School Letter -

Indiana Archery in the Schools Program
2015 State Tournament
Welcome to the Indiana National Archery in the Schools Program 2015 State Tournament. This letter
contains very important information. Please thoroughly review and share this information with your
coaches, archers and parents.
We keep growing!! We had approximately 2500 shooters compete in the qualifying events.
We have invited 2106 shooters to the 2015 Tournament.
New for 2015
With the move to the Indiana State Fairgrounds, all paper target archers will be shooting in the
same building, the Champions Pavilion. A new building has been added, the Blue Ribbon Pavilion,
to help ease the crowding and give all attendees additional opportunities.
such as…
The NASP/IBO 3-D Challenge tournament will be available to archers who are registered for the
paper target tournament for an additional $20.00. This is the inaugural NASP/IBO 3-D Challenge
in Indiana and will be shot in the adjoining Blue Ribbon Pavilion. Separate awards will be
presented for the 3D Challenge. Please check out the NASP/IBO 3-D Challenge Rules Packet
You may bring beverages for your shooters. However, they MUST be in screw top plastic
bottles. No cans or glass containers
“Box lunches” are available to pre-order See the Box Lunch Flier
Shooters MAY NOT erase on their score card. Officials will make erasures and document these
changes on the back of the scorecard
Each team/set of individuals from the same school will be asked to provide a minimum of two
volunteers to work 2 flights during the tournament. This will provide the tournament with over
200 volunteers to help supervise over 2000 archers on the range. Please direct your volunteers to to sign up by March 5. Note the school name in the school field so your
school will get credit for the volunteer.
Tournament Rules
The Tournament Rules Packet is attached. Be sure to replace previous rules packets, as there have
been changes to the flight selection tiers. Please review the tournament rules and share them with your
shooters. Specific instructions contained in this letter supersede information contained in the rules packet.
Reporting time/flight time
You will need to arrive at the Blue Ribbon Pavilion a minimum of 1 hour before your flight, with the
exception of the 7:30 flight which needs to report by 7 AM. We will make every effort to start the
flights promptly and this is mainly dependent on timely arrivals. If you encounter problems en-route,
please contact:
Tim @ (317) 694-7531 or Chris @ (317)605-1028.
Be aware all flights are full and there will not be room for your team to shoot at a later time if you are
Check In
When you arrive at the Blue Ribbon Pavilion, you will unload at the front entrance. You will enter the
doors to your right as you face the building labeled Competitor Entrance and straight into the
Registration area. Only competitors and coaches may enter through this area. All others, family, friends,
etc will enter through the doors to left as you face the building. Admission through the main entrance is
$5.00 and goes directly to the Indiana NASP program and the Indiana NASP Scholarship fund.
When you register, you will receive a packet containing your shooter number labels, score cards, lane
assignments, and two team rosters. You will need to approve one copy of your roster and leave with the
registration attendant. You will be able to make emergency substitutions ONLY at this time.
You will also receive your complimentary Indiana sponsor t-shirts and national participant t-shirts in this
All competitors and coaches will receive a wristband that must be worn throughout the day.
Only EMERGENCY (illness, suspension, etc) substitutions will be accepted on the day of the tournament.
There are no refunds after the close of registration on March 1 at midnight.
Bubble Your Scorecards
Please have your students fill in their shooter name and bubble in their shooter number before they
report to the range. Pencils will be available in the registration area. Please read the Score Card
Handling Instructions.
Coach’s Video/Meeting
There will be a coach’s video to watch approximately two weeks prior to the tournament at Each coach must watch this video prior to the tournament and acknowledge
they have watched after viewing. Instructions will be provided in a follow-up e-mail.
Additionally, a brief coaches meeting for your flight is scheduled for 15 minutes prior to your team’s
shooting time. At least one coach from your team will meet with tournament officials to review rules,
ask questions and address concerns. Location will be provided at check in.
There will be no practice facility available the day of the tournament. Please work in a final practice with
your archers prior to the event. Archers will be allowed one (1) practice end of 5 arrows each prior to
the 10 meter and one (1) practice end prior to the 15 meter as stated in the rules packet. One practice
end will be allowed at the NASP/IBO 3D Range.
Closing ceremonies and awards
An Olympic style processional of schools will be after the completion of the last flight. Each coach
should pick 3 or 4 archers, plus one coach, to represent your school. The rest of your archers will
need to sit together in the main hall. School representatives will line up in alphabetical by school order to
march in. Staging for the processional is in the open area in front of the competitor registration area and
there will be staff members to assist you in lining up.
If your school is not planning to stay for the entire day, please consider having representatives for your
school stay for the closing ceremonies and awards. This is an excellent opportunity to show your school
pride by marching in with a school banner, mascot and/or flag.
Medallions will be awarded to ALL archers immediately following their flight. Please have all team
members and coaches assemble at the Team Photo area in the Blue Ribbon Pavilion. Medallions will be
awarded and a team photo of each team will be taken. Team photos will be available for purchase. See
Team Photo Flier
NASP IBO/3D medallions will be presented in front of the ICO booth at the completion of each flight.
The N Nock NASP arrows will be provided by the tournament. All are brand new and have not been shot
prior to the tournament. The tournament arrows will have either blue or gold or green shafts for ease in
arrow identification for the archers. If you wish to bring your own arrows, you MUST be sure they are
clearly identified either on the shaft or fletching BEFORE entering the building.
Arrows – For Sale
All tournament arrows are new this year. The tournament arrows will be available for sale and may be
picked up at the completion of the tournament. All orders must be received by March 4. See Arrow
Please safety check and inspect your bows before you come. Review the rules packet for specific details.
It is important that archers and coaches check every bow for compliance before their flight time.
Loner bows will be available in case your school does not have enough or you have a bow that breaks.
Bows may be checked out in the registration area at check in. Please contact Chris at
if you know that you will need to borrow bows so we will know how many to bring.
Nock Locators
Only thread knots or heat shrink nock locators will be permitted to be used. Brass nock locators are
prohibited and bows with brass nocks will be disqualified. Tie on nock locator instructions may be
seen at (Resource tab).
Spectator’s Gallery
There will be plenty of seating available in the spectator’s gallery in the Champions Pavilion. After
completing your flight, please move to the adjoining building (Blue Ribbon Pavilion) to make room for
spectators for the next flight. There will be ample room in the Blue Ribbon Pavilion for meals, snacks,
card games, visiting vendors and just hanging out.
Barto’s Catering will operate a concessions area. A sack lunch is available for pre-order from Barto’s for
our archers. See Box Lunch Flier This is an excellent way for you to pre-order and pre-pay for a lunch
and have it ready when you need it.
Shooter’s Towel
A shooter’s towel has been designed for the tournament with the Indiana NASP logo embroidered on it.
These will be available for $10.00. The towels are a great keepsake of the tournament. See Shooter
Towel Flier We have also added Sharpies in a rainbow of fun colors to sign the towels. Please visit the
Indiana NASP Store.
Individual Pictures
The Indiana Hunter Education Association will be taking individual shooter pictures. The pictures are
4X6 and will be presented in a tournament picture folder. These are available for $7.50. See Individual
Picture flier Please visit the Indiana NASP Store.
Shirts for the Family
Limited quantities of both the Indiana sponsor t shirt and the national t shirt will be available for
purchase. Please visit the Indiana NASP Store.
Team spirit/school banner
Please show your school spirit!! Ideas include a team shirt, school banners, cheer section, pom poms, etc.
Remember there will be a School Sportsmanship Award presented at the awards ceremony. Please –
NO pyramid building or other similar activities which involve lifting students off the floor!! No horns,
whistles or similar loud, distracting devices.
A Fairgrounds Map has been provided for your convenience.
Karl E Kelley Memorial Youth Camp
The Indiana Conservation Officers Organization will be presenting a gift certificate to the top male 5th or
6th grade shooter and top female 5th or 6th grade shooter. This certificate entitles the recipient to attend
the Karl E Kelley Memorial Youth Camp June 21 - 27, free of charge. If the recipient is unable to attend,
the certificate will go to the next ranking shooter. Information about the youth camp is available at
We are looking forward to an exciting tournament. Remember that the first place team in each division is
automatically eligible to shoot in the national NASP Tournament in Louisville, KY on May 7 – 9. The top
10 male shooters and top 10 female shooters in each division (Elementary, Middle School and High
School) are also automatically eligible. Registration information to qualifying schools and shooters will
be available immediately after the tournament or on line at .
Good luck to everyone!
Chris Clark, Tournament Coordinator
Indiana Archery in the Schools Program
Tim Beck, Coordinator
Indiana Archery in the Schools Program