SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Get Together party & Registration Desk open Sunday Evening 17h00 Monday AM 1 8h00 Registration Desk 8h30 Openning Ceremonie 8h50 PLENARY LECTURE : Prof. Maruyama, Kouichi ; Tohoku University, Japan Damage Mechanism in Long-term Creep of Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic Steel Creep Mechanisms: Ni based superalloys Creep Mechanisms Creep of structure and creep-fatigue interactions: welding Ledges and Grooves at γ/γ′ Interfaces of Ni-base Single 9h30 253 Crystal Superalloys B. Parsa, Alireza - Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum New Techniques to Determine Creep Parameters from Tensile Data for 9h30 127 Low Alloy Chromium Steel Jamiru, Tamba - Tshwane University of Technology Effect of Groove Angles on Creep Strength of P91 Steel 9h30 251 Welded Joint Yaguchi, Masatsugu - CRIEPI Multiaxial Thermo-Mechanical Loading at High 9h50 152 Temperature on a Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloy le Graverend, Jean-Briac - Texas A&M University Influence of temperature and strain rate on material strength and 9h50 185 fracture behavior of Gr.91 steel Lee, Hyeong-Yeon - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute Creep-Fatigue and Thermal Fatigue Properties of 9h50 141 Dissimilar Welded Joint of SUPER304H and T91 Noguchi, Yasutaka - Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation TMCP effect on PAGS refinement and its strength contribution to the 10h10 200 improvement of creep resistance of EUROFER Puype, Athina Chantal - UGent Life prediction of a welded plate creep-fatigue test 10h10 299 using the latest R5 procedure (Issue 3 Revision 002) Tanner, David W. J. - University of Bristol Three-Dimensional Characterization of Superdislocation Interactions in the High Temperature and Low Stress Creep Regime of Ni-Base Superalloy 10h10 293 Single Crystals AGUDO JACOME, Leonardo - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung 10h30 Coffee Monday AM 2 Creep Mechanisms: Ni based superalloys Coffee 10h30 Microstructure evolution and damage during creep: long term creep Coffee Creep of structure and creep-fatigue interactions: welding On the temperature dependence of elastic and creep 11h00 164 anisotropy in Ni-based single crystal superalloys Wollgramm, Philip - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Transition of Creep Mechanism and Reinforcing Microstructure in 11h00 273 Grade P92 ferritic heat-resistant steel Yamasaki, Shigeto - Kyushu university Creep Rupture Strength of Similar Weld Metal of 11h00 133 HR6W for Advanced High Efficiency Power Plants HIRATA, HIROYUKI - Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation Creep behaviour of the single-crystal nickel-base superalloy CMSX-4 at ultra-high homologous 11h20 130 temperature Epishin, Alexander & I. - Technical University of Berlin Negligible creep temperature curves defined by standard creep 11h20 267 strength and yield property tables Holmström, Stefan - JRC-IET Metallurgical Investigation of Orbital Narrow Gap HST 11h20 288 Weldment of Ni based Alloy Pipe Tokairin, Tsuyoshi - MITSUBISHI HITACHI POWER SYSTEMS, LTD. High temperature creep deformation and damage micromechanisms in a notched Ni-based single crystal 11h40 296 superalloy Pettinari-Sturmel, Florence - CEMES - CNRS The evolution of the microstructure in heat resisting alloys during 11h40 250 creep Speicher, Magdalena - MPA University of Stuttgart Microstructure of Welded 9 Pct Chromium Steel with 11h40 154 Boron Matsunaga, Tetsuya - National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) Modeling and experimental study of long term creep damage in 12h00 134 austenitic stainless steels CUI, Yiting - CEA - Saclay Frenche altrenative energies and atomic energy commission Secondary Hardening and Microstructure of the Real 12h00 168 Welded Joints on the T24 Steel Sondel, Martin - VSB-Technical University Ostrava Creep rupture life evaluation of Type 316L(N) stainless steel 12h20 236 (KEYNOTE) Kimura, Kazuhiro KN - National Institute for Materials Science 12h45 Lunch Research on Ni-based alloy of superheater and 12h20 214 reheater for 700℃USC boiler Wang, Yuxiang - Shanghai Boiler Works,Ltd 12h40 Lunch On the effect of deviations from precise crystallographic <100> orientations towards <110> and <111> on the creep behavior of single crystal Ni-base 12h00 166 superalloys at low and high temperatures Bürger, David - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Deformation Mechanism of A Containing Re/Ru Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloy during Creep at High 12h20 111 Temperatures Tian, Sugui - Shenyang University of Technology 12h40 Lunch Monday PM 1 10h30 Chemical composition effects on creep behaviour The anomalous segregation kinetics of solutes and its effect on complex carbide reactions in T/P23 heat 14h00 132 resistant steel Sung, Hyun Je - POSTECH Effect of Tungsten on the Evolution of Second Phases Particles in the High-Chromium Martensitic Steels 14h20 255 during Creep Kaibyshev, Rustam - Belgorod State National Research University Creep behavior of Earth materials Modelling and Simulation of creep: Macroscopic damage Strain field evolution during creep on ice. Impact of dynamic 14h00 207 recrystallization mechanisms. Chauve, Thomas - LGGE Numerical calculation of the damage evolution under 14h00 256 creep conditions Hobt, Alexander - MPA University of Stuttgart Creep of minerals: quantifying effects of pressure and grain boundary 14h20 242 vs. intracrystalline processes up to 10 GPa and 1600 K in olivine Merkel, Sébastien - Université Lille 1 Study of Impression Creep Damage Behavior with 14h20 138 Finite Element Method Zhao, Bin - Northwestern Polytechnical University Influence of nitrogen content on the creep strength of 14h40 305 316L(N) austenitic stainless steel DELABROUILLE, Frédéric - EDF 14h40 301 Viscoplastic creep in carbonate-rich shales Rassouli, Fatemeh - Stanford University Investigation on creep characteristic of nickel-base single crystal alloy double-wall laminated cooling 14h40 183 specimen Li, Lei - Northwestern Polytechnincal University Effect of Mo addition on recrystallization behavior and 15h00 122 creep properties in High Mn austenitic stainless steels Ito, Takanori - Kyushu University Time dependent deformation behaviour of salt concrete – Laboratory 15h00 174 investigations and modelling activities Jantschik, Kyra - TU Braunschweig Effects of Trace Elements on Creep Properties of 15h20 149 Nickel-Iron Base Superalloy Takasawa, Koichi - The Japan Steel Works, Ltd. 15h20 135 Very slow creep tests on salt samples (KEYNOTE) Berest, Pierre KN - Ecole Polytechnique Effect of Ag on the microstructural stability and the 15h40 193 creep properties of an Al-Cu-Mg-Si Ag-bearing alloy Gariboldi, Elisabetta - Politecnico di Milano 16h00 Break Three-dimensional crack border fields in creeping 15h00 258 solids and applications Guo, Wanlin - Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics An experimental investigation for creep damage mechanism of plate specimens with film cooling holes 15h20 229 in Ni-based single crystal superalloys Dongxu, Zhang - Northwestern Polytechnical University 15h45 End of session 15h40 End of session 16h00 Break 16h00 Break Monday PM 2 Chemical composition effects on creep behaviour Creep Strength of Directly Recycled Ni-base Single 16h30 171 Crystal Superalloy Utada, Satoshi - Waseda University, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering Effect of Sulfur on Creep Strength of Ni-base Single 16h50 226 Crystal Superalloy, TMS-1700 JOH, Yuichiro - Waseda University Quantitative Experimental Determination of the Solid Solution Hardening Potential of Rhenium, Tungsten and Molybdenum in Single Crystal Nickel-Based 17h10 202 Superalloys Glatzel, Uwe - University Bayreuth Creep resistance of Ni-based single crystal superalloys 17h30 121 under thermal cycling conditions (KEYNOTE) Cormier, Jonathan KN - Institut Pprime & ISAE-ENSMA 17h55 Tuesday AM 1 Creep behavior of Earth materials 16h30 232 Creep deformation of organic-rich shale rocks Sone, Hiroki - GFZ Potsdam Application of fracture mechanics methods for the 16h30 252 assessment of components with defects Hueggenberg, Daniel - MPA University of Stuttgart 16h50 136 Creep closure rate of a shallow cavern Berest, Pierre - Ecole Polytechnique Analysis of the NF EN 13 445 creep rules and 16h50 265 comparison with RCC-MRx creep rules DUBIEZ-LE GOFF, Sophie - AREVA NP Lyon 17h10 235 Rheological contrast between olivine and garnet at high pressures Mei, Shenghua - University of Minnesota Effect of Stress on Creep Life Evaluation by Hardness in 17h10 281 High Cr Ferritic Steels Kubushiro, Keiji - IHI Corporation 17h30 End of session End of session 17h50 Aperitif on the roof of Toulouse 8h30 PLENARY LECTURE : Dr. Caillard, Daniel ; CEMES CNRS Toulouse, France Dislocation mechanisms in creep of metals and alloys 9h10 119 Creep in Cast MAR – M247 Nickel – Base Superalloy Kvapilová, Marie - Institute of Physics of Materials, AS CR, Brno 9h30 182 Creep anisotropy of DS200+Hf alloy at 900°C Suave, Lorena Mataveli - ENSMA/SAFRAN Effect of strain rate on damage initiation of Alloy 718 DA at 600 and 650°C: A Coupling between Oxidation 9h50 189 and Mechanics Perrais, Maxime - CIRIMAT Advanced Techniques for Extrapolation of Creep and 10h10 286 Creep Rupture Data Linn, Stefan - Technische Universitaet Darmstadt 10h30 Coffee Creep under special conditions: irradiation End of session Experimental setups for creep tests: multi axial loading 9h10 243 What do we know about irradiation creep: facts and models Borodin, Vladimir A. - NRC Kurchatov Institute On the use of double shear and circular notched specimens in creep research of single crystal super 9h10 167 alloy single crystals Maihöfer, Christian - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Sub-boundary characterization of crept uranium dioxide fuel pellets, 9h30 175 by EBSD and ECCI Bensaada, Mariem - Laboratoire d'Etude des Microstructures Anisotropic creep rupture properties of a notched bar 9h30 227 in nickel-base single crystal superalloy under multiaxial Wen, Zhixun - Northwestern Polytechnical University In-situ characterization of ion-irradiation creep of micrometric SiC 9h50 209 fibers Huguet-Garcia, Juan - CEA Saclay Evaluation of Creep Damage for Mod. 9Cr-1Mo Steels 9h50 248 under Multi-Axial Stress Conditions Yoshida, Kimiaki - IHI 10h10 206 Irradiation creep in ODS materials (KEYNOTE) Chen, Jiachao KN - Paul Scherrer Insititute 10h35 Coffee 10h10 294 Slow strain rate tensile tests for notched copper bars Sui, Fangfei - Royal institute of Technology 10h30 Coffee Creep mechanims Creep under special conditions: environment Experimental setups for creep tests: small size Study of creep/relaxation in nanocrystalline FCC thin films through internal-stress-actuated microtensile 11h00 147 testing method Lemoine, Guerric - Université catholique de Louvain Investigation on creep deformation of two high 11h00 143 entropy alloys ZHAO, Jie - Dalian University of Technology Creep Behavior in Helium Environment and Weld Metal of Alloy 617 at 11h00 208 1073K Kim, Woo-Gon - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute Microstructural and anisotropic effects on the high 11h20 179 temperature behavior of ageing alloys Gariboldi, Elisabetta - Politecnico di Milano Identification of creep parameters in a thermally grown oxide under 11h20 216 thermal cycling loadings Tao, Zhaojun - Université de Technologie de Troyes Deformation Behavior of Natural Materials with 11h40 117 Hierarchical Structure. Panfilov, Peter - Ural Federal University Polycrystalline model based on oxygen diffusion: application to 11h40 180 thermal creep of M5® cladding tubes between 350°C and 400°C Castro Moreno, Antonio - AREVA NP / LIMATB Sites of high stored energy and grain boundary migration during post-dynamic and static 12h00 289 recrystallization of ice Ih Chauve, Thomas - LGGE Experimental and modelling approach to room-temperature creep and 12h00 237 sustained load cracking in commercially pure titanium alloys. Marchenko, Arina - Centre des Matèriaux Mines ParisTech Evaluation of creep rheological parameters: 12h00 201 Indentation versus compression test RABEMANANJARA, Liva - LGCGM The Effect of High Temperature Exposure on Steady-State Creep of 12h20 188 Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo–0.1Si Alloy Baillieux, Jean - Cirimat Size Effects in Miniature Specimen Creep Testing of 12h20 284 Heat Resistant Ferritic-Martensitic Steels Olbricht, Jürgen - Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) 12h40 Lunch Viscous glide controlled creep in CoCrFeMnNi – a compositionally complex high-entropy alloy 12h20 278 (KEYNOTE) Dlouhy, Antonin KN - Institute of Physics of Materials, AS CR 12h45 Lunch Tuesday PM 1 17h30 300 Creep Testing and Standardization Loveday, Malcolm Stuart - HTMTC 19h00 Creep mechanims Tuesday AM 2 Design rules Microstructure evolution and damage during creep: cavitation 12h40 Lunch Creep of Intermetallic compounds and alloys Influence of the manufacturing process on the high temperature behavior of Photovoltaic Silicon Wafer 11h20 198 loaded in bending Maynadier, Anne - LaMCoS - Université de Lyon - INSA Lyon - UMR CNRS 5259 Evaluation of the creep behavior of lead-free SnAgCuBiNi solder joints using in-situ micro-tensile 11h40 276 testing Tao, Quang Bang - Université de Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines Experimental setups for creep tests: small size 14h20 113 Creep Cavitation of Austenitic Stainless Steels He, Junjing - Royal Institute of Technology Temperature Anomaly of the Primary Creep Response of Ni3Al and 14h00 144 Ni3Ge Single Crystals Solov'eva, Yulia Vladimirovna - Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building Finite Element Simulation of the creep behavior of directionally 14h20 187 solidified NiAl-9Mo Albiez, Juergen - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Theoretical and experimental study of the creep 14h40 160 damage of Incoloy 800 alloys at high temperature HUANG, Liang - CEA-SACLAY Creep in directionally solidified NiAl-X (Cr, Mo) composites and their 14h40 211 microstructural analysis Krueger, Antje - KIT Creep behavior and life assessment of anisotropic bicrystals with a void and without void in different 15h00 230 kinds of grain boundaries Li, Songwei - Northwestern Polytechnical University On the Reinforcing Effect of Mo- and Cr-rich Eutectic Phases During 15h00 275 Creep in NiAl-(Mo,Cr) Directionally Solidified Alloys Dlouhy, Antonin - Institute of Physics of Materials, AS CR Small Punch Test of Ferritic-Martensitic Steel P92 at 15h00 203 Constant Deflection Dymacek, Petr - IPM AS CR Simulation of creep damage in a Cu polycrystal under 15h20 162 multiaxial loading Microstructure evolution and creep properties of a ternary eutectic 15h20 128 Mo-Si-B alloy Application of impression creep testing for creep 15h20 262 properties of steels and their welds 14h00 169 Study of creep cavitation through creep life Jazaeri, Hedieh - The Open University Lifing approaches applied to a single crystal superalloy 14h00 191 tested by the small punch creep test Jeffs, Spencer Pendrell - Swansea University Remaining Life Evaluation of Long-term Used Gr.91 14h20 218 using Miniature Creep Specimen Zhang, Shengde - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry APPLICATION OF A NOVEL SAMPLING TECHNIQUE FOR THROUGH WALL AND COMPLEX GEOMETRY CREEP 14h40 177 DAMAGE ASSESSMENT Hattingh, Daniel - Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Vöse, Markus - Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) Fracture of M23C6 carbides / austenitic matrix 15h40 309 interfaces in austenitic stainless steels Yting, Cui - CEA Saclay 16h00 Break Tuesday PM 2 Factors Affecting the Mechanical Properties of Co-Based Superalloys 15h40 112 with L12 Cuboidal Precipitates (KEYNOTE) Inui, Haruyuki KN - Kyoto University 16h05 Break Creep Mechanisms: steels Rantala, Juhani Henrik - VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd Impression Creep Testing of Ex-service Austenitic 15h40 287 Stainless Steels McVey, Lewis - Amec Foster Wheeler 16h00 Break Creep of Intermetallic compounds and alloys Creep of structure and creep-fatigue interactions: fatigue Evolution of a Precipitates and Their Effect on Creep 16h30 257 Behavior at 650C of a 10% Cr Martensitic Steel. Kaibyshev, Rustam - Belgorod State University 16h30 161 Investigation of creep of Fe3Al-based alloys with zirconium additions Dobeš, Ferdinand - Institute of Physics of Materials, ASCR The effect of prior plasticity on the creep response of 16h30 137 two chrome steels at elevated temperatures Kalyanasundaram, Valliappa - inspire AG Influence of hot bending on microstructure changes of 16h50 219 thick-walled P92 steel pipe Kral, Petr - Institute of Physics of Materials ASCR, v.v.i. Creep properties and microstructure of binary Fe-Al alloys with a fine16h50 120 scaled, lamellar microstructure Scherf, Anke - Karlsruher Institute of Technology Lath boundary strengthening mechanism in high Cr 17h10 280 ferritic heat-resistant steel Mitsuhara, Masatoshi - Kyushu University Tensile creep of Ti3AlC2 MAX phase: from ceramic to intermetallic 17h10 148 behavior Drouelle, Elodie - Safran - Institut Pprime Design and first evaluation of new martensitic creep resistant steel with an ultra-high MX precipitate 17h30 163 stability at 650 °C Lu, Qi - Delft University of Technology Microstructure and creep properties of TiAl alloys densified by Spark 17h30 150 Plasma Sintering COURET, Alain - CEMES/CNRS Effect of microstructure on creep and creep-fatigue 17h50 215 strength in 316FR stainless steel Nagae, Yuji - Japan Atomic Energy Agency Creep Forming technology for spherical thin-walled AlMgSc airframe 17h50 153 structures Zimmermann, Frieder - Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS Dresden Use of fundamental models for copper to describe the creep properties of austenitic stainless steels 18h10 173 (KEYNOTE) Sandstrom, Rolf KN - Royal Institute of Technology, KTH 18h35 Wednesday AM 1 Hasemann, Georg - Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg Creep-fatigue interactions in pure Tantalum under 18h10 105 constant and variable amplitude loadings Maréchal, David - CEA/CESTA 18h30 End of session PLENARY LECTURE : Prof. Mills, Michael J. ; The Ohio State University, United States of America Advanced Characterization of Deformation Mechanisms in Ni-base Superalloys Creep Mechanisms: Ni based superalloys Creep Mechanisms at Intermediate Temperatures in 9h10 271 an Advanced PM Nickel Base Superalloy Nazé, Loeïz - Mines ParisTech TEM characterization of the microstructure and creep deformation micromechanisms of the new AD730TM 9h30 298 Ni-based superalloy Hantcherli, Muriel - CEMES - CNRS A study of the relationships between microstructure and creep properties of a new nickel based superalloy: 9h50 155 AD730TM THEBAUD, LOUIS - ENSMA - Institut Pprime 10h10 Wednesday AM 2 End of session End of session 8h30 10h30 18h10 Microstructural Investigation in Low-Cycle Creep16h50 197 Fatigue Deformation of Cu-Cr-Zr Alloy Deguchi, Masaya - Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Cyclic Plasticity and Relaxation, under Creep-Fatigue 17h10 234 Interaction for 9 Cr Rotor Steel Kim, Kuk-Cheol - Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Experimental investigation on creep-fatigue interaction of Ni3Al-based directionally solidified 17h30 245 superally plate specimens with film cooling holes Liang, Jianwei - Northwestern Polytechnical University,China Microstructural characterisation and high temperature 17h50 279 fatigue testing of MarBN Barrett, Richard Allen - Nui Galway Coffee Modelling and Simulation of creep: Physically-based modelling of deformation Computational Modeling of Single Crystal Plasticity for Al-rich lamellar 9h30 131 Al62Ti38 alloy at 1050°C based on continuum slip theory Chowdhury, Helal Uddin - OVGU Magdeburg A New Methodology to Study the Creep Behaviour of 9h10 241 Materials by Mechanical Spectroscopy. San Juan, Jose - Universidad del Pais Vasco The elastic tensor of single crystal Ni-based superalloys and their corresponding matrix using resonant 9h30 224 ultrasound spectroscopy Krieg, Fabian - University Bayreuth 9h50 222 Viscoplastic behavior of nuclear fuel Gatt, jean-marie - CEA A dislocation density based model for creep deformation of nickel 10h10 228 based single crystal superalloy Zhang, Chengjiang - Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology On Severe Deformation of Rhenium at Low 9h50 118 Homological Temperature. Panfilov, Peter - Ural Federal University Thermo mechanical behavior of fresh zircaloy-4 under 10h10 282 LOCA conditions Campello, Damien - INSA de Lyon 9h10 297 Creep of a Fe18Cr NDS HERVE, Nicolas - CEA Grenoble 10h30 Creep Mechanisms: Ni based superalloys Experimental setups for creep tests Coffee Modelling and Simulation of creep: Physically-based modelling of deformation 10h30 Coffee Creep under special conditions : environment Impact of intermetallic phases precipitation on the creep properties of the new cast & wrought René 65 11h00 210 Ni-based superalloy LAURENCE, Aude - SAFRAN - Snecma - Pprime Institut Development of Mechanism-Based and Microstructure-Sensitive 11h00 190 Creep Modeling Tools for Ni-Base Superalloys Wang, Yunzhi - The Ohio State University 11h20 225 Stress-free negative creep of Waspaloy Kinzel, Svenja Alexandra - University Bayreuth 11h20 239 Creep modeling in Olivine by 2.5D dislocation dynamics simulations Boioli, Francesca - UMET, University of Lille 1 Relating fundamental creep behaviour to advanced 11h40 212 lifing approaches Whittaker, Mark - Swansea University Determination of the Crictical Resolved Shear Stress in a NiAl-Cr 11h40 124 composite by Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Gakam, Herve - Karlsruhe Institut of Technology (KIT) Impact of In-Service Carburisation on the CreepFatigue Lifetime of Stainless Steel Components and 11h20 304 Suggested Assessment Procedure Modifications Chevalier, Marc - EDF Energy Creep and tensile behavior of type 310 stainless steel at high temperature in different atmospheres and 11h40 178 loading conditions Parrens, Coralie - CIRIMAT Creep behavior of heavy wall Alloy 617occ and C263 12h00 254 seamless pipes for 700°C power plants technology Knezevic, Vida - Vallourec Deutschland GmbH Rafting prediction criterion and creep life for nickelbased single crystal superalloys under multiaxial stress 12h20 233 states Wang, Jiapo - Northwestern Polytechnical University Physically-based modeling of the stress-strain behavior of austenitic 12h00 292 stainless steels subjected to fatigue-relaxation Sauzay, Maxime - CEA Imaging of 316H SENT creep sample subjected to 12h00 259 oxidation at high temperature PODESTA, Laurie - EDF R&D -LMGC Full-field modeling of strain heterogeneities during transient creep of 12h20 217 polycrystalline ice using a FFT method (KEYNOTE) Montagnat, Maurine KN - LGGE - CNRS - Univ. Grenoble Alpes 12h20 231 Diffusion-creep in chromia thermally grown oxide Rakotovao, Felana - Université de La Rochelle 12h40 Lunch 12h45 14h00 Airbus Visit or Guided Tour in Toulouse 19h30 Conference Dinner Lunch Change in Hydrogen Thermal Desorption Characteristic 11h00 249 of Gr.122 Welded Joint with Creep Komazaki, Shin-ichi - Kagoshima University 12h40 Lunch Thursday AM 1 PLENARY LECTURE : Prof. Eggeler, Gunther ; Institut für Werkstoffe, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany On the Mechanism of Creep in Short Fiber Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites ; 8h30 Creep mechanims 9h10 123 High Temperature Creep in a Zr-1wt.%Nb Alloy Sklenicka, Vaclav - Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences Creep Deformation Mechanism and Deformation Substructures in Mg-Y and Mg-Y-Zn Dilute Solid 9h30 247 Solution Alloys SUZUKI, Mayumi - Toyama Prefectural University High Temperature Creep Behavior Dependence on Dispersed ZrO2 Contents of Platinum-10%Rhodium 9h50 151 ODS Alloys Segawa, Hideo - Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. Creep and Fracture of Oxide Dispersion Hardened Platinum with Improved Strength at High 10h10 140 Temperatures Fischer, Bernd - Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena University of Applied Sciences Jena 10h30 Coffee Thursday AM 2 Modelling and Simulation of creep: Macroscopic deformation Evaluation and Extrapolation of Entire Creep Curve by “Strain 9h10 302 Acceleration and Transition Objective Index” with Interval Partitioning Sato, Hiroyuki - Hirosaki University Prediction of Stress Relaxation from Creep Data for a High-Chromium 9h30 184 Steel Based on a Constitutive Model Kostenko, Yevgen - Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg A Phenomenological Creep Constitutive Model for Application to Wide 9h50 126 Ranges of Stress and Temperature Hosseini, Ehsan - Inspire Centre for Mechanical Integrity, c/o EMPA, Switzerland New Creep Constitutive Equation for FEM Modelling, including 10h10 199 Transient Effects (KEYNOTE) Kloc, Luboš KN - Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v.v.i. 10h35 Creep mechanims 11h00 157 Performing and evaluating creep tests Dvorak, Jiri - Institute of Physics of Materials, AS CR Evaluation of creep properties using slow strain rate 11h20 260 tensile testing Calmunger, Mattias - Linköping University Creep behaviour and strain rate sensitivity of Ti-6Al-4V 11h40 308 alloy. Viguier, Bernard - CIRIMAT, Université de Toulouse Coffee Modelling and Simulation of creep: deformation and damage A Creep Model Predicting Creep Curve, Ductility, Failure Mode and 11h00 108 Lifetime Wu, Xijia - National Research Council Canada Experimental setups for creep tests The study of fluxional creep of self-compacting concrete reinforced with vegetable fibers (hemp and 9h10 238 chennevote) Belkadi, Ahmed Abderraouf - université 9h30 263 Complex tests on ceramic matrix composites materials Bouvard, Gabriel - DGA Ta Creep Properties on Deformation and Uniformity by Introducing Slits into Extensometer Ridge on Uniaxial 9h50 244 Creep Specimen Kobayashi, Ken-ichi - Chiba University Determination of creep properties from a single 10h10 270 specimen using digital image correlation Muyupa, Ellies - The Open University 10h30 Coffee Microstructure evolution and damage during creep Creep Crack Morphology in 316H Austenitic Stainless 11h00 240 Steel Wisbey, Andrew - Amec Foster Wheeler 11h40 159 Diffusional creep contribution to the type IV fracture mechanism Esposito, Luca - University of Naples "Federico II" On the Role of Grain Boundary Particles on Creep 11h20 146 Crack Growth Sommer, Hannah - Ruhr-Universität Bochum Damage mechanisms in ferritic 14%Cr ODS steels: 11h40 269 obtaining oxidation-free fracture surfaces Salmon-Legagneur, Hubert - CEA Saclay 12h00 102 A unified description of creep and plasticity in α-brass Spigarelli, Stefano - Università Politecnica delle Marche The Changing Constants of Creep: A Letter on Region Splitting in Creep 12h00 142 Lifing Gray, Veronica - Swansea University A quantitative metallographic study of pores in Ni-base 12h00 158 superalloy single crystals Buck, Hinrich - Ruhr Universitaet Bochum Low-Temperature Creep of Metals and Alloys 12h20 104 (KEYNOTE) Kassner, Michael KN - Univ. Southern California The influence of γ′ volume fraction on the tensile creep characteristics 12h20 125 of a [0 0 1] orientation nickel-based single crystal superalloy Wang, Xinmei - Northwestern Ploytechnical University Effect of thin-wall on creep response of DD6 Ni-based 12h20 268 single crystal superalloy Pei, Haiqing - Northwestern Polytechnical University 12h45 Thrusday PM 1 Lunch 11h20 246 Creep modelling of 316H stainless steel incorporating damage Bonora, Nicola - University of Cassino and Southern Lazio 12h40 Creep Mechanisms: steels Lunch Modelling and Simulation of creep: microstructure and damage Correlation between creep deformation parameters 14h00 213 and creep life for high-Cr ferritic steels Abe, Fujio - National Institute for Materials Science A Micromechanical Study of Reheat Cracking in AISI 316L Austenitic 14h00 285 Stainless Steels DUBIEZ-LE GOFF, Sophie - AREVA NP Lyon Effects of Dislocation Substructures on Creep 14h20 194 Deformation Behavior in 9%Cr Martensitic Steel Mikami, Masato - Japan Casting & Forging Corporation Effect of Applied Stress on the Microstructural Evolution in a 9%Cr14h20 272 3%Co-2%W Martensitic Steel During Creep at 650oC. Dudova, Nadezhda - Belgorod State University Precipitation behavior and mechanical properties of a ferritic steel strengthened by intermetallic Laves phase 14h40 196 particles Talík, Michal - Forschungszentrum Juelich Microstructural changes during creep deformation in 15h00 170 Grade 91 steel Sawada, Kota - National Institute for Materials Science Effect of normalizing and tempering heat treatments on the creep 14h40 139 rupture properties of advanced power plant steel (P92) MADDI, LAKSHMIPRASAD - Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur Grain Bounday Sliding Accommodated with Local Deformation during 15h00 156 High-Temperature Creep in 15Cr-ODS Ferritic Steel Masuda, Hiroshi - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Effects of microstructural parameters on creep flow and fracture of a 9Cr-1Mo-NNbV (ASME Grade 91) 15h20 277 tempered martensitic steel Piozin, Emma - CEA Saclay Structure of 3d-5d Transition Metals Strained by Severe Deformation 15h20 223 at Room and Cryogenic Temperature Pilyugin, Vitaly - Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of RAS 15h40 Closing session 12h40 Lunch
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