IN PURSUIT CONFERENCE 18-20 MARCH 2015 The following is a transcript of a prophetic word for Singapore released by Shawn Bolz during the In Pursuit conference on 20th March 2015. Not all of this is new - some is but the Lord seems to be providing greater detail and clarity to what He has spoken in the past. This word can be viewed as a compilation of prophetic confirmations to encourage us as we transition into a new season as a nation. No prophet or prophetic word is infallible, neither can it be fulfilled without certain conditions being met, so please read it prayerfully and seek the Lord for His discernment. This transcript has been edited, and headings added to improve readability, but the message remains intact. At the end is a link to a related prophetic word released by Bobby Conner in 2012 over Singapore. A GOVERNMENTAL MANTLE BEING DISTRIBUTED TO A YOUNGER GENERATION I believe that this, being the 50th year of Singapore, there is a mantle to be passed down from the governmental leaders including the founding prime minister who started this country. There is something being passed right now and distributed amongst a younger generation. Younger doesn't mean ten [years old], doesn't mean twenty [years old], it just means people who are involved in this generation right now [in] Singapore. A PLACE FOR SACRED TREASURES / A SAFETY ZONE DURING WORLD CONFLICT / A TRUSTED SPACE I feel like the Lord is saying it's like a Switzerland where people will hide their sacred treasures here because it will be a safe land. It’ll be a neutral zone from many different issues especially in the Middle East and Asia. It'll be a safety zone, especially for some of the world conflict that's going to come around. This land will be a peaceful land - there will be war on no sides of this land or towards this land. A GATEWAY NATION / BANKING POWER MOVING TO SINGAPORE This nation has become a gateway nation as Bobby [Conner] said. It's a gateway nation to the Middle East and a gateway nation to Asia. God’s going to start shifting banking power more and more and more to Singapore. He's going to trust Singapore to be a host for banking industries and for some sort of new, emerging stock market that's going to be happening throughout Asia. God has created a peaceful zone over Singapore and it's going to be a trusted space. Because it will be a trusted space, more and more ma jor corporations and more and more banking structures will start to plant here. A SEAT OF POWER / WORLD ECONOMY ISSUES There's going to be a seat of power here in Singapore and it's going to bring a new level of wealth and a new level of economy than is even here right now. I believe God is setting up Christians to come here - also the ones who are indigenous to Singapore – to succeed with the spirit of ingenuity because if this comes in, and, if God is going to have authority and power in the midst of it, it's going to take Christians who actually have creative thinking and ingenuity to be able to bring it to where it needs to go. Otherwise it will only last a little bit - it will last five years, ten years, and then the seat of power will go somewhere else. There is something that God is making available to Singapore that's going to take a spirit of "Solomon-wisdom" to bring it to its fullness. It's about world economy issues. Some of you understand this. Some of you say this doesn't apply to me. It applies to all of us but some of it is more generic in how it applies to us. VENTURES MULTIPLIED BY BEING IN SINGAPORE God's positioning people to be here in the midst of that to succeed in ventures that will be multiplied by being in Singapore versus being somewhere else. They can be in Hong Kong or they could be in Thailand or they could be in Korea, but if these efforts are here it will go internationally versus just nationally. So God is sending people to start companies or to have a base of their company here. A SIGN AND A WONDER ON SINGAPORE, A PROTOTYPE IN ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING I feel like it's when Dubai first started as a nation. I remember the Lord said, "I'm going to give them an ability to produce land” and I couldn't understand this as I was so young. I didn't understand what that meant and then they created land! They literally created land in the ocean so they could have more land. I feel the Lord saying that he's going to put a sign and a wonder on Singapore because he's going to multiply the efforts of architecture here; how this space can fit so many things that don't even exist yet today. This is going to be an efficient space, it's going to be a prototype space, for the amount of people that will be living here - to be able to live here successfully and not kill each other! PILOT SPACE FOR NEW TECHNOLOGIES / ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY, SPECIFICALLY FILM I saw new technologies being piloted here. I feel like there are several new technologies that are going find their pilot space in Singapore. Singapore is going to have tax breaks and tax incentives for certain types of companies to come here. And for me most importantly - which is not most importantly for you - there is an entertainment industry that is budding here, especially for film that's going to hit the Asian markets in such a strong way. And we will see signs of this. The last time I prophesied something like this, I said God is going to put Korea on the map for entertainment in the Asian world and it won't just be the [TV] dramas. [At this point Shawn shares testimonies about the Korean entertainment industry and an up-and-coming starlet that he prophesied success over that is now coming to pass.] God is going to do something in Singapore with the film industry specifically. Not TV as much as film [though] I see TV also having a broad [reach] around Asia and the Middle East from Singapore. I should say it is TV as well but I feel like there's something with the film industry… there’s creativity that is going to be inspired from here because [of] the English-speaking melting pot of Asians that are here. There's going to be something that emerges in creativity that's going to be recognised not just in the arts world but in the commercial film world. So those of you who are involved in the entertainment industry as Christians that's super exciting because God wants to put it on the map. A REDEMPTIVE PURPOSE ON THIS NATION / AN ANOINTING TO BUILD What if after 50 years of being a country, God’s going to use you as a leading country? What if He’s going to use Singapore as a sign and a wonder of what can happen even after just 50 years? What if He brings a revival here and he starts to harvest all the wealth, all the companies, all the people who are here for His glory? There is a redemptive purpose on this nation. The fact that your first prime minister has his fingerprints on everything is a picture of somebody who built with an apostolic mindset without even knowing that he was an apostle. He didn't even know! He's probably one of the best apostles of our generation as far as how he built - and that's a redemptive gift. In this land [there is] a "building anointing” - to build all over the nation, across multiple platforms. Many of you have that gift to build across multiple platforms. One of the things that God wants to do is to export you to build especially in places that other people who have your mentality can't go - specifically again I say the Middle East and all of Asia. WHY YOU HAVE BEEN HARD-PRESSED / A SPIRIT OF WISDOM BEING RELEASED Some of you are wondering how come it's been a little harder for me and my company or in my genre? Part of it is because God wants to do something where He accelerates you, but He has to build your character so that you can sustain something that blows up - what would normally take 30 years happens in 10 years in your life! And the Christians are being "hard-pressed but not crushed". Not necessarily persecuted but "hard-pressed but not crushed" so that you can build the kind of character it takes to speak into all of society in Singapore, and, so you can handle not just normal growth but exponential growth in a number of different areas. SEE THE BIG PICTURE God wants to strengthen your vision and He wants to give you a bigger mindset then you have - you have to see a bigger picture. You're calling is to see the big picture! If you don't see the big picture, somebody who doesn't deserve to will and they will occupy that space - but it's your space to occupy! God is making you wise councillors. He is putting a spirit of wisdom on you. I think the number one cry for a Singaporean would be wisdom, eg. "I need wisdom on how to do my life", "I need wisdom on how to make these decisions". [You] don't need common human wisdom, [you] need revelatory wisdom! I think what Bobby [Conner] said this afternoon, "that something can happen here, a star can rise in the East that can bring evangelism to the whole world especially the Asian world”, is a true word from the Lord. HARVESTING OF BRILLIANT PEOPLE I think the next harvest that’s going to happen over these next five years here in Singapore is the harvesters of brilliant people. A harvesting of brilliant people. The harvesting of people who already have Kingdom values, kingdom mindsets, but they haven't had the instructions or the wisdom or the understanding of what to do with it. He's going to harvest harvesters so that the whole harvest field will be ready to be populated by people who can see the whole big picture. SOCIAL MEDIA & SOCIAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR ONLINE MISSIONS On top of this I feel like there are technologies that are going to be crazy social media and social technologies that are going to just be insane that are going to come out of Singapore. I feel like there's a little Silicon Valley right here in Singapore that's going to change technology industries. Now what’s exciting is when I went to Korea, I knew from Loren Cunningham [of YWAM] that Korea was a missionary sending zone. I believe that Singapore is creating an infrastructure in the technology world for missions that are online missions that are going to get people saved through media and film, online projects, social media and things that know one else [has thought] about. I believe God is going to blow up some internet technologies here. Those of you who are involved in technology companies should be very excited because God is investing technology into this country. He is investing a mindset into this country that can change the whole world. So He is having to build a corporate character in this nation so He can sustain what happens here or else it would destroy you. WORD FOR SINGAPORE, BOBBY CONNER (2012) Related to the word Shawn shared, you may be interested to hear what the Lord said to Bobby Conner in 2012 about moving the world's financial centre from New York’s Wall Street to Singapore. Visit: and fast forward to time code 06:50 Something can happen with just the revelation and wisdom that God's investing into the people here. It's not because of us [the speakers] or what we're bringing in [through this conference], it's because there's a revelatory spirit over Singapore that we are saying, "Slow down and recognise what God is doing... and listen”. If you listen right now you might hear instructions that change everything.
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