Administrative Resume and Academic Vita BARBARA A. BICHELMEYER 1200 South Collinswood Drive Bloomington, Indiana 47401 Phone: 812-320-8370 Email: Version: February 1, 2015 * denotes research, teaching or service refereed through peer review # denotes research, teaching or service related to academic administrative responsibilities ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Indiana University – Bloomington School of Education, Department of Instructional Systems Technology Professor, May 2009 – present Associate Professor, April 2002 – May 2009 Assistant Professor, August 1996 – August 2002 University of Kansas School of Education, Department of Curriculum & Instruction Visiting Assistant Professor, August 1994 – July 1996 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE Indiana University , Executive Associate Vice President for University Academic and Regional Campus Affairs, July 2014 – present • Serve as chief operating officer for the Office of the Executive Vice President for University Academic Affairs, with strategic oversight of academic affairs for all seven campuses of Indiana University, involving master course inventory of over 10,000 courses and 750 academic programs, impacting 8,800 faculty and academic staff and 115,000 students, generating more than 1,250,000 credit hours for the university (numbers reported for Fall 2014 semester) • Provide strategic oversight for the Academic Affairs and Regional Campus Affairs functions of the Office of the Executive Vice President, with 8 direct reports, and matrix management of additional academic administrators and academic staff as determined by function and initiative • Working with Director, provide strategic leadership for the IU Office of Completion and Student Success to increase degree completion rates, reduce time to degree completion and reduce student debt on all IU campuses by providing advanced training and data resources for advisors; improve student progress monitoring and reporting; develop new information technologies such as electronic alerts, degree mapping, and iGPS (interactive Graduation Planning System) that provide students and advisors real-time feedback on students' academic performance, class attendance and course registration; implement information systems that provide career advising tools, job search, recruitment management, and internship management capabilities to students, career service professionals, and companies recruiting IU students • Working with Director, provide strategic leadership for University Transfer Office, which coordinates university-wide activities related to student transfer by working with transfer offices on IU’s seven campuses and with state government entities; maintains UTO website as source of current, authoritative and comprehensive information about transfer for current and prospective students, faculty and staff; leads IU in implementation of state policies and legislative mandates such as single articulation pathways and statewide general education core; tracks data on transfers and evaluates success of students who transfer to IU or between IU campuses, mediates disagreements that may arise between campuses over transfers; and develops policies and procedures to award credit for competency-based education and prior learning assessments Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 1 of 35 • Working with Director, provide strategic leadership for FACET (Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching), which brings together more than 500 of IU’s best faculty by hosting events and programs that explore new methods to strengthen teaching; advances Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through publication of two journals, the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and the Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology; sponsors award for those dedicated to exceptional teaching; and supports SoTL research through “Mack Fellows” program to develop evidence-based strategies that enhance teaching and learning • Member of Academic Leadership Council, providing ongoing support for the council, including setting meeting agendas, staffing and facilitation of meetings • With UAA staff and ALC Technical Committee, manage university-wide vetting, review, approval and archiving of proposals for new academic programs; engage with faculty and staff across all IU campuses to shepherd new academic degree proposals through approvals from IU Board of Trustees and Indiana Commission for Higher Education • Convene intercampus faculty commons groups to develop joint academic programs and address maintenance of degree maps, articulation agreements, master course inventory, acceptance standards for Advanced Placement and dual-credit courses, as well as other academic standards • Member of Regional Chancellors Cabinet, the collaborative governance group for the five comprehensive teaching campuses of Indiana University; supporting initiatives and engaging in ongoing monitoring of the Blueprint for Student Attainment, which encourages cross-campus collaboration and resource sharing to promote student attainment • With IU Public Affairs and Government Relations staff, annually engage in development and promotion of university’s legislative agenda for academic affairs; as needed, serve as academic affairs liaison to Indiana Commission for Higher Education, other government agencies, Indiana public institutions of higher education, major foundations and national initiatives to develop support for innovative academic programming • Manage systems for executive review of promotion and tenure process on annual basis • Plan, manage, delegate and disseminate new university-wide academic affairs initiatives as they arise Indiana University , Senior Director, Office of Online Education, July 2014 – present • Responsible for strategic direction of online education at Indiana University, with strategic oversight of the IU Online brand and for online education across all seven campuses of Indiana University. Working with leaders across the university to grow online to more than 5000 students enrolled in more than 80 fully-online programs, over 42,000 students taking at least one online course from an inventory of more than 1500 online courses, generating more than 120,000 credit hours (numbers reported for Fall 2014 semester) • Working with President, Chancellors, Provost and others on design and implementation of a “curricular clearinghouse / shared student services” model to ensure growth of online student enrollments, scalability of programs, and economies of scale with operational efficiency, while minimizing sub-optimization and increasing synergy across campuses in online course and program offerings and student services • Working with creative services and call centers to manage IU Online website, deliver value-added and competitive student services, and to facilitate best-in-class support online students • Working with media relations and creative services, develop and implement marketing and branding campaigns for IU Online programs and online education at Indiana University • Facilitate innovation in online education across campuses of the university by ensuring no duplication of online programs between campuses without distinction, and removing policy, procedural and system barriers that create internal competition • Implementing a transformative model for online education ensuring leadership, management, development, and delivery of online courses, programs and support services for online students are part of normal university operations by bringing online into normal operations or by changing normal operations of university to accommodate online education (such as marketing, admissions, bursar, new program approval process, advising, institutional reporting, etc.) • Strategic oversight of IU Office of Online Education, with 8 direct reports, cross-functional management of 8 staff members, and an approximately $3 million annual budget • Work with University Vice President and Chief Financial Officer and staff to ensure appropriate financial models, tuition and fees, revenue splits and allocations for online courses, online academic programs, and online student services • Work with University Vice President and General Counsel to ensure compliance to all applicable federal, state, accreditor and university regulations related to online education, such as Title 4 financial aid, State Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 2 of 35 authorizations for online programs, American Disabilities Act, verification of student identity, Department of Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, intellectual property, and NCAA academic rules for student athletes • Work with Executive Vice Chancellors of Academic Affairs on all campuses and support academic program specialists to facilitate and mediate development of university-wide joint online programs and related memos of understanding involving key academic disciplines • Work with institutional research, student information systems, information technology, registrars, academic officers, and schedulers to ensure functionality of all university information systems (such as applications and admissions, enrollment management, course registration, bursar, billing, financial aid, course sharing, advising, early alert) to support online courses and online programs, as well as ensure accurate data collection and reporting. In Fall 2014 semester, completed second pilot of IU Online Class Connect, a new information system that allows for sharing online courses and student enrollments between all IU regional campuses • Work with Electronic Learning Design & Services team, directors of Centers for Teaching and Learning, and leaders of Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) to design, create, and deliver professional development experiences to prepare 8,800 faculty and academic staff to successfully support online students when teaching online courses Indiana University Southeast , Interim Chancellor, July 2013 – June 2014 • Chief Executive Officer responsible for direction and oversight of all aspects of campus with approximately 7,000 students, 500 faculty and staff, $60 million annual budget, and 11 direct reports • Instituted monthly meetings with Student Government Association leaders to discuss goals, concerns, and to receive suggestions for improving student life on campus; worked with SGA leaders to establish GUStalks Speaker Series showcasing campus to the community, invested funds to support series, and successfully held first event on campus • Met frequently with various constituents of campus, including faculty and staff, regional government and economic development representatives, K-12 and higher education leaders, alumni and campus benefactors and university representatives, to foster renewed sense of engagement with and collaboration between campus and region, State of Indiana, and university administration • Led campus through crisis management resulting from cancellation during outdoor commencement due to severe weather, resultant public relations response, subsequent planning and implementation of five alternate school commencements, ultimately leading to positive student and community reaction • Led campus through lockdown as result of gun sighting; including resultant media response; community meetings with students, faculty, staff and community members; and subsequent review and improvement of safety protocols and community response training • Revitalized Chancellor’s office through significant restructuring and reorganization of admissions and enrollment management, alumni relations, marketing and communications, development, institutional effectiveness, human resources, special events, sponsorships, and office administration • Working with campus leaders, developed six strategic priorities for campus: student retention and completion, outreach to underserved students, strategic academic program development, partnerships with community colleges and secondary schools, community engagement, and operational efficiency • Working with campus leaders, identified strategic priorities for development campaign: programs that support local economic development, international student recruitment and study abroad, online education, entrepreneurship programs, new campus center, student retention initiatives, endowed chairs and professorships, community engagement initiatives, scholarships, a community center art acquisition initiative, and support for NAIA athletics • Working with administrative leaders, developed and implemented strategic budgeting model for priority allocation of financial resources, and restructured budget to facilitate more transparent communication and responsibility-centered management of campus finances; implemented new distance education course fee that will generate approximately $93K annually in new funding for faculty training and quality initiatives related to online education • Immediately upon arrival to campus in Summer 2013, initiated “stop-out” campaign that yielded 2,025 Fall 2013 credit hours, and tuition revenue of $536,624 that was otherwise untapped. • Working with student affairs/enrollment management staff, implemented retention strategy for new freshmen and transfers using predictive data to focus on middle quartiles of population, yielding 84.1% retention rate, an increase of 7.8% in Spring 2014 over prior Spring, a 3-year high for those groups • Working with faculty and academic administration, developed and moved 13 new academic programs through campus approval process, including a new general education certificate, Master of Science in Nursing, and a new Bachelor of Applied Science (which also received approval from the Higher Learning Commission); increased Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 3 of 35 • • • • • • • • • number of online courses and section enrollments, increased faculty capacity in priority academic programs, and developed degree maps, metrics and analytics to track student retention and completion in courses and programs Working with development and events staff, finalized $300,000 naming gift for a new campus amphitheater; held inaugural Champions Dinner with sold-out crowd of 240 and net profit of over $30,000 toward athletic scholarships; 480 guests attended 2013 Chancellor’s Medallion Dinner, netting largest profit in history of event to support scholarships; hosted very successful donor cultivation event with more than 80 donors to campus; sent first-ever customized donor solicitation letters from campus using client relations management system; completed campus funding needs assessment for IU Bicentennial campaign and presented draft campaign plan to IU Foundation Working with alumni and community relations staff, launched inaugural Alumni Golf Fundraising Event raising $15,000; achieved record Student Alumni Association membership Facilities staff completed multiple projects including new kiln pavilion and new bus stop; design and planning processes for future projects (eg. new amphitheater), nursing lab expansion and renovation, HVAC upgrade for physical sciences, and interior renovation of largest conference space on campus; acquired property adjacent to campus and designated for future use in 2012 Master Land Use Plan. With Office of Institutional Effectiveness staff, worked to promote culture of evidence, increased transparency, and effective use of resources on campus, resulting in greater self-sufficiency within academic units, increased efficiency in report generation, and improved level of service in OIE Initiated review and re-design of academic policies and processes, including recruitment and selection of tenure-track faculty, promotion and tenure review, academic handbook, and faculty senate elections Initiated review and re-design of campus administrative procedures, including crisis management, committee structures, meeting management, hiring processes, budget planning and reporting, marketing strategy development and implementation, and sponsorships and memberships With staff, developed strategic approach to tie marketing initiatives to campus priorities; created annual marketing campaign themed “You Matter Here;” directed numerous campus website updates, launched first campus Twitter page, and initiated use of social media to communicate Chancellor priorities and activities With IT staff, designed new student technology spaces; promoted use of new technologies such as Eagle Eye classroom for teaching and learning; and supported implementation of IU Print, which provides rollover pages and ability to stop print jobs mid-process, saving almost 90,000 pages in first four months Supported NAIA award-winning athletics program by engaging in Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference governance and KIAC strategic planning process; made key decisions regarding funding and personnel matters; provided advice on application of Affordable Care Act to part-time coaching staff, supported involvement in national “If You Can Play” initiative Indiana University , Associate Vice President for University Academic Planning and Policy, January 2009 – June 2013 • Working with Executive Vice President (EVP), established central administrative entity responsible for academic planning and policy for the seven campuses of Indiana University • With EVP, re-defined mission of Academic Leadership Council, re-constituted committee membership and structure; provided support for council, including setting meeting agendas, staffing and facilitation of meetings • Created specifications and supported development of university-level electronic system to manage vetting, review, approval and archiving of proposals for new academic programs • Engaged with faculty and staff to shepherd all new academic degree proposals through approvals from IU Board of Trustees and Indiana Commission for Higher Education • With EVP, developed the Blueprint for Student Attainment, which raised the profile of regional campuses, refocused mission to prioritize student attainment, developed structures and systems that encourage cross-campus collaboration through joint programming and resource sharing • Developed systems and policies to address transfer and articulation, and chartered inter-campus teams to coordinate regular and ongoing communication between IU campuses and between institutions of higher education in Indiana • With IU Public Affairs and Government Relations staff, developed legislation to establish a statewide transfer general education core, credit-hour caps for bachelors’ degrees, and engaged annually in development and promotion of university’s legislative agenda for academic affairs • Liaison to Indiana Commission for Higher Education, other government agencies, Indiana public institutions of higher education, major foundations and national initiatives to develop and support joint initiatives and grant Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 4 of 35 • • • • • activities for innovative academic programming (eg., Lumina Foundation programs, Complete College America, Foundation for Excellence, etc.) Liaison to Indiana Department of Education, secondary schools, and other constituents regarding dual credit, Advanced Placement, college readiness, and bridge programs Facilitated university academic affairs initiatives that involved convening inter-campus groups in disciplinary and administrative areas (eg., math faculty, English faculty, NSSE, etc.) Developed and managed system for annual executive review of promotion and tenure process With EVP, facilitated closing School of Continuing Studies, the university-wide entity charged with adult education, degree completion programs, and outreach through community-based programs and IU online high school Coordinated, supported and facilitated four academic administrators, four administrative staff, two administrative assistants, and coordination of staff with other organizational units Indiana University , Director, Office of Online Education, April 2011 – June 2013 • Founding director responsible for establishing new office to lead, manage and coordinate online education on and across the seven campuses campuses of Indiana University • Conducted organization scan, needs analysis, and developed strategic plan for online education at IU as part of ongoing responsibility for strategic oversight of IU’s online education activities • Ongoing, serve as gatekeeper for intercampus issues regarding online education, and as point of final decisionmaking (subject to president and Trustee approval and upon input from others) regarding online education at IU • Ongoing updating of existing policies and practices that have previously served as barriers to development and implementation of online programs • Ongoing, develop and maintain a single portal for all online education offerings at IU • Ongoing, coordinate with national, state and other entities that influence online education • Ongoing, convene numerous university-wide groups to advance the vision of online education at IU • Ongoing, work with campuses and schools to encourage exploration and implementation of online programs that are consistent with IU’s online strategic plan • Ongoing, develop strategies and mechanisms to meet resource needs to support online education • Ongoing, lead university-wide discussion concerning criteria to assess and review online programs, and develop processes and mechanisms for program review • Ongoing, define data collection needs related to online education and assure they are addressed Indiana University – Bloomington , Associate Dean of the Faculties, January 2007 – January 2009 • Chair of Campus Curriculum Committee (membership includes academic officers of all schools) responsible for development and tracking of academic proposals, review and approval of all new academic programs, and interpretation and implementation of academic policies • Founding co-chair of the General Education Committee of the Bloomington Faculty Council, led a committee of more than 50 faculty and advisors representing all academic units in the design, development and implementation of the first campus-wide General Education Curriculum, and developed plans and processes for monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum • IU-B representative to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education’s Statewide Transfer and Articulation Committee (STAC) and as flagship rep, coordinated IU inter-campus responses to state initiatives regarding the establishment of community college system and relations between two-year and four-year campuses • Facilitated development of 12 legislatively mandated degree articulation agreements, and coordinated development of mandated agreements across all IU campuses • Facilitated development of agreements for 90 legislatively mandated degree course transfer equivalencies between IU-B and all Indiana public institutions of higher education, and coordinated alignment of mandated equivalencies across all IU campuses • Chair of Sabbatical Leaves Committee, coordinated review and approval of about 50 sabbatical applications each year • IU-B Coordinator of CIC Academic Leadership Program, which is a consortium of BIG 10 institutions to provide a series of three three-day workshops with regular meetings and mentoring activities for high potential faculty and new academic administrators • Mediation and follow-up for faculty/faculty and faculty/administrator disputes on ad-hoc, though regular, basis Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 5 of 35 University of Kansas - School of Education , Director of Technology, August 1995 – July 1996 • Coordinated, facilitated and supported operation of all technology labs for students and faculty in the School of Education • Leadership of administrative personnel and students who staff School of Education technology labs • Planned for and oversaw professional development for School of Education faculty in the area of technology integration • Administered grants that involved School of Education technology hardware, software and staff - for example, two five-year grants from the U.S. Department of Education (South Central Regional Technology Consortium and Four Directions Challenge grant) with combined funding level of more than $9 million) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Synthesis / Human Performance Improvement Consulting LLC President & Principal Consultant, September 1993 – August 1996 • Provided consulting services to support analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of customized instructional materials and human performance improvement interventions for business, government and educational institutions such as Microsoft, Allied Signal Aerospace, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, National Collegiate Athletic Association, Kauffman Foundation, Kansas Foundation for Medical Care, and US Coast Guard Sprint United Management Company , University of Excellence Educational Consultant, February 1991 – September 1993 • Curriculum owner for Sprint’s total quality management program, with responsibility for developing training curriculum for 12,000 supervisors, managers and executives • Provided consulting services to support analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of program, including courses in topics such as Tools of Total Quality Management, Business Process Improvement, Benchmarking, Team Leadership, Facilitative Leadership, Consulting Skills, Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award • As Master Trainer for Sprint’s University of Excellence, responsible for training a pool of approximately 100 trainers and instructional developers in the instructional design and human performance improvement using the Accomplishment-Based Curriculum Development system US Sprint Telecommunications Corporation, Technical Training Group Training Development Specialist, February 1990 – February 1991 • Responsible for analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of technical training to support fiber optic network hardware, software systems, and network systems customer service • Developed training using a variety of technologies for delivery of instruction, including distance learning classrooms, computer-based training and video production University of Kansas, Instructional Technology Center UNITE Project Coordinator for Training & Evaluation, January 1989 – January 1990 • Designed and implemented training and evaluation plan for UNITE, a project to integrate computer networks into teacher professional development across 18 school districts in Eastern Kansas, funded by Apple Computer University of Kansas, Department of Curriculum and Instruction Research & Teaching Assistant, August 1986 – December 1989 • Instructor for C&I 400: Required technology integration course for all pre-service teachers • Instructional designer of curricular materials for NSF-funded COMETS project, in partnership with Haskell Indian Nations University, to teach math and science to Native American students Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 6 of 35 • Instructional designer for UNITE, a project to integrate computer networks into teacher professional development across 18 school districts in Eastern Kansas, funded by Apple Computer Aquinas H igh School - Shawnee KS Teacher & Girls Basketball Coach, August 1983 – May 1986 Intertec Publishing Company, Cellular Business Magazine Founding Associate Editor, August 1983 – August 1984 • • • • Working with editor, established standards for editorial, design, and publication of magazine content Conducted research, writing, and edited articles Fact-checked articles from featured authors Review of publication layout and design Johnson County Daily News - Olathe KS News Reporter & Columnist, June 1982 – February 1983 Athletics Official , May 1977 – December 1989 • Volleyball official certified by Kansas and Missouri State High School activities associations, working for medium- to largest secondary schools in eastern Kansas and Western Missouri. Selected to officiate league, regional, and State (Kansas 5A/6A) Championship competitions • Softball official certified by United States Slowpitch Softball Association (USSSA). Selected to officiate tournament, State (Adult Men / Adult Women / Adult Co-ed), Regional (Adult Men / Adult Women / Adult Co-ed), and National (Adult Women / Adult Co-ed) Championship competitions • Softball official certified by American Softball Association. Selected to officiate tournament, State, Regional, and National (Girls 13-15 / Girls 16-18) Championship competitions TEACHING Courses Taught at Indiana University: R795: Dissertation Proposal Preparation in Instructional Systems Technology (3 credit hours) Fall 2002 – 13 students R711: Readings in Instructional Technology (3 credit hours) Fall 2008 – 8 students Fall 2005 – 14 students R695: Research Seminar in Instructional Systems Technology (3 credit hours) Fall 2005 – 9 students Spring 2005 – 11 students Spring 1999 – 15 students, Special topic: Personal Independent Learning Systems Spring 1998 – 13 students, Special topic: Personal Independent Learning Systems Spring 1997 – 13 students, Special topic: Re-thinking Individualized Instruction R690: Application of Research Methods to Instructional Systems Technology (3 credit hours) Spring 2005 – 6 students Spring 2004 – 9 students Spring 2002 – 11 students Spring 2001 – 13 students Spring 2000 – 8 students R685: Topical Seminar in Instructional Systems Technology (3 credit hours) Summer 2008 - 10 students, Principles of Human Performance Technology Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 7 of 35 Fall 2000 – 14 students, Instructional Design for Emotional Intelligence Fall 1999 – 14 students, Instructional Design for Emotional Intelligence Summer 1998 – 16 students, Instructional Design for Emotional Intelligence R641: Instructional Development and Production II (3 credit hours) Spring 1997 – 24 graduate students R625: Designing Instructional Systems (3 credit hours) Fall 2002 – 10 students, online R621: Needs Analysis and Assessment (3 credit hours) Fall 2007 – 9 students Fall 2006 – 9 students R563: Human and Organizational Performance Effectiveness (3 credit hours) Spring 2010 – 13 students, hybrid Summer 2011 – 10 students, hybrid Summer 2012 – 16 students, hybrid Summer 2013 – 10 students, hybrid, co-taught with Professor Elizabeth Boling R561: Evaluation and Change in the Instructional Development Process (3 credit hours) Spring 2004 – 23 students Spring 2003 – 25 students R547: Computer-Mediated Learning (3 credit hours) Fall 1999 – 26 students Fall 1998 – 26 students Fall 1997 – 20 students Fall 1996 – 20 students R541: Instructional Development and Production Process (3 credit hours) Spring 2002 - 38 students R521/R522: Instructional Design and Development I & II (4 credit hours) Fall 1998 – 60 students, co-taught with Assistant Professor Elizabeth Boling Fall 1997 – 60 students, co-taught with Assistant Professor Elizabeth Boling R522: Instructional Design and Development (3 credit hours), Fall 2001 – 46 students, on-campus Fall 2001 – 17 students, online Fall 2000 – 16 students, online R521: Instructional Design and Development (3 credit hours) Fall 2004 – 16 students R519: Effective Writing for Instructional Technology (3 credit hours) Fall 2006 – 12 students Summer 2005 – 15 students Summer 2003 – 13 students W210: Survey of Computer-Based Education (3 credit hours) Spring 2000 – 23 students W200: Introduction to Computers in Education (3 credit hours) Spring 1999 – 27 students Spring 1998 – 30 students Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 8 of 35 Courses Taught at the University of Kansas: C&I 895: Topical Seminar in Educational Communications and Technology (1 credit hour) Spring 1996 – 12 students, co-taught with Assistant Professor Ron Aust Fall 1995 – 12 students, co-taught with Assistant Professor Ron Aust Fall 1994 – 10 students, co-taught with Assistant Professor Ron Aust C&I 842: Individualization of Instruction (3 credit hours) Spring 1995 – 25 students, taught at Regents Center, Overland Park, KS C&I 755: Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction (3 credit hours) Fall 1994 – 25 students C&I 400: Media and Microcomputers in the Classroom (3 credit hours) Spring 1996 – 80 students, co-taught with two assistant instructors Fall 1995 – 60 students, co-taught with two assistant instructors Summer 1995 – 25 students Spring 1995 – 60 students, co-taught with two assistant instructors Fall 1994 – 40 students, co-taught with one assistant instructor Graduate Research Committees at Indiana University * denotes Chair/Director *Claudius Rodgers, Ph.D. (2015). Methodological Theory for the Study of Systems Change. *Patrick Pettyjohn, Ph.D. (2014). Exploring Teachers’ Educational MUVE Video Game Integration Process: Four Exploratory Case Studies. *Ingu Kang, Ph.D. (2014). Empirical Testing of a Human Performance Model: Understanding Success in Federal Agencies Using Second-Order Structural Equation Modeling. *Serdar Abaci, Ph.D. (2014). Direct and Indirect Effects of Feedback, Feedback Orientation, and Goal Orientation on Students’ Academic Performance in Online Learning. Minjing Duan, Ph.D. (2014). Examining the Applicability of Action Research in the Practice of Human Performance Technology: Evidence from Exemplary Cases. Jingli Cheng, Ph.D. (2014). Motivation for Knowledge Sharing by Expert Participants in Company-Hosted Online User Communities. Sung Pil Kang, Ph.D. (2012). Validation of Key Stages of the International Society for Performance Improvement Human Performance Technology Model. Marisa Exter, Ph.D. (2011). Educational Experiences of Software Designers Working in Education/Instructional Technology-Related Fields. Nilufer Korkmaz, Ph.D. (2011). How is Development of Design Judgment Addressed in Instructional Design Education? Atieno Adala, Ph.D. (2010). Can the Virtual University Expand Access to Higher Education in Africa? The Dialectic of the Local and the Global. *Shameem Farouk, Ph.D. (2010). Investigating the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and High Managerial Performance in Selected Corporations in Belgium and Malaysia. Sang Yoon, Ph.D. (2010). Interactivity Centered Usability Evaluation (ICUE) for Course Management Systems. Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 9 of 35 Rajat Chadha, Ph.D. (2009). Dependability of College Student Ratings of Teaching and Learning Quality. Jason Zapf, Ph.D. (2008). The Relationship Between Students’ Perceptions of Instructor Immediacy and Academic Engagement in Online Courses. Kennon Smith, Ph.D. (2008). Meanings of Design in Instructional Technology: A Conceptual Analysis based on the Field’s Foundational Literature. Sari Pascoe, Ph.D. (2008). Facilitating Organizational Change: The Use of Activity Theory as a design framework in collaborative strategic learning episodes. Larissa Malopinsky, Ph.D. (2007). Facilitating Organizational Change: The Use of Activity Theory as a design framework in collaborative strategic learning episodes. Shijuan Liu, Ph.D. (2007). Use of Assessment Tasks in Online Graduate Courses: Instructors' Practices, Reflections and Perceptions. *J. Garvey Pyke, Ed.D. (2007). Types and Frequencies of Instructor-Student Feedback in an Online Distance Learning Environment. *Ali Korkmaz, Ph.D. (2007). Does Student Engagement Matter to Student Success? *Semiral Oncu, Ph.D. (2007). The Relationship Between Instructor Practices and Student Engagement: What Engages Students in Blended Learning Environments? Marlon Mitchell, Ph.D. (2007). Logistical Regression Analysis of Baby Boomers in the United States: Participation in Adult Education Activities. Guoping Ma, Ph.D. (2006). Online Learning Community in the Context of Distance Education: A Case Study. *Cengiz Askun, Ph.D. (2006). Relationships between Students' Level of Effort and Course Perceptions in a Blended Learning Environment. Christine Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. (2006). Instructional Strategies for Effective Virtual Peer Review in Technical Communications. *Hasan Cakir, Ph.D. (2006). Effects of Teacher Characteristics and Practices on Student Achievement in a K-12 Learning Environment with Standards-Based Curriculum. *Brian Horvitz, Ph.D. (2006). Using Case Comparison to Support the Development of Instructional Design ProblemSolving Strategies. Terri Cullen, Ph.D. (2006). Role of Technology in Preservice Teachers’ Images of Their Future Classroom. Taylor Halverson, Ph.D. (2006). Instructional Design Theories for Distance Education: Applications for Religious Studies. *Holli Gottschall, Ph.D. (2006). Faculty and Student Attitudes towards Group Work in Higher Education and Why Faculty Use Groups. *Ana Correia, Ph.D. (2005). Understanding Conflict in Teamwork: Contributions of a Technology-Rich Environment to Conflict Management. Woong Lim, Ph.D. (2005). Cognitive and Motivational Effects of Reinforcement: A Dual Processing Model of the Impact of Rewards on Creativity. Andrew Molwane, Ph.D. (2005). Discourses on Computer Integration at a Botswana Junior High School. Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 10 of 35 *Minyoung Doo, Ph.D. (2004). The Effect of Presentation Format in Behavior Modeling of Interpersonal Skills in the Online Context. *Min Shi, Ph.D. (2004). The Dinosaur and the Computer Lab Hog: An Ethnography of Teachers’ Work in the Computer Age. Mimi Miyoung Lee (2004). Going Global: The Complexities of Fostering Intercultural Understanding in a Rural School Using Videoconferencing Technology. Dale Avers, Ph.D. (2004). The Effect of a Laptop Computer Program on the Teaching-Learning Dynamic at a Physical Therapist Entry-level Program. *Seak-Zoon Roh, Ph.D. (2004). Designing Accessible Web-based Instruction for All Learners. Russell D. Ravert, Ph.D. (2004). Personal Fable, Perceived Susceptibility, and HIV Vaccination Acceptance among College Undergraduates. *Trena M. Paulus, Ph.D. (2003). Collaboration and the Social Construction of Knowledge in an Online Learning Environment. *Daniel F. Oswald, Ph.D. (2003). Instructional-Design Theory for Fostering Self-Directed Learning. Daniel J. Henry, Ph.D. (2003). Computer-Mediated Behavior Settings: An Application of Behavior Setting Theory in Online Environments. Gi-Zen Liu, Ph.D. (2003). Developing an Instructional Design Theory for Teaching English as a Foreign Language to First-Year Undergraduate Students in a Hybrid Web-Based Instruction Course in Taiwan. Kwan-Jun Tyan, Ph.D. (2003). Diffusion Barriers of E-Learning in Corporate Taiwan. Senem Yildiz, Ph.D. (2003). Exploring Factors Influencing EFL Speaking International Graduate Students’ Forum Participation and Social Presence in Two Web-Based Graduate Courses in the U.S. *Melanie Misanchuk, Ph.D. (2003). Sense of community, satisfaction, and performance in a distance education program. Maureen Ellis, Ph.D. (2003). Emerging Issues about Pedagogy and Delivery System Appropriateness: Adapting a Large, Lecture-Based Course to Web-Based Instruction at a Residential Site. *John B. Keller, Ph.D. (2003). A Systems View of Professional Development in a K-12 School District. Michael A. Evans, Ph.D. (2003). Knowledge and Work in Context: A Case of Troubleshooting a Complex System Across Ship and Shore. Frank Giles, Ph.D. (2003). Teacher Professional Development and Their Concerns about Using Computers: Do They Match? *John Monson, Ph.D. (2003). The importance of human interactions in online learning: Learner and instructor perceptions and expectations. *Charles Graham, Ph.D. (2002). Understanding and facilitating computer-mediated teamwork: A study of how norms develop in online learning teams. Annette Rose, Ed.D. (2002). Cognitive dialogue, interaction patterns, and perceptions of graduate students in an online conferencing environment under collaborative and cooperative structures. Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 11 of 35 Jennifer Lukow, Ph.D. (2002). Learning styles as predictors of student attitudes toward the use of technology in recreation courses. Su-Hong Park, Ph.D. (2001). A systems view of team learning: Toward a theory for the design of electronic performance support for team learning. Terry Demmon, Ed.D. (2001). Technology for a wired community college campus: Full-time faculty’s use and the barriers to further use of computing technologies. Byeong-Min Yu, Ph.D. (2001). The effect of interaction between menu design and information structure on information searching performance and attitude on the world wide web. Craig Burton, Ph.D. (2001). Knowledge transfer in a corporate setting: A case study. Vanessa Dennen, Ph.D. (2001). The design and facilitation of asynchronous discussion activities in web-based courses: Implications for instructional design theory. Jin Tzeng, Ph.D. (2001). Comparing teachers’ and parents’ mental models for teaching hearing-impaired children to speak. Randy Siebold, Ph.D. (2000). Education design theory: Theory development of an Adventist Learning Environment Design Process. Timothy Green, Ph.D. (2000). Program evaluation of a multi-national training experience provided by a nongovernment organization. Julie Reinhart, Ph.D. (1999). The effects of self-efficacy and lesson difficulty on students’ motivation to learn from webbased instruction. Graduate Research Committees at the University of Kansas Kathy Dunkelberger, M.S. (1996). The right stuff: An internet resource for teachers of writing. Sarah Palmer, M.S. (1996). Pre- and post-attitudes of locomotive engineers toward training: Implications for designing a training orientation video. R. Eskrootchi, M.S. (1996). The instructional usage of computers in the mathematics department at the University of Kansas. J. Presley, M.S. (1996). The application of cooperative learning strategies in a fourth grade classroom. Kent Luetke-Stahlman, M.S. (1995). Using computers to support authentic assessment in the middle school. A.J. Rose, M.S. (1995). Effects of in-service on teachers' utilization of word processing software. Tinsiri Siribhodi, Ph.D. (1995). Effects of three interactive multimedia computer-assisted language learning programs on the vocabulary acquisition of elementary level EFL students. RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES Grants and Contracts #Lilly Endowment, $5 million. Senior Administrator for Round III Initiative to Promote Opportunities through Educational Collaborations. (Principal Investigator: Indiana University Vice President for Engagement Bill Stephan) January 2014 – December 2018 Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 12 of 35 #Complete College America, 1 million / $250,000 IU portion. Co-Principal Investigator for Completion Innovation Challenge. (with Co-Principal Investigators: Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education Teresa Lubbers and Ivy Tech Community College Vice President Jeff Terp) August 2014 – December 2018 #Ithaka S+R, $30,000. Principal Investigator for subcontract from Ithaka S+R of Gates Foundation Interactive Learning Online Deep Dives Research project. April – December 2011 University of Texas Telecampus, $2,500. Principal Evaluator for University of Texas Telecampus – Master of Science in Educational Technology degree program. Fall 2007 – Spring 2008 Cisco Systems, $1,750,000. Senior Researcher for Evaluation of Cisco Networking Academy. (Principal Investigators: Alan Dennis, Ph.D. and Tom Duffy, Ph.D.) Fall 2002 – Spring 2007 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Smoking and Health. $30,000. Principal Evaluator for National Tobacco Control Program American Indian and Alaskan Native Tobacco Survey. December 2004 – January 2005 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Smoking and Health. $30,000. Principal Evaluator for National Tobacco Control Program Media Evaluation Handbook. June 2004 – July 2004 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Smoking and Health. $27,563. Principal Evaluator of Introduction to Countermarketing Evaluation for Tobacco Control Programs manual. Summer 2003 Proffitt Grant, Indiana University School of Education. $30,000. Principal Investigator / faculty sponsor for High School Teachers’ Experiences With Computers. Fall 2002 – Fall 2003 United States Agency for International Development, Future Farmers of America, $15,000. Principal Evaluator for Global Leadership through Agricultural Development: 21st Century Solutions for Youth. Fall 2001 – Spring 2002 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office on Smoking and Health, $25,000. Principal Evaluator of the National Tobacco Control Program manual, “An Introduction to Evaluation Planning, Implementation, and Use. Fall 2001 Indiana University School of Education, Creative Paths to Peace Grant, $10,000. Principal Investigator / faculty sponsor for Collaboration among Multi-Cultural Virtual Teams: Utilizing Instructional Development and Information Technology to Promote Peace and Understanding, 2001–2002 Indiana University Dean of Faculties, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, $1,000. Principal Investigator / faculty sponsor for Types of Frequencies of Feedback in a Distance Learning Environment, 2001 – 02 U.S. Department of Education. $1.5 million / year (5 years). Program Evaluator for South Central Regional Technology Consortium $ 1995, (Principal Investigator: Jerry Chaffin, Ph.D.) 1994 – 1995 U.S. Department of Education. $4 million. Program Evaluator for Four Directions Challenge Grant to Laguna New Mexico Department of Education. (Co-Principle Investigators: Ronald Aust, Ph.D. And Jerry Chaffin, Ph.D.) 1994 – 1995 Apple Computer, Inc. Education Division. $172,500. Program Evaluator for UNITE: Unified Network for Informatics in Teacher Education. (Principal Investigator: Ronald Aust, Ph.D.) 1989 – 1990 National Science Foundation. $50,000. Instructional Designer for COMETS: Career-Oriented Modules to Explore Topics in Science. (Principal Investigator: Walter Smith, Ph.D.) 1987 Consultancies #University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Chairperson for AdQUAD External Review of the Continuing and Professional Education Division, May – July 2014 Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 13 of 35 Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Expert Panel for development of program evaluation plan for Field Epidemiology Training Program, August 2011 Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health, August 2009 – June, 2010 Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and RAND Corporation, International Influenza Program Monitoring and Evaluation, January – June, 2007 Organization of Regulators of American Continuing Legal Education (ORACLE). Standards and Guidelines for Regulation of Continuing Legal Education courses, October 2004 – January 2005 United States Secretary of Health & Human Services. Instructional design of training workshops for STEPS to a Healthier US Program Initiative, November 2004 – January 2005 United States Department of State. Freedom Support Educational Partnership between IU School of Education and Azerbaijan State University of Economics. Fall 2003, Summer 2006 The Evaluation Center, Evaluation of IME 488: Introduction to Engineering, College of Engineering at Western Michigan University, January – May 2003 Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals, United States Medical Division, Quality Training and Development, teamwork, January – February 2001 Sprint PCS, consultant for the design and development of a system for selection and training of course instructors, 1999 – 2001 Procter & Gamble, consultant for the design and development of a system for selection and training of course instructors, 1997 – 1998 United States Coast Guard Training Center, Petaluma CA. Performance analysis, November 1997 The National Collegiate Athletic Association, Kansas City, MO. CHAMPS/Life Skills Coordinators Orientation Conference. Introduction to instructional design and development, June 1996 TeamTech, consultant for the design and development of instructional systems and materials for management and leadership training, September 1995 PACE Group, consultant for the design and development of a system for selection and training of course instructors, December 1994 Sprint University of Excellence, consultant for the design and development of a New Employee Orientation experience, June – July 1994 Goodyear Tire Manufacturing Company, completed a needs analysis and assessment process for new employees in the tire manufacturing division, April 1994 Sprint University of Excellence, designed, developed, implemented and evaluated a training curriculum for Sprint Quality Facilitators, January – February 1994 Microsoft Corporation, consultant for the design and development of a training curriculum for Sales Associates, November 1993 Creative Products Bichelmeyer, B.A. (March 1996). The National Collegiate Athletic Association, designed and developed assessment and evaluation instruments for the CHAMPS/Life Skills program Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 14 of 35 Bichelmeyer, B.A. (September 1995). Sprint Corporation, consultant for the design and development of instructional materials to support the long distance division Benchmarking process Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June 1995). National Collegiate Athletic Association, designed and developed instructional materials and leader guide on topic of values clarification for CHAMPS/Life Skills program Bichelmeyer, B.A. (May-December 1995). Kansas Foundation for Medical Care, designed and developed instructional materials on topic of Total quality management Bichelmeyer, B.A. (March-May 1995). Ransom Memorial Hospital, designed and developed instructional materials on topic of Total quality management Bichelmeyer, B.A. (May-June 1994). ERA Realtors, designed and developed instructional materials on topic of Total quality management Bichelmeyer, B.A. (March-August 1994). Sprint Corporation, consultant for design and development of instructional materials to support front-line offices in process improvement and process reengineering Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June-July 1994). Gilbert Robinson Restaurants, designed and developed self-paced training for new managers Bichelmeyer, B.A. (January 1994). National Collegiate Athletic Association, designed and developed instructional materials on topic of Personal Communication skills for CHAMPS/Life Skills program PUBLICATIONS & EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES Refereed articles *Delialioglu, O.; Cakir, H.; Bichelmeyer, B.A.; Dennis, A.R. & Duffy, T.M. (2010). Factors Impacting Adult Learner Achievement in a Technology Certificate Program on Computer Networks. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9 (2), 97-107 *Exter, M. E., Korkmaz, N.; Harlin, N. M., Bichelmeyer, B. A. (2009). Sense of community within a fully online program: Perspectives of graduate students. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 10 (2), 177-194 *Cakir, H.; Bichelmeyer, B.; Duffy, T.; Dennis, A. & Bunnage, J. (2009). Does it help teaching? Instructors’ perceptions of a technology enhanced standards-based educational program. International Journal of Human Sciences, 6 (2) [Online] *Exter, M. E., Harlin, N. M., Bichelmeyer, B. A. (2008). Story of a Conference: Distance Education Students’ Experiences in a Departmental Conference. The Internet and Higher Education, 11 (1) *Shi, M., & Bichelmeyer, B. A. (2007). Teachers’ experiences with computers: A comparative study. Educational Technology & Society, 10 (2), 180-190 *Smith, K.; Hessing, J. & Bichelmeyer, B. (2006, August). Graduate Students' Perceptions and Expectations of Instructional Design and Technology. TechTrends, 50(4), 17-27 *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2006). Best practices in Adult Education & E-Learning: Leverage Points for Quality & Impact of Continuing Legal Education. Valpariaso University Law Review, 40(1), 75-86 *Dennis, A.; Cakir, H.; Korkmaz, A.; Duffy, T.; Bichelmeyer, B. & Bunnage, J. (2006) Student Achievement in the Cisco Networking Academy. Proceedings of 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, (1), 5b *Martinez, R.; Liu, S; Watson, W. & Bichelmeyer, B. (2006). Evaluation of a web-based Masters degree program in a Midwestern research university. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 7(3), 267-283 Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 15 of 35 *Cakir, H.; Bichelmeyer, B.A.; & Cagiltay, K. (2005). Effects of cultural differences on e-mail communication in multicultural environments. The Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication, 15(1-2) ( Cagiltay, K., Bichelmeyer, B., Evans, M., Paulus, T. & An, J. (2005, January). Collaboration among multicultural virtual teams: Issues, challenges, strategies. International Encyclopedia of Computer-Based Learning *Paulus, T., Bichelmeyer, B., Malopinsky, L., Pereira, M., & Rastogi, P. (2005, January). Power distance and group dynamics of an international project team: A case study. Teaching in Higher Education, 10(1) *Keller & Bichelmeyer (2004, May/June). What happens when accountability meets technology integration. TechTrends, 48(3) *Bichelmeyer, B., Lefebvre, L. Marquis, J., Roh, S-Z. (2003). The Lifetime Learning Tax Credits: Assessment of usage patterns among adult learners pursuing postsecondary education. Journal of Student Financial Aid, 33(1), p. 5-22 *Lim, B.R., Plucker, J. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (Winter, 2003). Learning by web design. College Teaching, 51(1). pp. 13-19 *Yildiz, S. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2003, October). Exploring electronic forum participation and interaction by EFL speakers in two web-based graduate-level courses. Distance Education, 24(2) p. 175-193 *Cakir, H., Bichelmeyer, B.A., & Cagiltay, K. (2002). Effects of cultural differences on e-mail communication in multicultural environments. In F. Sudweeks & C. Ess (Eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication. Murdoch University, WA. pp. 29-50 *Bichelmeyer, B.A., Misanchuk, M., & Malopinsky, L. (2001). Adaptation of a master’s degree course to the web: A case analysis. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 2(1) *Bichelmeyer, B.A., Misanchuk, M., & Malopinsky, L. (2000). Adapting a master’s course to the web: Principles, strategies and recommendations. Proceedings of the 2000 annual convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Bichelmeyer, B. (2000). Interactivism: Change, sensory-emotional intelligence and intentionality in being and learning. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education. (ED443810) Cagiltay, K. & Bichelmeyer, B. (2000). Differences in learning styles in different cultures: A qualitative study. College Park, MD: ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation. (ED445035) *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (1999). Ten key principles supporting the Accomplishment-Based Curriculum Development Model. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 12(4), 82-98 *Bichelmeyer, B.A., & Hsu, Y. (1999). Individually-guided education and problem-based learning: A comparison of pedagogical approaches from different epistemological views. Proceedings of selected research and development presentations at the 1999 National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Houston, TX, USA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED436135) *Bichelmeyer, B.A., Hara, N., Yi, J., Dennen, V., Avers, D., & Tzeng, J. (1998). Education technology services at Indiana University: A case study. College and University Media Review, 5(1), 57-74 Bichelmeyer, B.A., & Kiggins, E. (1998). Using web-based conferencing in post-secondary instruction. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Distance Learning and Teaching, 67-72. Madison, WI. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED422845) *Squire, K.; Johnson, C.; & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (1998). Personalized independent learning systems in high technology environments. Proceedings of selected research and development presentations at the 1998 Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. St. Louis, MO, USA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED423873) Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 16 of 35 *Tripp, S.D., & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (1990). Rapid prototyping: An alternative instructional design strategy. Educational Technology Research & Development, 38(1), 31-44 *Aust, R., Allen, G. & Bichelmeyer, B. (1989). Integrating instructional technology in educational institutions: The proper role for teachers. Proceedings of selected research and development presentations at the 1989 Annual Meeting of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Dallas, TX, USA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED308808) Invited publications Bichelmeyer, B. (2013). Communications – Other Comments. In Gordon Rowland (Ed.), Educational Technology: Special Issue – Innovation Over The Edge. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications, LIII (5), 13-15 Bichelmeyer, B., Misanchuk, M., Dueber, B., Sloffer, S. Graham, C. & Malopinsky, L. (2010). Doing team-based research on distance education: A system for managing collaborative inquiry. In Gary J. Anglin (Ed.), Instructional Technology: Past, Present and Future (3rd ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 281-294 Indiana University Instructional Systems Technology Faculty. (2009). Research and Theory in Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook, Volume 34. New York, NY: Springer, 25-46 Bichelmeyer, B., Marken, J., Harris, T., Misanchuk, M. & Hixon, E. (2009). Fostering Affective Development Outcomes: Emotional Intelligence. In C. Reigeluth & A. Carr-Chellman (Eds). Instructional Design Theories and Models (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge, 249-275 Smith, K.; Bichelmeyer, B., Monson, J. & Horvitz, B. (2007). Integrating Computers in the Schools: A Review of Criticisms. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook, Volume 32. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 3-19 *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2006). Best practices in Adult Education & E-Learning: Leverage Points for Quality & Impact of Continuing Legal Education. Valparaiso University Law Review, 40(1), 75-86 Bichelmeyer, B. & Molenda, M. (2006). Issues and Trends in Instructional Technology: Gradual Growth atop Techtonic Shifts. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook, Volume 31. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited Bichelmeyer, B.; Boling, E. & Gibbons, A. (2006). Instructional Design and Technology Models: Their Impact on Research and Teaching in IDT. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook, Vol. 31. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited Ochoa-Alcantar, J.; Borders, C. & Bichelmeyer, B. (2006). Distance Training. In J. Pershing, (Ed.) Handbook of Human Performance Technology, 3rd ed. Washington, DC: ISPI Publications, 437-454 Bichelmeyer, B. & Horvitz, B. (2006). Comprehensive Performance Evaluation: Using logic models to develop a theorybased approach for evaluation of HPT interventions. In J. Pershing, (Ed.) Handbook of Human Performance Technology, 3rd ed. Washington, DC: ISPI Publications, 1165-1189 Dennis, A.R.; Bichelmeyer, B.A.; Henry, D.; Cakir, H.; Korkmaz, A.; Watson, C. & Bunnage, J.C. (2005). The Cisco Networking Academy: A model for the study of student success in a blended learning environment. In Bonk, C. J. & Graham, C. R. (Eds.). Handbook of blended learning environments: Global Perspectives, local designs. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer Publishing Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2005). Status of Instructional Technology in Elementary-Secondary and Higher Education in the United States. Asia-Pacific Cybereducation Journal, 1(2), pp.49-64 Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2005). The ADDIE "Model" - A Metaphor for the Lack of Clarity in the Field of IDT. IDT Record. Retrieved from the Web March 25, 2005 at Molenda, M. & Bichelmeyer (2005). Issues and Trends in Instructional Technology: Slow Growth as Economy Recovers. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook, Vol. 30. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 17 of 35 Hill, J.; Bichelmeyer, B.; Boling, E.; Gibbons, A.; Grabowski, B.; Osguthorpe, R.; Schwier, R. & Wager, W. (2005). Perspectives on significant issues facing instructional design and technology. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook, Volume 30, pp. 23-43. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited Bichelmeyer, B. (2004). Rapid-prototyping. In Ann Kovalchick & Kara Dawson (Eds.), Educational Technology: An Encyclopedia. New York: ABC-CLIO *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2003). Checklist for Formatting Checklists. Evaluation Center, Western Michigan University Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2003). Instruction theory and Instructional-Design Theory: What’s the difference and why should we care? IDT Record. (Retrieved 9/4/2003) Bichelmeyer, B.A. (1998, December). Accomplishment-based tools for non-profit organizations. The Exemplar, 1(4), 1-3. Annapolis, MD: Human Performance Technologies. Bichelmeyer, B.A. (Fall, 1998). The three basic characteristics of behavior. FEA News, 2, 6-8. Washington DC: United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Boling, E.X., Bichelmeyer, B.A., Kirkley, E.H., & Squire, K.D. (1997). Visual design profiles: Making sense of web site design guidelines. Proceedings of the 1997 Conference of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, (CDROM) Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Technical Reports & White Papers #Bichelmeyer, B.A. Chair; Frederickson, E.E.; & Clark, M. (2014). Report from AdQUAD External Review Team of Continuing and Professional Education Division. Submitted to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate and Continuing Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst #Promoting Quality, Supporting Faculty, and Serving Students in Online Education at IU (2013). Indiana University Office of Online Education #Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Kennedy, J., Co-chairs (2012). Definitions of Distance Education [Courses, Programs and Students] for SIS Coding and Compliance Review and Reporting Credit Hour Allocations. Indiana University Task Force for Coding Online Courses, Programs and Students, for the Indiana University Office of Online Education and University Student Services and Systems #Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2012). IU Online – Moving Forward. Indiana University Office of Online Education #Bichelmeyer, B.A.; Keucher, S.; Eddy, M.; Sadowski, M.; Bott, J. & Hannon, B. (2011). Costs and Pricing of Distance/Online Education Programs. A Joint Report from Indiana University, Purdue University and Ball State University to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education. #Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Weber, J. (2011). Defining an Academic Credit Hour at Indiana University. A Report from Indiana University Associate Vice President for University Academic Planning and Policy to the Indiana University Faculty Council. #Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2011). Ithaka S+R Interactive Learning Online Deep Dives Project Report. Indiana University Office of Online Education #Office of the Executive Vice President for University Regional Affairs, Planning, and Policy (2011). Blueprint for Student Attainment. Strategic Planning Report from Indiana University Regional Campuses to Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie #Report on Retention and Success of Students Transferring from Ivy Tech Community College to Indiana University (2011). Joint Report of Indiana University Office of University Academic Planning and Policy and Ofice of University Planning, Instutional Research and Accountability Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 18 of 35 #Indiana University Office of University Academic Planning and Policy (2010). General Education at Indiana University: Context, Content and Competencies #Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Hanson, R.L., Co-chairs, Indiana University – Bloomington General Education Curriculum (2009). A White Paper to Guide Monitoring Activities for the General Education Program at Indiana University Bloomington #Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Hanson, R.L., Co-chairs, Indiana University – Bloomington General Education Curriculum (2009). BFC Circular B25-2009: Undergraduate Education and General Education at Indiana University Bloomington Bichelmeyer, B. (2008). University of Texas Telecampus: Master of Science in Educational Technology Degree Program Review Report Dennis, A. R., Duffy, T., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Cakir, H., Oncu, S., Paul, K. & Bunnage, J. C. (2007). Success of the CCNA Program: Six-month Follow-up. Report #WP07-01, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Dennis, A. R., Duffy, T., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Cakir, H., Oncu, S., Paul, K. & Bunnage, J. C. (2007). Cisco Networking Academy Program Evaluation: Project Final Report. Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Cakir, H., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Dennis, A. R., Bunnage, J. C., Duffy, T., Oncu, S. & Paul, K. (2006). Value of the CCNA Program: Perspectives on Satisfaction and Applicability from CCNA and Comparison Group Students. Report #WP0605, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Korkmaz, A., Bunnage, J. C., Duffy, T., Dennis, A. R., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Cakir, H., Oncu, S., Delialioglu, O. & McNamara-Hilmer, K. (2006). CCNA 3: Student Experiences Survey Report. Report #TR06-04, Published by Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Dennis, A. R., Duffy, T., Bichelmeyer, B., Bunnage, J. C., Cakir, H., Oncu, S., Korkmaz, A., McNamara-Hilmer, K., Delialioglu, O. & Paul, K. (2006). Success of the Cisco Networking Academy Program: Personal Growth, Employment and Educational Outcomes. Report #WP06-04, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Duffy, T., Korkmaz, A., Dennis, A. R., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Bunnage, J. C., Cakir, H., & Oncu, S.; Delialioglu, O.; McNamara-Hilmer, K. & Norton, E. (2006). CCNA2 Student Experiences Survey Report #WP06-03, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Dennis, A. R., McNamara-Hilmer, K., Oncu, S., Duffy, T., Bichelmeyer, B., Bunnage, J. C., Cakir, H., Korkmaz, A. & Delialioglu, O. (2006). Characteristics of Students in the Cisco Networking Academy: International Analysis. Report #WP06-02, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Bichelmeyer, B. A., Cakir, H., Dennis, A. R., Duffy, T., Bunnage, J. C., Korkmaz, A.; Oncu, S. & McNamara-Hilmer, K. (2006). Instructor Perceptions and Practices in the Cisco Networking Academy. Report #TR06-02, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Bichelmeyer, B. A., Cakir, H., Dennis, A. R., Duffy, T., Bunnage, J. C., Kou, X., Korkmaz, A.; Oncu, S. (2006). Instructors’ Experiences in the Cisco Networking Academy: Impact of Curriculum on Teaching. Report #WP06-01, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, for Cisco Learning Institute Duffy, T., Korkmaz, A., Dennis, A. R., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Bunnage, J. C., Cakir, H., & Oncu, S. (2005). Engagement in Learning and Student Success: Findings from the Cisco Networking Academy CCNA2 Course. Report #WP05-05, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN Bichelmeyer, B. A., Cakir, H., Dennis, A. R., Duffy, T., Bunnage, J. C., Kou, X., Korkmaz, A., & Oncu, S. (2005). Instructors in Cisco Networking Academy Characteristics, Values, and Teaching. Report #WP05-04, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 19 of 35 Duffy, T., Korkmaz, A., Dennis, A. R., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Bunnage, J. C., Cakir, H., & Oncu, S. (2005). Student Engagement in Learning: Findings from the Cisco Networking Academy CCNA2 Course. Report #WP05-03, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Dennis, A. R., Oncu, S., Korkmaz, A., Duffy, T., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Bunnage, J. C., & Cakir, H. (2005). Student Success in the Cisco Networking Academy: Student Attributes, Abilities and Aspirations. Report #WP05-02, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Dennis, A. R., Duffy, T., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Bunnage, J. C., Cakir, H., Korkmaz, A., & Oncu, S. (2005). Student Success in the Cisco Networking Academy: Performance in the CCNA1 Course. Report #WP05-01, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Dennis, A. R., Duffy, T., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Bunnage, J. C., Cakir, H., Korkmaz, A., & Oncu, S. (2005). Student Success in the Cisco Networking Academy: Performance in the CCNA1 Course. Report #TR05-01, Cisco Networking Academy Evaluation Project, Bloomington, IN, for Cisco Learning Institute Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2005). Materials Evaluation Report for National Tobacco Control Program American Indian and Alaskan Native Tobacco Survey. Center for Disease Control, Office of Smoking and Health Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2004). Materials Evaluation Report for National Tobacco Control Program Media Evaluation Handbook. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Smoking and Health Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2003). Evaluation Report for Usability of National Science Foundation Checklists Project Website, The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2003). Materials Evaluation Report for Introduction to Countermarketing Evaluation for Tobacco Control Programs. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Smoking and Health Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2003). Evaluation Report for IME 488: Introduction to Engineering, College of Engineering at Western Michigan University. Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2002). Materials Evaluation Report for Global Leadership through Agricultural Development: 21st Century Solutions for Youth. United States Agency for International Development/ FFA Bichelmeyer, B.A. (2001). Materials Evaluation Report for Introduction to Evaluation Planning, Implementation and Use. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Smoking and Health Editorial Activities • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Editorial Board member, Educational Technology Research and Development, 2004-present Editorial Board member, Contemporary Educational Technology, 2010-present Book proposal reviewer, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014 Editorial Board member, Evaluation Checklists Project, The Evaluation Center, 2002-11 Editorial Board member, TechTrends, 2005-07 Editorial Board member, IDT Record, 2002-05 Editorial Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal, 2001-06 Editorial Reviewer, Teaching & Teacher Education, 2005-09 Editorial Reviewer, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2004-05 Editorial Reviewer, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 2004-05 Editorial Consultant, Essentials of Instructional Design, Prentice Hall/Merrill Education, 2004 Editorial Consultant, Introduction to Instructional Design, Prentice Hall/Merrill Education, 2004 Book reviewer, Personnel Evaluation Standards, Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, 2004 Instructional Materials Reviewer, Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, Student Evaluation Standards, 2003 Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 20 of 35 • • • • • • • • • • • Editorial Reviewer, American Journal of Evaluation, 2002-03 Contributing Editor, Teaching and Learning, 2001-02 Editorial Consultant, Effective Design for Instruction. Allyn & Bacon, 2001 Manuscript Reviewer, Instructional-design theories and models: A new paradigm of instructional theories. Erlbaum Associates, 1997 Editorial Consultant, Visual design for interactive hypermedia, 1997 Editorial Consultant, Teaching with technology. Allyn & Bacon, 1994 Editorial Consultant, Hypercard projects for teachers. Ventura Press, 1994 Editorial Consultant, Visual aids in business: A guide for effective presentations. Crisp, 1989 Editorial Consultant, Computers in education. West, 1989 Editorial Consultant, Planning, producing & using instructional media (6th ed.). Harper & Row, 1989 Editorial Consultant, Creating instructional materials (3rd ed.). Merrill, 1988 PRESENTATIONS Refereed Conferences *Abaci, S. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (November 2014). Effects of Feedback on Learning Motivation and Performance. Annual Meeting of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Jacksonville, FL *Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Kang, I. (April 2014). A Case Study of the Human Performance Equation. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Performance Improvement, Indianapolis, IN *Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Kang, I. (February 2014). What Organizational and Human Factors Affect Performance: FirstOrder Confirmatory Factor Analysis of a Human Performance Model. Annual Meeting of the Association for Human Resource Development, Houston, TX *Bichelmeyer, B.A.; Kang, I. & Abaci, S. (April 2013). How to Guarantee Value-Added Human Performance Initiatives. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Performance Improvement, Reno, NV *Abaci, S. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2013). Three Lenses to View Goals and Feedback for Human Performance Technology Consulting. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Performance Improvement, Reno, NV *Bichelmeyer, B.A.; Abaci, S. & Kang, I. (February 2013). Theory-Based Evaluative-Research for HRD Practice: A Performance Model Approach to Advance Research and Practice. Annual Meeting of the Association for Human Resource Development, Washington, DC *Haynes, R.K.; Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Roy, R. (November 2011). Leadership Development and Leadership Development Programs: The Must Haves in Determining Program Value. Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonio, TX *Korkmaz, N.; Exter, M. E.; Harlin, N. M. & Bichelmeyer, B. A. (October 2009). Social Networking and Distributed Media: Students’ Feelings of Sense of Community within an Online Graduate Program. Annual Conference of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY * Bichelmeyer, B. A. (February 2009). Principles of Human Performance Technology. Instructional Systems Technology Annual Conference, Bloomington IN *Exter, M. E.; Korkmaz, N.; Harlin, N. M. & Bichelmeyer, B. A. (March 2008). Distance Education Students’ Responses to Sense of Community within a Fully Online Graduate Program. Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association, NY, NY *Korkmaz, N.; Exter, M. E. & Bichelmeyer, B. A. (March 2008). Students’ Thoughts about Their Interactions with Peers and Peer Feedback in a Blended Course: A Case Study. Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association, NY, NY Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 21 of 35 *Harlin, N.; Exter, M. E. & Bichelmeyer, B. A. (March 2008). Story of a Conference: Distance Education Students’ Experiences in a Departmental Conference. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY *Korkmaz, N.; Exter, M. E. & Bichelmeyer, B. A. (February 2008). Students’ Thoughts about Their Interactions with Peers and Peer Feedback in a Blended Course: A Case Study. Instructional Systems Technology Annual Conference, Bloomington IN *Duffy, T.; Dennis, A.; Oncu, S.; Cakir, H.; Bichelmeyer, B.; Bunnage, J. & Korkmaz, A. (April 2007). Success in the CCNA Program: Impact of a Standards-Based Curriculum on Growth, Employment, and Education. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL *Cakir, H.; Bichelmeyer, B.; Duffy, T.; Dennis, A. & Bunnage, J. (April 2007). Effects of Teacher Characteristics and Practices on Student Achievement in Secondary Schools with Standards Based Curriculum. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL *Cheng, J.; Exter, M.; Korkmaz, N.; Clark, L.; Tian, L.; Yoon S. & Bichelmeyer, B. (April 2007). Using the logic model to evaluate a distance education program. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL *Zapf, J., Dunaway, F. & Bichelmeyer, B. A. (April 2007). Personal and Academic Characteristics and Students’ Perceptions of their Rights and Responsibilities in Learning. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL *Cheng, J.; Exter, M.; Korkmaz, N.; Clark, L.; Tian, L.; Yoon S. & Bichelmeyer, B. (March 2007). Introducing the Logic Model as a Framework for Distance Education Program Evaluation. IU Instructional Systems Technology Annual Conference, Bloomington, IN *Cakir, H.; Dennis, A.; Bichelmeyer, B.A.; Korkmaz, A.; Duffy, T.; & Bunnage, J. (April 2006). Student Achievement in a Blended Learning Environment: Lessons from the Cisco Networking Academy. Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA *Korkmaz, A.; Duffy, T.; Dennis, A.; Cakir, H.; Bunnage, J. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2006). Is Student Engagement Important to Student Success? Lessons from the Cisco Networking Academy. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA *Zapf, J.; Dunaway, F. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2006). Perceptions of Learning Rights and Responsibilities at a ForProfit College. Annual Midwest Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, South Bend, IN *Dennis, A.; Cakir, H.; Korkmaz, A.; Duffy, T.; Bichelmeyer, B. & Bunnage, J. (January 2006). Student Achievement in the Cisco Networking Academy Program. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, HA *Bichelmeyer, B.A.; Liu, S.; Martinez, R.; Watson, W. (April 2005). Evaluation of a Web-based Distance Masters Program in a Midwestern Research University. Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada *Zapf, J.; Ma, M.; & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2005). Graduate Students' Perceptions of Rights and Responsibilities for Learning. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada *Bichelmeyer, B.A.; Cheng, J. & Jung, H. (April 2005). Rights and Responsibilities in Institutions of Higher Education: Student Handbooks as Measures of Accountability. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada *Correia, A. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2005). Assessing the Role of Technology in the Conflict Management of Teams. Indiana University Department of Instructional Systems Technology Annual Conference, Bloomington, IN Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 22 of 35 *Zapf, J.; Ma, M. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2005). Graduate Students' Perceptions of Rights and Responsibilities for Learning. Indiana University Department of Instructional Systems Technology Annual Conference, Bloomington, IN *Cheng, J.; Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Jung, H. (April 2005). Rights and Responsibilities in Higher Education: Student Handbooks as Measures of Accountability. Indiana University Instructional Systems Technology Department Annual Conference, Bloomington, IN Dennis, A. R., Duffy, T., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Bunnage, J. C., Cakir, H., & Korkmaz, A. (February 2005). Assessment of the Cisco Networking Academy Program. Cisco Networking Academy CATC Mid-Year Meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (November 2004). What Every Evaluator Should Know About Training. Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Atlanta, GA *Molenda, M. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 2004). Issues and Trends in Instructional Technology: Slow Growth as Economy Recovers. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications & Technology, Chicago, IL *Smith, K.; Hessing, J. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 2004). Graduate Students’ Perceptions and Expectations of the Field of Instructional Design and Technology. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications & Technology, Chicago, IL *Wager, W.; Spector, M.; Schwier, R.; Hill, J.; Grabowski, B.; Gibbons, A.; Boling, E. & Bichelmeyer, B. (October 2004). Where are we going and how do we get there? Annual Conference of Association for Educational Communications & Technology, Chicago, IL *Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Shi, M. (April 2004). The more things change, the more they stay the same: Teachers’ experiences with computers, 1991 and 2003. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA *Correia, A. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2004). Understanding Group Dynamics in a Cross-Cultural Team. Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA *Hessing, J.; Smith, K. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2004). Graduate Students’ Perceptions and Expectations of the Field of Instructional Design and Technology. Indiana University Department of Instructional Systems Technology Annual Conference, Bloomington, IN *Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Shi, M. (April 2004). The more things change, the more they stay the same: Teachers’ experiences with computers, 1991 and 2003. Indiana University Department of Instructional Systems Technology Annual Conference, Bloomington, IN *Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Horvitz, B.S. (April 2003). Testing the fundamental assumption of HPT: the lawfulness of human performance. Annual Conference of the International Society for Performance Improvement, Boston, MA *Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Horvitz, B.S. (April 2003). Performance-based Evaluation: Using evaluation to diagnose and improve human performance interventions. Annual Conference of the International Society for Performance Improvement, Boston, MA *Keller, J. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2003). What happens when accountability meets technology integration. Indiana University Department of Instructional Systems Technology Annual Conference, Bloomington, IN *Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Horvitz, B.S., (November 2002). Human-Performance Evaluation: Model: A theory-based evaluation model derived from the field of human performance technology. Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Washington, DC *Bichelmeyer, B.A., (November 2002). The Evaluation Checklist Project: Website usability evaluation report. Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association: Washington, DC Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 23 of 35 *Graham, C.R., Misanchuk, M., & Bichelmeyer, B.A., (October 2002). Establishing Explicit Norms in Online Collaboration. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Houston, TX *Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Horvitz, B.S., (September 2002). Performance-based Evaluation: Using evaluation to diagnose and improve human performance interventions. Performance-based Instructional Systems Design Conference, International Society of Performance Improvement, Chicago, IL *Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Cagiltay, K. (July 2002). Effects of cultural differences on e-mail communication in multicultural environments. Third International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication, Montreal, Canada *Cakir, H., Bichelmeyer, B.A., & Cagiltay, K. (July 2002). Effects of cultural differences on e-mail communication in multicultural environments. Third International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication, Montreal, Canada *Bichelmeyer, B.A., Malopinsky, L., Paulus, T., Pereira, M.; & Rastogi, P. (April 2002). Group dynamics of an international project team in a residential educational technology course: A naturalistic case study. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA *Bichelmeyer, B.A., Misanchuk, M., Dueber, B., Sloffer, S., Graham, C. & Malopinsky, L. (April 2002). Doing TeamBased Research on Distance Education: A System for Managing Collaborative Inquiry. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2001). Interactivism: A sufficiency model of education based on theories of chaos and complexity. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA *Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Roh, S.H. (April 2001). Student ownership of the learning experience: lessons from the NHES databases. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA *Bichelmeyer, B.A., Misanchuk, M., & Malopinsky, L. (October 2000). Adapting a master’s course to the web: Principles, strategies and recommendations. Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Denver, CO *Bichelmeyer, B. (April 2000). Interactivism: Change, sensory-emotional intelligence and intentionality in being and learning. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA *Cagiltay, K. & Bichelmeyer, B. (April 2000). Differences in learning styles in different cultures: A qualitative study. Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association: New Orleans, LA *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (March 1999). Performance analysis as research methodology. Professors Forum: Annual Conference of the International Society of Performance Improvement and International Forum of Training Development Organizations, Long Beach, CA *Bichelmeyer, B.A., & Monson, J. (February 1999). Principals’ perceptions of the role of teacher in the information-age classroom. Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Houston, TX *Bichelmeyer, B.A., & Monson, J. (February 1999). Dissenting voices: Criticisms regarding the use of computers in education. Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Houston, TX *Bichelmeyer, B.A., & Hsu, Y. (February 1999). Individually-guided education and problem-based learning: A comparison of pedagogical approaches from different epistemological views. Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Houston, TX *Bichelmeyer, B.A., & Kiggins, E. (August 1998). Using web-based conferencing in post-secondary instruction. Distance Education Conference, Madison, WI Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 24 of 35 *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (February 1998). Personal independent learning systems: A systemic approach to individualizing instruction. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, St. Louis, MO *Bichelmeyer, B.A., & Boling, E.X. (February 1998). Filling the gap: Prototyping as visualization in the ISD process. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, St. Louis, MO *Bichelmeyer, B.A., Hara, N., Yi, J., & Monson, J. (February 1998). Education technology services at Indiana University: A case study. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, St. Louis, MO *Bichelmeyer, B.A., Reinhart, J.M., & Monson, J. (February 1998). Teachers’ perceptions of teacher role in the information age classroom. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, St. Louis, MO *Boling, E.X., Bichelmeyer, B.A., Kirkley, E.H., & Squire, K.D. (June 1997). Visual design profiles: Making sense of web site design guidelines. Association for Media and Technology in Education in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 1995). The impact of teacher's role definition on the use of technology in the classroom. Eastern Kansas Teacher Inservice Workshops, Lawrence, KS *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (November 1994). De-emphasizing learning styles: The case for performance-driven instructional design. Kansas Association for Psychological and Educational Research, Lawrence, KS *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (February 1991). The pilot implementation of an educational resource network: A naturalistic study. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Washington, DC *Tripp, S.D., & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (January 1990). Rapid prototyping: An alternative instructional design strategy. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications Technology, Anaheim, CA *Aust, R., & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June 1989). UNITE: The Unified Network for Integrating Technology into Education. Association for Educational Communications and Technology Region 7 Leadership & Development Conference, Council Grove, KS *Allen, G.A., & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 1989). Integrating computers into the curriculum. KAECT/KLA/KASL TriConference, Topeka, KS. *Bichelmeyer, B.A. (January 1989). The advantages and disadvantages of utilizing videodisc for instructional television programs. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications Technology, Dallas, TX *Aust, R., Allen, G.A., & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (January 1989). Integrating instructional technology in educational institutions: The proper role for teachers. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications Technology, Dallas, TX *Aust, R., Myers-Haag, R., Nishikawa, S., & Bichelmeyer, B. (January 1988). SITE: Selecting Instructional Television for Educators. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications Technology, New Orleans, LA Keynote / Plenary #Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 2014). The Once and Future University: How the Internet is Changing the Academy and How We May Respond. Cook Medical Executive Group, Bloomington, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (July 2014). The Next ‘Silent Generation’ – Changing Assumptions about Millenials. Incentive Marketing Association Summit, Philadelphia, PA Bichelmeyer, B.A. (January 2014). Interactive Online Education: Lessons for Continuing Legal Education. Association for Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA) Mid-Year Meeting, Austin, TX Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 25 of 35 #Applegate, J.S. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June 2013). We’ve Gotten Them Here … Now What? Affordability, Completion, and Student Success. Indiana University Communications and Marketing Conference, Indianapolis, IN #Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2013). The Once and Future University: How the Internet is Changing the Academy and How IR Professionals May Respond. Association of American Universities (AAU) Data Exchange Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO Bichelmeyer, B.A. (September 2012). Human Performance Technology: What Works? United States Coast Guard Human Performance Technology Workshop, Yorktown, VA Bichelmeyer, B.A. (November 2011). Adding Educational Value and Quality in Continuing Legal Education Programs. New York State CLE Board Annual Accredited Provider Conference, White Plains, New York. Bichelmeyer, B.A. (July 2011). Entertainment, Information or Education? Articulating and Measuring What Matters in CLE Programs and Publications. Annual Conference of the Association of Continuing Legal Education, Boston, MA Ball, C., Bichelmeyer, B.; Flaming, T.; Henley, B., Koo, G., Redel, & S. (October 2009). Impact of Technology on Lawyer Training. American Legal Institute – American Bar Association / Association of Continuing Legal Education Critical Issues Summit, Scottsdale, AZ Bichelmeyer, B.A. (August 2005). What Every Evaluator Should Know About Training. Bi-Monthly Program Management NetConference of the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, STEPS to a Healthier US Bichelmeyer, B.A. (January 2005). Best Practices in Adult Education & E-Learning: Leverage Points for Quality & Impact of Continuing Legal Education. Annual Meeting of the Organization of Regulators of American Continuing Legal Education, Coronado, CA Bichelmeyer, B.A. (August 1996). Keeping our eyes on the big picture: Making systemic links for effective instruction. Fall Faculty Retreat at Western Nebraska Community College, Scottsbluff, NB Invited #Morrone, A. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 2014). Unizen and IU Online. William M. Plater Institute, Indianapolis, IN Anderson, L. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (July 2014). Understanding Generation DNA to Impact Your Customers and Your Pocketbook. Incentive Marketing Association Summit, Philadelphia, PA #Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 2013). Online Education. Indiana University Fiscal Officer Development Series Alumni Session, Indianapolis, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 2013). How the Internet is Changing Higher Education. Committee on Institutional Cooperation (Big 10 Universities) Faculty Leadership Forum, Bloomington, IN #Bichelmeyer, B.A. (September 2013). How the Internet is Changing Higher Education. Indiana University Alliance of Distinguished Faculty, Bloomington, IN #Bichelmeyer, B.A. (May 2013). Online Learning: Transformation in Higher Education. Annual Conference of Indiana Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching, French Lick, IN #Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2013). Moving Forward: Leveraging IU Online to Transform the University. Annual Meeting of the Indiana University Deans Council for the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indianapolis, IN #Bichelmeyer, B.A. & Achterberg, C.L. (April 2012). Strategic Planning at the University and College Levels. Committee for Institutional Collaboration Academic Leadership Program, University Park, PA Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 26 of 35 Bichelmeyer, B.A. (August 2011). Meeting the Varying Expectations of Our CLE Audiences. Annual Conference of CLE Regulators, Boston, MA #Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June 2011). State of the State Universities. Indiana University Alumni Leaders Annual Conference. Bloomington, IN #Wallace, L.; Rodgers, C. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (March 2011). Transfer Student Identity and Inclusivity: Strategies to Promote a Transfer-Receptive Culture at IU. Who Am I-U? An Inclusive Conference on Identities, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (December 2009). The Role of Instructional Design in Large-scale Redesign of Educational Systems. F. Wendell Miller Lecture, Iowa State University, Ames, IA Bichelmeyer, B.A. (July 2009). Application of Principles of Human and Organizational Performance Effectiveness to Educational Systems: Lessons from the field. Indiana University Department of Instructional Systems Technology Summer Colloquium, Bloomington, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (August 2006). Evaluation of Education and Training Initiatives to Eliminate TB. Annual Meeting of the Centers for Disease Control, Tuberculosis Education and Training Network, Atlanta, GA Bichelmeyer, B.A. (May 2006). Evaluation of Web-Based Distance Learning Programs. Freedom Support Educational Partnership Forum with Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Bloomington, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (March 14, 2006). Best practices in Adult Education & E-Learning: Leverage Points for Quality & Impact of Continuing Legal Education. Indiana Commission for Continuing Legal Education 20th Anniversary Conference, Valparaiso, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (August 2005). Stepping Up Education and Training to Eliminate TB. Annual Meeting of the Centers for Disease Control, Tuberculosis Education and Training Network, Atlanta, GA Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June 2005). Getting Ready for E-Learning: Implications for Students, Faculty and Administration. School of Education, Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara, Turkey Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2005). What Every Evaluator Should Know About Training. Bi-Monthly Program Management NetConference of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Smoking and Health, Atlanta, GA Dennis, A. R., Duffy, T., Bichelmeyer, B. A., Bunnage, J. C., Cakir, H., & Korkmaz, A. (February 2005). Assessment of the Cisco Networking Academy Program. Cisco Networking Academy CATC Mid-Year Meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC Bichelmeyer, B.A. (September 2004). E-learning Possibilities & Pitfalls: Implications for Students, Faculty & HRD Professionals. Congreso de Actualizacion y Desarrollo 2004 at Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora, Cuidad Obregón, Sonora, Mexico Bichelmeyer, B.A., Boling, E., Gibbons, A.S.; Grabowski, B.L.; Hill, J.R.; Schwier, R.A.; Specter, M. and Wager, W. (February 2004). What’s the future for Instructional Systems Technology? Pennsylvania State University, College Park, PA Boling, E.X. & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (May 2003). Instructional Design and Technology: Emerging trends and issues in the field. Annual Conference of the Professors of Instructional Design and Technology, Estes Park, CO Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June 2003). Rapid Prototyping in the Real World: Lessons from 10 years of instructional development experience. Eli Lilly Performance Improvement Community, Indianapolis, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2003). Testing the fundamental assumption of HPT: the lawfulness of human performance. Annual Conference of the International Society for Performance Improvement, Boston, MA Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 27 of 35 Gibbons, A., Bichelmeyer, B.A., Boling, E., Grabowski, B., Hill, J., Osguthorpe, R., Schweir, R., & Wager, W. (October 2002). Assessing the Field of Instructional Technology: What Is the State of the Field? Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology: Houston, TX Bichelmeyer, B.A. (August 2002). Interactivism: the role that emotion plays in being, learning and instruction. Columbia University Teachers College, Symposium on Emotional Intelligence, New York, NY Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June 2002). Instructional Design and the Evaluation of Instructional Materials. Summer Evaluation Institute, Center for Evaluation, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI Doughty, P., Gibbons, A., & Bichelmeyer, B.A. (May 2001). Notable and exemplary components of Masters Degree Programs at PIDT Institutions. Facilitated Discussion at Professors of Instructional Design and Technology Conference, Estes Park, CO Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April 2001). Drivers and Restraints for the Integration of Technology in Classrooms. St. Meinrad Seminary, St. Meinrad, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (February 2001). Ten key principles supporting Accomplishment-based Curriculum Development. United States Coast Guard, Human Performance Technology Workshop, Yorktown, VA Bichelmeyer, B.A. (February 2001). The Relationship between media selection and instructional design. United States Coast Guard, Human Performance Technology Workshop, Yorktown, VA Bichelmeyer, B.A. (December 2000). Lessons learned on teaching a web-based distance master’s course. St. Meinrad Seminary, St. Meinrad, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (May 2000). Factors for consideration when integrating technology in instruction. St. Meinrad Seminary, St. Meinrad, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (May 2000). Achieving transfer of learning. Central Indiana chapter of the American Society for Training and Development, Indianapolis, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (December 1999). Integration of Technology in Higher Education. Andrews University, Berean Springs, MI Bichelmeyer, B.A. (January 1999). Leadership Assessment. Franklin College, Franklin, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 1998). Responsibility-centered learning systems. Kansas City chapter, International Society for Performance Improvement, Overland Park, KS Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June 1998). The relationship between performance analysis and performance evaluation. Central Indiana chapter, American Society for Training and Development, Indianapolis, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (March 1993). Living by the quality diamond: The new role for managers at Sprint. American Society for Training and Development National Quality Symposia, Charlotte, NC Bichelmeyer, B.A. (February 1993). Living by the quality diamond: The new role for managers at Sprint. American Society for Training and Development National Quality Symposia, Seattle, WA Bichelmeyer, B.A., & Rusconi, T.D. (October 1992). Beginning structured problem solving: Step 1 of the quality improvement story. Carolina Telephone Annual Quality Conference, Greenville, NC Legal H earings / Expert Testimony Bichelmeyer, B.A. (May 2013). Public Hearing on Minimum Continuing Legal Education. Member Oversight Committee, State Bar of California, San Francisco, CA (Teleconference presentation) Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 28 of 35 Seminars, Symposia & Workshops Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 2014). Tools and Software for Online Learning. Ithaka Foundation / Council for Independent Colleges Consortium for Online Humanities Instruction, Minneapolis, MN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (January 2014). Education for Millenials: Their Preferences, Expectations and Habits. Association for Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA) Mid-Year Meeting, Austin, TX Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 2011). Instructional Design for CLE: Building Feedback and Practice into CLE Seminars. CLE-CEO Forum, Sante Fe, NM Bichelmeyer, B.A. (August 2011). The Feedback Formula: How to Connect with Participants and Peers by Giving and Receiving Feedback. Indiana University Division of Recreational Sports, Bloomington, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (September 2010). Seminar in Instructional Technology. Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching, Iowa State University, Ames, IA (Videoconference) Bichelmeyer, B.A. (November 2009). Skills for Successful Teams. Leadership Bloomington Monroe County, Bloomington, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (November 2008). Team Management. Leadership Bloomington Monroe County, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (February 2008). Group Dynamics. Leadership Bloomington Monroe County, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (November 2007). Skills for Successful Teams. Leadership Bloomington Monroe County Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June 2005). Instructional Design, Transfer of Training and Program Evaluation. School of Education, Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara, Turkey Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June 2005). Instructional Design, Transfer of Training and Program Evaluation. School of Education, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey Bichelmeyer, B.A. (September 2004). Adapting Residential Courses to the Web: Principles, Strategies and Recommendations. Congreso de Actualizacion y Desarrollo 2004 at Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora, Cuidad Obregón, Sonora, Mexico Bichelmeyer, B.A. (June 2003). Design, Development and Evaluation of Competent Human Performance. Indiana University Division of Recreational Sports, Bloomington, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (January 2001). Performance analysis and evaluation. Sprint PCS, Lenexa, KS Bichelmeyer, B.A., & Ward, E. (January 1999). Performance assessment for professional and leadership skills. Franklin College, Franklin, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A., Monson, J., & Kiggins, E. (January 1998). University of Indianapolis, faculty professional development for the integration of technology in higher education classrooms Bichelmeyer, B.A. (November 1997). Performance analysis. Procter and Gamble, Cincinnati, OH Bichelmeyer, B.A. (November 1997). Performance analysis. United States Coast Guard Training Center, Petaluma CA Bichelmeyer, B.A. (July 1997). Non-training interventions: Teamwork. LG-IU HPT/ISD Summer Training Program, Bloomington, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (July 1997). Accomplishment-Based Curriculum Development. Sprint Long Distance Billing Services, Sacramento, CA Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 29 of 35 Bichelmeyer, B.A. (July 1997). Project management: Transformation and change. LG-IU HPT/ISD Summer Training Program, Bloomington, IN Bichelmeyer, B.A. (May 1997). Accomplishment-Based Curriculum Development. Sprint University of Excellence, Overland Park, KS Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 1996). Introduction to human performance technology. The Oxford Associates, Oxford, OH Bichelmeyer, B.A. (July 1996). Accomplishment-Based Curriculum Development. Excel Communications, Dallas, TX Bichelmeyer, B.A. (April - June 1994). Accomplishment-Based Curriculum Development. Allied Signal Aerospace Engineering, Kansas City, MO Bichelmeyer, B.A. (January 1994). Total quality management. Johnson County (KS) Community College Panels *Bichelmeyer, B.; Reeves, T.; & Wiley, D. (November 2014). The Professor as Innovator / Entrepreneur. NSF / AECT Early Career Symposium. Annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communications & Technology, Jacksonville, FL #Bichelmeyer, B.; Finkle, J.; Francis, L.; Oates, J., Thornton, W.; & Wade, N. (October 2014). A Conversation with the National Workforce Solutions Advisory Board. ACT Work Ready Communities Best Practices Symposium, St. Louis, MO #Bichelmeyer, B.; Bishop, M.J. & Weber, M. (October 2013). Course Redesign. Ithaka Sustainable Scholarship Conference, New York, NY Baldwin, T.; Bichelmeyer, B.; & Sink, D. (February, 2010). Design and Technology for Teaching, Learning and Working. Instructional Systems Technology Annual Conference, Bloomington, IN. *Gibbons, A.; Boling, E.; Parrish, P.; Schwier, R.; Spector, M.; Wilson, B. & Bichelmeyer, B. (October 2007). Design Thinkers Forum: Dreaming in Code. Annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communications & Technology, Anaheim, CA *Bichelmeyer, B.; Marker, T. & Medsker, K. (May 2007). So You Want To Know More About Human Performance Technology Graduate Programs? Annual Conference of the International Society of Performance Improvement, San Francisco, CA Bichelmeyer, B.A. (October 2005). Advanced Instructional Design. Purdue University Department of Curriculum and Instruction, West Lafayette, IN Chair/Discussant #State and Federal Government Relations Landscape for Higher Education in Indiana. (October 2012). Annual Conference of the Indiana Association of the Council of Registrars and Admissions Officers, Indianapolis, IN *Instructional Designer's Problem Space: Ends and Means of Instructional Design Expertise and Practice. (March 2008). Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY Dealing with Change. (May 2007). Bi-Annual Conference of Professors of Instructional Design and Technology. Estes Park, CO *Human Resource Development Theory/ Strategic Practices. (February 2007). Annual Conference of the Association for Human Resources Development, Indianapolis, IN Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 30 of 35 *Technology Adoption and Integration. (April 2005). Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada *Educational Research on State Results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress. (April 2002). Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA *Approaches to Instructional Design. (February 1999). Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Houston, TX Graduate Women in Education. (May 1997). Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington, IN Preparing Future Faculty. (January 1997). School of Education, School of Education, Bloomington, IN SERVICE Boards of Trustees / Advisory Boards • ACT National Workforce Solutions Advisory Board, 2013-present • Kinsey Institute, Board of Trustees, 2013-present - Executive Committee, 2013-present - Academic Impact Committee, Co-chair, 2013-present • Eppley Institute, National Advisory Board, 2012-present • Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics, Advisory Board, 2011-13 • Indiana University Office of Women’s Affairs Faculty Advisory Board, 2011-12 • Indiana University Hutton Honors College Advisory Board, 2008-11 • Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County Indiana, Board of Directors, 2010-11 • Indiana Supreme Court Commission on Continuing Legal Education, 2005-10 - Program Development Committee, 2005-10 - Specialization Committee, 2005-10 • Microsoft Corporation, National Board of Advisors for Next Generation Training Systems, 2001-02 National and International Activities • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Indiana University Delegate for Academic Affairs, College Board, 2009-present External Reviewer, Instructional Design and Technology Tenure and Promotion Dossiers, 2006-present Conference Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, 1999-present Mentor, National Science Foundation / Association for Educational Communications and Technology Early Career Symposium, 2014 Participant, Bi-Annual Conference for Professors of Instructional Design and Technology, Smith Mountain Lake, VA, May 2011 Conference Proposal Reviewer, American Psychological Association Division 15, 2010-11 Planning Committee Advisor, American Legal Institute – American Bar Association Critical Issues Summit, Fall 2009 Consultant for Evaluation and Metric Development, United States Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – STEPS to Healthier US Core Performance Measures Technical Guidance Document, 2007-08 Chairperson, American Educational Research Association, Special Interest Group for Design and Technology, 2005-09 Proposal Reviewer, National Science Foundation, Centers Grant Competition, April 2005 Consultant for Instructional Design, United States Secretary of Health & Human Services - STEPS to a HealthierUS Program Initiative, 2004-05 Project Consultant, Organization of Regulators of American Continuing Legal Education - Standards and Guidelines for Regulation of Continuing Legal Education courses, 2004-05 Conference Proposal Reviewer, American Evaluation Association, 2004, 2008 Conference Proposal Reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1998-2004 Reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology Young Researcher Award, 1998, 2004, 2007 Founding member, Instructional Design and Technology Futures Group, 2001 – 06 Research Awards Committee member, International Society of Performance Improvement, 1998-2003 Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 31 of 35 • • • • Consultant, Performance Analysis Consulting Consortium, 1998-99 Consultant for Regional Chapter Development, International Society of Performance Improvement, 1995 President, International Society of Performance Improvement Kansas City Chapter, 1994 President-elect, International Society of Performance Improvement Kansas City Chapter, 1993 State and Regional Activities • Facilitator, Follow-up Working Session for the 2010 Indiana State Bar Association Conclave on Legal Education, ISBA Professional Legal Education Admission and Development Section, April 2012 • Advisor, Interactive Instructional Design Initiative, State Bar of Michigan/ Michigan Law Schools Institute of Continuing Legal Education, Ann Arbor, MI, Fall 2011-Spring 2012 • Indiana University Representative, Indiana Commission for Higher Education, State Transfer and Articulation Committee, 2007-11 • Domestic Relations Mediator, State of Indiana, 2007-09 • Chairperson, Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build, Monroe County, Indiana, 2006-08 • Team Leader, Live and Learn Project, Leadership Bloomington Monroe County, 2005-06 • Board Member, Habitat for Humanity Women Build, Monroe County, Indiana, 2004-06 • Consultant and Instructor for Leadership Training, First United Methodist Church, Bloomington, IN, 2002-03 • Consultant for Strategic Planning. Shalom Community Center, Bloomington, IN, Spring 2002 • Needs analysis for an employee intranet in a healthcare environment. Bloomington Hospital and Healthcare Services, Bloomington, IN, Spring 2000 • Instructional design considerations in developing a survival skills course for battered women. United Methodist Women of First United Methodist Church, Bloomington, IN, December 1999 • Consultant and evaluator for Children’s Express Northern Ireland Distance Education Journey. Childrens Express, Indianapolis, IN, May 1998 • Consultant for the design and development of workshop for Indiana Private Industry Council labor representatives. Indiana State AFL-CIO Labor Institute for Training, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, January 1998 • Internet training for technology coordinators. Kansas Alliance of Professional Development Schools, Overland Park, KS, December 1995 • Adviser to reference librarians on the development of educational workshops to establish collaboration between faculty and library staff in completing student research assignments. University Library System, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, December 1995 • Instructional developer and evaluation specialist, National Collegiate Athletic Association, Overland Park, KS, 199395 • Consultant for development of 5-year strategic plan. National Board of Directors, Alpha Sigma Alpha Panhellenic Sorority, Kansas City, MO, 1994-95 • Training design and development, Stress management for the special educator. Children's Therapeutic Learning Center, Kansas City, MO, July 1994 • Consultant to computer implementation committee. School of St. Ann, Prairie Village, KS, 1991-94 • Volunteer. Society for Research in Child Development Bienniel meeting, Kansas City, MO, March 1989 • Chairman of graduate student search committee for assistant professor of educational communications and technology. Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Kansas-Lawrence, January-March 1988 Indiana University / Bloomington Campus Activities • • • • • • • • • • Executive Information Technology Search Committee, 2013 Offshore Programs Review Committee, 2008-12 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Leadership Awards Committee, 2009-10 Vice President of Research Office Chief of Staff Search Committee, 2009 General Education Committee Co-chair, 2007-08 Campus Curriculum Committee Chair, 2007-08 Oncourse Priorities Committee, 2007-08 Campus Web Committee, 2007 Faculty Annual Report System Development Committee, 2007-08 Graduate Council, 2004-08 (elected by faculty) Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 32 of 35 • • • • • • • • • Student Code of Conduct Revision Committee, 2004-05, 2007-08 Dean of Faculties, Campus Sabbatical Leaves Committee, 2003-07 University Dean of Education Review Committee, 2004-05 Faculty Council, Student Affairs Committee, 1997-99, 2004-05 Division of Recreational Sports, Consultant for organization development, 2001-03 Dean of Students, Student Hearing Commission, 1997-2005 Faculty Advisor, University Alliance of Gays, Lesbians, Bi-sexual and Transgendered, 2001-03 Dean of Faculties, Ad Hoc Review Board, Fall 2002 Libraries Strategic Planning and Focus Group Discussions, 1997-98 School Activities • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Third-Year Review Committee, 2010-11 Promotion & Tenure Review Committee, 2009-10 Junior Faculty Mentoring Program Participant, 2009-10 Faculty/Budgetary Affairs Committee, 2007-09 Policy Council (Elected position) Chair, 2001-02; member, 1999-03, 2006-08; alternate, 2005-06 Long-Range Planning Committee Chair 2005-06; member 2006-07 Student Affairs Committee, Adhoc Hearing Committee member, June 2005 Graduate Studies Committee, 2004-05, 2008-09 Annual Retreat Planning Committee Chair, 2004 Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2002-05 ETS Technology Advisory Committee, 2002-03 Constituent Advocacy Committee, 2001-03 Carnegie Initiative for the Doctorate program committee, 2002-03 Laptop Computing Project Instructor, Spring 2002 Long Range Planning Committee, 1997-01 Committee on Diversity, 1998-99 Fall Faculty Retreat Discussion Group Facilitator, 1998 Fall Faculty Retreat Discussion Group Facilitator, 1997 Teacher Ed Reform Task Force, Committee on Teacher as Agent of Inquiry & Social Justice, 1996-97 University of Kansas, Education Dean's Advisory Panel on Instructional Technology, Chair, 1995-96 University of Kansas, School of Education, Teacher Education Council, 1994-95 Department Activities • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Masters and Doctoral Program Advisor, ongoing Host Committee, Professors of Instructional Design & Technology Annual Conference, 2013 Third-Year Review Committee, 2010-11 Merit Review Committee, 2008-10 Masters Program Committee, 2008-09 Assistant Professor Search Committee Chair, 2007-08 Graduate Curriculum Committee, 2006 Assistant Professor Search Committee, 2005-2006 Instructional Systems Technology Conference Proposal Reviewer, March 2005 Awards Committee, 2004-05 Qualifying Examination Appeals Committee, Fall 2004 Distance Education Committee, 2004-06 Distance Masters Research Coordinator, 2002-07 Admissions Committee, 2002-03 Doctoral Curriculum Redesign Committee Chair, 2001-03 Curriculum Committee, 2001-03 Faculty Search Committee, Chair, 2001- 02 Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 33 of 35 • • • • • • • Qualifying Examinations Committee, 1996-2001; Chair, 1998-01 Undergraduate Education Committee, 1999-01 Minority Faculty Search Committee, Fall 1999 Alumni Relations Committee, 1997-98 Committee for IUPUI-IUB IST HPT Program Design, Fall semester 1997 Technology Planning Committee, Fall semester 1997 Portfolio Review Committee, 1996-97 HONORS and RECOGNITION For Administration Friend of Ivy Tech Community College Awarded at Ivy Tech Community College – Sellersberg Commencement, May 2014 Honorary Member, National Society of Leadership and Success Awarded at Indiana University Southeast Induction Ceremony, May 2014 Coin of Recognition, Indiana University Southeast Student Veterans Organization Awarded at Indiana University Southeast Student Veterans Award Ceremony, April 2014 For Teaching Indiana University Graduate & Professional Students Faculty Mentor Award Nominee, 2006-07 Indiana University Student Alumni Association Student Choice Award Nominee, 2004-05 Indiana University Trustee’s Teaching Award, 2004-05 Indiana University School of Education Nominee for Excellence in Mentoring, 2001-02 Indiana University School of Education Nominee for Excellence in Mentoring, 2000-01 Indiana University Trustees Teaching Award, 2000-01 Indiana University Teaching Excellence Recognition Award, 1999-00 Indiana University Teaching Excellence Recognition Award, 1998-99 For Service Committee for Institutional Collaboration Academic Leadership Program Fellow, 2007-2008 Indiana University Committee on Multicultural Understanding Award of Excellence, 1988-99 For Research Scholarship, National Science Foundation Summer Evaluation Institute, Western Michigan University, June 11-29, 2001 Scholarship, U.S. Department of Education/National Center for Educational Statistics, National Household Education Survey Database Training Seminar, Washington DC, July 25-28, 2000 Awards received as a Ph.D. Student University of Kansas School of Education Dissertation of the Year, 1990-91 University of Kansas Dissertation of the Year Finalist, 1990-91 Association of Educational Communications and Technology, Special Research Award, 1991 Graduate School Dissertation Travel Award, 1991 Graduate School Summer Fellow, 1989 Association of Educational Communications and Technology, Region 7 Leadership Award, 1989 Graduate School Travel Award, 1989 EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE University of Kansas: Degree: Doctor of Philosophy, 1991 Major: Educational Communications and Technology Minor: Cognitive Psychology Dissertation: The pilot implementation of an educational computer resource network: A naturalistic study (Cochairs: Ronald Aust, Ph.D. and Thomas Skrtic, Ph.D.) Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 34 of 35 University of Kansas: Degree: Master of Science, 1988 Major: Educational Policy and Administration Thesis: John Dewey’s conception of educational leadership in a democratic society: The school’s responsibility to educate students for intelligent social action (Chair: James Hillesheim, Ph.D.) University of Kansas: Degree: Bachelor of Arts, 1986 Major: English University of Kansas: Degree: Bachelor of Science, 1982 Major: Journalism PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & CERTIFICATES University of California – Berkeley CSHE/AAHHE Executive Leadership Academy, 2014 Indiana University, Fiscal Officer Development Series, 2012-13 Indiana University, Leadership IU, 2012-13 North Central Association Higher Learning Commission, Peer Review Training, 2012 American Council on Education, Regional Leadership Development Series, 2012 Higher Education Resource Services, Institute for Women in Higher Education, 2010-11 Facilitator’s Guide to Emotional Intelligence, Collaborative Growth, 2009 Committee for Institutional Collaboration, Academic Leadership Program, 2008-09 Non-Violent Communication, Wake Center, of Santa Barbara, CA, 2008 Indiana University Family and Child Mediation Clinic, 2007 Leadership Bloomington / Monroe County, 2006-07 Bloomington / Monroe County Citizens Academy, 2005-06 W. Edwards Deming Quality Enhancement Seminar, 1992 Sprint, Benchmarking, 1992 Sprint, Leading Sprint Quality, 1990 Sprint, Continuous Quality Improvement, 1990 Sprint, Sprint Quality Theory in Action, 1990 Action Management, Problem Solving & Decision Making, 1990 Interaction Associates, Facilitative Leadership, 1990 Designed Learning, Staff Consulting Skills, 1990 Covey Leadership Training, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, 1990 Sprint, Facilitating Sprint Quality, 1990 Sprint, Sprint Quality Team Leader, 1990 Sprint, Sprint Quality Team Member, 1990 Franklin Time Management, 1989 Harless Performance Guild, Accomplishment-based Curriculum Development, 1989 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Academy of Human Research Development Academy of Management American Educational Research Association American Evaluation Association American Psychological Association American Society for Training & Development Association for Educational Communications & Technology Association of American Colleges & Universities International Society of Performance Improvement Barbara A. Bichelmeyer | Administrative Resume & Academic Vita | November 3, 2014 | Page 35 of 35
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