1 2 SITTINGS Sittings are appropriate for all levels. There is no set fee, but an opportunity to contribute to the center and practice leaders. Guiding Teacher: Rebecca Bradshaw Administrative Director: Joyce Genet Mondays, 5:30 – 6:15 pm, discussion until 6:45 pm Wednesdays, 7:15 – 8:00 pm, discussion until 8:30 pm Fridays, 5:45 – 6:30 pm, unguided, for experienced students Sit with other sangha members in a relaxed atmosphere. A 45-minute silent meditation period is followed by an optional facilitated discussion time to share about practice issues. Once a month, the dharma discussion is replaced by the newcomer orientation. See “Orientations” below. is a non-residential community center. We are dedicated to offering the Buddha’s teachings of liberation to all who are interested, and to cultivating compassion and wisdom in our daily lives. Monthly on Saturday mornings, 8:30 am - noon Feb 14, Mar 28, Apr 11, May 30, June 27, August 1 Insight PV welcomes all people regardless of cultural or religious background, race, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, education, or disability. Insight PV continues its policy of welcoming all, no matter their financial situation. Registration Pre-registration is required for all courses and retreats unless otherwise indicated. Pre-registration will be evaluated one week prior to the start date of the course or retreat. If there are too few pre-registrants, the offering may be cancelled at the discretion of the teacher. Cancellations will be posted on the website by 3 days before the event. We will notify pre-registrants via email and refund donations for any offerings that are cancelled. The suggested contributions for courses and retreats help pay the rent, phone, and administrative expenses, however no one will be excluded for inability to pay. If the suggested contribution is beyond your means, please pre-register anyway or send an email expressing your interest to registration@insightpv.org. For more information and to register, go to www.insightpv.org. Teacher Donation (Dana): Teachers and community dharma leaders at our center are not paid for leading courses and retreats; we encourage you to make a contribution to the teacher equal to or greater than the suggested contribution fee to the Center. In this way, you support the teacher’s livelihood and the Buddhist tradition of offering the teachings freely. For more information and details on our offerings and teachers, please visit our website at: www.insightpv.org Led by practice leaders, drop-in sittings provide more intensive practice without committing to a whole day. Sittings may include meditation instructions and a taped talk. No set fee; opportunity for Dana. Wednesdays: Jan 7, Mar 4, May 6, July 1 – 8:00 pm Mondays: Feb 2, Apr 6, June 1, Aug 3 – 6:15 pm Newcomer orientations will give you an overview of Insight PV history, mission, and guiding principles, as well as the basics of insight meditation and sitting posture. The orientation takes place after the open sitting. GROUPS No set fee unless otherwise noted, but always an opportunity to contribute to the center. Rebecca Bradshaw Third Thursdays (unless otherwise noted), 7:15 – 9:00 pm Suggested contribution: $5-10 registration + teacher donation Join IPV’s Guiding Teacher for meditation and inquiry: Freeing Ourselves from Self Judgment Trauma and Meditation (Part 2) Mindful Awareness of Thoughts and Thinking Meeting Loss and Grief with Kind Awareness Courses ò Sittings ò Retreats Study Groups ò Evening Talks Eastworks Building 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 242 Easthampton, MA 01027 (413) 527-0388 www.insightpv.org general@insightpv.org Sundays 6:00 – 7:15 pm If you are a parent, guardian, or grandparent, join us for a meditation followed by a peer-facilitated discussion about parenting and your practice. For more information contact Sarah Bankert at sb_clarke@yahoo.com. Fridays 7:00 – 8:00 pm, beginning January 9 We are pleased and proud to offer new ongoing weekly meetings open to anyone interested in Recovery and Buddhism. Refuge Recovery is a community of people who are using the practices of Mindfulness, Compassion, Forgiveness and Generosity to heal the pain and suffering that addiction has caused in their lives and the lives of loved ones. Appropriate for anyone in, or interested in, recovery. Prior experience with meditation is not required. (No group on March 20.) 2nd & 4th Sundays, 4:30 – 5:45 pm Jan 11 & 25, Feb 8 & 22, Mar 8 & 22, Apr 12 & 26, May 10 & 24, June 14 & 28, July 12 & 26 InsightPV offers a special sitting for people of color. The meditation and discussion is peer-led. Please join us if you identify as a person of color, and please spread the word to your POC friends and acquaintances to help build and diversify our community. For more information, please contact Trellis Stepter at trellstep@gmail.com. Second Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14, June 11, July 9 We are happy to offer a monthly evening sitting for young adults in their late teens through mid-30s. Each meeting will include a guided sit led by an InsightPV teacher or practice leader followed by a group discussion led by fellow young adults. No experience necessary. A great opportunity to meet and practice with other young people. For schedule or questions, contact Mandy at birona@live.com. RETREATS unless otherwise noted. and all retreats held at InsightPV Jean Esther & Rebecca Bradshaw March 6 – 8 Fri 7-9pm, Sat 9am-8pm, Sun 9am-2pm Pioneer Valley Co-Housing Community Suggested contribution: $60 – $110 reg + teacher donation Come join the Insight PV Community in our annual non-residential retreat together. In the silence of winter, we will dedicate ourselves to developing mindfulness, wisdom, and loving kindness in our hearts and minds. This retreat will provide a chance to share time with sangha and support each other on the path. We will engage in sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, discussion periods, and small group meetings with a teacher. Rebecca Bradshaw Wednesday, January 1, 2014 2:00 – 6:00 pm Suggested contribution: $15 –$25 registration + teacher donation We’ll dedicate the afternoon of New Year’s Day to nurturing our wise and heartfelt intentions for the coming year. We’ll sit and walk together (instruction provided) and have time to share our wishes for this world for the coming year. We’ll end with a potluck dinner together; please bring a dish to share. Family and friends are welcome. Mark Hart January 10, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Suggested contribution: $25-40 registration + teacher donation The thoughts can be tricky, but the body holds the truth of our state of mind and provides the grounding that holds our attention in the present experience as it actually is. This one day retreat will include some gentle yoga (no experience necessary) and movement in addition to sitting and walking meditation. Please dress appropriately. 4 6 3 5 Adi Bemak Saturday, January 24, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm (snow date Jan 25) Suggested contribution: $25-40 registration + teacher donation Kim Weeber Saturday, May 9, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Suggested contribution: $15-25 registration + teacher donation Join our to share stories of our lives and life itself unfolding. With the Buddha’s teachings on separation and loss as our guide, how can we face the unknowns, the fears, the worries, and live with peace of mind? This day-long retreat for those over 55 will offer periods of sitting, walking, and talking together in ways that renew, restore, and inspire our will to live in the face of it all. We will practice meditations that cultivate our natural capacity for an open and loving heart. These practices lead to the development of concentration, happiness, compassion, and a greater ability to accept ourselves and others. This retreat is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. Manny Mansbach Saturday February 7, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Suggested contribution: $25-40 registration + teacher donation The Buddha highlighted three gateways to freedom (the “Triple Gem” of Buddha, Dharma & Sangha) upon which we can rest our practice and lives. These three jewels can also be seen as awareness, truth and love. We will practice recognizing the difference between true and false refuge and orient toward taking refuge in that which is truly nourishing and ennobling. Jessica Morey Saturday, March 21, 1:00 – 5:00 pm Suggested contribution: $15-25 registration + teacher donation During this introductory mindfulness half-day retreat young adults will use guided mindfulness meditation, discussion, and fun activities to learn the basics of how to settle a busy mind, skillfully handle challenging emotions and thoughts, authentic communication, and how to cultivate kindness and compassion. Rebecca Bradshaw Saturday, April 4, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Suggested contribution: $15-25 registration + teacher donation In this workshop we will explore different kinds of hunger and what really nourishes us. We will also get deeply curious about the nature of craving and how it is transformed by mindfulness. All are welcome. Candace Cassin Saturday, April 18, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Suggested contribution: $15-25 registration + teacher donation The Saturday before Earth Day, we will gather at IPV for an hour of practice for the earth, and then go out together to put our hands to a project of caring for the earth. (The exact project is to be determined, but will be available at www.insightpv.org/retreats by early spring.) Lila Wheeler Sunday, May 3, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Suggested contribution: $25-40 registration + teacher donation This day-long retreat will focus on simplicity in practice, encouraging a relationship with whatever arises that is kinder and freer. Grounding attention in the full body, noticing its posture through stillness and movement, and a gentle focus on breathing can allow ease, gratitude, and wonder to arise supporting greater clarity and self-awareness. away, as we learn to ride the waves with more equilibrium and balance. Includes meditation, discussions, and work at home. Kim Weeber Sundays, February 22 – March 29, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Suggested contribution: $48-72 registration + teacher donation This six-week class will present an overview of the Buddha’s teachings on meditation and mindfulness in daily life. Suitable for beginners and those who wish to “begin again.” different from how they have come to be defined in contemporary western culture. In this class, we will explore a Buddhist understanding of faith, hope, and charity, as well as practices to support their deepening in our life "on the cushion" and in the world. SPECIAL EVENTS No pre-registration required. Opportunity for Dana. Special events held at InsightPV unless otherwise noted. Winnie Nazarko Saturday, June 6, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Suggested contribution: $25-40 registration + teacher donation Rebecca Bradshaw Mondays, March 2 – April 13 (skip Mar 23), 7:15 – 9:00 pm Suggested contribution: $48-72 registration + teacher donation Friday, March 20, 2015, 7:00 – 9:00 pm Facilitated by Jean Esther and Trellis Stepter Suggested contribution: $5-20 This daylong program is intended to introduce/reintroduce participants to a natural way to practice mindfulness meditation. An emphasis is on letting go of ideas of perfection/doing it right, and instead approaching meditation as a learning experience. The program is suitable for beginners as well as experienced meditators. The day will include guided meditations, instructions for seated and walking meditations, and dharma comments. An open heart manifests in four flavors: friendliness (metta), compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity. This class will provide meditation instructions to cultivate these four qualities and take-home exercises, talks and discussions that will broaden and deepen our understanding. This is a core curriculum class. Join us at IPV for an evening of compassionate inquiry and exploration as we view this new film in which acclaimed anti-racism educator Tim Wise explores the history of racism and white privilege in the US through interviews and historical footage. Hosted by IPV’s Multicultural Affairs Committee, there will be a post-film discussion led by dharma teacher Jean Esther and people of color sitting group facilitator Trellis Stepter who will help participants reflect on the film from a Buddhist perspective, holding a space where we can dialogue about issues of race and privilege from an open-hearted place of compassion, self-inquiry, listening, and friendship. All are welcome to this evening of engagement and connection! Joanna Harper Sunday, June 21, 1:00 – 5:00 pm Suggested contribution: $15-25 registration + teacher donation Please join us for a very special day of meditation and community building. The aim of this time together is to support and address issues that people of color may struggle with in the American Buddhist traditions, to cultivate connections independent of external conditions, and find true freedom in a way that does not ignore difficult social realities. All who self-identify as a person of color, Buddhist or not, are welcome at all levels of meditation experience. Alexis Santos with Susa Talan Saturday, July 11, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Suggested contribution: $25-40 registration + teacher donation Awareness is crucial to our practice. It is through awareness that we can observe our experience and gain liberating insights, yet practice is often a stop and go affair. Can we practice in a way that is continuous and sustainable? How much effort does awareness take? In this workshop we’ll be exploring the possibility of growing the practice with effort that is effortless. An optional gentle yoga session will be offered as part of this workshop. COURSES and all courses held at InsightPV from 7:15-9:00 unless otherwise noted. Peggy Gillespie Mondays, January 5-26, 7:15 – 9:00 pm Suggested contribution: $32-48 registration + teacher donation From the time we are babies, we are constantly moving through our changing emotional climate. We will explore how the Buddhist practice and teachings can help us experience our emotional states without identifying so fully with them, and yet without pushing them Candace Cassin Tuesdays, April 7 – May 12 7:00 – 8:45 pm Suggested contribution: $48-72 registration + teacher donation This six week class offers an introduction to the Buddha's teachings on meditation. We will explore both mindfulness and loving kindness meditation along with other basic teachings. This class is especially designed for those who are new to practice or perhaps have been meditating for a while and would like a more focused introduction to, or renewal of, meditation and its foundations. Manny Mansbach Mondays, April 20 – May 18, 7:15 – 9:00 pm Suggested contribution: $40-60 registration + teacher donation The Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path begins and ends with Wise View. Wise View is the understanding that leads us to deeply investigate the way things are, and commits us to an approach to life that leads to understanding the causes of and the end of suffering. It is the foundation of the whole path of meditation and dharma practice, and ultimately leads to an integrated understanding of the liberating teachings of the Buddha and the successful development of meditation and wisdom. Rebecca Bradshaw Thursdays, May 7-21 & June 11-18, 1:00 – 3:00 pm Wednesday, April 8, 7:15 – 9:00 pm Come enjoy an evening with Ajahn Jayanto. Born and raised in Boston, he joined the monastic community at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in England in 1989. He trained in monasteries in the UK, Thailand, & other Asian countries for over 20 years before helping establish a new monastery in the Thai Forest lineage located in Temple, New Hampshire (forestmonastery.org). Sunday, May 3, 7:00 – 9:00 pm Karuna Center for Yoga and Healing Arts, Northampton Come join us for a memorable evening with Ayya Santacitta. With a background as diverse as hotel management, cultural anthropology and avant-garde dance theatre, she has practiced meditation for over 25 years and trained as a nun in both the East and West since 1993. Ayya Santacitta is co-founder of Aloka Vihara, a training monastery for women in California, where she has resided since 2009 and received full bhikkhuni ordination in 2011. (no class May 28 and June 4) Suggested contribtution: $40-60 registration + teacher donation In this Silver Sangha offering, we will explore greater connection with life and the truth of death. There will be time for meditation, Buddhist teachings, community discussion and take home practice suggestions. Designed for those 55 and older. Candace Cassin Tuesdays, June 9-30, 7:00 – 8:45 pm Suggested contribution: $32-48 registration + teacher donation In some traditions, faith, hope, and charity are counted as cornerstone spiritual virtues. The Buddha's perspective on these qualities is somewhat Sunday, June 21, 7:00 – 9:00 pm Karuna Center for Yoga and Healing Arts, Northampton Suggested contribution: $5-20 JoAnna Harper has been exploring and practicing multiple traditions since 1999. In 2005, her focus landed on Buddhism and Vipassana meditation, which is the premise for most of her current teaching. She leads adult and teen week-long silent retreats, day-long retreats and weekly classes, and works with youth in institutional and school settings. She is trained in council facilitation with the Ojai Foundation, is a graduate of Against the Stream teacher training, and is currently enrolled in the Spirit Rock/IMS/IMC four-year teacher training.
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