JASON HACKWORTH - Individual.utoronto.ca

Office Contact:
Department of Geography and Planning
University of Toronto
100 St. George Street
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 5047
Toronto, ON M5S 3G3
(416) 946-8764
2000 PhD in Geography, Rutgers University (RU)
1996 MEP (Planning), Arizona State University (ASU)
1996 MA in Geography, ASU
1993 BA in Sociology, University of Cincinnati (UC); Magna Cum Laude (& High
Honors in Major Field)
Professor of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto (UT)
Associate Professor of Geography and Planning, UT
Assistant Professor of Geography and Planning, UT
Assistant Professor of Geography, Florida State University (FSU)
Faculty of Arts and Science Dean’s Excellence Award, 2003, 2006, 2010
HUD Urban Scholar Fellowship, 2001
Best Student Paper; Urban Geog. Specialty Group, AAG, 1998
College of Architecture and Environmental Design (ASU) Service Award, 1996
Graduate Academic Scholarship (ASU), 1994
Graduate Tuition Scholarship (ASU), 1993, 96
Honors Scholarship (UC), 1992
Member of Golden Key National Honor Society, 1991
Member of Alpha Lambda Delta [Academic Honorary Organization], 1990
Mabel Wagnalls Jones Memorial Scholarship, 1989-94; 1996-98
Presidential Academic Fitness Award, 1989
Ohio University Regional Scholar, 1988
Urban Affairs Association
Topical foci: political economy; comparative urban policy; declining cities; urban
Geographical foci: large North American cities in general; New York, Toronto, and
Detroit in particular
2015-20 $174,306 from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
for the project, “Geography, neoliberalism, and land abandonment in the North
American Rust Belt”.
2010-15 $110,149 from the SSHRC for the project “Geographies of faith, neoliberalism,
and welfare provision”.
2007-10 $44,937 (with RTS) from SSHRC for the project, “Neoliberal geographies and
the restructuring of social housing in Ontario”.
2005-10 $1,000,000 from the SSHRC Community-University Research Alliances
(CURA) program for the project “Community gentrification and the concept of
building inclusive communities from within: Toronto’s west-central
neighbourhoods as a case study”, Hulchanski, D. (Lead PI), Eagan, R., Pigott,
S., George, U., Hackworth, J., McDonald, L., Poland, B., Quarter, J., Savan, B.,
and R. Murdie.
2004-7 $51,202 from SSHRC, “Uneven development in large North American
conurbations since 1970”.
$14,123 from the Connaught Matching Grant Program at UT, “Urban landscape
change in large North American metropolitan areas”.
$20,000 to develop a proposal on “Community gentrification and the concept of
building inclusive communities from within: Toronto’s west-central
neighbourhoods as a case study”; from SSHRC’s Community-University
Research Alliances program. (Hulchanski, D. [lead PI], Eagan, R., Pigott, S.,
George, U., Hackworth, J., McDonald, L., Poland, B., Quarter, J., Savan, B., and
R. Murdie)
$10,000 from the UT Connaught Grant Program for the project “Investment and
disinvestment in the ten largest US metropolitan areas”.
2001-2 $44,515(US) from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the
project “Retaining income mixture in HOPE VI mixed-finance housing”.
$10,000(US) from The FSU Council on Research and Creativity for the project
“Real estate development and economic restructuring in American Cities”;
FYAP Grant.
$8,000(US) from The FSU Council on Research and Creativity, for the project
“Urban form and economic restructuring in large American cities”; COFRS
* Canadian funds unless otherwise noted.
A. Books
Hackworth, J. 2012. Faith Based: Religious neoliberalism and the politics of welfare in
the United States (Athens GA: University of Georgia Press).
(known reviews: Antipode, AAG Review of Books*, Choice: Current Reviews for
Academic Libraries, Daily Kos Blog, FreakOut Nation Blog, Journal for the Scientific
Study of Religion, Journal of American History; Journal of Americans for Religious
Liberties; Midwest Book Review, OccuWorld: Global Occupy News, Perspectives on
Politics, Political Science Quarterly, Plop! Review)
Hackworth, J. 2007. The Neoliberal City: Governance, ideology and development in
American urbanism (Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press).
(known reviews: American Anthropologist, American Journal of Sociology, American
Prospect*, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Canadian
Geographer, Canadian Journal of Urban Research, Contemporary Sociology,
Economic Geography, Harvard Design Magazine, Journal of the American Planning
Association, Journal of Urban History*, Perspectives on Politics, Politics and the
State, Progress in Human Geography, Social Service Review, Urban Affairs Review)
* review essay
B. Journal Articles
Hackworth, J. and K. Nowakowski 2015. Using market-based policies to address market
collapse in the American Rust Belt: The case of land abandonment in Toledo, Ohio.
Urban Geography, 36(4): 528-549.
Hackworth, J. 2015. Right-sizing as spatial austerity in the American Rust Belt.
Environment and Planning A, 47(4): 766-782.
Hackworth, J. 2014. The limits to market-based strategies for addressing land
abandonment in shrinking American cities. Progress in Planning, 90: 1-37.
Hackworth, J. and E. Gullikson 2013. Giving new meaning to religious conversion:
Churches, redevelopment, and secularization in Toronto. The Canadian Geographer,
57(1): 72-89.
Hackworth, J. and K. Stein 2012. The collision of faith and economic development in
Toronto’s inner suburban industrial districts. Urban Affairs Review. 48(1): 35-61.
Mah, J. and J. Hackworth 2011. Local politics and inclusionary housing in three large
Canadian cities. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 20(1): 57-80.
Hackworth, J. and J. Akers 2011. Faith in the neoliberalization of post-Katrina New
Orleans. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 102(1): 39-54.
Hackworth, J. 2010. Compassionate neoliberalism?: Evangelical Christianity, the welfare
state, and the politics of the Right. Studies in Political Economy, 86: 83-108.
Hackworth, J. 2010. Faith, welfare, and the city: the mobilization of religious
organizations for neoliberal ends. Urban Geography, 31(6): 750-773.
Hackworth, J. 2009. Neoliberalism, partiality, and the politics of faith-based welfare in
the United States. Studies in Political Economy, 84: 155-179.
Hackworth, J. 2009. Normalizing ‘solutions’ to ‘government failure’: media
representations of Habitat for Humanity. Environment and Planning A, 41(11): 26862705.
Hackworth, J. 2008. The durability of roll-out neoliberalism under centre-left
governance: the case of Ontario’s social housing sector. Studies in Political Economy,
81: 7-26.
Conway, T. and J. Hackworth 2007. Urban form and ecological integrity in the Greater
Toronto Area. The Canadian Geographer, 51(1): 43-57.
Hackworth, J. and A. Moriah 2006. Neoliberalism, contingency, and urban policy: the
case of social housing in Ontario. International Journal of Urban and Regional
Research, 30(3): 510-527.
Hackworth, J. 2005. Emergent urban forms, or emergent post-modernisms? a comparison
of large U.S. metropolitan areas. Urban Geography, 26(6): 484-519.
Hackworth, J. and J. Rekers 2005. Ethnic packaging and gentrification: the case of four
neighbourhoods in Toronto. Urban Affairs Review, 41(2): 211-236.
Hackworth, J. 2005. Progressive activism in a neoliberal context: the case of efforts to
retain public housing in the US. Studies in Political Economy, 75: 29-51.
Hackworth, J. 2004. The neoliberal turn and the restructuring of public housing policy in
the United States. Critical Planning, 11: 31-50.
Hackworth, J. and E. Wyly 2003. Social polarization and the politics of low income
mortgage lending in the United States. Geografiska Annaler, 85(3): 149-165.
Hackworth, J. 2003. Public housing and the re-scaling of regulation in the US.
Environment and Planning A, 35(3): 531-549.
Hackworth, J. 2002. Local autonomy, bond-rating agencies and neoliberal urbanism in
the US. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 26(4): 707-725.
Hackworth, J. 2002. Post recession gentrification in New York City. Urban Affairs
Review, 37(6): 815-843.
Hackworth, J. and N. Smith 2001. The changing state of gentrification. Tijdschrift voor
Economische en Sociale Geografie, 92(4): 464-477.
Hackworth, J. 2001. Inner city real estate investment, gentrification, and economic
recession in New York City. Environment and Planning A, 33(5): 863-880.
Hackworth, J. 2000. State devolution, urban regimes, and the production of geographic
scale: the case of New Brunswick, NJ. Urban Geography, 21(5): 450-458.
Hackworth, J. 1999. Local planning and economic restructuring: a synthetic interpretation
of urban redevelopment. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 18(4): 293306.
Hackworth, J. 1998. From capital of the New-World to new world-capital: pre-1930s
globalism in New York City. The Middle States Geographer, 31: 111-122.
C. Book Chapters
Hackworth, J. 2015. “The normalization of market-fundamentalism in Detroit: The case
of land abandonment”, In M.P. Smith and L.O. Kirkpatrick (Eds.), Reinventing
Detroit. New Brunswick, N.J. and London: Transaction Publishers, forthcoming.
Hackworth, J. 2012. Faith, welfare, and the formation of the modern American Right. Pp.
91-108, in Tuomas Martikainen and Francois Gauthier (Eds.), Religion in the
Neoliberal Age: Political Economy and Modes of Governance. London: Ashgate.
Hackworth, J. 2010. Neoliberalism for God’s Sake: Sectarian justifications for secular
policy transformation in the United States. Pp. 357-379, in A.L. Molendijk, J.
Beaumont, and C. Jedan, (Eds.), Exploring the postsecular: the religious, the political,
the urban. Leiden, NL: Brill.
Hackworth, J. and N. Smith 2010. The changing state of gentrification. Pp. 65-76, in L.
Lees, T. Slater, and E. Wyly, (Eds.), The Gentrification Reader. London: Routledge.
Hackworth, J. 2009. Destroyed by HOPE: Public housing, neoliberalism, and progressive
housing activism in the US. Pp. 232-256, in S. Glynn, (Ed.), Where the other half
lives: Lower income housing in a neoliberal world. London: Pluto Press.
Hackworth, J. 2009. Political marginalization, misguided nationalism and the destruction
of Canada’s social housing systems. Pp. 257-277, in S. Glynn, (Ed.), Where the other
half lives: Lower income housing in a neoliberal world. London: Pluto Press.
Hackworth, J. 2008. Kritika neoliberalnog grada. Pp. 92-103, in L. Kovačević, T. Medak,
P. Milat, M. Sančanin, T. Valentić, and V. Vuković, (Eds.), Priručnik Za Život U
Neoliberalnoj Stvarnsosti. Zagreb: Prosinac. (translated into Croatian by T. Valentić)
Hackworth, J. 2005. Die reform des offentlichen Wohnungsbaus in den USA. Pp. 14-31,
in V. Eick, J. Sambale, and M. Mayer, (Eds.), Sozialer Wohnungsbau,
Arbeitsmarkt(re)integration und der neoliberale Wohlfahrtsstaat in der
Bundesrepublik und Nordamerika. Berlin: Free University. (translated into German by
Volker Eick and Jens Sambale)
Hackworth, J. 2009. The neoliberal city after the fall of neoliberalism. APSA 2009
Toronto Meeting Paper. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1450983
Hackworth, J. 2009. Habitat for Humanity and the neoliberal media: A comparison of
news coverage in Canada and the United States. University of Toronto Cities Centre
Research Report 216.
Hackworth, J. 2008. Challenging the neoliberal city. The Neoliberal Frontline: Urban
Struggles in Post-Socialist Societies. 6-8.
Hackworth, J. 2007. Working with the devil that we know… social justice, and the
challenge of criticizing Liberal social housing in Ontario. Blackfly Magazine. Spring:
Hackworth, J. 2007. Neoliberalism, Social Welfare, and the Politics of Faith in the United
States. Centre for Urban and Community Studies Research Report, 210.
Grise, P. and J. Hackworth 2007. Review of T. Uguris (2004) “Space, power and
participation: ethnic and gender divisions in tenants’ participation in public housing”
(London, Ashgate). The International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.
31(2): 499-500.
Ramsay, R. and J. Hackworth 2007. Review of H. Leitner, J. Peck, and E. Sheppard
(Eds.) (2006) “Contesting neoliberalism: urban frontiers” (New York, Guilford). The
Canadian Geographer. 51(3): 407–409.
Hackworth, J. 2006. Public housing ‘reform’ as neoliberal ‘revanche’ in the U.S. Pp. 518, in P. Oswalt, (Ed.), Shrinking cities: Complete Works 2: Interventions Working
Papers. Berlin: Archplus.
Hackworth, J. and J. Rekers 2005. Ethnic identity, place marketing, and gentrification in
Toronto. Centre for Urban and Community Studies Research Report, 203.
Hackworth, J. 2005. Neoliberal ideas and social housing realities in Ontario. Progressive
Planning Magazine. 164: 17-19,22.
Wirsig, K., d. green, S. Kipfer, D. Douglas, G. Galabuzi, K. Goonewardena, J.
Hackworth, P. Khosla, U. Lehrer, D. Young 2004. Tearing Regent up: will tenants
displaced by redevelopment get homes back? activists don't think so. NOW Weekly
(Feb 26 - Mar 3), 23(26): 18-19.
Hackworth, J. 2003. Review of Marcuse, P. and R. Van Kempen’s (Eds.) “Globalizing
Cities: A new spatial order?” Annals of the Association of American Geographers.
93(3): 757-9.
Hackworth, J. and E. Wyly 2003. Low and moderate income mortgage lending and the
polarization of the poor. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs
Association. (Cleveland, OH: Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, CD-ROM
Hackworth, J. 2002. Final Report: Retaining income mixture in HOPE VI mixed-finance
housing. National Research Council. 19pp.
Hackworth, J. and E. Wyly 2001. Review of Andrew Herod’s (Ed.) “Organizing the
Landscape”. Urban Geography. 21(7): 654-656.
Hackworth, J. and N. Smith 2000. Final Report: The diffusion of post-recession
gentrification. NSF Fastlane.
Hackworth, J. 2000. Third Wave Gentrification. unpublished doctoral dissertation,
Rutgers University. 205pp.
Hackworth, J. and B. Holcomb 1999. Review of David Ley’s “The New Middle Class
and the Remaking of the Urban Landscape”. Economic Geography. 75(1): 93-4.
Hackworth, J. 1996. An Exploratory Study of Research Center Management at Arizona
State University’s Peer Institutions: Lessons and insights for the future of ASU’s
research agenda. Office of the Vice President for Research and Strategic Initiatives at
Arizona State University. 55pp.
Hackworth, J. 1996. Manufacturing Research Centers: A quick fact sheet. Arizona State
University CIMSYRC. 8pp.
Hackworth, J. 1996. Local Politics and Structural Change: A pluralistic interpretation of
commercial landscape production in the Phoenix Metropolitan area. An Unpublished
Master’s Thesis, Arizona State University (Geography). 133pp.
Hackworth, J. 1996. Commercial Redevelopment in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.
unpublished master’s thesis, Arizona State University (Planning). 83pp.
Hackworth, J. 1996. Environmental Research Centers in North America. Center for
Environmental Studies, Arizona State University. 33pp.
Hackworth, J. 1994. Reflections on the cultural layout of Eloy, Arizona. Ignacio San
Martin (Ed.) Visions. A joint publication of the School of Planning at ASU and the
Casa Grande Press: Casa Grande, Arizona.
Cross, S., Hackworth, J., Kasson, W., Lourimore, H., Moric, S., and M. Wichert 1993.
South Mountain East Ecological Inventory and Analysis. Research Report. School of
Planning and Landscape Architecture, Arizona State University: Tempe. 148pp.
Hackworth, J. “Defiant neoliberalism and the danger of Detroit,” article manuscript under
Hackworth, J. “Why there no Detroit in Canada”, article manuscript under review.
Hackworth, J. “Demolition as urban policy in the American Rust Belt”, article manuscript
under review.
Hackworth, J. “Finding faith in neoliberal capitalism”, invited book chapter manuscript
under review for Glenn Feldman, ed., Aberration and order.
Hackworth, J. “Planning, governance, and geography in the declining city”, invited book
chapter manuscript in progress for A.E.G. Jonas, B. Miller, K. Ward, D. Wilson, eds.,
Handbook on Spaces of Urban Politics. Routledge.
Hackworth, J. “Detroit as threat to the neoliberal worldview”, invited book chapter for R.
Dilworth, and T. Weaver, eds., Ideas, Institutions, and Cities.
Hackworth, J. “Religious neoliberalism”, invited book chapter for, D. Cahill, M. Cooper
and M. Konings, eds., SAGE Handbook on Neoliberalism.
Hackworth, J. The Declining City: Property, market fundamentalism, and planning in the
American Rust Belt. Book project in progress (draft ~ 25 percent complete).
“Politics, Planning and Austerity in the Declining City”. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL.
2014 “Investment in disinvestment: An analysis of second-auction tax foreclosures in
Toledo Ohio”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association,
San Antonio, TX.
2012 “Property, market fundamentalism, and declining American cities”. Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, NY
2011 “Financial predation in declining American cities”. Presented at the Annual RC
21 Conference, Amsterdam, NL.
“A hand-up, not a hand-out: the normalization of non-profit welfare in the
media”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Seattle, WA (second author with Sally Turner).
“Privatization of space: land law and policy in Detroit”. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA (second
author with Joshua Akers).
“The curious durability of faith in American welfare”. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington, DC.
“Faith in the neoliberalization of post-Katrina New Orleans”. Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington DC
(second author with Joshua Akers).
“The neoliberal city after the fall of neoliberalism”. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, ON.
“Challenging the neoliberal city”. Keynote address presented at the conference,
“The Neoliberal Frontline: Urban Struggles in Post-Socialist Societies”, Zagreb,
“Faith based urban policy in the US”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA.
“Devolution, neoliberalism, and social housing in Ontario”. Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Institute of British Geographers, London, England.
“The neoliberalisation of social housing in Ontario”. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Institute of British Geographers, London, England.
“Urban form and ecological variation in Toronto”. Presented at the International
and Nordic Urban Form Conference, Stockholm, Sweden (second author with
Tenley Conway).
“Contingent neoliberalisms? The case of social housing in Ontario”. Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL.
“Neoliberalism and the packaging of ethnic identity in Toronto”. Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Denver CO.
“Neoliberalism, the ethic of property, and the activities of non-profit housing
providers in Ontario”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Planners Network
Conference, Minneapolis MN.
“Disciplinary neoliberalism and the re-scaling of municipal regulation: the case of
bond rating agencies”. Presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers
Annual Meeting, Moncton NB.
“Bond-rating agencies and the re-scaling of municipal regulation”. Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia,
“Real estate investment patterns and economic restructuring in large American
cities, 1970-2000”. Presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual
Meeting, Victoria BC.
“Low and moderate income mortgage lending and the polarization of the poor”.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, Cleveland.
“The liberalization of market failures and the gentrification of public housing in
the U.S.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Los Angeles, CA.
“The articulation of global governance at the urban scale: Bond-rating agencies
and their impact on urban politics”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, New York, NY.
“The changing state of gentrification”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh. (first author with Neil Smith)
“Investment, disinvestment, and recession in New York City housing markets,
1984-1997”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Middle States Division of the
Association of American Geographers, Westchester, PA.
“The diffusion of post-recession gentrification in New York City”. Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, HI.
(first author with Neil Smith)
“From capital of the New-World to new world-capital: Pre-1930s globalism in
New York City”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Middle States Division
of the Association of American Geographers, New Brunswick, NJ.
“Benevolent paternalism or the rigidification of geographical scale?: the curious
return of scattered-site housing”. Presented at the Association of American
Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
“The ‘reinvention’ of public housing and the production of geographical scale”.
Presented at the 7th Annual Geography Graduate Student Conference, Columbus,
“Local politics and structural change: A pluralistic interpretation of commercial
landscape change in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area”. Presented at the
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Ft. Worth, TX.
“Landscape change and urban restructuring in Phoenix Arizona”. Presented at the
Middle States Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
University of Illinois, Department of Geography, “Creation, destruction, and
ideology in the declining city”. (co-keynote address)
University of Michigan, Rackham School of Graduate Studies, “Urban crisis,
relationality, and Detroit”.
University of Pittsburgh Center for Social and Urban Research, “The city after
abandonment; urban policy after neoliberalism”.
Åbo Akademi University (Turku, Finland), Department of Comparative Religion,
“Faith, neoliberalism, and the politics of the welfare state in the United States.”
Columbia University, Department of Political Science. “The politics of faith,
neoliberalism, and welfare in American cities”.
University of Toronto, Centre for the Study of the US. “The curious durability of
faith in American welfare”.
University of Groningen, Netherlands. “Neoliberalism, for God’s Sake: Finding
economic liberalism in religiously conservative social movements”.
Stanford University, Department of Anthropology. “Faith-based social welfare in
the United States”.
York University, Department of Geography. “Neoliberalism, evangelicalism, and
the restructuring of welfare in the US”.
University of Toronto, Later Life Learning Lecture. “The gentrification of North
American cities. Or why it cost so much to buy a cup of coffee downtown these
Free University of Berlin, John F. Kennedy Institute (Germany). “Public housing
policy and labour market integration in the US”.
Leipzig Centre for Environmental Research (Germany). “HOPE, failure, and the
restructuring of public housing policy in the US”.
North Rhine Westphalia State Ministry of Planning (Germany). “Recent trends in
North American urban development”.
Bonn University, Department of Geography (Germany). “Third wave
York University, Department of Geography. “The neoliberal turn and the
restructuring of public housing policy in the United States”.
Fannie Mae Foundation Annual Retreat (Berkeley, West Virginia). “Retaining
income mixture in HOPE VI mixed-finance housing”.
University of Illinois-Chicago, Great Cities Institute. “The liberal imagination and
urban development in the U.S.”
Florida State University, Department of Planning. “Smart growth and inner city
real estate investment”.
Florida State University, Department of Geography. “Getting started in the
academic job market” (with Tony Stallins and Dan Klooster).
Pennsylvania State University, Department of Geography. “Gentrification in New
York City”.
University of Connecticut, Department of Geography. “Gentrification in New
York City”.
Florida State University, Department of Geography. “Real estate investment in
New York City”.
Depaul University, Department of Geography. “Real estate investment in New
York City”.
Downtown Phoenix Partnership Steering Committee. “Spatial mismatch between
the inner city labor force of Phoenix and available jobs”.
Arizona State University Center for Integrated Manufacturing Systems Research.
“Manufacturing research centers in the United States”.
Arizona State University Environmental Agenda Conference. “The university
based environmental research center”.
A. UNDERGRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT (with total number of times taught)
Comparative Urban Policy, GGR 359
Cities and everyday life, SII 199
Advanced Topics in Urban Geography, GGR 458 (7)
Global Cities, GGR 216 (2)
Geography, Religion, and Political Economy, GGR 358 (4)
Political Spaces, SSC 199
Urbanization and Contemporary Cities, GGR 124 (4)
Social Research Methods, GGR 271 (4)
Geography of Housing, GGR 357 (3)
Urban Geography, GEO 4602—FSU (2)
Human Geography, GEO 1400—FSU (2)
Urban Geography, GEOG 240—RU
Introduction to Geography, GEOG 100—RU
Political Geography, GEOG 405—RU
Computer Visualization for Geographers, GEOG 242—RU
Planning in the Face of Economic Decline, JPG 1516 (4)
Advanced Planning Theory, PLA 2000
Planning Colloquium, PLA 2001
Urban Political Economy, JPG 1501 (4)
Urban Spatial Structure and Growth, JPG 1501
Economic Geography, GEO 5545—FSU
Urban Geography, GEO 5605—FSU
* degree in progress (all others completed)
Main Supervisor:
* Julie Mah (PhD): Small city decline and affordable housing in Ontario (PLA)
* Austin Zwick (PhD): Urban decline issues (PLA)
Joshua Akers (PhD, 2013): Decline industry: the market production of Detroit (GGR)
Roger Picton (PhD, 2008): Landscape change in LeBretton Flats, Ottawa (GGR)
* Emily Macrae (MScPl): Tower renewal in Toronto
Tyler Hughes (MScPl, 2015): Places of worship in employment lands
Amy Bath (MScPl, 2013): Laneway housing in Toronto
Daniel Girard (MScPl, 2013): Scattered site housing in Toronto
Katie Plaizier (MScPl, 2013): Motel emergency shelter housing in Toronto
Sumeet Ahluwalia (MScPl, 2012): Planning for disasters: the case of Pickering Nuclear
Thomas Beck (MScPl, 2012): Planning to encourage families in downtown Edmonton
Nita Choonsingh (MScPl, 2012): Expropriation in Ontario: the case of the 407 extension
Mercedeh Madani (MScPl, 2012): Expiring co-op housing financial agreements
Narmadha Rajakumar (MScPl, 2012): The secondary suite by-law change in Ontario
Ann-Marie Cashin (MScPl, 2011): Inclusionary zoning in St. Johns NL
Erin Gullikson (MScPl, 2011): The conversion of churches into condos in Toronto
Sharon Hong (MScPl, 2010): Heritage and multiculturalism in Toronto
Ada Jeffrey (MA-Religion, 2010): The temperance movement in the Junction (Toronto)
Kirsten Stein (MScPl, 2010): Converting employment lands to places of worship
Julie Mah (MScPl, 2010): Inclusionary housing in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal
Fei-Ling Tseng (MScPl, 2010): Insights into the Dutch suburb of Bijlmermeer
Dan Cohen (MScPl, 2009): Creative city policy transfer to Indonesia
Scott Birchall (MScPl, 2006): The secondary suite by-law in Newmarket, ON
Lesley Collins (MScPl, 2006): Challenges with preserving modern architecture
Jennifer Shaw (MA, 2006): Neighborhood change in Kensington Market, Toronto
Stephanie Wall (MScPl, 2006): University-led planning developments
Jason Bottoni (MScPl, 2004): Urban intensification in Brampton ON
Lesley Kinsley (MScPl, 2003): Inclusionary housing in Toronto
Linda Lum (MScPl, 2003): Safety issues and planning in the Yonge Street BIA
Committee Member:
* Kelly Gregg (PhD): Pedestrianization and public space
* Rebecca Osolen (PhD): Urban, mobility, race
* Daniel Rowe (PhD): Public private partnerships
* Dylan Simone (PhD): Financialization
* Samuel Walker (PhD): Urban agriculture in shrinking cities
* Katherine Wihry (PhD): Health geography in Portland, ME
Martine August (PhD, 2014): Social mix and public housing redevelopment2
Luisa Sotomayor (PhD, 2014): Planning through spaces of exception2
Carolyn Hatch (PhD, 2013): Contract furniture industry in Canada
Marcie Snyder (PhD, 2013): Aboriginal health and social services2
Patrick Vitale (PhD, 2013): Historical geography in Pittsburgh, PA
Paul Langlois (PhD, 2012): Condo branding in Toronto
Vanessa Parlette (PhD, 2012): Anti-poverty activism in Scarborough (Toronto)
Katherine Geddie (PhD, 2010): Higher education industry policy in Canada and the UK2
Brian Hracs (PhD, 2010): The music industry in Toronto
Josephine Rekers (PhD, 2010): Knowledge transfer in culture and science
Jennifer Ridgley (PhD, 2010): Citizenship and sanctuary cities in the US
Amy Siciliano (PhD, 2010): Gun violence in Toronto’s inner suburbs
Juan Carrasco (PhD—Civ. Eng., 2006) Transportation planning in Santiago Chile1
Jill Wigle (PhD, 2006) Housing and location in Mexico City
Matthew Roorda (PhD—Civil Eng., 2005) Transportation modeling in the GTA1
Tara Vinodrai (PhD, 2005) The design sector in Toronto
Jason Dittmer (PhD, 2003) Discourses of NATO expansion (FSU)1
Dylan Simone (MA, 2014): Financial insecurity amongst Toronto immigrants
Grant McLean (MScPl, 2014): Commercial gentrification
Amy Buitenhuis (MA, 2013): Neoliberalism and prisons in Ontario
Emma Cohlmeyer (MScPl, 2013): Addressing vacant commercial strips
Elena Goracinova (MA, 2013): Economic geography
Natalie Langlois (MScPl, 2013): Open data and community planning
Kelsey Nowakowski (MA, 2013): Community development issues in declining cities
Douglas Duckworth (MScPl, 2012): Parking garages and urban decline in St. Louis
Patrick Adler (MA, 2011): The bicycle messenger industry in North America
Valerie Bryson (MScPl, 2011): Heritage planning in Toronto
Kristine Janzen (MScPl, 2011): Heritage issues with the Scadding Cabin project
Raili Lakanen (MScPl, 2011): Environmental planning in Sudbury, ON
Cameron Balfour (MA, 2010): Inclusionary housing issues in Toronto
Emily Watt (MA, 2010) A critical analysis of 629 Eastern, South Riverdale, Toronto.
Emily Reid-Musson (MA, 2009) Workfare in Ontario
Angie Jang (MScPl, 2009) Cultural identity and Toronto’s Little Italy
Sue Kelleher (MScPl, 2009) Food animators and community development
Courtney Hood (MA-ID, 2008) Microfinance in the developing world
Tanya Kumar (MA, 2008) Local governance in Mumbai
Mark Kear (MA, 2007) The redevelopment of False Creek in Vancouver
Darren Crosswell (MA, 2006) Political attitudes of new urbanist community residents
Jessica Wilczak (MScPl, 2006) Urban planning in China
Abigail Moriah (MScPl, 2005) Employment revitalisation in Toronto
David Feldstein (MA, 2004) Gentrification and immigration in Toronto
Meredith Meade (MScPl, 2004) Perceptions of safety at the St. George Campus of UofT
Stephan Nieweler (MScPl, 2004) Smart growth initiatives in Toronto and Vancouver
Robert Ramsay (MA, 2004) Digital divide issues
Lori Tesolin (MScPl, 2004) Information technology development in the GTA
Sabrina Bordone (MScPl, 2003) Siting supportive housing facilities
Nadia Messere (MScPl, 2003) School closure criteria in Toronto
Gus Goya (MIS—International Studies, 2001) Urban governance (FSU)
Robert McGowan (MA, 2001) Tourism in Wales (FSU)
Michael Pryce-Jones (MA, 2001) Landscape semiotics in Oxford (FSU)
* degree in progress (all others completed)
Committee participation during the examination or proposal stage only.
Committee participation during the final thesis defense only.
Special Readings Courses with Students:
Daniel Girard (MScPl)—Public housing privatization
Katie Plaizier (MScPl)—Using motels as emergency shelter in Toronto
Charlotte Switzer (BA Geog)—Land abandonment in urban Canada
Sumeet Ahluwalia (MScPl, 2012)—Disaster planning for carless populations
Nita Choonsingh (MScPl, 2012)—Expropriation in Ontario
Joshua Akers (PhD Geog)—Declining cities
Erin Gullikson (MScPl, 2011)—Religious landscape changes in Toronto
Ada Jeffrey (MA-Religion, 2010)—Social capital and new immigrant religion
Kirsten Stein (MScPl, 2010)—New religious spaces in derelict industrial lands
Julie Mah (MScPl, 2010)—Recent debates on social housing
Sally Turner (PhD Geog)—Faith-based social service providers
Joshua Akers (PhD Geog)—Faith-based social service providers
Jonathan English (BA [Urban Studies], 2009)—Brownfield redevelopments
Lauren Assi (BA [Geog], 2004, UT)—Urban governance in China
Jonathan Percy (BA [Urban studies], 2004, UT)—Smart growth planning
Jason Hight (MA, 2003, FSU)—Habitat for Humanity housing
Michael Pryce-Jones (MA, 2001, FSU)—Semiotics and Space
Guest Lectures for Courses:
2003 Core Course in Urban, Social, and Economic Geography at UT (Gunter Gad,
Professor). “The past, present and future of urban geography”.
2002 Introduction to Urbanization Course at UT (Larry Bourne, Professor). “North
American urban system(s)?”
2002 Core Course in Urban, Social, and Economic Geography at UT (Gunter Gad,
Professor). “Emerging themes in urban geography”.
2002 Urban Development and Planning Course at FSU (Planning) (Charles Connerly,
Professor). “HOPE VI as a revitalization strategy”.
2001 Advanced GIS Course at FSU. (Basil Savitsky, Professor) “Urban data and
geographic information systems”.
1999 Geography of Cities Course at RU. (Cheryl Gowar, Instructor) “Cycles of real
estate investment in New York City”.
1999 Geography of Cities Course at RU. (Elvin Wyly, Professor) “Gentrification,
disinvestment, and reinvestment”.
1999 Field Geography Course at RU. (Charles Colvard, Instructor) “Urban field
1999 Geographic Information Systems Course at RU (Michael Medler, Professor).
“Using geographic information systems in urban geography”.
1997 Natural Hazards Course at RU. (J. Kenneth Mitchell, Professor) “Using the
internet for academic research”.
1996 Urban Revitalization Course at RU. (Briavel Holcomb, Professor) “Urban
redevelopment in Phoenix Arizona”.
Committee Work and Academic Service (to department, university, and academic
Main department:
Senior committee—UT Geography, 2014-15
Teaching committee—UT Geography, 2007-10; 2014-15
Planning admissions committee—UT Planning, 2012-13; 2014-15
Tenure committees—UT Geography, 2007-08 (1); 2010-11 (1); 2012-13 (1)
Research mentor for two faculty members—UT Geography, 2006-2011; 2012-p
Undergraduate scholarships and awards committee—UT Geography, 2008-10, 2012-13
Research assessor for full-professor promotion case—UT Geography, 2012-13
Specialization advisor for urban stream planning students—UT Planning, 2007-13
CLTA hiring committee—UT Planning and Geography, 2012
External scholarships committee—UT Planning and Geography, 2002, 2012
Graduate planning committee—UT Planning, 2011-12
Undergraduate committee—UT Geography, 2002-03, 2008-11
Third-year review promotion committees—UT Geography, 2008 (2), 2010 (1)
Sessional lecturer promotion committee—UT Geography, 2010, 2012
Organizer for department book launch—UT Geography, 2005, 2008, 2010
Co-organizer of teaching discussion panels—UT Geog, 2009 (2), 2010 (1)
Undergraduate ethics committee—UT Geography, 2009-10
Undergraduate coordinator—UT Geography, 2008-10
Departmental advisory committee—UT Geography, 2008-10
Reading committee for tenure applicants—UT Geography, 2007-08 (1), 2008-09 (1)
Writing initiative committee—UT Geography, 2007-09
Search committee for public policy position—UT Geography, 2007-08
Planning scholarships committee—UT Planning, 2004-2006, 2008-09
Annual activity evaluation (PTR) committee—UT Geography, 2008
Search committee for urban geography position—UT Geography, 2004-05, 2005-06
Job advertisement drafting committee—UT Geography, 2005
Course load reduction committee—UT Geography, 2005
Graduate admissions committee—UT Geography, 2002-06
Internal ethics committee for dissertation proposals—UT Geography, 2002-03, 2006
Graduate student leadership award committee—FSU Geography, 2000-01
Colloquium committee—FSU Geography, 2000-01
Geography department colloquium series coordinator—RU, 1997-98
Treasurer and GSA rep for association of geography graduate students—RU, 1996-98
President of the association of master of env. planning students—ASU, 1994-95
Faculty of Arts and Science Governing Council Representative for Geography: 2015-16,
School of Graduate Studies (SGS) exam chair: March 2015; October, 2011; August, 2008
Committee on Standing, Faculty of Arts and Science (UT), 2011-13
Promotion committee for senior lecturer applicant, Innis College, 2009-10
Steering committee for Centre for Urban and Comm Studies CURA Project, 2005-07
Academic field:
External thesis examiner for University of British Columbia, Department of Geography,
PhD candidate, 2012
Panel member to decide OGS graduate scholarships: Planning/ Development Studies,
External evaluator for tenure applicant from Simon Fraser University—Urban Studies,
External evaluator for pre-tenure review of an Assistant Professor at the New School for
Social Research (NYC)—Urban Studies, 2009-10
Judge for AAG Urban Geography Specialty Group MA Thesis Competition, 2007
Judge for AAG Urban Geography Specialty Group Student Paper Competition, 2006
AAG Urban Geography Specialty Group board member, 2005-06
Organizing committee for 2004 International Housing Conference, 2003-04
Moderator for the New Jersey State Geography Bee, 1999
Student Director for the American Planning Association for Arizona, 1994-95
Student Liaison for the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning at ASU, 1994-95
Article Manuscript Reviewer For:
American Review of Canadian Studies (2), Annals of the Association of American
Geographers, Antipode (4), Buildings and Landscapes, Cambridge Journal of Regions
Economy and Society, Canadian Geographer, Canadian Journal of Urban Research (7),
Cities, City and Community, City and Society, Current Sociology, Economic
Development Quarterly (2), Environment and Planning A (12), Environment and
Planning D (2), The Florida Geographer, Geographical Review, Global Networks, Great
Lakes Geographer, Growth and Change, Housing Studies (4), International Journal of
Managerial Finance, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (6), Journal
of Landscape Architecture, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Journal of
Planning Literature, Journal of Urban Affairs (2), Planning Theory, Professional
Geographer, Progress in Human Geography, Regional Studies, Social and Cultural
Geography (2), Space and Polity, Southeastern Geographer, Studies in Political
Economy (2), Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Transactions of the
Institute of British Geographers, Urban Affairs Review (10), Urban Geography (12),
Urban Planning and Design Research, Urban Studies (4)
Book Manuscript Reviewer For:
Ashgate Press, Cornell University Press (2), Oxford University Press (2), MacMillan
Palgrave, Policy Press, Sage Publications, University of Georgia Press, University of
Minnesota Press
Funding Proposal Reviewer For:
Fannie Mae Foundation (2), Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, SSHRC (4), Kuwaiti
Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, Swiss National Science Foundation, US
National Science Foundation (4)
Editorial Board Membership:
Urban Affairs Review (2011-2013)
Conference Session Organizing:
2015 Co-organizer (with Joshua Akers) for one panel session, “Place, politics and the
declining city”, at the Annual Meeting of the AAG in Chicago.
2014 Organizer for one panel session, “The city after abandonment”, at the Annual
Meeting of the Urban Affairs Associations in San Antonio.
2012 Co-organizer (with Joshua Akers) for one panel session, “Property and space in
the declining city”, at the Annual Meeting of the AAG in New York City.
2010 Co-organizer (with Justin Beaumont) for two paper sessions, “Spaces of
postsecular engagement”, at the Annual Meeting of the AAG in Washington DC.
2005 Organizer for panel session, “Neoliberal Urbanism”, at the Annual Meeting of the
AAG in Denver.
2002 Organizer for two panel sessions, “Placing the Neoliberal City” and “Replacing
the Neoliberal City” at the Annual Meeting of the AAG in Los Angeles.
2001 Co-organizer for “Rescaling Urban Policy”—a five-paper session at the Annual
Meeting of the AAG in New York City (with Elvin Wyly and Sean DiGiovanna)
Media Interviews:
CBC Here and Now (2005); CBC Radio Canada (2011), Dispatches International
(2012); Flossin’ Magazine (2005); Globe and Mail (2012); HoBo Magazine (2003);
National Post (2010, 2005); Novae Rae Urbis (2002); Omni Television (2005); On The
Danforth (2007, 2006); Remapping Debate (2011); Rutgers Daily Targum (1998);
Scranton Times-Tribune (2014); Toronto Open Source: Community Powered News
(2011) Toronto Star (2013, 2012, 2004); University of Toronto Varsity (2005); Winnipeg
Free Press (2015); Yahoo! Canada (2013).