COOL FUN IN THE SUMMERTIME! REGISTER NOW! PROGRAMS FILL QUICKLY! SUMMER 2015 JORDAN YMCA CENTER INFORMATION THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS JORDAN YMCA 8400 Westfield Boulevard Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 317.253.3206 Register online at WHAT’S INSIDE... ■ CENTER INFORMATION .................................... 2-3 ■ MEMBERSHIP ....................................................... 4-5 ■ ADULT SPECIAL INTEREST .................................... 6 ■ AQUATICS / SWIM LESSONS.......................... 7-12 ■ CHILD CARE / ENRICHMENT ...................... 13-15 ■ HEALTH & WELL-BEING ............................... 16-22 ■ SPORTS (ADULT) ............................................ 23-26 ■ SPORTS (YOUTH) ........................................... 27-33 ■ TEENS ................................................................ 34-35 ■ YOUTH & FAMILY SPECIAL INTEREST .... 36-37 ■ ANNUAL CAMPAIGN ..................................... 38-39 GET ACTIVE GET INVOLVED VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION/SESSION DATES Facility Members-OPEN NOW! Summer I: Mon, Jun 1-Sun, Jul 12 Summer II: Mon, Jul 13-Sun, Aug 23 CENTER HOURS Monday-Friday: 5am-10pm Saturday: 7am-7pm Sunday: 11am-6pm MEMBER SERVICES HOURS Monday-Thursday: 8am-8pm Friday: 8am-7pm Saturday: 8am-4pm Sunday: 11am-4pm CHILD WATCH HOURS Monday-Friday: 8am-2pm and 4-8pm Saturday: 8am-1pm Sunday: CLOSED HOLIDAY HOURS Memorial Day: Mon, May 25, 7am-5pm Independence Day: Sat, Jul 4, 7am-5pm Labor Day: Mon, Sep 7, 7am-5pm Member Service Holiday Hours 8am-4pm when Center is open until 5pm Child Watch Holiday Hours 8am-1:30pm when center is open on a week day You can give meaningful service to multiply our effectiveness and allow more people access to what the Y offers. Contact your local Center for a variety of opportunities to fit your interests! THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS MISSION: 2 SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. CENTER INFORMATION JORDAN YMCA LEADERSHIP TEAM Ellie Schmink Community Executive Director Sara Noyed Associate Executive Director Laura Bates Wellness Director LeVester Hobbs Building Services Director Tammy Hopkins Kramer Membership Director Nancy Hull Administrative Assistant Matt Morwick Senior Program Director Claire Olvey Aquatics Coordinator JORDAN YMCA CENTER ADVISORY BOARD Steve Pratt, Board Chair Jerry Gray, Vice Chair Bo Walker, Immediate Past Chair Mark Cvetkovich Bill Doggett George Farra Michael Giannamore Mike Gin Gregory Goelzer Kyle Kerrigan Bob King Debbie Nicholas Bonnie Reilly Robert Scott Eric Servaas Chris Waugh Barbara Wynne Suzanne Zybert VOLUNTEERS Make a difference in your community today by volunteering at the Jordan Y! To get started, simply pick up a volunteer application at the Member Service Desk and contact Mandy Witmer at 317.610.3758 with questions. Janay Riley Director of Administrative Services All volunteers must be at least 16 years old, unless accompanied by an adult, and will receive a background check for the safety of our members. Anthony Ripley Associate Wellness Director Below are a variety of opportunities for you to get involved with, but we are open to ideas that you may have or are interested in. Nicole Shaw Aquatics Director Andy Starling Membership Specialist Judy Weerts Hall Membership Specialist • • • • • • • • Hospitality Desk Office Assistants Youth Sports Coaches Wellness Center Assistants Maintenance Technicians Child Watch Aids Special Events Community Outreach Group IN06 Mandy Witmer Member Involvement Director FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 3 Y MEMBERSHIP THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS LOCATIONS Full Facilities NORTH Jordan YMCA 8400 Westfield Blvd., 46240 • 317.253.3206 Fishers YMCA 9012 E. 126th St., Fishers, IN 46038 • 317.595.9622 NORTHEAST Avondale Meadows YMCA 3908 Meadows Dr., 46205 • 317.549.9622 Benjamin Harrison YMCA 5736 Lee Road, 46216 • 317.547.9622 NORTHWEST Pike YMCA 7114 Lakeview Pkwy West, 46268 • 317.297.9622 Witham Family YMCA 2791 N. Lebanon St., Lebanon, IN 46052 765.483.9622 CENTRAL/DOWNTOWN YMCA at the Athenaeum 401 E. Michigan Street, 46204 • 317.685.9705 Indy Bike Hub YMCA 242 E. Market Street, 46204 • 317.612.3083 GREETINGS FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS Welcome to the Jordan YMCA family! Thank you so much for bringing the YMCA into your daily life. I am confident you will find something you love at our center to help you feel right at home. We have a lot of programs planned for a hot summer! If you have any questions about our programs, please feel free to reach out to me or any staff member. We are excited to be at your side to help guide your journey toward a healthy lifestyle. Whether you are a new member or have been with us for a long time, congratulations on being a part of our YMCA community. You are part of a worldwide movement committed to putting Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. On behalf of the staff and the Center Advisory Board, thank you for being a part of our YMCA. We hope you are with us for life! Ellie Schmink Community Executive Director Jordan YMCA EAST Ransburg YMCA 501 N. Shortridge Road, 46219 • 317.357.8441 SOUTH Baxter YMCA 7900 S. Shelby Street, 46227 • 317.881.9347 WEST Hendricks Regional Health YMCA 301 Satori Pkwy, Avon, IN 46123 • 317.273.9622 Program Centers Ruth Lilly YMCA Outdoor Center (Flat Rock River YMCA Camp) 6981 W. County Rd 650 N., St. Paul, 47272 888.828.9622 Intercollegiate YMCA 615 N. Alabama St., Ste. 400, 46204 • 317.226.9137 YMCA Youth Development (Before & After School and Day Camps) 615 N. Alabama St., Ste. 400, 46204 • 317.484.9622 4 SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 Association Office 615 N. Alabama St., Ste. 200, 46204 • 317.266.9622 Y MEMBERSHIP JORDAN SMALL COMMUNITIES Get connected by joining one of our small communities so you can build a relationship for a lifetime. • • • • • • • • • • • Preschool Parent Involvement Committee Multi-Fitters Water Exercise Group Jordan Y Facebook Racquetball Group Volleyball Group SilverSneakers® Prayer Request Group Toastmasters Kind of Fitters Running Group Bible Study Group Contact Mandy Witmer, Member Involvement Director, at to get connected with one of these small communities or to start your own. ALPHA COURSE When faith feels complicated, get back to the basics! We'll look at the basics of faith together. This will be a place to have open and safe discussions about doubts, questions, and real evidence for faith. Seekers, skeptics and believers are welcome. A lite meal will be provided during class. Please register in advance at the Member Service Desk. Session: Jun 9-Aug 28 (10 weeks) When: Tue, 5:45-7:30pm Cost: $5 for books IN06 MEMBERSHIP AND PROGRAMS FOR ALL The YMCA is unique because membership rates and program fees may be based on total household income. Generous donors help make this sliding fee scale possible so that we can be accessible to all. We seek to reflect the diversity of our members, volunteers and staff, and to create an environment where all people feel welcome and valued. PROGRAM MEMBER BENEFITS Anyone may enroll in YMCA programs (camp, swim lessons, sports, personal training, etc.). However, YMCA Facility Members enjoy reduced rates and many other benefits. Program Members are invited to upgrade to a full service Facility Membership during the current program session. You will receive credit toward a YMCA membership joining fee for the difference between the rate you paid for classes and the member rate. FACILITY MEMBER BENEFITS • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee on Membership & Joining Fees; No Contracts. • YMCA Refer-A-Friend Program with special member incentives. • FREE Wellness Coaching with a Certified YMCA Wellness Coach. • FREE or reduced fees for all programs. • FREE quality Child Watch while you work out (for household memberships). • 5 FREE Guest Passes distributed throughout the year. • Free family events • And MUCH, MUCH MORE! Please ask a staff member for details! GUESTS Guests may visit three times in a 12-month period when accompanied by a member or when using a promotional Guest Pass. Individual Guest Passes can be purchased at the Member Service Desk for only $10 per day. Family guest passes can be purchased for $18 per day. All guests 16 and over must have a photo ID. ANNUAL CAMPAIGN Your gifts are needed to keep the YMCA open to all. With your help, kids can participate in our many programs, families can enjoy the enriching environment, teens can learn valuable life skills, and seniors can find a place to socialize. Help us reach out to more families and individuals by making a pledge today! Contact Ellie Schmink, Community Executive Director, at 317.253.3206 for more information. FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 5 Y ADULT SPECIAL INTEREST SILVERSNEAKERS® YOGA Yoga stretch is taught from a seated and standing position to enhance the flow and energy created in combination with restorative breathing exercises. The class offers a variety of safe and effective options designed to increase flexibility and balance to improve each individual's sense of well being. ACTIVE OLDER ADULTS (AOA) SENIOR FITNESS ASSESSMENTS Receive a comprehensive evaluation of blood pressure, circumferences, cardiovascular endurance, target heart rate, flexibility and muscular strength/endurance. Please stop by the Member Service Desk to register for your appointment. | FM $31 PM 61 SILVERSNEAKERS® CLASSIC Join other active older adults as we have fun moving to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase strength, range of motion, and activity for daily living skills. Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 Day Time Mon/Wed/Fri Wed Mon/Fri 10:45-11:45am 1-2pm 8:30-9:15am Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 Days Time Mon/Fri 11:55am-12:55pm Location MPR I AOA GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES Check out our current group exercise schedule for updated information on additional group exercise classes designed specifically for the active older adult. ACTIVE OLDER ADULT MONTHLY SOCIAL Join us the second Wednesday of every month from 11:45am-1pm* for an afternoon of socializing and fun with your peers! There will either be a speaker or activity planned along with light refreshments. Contact Julia Behringer at 317.610.3764 or for more information. *Date and time may be adjusted. Location MPR I MPR I MPR I SILVERSNEAKERS® CIRCUIT This is a standing, non-impact aerobic circuit class for participants who have expressed a desire for more cardiovascular and muscular endurance conditioning. The class offers non-impact aerobics moves, alternated with standing upper body work with hand held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and the SilverSneakers ball. Tue/Thu 6 10:45-11:45am Location MPR I SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 Days Time Y AQUATICS / SWIM LESSONS Welcome to the Jordan YMCA Aquatics Department! We are dedicated to providing an exceptional swimming experience for the entire family. Whether you are participating in our swim lesson program, attending water exercise, or lap swimming, we strive to offer you the highest quality facility and programs. JR. LIFEGUARD CLASS (Ages 12-15yrs) This course will certify candidates in CPR for the Professional Rescuer, First Aid and Oxygen. Along with these valuable certifications, candidates will be introduced to basic lifeguarding skills to help prepare them for lifeguard classes when they turn 16. Pool safety requirements, pool rules and swim testing procedures are posted in the pool area and copies are available in the Aquatics Department. Please contact Nicole Shaw, Aquatics Director at 317.610.3766 or by e-mail at for more information about the course. OPEN SWIM Open Swim is for all abilities and ages to swim and have a great time. Noodles are available for use. Children 10 years and younger must have adult supervision in the water or on the pool deck. Children 11 years and older must be able to stand flat-footed with water not above the arm pits to swim without supervision. We don't allow water wings or inflatable objects in the pool. Children must pass a swim test to swim in the deep end. Please visit for a pool schedule or pick up a copy at the Member Service Desk. WATER SCOUTS In Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, or Girl Scouts? Bring your scouts to the YMCA to earn their aquatics badge or patch. Contact Claire Olvey, Aquatics Coordinator, at 317.610.3769 or to make reservations. | FM/PM $8/child (Minimum of 5 children) l FM $62 PM $123 Refund Policy: There will be a $25 non-refundable fee for anyone who wishes to cancel within two weeks of the start date. Class is non-refundable after the start date. Dates Days/Times Jul 6-Jul 9 Mon-Thu 5-8:30pm SAFETY. CONFIDENCE. FUN! YMCA SAFETY PROGRAM JUNE 1-4 • FREE! Plan now to attend this 4-day introduction and orientation to swimming and water safety through practical experience. Children will learn how to prevent accidents in pool, at the beach, while boating, or around other water environments. Participants can attend one day or multiple days. Mon, Jun 1 - Pool Safety Tue, Jun 2 - Beach/Waterpark Safety Wed, Jun 3 - Boating Safety Thu, Jun 4 - Personal Safety REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED Session A: 4:50-5:30pm Session B: 5:40-6:20pm IN06 Jordan YMCA 8400 Westfield Boulevard Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 317.253.3206 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 7 Y AQUATICS / SWIM LESSONS Participants must be 16 years of age prior to the first day of class and have strong swimming abilities. Participants must be able to pass course prerequisite swims on the first night of class in order to continue with the course. To receive certification, candidates must pass written and practical exams and demonstrate professional lifeguard characteristics. Attendance is required for all days. Books are included in the course fee. Please contact Nicole Shaw, Aquatics Director at 317.610.3766 for more information. l FM $264 PM $354 Refund Policy: There will be a $100 non-refundable fee for anyone who wishes to cancel within two weeks of start date. Class is non-refundable after the start date. Date Day Time May 18-22 Jun 22-26 Jul 13-17 8 Mon-Fri Mon-Fri Mon-Fri 5-10pm 8am-1pm 8am-1pm Y SWIM SCHOOL This is a progressive program designed with five components: personal safety, personal growth, stroke development, water sports and games, and rescue skills. This design gives your child a holistic education of aquatic safety for all facilities and events. Throughout the Y swim school program, we will teach your child five different strokes: front crawl, backstroke, butterfly, elementary backstroke, and side stroke. Your child will learn through progressive steps, while maintaining our no forcible submersion policy. Y SWIM SCHOOL POLICIES • Classes must be paid in full at the time of registration. • Classes will not be pro-rated for registrations after the session start date. • 3 participants must register for a class to continue as scheduled. • Cancellations must be made 48 hours prior to the class date to receive a full refund. • Refunds will not be issued after the session starts. • Make-up days (Friday) are provided ONLY if the YMCA cancels a class. • THERE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR CLASSES OR SESSIONS NOT ATTENDED. • When there is cloud to ground lightning, the pool will close. If these conditions occur, we will do our best to contact you prior to your lesson. • Depending on availability, registration for classes will end 48 hours before the session start date. SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 LIFEGUARD CLASS The course certifies candidates in YMCA Lifeguard Training, CPR/AED, First Aid and Oxygen. It includes equipment-based lifesaving skills, personal safety, aquatic first aid, public relations, pool maintenance and guarding techniques. Y AQUATICS / SWIM LESSONS YOUTH PROGRAM (Ages 6-12yrs) PARENT/CHILD PROGRAM (S.K.I.P.) (Ages 6mos-3yrs) This age is a prime time to begin water adjustment. Your child must have solid head control and be able to sit upright with support. Our goal for this class is to provide a positive parent/child experience. BEYOND PARENT AND CHILD (Ages 2 1/2-4yrs) This class is for the child who is not quite ready to swim independently. This level combines fun, water adjustment, basic water skills and core skill development. PRESCHOOL PROGRAM (Ages 3-5yrs) Pike: This level is fore the beginner swimmer. Children who are being exposed to water for the first time or have concern of getting their face wet or being submerged are best placed in this level. The instructor will work with you child to gain comfort in the water while working on basic swimming skills. Eel: In this level, your child must be comfortable in the water. They will jump in the water and have no concern of getting their face wet or submerging. The instructor will work with your child to move from a vertical swim position to a horizontal swim position. Ray: At this level, your child is able to swim at least 5 yards without any flotation device. In this level, we will work to improve stroke form and endurance for both front crawl and backstroke. IN06 Starfish: The most advanced preschool level, the Starfish, is for a child who can swim 5 yards without a flotation device and 20-25 yards with a flotation device without assistance. Your child will refine their primary strokes and begin to learn the skills for more advanced swimming strokes. Polliwog: This level is for the beginner swimmer. Children who are exposed to water for the first time, have a concern of getting their face wet, being submerged are best placed in this level. The instructor will work with your child to gain comfort in the water while working on basic swimming skills. Guppy: This level is for children who have no concern of getting their face wet or being submerged and can swim 20-25 yards with or without a flotation device. Your child will refine their primary strokes and begin to learn the skills for more advanced swimming strokes. Minnow: This level is for the intermediate swimmer. Your child must be able to swim 20-25 yards on front and back without a flotation device with basic rotary breathing skills. We will begin to teach your child the sidestroke, breaststroke, and elementary backstroke as well as learn how to swim the dolphin kick. Fish: In this level, your child must be able to swim 75 yards on front and back without a flotation device with refined rotary breathing using open turns. Your child will finalize their competency for sidestroke, breaststroke, and elementary backstroke as well as learn how to swim the butterfly. Waves: This swim class is designed for children and adults with special needs. This program will also touch on strength and flexibility. Every participant will receive one-on-one attention with our trained instructors to ensure comfort in the water. Stroking Onward: This is a pre-swim team class aimed at working on stroking technique, endurance and skills. Students will work on starts and flip turns as well. This is also a program designed around the future lifeguard, teaching important lifesaving techniques in and around water on a more specific and advanced level. Your child must be able to swim front crawl and backstroke for 100 yards, and elementary backstroke and side stroke for 50 yards. FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 9 Y AQUATICS / SWIM LESSONS Y SWIM SCHOOL RATES Parent/Child, Beyond Parent/Child, Preschool: 30 minute lessons Progressive: 40 minute lessons Stroking Onward: 1 hour lessons Please visit our web site under “classes and programs” for a current list of all class dates and times! Session Dates Registration Deadline Day Option/Information Summer A Jun 8-Jun 25 Fri, Jun 5 Summer B Jun 29-Jul 16 Fri, Jun 26 Summer C Jul 20-Aug 6 Summer D Jun 13-Aug 1 Wed, Jun 10 Choose Mon/Wed OR Tue/Thu (Meets twice a week for 3 weeks) Choose Mon/Wed OR Tue/Thu (Meets twice a week for 3 weeks) Choose Mon/Wed OR Tue/Thu (Meets twice a week for 3 weeks) Class meets every Saturday for 8 weeks FREE SWIM LEVEL ASSESSMENTS Not sure what level your swimmer should be in? We offer free swim level assessments. Contact Claire Olvey at to schedule. POOCHES IN THE POOL! DOG SPLASH & PARTY Saturday, September 5th Fishers YMCA 1-4pm Benjamin Harrison YMCA 12-3pm Tuesday, September 8th Jordan YMCA 5:30-7:30pm $10 per dog; human companions FREE All proceeds benefit the Y Annual Campaign Fishers YMCA 9012 E 126th St. 317.595.9622 Benjamin Harrison YMCA 5736 Lee Rd. 317.547.9622 Jordan YMCA 8400 Westfield Blvd. 317.253.3206 10 Fee Stroking Onward FM $40/PM $78 FM $29/PM $57 FM $40/PM $78 FM $29/PM $57 FM $40/PM $78 FM $29/PM $57 FM $54/PM $104 N/A DAY CAMP SWIM LESSON ENRICHMENT Check out our Day Camp Swim Lessons! This Swim Lesson Enrichment Program consists of four classes offered in a one week period (Monday-Thursday). Participants can sign up and register to attend these enrichment lessons during their camp week. You can sign up for just 1 week or every week of camp. Participants must sign up and register for each individual week they wish to attend. During their 4 lessons, instructors will focus on a different group of skills each week so that campers can get the full benefit of our swim lesson program. Counselors will bring your camper to their swim lesson and return them to camp when lessons are over. Preschool and Youth Day Camp lesson options begin the week of June 1. Last week of Day Camp Swim Lessons will be the week of July 27. For more information, please contact Claire Olvey, Aquatics Coordinator at 317.610.3769 or by e-mail at Time Class Fee 11-11:30am 4-4:40pm Preschool Day Camp Lessons Youth Day Camp Lessons SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA FM $28/PM $53 FM $28/PM $53 IN06 Fri, Jul 17 Fee Parent Child, Preschool Levels, Youth Levels Y AQUATICS / SWIM LESSONS PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS (Ages 3+) Looking for one on one instruction in the water to improve your strokes, overcome a fear of the water, or reach a goal? You can do this with Private Swim Lessons. Class day and times are set up between you and the instructor to meet the needs of your busy schedule. Also for your convenience, fees will be processed using electronic funds transfer. Private Swim Lessons (1:1 Private Swim Instruction) Class Fee 30 min each, 1x wk FM $73/PM $124 Looking for more personalized instruction to reach your goals in the pool, but you want to do this with 2-3 other people? Semi-Private Swim Lessons could give you this opportunity. Class day and times are set up between you and the instructor to meet the needs of your busy schedule. Also for you convenience, fees will be processed using electronic funds transfer. ADULT LESSONS: BEGINNER (Ages 13+) This class is designed to help adults overcome fear of water and acquire basic water awareness skills. This class is for beginner swimmers and focuses on being comfortable in the water. Swimmers progress at their own pace in acquiring skills such as floating, breath control, changing positions in the water, and treading water. Swimmers also cover beginning swimming skills such as freestyle breathing, body position and basic arm motions. Each session meets once a week for 6 weeks. Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $40 PM $78 Day Mon Time 7-7:40pm Semi-Private Swim Lessons Class Fee 30 min each, 1x wk FM $61/PM $124 JOIN THE TEAM! YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS SWIM CLUB The YOGI Swim Club is an Association-wide competitive team that offers year-round and seasonal programs and the opportunity for local and regional competition. Our Age Group division (ages 6-14) has two training groups for developmental and advanced swimmers, with weekly practices designed by YMCA/ASCA certified staff. Swimmers must be able to swim two continuous pool lengths of freestyle and show a commitment to develop all four competitive strokes. An evaluation will place swimmers with the appropriate training group. IN06 Contact the Aquatics Department for a swim club schedule, fees and registration information. ADULT LESSONS: INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED (Ages 13+) Designed to help adults acquire basic swimming skills for fitness or triathlon. This class focuses on endurance and breathing skills in freestyle swimming. A great class for people who have never had any organized swim lesson. Class participants need to feel comfortable in both shallow and deep water, putting their head underwater and floating on their front and back. Class participants will also begin work on additional strokes such as backstroke and breaststroke. Meets once a week for 6 weeks. Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $40 PM $78 Day Thu Time 7-7:40pm FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 11 Y AQUATICS / SWIM LESSONS SUMMER’S LARGEST POOL PARTY | FM FREE PM $48 Day Time Tue/Thu Tue/Wed 8:30-9:30am 7-8pm Location Outdoor Indoor Join us for one or all in our week-long free pool party festivities! Some locations are offering dinner for $5/person (kids under 2 eat free with a paid adult) to benefit the Annual Campaign. DEEP WATER EXERCISE A workout adaptable for all fitness levels that use fun and intense combos in a high-impact workout in the deep end of the pool. A great class for anyone who has joint problems and is interested in a great workout. (FREE swimming if you do not want a meal ticket.) | FM FREE PM $48 Day Time Check us out on Facebook for more fun details as the event gets closer! • Baxter YMCA Tues, 7/14, 4:30-8pm Music provided by our D.J. Chris Schura • Benjamin Harrison YMCA Wed, 7/15, 5-7pm • Fishers YMCA Wed, 7/15, 5-7pm • Jordan YMCA Tues, 7/14, 6-8pm • Ransburg YMCA Tues, 7/14, 5-8pm • Witham Family YMCA Sat, 7/18, 12-2pm A Member Appreciation event. Please contact the Centers or visit us online at for more details. GROUP WATER EXERCISE Water exercise encourages people of all ages to utilize the buoyant qualities of water to enhance their physical fitness in a group setting. It's an ideal form of exercise for all ages and abilities, and the relaxation after a water workout is wonderful! Program members will need to register at the Member Service Desk. Session cost is for one time per week per session. Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 12 Mon/Wed Mon/Thu 8:30-9:30am 7-8pm Location Outdoor Indoor COMBO CLASSES Enjoy this challenging class every Friday and Saturday morning. It is a combined half-deep and half-shallow class. | FM FREE PM $48 Day Time Fri Sat 8:30-9:30am 8:30-10am Location Outdoor Outdoor ARTHRITIS/ARTHRITIS PLUS EXERCISE This is for participants who have arthritis, fibromyalgia or any injury. Participants are led through a sequence of range-of-motion movements and exercises to help regain balance, ease of movement, flexibility and mobility strength. This class is also geared toward participants interested in adding some cardio to their routine. The instructor may modify exercises based on individual participant needs. | FM FREE PM $48 Day Time Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri 1-2pm SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA Location Indoor IN06 WANT TO GO POOL HOPPING? SHALLOW WATER EXERCISE A high-intensity training program taught in the shallow end of the pool that combines both cardiovascular and muscle conditioning. Y CHILD CARE / ENRICHMENT PRESCHOOL OPEN HOUSE We will be holding two open houses for our preschool program to give kids a chance to interact with our teachers before class and parents an opportunity to ask questions. This is also a great time for parents to check out where their children will be learning throughout the year. Wed., Aug 5: 10am-12pm Thu., Aug 6: 6-8pm PRESCHOOL/ CHILD CARE OPEN ENROLLMENT FOR 2015-2016 PRESCHOOL YEAR (Ages 2-5yrs) This is one of the most dynamic preschool programs in Indianapolis. Preschoolers become instilled with the YMCA's philosophy of developing the spirit, mind and body of each individual and do so in an encouraging atmosphere full of cooperation and mutual respect for everyone. Early literacy, math, and problem solving skills are taught daily, along with a focus on gross and fine motor skills that are centered around the Y's Way to The Creative Curriculum. Space is limited, so please register early to reserve your spot. Specific information can be obtained at the center or by contacting Matt Morwick at or 317.610.3765. $30 registration fee for a child $50 registration fee for a family $50 non-refundable deposit to go towards first months tuition. Equal payments based on month enrolled through May 2016. Classes are based on the following developments: IN06 • • • • Age 2 by Aug 1 for Early Preschool class Age 3 by Aug 1 for Preschool class Age 4 by Sep 1 for Pre-K class Age 3 by Sep 1 for Enrichment Classes PRESCHOOL SPANISH ENRICHMENT (Ages 3-5yrs) With a variety of enrichment options, the Jordan Y caters to every preschool-aged child's needs. During class, children will have the opportunity to socialize with friends as well as engage in instructional learning based on monthly themes. The class is centered around the Y's Way to the Creative Curriculum, all while engaging in the Spanish language and culture. Payments are based on a per month basis, rather than by session. Participants do not have to be registered in our preschool program to enroll. Classes start August 10! | FM $155 mo | PM $185 mo Day Time Mon/Wed/Fri 1-2:30pm *2015-2016 School Year CHILD WATCH KIDS DAY OUT (Ages 6wks-12yrs) Activities include crafts, fun games, a movie, swimming (Ages 3 and up) and much more! If your child will be swimming, please send them in their swim suits and arrive by 9:15am. Pre-registration is required. | FM $23 /first child; $10/each addn'l child | PM $31/first child; $15/each addn'l child Date Time Theme Fri, Nov 27 8am-2pm Fri, Dec 18 8am-2pm Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Charlie Brown Christmas CHILD WATCH (Ages 6wks-12yrs) We offer age-appropriate child care services to members and program participants while they are participating in a YMCA program or activity on site. Members may use this service for their children up to two hours per day. | FM FREE/2hrs | PM $5/hr first child, $3/hr each add'l child Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-2pm & 4-8pm; Sat: 8am-1pm FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 13 Y CHILD CARE / ENRICHMENT DROP OFF CHILD CARE Did you know, as a center member at the Jordan YMCA, you can utilize our Drop-Off Service during regular Child Watch hours? You may leave your child(ren) at the YMCA and do whatever you need to (for up to 3 hours/day) outside of the YMCA. Purchase punch cards from the Member Service Desk. Punch Cards: $30 ($5/hour/child) Contact Matt Morwick at or 317.610.3765 with questions. | FM $23/first child; $10/each add'l child | PM $31/first child; $15/each add'l child Dates Time Theme Jun 13 Jun 27 Jul 11 Jul 25 Aug 1 Aug 15 Sep 12 Sep 19 Sep 26 Oct 3 Oct 10 Oct 17 Oct 24 Nov 7 Nov 14 Nov 21 Dec 5 Dec 12 14 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-10pm Daddy & Me Little Firecracker Ice Cream Social Under the Sea Back to School OWL Always Be your Friend Kids Camp Out Johnny Appleseed Fall Simple Science Candy Corn Pumpkins & Spice and Everything Nice Batty About the "Y" Halloween Costume Party Leaf Creatures Super Hero Night Pancake Dinner Polar Express Gingerbread House Night AFTERSCHOOL REGISTRATION • See the Jordan Y for a registration form, or download the form online at • Mail your form and Program Member registration fee to our registration center: YMCA of Greater Indianapolis Youth Enrichment North 615 N. Alabama St., Ste 400 Indianapolis, IN 46204 You may also drop off your registration form, along with your Program Member registration fee, at the Jordan YMCA. Once registered, you will receive a parent handbook with additional information. Questions? Please call 317.577.2070. SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 KIDS NIGHT OUT (Ages 6wks-12yrs) Activities include dinner, crafts, fun games, a movie, swimming (ages 3 years and up) and much more! If your children will be swimming, please bring them in their bathing suits by 5:15pm. Pre-registration at the Member Service Desk is required. AFTER-SCHOOL Children who attend Washington Township elementary schools may be transported by Washington Township busses to the Jordan YMCA each day after school. Our caring staff will greet your child and help them feel at home. Activities include swimming, games, creative crafts, outside play, and clubs. The YMCA provides an afternoon snack and homework assistance. We follow the Washington Township school calendar, so keep us in mind for extended care during holidays, spring break, half-days, and teacher conference days. OVERNIGHT CAMP at FLAT ROCK RIVER YMCA (Ages 7-17yrs) 888.828.9622 ~ Just 45 minutes SE of Indianapolis in beautiful St. Paul, Ind. Kayaking, Zip Line, Horseback Riding, and So Much More! SIGN UP NOW! DON’T MISS IT! R ISTE! W REG NO WHEN SCHOOL’S OUT, WE’RE IN! 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR YMCA BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT Proudly serving more than 100 schools in 16 school districts! From 6:30am until school starts, and when school ends until 6pm, our friendly Y staff use curriculum designed to help your child stay active, build confidence, make friends & have fun! We also offer “SCHOOL’S OUT” CAMPS for all holiday breaks! Contact YMCA Youth Development at 317.484.9622 or visit us online under “classes & programs” at IN06 Y HEALTH & WELL-BEING NEW TO EXERCISE? Do you need help beginning or maintaining an exercise program? The Wellness Department offers several options to get you started and keep you going! • • • • • • Group Exercise Classes Water Exercise Classes Personal Training Fitness Testing Weight Management YDPP (YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program) FREE! WELLNESS APPOINTMENT • (Ages 16+) A Wellness Coach will teach you how to use the equipment in the Wellness Center. You will receive a personalized workout which includes weights, repetitions, seat settings, as well as target heart rate and a plan for cardio workouts. • Sign up for an appointment at the Member Service Desk or with a Wellness Coach in the Wellness Center. | FM only, FREE! FAMILY WELLNESS COACHING A series of one-on-one meetings between your family and your wellness coach. Learn how to be physically active together, what is appropriate for your family at different stages in life, and how to participate in activities at the Y! Your wellness coach will help determine what is realistic for your family. Make an appointment at the Member Service Desk or in the Wellness Center! | FM Only, FREE! FREE! YOUTH FITNESS CERTIFICATION (Ages 11-15yrs) This is a one-on-one meeting with your Wellness Coach where you will learn a safe and effective exercise program using the cardiovascular and strength equipment in the Wellness Center. This certification is required for all teens ages 11-15 years old prior to using the Wellness Center. Sign up for an appointment at the Member Service Desk or with a Wellness Coach in the Wellness Center. | FM only, FREE! COMPETE TO LOSE Compete to Lose is back! Do you need someone to motivate and teach you how to develop a safe and effective routine? Compete to Lose is a 7 week comprehensive program that will guide you into a new exercise routine and teach you how to make healthier choices. Five teams of 6-8 members will be established based on workout schedules. Each team will meet weekly with a Certified Personal Trainer to workout with your team, track your progress through measurements, weight and body composition, and learn valuable information through educational seminars. Register at the Member Service Desk or contact Anthony Ripley, Associate Wellness Director, for more information at or 317.610.3770. Dates: Initial Weigh-In: Jun 1-7 Competition: Jun 8-Jul 26 Final Weigh-In: Jul 27-Aug 2 | FM only, $69 DIABETES CAN BE PREVENTED YMCA DIABETES PREVENTION PROGRAM In a classroom setting, a trained lifestyle coach will help facilitate a small group of participants in learning about healthier eating, physical activity and other behavior changes over the course of 16 one-hour sessions. After the initial 16 core sessions, participants meet monthly for added support to help them maintain their progress. Class sizes are limited, so please call 266.9622 or email to reserve your spot now! 16 SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 The YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program is part of the CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention Program. Y HEALTH & WELL-BEING CONNECT TO SUCCEED SMALL GROUP TRAINING Whether your goals are to get fit for your wedding, finish a 5K, or lose that baby weight, Small Group Training will get you there. Groups will be two or more clients, and you pick the days/times to meet with your Certified Personal Trainer. Contact your Wellness Director for details. PERSONAL TRAINING FREE! PERSONAL TRAINING DEMO Register at the Member Service Desk for a FREE demo to explore whether Personal Training is right for you. Ask us for our Personal Trainer Biography Sheet or trifold so you can decide who would be the best fit for you. FITNESS EVALUATION (Ages 18+) A Certified Personal Trainer will help determine your cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body fat percentage. Schedule an appointment in the Wellness Center. By appointment only, must preregister. | FM $31 PM $61 FREE! BODY COMPOSITION (Ages 18+) A Certified Personal Trainer will conduct a confidential body fat percentage test via skin calipers or bioelectrical impedance. The test will determine your current lean body mass and body fat percentage. To sign up for an appointment, simply complete the assessment form at the Member Service Desk. GROUP EXERCISE Session Dates: Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 (Ages 16+, ages 11-15 years may participate with a parent once they are Youth Fitness Certified) For our current Group Exercise Schedule and class descriptions, visit or see the Member Service Desk to pick up a copy. Contact Laura Bates, Wellness Director, at 317.610.3762 or for more information. SPECIALTY GROUP EXERCISE Take your workout to the next level with Specialty Group Exercise classes that are taught by instructors who are specifically trained and certified for each class. Each class has a minimum enrollment requirement. MORNING MAYHEM BOOT CAMP The early bird gets the workout in this 60 minute "boot camp" style class! Led by a Certified Personal Trainer, participants will tackle their workout outdoors as the sun rises. The class will focus on stamina, strength, and stability, primarily using your own bodyweight. Class formats and exercises will change frequently to keep you on your toes and to continuously challenge your body. If you are an early riser who wants to start your day off on the right foot and with some fresh air, this class is for you! Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $64 (3x/wk for 60 min) | PM $110 (3x/wk for 60 min) Day Time Location M/W/F 6-7am Outdoors, Meets in Lobby IN06 | FM only, FREE! FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 17 Y HEALTH & WELL-BEING MUSCLE BALLET If you are looking to build long, lean muscle with ballet based movement this is the class for you! Define and strengthen in this unique and challenging workout that targets your arms, abs, hips, butt and thighs. This intense fusion of Pilates, sculpting, and Ballet Barre based exercises will change the way your body looks-longer, leaner and stronger! Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $39 PM $65 Day Time Sun 12-1pm TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING Born in the U.S. Navy SEALs and developed by Fitness Anywhere®, TRX Suspension Training® is a revolutionary method of leveraged bodyweight exercises designed to build power, balance, strength, and flexibility for people of all ages and all fitness levels. Whatever your objectives, the TRX certified staff are committed to helping you build lean muscle mass and reach your fitness goals in these small group exercise courses. Class sizes are limited to nine participants, so sign up today! TRX CARDIO CIRCUIT Shape up fast with TRX Cardio Circuit. A super-charged combination of strength and cardio training. Our unique interval program joins TRX Suspension Training with anaerobic, fat burning benefits of mini interval sessions. Location Aerobics Studio TAI CHI Come explore the ancient practices of Tai Chi. Clinical studies have shown it to be an effective tool in improving health, fitness and relaxation at any age or stage of life. Experience an improvement of balance, flexibility, and muscle strength, lowering of blood pressure, relieving and managing chronic pain, increasing energy, endurance and agility. Most of all, Tai Chi is fun! Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $46 (1x/wk for 45 min) | PM $72 (1x/wk for 45 min) Day Time Sat 11:45am-12:30pm Location MPR I Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $33 PM $58 Day Time Thu 11:50am-12:50pm Location MPR I BALANCE + STRENGTH PILATES REFORMER TRAINING Looking for a diverse, adaptable workout to help achieve your fitness goals? This form of exercise will help balance your body by developing strength through your core, resulting in better posture and more efficient movement. Look and feel better, and improve athletic performance, functional fitness and your overall health. 60-Minute Sessions; cost is per person, per session Private Semi-Private (2 individuals) MonthtoMonth* 3 Month* 6 Month* $57 $52 $45 $44 $39 $35 18 SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 *Program member rates available contact your YMCA center for details. Y HEALTH & WELL-BEING TRX STRENGTH CIRCUIT This class will tone, trim and offer a strength focused format based on repetitions, tempo and form. Build overall strength, balance and flexibility with this total body program! Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $46 (1x/wk for 45 min) | PM $72 (1x/wk for 45 min) Day Time Wed 7:15-8pm Location MPR I TRX COMBO Can't decide between strength or cardio? Why not do both! Mix up your TRX routine with this combination course. Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $46 (1x/wk for 45 min) | PM $72 (1x/wk for 45 min) Day Time Wed 7:15-8am Location MPR I Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 IN06 Mon 10-11am Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $77 (2x/wk) | PM $99 (2x/wk) Day Time Wed/Fri WOMEN ON WEIGHTS (WOW I) Learn the fundamentals of weight lifting and gain confidence to exercise in the free weight area on your own. A great class for beginners with little to no free weight experience. This small group class is taught by a female certified personal trainer and has been created by women, for women. Space is limited, so register at the Member Service Desk today! | FM $51 (1x/wk) | PM $90 (1x/wk) Day Time WOMEN ON WEIGHTS II (WOW II) For those who have completed WOW I or have free weight experience. In this class you will use the fundamental skills learned in WOW I to advance your weight lifting knowledge and learn to create your own strength training programs, with progression. You will be exposed to a greater variety of more advanced exercises and will put them to practice in the weight room. Come prepared to get sweaty and torch calories in this group class created just for women. Space is limited, register today at the Member Service Desk! 10-11am Wellness Center HATHA YOGA: BODY IMAGE, FOOD AND MOOD Yoga is a practice which fosters the union of body, mind and spirit. For newcomers, and more advanced yogis alike, this class will teach the basic postures that build strength and flexibility in the body, while resetting negative thought patterns deeply rooted in the mind. We will establish a healthier connection with ourselves that improves body image, self-image, and inevitably, our relationship with food and mood. Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $47 (1x/wk, 7 wks) | PM $78 (1x/wk, 7 wks) Day Time Location Location Tue 10:35-11:35am Location Aerobics Studio Wellness Center FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 19 Y HEALTH & WELL-BEING STRENGTH 101 Always wanted to get started on a weight training program but didn't know how to begin? You're in luck! Work with a Certified Personal Trainer in this co-ed small group class designed to teach novice exercisers how to navigate the weight room and how to build an effective weight training program. Walk away with a leaner, stronger body and the confidence to use the free weight room on your own! Register at the Member Service Desk, space is limited. POWER FLOW YOGA Transform your mind, body, and spirit! This invigorating class promotes the balance of inner calmness using breathing techniques and the challenge of backbends, arm balances and inversions. Open to all levels, ages, body types and physical abilities as it is adaptable to everyone through modifications, assists and adjustments. Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $51 (1x/wk) | PM $90 (1x/wk) Day Time Tue Thu 7-8pm 7-8pm Location Wellness Center Wellness Center Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 Thu 7-8:15pm Location MPR I SUNRISE YOGA Don't abandon your yoga practice this summer! Stay (or get) strong and flexible for all of your warm weather activities: Take it outside! Sunrise Yoga is designed for the student working toward a healthy lifestyle in body, mind, and spirit. Your instructor will guide you through traditional Yoga postures in the relaxing setting of the sunrise on our outdoor pool deck or grassy field space. Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $47 (1x/wk) | PM $78 (1x/wk) | FM $78 (2x/wk) | PM $158 (2x/wk) Day Time Location Mon Sat 20 6:30-7:30am 8am-9am Outdoors, TBA Outdoors, TBA Indy Bike Hub YMCA and Downtown Indy present Workout Wednesdays on Georgia Street! • Noon-12:45pm weekly • Through the month of August • Workouts will be for all levels and feature high energy formats like Zumba • New! Each week will feature a local celebrity for the warm-up SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 | FM $51 (1x/wk) | PM $85 (1x/wk) Day Time Y HEALTH & WELL-BEING MULTIFIT Join our fun multi-sport program that offers swim, bike, run and strength practices throughout the week led by a coach. This is a great program for someone who is interested in participating in any kind of race (marathons, half marathons, triathlons, swim meets, 5Ks, etc.) or who wants to be a part of a supportive group while reaching their fitness goals. If you are a beginner in swimming, biking, and/or running, don’t worry! We have an extra coach at some of the practices throughout the week who will strictly work with you on technique to help you feel more confident in that area. A MultiFit membership includes written workouts that are emailed out in advance. Feel free to stop by any of our practices for free before you register. Simply pick up a schedule at our Member Service Desk, or contact Mark Ewing for information at Register at the Member Service Desk or contact Mark Ewing, MultiFit Head Coach, at for more information. Cost per month: | FM $37 PM $64 MULTIFIT PLUS We offer one-on-one coaching for those who want additional guidance perfecting their technique. In addition to what the MultiFit program offers, MultiFit PLUS gives participants an opportunity to meet with the head MultiFit coach monthly for a 60 minute one-on-one coaching session. This may include filmed technique evaluation, basic bicycle mechanics, bike fit evaluation and assistance in developing more detailed race strategies and training plans. Cost per month: | FM $37 PM $64 BEGINNER SPRINT TRIATHLON TRAINING Back again this summer is our Sprint Triathlon Training Group for Beginners. Learn all you need to know and train to successfully complete a sprint triathlon. In addition to training in all three sports, the focus of this group will be to develop efficient swim technique, educate members on bicycle operation and handling, proper running form and race day nutrition. The MultiFit coaches will host a call out/ informational meeting on Wednesday, May 13 at 7pm to outline the training plan and give coaches a chance to answer any questions you might have. This training program is part of the MultiFit Alpha group which will allow participants to attend any of the 20+ practices held each week. IN06 l FM $37 PM $64 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 21 Y HEALTH & WELL-BEING CPR / FIRST AID The YMCA is pleased to offer American Heart Association CPR and First Aid courses taught by certified instructors. Student workbooks are provided. Minimum enrollment required. Group First Aid or CPR classes may be available upon request. Please preregister at the Member Service Desk. HEALTHCARE PROVIDER CPR The Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers Classroom Course is designed to provide healthcare professionals the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, provide CPR, use an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner for adults, children and infants. | FM $47 PM $54 Day Date Mon Jun 22 Time 6-10pm HEARTSAVER® CPR & AED Heartsaver® CPR & AED is led by an instructor that is video-based. It teaches adult, child and infant CPR and AED use, as well as how to relieve choking in an adult, child and infant. This hands-on course teaches CPR and AED skills and is appropriate for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a course completion card in CPR to meet job or other requirements. | FM $47 PM $54 Day Date Time Mon Aug 17 6-9pm HEARTSAVER® FIRST AID Heartsaver® First Aid led by an instructor that is video-based. It teaches students critical skills to respond to and manage an emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services arrives. Students will participate in hands-on skills training on how to treat first aid emergencies. This course is for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a course completion card in first aid to meet job or other requirements. | FM $37 PM $44 For specific times and days please call the Member Service Desk at 317-253-3206. BECOME A BETTER YOU! YMCA PERSONAL TRAINING Whether you’re a new exerciser or wanting to take your fitness to the next level, our YMCA Personal Training Program will get you results. Work with a nationally certified trainer, review goals, and develop a customized exercise program to meet your needs. Your trainer will guide you through each exercise offering feedback, motivation, and accountability. For your convenience, payments will be processed using electronic funds transfer. Fees listed are per session. Minimum 3 sessions per month. 22 Semi-Private Training – 30 minutes $29 FM only (per person) Month-to-Month $24 FM only (per person) 3 Months $20 FM only (per person) 6 Months Semi-Private Training – 1 hour $43/$53 FM/PM (per person) Month-to-Month $38/$48 FM/PM (per person) 3 Months $35/$45 FM/PM (per person) 6 Months SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 Duration Fee Individual Training – 30 minutes $35 FM only Month-to-Month $30 FM only 3 Months $25 FM only 6 Months Individual Training – 1 hour $55/$65 FM/PM Month-to-Month $50/$60 FM/PM 3 Months $45/$55 FM/PM 6 Months Y SPORTS (ADULTS) Y ADULT BASKETBALL Y ADULT VOLLEYBALL ADULT 4 ON 4 HALF-COURT BASKETBALL LEAGUE Get your team of four together today! Each team will play at least one game that consists of two twenty minute halves. Games are selfofficiated. Scores and standings will be kept. If you don't have a team, but want to play, simply sign up on the free agent list. Your team will play for one hour between 6-9pm. ADULT SAND VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE (COED RECREATIONAL QUADS) Sign up your coed team of 4 today. You must have at least two women on the court at all times. It is a seven week regular season followed by a single elimination tournament. Day Time Fee Mon 6-9pm FM $35/person PM $40/person ADULT OPEN BASKETBALL Looking to play some games against other adults? The YMCA has open adult basketball during the times below. If there are over 25 people, games will be played full court with 2 courts and the curtain down. If there are less than 25 people, full court games will be played. Games are played to 10 points and then the next group of 5 will enter the court. Day Time Fee Mon-Fri 12-1:30pm FM Free/PM $10 Wednesday Night League: Jul 15-Sep 2 Thursday Night League: Jul 16-Sep 3 1 League Fee: | FM $35/person PM $40/person 2 League Fee: | FM $52/person PM $60/person ADULT SAND VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE (COMPETITIVE DOUBLES) Sand Volleyball is back for the summer. Sign up your coed team of 2 today. Your team can consist of any variation of male and female players. It is a seven week regular season followed by a single elimination tournament. Tuesday Night League: Jul 14-Sep 1 1 League Fee: | FM $35/person PM $40/person 2 League Fee: | FM $52/person PM $60/person ADULT INDOOR VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE (COED RECREATIONAL 6v6) Indoor volleyball is back for the winter. Sign up your coed team of 6 today. You must have at least two women on the court at all times. It is a ten week regular season followed by a single elimination tournament. Tuesday Night League: Sep 29-Dec 15 1 League Fee: | FM $40/person PM $45/person IN06 2 League Fee: | FM $60/person PM $67/person FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 23 Y SPORTS (ADULTS) ADULT INDOOR VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES (COED COMPETITIVE QUADS) Quads Volleyball is back at the Jordan YMCA. Sign-up your team of 2 men and 2 women for the competitive league. This is for competitive teams that want a challenge. Games are played at the Jordan YMCA on Tuesday evenings. It is a ten week regular season, followed by a single elimination tournament. Tuesday Night League: Sep 29-Dec 15 1 League Fee: | FM $40/person PM $45/person 2 League Fee: | FM $60/person PM $67/person Y RACQUETBALL / HANDBALL RACQUETBALL & HANDBALL COURT RESERVATIONS The reservation line is available beginning at noon, the day before play. Reserve times on the hour. Eye guards are required by all racquetball and handball players while on the court. Call 317.253.3206 for reservations. RACQUETBALL LEAGUES If you have finished first in two consecutive leagues, please register for the next highest division. Pick up your league schedule from the Member Service Desk the Friday before league play begins. Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 B League: Flex League B League: Thu, 6pm C League: Thu, 7pm | FM $29 PM $51 Y ADULT WALLYBALL WALLYBALL LEAGUES We will have our Wallyball leagues start up this fall in late September. If you would like to be a part of the Coed Quads league, please contact Matt Morwick at Day Time Fee Wed 7-10pm FM $35/PM $40 COURT CHALLENGES All skill levels are welcome for informal play, singles or doubles. Have a fun, vigorous workout on the court. 24 SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 Open Play Sessions: Racquetball: Sat, 10am-12pm Handball: Mon, 11am-1pm; Thu, 11am-1pm; Fri, 6-9pm Y SPORTS (ADULTS) Y ADULT MARTIAL ARTS ADULT TAEKWONDO (Ages 13+) Our Taekwondo classes are conducted by the North Indy Taekwondo Club under the supervision of Grandmaster Duncan Williams. Taekwondo is the traditional martial art of Korea which utilizes both hand and foot techniques, and emphasizes flexibility and endurance. Classes are taught at beginner and advanced levels and prepare students for opportunities in competition at local, state, and national levels. Over the past four years, North Indy's Y program has produced thirty four state and fourteen national champions, as well as numerous grand champions at the local level. We are proud to have North Indy as a part of our sports program providing our members with some of the finest martial arts instruction in the Midwest. ADULT OPEN SPORTS Check out our adult open sports schedule today. Each month of the year, adult members and non-members will meet on designated evening to participate in friendly competition. Each month there will be a different sport to participate in. Members can participate for free on the first three Tuesdays of the month. The fourth Tuesday will be a tournament that will be $5 a person to participate. For a schedule of when each sport will be offered, ask the Member Service Desk or contact Matt Morwick at Our classes meet twice each week. Uniforms and equipment are available through your instructor, Grandmaster Williams, 7th Dan. Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 Early Registration Price: | FM $60 PM $99 If registered after the first week of class: | FM $70 PM $109 Adults All Belts Day Time IN06 Mon/Wed 6:30-7:30pm Location MPR II FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 25 Y SPORTS (ADULTS) ADULT SPORTS EMAIL LIST If you would like updates about your favorite adult Jordan YMCA sports below, please email Matt Morwick at or call 317.610.3765, and ask to be added to the email list of your favorite sport. Basketball Sand Volleyball Volleyball Cornhole Racquetball Handball Wallyball Dodgeball Ultimate Frisbee Ping Pong Taekwondo Soccer Pickleball Netball (Women Only) GET YOUR GAME ON Witham Family YMCA 3 on 3 Firecracker Classic Date: Sat, Jun 13, 2015 Location: Lebanon Memorial Park Cost: $100/team if registered before May 15. $120/team if registered after May 16. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS: Adult Sports Tournament Looking for something fun to do on a Friday night while helping out your community? On Friday, July 24, the Jordan YMCA will be hosting its first adult sports Friday Night Lights Tournament. We will have all sorts of sports to participate in ranging from Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Corn Hole, KanJam, and many more. The main draw will be a Sand Volleyball tournament with prizes for the winning team. A cookout is included on the night of the event with your donation and we will be meeting out at a local establishment after the event is completed. All event proceeds will be donated to our Annual Campaign. We look forward to seeing you there! Date: Fri, Jul 24 Time: 6-11pm (Sand Volleyball Tournament starts at 7pm) 26 SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 Fee: $25/person Y SPORTS (YOUTH) Y CLINICS YOUTH SPORTS CLINICS Our fundamental and experienced sports clinics are a great way for your athlete to work on their skills. The majority of our clinics are 1 hour long and are held on weekday evenings. Clinics are taught by a Y staff member. GET IN THE GAME! Fundamental: The fundamental clinics will focus on the beginning aspects of what your athlete will need to know in their specific sport. Experienced: The experienced clinics will still focus on the fundamentals of your athlete's sport, however they are more advanced. | FM $30 PM $59 KEEP UP YOUR SKILLS OVER THE SUMMER! Available for ages 6-15 yrs. Games rotate to a different Indianapolis-area YMCA each week. Players will receive game schedules at the first practice on June 6 at your YMCA. | FM $53 PM $72 Contact your YMCA Sports Director for more details! Clinic Clinic Level Time Age Day Date Baseball Clinic Sports of all Sorts Clinic Basketball Clinic Volleyball Clinic Peewee Soccer Clinic (Parent Involved) Soccer Clinic Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental 4-7 4-8 4-7 9-15 2-3 4-7 Thu Thu Thu Fri Thu Thu Jun 4-25 Jul 9-30 Aug 6-27 Aug 7-28 Sep 3-24 Sep 3-24 6-7pm 6-7pm 6:30-7:30pm 6:30-7:30pm 5:30-6:15pm 6:30-7:30pm Y GYMNASTICS Y Gymnastics is a great program for your child to channel their energy in a safe way, while increasing his/her social scene. PROGRESSIVE TUMBLING Classes are LIMITED and fill quickly. Sign up for all three sessions today! The tumbling classes have changed format starting in our Winter I session. We will now offer three progressive classes at the Jordan YMCA. Before your child may proceed to the next class they will need to be recommended by a YMCA instructor. IN06 Level I Tumbling: Your child will work on mastering skills such as: Cartwheel kicks, T-handstand, pivot turns and back kick on floor beam, pike hang and straddle hang on the bars and much much more. FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 27 Y SPORTS (YOUTH) Level II Tumbling: After mastering all the skills in Tumbling I, your child will move onto Tumbling II and be mastering skills such as cartwheels and handstands. Your child will also start to learn round-offs. Level III Tumbling (Cheernastics): After mastering all the skills in Tumbling II, your child will move onto Tumbling III (Cheernastics) and be mastering skills such as opposite hand cartwheels, back walkovers and back handsprings. All classes are taught by trained instructors. Location: Multi Purpose Room II Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Winter II: Jul 13-Aug 23 Parent and Child Parent and Child Tumbling I Tumbling I Ninjanastics (boys only) Tumbling I Tumbling I Tumbling II Day Time 2-3 2-3 4-6 4-5 Tue Sat Tue Sat 4:30-5pm 10-10:30am 5:15-6pm 10:45-11:30am 4-6 Tue 6:15-7pm 6-8 6-8 4-8 Sat Tue Sat 11:45-12:30pm 7-7:45pm 12:45-1:30pm Y DANCE CHEERLEADING Has your child showed interest in the sport of cheerleading? Come and have your child participate in our cheerleading program. Our instructors are college cheerleaders and they are excited to share their skills with your child! BALLET CLASSES Ballet teaches style, poise, posture, and discipline. These classes are for both beginners and seasoned dancers. Parents are asked to stay outside of all ballet classes so that participants can concentrate and focus on the skills being taught. Parents will have the opportunity to see a culmination of skills learned throughout the session on the last day of class. Location: MPR II Location: Aerobics Studio Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Winter II: Jul 13-Aug 23 Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $56 PM $73 Age Day 4-6 6-9 28 Fri Fri Time 5:30-6:15pm 6:15-7pm | FM $56 PM $73 Age Day 3-5 6-10 Sat Sat SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA Times 12:15-1pm 1-1:45pm IN06 | FM $56 PM $73 Class Age Y SPORTS (YOUTH) Y MARTIAL ARTS Y YOUTH SPORTS LEAGUES YOUTH TAEKWONDO (Ages 6-12yrs) Our Taekwondo classes are conducted by the North Indy Taekwondo Club under the supervision of Grandmaster Duncan Williams. Taekwondo is the traditional martial art of Korea which utilizes both hand and foot techniques, and emphasizes flexibility and endurance. Grandmaster Williams is a retired elementary educator of thirty years and incorporates his teaching expertise in the instruction of Taekwondo. Classes are taught at beginner and advanced levels and prepare students for opportunities in competition at local, state, and national levels. Over the past four years, North Indy's Y program has produced thirty-four state and fourteen national champions, as well as numerous grand champions at the local level. We are proud to have North Indy as a part of our sports program providing our members with some of the finest martial arts instruction in the mid-west. First-day information is listed on the informational sheet attached to the registration form. Participants must refer to informational sheet for times or call the Jordan YMCA Sports Department at 317.610.3765 one week prior to start day to confirm times. Our classes meet twice each week. Uniforms and equipment are available through your instructor, Grandmaster Williams, 7th Dan. Location: Multi Purpose Room II Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 Early Registration Price: | FM $60 PM $99 If registered after the first week of class: | FM $70 PM $109 IN06 White-Green Belts: Mon/Wed, 4:30-5:30pm Blue-Black Belts: Mon/Wed, 5:30-6:30pm Some days/age groups may be full due to maximum registration. The specific day will be included on the form you receive when you register. Come to the parent meeting to find out what time your child plays on the first day. Receipt is class confirmation. Retain copy of informational sheet attached to registration for parent meeting information. REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE $20! Y BASKETBALL YMCA PROGRESSIVE BASKETBALL We are providing a new level of skill development and an exciting new experience in our basketball programs! Arrive on the day you have registered. Retain copy of informational sheet attached to the registration form to receive start date information. Be sure to attend the parent meeting that is announced at a later date. How It Works-The first step is Basketball Mini Dribblers and a child's introduction to basketball and the development of individual player skills. The Recreational and Recreational Plus programs introduce children to the game of basketball with adjusted rules geared towards learning the fundamentals of the game. FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 29 Y SPORTS (YOUTH) In House Program for Recreational Players (Ages 4-8yrs): The Jordan YMCA Basketball Recreational programs have been specifically designed to increase the level of enjoyment and quality of play among our younger athletes. Training sessions for these players emphasizes FUN instruction through our coaches by encouraging freedom of expression and organized play while teaching the fundamentals of basketball. In House Program for Recreational Plus Players (Ages 6-12yrs): The Jordan YMCA Basketball Rec Plus programs have been specifically designed to expand the fundamentals and skills of your child while modifying the rules to make sure that your child is continuing their development of the sport. Training sessions for these players not only emphasize instruction while encouraging freedom of expression, but they also touch on new skills and drills that will continue the development for young athletes. Travel Basketball Program (Ages 6-18yrs): The Jordan YMCA Basketball Travel programs are focused to not only keep the game fun for your child, but also provide a more competitive atmosphere for your athlete who is ready for the next level. Our travel basketball program will be divided up into specific age groups and will play other YMCA's around Indianapolis. This will give each young athlete an opportunity to not only work on skill development with coaches, but also a chance to put those skills into action against local competitive players. 30 YMCA ALL-CITY INTRAMURAL TRAVELING BASKETBALL LEAGUE Summer All-City Intramural Travel Basketball League (Coed, Ages 6-7, 8-9, 10-12, 13-15) Participants will play intramural style games each Saturday and rotate each week to other YMCA locations throughout the Indianapolis area. Your child will not be placed on a team in this league. They will sign up in an age group and teams will be made each Saturday so that your child will participate with every child in the league. Previous playing experience is necessary. Practice: June 6 will be the first week of the league and all Jordan participants will met at the Jordan YMCA for a practice. First Game: Games will begin on June 13. | FM $53 PM $72 (Cost includes referee fees) SUMMER YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE (SATURDAY) (Ages 3-10yrs) This is a progressive basketball skill development league. This league focuses on teaching the fundamentals of basketball. Everyone will play no matter what the skill or ability. Recreational Division: Division 1: age 3-5yrs Division 2: age 6-8yrs Recreational PLUS Division: Division 3: age 8-10yrs Season: Jun 27-Aug 8 (for 6 wks) No basketball on July 4 Practices and games are on Saturdays. | FM $47 PM $80 $20 late fee added on Jun 19 SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 Mini Dribblers-Fundamentals (Ages 3-4yrs): Mini Dribblers introduces your child to the game of basketball in a fun, non-competitive environment focusing on individual and team basketball skills. There will be emphasis on the fundamentals. Mini Dribblers classes offer parents and children the opportunity to have fun together, participating in a variety of basketball games and skills. Y SPORTS (YOUTH) FALL YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE (SATURDAY) (Ages 3-12yrs) This is a progressive basketball skill development league. This league focuses on teaching the fundamentals of basketball. Everyone will play no matter what the skill or ability. Recreational Division: Division 1: age 3-4yrs Division 2: age 4-5yrs Division 3: age 6-8yrs Recreational PLUS Division: Division 4: age 6-7yrs Division 5: age 8-9yrs Division 6: age 10-12yrs Season: Oct 24-Dec 12 (for 7 wks) No basketball Nov 24 Practices and games are on Saturdays. | FM $49 PM $82 $20 late fee added on Oct 16 Y SOCCER YMCA PROGRESSIVE SOCCER We are providing a new level of skill development and an exciting new experience in our soccer programs! Retain a copy of the informational sheet that is attached to the registration form to refer to start date and parent meeting information. How It Works: The first step is Soccer Mini Kicks and a child's introduction to soccer and the development of individual player skills. The Recreational and Recreational Plus programs introduce children to the small sided game of 4v4 soccer. IN06 Mini Kicks-Fundamentals (Ages 3-4yrs) To creatively introduce your child to the game of soccer in a fun, non-competitive environment. Focus is on individual soccer skill development giving the athlete lots of touches on the ball with our experienced coaching staff. Mini Kicks classes offer parents and children the opportunity to have fun together, participating in a variety of soccer games. In House Program for Recreational Players (Ages 4-8yrs) The Jordan YMCA Soccer Recreational programs have been specifically designed to increase the level of enjoyment and quality of play among our younger athletes. Training sessions for these players emphasize instruction through FUN with our coaches by encouraging freedom of expression and organizing play in 4v4 small sided games. In House Program for Recreational Plus Players (Ages 6-10yrs) Soccer Rec Plus programs have been specifically designed to expand the fundamentals and skills of your child while modifying the rules to make sure that your child is continuing their development of the sport. Training sessions for these players not only emphasize instruction through FUN with our coaches by encouraging freedom of expression, but also show new skills and drills that will continue the skill development for young athletes. Athletes will play in 4v4 small sided games. OUTDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE (SATURDAY) (Ages 3-10yrs) This is a progressive soccer skill development league. This league focuses on teaching the fundamentals of soccer. Everyone will play no matter what the skill or ability. Recreational Division: Division 1: age 3-4yrs Division 2: age 4-5yrs Division 3: age 6-7yrs Recreational PLUS Division: Division 4: age 8-10yrs Season: Aug 24-Oct 15 (7wks) Practices and games are on Saturdays. (No practice or games on Sep 5) | FM $47 PM $80 $20 late fee added on Aug 21 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 31 Y SPORTS (YOUTH) OUTDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE (MONDAY) (Ages 3-9yrs) This is a progressive soccer skill development league. This league focuses on teaching the fundamentals of soccer. Everyone will play no matter what the skill or ability. Recreational Division: Division 1: age 3-4yrs Division 2: age 5-6yrs Recreational PLUS Division: Division 3: age 7-9yrs Season: Aug 31-Oct 17 (for 7 wks) Practices and games are on Mondays. (No practice or games on Sep 7) | FM $47 PM $80 $20 late fee added on Aug 21 TRACK AND FIELD LEAGUE (TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS) All-City Track and Field League The Jordan YMCA Track and Field team will meet and practice on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for 4 weeks. Participants will have the opportunity to train for three events and will compete in at the All-City Track and Field Meet on October 3. Divisions: D1: 4-5 year olds D2: 6-7 year olds D3: 8-9 Year olds D4: 10-12 year olds D5: 13-15 year olds Practice: Practices will take place on Tuesday evenings starting Sep 10. Y TRACK AND FIELD Dates: Practice Sep 8-Oct 1 (All-City Track and Field Meet is Oct 3) CROSS COUNTRY LEAGUE (TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS) All-City Cross Country League The Jordan YMCA Cross Country team will meet and practice on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for 4 weeks. Participants will have the opportunity to train for three events and compete in at the All-City Cross Country Meet on October 3. | FM $47 PM $80 Divisions: D1: 8-9 Year olds D2: 10-12 year olds D3: 13-15 year olds Practice: Practices will take place on Tuesday evenings starting Sept 10. Dates: Practice Sept 8-Oct 1 (All-City Cross Country Meet is Oct 3) | FM $47 PM $80 Y BASEBALL SUMMER T-BALL/COACH PITCH BASEBALL LEAGUE (SATURDAY) (Ages 3-9yrs) This is a progressive baseball developmental league. Focus is on teaching the fundamentals of baseball. Everyone plays no matter what their skill or ability. Baseball Rec Division: Division 1: ages 3-4yrs (T-ball) Division 2: ages 5-6yrs (Coach Pitch) Division 3: ages 7-9yrs (Coach Pitch) Season: Jun 13-Aug 1 (7 weeks) (No practices or games on Jul 4) Practices and games are on Saturdays. | FM $47 PM $80 32 SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 $20 late fee added on Jun 5. Y SPORTS (YOUTH) SUMMER T-BALL/COACH PITCH BASEBALL LEAGUE (MONDAYS) (Ages 3-9yrs) This is a progressive baseball developmental league. Focus is on teaching the fundamentals of baseball. Everyone plays no matter what their skill or ability. Practices and games are on Mondays SPORTS PARTIES Are you looking to host a sports theme birthday party for your child? Our sports parties include a 2 hour room rental and a 1 hour clinic taught by one of our sports staff. Parties must be booked at least 4 weeks before the date you are looking to have a party. You can choose the sport that you would like our instructor to teach or we can provide you with a menu of sports options. All sports equipment will be provided by the YMCA. Party favors and decorations must be provided by parents. | FM $47 PM $80 | FM $175 PM $275 Baseball Rec Division: Division 1: ages 3-4yrs (T-ball) Division 2: ages 5-6yrs (Coach Pitch) Division 3: ages 7-9yrs (Coach Pitch) Season: Jul 6-Aug 10 (6 weeks) $20 late fee added on Jun 30 Y FLAG FOOTBALL FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE (FRIDAYS) (Ages 4-8yrs) This is a progressive flag football skill development league. This league focuses on teaching the fundamentals of soccer. Everyone will play no matter what the skill or ability. Recreational Division: Division 1: age 4-5yrs Division 2: age 6-8yrs Season: Sep 11-Oct 23 (for 7 wks) Practices and games are on Fridays IN06 | FM $47 PM $80 $20 late fee added on Sep 4 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 33 Y TEENS TWEEN OPEN SPORTS Interested in sports? Each month the YMCA will offer different free open sports supervised by a staff member. The sports will range from basketball to kickball. Tween sports will be held every Thursday through June and July from 12-1pm. The cost for this program is FREE to members. Non-members can particpate as well, but must purchase a guest pass. The Tween open sports at the Y are meant for children between the ages of 11-14. Month Sport Time Jun Jul Kickball Soccer 12-1pm 12-1pm Y TEEN PROGRAMS REAL TALK Looking for a program to help your child explore Christianity in a safe and supportive atmosphere? The YMCA will be offering a free teen christian program for kids ages 13-18 the third Thursday of every month. Teens will meet at the Y and will have guest speakers, fellowship, a little of the spoken word. The program will take place from 4:30-5:30pm on the following dates below. Date Time Aug 20 4:30-5:30pm TEEN OPEN SPORTS Interested in sports? Each month the YMCA will offer different free open sports supervised by a staff member. The sports will range from basketball to kickball. Teen sports will be held every Thursday in June and July from 1-2pm. The cost for this program is FREE to members. Non-members can particpate as well but must purchase a guest pass. The program is for children between the ages of 15-18. Month Sport Time Jun Jul 1-2pm 1-2pm TEEN STRENGTH TRAINING (Ages 11-17yrs) Learn the basics and foundations of strength training routines utilizing free weights and functional training. A Certified Personal Trainer will instruct and supervise to ensure proper form and technique. Ages 11-15 are allowed in the free weight area without guardian for class time only. This class will meet in the Wellness Center. Summer I: Jun 1-Jul 12 Summer II: Jul 13-Aug 23 | FM $32 (1x/wk) | PM $54 (1x/wk) Day Time Thu 6-7pm Location Wellness Center SAFE SITTER (Ages 11-15yrs) Safe Sitter® is a nationally recognized instructional program for teens. The new design teaches accident prevention, emergency response, child development, behavior management and the business of babysitting through games, activities and role plays. Course includes workbook. Please bring a lunch. Date Time Fee Jun 20 Jul 18 Aug 15 Sep 19 34 Kickball Soccer 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA FM $49/PM $71 FM $49/PM $71 FM $49/PM $71 FM $49/PM $71 IN06 Y TWEENS PROGRAMS Y TEENS Y TEEN NIGHTS TEEN NIGHTS (Ages 11-18yrs) Activities include basketball, XRKade, tournaments, games and more. Kids will gather with YMCA supervision and participate in different activities each month from dodgeball tournaments to floor hockey to leadership lessons. Your child will be in a safe and supportive atmosphere while getting to do what they love to do... hang out with friends! Date Time Fee Theme Aug 15 7-10pm FM Free /PM $5 HELP STUDENTS ACHIEVE MORE Y-Achievers College Access & Success Program-The YMCA plays a major role in ensuring that students and families have an opportunity to continue their education beyond high school. The Y partners with higher education service organizations to build a pipeline of services that will assist students to achieve college access and success. Program activities include college planning and academic preparation, financial success, homework assistance, tutoring, college tours, help with researching and completing scholarship applications, and assistance with FAFSA completion at College Goal Sunday. In order to accomplish these goals, the Y needs volunteer mentors to help guide students through their educational years and into careers where all persons may become self-supporting and active community members. NBA 2k15 Tournament (Also includes usual teen night games and supervison) Y XRKADE JORDAN TEEN XRKADE This is the place to be! The XRKade has recently added an XBOX ONE with a projection screen television for improved gaming. It also has Strive 9 kick as well as Kinect! These interactive and engaging games combine fun with exercise to make the XRKade the place to be! Try to get your name on our high score board! The Teen XRKade will also hold different gaming tournaments for participants. Please ask your teen center staff for further questions! Age Day Time 11 & up 11 & up Mon, Wed, Fri Tue, Thu 4-7pm 11-2pm Please work with us in a partnership that will improve the lives of youth and families in our community. 35 SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 For more information, please contact Courtney Crawley at Y YOUTH & FAMILY SPECIAL INTEREST YOUTH & FAMILY SPECIAL INTEREST FREE! FAMILY GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES Family group exercise classes are an opportunity to throw away the to-do list and simply enjoy quality family time while being active at the same time! Classes include, but are not limited to, Yoga, Boot Camp and Zumba. See group exercise schedule for up to date information on all of our FREE family classes. All children must be accompanied by an adult. FM Only, FREE! PARTY RENTALS Kids love to have their party at the YMCA! Our facilities and staff are friendly and would love to celebrate your special occasion with you. Having your party here at the Jordan YMCA will make your event a breeze. We can set up the room however you would like us to and we will tear it down as well. All parties include a staff liaison that will be on hand to assist if needed. (All of the below rates are based on a maximum of 12 people, there will be an additional $5 charge per person). POOL PARTIES (Ages 3+) Looking for that place to have your celebration? How about having you and your guest take a dip in the Jordan YMCA pool? Enjoy an hour in the Indoor Pool and an hour in the Community Room, which can be decorated however you would like. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Cozy up at the Y, and enjoy a night watching a movie with your family. Meet us in the Teen Center and feel free to bring a blanket to cover up with. We will provide popcorn for everyone. IN06 Day: 1st Friday of every month Time: 7-8:30pm Swim times are not private swim times and the pool is not reserved specifically for private parties. One adult is required to be in the pool for every 6 minors swimming. We ask for a one month notice to book a pool party. Call Matt Morwick for more information at 317.610.3765. | FM $125 PM $275 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 36 Y YOUTH & FAMILY SPECIAL INTEREST XRKADE PARTIES (Ages 7+) We will offer the FULL use of our XRKade just for you and your friends. Games include the Wii, Xbox 360 Kinect, and a lot of other games that kids love to play. You will also have the use of our Community Room for presents and cake. PRIVATE PARTIES With this party you will have the use of our Community Room to be set up how you like, as well as the use of our Multi Purpose Room upstairs. The Multi Purpose Room has a padded floor that is great for whatever games you have planned for the kids. We ask for a one month notice to book XRKade Parties. Contact Matt Morwick at 317.610.3765 for more information. We ask for a one month notice to book private parties. Contact Matt Morwick at or 317.610.3765 for more information. | FM $175 PM $275 | FM $125 PM $225 DRESS UP & JOIN US HAUNTED HUSTLE 5K AT THE JORDAN YMCA Sun, Oct 25, 2015 | 9am start time Kids under 5: FREE Ages 6-15: $15 • Ages 16+: $20 Bring the whole family to our costume themed Family Fun 5k! This chip timed event will go through Northview’s beautiful campus. The race will start and finish at the Jordan YMCA, where a DJ and vendors will provide an after party event. For those who are 6+ years will receive a free t-shirt with their registration. IN06 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 37 ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN At the YMCA, no child or family is turned away because of an inability to pay! 100 percent of each contribution goes toward this cause. To participate in our 2015 campaign, simply stop by the Member Service Desk or ask any staff member how to make a difference in the lives of those around us or contact Ellie Schmink, Community Executive Director, at 317.610.3754. THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO GIVE TO OUR ANNUAL CAMPAIGN • Make a one-time gift • Pledge a gift (We can bill monthly, semi-annually or annually, or you can make monthly payments from your checking account or with a credit card) The individuals and companies listed have donated at the $250 level and above in 2015. A complete listing of all donors may be found online at Thank you to all who have helped! MAJOR GIFTS: FELLOW $5,000+ City Securities Corporation In Memory of Susan Dugan Sean & Elizabeth O'Farrell Pacers Sports & Entertainment Goelzer Investment Management Michael & Susan Smith USA Swimming Foundation Warnecke Investment Group MAJOR GIFTS: BENEFACTOR $2,500-$4,999 George & Beverly Farra Doug & Cheryl Gettelfinger MGA, PC CPA & Advisors/Michael Giannamore Pat & Ginny Maher Miller Transportation Steve & Jane Pratt Eric & Marcia Servaas Servaas Laboratories, Inc. Woodley Farra Manion Portfolio Management, Inc. 38 TOGETHER, WE CAN DO SO MUCH ORE GIVE NOW Your gift to our annual campaign today can give another individual access to Y programs tomorrow. Donate online today at https://indymca.thankyou4caring. org/annualcampaign MAJOR GIFTS: $1,000-$2,499 Broad Ripple Kiwanis Club Chris & Tracy Butler Clark, Quinn, Moses, Scott & Grahn, LLP Connect Think DTZ In Honor of Alana & Jenna Gifford Jerry & Sally Gray Griffith Family Foundation Amy Hamilton Jiffy Lube and the Sanner Family Bill & Leslie Kleschick Patti & John Krol Richard & Anne Kraege and Family Kyle & Sally Lanham John & Nupi McCreary Clayton & Deborah Nicholas Northminster Presbyterian Church Pepsico Jo Anne Pratt Pro-Tek Photography, Inc. Tom & Bonnie Reilly Robert & Spencer Scott Mary & Bo Walker SUMMER 2015 | The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis | JORDAN YMCA IN06 The Jordan YMCA would like to thank all who have supported our 2015 Annual Campaign! With your support, we can help more kids and families in our community participate in YMCA programs, camps, activities and membership. ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN SPONSOR OF YOUTH: $500-$999 Albert & Janet Allaby Andrew & Susan Buroker Bravura Finance Pam Daniluck William Doggett Ashley Dugan Faith Corporation Nancy & Steve Hull Mark Hursh Stephen Hyatt Lonnie Jordan David Kendall & Amy Halseth Doug Kramer Logo USA William Meserve Noyed Family RFS Group LLC, Kevin Robinson John Robinson Fast Signs Carol Simpson Sullivan Commercial Supply Judy Weerts Hall & Jim Hall Wentico & Company Bob Whitman Brad & Brittany Wetnight PATRON OF YOUTH: $250-$499 Chris Barnack Carole Canull Walter Carter Ralph Christian Circle City Rebar Dr. James Cornett Door Closer Co. Pat Donovan Door Closer Services Co. Hillyard, Inc. Levester Hobbs Steven Hyatt Mike McLane Vicki McPherson Janay Riley Teia Sebree Brian Shelley Superior Carpet Installers Tech Electronics of Indiana West Landscaping Cathy & Tim Wright PARTNERS IN HEALING THE WHOLE PERSON! LET THE Y HELP YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY AS A CANCER SURVIVOR! Participants work with Y staff trained in supportive cancer care to safely achieve their goals such as building muscle mass, and strength; increase flexibility and endurance; and improve confidence and self esteem. By focusing on the whole person and not the disease, LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA is helping people move beyond cancer in spirit, mind, and body. This program runs 12 consecutive weeks. Days and times vary. Held on the southside at the Baxter YMCA. For more information contact Mary Overstreet at | 317.865.6469 Held on the northside at the Fishers YMCA. For more information contact Marion Fowler at | 317.595.9622 Held on the northside at the Jordan YMCA. For more information contact Mandy Witmer at, 317-610-3758 IN06 FM = Facility Member; PM = Program Member • Register in person, by phone or online at 39 • • • • Program Guides are also online. Visit our website, choose your location under “Centers” and then click “Forms + Program Guide” 100+ popular-themed camps at 25+ locations Pool Time included with all YMCA of Greater Indianapolis camps! Convenient hours for parents (6:30 am-6:00 pm) Full-time (3-5 days/week) or part-time (1-2 days/week)! (ages 3-16) 317.484.9622 ~ YMCA DAY CAMP BEST. SUMMER. EVER! 8400 Westfield Boulevard Indianapolis, Indiana 46240-2368 317.253.3206 THE YMCA OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS JORDAN YMCA PAID PHOENIX, AZ PERMIT NO. 237 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE IN06
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