I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. Minutes Calvin CRC Council Meeting October 28, 2013 Galen Van Maanen called the meeting to order and opened with prayer. Minutes of the September 30, 2013 Council meeting were read for information. Minutes of the October 28, 2013 Elders meeting were read for information. Minutes of the October 28, 2013 Deacons meeting were read for information. The General, Building and Benevolence fund reports were given for information. Council education was tabled until the next meeting. Executive committee had no report. Building and grounds committee continues to work on setting priorities for building improvements and updates. The Evangelism Committee-Calvin members helped serve at the Lighthouse service on October 6. Reverend Gideon will be giving the message at Whispering Heights on November 5. Church Privilege Committee-Nathan and Jen Boer-Vis will be using the church after their daughter’s baptism. The Community Impact Committee-ordered new sign posters. Fellowship committee reported on November 10 there will be cupcakes served to celebrate Reverend Wamala’s birthday. There will be Christmas cookies served during the Christmas season The CEC committee report was given for information. The Calvin CRC auction/bake sale will be held on October 29. The sound committee report was given for information. The decorations committee has received the new candleholder for the Christmas season. There will be guidelines drawn up for the decorations committee. Corwin Harthoorn and Brian De Weerd will welcome new families. The council supper will be held on November 18 at 6:00 pm at Cedar Rock Grill. Retired members from last year will also be invited to attend. Old business: Elders will encourage attendees to the Minn-I-Kota youth retreat by letters to parents, recruiting through catechism classes and deacons will pay the fees for all interested in attending. Dordt Day of Encouragement will be held February 1, 2014 and members of council are encouraged to attend. New business: Classical church visitors are scheduled for November 25 at 8:00 pm. We received membership papers for John and Minnie Den Boer from Worthington CRC. A motion was made and supported to accept their membership and the motion passed. We received a letter to transfer membership papers of Adrianna Klarenbeek to Inwood First Reformed church. A motion was made and supported to transfer Adrianna’s membership and the motion passed. CRWM Mission Fest will be held November 2 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at Unity Christian. The revised church bylaws were reviewed and discussed. There will be drive for Prosperity of God located in Haiti. A list of items for suggested donations will be announced, placed in the bulletin, phone tree. Habitat for Humanity expressed interest in the northeast church lot. Concept minutes were read and approved. A motion to adjourn was supported and approved. Next Council meeting will be held on November 25, 2013. Howie Van Ginkel closed the meeting with prayer. “Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you ,who are for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for the is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5: 12-18 N OVEMBER N EWSLETTER C ALVIN C HORD C ALVIN A NNOUNCEMENTS 2013-2014 C OUNCIL M EMBERS All Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes need to be E LDERS : G ALEN V AN M AANEN , J EFF returned by Sunday, November 17 in order to be S ANTEMA , H OWIE V AN G INKEL , delivered to the drop off in Sioux Center. Remember to J IM V ANDE K ERK , C ORWIN mark the ages of the child and gender you have filled the H ARTHOORN , D ENNIS W YNIA , & box for. Please include your $7 donation to ship the box B RYAN P OLLEMA to its new owner. Offering for Operation Christmas Child will be on Thanksgiving Day. D EACONS : G ARY D E J AGER , B EN V AN D ER B RINK , D AVE V ER B URG , The worship committee will be meeting on Tuesday, G RANT K OOIMA , H ERLAN D E November 19. All contributions need to be turned in beJ AGER , B RIAN D E W EERD , & B OB fore the worship committee meeting including special G ILMAN music, power point presentations, and videos. The Council will be meeting on Monday, November 25 beginning at 6:30 PM. All Food Drive reverse offering items need to be returned to the church by Monday, November 25. Calvin will have Pulpit Supply on Monday, November 24 for both the Morning and the Evening worship services. The Morning Worship Service will be filled by Pastor Bobby Van Otterloo from Trinity CRC. The Evening Worship Service will be filled by Pastor Steve Moerman from Cornerstone Prison Church. Calvin will have a Thanksgiving Day Service beginning at 9:30AM on Thanksgiving, November 28. There will be Pulpit Supply by Reverend John Engbers. Calvin will have Pulpit Supply on Sunday, December 1 by Reverend Engbers for both the Morning and the Evening Worship Service. There will be Pulpit Supply for the evening worship service on Sunday, December 15 by Reverend Tinklenberg. The Christmas Program is scheduled for December 15 following the evening worship There will be Christmas Program practice on December 8 following the morning worship Wednesday evening, December 11, and Sunday ber 15 following the Morning Worship Service. Sunday, service. Sunday, service, Decem- Holy Communion will be served on Sunday, December 8 at Calvin CRC and at Whispering Heights. IF YOU WOULD LIKE A P ASTORAL VISIT , CONTACT R EVEREND W AMALA OR Y OUR DISTRICT ELDER . W E WOULD BE HAPPY TO MINISTER TO YOU IN ANY WAY THAT WE CAN . I N H IS N AME , T HE C OUNCIL O FFERING TO TALS G ENERAL F UND C LASSICAL F UND C HRISTIAN E D . C HAPTER $1428.27 $272.25 $1185.00 M ISSIONS $565.27 I N -H OME M ISSIONS $392.50 S IOUX C ITY G OSPEL M ISSION $242.00 K ATELYN ’ S F UND $246.00 B UILDING F UND $441.00 B ACK TO G OD H OUR $204.00 L OVING U TAH $278.50 What’s happening at Youth ENERGY… You’ve been served… we went out and washed windshields on parked cars. Wall of encouragement… each member stood in front of the board while others wrote positive things about them. Minutes Calvin CRC Elders Meeting October 28, 2013 I. Howie Van Ginkel read Romans 12: 9-21 and Hebrews 12: 14-15 and opened with prayer. II. The elders’ minutes of September 30, 2013 meeting were read for information. III. The Pastor/Elder visit reports were given for information IV. The family visits were discussed as were any items brought to our attention. V. Membership list is in process of being reviewed and an effort is being made to bring them up to date. VI. Nathan and Jen Boer-Vis will be baptizing their daughter Grace at the morning service on Nov. 3. VII. Pulpit supply was reviewed. November 10 PM Carl Klompien will be serving Calvin. Pastor Bobby Van Otterloo will serve our congregation on Nov. 24 AM and Reverend Steve Moerman the Nov. 24 PM service. Rev Engbers will be serving us on Thanksgiving and the Sunday following as Reverend Gideon will be at Micah’s basic training graduation and at a family gathering on vacation. December 15 PM Duane Tinklenburg will fill our pulpit. VII. The Worship Committee Report was given for information. Services are planned through December. There will be Scripture readings and candle lighting by members of Calvin during the Advent season. The Christmas program materials were approved. Worship guide lines for Calvin CRC were presented to the elders and will be tabled for review until the next elders meeting. IX. The discipleship committee had no report. X. The Sacraments Committee report was given. December 8 will be the next communion service. XI. Christmas and New Years day services will be held on their respective days. New Years service will be a combined service with Trinity and First CRC with Calvin CRC hosting the service. Old Years Day service will be on the Sunday evening before January 1. Our Christmas program will be held on December 15 after the evening service. XII. Correspondence: A letter was received from the disability committee of the CRCNA advocating our churches be accessible and sensitive to the needs of those persons with disabilities. A letter was received from the RV URC. A letter was received from the CRCNA requesting ethnic and deacon advisors to the synod. Synod 2014 will be held June 13-20 in Pella, Iowa. We received a letter for information from the CRCNA board of directors. Classis Iokota will meet March 4, 2014 at Trinity CRC in Rock Valley. XIII. Old business: none XIV. New business: Reverend Gideon and Galen Van Maanen attended a (SPACT) strategic p l a n n i n g and adaptive change team meeting. XV. Dennis Wynia and Jim Vande Kerk were absent with notification. XVI. The concept minutes were read and approved. XVII. The next elders’ meeting is scheduled for November 25, 2013 at 6:30 PM. XVIII. Adjourn to full Council. Fall yard work…one evening we cleaned up flowers, trimmed bushes, and painted lines on the church parking lot and enjoyed pizza for supper. Worship service…we lead the morning worship service on Oct. 13. Care packages…we sent care packages including personal notes to the last year’s seniors who have moved into college dorms and to Micah at basic training. SERVE decision…we have made a decision to go back to Bellflower, California for SERVE July 2013. November Missionary Letter Writing December Missionary Letter Writing Jason Groeneweg Colton Harthoorn Corwin Harthoorn Nate Hoekstra John Hoogendoorn Rev. Jan Van Ee Rev. Tom Soerens Lauren Runia Rev. Jan Van Ee Rev. Tom Soerens Lauren Runia Calle 14 No 176 Apartado 3491002 12793 Little Holland Road Calle 14 No 176 Apartado 3491002 12793 Little Holland Road San Jose, Rica Manhattan, MT 59741 San Jose, Rica Manhattan, MT 59741 Jardines, Miraflores Merida Yucatan, Mexico Central America land- Jardines, Miraflores Merida Yucatan, Mexico Central America Willie Jonker land- 19 Faith Circle 26 18 Morning Bible Study Cadets Snow Derby Run Through Quilting for a Cause 25 9:30AM Christmas Day Service 28 Cadets Snow Derby 20 12 11 Morning Bible Study at Cedar Rock Cadets Christmas Program Practice Dawn and I just returned last evening from a four day trip to Colorado City/Hildale. It was such an encouraging time for us. There were at least seventy-five people who showed up from various churches from Utah, California, Wyoming, and Arizona to help finish, (well, almost) the log building, a new Community Center. It had to be finished for the Grand Opening which was on Saturday. The log building is leased by Holding Out Help and managed by Brody and Liz Olsen, among the Olson's other visions for the community. The purpose for the building is to provide a place for the community to gather for special occasions. It will also be a place where the youth can come in a safe environment. The downstairs is housing a Community Thrift Store. The main floor will have an Internet Cafe in the main area, and will also serve as a gathering place for various events. The office is just that - and at night it can convert into a guest room with a very comfortable pullout Lazy Boy couch. So far it has been used by yours truly as my little home away from home on monthly trips or more. I estimate there were maybe about two hundred who attended the Grand Opening. 27 13 Faith Circle Morning Bible Study at Cedar Rock JFA Workday Quilting for a Cause 21 14 Sat 7 Fri 6 Thu 5 Wed 4 Monday, October 21, 2013 Greetings, I was also pleased to announce to apostate leaders that next Saturday, October 26, I will be returning to the "Crick" with a medical doctor from the Salt Lake area. He will be looking over a property, meeting with community people, and others of us to discuss the possibly of opening a fully equipped low income medical clinic. Mary Towns, a Nurse Practitioner from our church, made the contact with this Christian doctor and is coordinating this latest possible addition to the community. You see, this community of sixty-five hundred population has NO medical services for the public. The FLDS has kicked out all the medical personnel from the existing clinic. As far as we know the FLDS has kicked out everyone with advanced educational degrees. We worked on the building Thursday, Friday. the Grand Opening of the building on Saturday, and on Saturday evening we attended the Ephraim Bible Church's grand BBQ in the park for the community. This also was a huge success. Sunday morning Dawn finished some cleanup at the headquarters, a cup of coffee with one of the residents in her home, a morning Bible Study at the Olson's, and then we headed for home. 31 24 17 10 Tue 3 Please pray that the apostates and the few Gentiles of the community will know that we as Christians who have come, not only with the Gospel, but to show the love of the Jesus of the Bible to these people so loved by God. Mon 2 Cadets/GEMS Christmas Party 9 16 Worship Committee Meeting 23 30 Pulpit Supply— Reverend Engbers 8 2nd Sunday of Advent Distribution of Communion 15 3rd Sunday of Advent PM Pulpit Supply— Reverend Tinklenberg Christmas Program 22 4th Sunday of Advent 29 PM Old Years Service Please praise God for working ahead of us! Sun 1 1st Sunday of Advent D ECEMBER 2013 M ISSION M ESSAGES F ROM M IKE M ENNING In His service, Mike 7 Men’s Bible Class Faith Circle 15 8 1Fri 23 16 9 Group to the Union Gospel Mission 2Sat Visit to the Women’s Prison 30 Deuteronomy 15:10 O FFERING S CHEDULE N OVEMBER 17 AM: M ISSIONS , C HRISTIAN E D . C HAPTER PM: L UKE S OCIETY N OVEMBER 24 AM: B ENEVOLENT F UND , B UILDING F UND PM: T HE B ANQUET T HANKSGIVING D AY —N OVEMBER 28 O PERATION C HRISTMAS C HILD D ECEMBER 1 AM: C LASSICAL F UND , I N -H OME M ISSIONS PM: R OSELAND C HRISTIAN M INISTRIES D ECEMBER 8 AM: B UILDING F UND , C HRISTIAN E D . C HAPTER PM: C HRISTIAN S CHOOLS I NTERNATIONAL N OVEMBER 2013 29 your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.” Thu “Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord Wed Mike Tue 6 Morning Bible Study JFA Workday Youth ENERGY Quilting for a Cause 14 22 In His service, Mon 5 Morning Bible Hour 13 Morning Bible Study Cadets 21 Men’s Bible Class Please pray also for more people to see the light and get out of the cult! Sun 12 20 Morning Bible Study Youth ENERGY Game Night Quilting for a Cause Through Holding Out Help, the ministry of Brody and Liz, and other groups we continue to provide food, even for some of the FLDS people who are only allotted one meal a day. Getting food to those still in the cult is very carefully handled. They are developing ways at night under the cover of darkness through various channels. 4 19 Worship Committee Meeting Morning Bible Hour 27 Morning Bible Study Dr. Zehnder returned home to discuss this situation further with his partners, his wife, and to continue to pray about whether or not to further pursue the needs of the community. Please join us in prayer asking God to provide health care for these people. 11 18 GEMS Council Dinner 26 We meet with some of the local community leaders, (the apostates). We looked at some property which might become available. We then met with over a dozen community people, so they could get to know Dr. Zehnder. I might add that it was wonderful to be able to meet in the new Holding Out Help Community Center. We emphasised to the Doctor that anyone not with the FLDS has to seek medical treatment in Hurricane, which is over twenty miles away or Kanab, Utah - about forty miles away. The number of non-FLDS children within about a five mile radius, is estimated to be between 750 and 800. 25 Council Meeting I returned to the Crick last Friday and Saturday. Dr. Zehnder, of Salt Lake arrived in town Saturday morning to gather information about the health care needs in the community. 28 9:30 AM Thanksgiving Day Service—Reverend Engbers I mentioned in last week's message the possibility of a Utah medical doctor establishing a medical clinic in the Crick. 3 Baptism Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Greetings, As many of you know Colorado City/Hildale was previously know as Short Creek. The name was changed by Arizona officials after the 1953 raid on the community. The community was referred to as "The Crick," by the locals over a hundred years ago and to this day. 10 PM Pulpit Supply— Reverend Klompien M IKE M ENNING 17 Reverend Wamala’s birthday celebration FROM 24 AM Pulpit Supply— Pastor Bobby Van Otterloo PM Pulpit Supply— Pastor Steve Moerman M ISSION M ESSAGES A BLESSING IN THE FORM OF A B US , CONT ’ D The bus left Monday morning, November 11 for Tennessee driven by Bill Bajema. He stopped in Sioux City to pick-up another load of donated items from another member of POG Ministries and continued on to Tennessee. Corwin Walhof also took off for Kentucky to drop off a load for JFA and met Bill and the rest of the POG team in Nashville. They were met with open arms and hugs in Tennessee by Jean Bildad Michel, childhood friend to Claude Gillot, and Kimberley Reed-Bracey in White House, Tennessee. M ISSION M ESSAGES FROM M IKE M ENNING Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Greetings, A brief update from the ministry. Many great things are happening among the some times frustrations and uncertainness that go along with ministry on the frontlines. As previously mentioned the open house of the Community Center was bigger than expected. Many of the towns folk came out. That is highly unusual. Then last week a dozen locals came out to meet with Dr. Zehnder. Others are beginning to speak more boldly and openly about their faith. A few days ago two younger adults who never dated before stopped by our house on their way from visiting family in an other state. They have announced to us their plans for possible marriage in the spring. Dating is totally new for those coming out of the FLDS. They were raised in a culture of arranged marriages. I am praising God, that He gave me to opportunity to introduce this couple and teach them about courting. Looks like the Third District Judge Dinese Lindberg is getting ready to appoint a new board to take the responsibility of unwinding the web of the United Effort Trust. The new board will be given the challenge of deeding about a thousand properties back to the people of the Crick and many who once lived there. As earlier mentioned I am being "considered" as one of the appointees. The judge has ordered full investigation of all those being considered. I received notice from the Attorneys General of Arizona and Utah that I passed the investigation process. I think it would be a blessing to serve those who have been so wronged in the past. Please that God would lead Judge Lindberg in her appointments. Why did the bus have to be acquired and sent off by Monday, November 11 you might ask? The bus is going to leave for Haiti as soon as possible in hopes that it will arrive and get through customs by December 27 of this year. A Prosperity of God Ministries team, including Jeaneen De Jager, will be taking off on December 26 for a week long mission trip in Minotrie, Haiti to work with Prosperity of God Ministries. Please continue to pray for Prosperity of God Ministries. May this bus be a blessing to them. May the items that the bus contains be a blessing to those in Monotrie, Haiti. Pray for those who are going on the Mission trip to Minotrie in December. For more information on Prosperity of God Ministries check them out on Facebook or their youtube video (search Prosperity of God Ministries at www.youtube.com). If you would be interested in giving some way to Prosperity of God ministries, contact Jeaneen De Jager for more information. GREAT COMMISSION - UTAH Several years ago my good friend and mentor for over thirty five years, Glen Sherwood advised me not to ask for money in my regular updates. I have taken that advise seriously, I also am reminded of an other person who has been very influential to me, Bill Goothard, when he said he never asked for money for his ministry, but, he believed that missionaries should let the ministry needs be known. So, in the next news letter I will be telling you of the financial condition, the financial needs, and the budge of this ministry - Great Commission - Utah. I will not be asking, just telling the needs. Maybe God will touch the hearts of some to give and some to continue to pray for us. Friday I leave for Chicago where I will be preaching on Sunday at the Orland Park Christian Reformed Church. Then I will be going on to Grand Rapids Michigan to take part in a round table discussion addressing to topic of, How do we handle polygamists coming into the church. Appreciate your prayer support. In His service, Mike Menning Prayer Reminders Pray for those who have lost loved ones Pray for health Pray for Prosperity of God Ministries Pray for Geri Van Holland as she recovers from surgery Pray for those traveling for Thanksging Pray for the Wamala family as they will be away on vacation Praise God for Micaha Wamala as he will be graduating from Basic Training in Texas Pray for our nation’s leaders Praise God for His providential care Pray for our nation’s leaders Pray for our Calvin Church family Continue to pray for our missionaries A BLESSING IN THE FORM OF A B US A BLESSING IN THE FORM OF A B US , CONT ’ D What started as a prayer and a dream for a school in Haiti and their sponsors in Tennessee became reality and the Western Christian and Rock Valley communities recently made those dreams come true. Prosperity of God Ministries School was in need of a school bus for their ministry and for mission teams. The sponsors and board of directors for Prosperity of God Ministries began the mission of saving money to purchase a bus for the school. Little did they know, the bus they were saving for was not far off. The art class filled the bus with scripture in English and Creole. Thursday, November 7 there was an assembly at Western to pray over the bus and a celebration of send-off. The cost of shipping a bus to Haiti was going to cost around $9,000 and POG Ministries had finally saved enough to begin shopping for a used, low-cost bus. Jeaneen De Jager, who is in contact with and has worked with POG Ministries, was very aware of their recent mission to find a bus. She called the local schools to see if there were any retiring buses that could be purchased. Western had a bus that was moving into retirement. The board of POG Ministries met and chose the Western bus to be the one that would soon come to Haiti and pay a vital role in the POG school. The next task would be the cost. How much would this bus cost POG ministries to purchase? The Western bussing committee met and voted to sell the bus to POG ministries for the greatly reduced price of $1.00. The School board approved this with one condition: the students at Western Christian could be involved in POG ministries in some way in the future. On October 21, the Western Christian bus from Hull, IA made the decision to sell the bus to POG ministries in Minotrie, Haiti. Western Christian High School Bus Now … Prosperity of God Ministries bus The next task was simple. If Western and Jeaneen De Jager were sending a bus to the POG Ministries in Tennessee to be shipped to Haiti, why wouldn’t we fill the bus as full as possible? Calvin Christian Reformed Church conducted a drive for school supplies, hygiene items, coolers, books, and more. The response was AMAZING! People donated new and used items of all kinds from sewing machines to bikes to coolers. Jeaneen contacted Justice for All in Rock Valley to see if they could help with getting the bus to White House, Tennessee. While it was uncertain whether the timing of this trip would fit into JFA’s delivery schedule, God’s plan did indeed include this bus arriving to Tennessee on time. JFA received a call of a pickup and delivery on that exact date so the bus would be delivered in time to leave for Haiti. Not only that, but Bill Bajema and Corwin Walhof took it upon themselves to help get the bus to Tennessee. Others from the community made very generous donations to help fill the bus that would soon be taking off for Haiti. Vans Food Pride donated backpacks and other items. Farmers Lumber donated lumber to make benches for the school. The response from the community for filling the bus was astounding. JFA was very helpful and willing to offer anything out of the JFA warehouse including furniture items, backpacks, and other miscellaneous items. Jeaneen visited Western Christian on Monday, October 28 for chapel to share about Prosperity of God Ministries and their mission in Haiti. She requested that Western keep POG Ministries in their prayers and it was announced that Western would be helping out with filling the bus. On Wednesday, October 30 Western had an offering at their chapel service and raised $1,110 to purchase school supplies to head to Haiti. Jeaneen’s request for help filling the bus was small, the prayer that this continue to be a blessing for those receiving it and our community was so much bigger. Members of the community of all different walks of life were all brought together by a simple bus for a much greater cause: to glorify God. The bus was packed full of all of the items over the weekend and visited Calvin Church for one last visit on Sunday, November 10. The bus was scheduled to leave for its maiden POG voyage on Monday, November 11 for Tennessee where it would be departing to head overseas to Minotrie, Haiti.
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