SHIPPING KNOWING YOUR LIMITATIONS – HONG KONG IMPLEMENTS 1996 PROTOCOL With effect from 3 May 2015, the 1996 Protocol (the ‘Protocol’) Personal Injury / Loss of Life Claims to the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, Gross Tonnage Old Limit (SDRs) New Limit (SDRs) 1976 (the ‘1976 LLC’) now applies in Hong Kong. <500 333,000 2,000,000 The Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Shipowners Liability) +500 per ton 2,000,000 500 – 2,000 (Amendment) Ordinance 2005 (the ‘Amendment Ordinance’) 2,001 – 30,000 +333 per ton +800 per ton contains provisions amending the Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Shipowners Liability) Ordinance (Cap 434) (the 30,001 – 70,000 +250 per ton +600 per ton ‘Limitation Ordinance’) so that the Protocol can apply in Hong >70,000 +167 per ton +400 per ton Kong. The Amendment Ordinance specifies that these provisions are to come into force on a day to be appointed. The daily conversion rate for Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) is They could not come into force immediately but only after the available on the International Monetary Fund website here. Central People’s Government of Mainland China (‘CPG’), as the sovereign State, arranged to deposit the appropriate accession How substantial are the increases? instrument with the International Maritime Organisation As appears, the new limits of liability are substantially higher. (‘IMO’). The CPG has now done so; and in Law Notice L.N. 81 The table below shows the old and new limits of a shipowner’s of 2015 issued on 22 April 2015, the Secretary for Transport liability for property damage claims, and for loss of life and & Housing (as successor to the Secretary for Economic personal injury claims, using gross tonnages which are Development & Labour following the re-organisation of the representative of, respectively: a handy-size, panamax, and Hong Kong Government Secretariat in 2007) appointed 3 May cape-sized bulk carrier; a 5,000 TEU container ship; and a 2015 as the date for entry into force of these provisions. VLCC; and using a conversion rate of US$1.4 = 1 SDR. Accordingly, the Protocol now applies in Hong Kong having force of law by reason of section 12 of the Limitation Ordinance; and the new limits of liability are set out in Schedule 2 thereof. New Limits As a result of these amendments to the Limitation Ordinance, a shipowner’s limits of liability for both property damage claims, and for personal injury or loss of life claims in Hong Kong have been increased, and are now as follows: Property Damage Claims Property Damage Claims Gross Tonnage Old Limit (USD) New Limit (USD) Handy-size: 25,000 $5,961,900 $14,280,000 Panamax: $8,880,900 $21,280,000 Cape-size: 85,000 40,000 $15,873,900 $38,080,000 5,000 TEU: 55,000 $11,505,900 $27,580,000 VLCC: $24,588,900 $59,080,000 160,000 Personal Injury / Loss of Life Claims Gross Tonnage Old Limit (SDRs) New Limit (SDRs) Gross Tonnage Old Limit (USD) New Limit (USD) <500 167,000 1,000,000 Handy-size: 25,000 $12,472,600 $28,560,000 501 – 2,000 +167 per ton 1,000,000 Panamax: 40,000 $18,303,600 $42,560,000 2,001 – 30,000 +167 per ton +400 per ton Cape-size: 85,000 $32,310,600 $76,160,000 30,001 – 70,000 +125 per ton +300 per ton 5,000 TEU: 55,000 $23,553,600 $55,160,000 >70,000 +83 per ton +200 per ton VLCC: $49,845,600 $118,160,000 160,000 Are there any other changes? The limit of liability for the owner of a passenger ship for claims for loss of life or personal injury to passengers has also been substantially increased to 175,000 SDRs (from 46,666 SDRs) multiplied by the number of passengers which the ship is certificated to carry; and the previous cap of 25,000,000 SDRs has been abolished. For the owner of a high-speed Hong Kong–Macau ferry, the limit has accordingly increased from some US$21,755,689 (old limit) to some US$81,585,000 (new limit), assuming the ferry is certificated to carry 333 passengers, and using a conversion rate of: US$1.4 = 1 SDR. It is to be expected therefore, that the new limits will be further increased next month for both property damage (‘property’) claims, and for loss of life and personal injury (‘LOL/PI’) claims, as follows (figures are in SDRs): Gross Tonnage New Limits (Property) New Limits (LOL/PI) < 2,000 1,510,000 3,020,000 2,0001 – 30,000 +604 per ton +1,028 per ton 30,001 – 70,000 +453 per ton +906 per ton +302 per ton +604 per ton The Protocol makes clear that claims for special compensation > 70,000 under Article 14 of the International Salvage Convention 1989, and claims for contributions in general average, are both Further Information excepted from limitation. If you require further information about these changes, or about a shipowners right to limit liability generally in Hong Practical Implications Kong, then please contact any of the following: With Hong Kong now a party to the Protocol, regional shipping lawyers could see an increase in cases of forum shopping, and particularly because Singapore – another popular common law jurisdiction in Asia – is still currently a party to the 1976 LLC; and because China, whilst not a State Party to the 1976 LLC, applies the limitation provisions of the Chinese Maritime Code which are modelled on the 1976 LLC. The Protocol contains a “tacit acceptance” procedure for updating (increasing) the limits of liability, and on 19 April 2012 the State Parties agreed to adopt higher limits with effect from 8 June 2015. Section 28 of the Limitation Ordinance provides that: Harry Hirst Regional Head of Admiralty, Partner, Hong Kong Max Cross Partner, Hong Kong Rory Macfarlane Partner, Hong Kong Su Yin Anand Partner, Hong Kong “The Chief Executive in Council may by order published in the Gazette amend Schedule... 2 in accordance with any revision to... the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976, or to any protocol [to the Convention] which may apply to Hong Kong.” Ince & Co is a network of affiliated commercial law firms with offices in Beijing, Dubai, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Le Havre, London, Monaco, Paris, Piraeus, Shanghai and Singapore. E: 24 Hour International Emergency Response Tel: + 44 (0)20 7283 6999 LEGAL ADVICE TO BUSINESSES GLOBALLY FOR OVER 140 YEARS The information and commentary herein do not and are not intended to amount to legal advice to any person on a specific matter. They are furnished for information purposes only and free of charge. Every reasonable effort is made to make them accurate and up-to-date but no responsibility for their accuracy or correctness, nor for any consequences of reliance on them, is assumed by the firm. Readers are firmly advised to obtain specific legal advice about any matter affecting them and are welcome to speak to their usual contact. © 2015 Ince & Co International LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with number OC361890. Registered office and principal place of business: International House, 1 St Katharine’s Way, London, E1W 1AY.
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