INDAS MAHAVIDYALAYA KHO SBAG, INDA S,BAN KURA INFORMATION SHEET FOR APPLICANTS FOR ADMISSION TO 1ST YEAR IHONOURS & PASS) IN THREE YEAR DEGREE COURSE SESSION *ZOLS-16 1. Admission to 1st Yeai Honours P;iss [Sc:ence & Arts) ioulsr:s w;ll be given strictly on the basis of _& merit and through oniine counselling [website: http: / /www.indasmahaviafarryr.n"il. ') Applicants passing 1' English Medium Fl.S.TEquivalent Examination frorn Generai Strearn coerrse{tsengali & Onlv) in 2a72,2013, 2a1-4,201,5 are only eligibte tr apply for admission. B' FoR VOCATXONAL COIJRSES : Appircarrts passing Vocai:i,:ral Agr'icuiture Courses at the HS ievel ai:e eligible for acmjssicn tc Gene;^ai Cor:rses olily, pass,ng Engineering & Techr.roiogy lPuss eligible for B.Sc" Pu-re Scieace,/ ts.A. [ener-al , Paising Home icience eiigrble ror"g.a. General, not anv of the Honours couiscs, J. The online admission site of the College has been designed in a users'friendly way to help candidates ibr applying oniine in a step-bv-step fashion. ii nas tw8 malor "tig", il l i Registration and Admissiln. For Registratiorr visi t r,vr, n Click Online Admission 2015 fwrite upper corner) n Then fili-up for-nt n n After filiing-up ciicl< FROCEED Select vour ciloice: !lonours ,/ Merit List Sutl!ect for Floncrurs Course ancl/or BA fci: tsA ?ass ! il ! Click NEXT And click FR'INT and take print-o'ut for notingApplication ID IDO NOT sUBMtT THIS PRINT ouT To THE BANK) Again click {ln!i;:e Payrnent fcl rrece,;sary payrrient n State Eank C*ilect page u,rill operr tr Course RSc far Sciei-ile Fass Click I icurse harre read and accepted the terms and conditions stated above and again click Proceed burtll. tr \tiest Ben*,al fi:on-' ,:!rop dc",vn {click Seiect State} from Sta.te of Corporate/Institution Again select Educational Institution from drop down iclick Select Type) frorn T-vpe of Corpor;rtef Insritution n Click Go tr Select tr After iiliing up necessai'y;nfcrn:ation at ea.i- stage Droperly candidate shouid pay the requisite anrci,iirr tc the college tlirough online paymeni system [bultt up'in ile softwaie-;, r,vithout 'arhich the candii.]a.ture of the canditlaie i't'ill be cancelie.i, M;ae oi oniiue jlayrrent wiii tre riispiayed in rlie s.;;tware ltseli anii ri:t, i:a.rrr:iicate t^lg-']d ci-toose any on^e of iher:r. lt is importar.ri tc rnention tlial iil aii the cases the candiriate shouicl note the ONLINE REGISTRATI0I$ ll{-rlvlBER failing i.azhich it may be difficult ior making bank payme;rt rhrcugi: online process' The same registraticn nrimber should be useci by the candidate ro. rr.tne. tracking ui ilrlh". candidature at different stages. 4. 5, 6. 7. Merit Point calculation for Honours is Two Language subjects &:Best,-,3,but o.f +.electltg-spUjatti Respective Honours Subject Merit Point calculation f,or General is Two Language subjects & Best 3 out of 4 elective At the time of counselling Honours ana comd'inii",", r,iui"ii;;iii b"';ff;rut;E#a;gsubjects. ro the choice of [e^applicants the- availability of seats. In .rr" oi upplicants with same marks in aggregate, 50o/o marks in the Madhyamik Equivarent examination will be given priority. / B. fhi'ftlta. ,lfiC percentage: n n n ! tr n tr I bj . *iti not:bidtonsidered for rhe calcul on of Agriculture Entrepreneurship Fashion Designing N{usic Art 7/ Fine Arts Enviroi;rnentai Edr,icalion Fashion Stuciies Physiral Education il tl X n fr I . I Environmental Science Heritage Craft SUPII/ Electricity Environmental Studies Horne Science painting Work Education 9. If any applicant finds any snrt of mistake in the merit list, he/she is advised to send an e-mail to,com. 10. The fuil amount cf achnission fee w'ill be coliected immediately after counselling. FarlLrre to deposii the entire amount of admission fee may lead to canceilation of candidature. No request fsr relaxaEion of fees or delay in payment..6,'iil bs eirtertainesl at the tirne of admissi*n. 11. E'Iiglbfity,-@i'adfiissioninto bl Honours in Engiish : Minimum marks in aggregate : 45%o Minimum rnarks in English: 500/o Honours in Bengali: Minimum marks in aggregate : 50yo Minimum marks in the concerned subject : 50% Honours in History: Minimum marks in aggregate : 45% Minimum marks in the concerned subject : 40% Sanskrit : Minimum marks in aggregate : 450lo Minimum marks in the concerned subject: 50% c) d) e) 12. .S Horla ams for all candidate.s: Honours in Mathematics : Minimum marks in aggregate :45% Minimum marks in Maths :45% aJ IJndergraduate Coui'ses Eacllelor of Arrs i{cnours Subjects The Coliege provides Honcurs ir-r Engiish, Bengaii, Sanskrit, iiistory. General Subiects AII the subjecls aniPciiricalscience, Philosophy, Pliysicar il"lucation are oilen to be taken as coinblnal-ion subjects. Physical Education and Sanskrit cannot be offered logether as combination subjects. Admission test for Physical Educat!on is taken Iater and date of adroission test will be noticed after theclass start. Bachelor of Scierice F{onouns Subiects The Coliege provlcies F{oilours in Ii4athernatics General Subiects Pure Science Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, physics Bio-Science BotanS, Environmetal Science. Cheniistr-r,. Zoclcgl, 13;, Vacancy::in' fi onaudubj:ects /pass Courses UR. Total Subiect SC ST Seat UR PH Mathematics [H) 46 27 1 Bengali (H) 67 39 1 English [H 54 31 ; l{isit ly [Hj 5B J+ I Sanskrit [H) 40 L-'t i I 9 U 2 ATIS PaSS 697 405 1.J 148 5 Bio-Sc Pass 66 39 1 L4 Pure-Sc Pass 66 J(' l l5 14. ST PH 10 0 3 0 15 U 12 0 4 0 OEC-B OBCPH A a J 5 B 0 2 1 0 J sl. 1. 2 a J 4 BA Honours BA General 0 3 0 U 4 0 -) 0 0 J tl 1 +t -L 4B I 34 0 4 n 4 0 0 4 0 4 0 4 /, xRupees 350/- Amount 209C,.0{] 1350.0(] BSc Honours BSc Generai 293A.A{ 25 wiEtr be 3C.00 after offering Phys lca Education as a comlrination subject Inirastructure & Learning Recourses ;or Siurlen,rs ! Well equipneC iaboratories i r Undergr.aduate Llbrary rl Games & Sports tacilities Centre lo" Cy.'nnasrum . 0 4 0 Course Narne 0 0 5 Fee Structure for Admission No. 15. PH SC OBC-A OBCPH 0 1. 0 0 16. 17. Student Support Services Grievance Cell i',lational Sen,ice Schei-oe aanteen tr U f il\,lSSJ Schedule Date 29tn May Eyent Pub ication of HS result 4ttJune - lSth lr-ne 4rltJLlne - 15th Iune rtt?fi] une 17|.x une 20rn une 2oth une ^rth -.) "' une 25 une 3 0tlr une - !4llg_qeistration [online form fill upl Bank payment against registration [For Hons.& Gen. both Rs,200 AND &t_Sgry1,,Gen, R.s.i00 irr each caseJ Igt ,_,,Seqp4 qf provisiorial mei:it list 19tn June lCollestion of provisionai merit tist by the studetrts Publication of first merit iist Ailmission and payment of course fees Pubiication of second merit list 29rn frine j{ai:{.ori and payment cf course fe,es Fublication of third merit list 24th June :0tn une - Znd iuly 3' d jul./ 'r-tl iulv - 6th IrilY Tflr Iuh' Adm Publ Adm Publ lulv - 9th lulv i 3tir July - 16th luiy Verification of rlocuments at college 7tr1 ssion and payment of course fees cation oi fourth merit list ssion ard payment of course fees cation of fif'th merit list Adm ssion and payment of course fees
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