Front End Electronic of GCT camera for CTA Andrea De Franco Supervisor : Dr. Garret Cotter PhD student: Jason Watson This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grand agreement n° 317446 Today’s Talk The Cherenkov Telescope Array - How do we detect gamma rays with ground based telescope? (See Garret’s talk) - Constraints on FEE The Gamma Cherenkov Telescope - A proposed design for the highest energies gamma-ray Front End Electronic of GCT - From optical photons to a stream of data Status of GCT FEE - Report on recent lab testing GCT Milestone - Towards completion of first prototype… (See Garret’s talk) - …and simulating what’s beyond (See Jason’s talk) Today’s Talk The Cherenkov Telescope Array - How do we detect gamma rays with ground based telescope? (See Garret’s talk) - Constraints on FEE The Gamma Cherenkov Telescope - A proposed design for the highest energies gamma-ray Front End Electronic of GCT - From optical photons to a stream of data Status of GCT FEE - Report on recent lab testing GCT Milestone - Towards completion of first prototype… (See Garret’s talk) - …and simulating what’s beyond (See Jason’s talk) Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Artist’s impression of CTA Proposed in 1985 the Imaging Atmoshperic Cherenkov Telescope technique to detect high energy cosmic gamma-ray with ground based observatory CTA is the next generation of IACTs: ● sensitivity X10 actual VHE ϒ-ray instr. ● energy range ~30 GeV - 300 TeV ● large (~8°) field of view for surveys ● improved angular and energy res. ● 2 sites in Northern and Southern emisphere Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) ϒ e- + e+ e+/- ϒ + e+/- at 15-30 km a.s.l. 10 km in length e+/- with v > c/n Cherenkov light Optical photons pool ~100m radius Shape & Intensity of the Image Energy and Direction of primary ϒ IACT – The Challenge for FEE (A. Bouvier et al. 2013) Night Sky Background overlap with Cherenkov radiation spectrum at detection level (after atmosphere self absorption) Observation time reduced to moonless nights. Unless appropriate selection of photosensors MAPM SiPM IACT – The Challenge for FEE 100 µs (W. Hofmann, HESS) Flash duration of individual shower ~ 10 ns Very fast trigger to reject NSB 10 ns IACT – The Challenge for FEE Gamma Hadronic initiated shower 104 more frequent. Proton Background rejection based on different image shape ( due to inelastic scattering hadron – nucleus ) (Bernlöhr K. 2007) More Intelligent electronics EventSelection at FPGA level ? Today’s Talk The Cherenkov Telescope Array - How do we detect gamma rays with ground based telescope? (See Garret’s talk) - Constraints on FEE The Gamma Cherenkov Telescope - A proposed design for the highest energies gamma-ray Front End Electronic of GCT - From optical photons to a stream of data Status of GCT FEE - Report on recent lab testing GCT Milestone - Towards completion of first prototype… (See Garret’s talk) - …and simulating what’s beyond (See Jason’s talk) The Gamma Cherenkov Telescope Dual Mirror Schwarzschild-Couder design Mirror diameter: 4 meter primary 2 meter secondary Total weight 7.8 t Awesome RED Cherenkov light is blue… GCT Camera Funding in place for 2 prototype cameras - CHEC-M: Multi Anode Photo Multipliers - CHEC-S: Silicon Photo Multipliers Design criterion: - Low cost but high data quality - Relatively fine pixellation - Full waveform readout on all channels 2048 pixels 32 x 64 pixel modules GCT Camera - Mechanics Lid Pointing LEDs 32 Photosensor modules Liquid cooling GCT Camera - Electronics FRONT END BACK END Today’s Talk The Cherenkov Telescope Array - How do we detect gamma rays with ground based telescope? (See Garret’s talk) - Constraints on FEE The Gamma Cherenkov Telescope - A proposed design for the highest energies gamma-ray Front End Electronic of GCT - From optical photons to a stream of data Status of GCT FEE - Report on recent lab testing GCT Milestone - Towards completion of first prototype… (See Garret’s talk) - …and simulating what’s beyond (See Jason’s talk) Electronics Amplification and shaping Buffering and Serialisation Digitisation and Trigger 16 x 16 x Preamps 16 x Preamps Preamps 16 x Preamp Target Asic Target Asic Target Asic TARGET ASIC FPGA Data Trigger 64 Pixel Module x 32 Backplane Board Backplane 64 Pixel Module TARGET Module DACQ Board Data Serialisation and Control Camera Trigger Peripherals (calibration, lid, etc) Control, Data Electronics Buffering and Serialisation 16 x 16 x Preamps 16 x Preamps Preamps 16 x Preamp Target Asic Target Asic Target Asic TARGET ASIC Data FPGA Trigger 64 Pixel Module x 32 Amplification and shaping Digitisation and Trigger Trigger: 4 neighbouring pixels are summed, then discriminated. 6 mm Photosensor pixel super pixel Andrea De Franco Camera Trigger Peripherals (calibration, lid, etc) Backplane Board Backplane 64 Pixel Module TARGET Module DACQ Board Data Serialisation and Control Control, Data Electronics Buffering and Serialisation 16 x 16 x Preamps 16 x Preamps Preamps 16 x Preamp Target Asic Target Asic Target Asic TARGET ASIC Data FPGA Trigger x 32 Amplification and shaping Digitisation and Trigger Camera Trigger 64 Pixel Module Any 2 neighbouring super-pixels Backplane Board Backplane 64 Pixel Module TARGET Module Following camera trigger data read out to central location Peripherals (calibration, lid, etc) DACQ Board Data Serialisation and Control Control, Data Today’s Talk The Cherenkov Telescope Array - How do we detect gamma rays with ground based telescope? (See Garret’s talk) - Constraints on FEE The Gamma Cherenkov Telescope - A proposed design for the highest energies gamma-ray Front End Electronic of GCT - From optical photons to a stream of data Status of GCT FEE - Report on recent lab testing GCT Milestone - Towards completion of first prototype… (See Garret’s talk) - …and simulating what’s beyond (See Jason’s talk) GCT – MAPM Camera Now under lab testing in UK. Using TARGET 5 modules. Backplane expected in the lab at the beginning of June for trigger testing. A dummy backplane now fanning out external trigger signal to the modules TARGET 7 Used in GCT – SiPM and pSCT(US Medium Size Telescope for CTA) prototype cameras. First few modules produce and tested. Design ready for production of camera prototype’s modules. Improved dynamic range. Better linearity. TARGET-C & CCTV Trigger moved to small ASIC companion to improve trigger performance. Cross talk reduced, expected improved performances: Trigger noise < 1mV trigger threshold < 4mV TARGET-C: Designed specifically for CTA based on TARGET 7 – Buffer added to data path to reduce effects of digital activity TARGET –CCTV : CTA Companion Trigger Variant - 16 channels of T5 trigger - Include pre-amp (can be bypassed in case of external pre-amp) First modules to be produced soon SiPMs Order made of 35 Hamamatsu S126421616PA-50 Improvement of the product in the small timeframe between order and delivery of first batch different coating to reduce cross-talk Need for a window entrance for the camera. Today’s Talk The Cherenkov Telescope Array - How do we detect gamma rays with ground based telescope? (See Garret’s talk) - Constraints on FEE The Gamma Cherenkov Telescope - A proposed design for the highest energies gamma-ray Front End Electronic of GCT - From optical photons to a stream of data Status of GCT FEE - Report on recent lab testing GCT Milestone - Towards completion of first prototype… (See Garret’s talk) - …and simulating what’s beyond (See Jason’s talk) GCT Camera - Commisioning Robot Arm Robot arm (Photo – courtesy of A. Okumura) See Garret’s talk (Photo – courtesy of A. Okumura) First results on lab test intended to be presented at ICRC 2015 ( The first GCT camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. A. De Franco, R. White et. al. for the CTA consortium) GCT Camera – Towards SiPM Robot Arm Robot arm See Jason’s talk SiPM performance test and electronics design tuning undergoing at the moment for SiPM based camera prototype. Front End Electronic of GCT camera for CTA Thank you!!! Andrea De Franco Supervisor : Dr. Garret Cotter PhD student: Jason Watson This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grand agreement n° 317446
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