20150510 - Ingham Region Catholic Parishes

Living Word
Acts 10:25-26. 34-35. 44-48
As Peter reached the house Cornelius went out to meet
him, knelt at his feet and prostrated himself. But Peter
helped him up. 'Stand up', he said 'I am only a man
after all!'
Then Peter addressed them: 'The truth I have now
come to realise' he said 'is that God does not have
favourites, but that anybody of any nationality who
fears God and does what is right is acceptable to him.'
While Peter was still speaking the Holy Spirit came
down on all the listeners. Jewish believers who had
accompanied Peter were all astonished that the gift of
the Holy Spirit should be poured out on the pagans too,
since they could hear them speaking strange languages
and proclaiming the greatness of God. Peter himself
then said, 'Could anyone refuse the water of baptism to
these people, now they have received the Holy Spirit
just as much as we have?' He then gave orders for
them to be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ.
Afterwards they begged him to stay on for some days.
when God sent into the world his only Son so that we
could have life through him; this is the love I mean:
not our love for God, but God's love for us when he
sent his Son to be the sacrifice that takes our sins
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia!
All who love me will keep my words,
and my Father will love them
and we will come to them.
Psalm 97:1-4
R The Lord has revealed to the nations
his saving power.
Sing a new song to the Lord
for he has worked wonders.
His right hand and his holy arm
have brought salvation. R.
The Lord has made known his salvation;
has shown his justice to the nations.
He has remembered his truth and love
for the house of Israel. R.
All the ends of the earth have seen
the salvation of our God.
Shout to the Lord all the earth,
ring out your joy. R.
1 John 4:7-10
My dear people, let us love one another since love
comes from God and everyone who loves is begotten
by God and knows God.
Anyone who fails to love can never have known God,
because God is love. God's love for us was revealed
John 15:9-17
Jesus said to his disciples: 'As the Father has loved me,
so I have loved you. Remain in my love. If you keep my
commandments you will remain in my love just as I
have kept my Father's commandments and remain in
his love. I have told you this so that my own joy may be
in you and your joy be complete.
This is my commandment: love one another, as I have
loved you. A man can have no greater love than to lay
down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you
do what I command you. I shall not call you servants
any more, because a servant does not know his
master's business; I call you friends, because I have
made known to you everything I have learnt from my
You did not choose me, no, I chose you; and I
commissioned you to go out and to bear fruit, fruit that
will last; and then the Father will give you anything you
ask in my name. What I command you is to love one
Next Sunday’s offering for the
Missionaries of the Poor
9/10 May: Baby Wipes
2/3 May: Brushes (Scrubbing,
Nail etc)
The Pastor’s Pen!
Last weekend, during the Saturday
Night, we had another car broken into.
This follows a series of break-ins around
the area, including the state school that
afternoon and Lourdes the previous
Saturday. Please be mindful of your
possessions during Mass and, if you see
any suspicious behaviour, do not
hesitate to contact the police.
Last weekend’s Debutante Ball seemed
to run perfectly. The Debs and their
Partners were definitely very well
prepared. I am very grateful to Jo Day for
coming out of retirement to train the
Debs. I know that they were very
appreciative of her efforts. Thanks also
to Virginia Scovazzi for being Jo’s offsider
in these preparations. Thanks to the
many other hands that were put to work
in preparing for the night or for ensuring
it ran smoothly, especially to Vanessa
If we are to keep holding Debutante
Balls as a parish function, we need to reestablish an oversight
committee of half a dozen
people to ensure that all
the pieces are in place
from year to year, that
the calendar is set, and
that the co-hosting
schools are given clear
direction about their
responsibilities. If you
would like to serve on
such a committee, please
email or call the parish
office. Please note, that
you would need to make
a commitment of three or
more years to such a
committee. Committee
Sunday Masses
16/17 May
members will also need to be active
members of the parish community.
Please keep in mind that on the
weekend of the Lourdes Centenary that
the Sunday Evening Mass will be held at
S UN 7.00 AM
S UN 10.00 AM
S UN 10.00 AM
Please pray for our confirmation kids
who are a week away from receiving the
5.30 PM S T P ATRICK ’ S
5.30PM S T P AUL ’ S
8.45 AM S T P ETER ’ S
10.30 AM P ALMS
5.30 PM S T P ATRICK ’ S
5.30 PM S T P ATRICK ’ S
7.00 AM S T P ATRICK ’ S
Finally, to our
mums, Happy
Mothers’ Day.
11-15 May
Freecall: 1800 257 296
9.30 AM
5 PM & 6 PM TO
8.30 PM IN S T
Associate Pastor: Fr Cipriano Mallari
Parish Secretary: Pauline Pennisi
Assistant and RE Co-ordinator: Marcella Cantatore
Pastoral Care: Sr Nina Barra
Mail: PO Box 375, Ingham Q 4850
Phone: 4776 2600 Fax: 4776 5199
Web: www.inghamcatholic.com
Email: parishoffice@inghamcatholic.com
Office Hours: 9am to 12pm Monday to Friday, 1pm to 3pm Monday to Thursday
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
—Robert Louis Stevenson
S AT 6.00 PM
S UN 8.30 AM
S UN 7.00 PM
During the week, we received news that
Fr Peter Quilty, who entered hospital ten
days ago, was declining further
treatment and expected to live only
days. Please keep him in your prayers at
this last moment of his journey.
Parish Contacts
Parish Priest: Fr Damian McGrath
Welcome to all visitors and new parishioners. Please make yourself known to us.
Knights of the Southern Cross.
Brothers are reminded that this month’s meeting will be
in Tully. A bus will leave St Patrick’s at 6.00pm
sharp Thursday 14 May.
Ring John 0407635175 to book your seat.
Welcome to a new child of God:
Keegan Clancy Juides
baptised this Sunday at St Patrick’s.
St Peter’s School – Silver Circle
Saturday 16th May at St Peter's Catholic School Halifax
6.00 pm start: Food including 'pig on the spit', drinks,
entertainment, lucky door prizes, raffles.
Ingham Relay for Life
St Patrick’s Aussie Angels Fundraiser
Chicken & Spaghetti Night, Saturday, May 16 at 7pm, in
Mercy Hall, following Mass. Tickets $17.50/Adult , School
aged children $10. Meal includes Chicken & Spaghetti,
salad, Tea, coffee & biscuits. BYO drinks/esky.
Entertainment by Tony Fracchia. Raffles. Tickets
available from Chella at St Patrick’s Parish Office
from Monday, May 4, between 9am & 12 noon. Ticket
sales will close Wednesday, May 13. Tickets also on sale
this weekend at each Mass centre. Come along after
Mass and enjoy good company, entertainment & help
our team raise much needed funds for Cancer research
& awareness.
Please contact Debbie Sartor 0409147480 or Giovanna
Melvin 47763574 if you would like to join our team.
Please keep in your prayers:
Fr Peter Quilty, Sarah Leonardi,
Diane Pavetto, Megan Cooper
May the Lord’s healing hand rest upon them.
historic project you can purchase your own engraved
paver. Order forms are available at our Lady of
Lourdes Primary School, Gilroy Santa Maria College.
and at the back of the church The cost of an engraved
paver is $25.
Upcoming Events
 Chicken and Spaghetti Night in Mercy Hall 16 May
following Mass (fundraiser for Relay for Life).
 St Peter’s School Silver Circle—16 May
Rosary—Mary Help of Christians
 Confirmations, Mon 18 May and Tues 19 May
The Knights of the Southern Cross will pray the Rosary
at 6.00pm on Sunday 24th May in St Patrick’s Church
prior to the 7.00pm Mass. All welcome to join with
them to ask for Our Lady’s intercession.
 Gilroy Santa Maria College on Show Thurs 21 May
Lourdes Centenary Dinner Deadline Extension
 Relay for Life, 30/31 May
The Centenary Dinner closing date for tickets has been
extended to the 15th May . Tickets available at Lourdes
School Office.
Gilroy Santa Maria College On Show
 Abergowrie Parish—Pre-Harvest Mass—23 May at
5.00pm at the Barra’s.
 Rosary led by Knights Sunday 24 May
 Our Lady of Lourdes Centenary, 6-7 June.
 St Anthony’s Festival, Bemerside Sun 14 June,
 Visit of the Missionaries of the Poor to out parishes:
Friday July 31 to Monday August 3
Thursday 21 May 2015 – 3:30pm – 7:00pm
Counters This Week:
R Blanco J Girgenti R Girgenti O Marino
Counters Next Week:
S Di Bartolo F Di Bartolo A La Rosa R Romano M Garutti
Children’s Liturgy—Saturday 16 May at 6.00pm
Lawrence & Anna Di Bella Mikaela Comas
Altar Servers 16/17 May:
Sat 6.00pm: Tahlia Nowak
Sun 8.30am: Patrick Bortolanza Elizabeth Price
Sun 7.00pm: Matthew & Sam Timms Samantha Liesenberg
Organists 16/17 May:
Sat 6.00pm: Pam Harris
Sun 8.30am: Sr Marie Geddes
Sun 7.00pm: Lynette Di Bella
Commentators 16/17 May:
Sat 6.00pm: Linda Pisano
Sun 8.30am: Mariangela Bison
Sun 7.00pm: Stephen Guazzo
Enrolment Information and Packages 2016
Subject Displays
Readers 16/17 May:
Halifax: Frances Venturato & Maddie Tantalo
BBQ & Drinks
Canossa: C/1 Brian Hurley 2/3 David Fascetti
An Invitation for our Herbert River, Cardwell and
Kennedy Communities to enjoy all that is GILROY
Mother’s Day Raffle Winners
1st Prize Donated by Jupiters Casino One night at
Casino with breakfast - Mrs Rizzo
2nd Prize Donated by Ingham Helloworld Travel Carry
on Suitcase/accessories - Jane Bortolanza
3rd Prize Donated by Mary Dillon $150 of
Nutrimetics - Trish Cazzulino
4th Prize
Donated by H R Express $100 Cleaning
Products - Grace Cockrell
Lourdes Centenary Walkway
Our Lady of Lourdes is building a Centenary walk/
Garden located at the the front of the school. The walk
is a paved path utilising engraved pavers. Past and
present students, staff and families are represented in
the walk and we would like to extend this offer to the
wider community. If you would like to be a part of this
The word actually means blessing. The usual conclusion
to the rite is the blessing of the people by Jesus present
in the Blessed Sacrament as the host in the monstrance
(a vessel on a stand to display the host for viewing). A
very simple version of benediction could be a simple
blessing of the people with a veiled ciborium (the vessel
used to reserve the Blessed Sacrament in the
tabernacle). Specific songs are sung, most notably “O
Salutaris Hostia” and “Tantum Ergo.” The rite originated
during the time when people were not receiving
communion because of the emphasis on their
unworthiness. They substituted viewing the Blessed
Sacrament instead. Reception of Holy Communion is
now encouraged and made easy through a relaxation of
the laws of fast. However, the celebration of Benediction
still remains in the church as a popular devotion.
Sat 6.00pm: 1 Michael Pisano 2 Nadine Jorgensen
3 Linda Pisano
Sun 8.30am: 1 Imogen Price 2 Lidia Marbelli
3 Mariangela Bison
Sun 7.00pm: 1 Mari Quabba 2 Rosalind Guazzo
3 Stephen Guazzo
Abergowrie: College
Special Ministers 16/17 May:
Halifax: Mary Cavaliere & Elizabeth Castorina
Canossa: Peter & Sylvia Poggio
Sat 6.00pm: Sam Duffy Rosemary Vardanega
Sun 8.30am: Rita Fontana Jim Killoran Mario Marbelli
Sun 7.00pm: Mary Girgenti John Kinbacher Marthe Noble
Abergowrie: College & Maryann Barra
Love one another
Have you ever thought what it really means when Jesus
commands us to love one another? At first, it seems
like a simple commandment: I can love my family; my
friends; I can even feel love for some people I’ve never
met. But there was a condition that Jesus placed on the
command: love one another as I have loved you. How
did Jesus love? Without restriction and without seeking
something in return. He loved those that no one loved
and he even loved those who hated him and sought his
downfall. Can I love those who hate me? Those that
others ridicule and despise? Can I love without
counting the cost?
Requiescant in pace
Please Pray For: Margaret Harmsworth (died this
week), Richard Carvolth (died recently), Trish Caelli,
Graziella Spampinato, Francesca Motti, Olga Boccalatte,
Leonardo (Nardo) Girgenti, Bruna Aili, Giovanni, Rosa, &
Filippo Casella, Salvatore, Maria & Leonardo Cardillo,
Pat Kayrooz, Johnny Giacomi (annivs at this time), Janice
Day, Ester Cantoni, Marie Arnold, Mary Torrisi, Santa
Marano, Deceased members Valese families, Cesira
Valise, Peggy Borello, Sarina, Alfio & Rudi Fichera, Santo
& Giuseppina Contarino, Giovanni & Ines Pallanza, Ada
Cantamessa. Amalia Doninguez, Elda Zatta, Ilva Lavarini,
Vittorio & Maria Cantoni, Baldo Fanti, John Toscan, Carlo
& Maria Magoni, Giulio Magoni, baby Elliott Francis
Mathersen, Lina Lazzaroni, Dina Menegon, Alma
Giacobone, Irma Marbelli, Peter Guazzo, Teresa & Luigi
Bonelli, Marianne Ferrero, Gloria Boccalatte, Hazel
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
Let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
May their souls and the souls
of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace. Amen.