Downloaded from on July 6, 2015 - Published by BMJ Innovations Publish Ahead of Print, published on May 21, 2015 as doi:10.1136/bmjinnov-2015-000059 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGIES ORIGINAL ARTICLE A novel tool to aid usability of agebased weight estimation formulae Dilshad Marikar Correspondence to Dr Dilshad Marikar, Department of Paediatrics, Bedford Hospital NHS Trust, Kempston Road, Bedford MK42 1DJ, UK; Received 19 April 2015 Accepted 24 April 2015 ABSTRACT Age-based weight estimation methods are used in the resuscitation of children deemed too sick to weigh. Some methods involve multiple formulae, which can be difficult to recall and use. This paper presents a conceptually simple finger-counting method that can be used to rapidly estimate weight based on existing age-based formulae. INTRODUCTION Age-based weight estimation formulae are used in paediatric patients deemed too sick to weigh. Since 2011, the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) course has suggested three formulae for weight estimation: (age×0.5)+4 for children aged 1–12 months, (2×age)+8 for children aged 1–5 years and (3×age)+7 for children aged 6–12 years.1 There is evidence to suggest multiple formulae are time consuming2 as well as being difficult to recall; a survey of a group of paediatric trainees found that 92% were unable to recall the latest APLS formulae.3 To address these issues, this paper presents a conceptually simple fingercounting technique that can be used with common age-based weight estimation formulae. Its application to APLS formulae is demonstrated. To cite: Marikar D. BMJ Innov Published Online First: [ please include Day Month Year] doi:10.1136/bmjinnov2015-000059 METHOD Place your hands in front of you, palms up: counting from left to right, digits 1–5 on the left hand represent 1–5 years, and digits 6–10 on the right hand represent 6–10 years. The following two estimated weights are memorised: 10 kg for a 1-year-old child and 25 kg for a 6-year-old child (figure 1). To estimate weight for children aged 1–5 years, start with the memorised weight for 1 year (10 kg) and count the fingers on the left hand up to the desired age, adding 2 kg for each finger, To estimate weight for a child aged 6–10 years, start with the memorised weight for a child of 6 years (25 kg) and count the fingers on the right hand up to the desired age, adding 3 kg for each finger. To estimate weight for infants aged 1–10 months (figure 2), from left to right the operator’s digits represent the ages 1–10 months. The estimated weight for a child of 1 month is memorised (4.5 kg). Weight for age is estimated by counting fingers up to the desired age from left to right, adding ½ kg for each finger. An accompanying video tutorial for finger counting with APLS4 is available DISCUSSION Although a validated finger counting technique already exists with an aim to aid usability of age-based paediatric weight estimation,5 it does not map to any existing weight estimation formulae used in current practice. This method can be applied to any linear age-based weight estimation method formula—which will be of use for researchers who wish to develop new age-based formulae, validated for the population in which they work. Further tutorial videos have been produced to illustrate its use in this regard.6 It is important for clinicians to note that any age-based weight estimation formulae will have limited precision,7 and the latest APLS weight estimation formulae are no exception.8 Readers may be also struck by a marked 7 kg jump in estimated weight from 5 to 6 years as a result of using two different formulae (figure 1). This is a result of a decision by the APLS working group to split two formulae between the ages 1–12 years, based on comparison of accuracy of an Marikar D. BMJ Innov 2015;0:1–3. doi:10.1136/bmjinnov-2015-000059 Copyright 2015 by All India Institute of Medical Sciences. 1 Downloaded from on July 6, 2015 - Published by ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Figure 1 Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) finger counting method for children aged 1–10 years (background image courtesy of Evan Amos, freely licensed via Creative Commons). Figure 2 Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) finger counting method for children aged 1–10 months (background image courtesy of Evan Amos, freely licensed via Creative Commons). earlier APLS formula and the newer Luscombe et al9 equation against UK-WHO 50th centile growth chart data ( personal communication via Jane Mooney, APLS working group, August 2013). I suggest this technique may act as a complementary resuscitation aid to help reduce the cognitive load associated with paediatric emergencies10—especially in situations where age-based formulae, computerised methods or precalculated tables of estimated weight are not immediately at hand. Twitter Follow Dilshad Marikar at @MDMarikar Acknowledgements DM would like to thank C Hills for producing the tutorial video for this concept. Contributors DM developed the concept and produced the first draft of this manuscript. 2 Competing interests None declared. Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed. REFERENCES 1 Advanced Life Support Group. Advanced paediatric life support. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. 2 Marlow RD, Wood D, Lyttle LD. Comparing usability of paediatric weight estimation methods [abstract]. Arch Dis Child 2013;98(Suppl 1):A107–8. 3 Marikar D, Varshneya K, Wahid A, et al. Just too many things to remember? A survey of paediatric trainees’ recall of Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) weight estimation formulae. Arch Dis Child 2013;98:921. 4 Marikar D, Hills C. APLS 2010 Weight Estimation. http:// (accessed 4 Jul 2014). Marikar D. BMJ Innov 2015;0:1–3. doi:10.1136/bmjinnov-2015-000059 Downloaded from on July 6, 2015 - Published by ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGIES 5 Young TP, Chem BG, Kim TY, et al. Finger counting: an alternative method for estimating pediatric weights. Am J Emerg Med 2014;32:243–7. 6 Marikar D, Hills C. Weight Estimation Videos. http://vimeo. com/user26138620/videos (accessed 4 Jul 2014). 7 Cattermole GN, Graham CA, Rainer TH. Paediatric weight estimation. Emerg Med J 2012;29:82–3. 8 Carley S. APLS weight estimation—don’t do it (well almost never). Weblog. Marikar D. BMJ Innov 2015;0:1–3. doi:10.1136/bmjinnov-2015-000059 formulas-do-not-safely-predict-weight-in-uk-children-st-emlyns/ (accessed 13 Jun 2014). 9 Luscombe MD, Owens BD, Burke D. Weight estimation in paediatrics: a comparison of the APLS formula and the formula ‘Weight=3(age)+7’. Emerg Med J 2011;28:590–3. 10 Luten R, Wears RL, Broselow J, et al. Managing the unique size-related issues of pediatric resuscitation: reducing cognitive load with resuscitation aids. Acad Emerg Med 2002;9:840–7. 3 Downloaded from on July 6, 2015 - Published by A novel tool to aid usability of age-based weight estimation formulae Dilshad Marikar BMJ Innov published online May 21, 2015 Updated information and services can be found at: These include: References Email alerting service Topic Collections This article cites 6 articles, 4 of which you can access for free at: Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article. Sign up in the box at the top right corner of the online article. 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