2015 ANNUAL CONVENTION ANNOUNCEMENT EXHIBITOR & SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION Dear Prospective Exhibitors & Sponsors: The Indiana Land Title Association (“ILTA”) invites you to participate in the 2015 ILTA Annual Convention and attract new clients by exhibiting your products and increasing your visibility within the Indiana title industry by becoming a sponsor. This year, the convention will be held at the Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Downtown Union Station from August 16th through the 18th. Please review the following pages for information about convention sponsorships, exhibit booths and ways to participate in the annual Indiana Title Political Action Committee (“ITPAC”) golf outing. ILTA’s Convention Committee is excited to continue the wildly successful “ILTA Exhibitor Convention Passport” promotion to enhance member/exhibitor contact. All attendees of the convention will receive an “ILTA Exhibitor Convention Passport” in their welcome packet. Members who have their card punched by all of the participating exhibitors will be entered in a drawing to receive a $500 Visa gift card at the conclusion of the convention. Additionally, ILTA will be continuing the “Exhibitor Experience” this year on the Monday afternoon of Convention. At this event, ILTA will give away a $50 bill every 5-7 minutes to registrants that are physically present in the exhibitor area during the Exhibitor Experience. Please respond by May 1st if you wish to have your company name listed as a sponsor or exhibitor in the registration brochure. Sponsorships are on a first come basis and the price of an exhibitor booth is tiered to reflect the foot traffic expected near each location. A tentative itinerary of all Convention activities is on page 9. The members of ILTA welcome you and look forward to visiting your exhibits and networking with you in August. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by phone at (317) 842-6266 or by email at kathy@indianalandtitle.org. Very truly yours, Kathy Hulbert, Executive Director, Indiana Land Title Association, Inc. Indiana Land Title Association, Inc. ILTA Annual Convention August 16-18, 2015 Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Downtown Union 123 W. Louisiana St. Indianapolis, IN 46225 Sponsor & Exhibitor Application To reserve your sponsorship and/or exhibit space, complete this application and return it with full payment to ILTA. All sponsors and exhibitors are required to sign and submit this application to ILTA. Sponsorships and exhibit space will be confirmed when full payment and a completed application h ave been r eceived. Popular sponsor sh ips sell out quickly each year, so we encourage you to submit your application early. Company Name: __________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ City: _______________________ State: _____ Zip: ____________ Contact Person Name: ________________________ Contact Person Email: _____________________________ Exhibitor Attendee #1 Name _________________________ Exhibitor Attendee #1 Email: ________________________ Exhibitor Attendee #2 Name _________________________ Exhibitor Attendee #2 Email: ________________________ SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITOR DEADLINES May 1, 2015 Sponsorship and Exhibitor Applications and payment are due for publicity prior to the convention including e-blasts promoting the event, website advertising and inclusion in the registration brochure. June 1, 2015 Exhibitor booth space fees increase by $100.00. July 15, 2015 JPG and EPS file format company logos for inclusion in the Convention Program and signage at Convention. Submit art work to Kathy@indianalandtitle.org. 2 EXHIBITOR BOOTH SPACE (Tables 21-32) ** See Diagram on Page 8 These tables are located in the main exhibitor area and will need to be travelled past to access a beverage station, dessert after lunch, afternoon snacks and additional set of restrooms. This will also be a focal point of the Monday afternoon “Exhibitor Experience.” Exhibitor Booth = $625 Member Rate Before 6/1/15 $725 Member Rate After 6/1/15 Exhibitor Booth= $725 Non-Member Rate Before 6/1/15 $825 Non-Member Rate After 6/1/15 ADVANTAGE BOOTH SPACE (Tables 9-20) ** See Diagram on Page 8 These tables are prime locations because they are immediately outside of the General Session location and will be travelled past as attendees access the convention area from the street, or by stairs or elevator from the hotel. They are an extra $150 in addition to the fees above, are available on a first-come basis and require a completed application and payment. PREMIUM BOOTH SPACE (Tables 1 –8) **See Diagram on Page 8 Immediately flanking the entryway for the General Sessions, these tables provide the maximum exposure for an exhibitor. They are an extra $350 in addition to the fees above and are available on a first-come basis and require a completed application and payment. Please indicate 1st, 2nd, & 3rd choice booth preferences: _____ _____ ______ MARKETING OPPORTUNITY Event Program Advertisement in color (distributed to all conference attendees) 1/8 page =$150 ($100 for Sponsors) 1/4 page =$250 ($200 for Sponsors) Note: Marking opportunity is available only for paid Sponsors and Exhibitors. ITPAC GOLF OUTING OPPORTUNITIES (Contribution for the benefit of the Indiana Title Political Action Committee) Hole Sponsor $100 Beer Cart Co-Sponsor $500 Closest to the Pin $250 Lunch Co-Sponsor $500 Foursome sponsor $500 (4 golf registrations included) PAYMENT INFORMATION Amount Enclosed (Exhibitor Fees, Marketing Opportunity, Sponsorship Fees, ITPAC Golf Outing Sponsorship Fees): $_________________________ Signature of Applicant: ______________________________________________________ PAYMENT PROCEDURES Applications will be processed and assigned only with accompanying payment. Desired booth location should be indicated on the application and will be assigned on a first-come basis. Make checks payable to the Indiana Land Title Association or fill out the credit card authorization below and email to Kathy Hulbert at Kathy@indianalandtitle.org. S end all application s and p aym ent to : Kathy Hulbert Indiana Land Title Association PO Box 20896 Indianapolis, IN 46220 CREDIT CARD INFORMATION Card Type (Please circle one): Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Card Number: ___________________________________ Expiration Date: ________ Security Code (located on back of card): ________ Billing Zip Code: _________ I, _______________________ authorize ILTA to use the above-referenced credit card account information for payment of services as described in the signed contract agreement. Cardholder signature/Charge Authorization: _____________________________ 3 Date: _________ 2015 ILTA Annual Convention SPONSORSHIP LEVELS PLATINUM LEVEL SPONSOR-$1,750.00 Inclusion in the “Sponsor Slideshow” shown at the beginning of General Session activities and during breaks. Tent cards with your logo on them on the tables during the sponsored event. Recognition on the ILTA website Convention Page (includes company logo and link to company’s website). Recognition in 2015 ILTA Annual Convention marketing materials, including the convention Brochure (if sponsor application, payment and camera ready art are received by May 15, 2015), ILTA’s weekly e-newsletter “What’s Happening at ILTA” and other email promotional communications. 2 tickets to the YTP Late Night Duckpin Bowling event on August 16th. 2 tickets to the President’s Ball on August 17th. 2 tickets to the Icebreaker party on August 16th. Verbal acknowledgement and signage recognizing your organization at your sponsored event. Signage at the entrance of the General Session meeting rooms recognizing the Platinum Level Sponsorship. Access to the Pre– and Post-Convention registration list. Discount on advertising in the Annual Convention Program. Opportunity to include a company flyer, brochure and/or promotional item into each attendee registration tote bag. Items are due on August 5, 2015 (please include 225 pieces) and can be shipped to: 5727 N. Ewing Street, Indianapolis, IN 46220. Logo placed on t-shirt for YTP Late Night Duckpin Bowling Party registrants. PLATINUM LEVEL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES INDICATE 1ST, 2ND, 3RD CHOICE BELOW ______ YTP Late Night Duckpin Bowling *tent card with logo in the buffet area and on tables ________ Transportation on Sunday Night between the Crowne Plaza, the Icebreaker at Lucas Oil Stadium and Duckpin Bowling *tent card with logo in it in the buffet area and on tables ______ YTP Late Night Duckpin Bowling *tent card with logo in the buffet area and on tables _______ Tuesday Lunch *tent card with logo in the buffet area and on tables _______ President’s Ball Cocktail Hour *tent card with logo in the bar area and on tables _______ President’s Ball Dinner *tent card with logo in the buffet area and on tables 4 2015 ILTA Annual Convention SPONSORSHIP LEVELS GOLD LEVEL SPONSOR-$1,000.00 Inclusion in the “Sponsor Slideshow” shown at the beginning of General Session activities and during breaks. Recognition on the ILTA website Convention Page (includes company logo and link to company’s website). Recognition in 2015 ILTA Annual Convention marketing materials, including the convention Brochure (if sponsor application, payment and camera ready art are received by May 15, 2015), ILTA’s weekly e-newsletter “What’s Happening at ILTA” and other email promotional communications. 2 tickets to the President’s Ball on August 17th. 2 tickets to the Icebreaker party on August 16th. Verbal acknowledgement and signage recognizing your organization at your sponsored event. Signage at the entrance of the General Session meeting rooms recognizing the Gold Level Sponsorship. Access to the Pre– and Post Convention registration list. Discount on advertisement for Convention Program. Opportunity to include a company flyer, brochure and/or promotional item into each attendee registration tote bag. Items are due on August 5, 2015 (please include 225 pieces) and can be shipped to: 5727 N. Ewing Street, Indianapolis, IN 46220 GOLD LEVEL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES INDICATE 1ST, 2ND, 3RD CHOICE BELOW ________Monday Breakfast *tent card with logo in the buffet area and on tables ________ ALTA Rep. Stewart Morris, Jr. Speaker Sponsor *signage behind the speaker ______ Keynote Speaker Mary Schuster Speaker Sponsor *signage behind the speaker _______ FBI Cyber Security Presentation Sponsor *signage behind the speaker _______ Tuesday Breakfast *tent card with logo in the buffet area and on tables _______ President’s Ball Dinner *tent card with logo in the buffet area and on tables 5 2015 ILTA Annual Convention SPONSORSHIP LEVELS SILVER LEVEL SPONSOR-$750.00 Inclusion in the “Sponsor Slideshow” shown at the beginning of General Session activities and during breaks. Recognition on the ILTA website Convention Page (includes company logo and link to company’s website). Recognition in 2015 ILTA Annual Convention marketing materials, including the convention Brochure (if sponsor application, payment and camera ready art are received by May 15, 2015), ILTA’s weekly e-newsletter “What’s Happening at ILTA” and other email promotional communications. 2 tickets to the Icebreaker party on August 16th. Verbal acknowledgement and signage recognizing your organization at your sponsored event. Signage at the entrance of the General Session meeting rooms recognizing the Silver Level Sponsorship. Access to the Pre– and Post-Convention registration list. Discount on advertisement for Convention Program. Opportunity to include a company flyer, brochure and/or promotional item into each attendee registration tote bag. Items are due on August 5, 2015 (please include 225 pieces) and can be shipped to: 5727 N. Ewing Street, Indianapolis, IN 46220 SILVER LEVEL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES INDICATE 1ST, 2ND, 3RD CHOICE BELOW _______Tote Bag Sponsorship *Logo on tote bags given to convention registrants. 4 sponsorships are available. Monday PM Break *tent card with logo in it in the refreshment area Tuesday PM Break *tent card with logo in it in the refreshment area Breakout Speaker Sponsorship-Lineup TBA Registration Table Sponsor *Sign with logo prominently displayed at the ILTA registration table 6 SPONSOR & EXHIBITOR GENERAL INFORMATION The ILTA Annual Convention attracts over 200 title professionals each year from around the state and these attendees are typically the owners, managers and decision-makers of the most established and reputable title agencies in Indiana BOOTH PACKAGE 6’x30” skirted tables including 2 chairs Use of the ILTA special room rate at the Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Downtown ($139.00) Recognition in the meeting and event guide distributed to all conference attendees on-site Access to the Pre– and Post-Conference registrant email addresses (2) tickets to the Icebreaker party on August 14t (2) tickets to the President’s Ball on August 17th Lunch, breakfast and snacks for (2) booth staff (2) ID badges for booth staff Participation in the “ILTA Exhibitor Passport” promotion, which is a $500 Visa card giveaway for a lucky attendee who visits all of the exhibitors during convention and turns in a completed Passport. EXHIBITION SCHEDULE Exhibitor Move-in Hours: Sunday, August 16, 2015 4:00pm-5:30pm -orMonday, August 17, 2015 6:00am-8:00am Exhibitor Move-out Hours Tuesday, August 18, 2015 3:00pm-4:00pm CONVENTION HOURS Monday, August 17, 2015 Tuesday, August 18, 2015 9:00am-4:00pm CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellations received by ILTA in writing prior to August 10th will be entitled to a refund of all money paid, less a $100.00 processing fee. No refunds will be granted for cancellations received after July 15th, 2015. CONFERENCE LOCATION AND LODGING INFORMATION Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Downtown Union Station (Closest airport is Indianapolis) 123 W. Louisiana Street Indianapolis, IN 46225 ILTA GROUP ROOM RATE/RESERVATIONS Participants in the 2015 ILTA Annual Convention qualify for the ILTA group room rate of $139.00 per night plus taxes at the Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Downtown Union Station. You must make your reservation on or before July 20, 2015 in order to receive the discounted rate. The Crowne Plaza is the actual location of the Convention. To make a reservation on-line, click here. To make a phone reservation, call the hotel directly at (317) 631-2221 and request to be connected to reservations. Please note that if you call after hours or all lines are busy, your call will automatically be transferred to Central Reservations. When calling to make their reservation, please reference the ILTA - Indiana Land Title block or reference Group Block Code ILTA. The overnight room block sells out quickly every year so we encourage you to make your reservations as soon as possible. QUESTIONS? Contact Kathy Hulbert directly at (317) 842-6266 or kathy@indianalandtitle.org. 7 EXHIBITOR HALL DIAGRAM 8 Tentative 2015 ILTA Annual Convention Agenda 2015 Convention Program SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 2015 10:00am ITPAC Golf Outing Registration 11:00am Golf Outing Starts 4:00pm-5:30pm Exhibitors set up booths 4:00pm-5:30pm Early Convention Check-In 6:00pm-9:00pm 9:00pm-11:00pm Convention Check-In & Icebreaker Party YTP Event MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2015 9:00am-9:10am President’s Welcome Ray Summeier, Columbia Title 9:10am-10:10am ALTA Message Stewart Morris, Jr. Vice Chairman of Stewart Information Services Corporation 10:10am-11:00am CFPB Update Mary Schuster EVP Regulatory Affairs/Chief Product Officer Ramquest, Inc. 11:00am-11:15am Break 11:15am-12:25pm CFPB Continued 12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch 1:30pm-2:00pm Exhibitor Experience 2:00pm-2:30pm Agents/Underwriters Section Meetings 2:00pm-3:00pm Back 2 Basics Breakout 2:30pm-3:00pm ILTA Annual Business Meeting 3:00pm-3:15pm Break 3:15pm-4:15pm Breakout Session I 4:15pm Adjourn for day 5:30pm-6:15pm ITPAC Reception (by invitation only, +$250 contributors and more) 6:15pm-7:00pm President’s Banquet Cocktail Hour 7:00pm-7:30pm President’s Banquet Speeches and installation of officers 7:30pm-8:15pm President’s Banquet Dinner 8:15pm-10:15pm President’s Banquet Entertainment TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2015 9:00am-10:00am FBI Cyber Security Presentation Gerald Reichard Supervisory Special Agent, FBI Indianapolis 10:00am-11:00am Title Agent Crimes Kurt Laker, Attorney at Law, Doyle Legal Corp. 11:00am-11:15am Break 11:15am-12:15pm My Cyber Security Has Been Breached! Now What? Moderator: Adam Gwaltney 12:15pm-1:15pm Lunch 1:15pm-2:05pm Breakout II 2:10pm-3:00pm Breakout III 3:00pm-3:15pm Break 3:15pm-4:00pm Regulatory Roundup 4:00pm Convention adjourns 9
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