Bard Student Employment Policies and Procedures for

Bard Student Employment Policies and Procedures for Faculty and Staff AY 1314
Micki Strawinski, Student Employment Manager
Second Floor, Physical Plant Building
Phone: 845-758-7469
Fax: 845-758-7834
A student’s priority at Bard is academic. During the academic year the maximum number of hours a student should work in a twoweek pay period is capped at 26 and the number of on-campus jobs students can work is two. We hope this will allow for more
students who would like to find on-campus employment the opportunity to do so.
For discussion: what about students who are working for two supervisors in the same department? IE: Library working a few hours for
Carl (8 per pc) and a few hours for Kate (5 per pc)? Same budget number…
There may be rare exceptions to both of these policies. Students interested in an exception to one or the other of these policies – NOT
BOTH - must first discuss the exemption with their employer, who will need to submit a written/email request based on a special need
or skill. The Dean of Studies and Director of Financial Aid will review the request and academic and financial records to ensure good
academic standing and financial need. First-year students may not apply for either exemption.
Examples of exemptions to the two job limit that are not subject to approval from Dean or Director of Financial Aid are: students who
work as Tutors, for TLS, all “on-call” or “stand-by” employees, Audio-Visual Technicians, SRG Safe Ride (only), Admission Tour
Guides, Fisher Center parking attendants, nursery school substitutes, trained athletic coaches, La Voz distribution, Phonathon callers,
Citizen Science Interns or others approved by the Student Employment Manager. Students granted the exemption to the two job
policy cannot be exempt from the 26 hour per pay cycle limit and visa versa.
For discussion: What about those who tutor for two different subjects? IE: Chemistry and Math
Student employees should receive a 30 minute break after working 6 consecutive hours or complete and submit the “30 minute
waiver” form for their files. To qualify they must meet the following criteria:
"One Employee Shift. In some instances where only one person is on duty or is the only one in a specific occupation, it is
customary for the employee to eat on the job without being relieved. The Department of Labor will accept these special
situations as compliance with Section 162 where the employee voluntarily consents to the arrangements. However, an
uninterrupted meal period must be afforded to every employee who requests this from an employer. For more information on
this policy go to:
Hiring and paying “Student Employees”
Ask the following questions:
Am I a budget manager? If you are not, who is for your department? The budget manager must give written approval for any
else to sign time sheets and/or requisitions.
Are there Work Study and/or Campus Job/Student Labor funds or grant money in our department’s budget? If you don’t
know you must get approval from the Controllers Office before hiring a student employee. Phone Kimberly Alexander at ext.
Do I know the account number(s) that should be used to pay student employees from my budget or grant? Contact the
Controllers Office to find out the account numbers.
Post your position(s). The Student Employment Office and the Career Development Office work collaboratively to post all
student employment, internships and volunteer opportunities using College Central Network Services
( This collaboration has resulted in positive changes for faculty and staff seeking student
employees as well as for students looking for employment.
Department work study budgets will be charged 60% of the minimum wage (plus the difference between it and any special
rate being paid).
The current minimum wage in New York is $7.25 per hour, which is the federal minimum wage. However, the NYS Legislature
has passed legislation which will increase the minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $9.00 per hour over three years, beginning
$8.00 on December 31, 2013
$8.75 on December 31, 2014
$9.00 on December 31, 2015
"Student Employees" are:
Middle, high school and college aged (14-23 years of age) who may or may not be Bard students middle and high school
aged student employees may need to provide “working papers,” obtained at their school guidance office. For more
information go to:
Bard College Graduate/Master's program enrolled students
In Addition:
Most student employees are paid the minimum wage but student employees who meet “special rate” criteria may earn up to
$10.00 per hour without prior approval from controller.
Supervisors who wish to pay Bard enrolled students more than $10.00 per hour must get approval from the controller.
Supervisors who wish to hire non-Bard students who are either 24 years of age or older or any age to paid more than $10.00
per hour must go through Human Resources and they will be considered “Casual Employees” and paid through non-exempt
For discussion: Should students who are on personal leave be allowed to work on campus during the academic year?
*Work Study* eligible are full-time students, U.S. citizens or permanent residents, who qualify for federal financial aid
based on need. The College is obligated to have jobs available for Work Study eligible students and they receive first priority
in hiring. Most on-campus jobs pay the New York State minimum wage that is currently $7.25 per hour. Departmental
budgets for Work-Study are charged a percentage of the minimum wage (plus any difference between the minimum wage
and any special rate that may have been offered a student employee. Special rates over $10.00 per hour must be approved
through the Controller’s Office). It is the student’s obligation to inform you when they are close to running out of their work
study allotment. The budget manager will need to determine if the student can continue employment, as a non-work study
student, or if the employment has to be terminated.
NOTE: The Federal Work Study Program will be effective the first FULL two-week pay cycle of the Academic Year; plan
your hiring and budgeting accordingly as this may be one week after the official start of the Academic Year. Work Study is
no longer in effect following the last FULL two week pay cycle of the Academic Year.
Remember: Work Study does not mean that a student can or should “study” while working. These students are employees of
the college and they have duties and responsibilities to the departments for which they work. Each department determines its
flexibility on this issue.
*Campus Employment/Campus Job/Student Labor* applies to all other students including international and graduate
program students. These students should be placed on a wait list and hired only if there is a significant delay in filling
essential positions with Work Study eligible student employees or if they bring a particular skill set that the department
needs. You must have funds available in your budget or through a grant. Departmental budgets are charged the entire hourly
All student employees MUST visit me before they start work each semester. I will:
Review academic standing.
Only students who are in good academic standing (neither on academic warning nor on academic
probation/continued probation) may be employed in Student Labor (non- Work Study) positions. Work Study
students who are not in good academic standing may not work more than 8 hours per week. Campus employers
should consult with the Student Employment Office before hiring new students to ensure that they are eligible for
employment, and they should have that office review all student employees at the beginning of each semester or
intersession period in order to confirm that they can continue in their employment. Students whose academic
standing has lapsed will not be able to continue working. Exceptions to this policy will be made only in genuinely
extenuating circumstances and will require written approval from the Dean of Studies.
For discussion: Shouldn’t PC’s be in good academic standing? What about Dedicated Tutors?
Review Work Study eligibility. NOTE: Work Study eligibility can change from year to year.
Review the student brochure, time sheet and payroll process with student.
Verify permanent address and direct deposit information.
Verify if they already are working or have worked on campus.
Verify that they have up-to-date tax (review tax allowance/exemption and complete new forms if necessary)
Once these forms are completed, an “all clear to work” e-mail will be sent to the supervisor and the student may
start working! If a time sheet is received in the Student Employment Office and the student is not set up in
payroll, both the student and supervisor will be emailed a reminder that the student has to complete and
return the new hire documents. If two time consecutive time sheets have been received and the student still
has not fulfilled their obligation then a “cease work” email will be sent to student, supervisor and department
We MUST have new hire information within three days (3) of the first day of work for pay. (See page 3 of document )
International students must also provide:
Required/Optional forms include:
*I-20 or DS-2019
*Social Security Card application verification form
(Note: we CANNOT set up in payroll until we have this)
*Meet with Student Employment Manager to complete
Windstar/Tax Navigator information and sign tax
NOTE: Each new academic year may be required to
submit updated I-20 or DS-2019 as well as sign updated
tax/treaty documents.
*I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification
*W-4 (Federal Income Tax)
*IT-2104 New York Start Department of Taxation and
*IT-2104-E Certificate of Exemption from Withholding
(Must meet specific criteria for exemption)
*Direct Deposit (Optional, but recommended given the
$35 fee for lost check replacements)
Forms can be found at:
Information for our International Students that can be found at:
Bi-Weekly Time Sheets
Student employees can be paid for their work in two ways: time sheet or check request/requisition.
Student employees are paid every two weeks using either the (preferred) self-calculating time sheet
( or the manual; both of which are provided by the
Student Employment Office. It is the student’s responsibility to record accurate dates and times worked and the
supervisor’s responsibility to check the time sheet for errors or missing information before signing and turning in
to the Student Employment Manager for approval to pay.
Effective Academic Year 1314 budget managers must use the FOAP (Fund-Origin-Account-Program) 14-digit
account number on time sheets. The 6 digit index number may still be indicated in addition. If you do not know
your FOAP number, contact Kimberly Alexander.
(Payroll schedule for Academic Year 2012-2013 attached)
(Sample time sheet and check request attached)
Time sheets will be returned if:
**Student name is missing, no nicknames
**Student ID is missing
**FOAP/Index number is missing or wrong
**Pencil has been used on the time sheet
**Late time sheets without explanation
**Time sheet is illegible
**There are time conflicts (see below)
**Corrections are not initialed by Supervisor
**Time sheet not signed by the Supervisor
**Times in/out incorrectly calculated or missing
**Week 1 and/or Week 2 dates not indicated
** Pay cycle dates not correct
**Not delivered in a sealed envelope with the
supervisor signature across the seal
“Time conflicts” are when a student submits two or more time sheets and there are identical hours listed on
them. For example if a student indicates working for Department A from 9 am – 2 pm and for Department
B from 12 pm – 3 pm there is a “conflict” for the hours of 12 pm – 2 pm.
There have been occasions when a student employee has the responsibility of finding another to fill in for
them. When this happens the student who fills in MUST be approved by the department and submit their
own time sheet. Students must not document hours worked by another on their time sheet and then “pay”
the other. Among other things, there are liability issues that need to be considered.
Time sheets may be hand-delivered, sent through campus mail or, for departments with fewer than 10
employees, faxed or emailed to me from the supervisors fax or email address as long as they arrive in my
office no later than 5pm on the Friday they are due. If you send time sheets via campus mail or have a
student deliver them, it is essential that you enclose them in a sealed envelope and place your signature
across the seal. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this step. This prevents the possibility of the
time sheet being altered after you have signed it. If the time sheets do not arrive in this manner, they will be
returned to you for re-verification and submission in the correct manner, and payment will not be
guaranteed on that particular pay date.
Student time sheets MUST NOT BE TURNED IN LATE. At times this may be unavoidable but it can
create problems. First of all, we have to verify that the hours have not already been paid and that there are
no conflicts with other time sheets that may have been turned in. Second, there may not be enough funding
in their work study allotment or the department budget. Additionally, tax deductions increase with an
increased number of accumulated hours. And lastly, many students are dependent on receiving their checks
on time!
Effective Academic Year 1314, late time sheets must be submitted with a letter from the student employee
which is signed by the supervisor explaining why.
Corrected Timesheets: If a correction to a time sheet needs to be made PLEASE do not scribble over top of
the error. Cross out the error with a single line and write the correction above, below or along side the error
and initial the changes.
Checks must be picked up and signed for in the payroll office. Direct deposit advices will be sent via email
to the email indicated on the Direct Deposit Form. Any changes to this preference must be submitted to the
payroll office at and must include the student’s ID number. Unless otherwise specified,
Non-Bard Student Employees checks will be MAILED to the address on the check. As previously
mentioned there is a $35 fee charged for all stop payments for lost or expired checks. Students should know
that the Bookstore will cash checks up to $250.00 with a minimal check cashing fee.
When using the manual time sheet hours need to be documented as the following example illustrates:
1 pm - 2:30 pm = 1.5 hours (not 1:30 or 1 ½ )
12:15 pm - 3:00 pm = 2.75 hours (not 2:45 or 2 ¾)
The total of these hours would be 4.25 hours (not 4:15 or 4 ¼)
Also please follow this Rounding Rule:
Round employees’ time up and down to the nearest quarter-hour. Specifically, round minutes from one to
seven down, and minutes from eight to 14 up, to the closest quarter hour. For example, round 8:24 up to
8:30 a.m. and 4:02 p.m. down to 4 p.m.
Check requests are used to pay students for WORK or RESEARCH or any other SERVICE where a stipend
or “flat fee” is being paid but do not go to Accounts Payable. Student employees are NOT independent
contractors and should NOT be paid through Accounts Payable. These types of check requests/requisitions
ARE subject to the same requirements as students being paid by time sheet--including the need to fill out
all the new hire paperwork and submission follows the same pay cycle as for students being paid by time
sheet. Be sure to include the student ID in the area where the VENDOR No. would normally be. Stipends
are considered taxable income. This policy applies to student employees working in summer activity and
sports camps. PLEASE NOTE that some stipends will NOT be eligible for Work Study allocations.
Check requests or requisitions are also used to reimburse students for materials, supplies, fees and mileage
and these are sent to Accounts Payable but MUST include receipts as support back-up and proof of
payment before they can be processed.
Special Rate Criteria:
If a student is being paid a “special rate” it MUST be indicated on the time sheet otherwise the
student will be paid minimum wage. Correcting these errors creates a lot of extra work for the
Student Employment and Payroll staff.
Technical based positions – A special rate may be paid to any student employed in a technical capacity.
The college anticipates that the department supervisor must certify this rate, as the position is “technical” in
nature. Job classifications under this category would be similar in nature to computer technicians, staff
accountants, admission office guides, campus center aides, etc.
Positions requiring Certifications –A special rate may be paid to any student where the position requires a
certification. The college anticipates that the department supervisor will review and attest correctness of
certification. Job classifications under this category would be similar in nature to lifeguards, summer camp
aides, summer coaches, etc.
Skilled/Machine operators/Semi Hazardous – A special rate may be paid to any student employed in a
capacity that is considered to be skilled or semi hazardous in nature. Job classifications under this category
would be similar in nature to science lab assistants; machine operators, motor vehicle operators, and
grounds crew assigned mowing responsibilities.
Returning student employees may be paid special rates on a case-by-case basis.
Intersession and Summer Employment
Work Study is not in effect during intersession or in the summer. Please Note: the Student Employment
Manager is not obligated to assist students in finding on-campus employment during the summer.
Most students may continue working as “student employees” through the beginning of the semester
following their graduation and/or if they are enrolled in a graduate program. If a student graduates in
December they may work until the beginning of the Spring Semester. If a student graduates in May they
may work until the start of the Fall Semester. Beyond that, they must go through the Bard College Human
Resources Department to be hired for part-time, temporary or permanent positions.
International students who have graduated from Bard are eligible to stay in the United States for 60 days
after their graduation for travel/tour reasons, but are typically not eligible for employment. Graduating
international student may work with the International Student Advisor to apply for work authorization and
receive approval (Employment Authorization Card with approved dates of employment); these students are
eligible to be employed during the dates mentioned on their EAD card. International students who need
more information please see: .
The 26 hour maximum cap and two job limit are waived during intersession and summer but students
should not work more than 40 cumulative hours per week during these periods. Please be sure to ask your
student employees if they are working any other on-campus during intersession and summer. If they are,
then you may want to consider hiring another student. On the rare occasion that a student does work over
40 hours in a week, we must pay time and a half of their hourly wage. Keep in mind that while one
departmental budget may be able to absorb the additional overtime expense, if a student works for another
department on campus, that department may not.
Social Security (FIO) and Medicare (FIM) will be deducted during the summer with the exception of
student employees whose academic year runs during the summer.
Please do not hesitate contacting me if you have any questions, concerns or need clarification. These polices and
procedures are subject to change as the need arises. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
~Micki Strawinski