Overview The relationships between education and the world of work is one of current key issues of education policy and practice. There is a widespread belief that expansion of student enrolment contributes to economic growth and societal wellbeing. Yet, concerned are widespread that graduates might face problems of getting employed, of finding appropriate employments and of taking over professional assignments for which their study turns out be relevant. Terms such as “mismatch” and “over-education” express such concerns. Studies on graduate employment and work, often called “tracer studies”, have spread worldwide in recent years in order to collect in-depth information on the relationships between study at vocational and higher education institutions and the professional situation of graduates. More and more schools, colleges and universities are engaged in collecting systematically information about the employment situation, work assignments and career paths of their former students in order to improve the study conditions and provisions. Many different approaches developed during the last years. With the conference an account of the approaches and the findings of tracer studies should help both understand the potentials of these studies and analyse the worldwide state of knowledge how education can contribute more successfully to the subsequent career of graduates. The international conference EXLIMA 2015 aims at serving the exchange of information on tracer studies both methodologically and content-wise: to deepen the understanding of the links between curricula, learning, competences and graduate employment and work, to discuss the use and misuse of tracer studies for quality assessment, accountability and ranking, to discuss how tracer studies have to be designed and implemented in order to elicit the most valuable results, to bring the first time researchers from VET and HE together, to start the development of international standards of tracer studies (objectives/questions and methodology). This international conference continues and deepens the work of the first international tracer study conference which was held in Bali 2012 with more than 300 participants from Africa, America, Asia and Europe. The conference (25-26 Nov.) will be accompanied by a meeting of the International Network of Tracer Studies (INGRADNET) (23-24 Nov.), and INDOTRACE workshops (27-28 Nov.). Technical information Organisation committee: Sandra Fikawati and Ahmad Syafiq (Indonesia), Harald Schomburg and René Kooij (Germany), Keiichi Yoshimoto (Japan), Eduarda Castel (European Training Foundation), Jose Gines Mora (Spain) Date of meetings, workshops and the conference: Third week of November 2015 (23.-28. Nov.2015) Supporting organisations: Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia; Ministry of Manpower Republic of Indonesia (tentative); Ministry of Industry Republic of Indonesia (tentative) Conference venue: Sanur Paradise Plaza Convention Center is located in the coastal village of Sanur, Bali, thereby providing easy access to the entire island, the thriving and colorful traditional community makes Sanur a refreshingly different destination for EXLIMA International Conference. The convention centre is located just 25 minutes from the international airport. Call for abstracts: The organizing committee of the EXLIMA International Conference invites you to submit abstracts for the academic program. Please visit the conference website for more information. Participants: We expect a total of about 500 participants, mainly from schools, colleges and universities. Expected output: 200 papers and posters; selected contributions will be published. Important Dates: Abstract submissions deadline June 30, 2015 Abstract acceptance notification July 15, 2015 Start of registration July 1, 2015 Deadline for early bird registration August 31, 2015 Paper submission deadline (PDF) August 31, 2015 Conference office: Dr. Sandra Fikawati, University of Indonesia, Career Development Center (CDC-UI), Jakarta, Indonesia Phone+ 62 (21) (98522845), + 62 (21) (98522842) Fax + 62 (21) (78881021) Email:tracerstudy.conference2@gmail.com Web http://www.exlima.org The programme of the conference will be developed according the submitted paper proposals in June 2015 (see http://www.exlima.org). Expected are contributions to the following topics: Sub theme A: Link and Match: The Relationships between Study and Graduate Employment and Work - Results of Recent Tracer Studies The use and misuse of tracer studies results for ranking of institutions Interpretation of results and recommendation for improvements of the curriculum Approaches to measure field/subject specific competencies NEETS, Freeters and Generation Precaire: Graduates’ under and unemployment-similarities and differences around the world; who are they and how many? Causes and consequences of overeducation and mismatch The relationships between curricula, competences and work tasks Professional success: What really matters? Study programs, motivations, mobility, personal characteristics? Changing job requirements and employer's expectations: Causes and developments How to measure graduates professional success? Applications of success indicators Transition to the labour market: individual, institutional or structural factors of success and failure (duration of job search and search methods) Gender inequalities in graduates' transitions to the labour market and professional success Effects of student centered learning for learning outcomes/competencies and work Effects of different modes of practice-oriented study programs for learning outcomes/competencies and work The extent of practical training and the relevance for employability and professional work The extent of temporary international mobility during study and the relevance for employability and professional work Equity regards the transition to employment and professional success - the relevance of gender, social class, minorities, etc. Other topics - open for additional contributions. Sub theme B: Methodology of Tracer Studies Thematic complexity and formulation of questionnaires: What can be learned from varied approaches? The timing of tracer studies: at what time after graduation should the survey be conducted? Methods to enhance the quality of tracer studies: verification and updating of addresses, online surveys, response rate and representation Steps towards an international standardization of questions of tracer studies Steps towards an international standardization of the design of tracer studies Tracer studies and link and match: Potentials and limits of tracer studies as a feedback for institutions Experiences with panel studies Applications of structural equation modelling with tracer study data (and other advanced data analysis strategies). Methodological challenges of comparative studies/comparability of tracer studies Other methodological topics - open for additional contributions. Sub theme C: Implementation and Utilization of Tracer Studies in Different Countries Progress in implementing tracer studies and utilization of tracer study results at different levels were made in many countries in Europe, Africa, the Americas, Asia and Australia. Presentations from the following countries will be invited: Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Palestine, Philippines, Portugal Romania, Serbia, Slovenia Spain, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam. Conference office: Dr. Sandra Fikawati, University of Indonesia, Career Development Center (CDC-UI), Jakarta, Indonesia Phone+ 62 (21) (98522845), + 62 (21) (98522842) Fax + 62 (21) (78881021) Email:tracerstudy.conference2@gmail.com Web http://www.exlima.org The programme of the conference will be developed according the submitted paper proposals in June 2015 (see http://www.exlima.org). Expected are contributions to the following topics: Sub theme A: Link and Match: The Relationships between Study and Graduate Employment and Work Results of Recent Tracer Studies Sub theme B: Methodology of Tracer Studies Sub theme C: Implementation and Utilization of Tracer Studies in Different Countries Programme Frame of the International Conference (EXLIMA 2015) 25 - 26 November 2015 Location: Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Bali/Indonesia Wednesday, 25 November 2015 Morning Registration and Poster Session Welcome Key note: New developments and old problems of tracer studies Harald Schomburg Key note: Methodological guides on anticipation and matching of skills supply and demand - a CEDEFOP, ILO and ETF project Eduarda Castel (European training Foundation) Afternoon Parallel sessions with the following tentative subjects A. Experiences and results of the implementation of tracer studies in the VET sector of Indonesia, Japan, Kyrgyzstan and Namibia B. Experiences and results of the ALMA LAUREA international projects (Tunisia, Morocco, Armenia and others) C. How graduates are evaluating retrospectively their study conditions and provisions D. The job search process: duration, methods and results E. Employment and work, professional success - description and explanations of the relationship between study and work F. Competencies and work requirements - approaches and results G. The development and use of online questionnaires with the open source software QTAFI (demonstrations and workshop) H. Interpretation and misinterpretation of the results of tracer studies I. Evening Methodological experiences: what works and what not? Diner with cultural programme Thursday, 26 November Morning Parallel sessions continued Afternoon Key note: Approaches and Results of Tracer Studies in Indonesia Sandra Fikawati and Ahmad Syafiq Round table discussion: The Relevance and Challenges of Tracer Studies Worldwide Participants from World Bank, ILO, ETF, GIZ, INGRADNET, INDOTRACE (tbc) Closing Conference office: Dr. Sandra Fikawati, University of Indonesia, Career Development Center (CDC-UI), Jakarta, Indonesia Phone+ 62 (21) (98522845), + 62 (21) (98522842) Fax + 62 (21) (78881021) Email:tracerstudy.conference2@gmail.com Web http://www.exlima.org Additional Meetings and Workshops The EXLIMA conference will be accompanied by a meeting of the members of the International Network of Graduate Surveys (INGRADNET), which takes place on Monday, 23rd November and Tuesday 24. November just before the conference starts. In this meeting steps towards a standardization of approaches, topics and questions of graduate surveys will be undertaken. The meeting is open for interested participants of the conference. More information about INGRADNET: http://www.ingradnet.org. Meeting of the International Network of Graduate Surveys (INGRADNET) 23 - 24 November 2015 Location: Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Bali/Indonesia Monday, 23 November 2015 Morning and Welcome and introduction Decision about the agenda Election of rapporteurs for the working groups Harald Schomburg (Coordinator of INGRADNET) Four parallel working groups to develop standards for graduate surveys A. Study conditions and provisions - the learning environment Moderator: Bhina Patria, Indonesia B. Competencies and work requirements Moderator: Keiichi Yoshimoto, Japan C. Employment and work Moderator: Harald Schomburg, Germany D. Methodology of tracer studies Moderator: René Kooij, Germany Afternoon Group work continued Tuesday, 24 November 2015 Morning Presentation of the group work and discussion (one hour each topic) A. Study conditions and provisions - the learning environment B. Competencies and work requirements C. Employment and work D. Methodology of tracer studies Afternoon Proposals of key indicators/questions and methodology of tracer studies - final discussion Moderator: Harald Schomburg, Germany Election of a new INGRADNET coordinator and of new regional coordinators Establishment of permanent INGRADNET working groups Future activities and other topics Conference office: Dr. Sandra Fikawati, University of Indonesia, Career Development Center (CDC-UI), Jakarta, Indonesia Phone+ 62 (21) (98522845), + 62 (21) (98522842) Fax + 62 (21) (78881021) Email:tracerstudy.conference2@gmail.com Web http://www.exlima.org Additional Meetings and Workshops The EXLIMA conference will be accompanied by a workshop of the Indonesian Tracer Study Network (INDOTRACE) to foster the further development of Tracer Studies in Indonesia. This workshop is open for participants of the EXLIMA conference. Workshop of the Indonesian Network of Tracer Studies (INDOTRACE) 27 - 28 November 2015 Location: Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Bali/Indonesia Friday, 27 November 2015 Morning Welcome and introduction Ministry of Education and UI Experiences with the implementation of tracer studies at Indonesia Universities Sandra Fikawati and Ahmad Syafiq Comparison of results of tracer studies from different universities Ied Sitepu and Bhina Patria Results of VET tracer studies in Indonesia NN Afternoon Presentation of Indonesia Tracer Study Grantees (25 Universities) Parallel QTAFI workshop for selected participants: The development and use of online questionnaires with the open source software QTAFI version 3 Saturday, 28 November Morning Presentations of Indonesia Tracer Study Grantees (25 Universities) continued Parallel QTAFI workshop for selected participants: The development and use of online questionnaires with the open source software QTAFI version 3 Afternoon Round table discussion: Cohort of graduates or cohorts of beginners - discussion of the pros and cons of two approaches with participants from the University of Technology Bandung, the University of Indonesia and INGRADNET Moderator: Ied Sitepu Conditions and procedures to achieve a high response rate - best practice Ahmad Syafiq Quality criteria of graduate tracer studies - a proposal for self-assessments Harald Schomburg and René Kooij Future developments of the Tracer Studies in Indonesia Ahmad Syafiq Evening Meeting of INDOTRACE Committee: Evaluation of INDOTRACE Questionnaire Moderator: Sandra Fikawati Conference office: Dr. Sandra Fikawati, University of Indonesia, Career Development Center (CDC-UI), Jakarta, Indonesia Phone+ 62 (21) (98522845), + 62 (21) (98522842) Fax + 62 (21) (78881021) Email:tracerstudy.conference2@gmail.com Web http://www.exlima.org
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