pennington Rd., Trenton, NJ 08618 Phone: 609-883-4124 Hours by Appointment BRENNA-CELLINI FUNERAL HOMES 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS HAMILTON BRENNA-CELLINI FUNERAL HOME PARKSIDE BRENNA-CELLINI FUNERAL HOME 2365 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road Hamilton, NJ 08619 (609) 584-8080 1584 Parkside Avenue Ewing, NJ 08638 (609) 882-4454 Maria E. Brenna, Owner/Manager N.J. Lic. No. 4879 Joseph A. D’Errico, Owner/Director N.J. Lic. No. 3651 ADVANCED FUNERAL PLANNING AND COUNSELING • ASSISTANCE WITH MEDICAID, SOCIAL SECURITY & VETERANS BENEFITS MEMBER OF NJ PREPAID FUNERAL TRUST FUND “CHOICES” • SERVING ALL FAITHS FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. MARCH 13, 2015 10:16 AM CHURCH OF INCARNATION, TRENTON 04-0399
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