1:45PM What`s New in Couchbase Server 4.0?

NOTE: Scheduled speaking times may change, please check schedule prior to broadcast.
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015
10:50AM — 11:30AM
What’s New in Couchbase Server 4.0?
Chin Hong, Couchbase
In this session we will do a lap around the full Couchbase Server 4.0 product. Couchbase VP of Product Management, Chin
Hong will explore new capabilities in the latest release including N1QL, Global Secondary Indexing, Multi-Dimensional
Scaling and more. In this session, you will: 1) Learn how Couchbase Server 4.0 simplifies querying with N1QL and new
global secondary indexing 2) Explore the benefits offered by spatial views 3) Look at how compliance with security rules
gets easier and 4) Review architectural advances in ForestDB, Couchbase’s next generation storage engine. This is the
grand tour and is the session for you if you want an end-to-end look at all the new capabilities that Couchbase Server 4.0
has to offer.
11:30AM — 12:15PM
Under the Hood: Couchbase Server 4.0 Architecture
Cihan Biyikoglu, Couchbase
Couchbase Server 4.0 brings many new capabilities and features in its architecture. Couchbase’s Director of Product
Management, Cihan Biyikoglu will look at the Couchbase Server 4.0 architecture in detail and provide attendees with an
understanding of how the cluster manager, cache engine, and storage engine plug together with the data, query and index
services to give you a best of breed NoSQL engine for big data processing. This is the grand tour of Couchbase Server 4.0
so this is the session for you if you are a master architect, developer or administrator of platforms.
1:00PM — 1:45PM
Introducing N1QL: Query Without Compromise
Gerald Sangudi, Couchbase
This session introduces Couchbase’s query language for JSON, N1QL, and sets the stage for the rich selection of N1QLrelated sessions at Couchbase Connect 2015. N1QL extends the querying power of SQL with the modeling flexibility of
JSON. In this session, Couchbase’s Chief Architect of Query, Gerald Sangudi will give you an introduction to the N1QL
language, architecture, and ecosystem. hear the benefits of N1QL for developers and for enterprises.
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015
1:45PM — 2:30PM
Introducing Global Secondary Indexing: High Performance Indexer with Couchbase Server 4.0
Cihan Biyikoglu, Couchbase
The new indexing technology in Couchbase Server 4.0 advances query performance to new heights. In this talk, Director of
Product Management, Cihan Biyikoglu will explore the capabilities of the new indexing technology from head-to-toe. First,
we will cover primary and secondary index types. We will then explore indexers: M/R views vs global secondary indexes,
index administration, monitoring, best practices and much more. If you are a developer, architect or an administrator
looking to use N1QL in your next application, you won’t want to miss this talk.
2:30PM — 3:15PM
Deep Dive into N1QL: Power Features and Internals in Couchbase Server 4.0
Keshav Murthy, Couchbase
N1QL is a rich query language for JSON data. N1QL provides the following enhanced SQL statements: SELECT, INSERT,
UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE. We’ll explain the advanced select-join-project-nest-unnest operations as well as data
modification features in N1QL. We’ll also discuss basics of index selection and query planning in N1QL.
3:45PM — 4:30PM
Deep Dive into Global Secondary Indexing Architecture in Couchbase Server 4.0
John Liang, Couchbase
The session will cover concepts, architecture, and usage of global secondary index. Global secondary index provides an
alternate indexing strategy for faster lookup and higher throughput.
4:30PM — 5:15PM
Next Generation Storage Engine ForestDB
Chiyoung Seo, Couchbase
B+-tree has been used as one of the main index structures in database fields for more than four decades. However, with
the unprecedented amount of data being generated by modern, global-scale web, mobile, and IoT applications, typical
B+-tree implementations are beginning to show scalability and performance issues. Various key-value storage engines
with variants of B+-tree such as log-structured merge tree (LSM-tree), have been proposed to address these limitations.
At Couchbase, we have been working on a new key-value storage engine, ForestDB, that has a main index structure based
on Hierarchical B+- Tree (based Trie or HB+-Trie). and provides high scalability and performance. In this presentation, we
introduce ForestDB and discuss why ForestDB is a good fit for modern big data applications.
5:15PM — 6:00PM
Support for full-text indexes is a major bullet point on the roadmap for Couchbase Server, so back in 2014, we kicked
off the open-source github.com/couchbaselabs/cbft project. The cbft server integrates the open source bleve full-text
indexing engine with Couchbase Server.
In this technical presentation, come learn about cbft’s architecture, features, UI, API’s, status and future directions.
Thursday, June 4th, 2015
10:30AM — 11:15AM
Multi-Dimensional Scaling: A New Architecture for Scaling Big Data Applications
Anil Kumar, Couchbase
Couchbase Server 4.0 not only supports homogenous scaling in one dimension but it now supports heterogeneous scaling
in multiple dimensions. Data, querying, and indexing services can now be deployed into “zones” within the cluster. The
new Multi-Dimensional Scaling capability enables enterprises to optimize their database infrastructure with unparalleled
precision. The enterprise benefits of Multi-Dimensional Scaling include: increased application performance and stability,
increased operational efficiency and agility, and reduced hardware costs. In this talk, we will also review the new services
available in Couchbase Server 4.0 that allows independent scaling of query, indexing and core data workloads, reducing
interference and maximizing throughput.
11:15AM — 12:00PM
Introducing N1QL: Query Without Compromise
Gerald Sangudi, Couchbase
This session introduces N1QL and sets the stage for the rich selection of N1QL-related sessions at Couchbase Connect
2015. N1QL is SQL for JSON, extending the querying power of SQL with the modeling flexibility of JSON. In this session,
you will get an introduction to the N1QL language, architecture, and ecosystem, and you will hear the benefits of N1QL for
developers and for enterprises.
1:00PM — 1:45PM
Deep Dive into Cluster Manager in Couchbase Server 4.0
Dave Finlay, Couchbase
If the data nodes are the heavy lifters of the Couchbase Server, then the cluster manager is the brains behind the
operation. The job of the cluster manager covers provisioning and management of an increasing number of services;
tracking and distributing topology and metadata; and coordinating all other cluster-wide actions such as replication,
failover and rebalance. Oh, yes and it must be fault-tolerant to provide robust behavior when, as is inevitable, things go
wrong. In this session, we’ll cover all of this and provide concrete examples of how to use the cluster manager to optimize
your Couchbase implementation.
1:45PM — 2:30PM
Tuning Query Performance with N1QL in Couchbase Server 4.0
Cihan Biyikoglu, Couchbase
Couchbase Server 4.0 comes with N1QL. For you to take advantage of N1QL you need know how to tune the performance
of your queries. In this talk, we’ll cover tips and tricks to look at query performance and enhance it. Join in on this demo
filled hour to see ways to read N1QL execution plans, AND how simple steps, like rewriting queries or creating the correct
indexes, can help make queries run much faster.
Thursday, June 4th, 2015
2:30PM — 3:15PM
Under the hood ForestDB: Performance on SSDs and File Systems
Sang-Won Lee, Sungakyunkwan University & Sundar Sridharan, Couchbase
As Solid-State Drives (SSDs) support orders of magnitude faster I/O operations than spinning hard disks, they have been
replacing spinning disks and are being deployed rapidly in data centers. Consequently, it becomes quite crucial to optimize
database storage engines by considering the unique characteristics and performance behaviors of SSDs. In this session,
we explain how optimizations for ForestDB work. Learn how you can reduce write amplification and utilize parallel I/O
capabilities in ForestDB-, and discuss other optimizations in the roadmap for the next generation storage engine.
3:45PM — 4:30PM
Intel: Next Generation SSDs & ForestDB Next Generation Storage Engine
Frank Ober, Intel & Qi Zhu, Couchbase
ForestDB as an underlying storage engine provides much more scale and SSD capability to the Couchbase platform. In this
session learn about the storage architecture in the newest release optimized for Flash along with ForestDB testing data
from Intel’s high performance cluster lab. Also come learn from Intel about Intel’s mainstream NVMe technology and our
latest PCIe SSD technology.
4:30PM — 5:15PM
Introducing Spatial Views for Location-Aware Applications with Couchbase Server 4.0
David Maier, Couchbase
Couchbase Server’s new spatial views feature is not just there for your geospatial indexes, it can also be used to build
multi-dimensional indexes on any number of metrics. Even combined indexes (e.g. number of people living in a geographic
region) can be built and queried by using this feature. This talk will explain typical use cases, how to best write your map
function, and how to query multi-dimensional views enabling you to write location-aware applications with Couchbase
Server 4.0.
5:15PM — 6:00PM
Enterprise Architect’s Perspective of Couchbase with N1QL
Keshav Murthy, Couchbase
Enterprise architects have to decide on the database platform that will meet various requirements: performance and
scalability on one side, ease of data modeling, agile development on the other, elasticity and flexibility to handle change
easily, and a database platform that integrates well with tools and within ecosystem. This presentation will highlight the
challenges and approaches to solution using Couchbase with N1QL.
NOTE: All sessions immediately available for viewing post live event.
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