Realização Parceiros Apoio Presentation of Centre of Excellence's UNECE ICoE PPP Marc Frilet Managing Partner « Frilet – Société d’Avocats » Chair of the Management Committee of GcilA Vice-President of the French Institute of International Legal Experts (IFEJI) Vice-chair of CICA PPP-Working Group Board member of ETIC-PPP Fellow American College of Construction Lawyers Developing pipelines of Concessions and other PPPs for essential public services: the role of the UNECE international Center of Excellence For over 30 years, CICA and IFEJI members have been confronted to many issues and in developing Concessions and other PPPs in many countries. CICA and IFEJI decided 10 years ago to set up working groups comprising public and private practitioners covering a wide range of sectors: economy, finance,legal (drafting regulations and contracts institutional framework, alternative dispute resolution, etc.) Experts of those working groups have participated or organized numerous programs with multilaterals and on the ground, exchanging, training and contributing to preparation and negotiation of contracts to the drafting of regulations, etc. In the last 5 years, several of those experts have participated to the UNECE program as members of PPP Team of Specialists. UNECE has proposed to CICA and IFEJI to set up an International Center of Excellence “policies, laws and institutions” (ICoE) in France: this Center will be launched on May 21st in Paris Lessons learnt and way forward (1) 1. The rate of projects in distress for essential public services is more than alarming, it is a deterrent for future projects (excerpt from WB chart) (Source: Mark Moseley) Lessons learnt and way forward (2) 2. Learning by doing for PPP is not an option 3. Private sector does not invest in the dark (Cannes G20 in 2011) 4. Without well designed regulations and equitable standard attracting the private sector in financing construction and operation of essential public services, it will be impossible to bridge the public investment gap and the post 2015 development goals have no chance to be reached 5. The situation may be redressed but not under business as usual 6. Top priorities: avoid many misunderstanding on the definition and nature of PPP Identify the form of delivery to prioritize in emerging economies and less developed countries PPP NEED OF DEFINITION PPP is not: • Global Design & Build or Design, Build & Operate contract for the Construction of Public Building or Public Infrastructure paid by Public Authority: This is Public Procurement. • A financial tool permitting to the Public Authority to defer the payment of a Public building or Public infrastructure when fiscal resources are not available. PPP is: • A global contract for the Design, Financing, Construction or Rehabilitation and Operation of Public Building or Public Infrastructure which is the basis of a public service. • The Private sector is not paid upon of the construction: but upon satisfactory delivery of the service. PPP DEFINITION Two main families : Payment by Public Authority when service is rendered only to it Payment by end users when full service is delivered to them (sometimes with an element of subsidy) (PFI/PPP availability payment) (Concession and Affermage PPP) More or less 2,000 projects More or less €200 billion total invest. More or less 25,000 projects More or less € 1,000billion total invest. Brazil is one of the few countries where the 2 families are clearly distinguished in separate laws WHICH PPP TO CHAMPION FOR EMERGING ECONOMIES AND LDCs ? Most common answers • PPP having the least liability on fiscal budget for paying the service to the private investor. (Most States budgets have fiscal limits for pledging public money beyond a certain threshold) • PPP having the “best transformational” effect to reduce poverty and to contribute to growth. (leading to increase of future tax income.) • PPP for essential Infrastructure services (transport, utilities, urban services etc…) PPP where the private sector in charge of delivery of the full public service and recovers mostly from end users In a nutshell, priority for the family of Concession and Affermage PPP The Center of Excellence Work program and organization 1. Focus On the 2 families of PPP with priority on Concession PPP family 2. Preliminary step Identify core issues common to most projects around the world limiting or drying the private sector appetite and impairing the smooth implementation of pipelines of projects Status: IFEJI and CICA working group have organized or participated to series of seminars and workshops around the world over the last few years Outcome: For Concession PPP 30 issues or challenges common to most projects around the world have been identyfied so far List of the main practical issues to address together for developing pipelines of PPP for essential public services 1. PPP preparation: procedural steps preparation Planning and prioritization 2. Prefeasibility Comprehens ive eco-fin. scenario Decision to tender PPP procurement: procedural steps Preselection Prequalification 3. Socioeconomic order of magnitude RFP Outcome oriented Primary evaluation Global evaluation and possible dialogue Contract award PPP contract conditions Construction conditions Source: CICA IFEJI PPP WG (tested in several workshop with over 30 countries represented) Reference business case Public service scope and operation Adaptation of service to the needs Partnering ADR List of the main practical issues to address together for developing pipelines of PPP for essential public services 4. PPP legal principles governing public contract Economic equilibrium 5. Sovereign rights of the Public Authority Uncommon rights of project company Outside regulation PPP procurement: procedural steps Due process, fair trial and arbitration 6. Public service priority Expropriation and security of tenure Granting of permits and authorizations Tax and custom certainity Evaluation and selection authority Monitoring authority Stability of regulations PPP contract conditions Governance Integrity Efficiency Source: CICA IFEJI PPP WG (tested in several workshop with over 30 countries represented) Planning and prioritization authority Choice of outside advisers How to address those issues in a coordinated manner in order to satisfy both public and private sector ? Lessons learnt and new 'excellence driven' approach: • Design a state of the art work program taking care of all the key issues and developed in a well structured order • Have the program implemented by world class experts assigned to a dedicated team offering the following guarantees: Free of special interest and; Ability to identify region by region, sector by sector, the real issues and the relevant information which can be the basis of lessons learnt How to address those issues in a coordinated manner in order to satisfy both public and private sector ? I. The work program: an innovative and progressive methodology 1. Access and organization to raw materials • Identifying the materials • Searching or gathering the materials • Sorting and reviewing the materials • Analyzing the materials • Outline plan for concept notes or position memorandums 2. Drafting of concept notes and memorandums • For the purpose of packaging and disseminating the information • For the purpose of training • For the purpose of e-learning 3. Drafting of documents for universal use • Guidance notes and procedures • Standard bidding documents • Framework laws and regulations • Template contracts How to address those issues in a coordinated manner in order to satisfy both public and private sector ? 1. Program implementation: setting up the high level Central team The program may only be succesfull if it is implemented by a Central team meeting high level requirements and working closely with local and regional specialists: Key requirements for the Central team • Multidisciplinary experts having an in-depth experience of drafting regulations and implementing projects in developed countries, emerging economies and LDCs • All experts subject to strict neutrality and ethical rules (ref: G7 CONNEX initiative) • Team able to develop close contacts with the development world including IFIs and public and private sector representatives in regions and countries • Team including legal and institutional experts coming both from the civil law and the common law countries Status • The core of the team for the ICoE has been selected and organized in a non-profit organization: ETICPPP • More practitioners with necessary experience and ready to comply with ETIC-PPP code of conduct are welcome How to address those issues in a coordinated manner in order to satisfy both public and private sector ? (2) 2. Program implementation: development of regional Hubs: proposal for Brazil Regional hubs could play a decisive role for optimizing the program implementation. The Hubs would work closely with the Central team for identifying regional or local issues through a well structured program leading to a new level of exchanges between practitioners from all around the world. This organization will permit to the central team to identify better relevant lessons learnt from various regions and propose an initial level of synthesis which is an essential part of a succesfull work program. Thereafter the Hub will continue to play an important role in exchanging, evaluating proposals made by Central team in a coordinated manner. The creation of a first regional Hub is well on the way in Western Africa under the auspices of Association of regional Bar and governmental entities. We hopeful that with the support of UNECE, CICA and IFEJI and based on the preliminary contacts made a Latin American Hub will be created soon. What to expect from the implementation of the work program ? 1. A progressive improvement of local regulations and practices deriving from initial exchanges between the HUB and the Central team. Those improvments may be limited to some topics or sectors but often decisive: examples: project preparation, procurement, contract terms, corruption, etc. 2. A natural capacity building process for all stakeholders including public, private, financial world, participating to those exchanges 3. Better evaluation of the roadmap to be followed by countries, regions, for improvment of the legal and regulatory framework leading to pipelines of projects fo essential public services 4. A major improvment of a comprehensive legislative, institutional, regulatory and contractual framework necessary for pipelines of resilient projects in the essential public infrastructure sector We are convinced that the ICoE may play a decisive role for unlocking pipelines of projects for essential public services in the region with improved governance Thank You ! Marc Frilet Frilet – Law firm/ GcilA 91, rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré 75008 Paris – France Tel : + 33 1 56 26 00 40 e-mail :
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