Mayler Gama Alvarenga Martins

Mayler Gama Alvarenga Martins
Tel : +34 652 45 58 15 (texts accepted)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Ph.D., Microelectronics.
09/2011 – 09/2015
M.Sc., Microelectronics. UFRGS
09/2009 – 09/2012
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
B.Sc., Computer Engineering
05/2004 – 03/2009
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
M.Sc. + Ph.D. Research
Research: Development of logic synthesis algorithms using Functional Composition (FC)
Results: The implemented algorithms are the following: Factorization of single and multi-output
Boolean functions, Minimum Decision Chain calculation and an algorithm to synthesize approximate
circuits containing triple modular redundancy (ATMR). Moreover, algorithms for emerging technologies
were implemented, including: Majority Logic for Quantum Cellular Automata (QCA), Threshold Logic for
Resonant Tunneling Diodes (RTD), Implication Logic for Memristors and algorithms for spin-diodes.
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
Undergraduate Research
Research: Automation of scientific equipment with low-cost materials.
Results: The following equipment received a custom PC interface system in order to simplify data
acquisition: A Plasma torch prototype, an X-ray diffractometer, a spectrometer optic fiber control
system and a differential thermal oven. A new electronic system was designed to the differential
thermal oven from scratch, containing an adaptive predictive control system and multi-platform
software to manage efficiently the differential thermal analysis. The implemented prototype cost was
1/30 of a new one.
 2014– Nangate Inc. (1-month internship)
Development of the Open Cell Library FREEPDK 15 nm.
 2010 – Nangate A/S Denmark (1-month internship)
Implementation of a Boolean data structure in order to optimize execution time of several algorithms.
Marranghello, F.S.; Callegaro, V.; Martins, M.G.A.; Reis, A.I.; Ribas, R.P. Factored Forms for
Memristive Stateful Logic. JETCAS 2015
Callegaro, V.; Martins, M.G.A.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I. A Domain-Transformation Approach to
Synthesize Read-Polarity-Once Boolean Functions. JICS 2014
Martins, M.G.A. et al, Automated Synthesis Approaches for Digital Integrated Design of Spin-Diode
Circuits. Accepted in IWLS 2015.
Marranghello, F.S.; Callegaro, V.; Martins, M.G.A.; Reis, A.I.; Ribas, R.P. A bottom-up disjoint-support
decomposition based on Boolean difference analysis. Accepted in IWLS 2015
Marranghello, F.S.; Callegaro, V.; Martins, M.G.A.; Reis, A.I.; Ribas, R.P. Improved Logic Synthesis for
Memristive Stateful Logic Using Multi-Memristor Implication. Accepted in ISCAS 2015
Mayler Martins et al. Open Cell Library in 15nm FreePDK Technology. (ISPD) 2015
Marranghello, F.S.; Martins, M.G.A.; Callegaro, V.; Reis, A.I.; Ribas, R.P., "Exploring factored forms
for sequential implication logic synthesis” (IEEE-NANO) 2014
Martins, M.G.A.; Callegaro, V.; Marranghello, F.S.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I., "Majority-based logic
synthesis for nanometric technologies” (IWLS) 2014
Neutzling, A.; Martins, M.G.A.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I., " An ISOP-based Method for Threshold Logic
Identification (IWLS) 2014
Marranghello, F.S.; Martins, M.G.A.; Callegaro, V.; Reis, A.I.; Ribas, R.P., " Comparison of Recursive
and Factored Forms for Memristor Based Implication Logic" (IWLS) 2014
Martins, M.G.A. et al "Majority-based logic synthesis for nanometric technologies” (IEEE-NANO) 2014
Neutzling, A.; Martins, M.G.A.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I., "A constructive approach for threshold logic
circuit synthesis” Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2014
Gomes, I.A.C.; Martins, M.; Lima Kastensmidt, F.; Reis, A.; Ribas, R.; Novales, S.P., "Methodology for
achieving best trade-off of area and fault masking coverage in ATMR” (LATW) 2014
Moreira, M.; Neutzling, A.; Martins, M.; Reis, A.; Ribas, R.; Calazans, N., "Semi-custom NCL Design
with Commercial EDA Frameworks: Is it Possible?” (ASYNC) 2014
Machado, L.; Martins, M.G.A.; Callegaro, V.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I., "Iterative remapping respecting
timing constraints” VLSI (ISVLSI) 2013
Martins, M.G.A. et al, "Spin diode network synthesis using functional composition” (SBCCI) 2013
Neutzling, A.; Martins, M.G.A.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I., " Threshold Logic Synthesis Using Functional
Composition Paradigm” (IWLS) 2013
Neutzling, A.; Martins, M.G.A.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I., "Synthesis of threshold logic gates to
nanoelectronics” (SBCCI) 2013
Callegaro, V.; Martins, M.G.A.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I., "Read-polarity-once Boolean functions" (SBCCI)
Callegaro, V.; Martins, M.G.A.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I., " Read-Polarity-Once Boolean functions
Revisited" (IWLS) 2013
Machado, L.; Martins, M.; Callegaro, V.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I., "KL-cut based digital circuit
remapping” (NORCHIP) 2012
Callegaro, V.; Martins, M.G.A.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I., "Read-polarity-once functions” (IWLS) 2012
Martins, M. et al, "Functional Composition and Applications" (IWLS) 2012
Martins, M.G.A.; Ribas, R.P.; Reis, A.I., "Functional composition: A new paradigm for performing logic
synthesis” (ISQED) 2012
M. G. A. Martins, V. Callegaro, R. P. Ribas, and A. I. Reis. "Efficient method to compute minimum
decision chains of Boolean functions. (GLSVLSI) 2011
Martins, M.G.A. et al "Boolean factoring with multi-objective goals” (ICCD) 2010
Best Paper Award (SBCCI 2013)
Laurea (MSc) Degree in Microelectronics – UFRGS.
Microfabrication Workshop: Design and Construction of CMOS – Unicamp (2012)
Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applications – Universität Paderborn/FernUniversität in
Hagen/Fachhochschule Münster/UFRGS (2011)
Designer of Digital Integrated Circuits – Cadence/NSCAD/ UFRGS (2009)
Fundamentals of FPGA Design – NSCAD/UFRGS (2009)
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