Amadeus Hotel Billback Sales sheet

With 27 years’ experience in the industry, Amadeus
knows how best to meet the needs of the people who
make travel services run like clockwork. For travel
managers, booking agents and anyone working in
business travel, this means providing technology that
allows travellers to have a hassle-free stay and travel
safe in the knowledge that their hotel reservation has
been taken care of with minimum fuss.
Amadeus Hotel Billback
Faster, more streamlined hotel payment processing for your business travellers
Hotel Billback the method
Hotel Billback is a direct payment
between a corporation or a travel
agency and a hotel for a traveller’s
hotel stay rather than payment by the
traveller themselves. The Hotel Billback
system allows travel managers to have
better visibility and control over travel
and expense budgets. Furthermore,
for business travelers Hotel Billback
means never having to deal with
the company hotel expenses or
reimbursement on business trips.
However with the way Billback works
traditionally, travel managers and
hotel booking agents need to perform
manual time-consuming processes,
contacting each hotel directly to
organise the payment and then
reviewing invoices and matching
statements to bookings. When handled
manually the process often breaks
Why manually process hotel payments
when you could automate?
Time to say bye to those lengthy
processes! We’ve created Amadeus
Hotel Billback to simplify the
process of paying for travellers’
accommodation while saving time
for business travel managers and
hotel booking agents by completely
automating payments. Amadeus
Hotel Billback allows a direct payment
to be made between a company or
travel agency and the hotel, using a
secure virtual credit card through our
reservation platforms at booking time.
Amadeus Hotel Billback cuts out
manual effort, so travel managers can
focus on more important tasks and
business travelers can simply checkout at the end of their stay with no
further paperwork needed.
Key Benefits and Features
_ Eases hotel reservation payment
for business travel managers
and hotel booking agents by
substantially reducing manual
_ Less time on admin, more time to
focus on your job
_ Easy to use, secure and cost
_ Corporations and booking agents
have better control over their
_ Eliminates the need for business
traveller expense claim and
reimbursements for hotel stays
Here’s how it works
First, we’ve integrated Amadeus booking technology with a
tried and tested virtual settlement technology from Conferma,
a corporate travel and expense solution leader. Conferma’s
technology is already used across the globe in key business
travel markets. The hotel booking agent makes the booking
for an employee’s upcoming business trip, in the usual
Amadeus reservations environment – same familiar display as
before, no need to get used to a new interface – and indicates
Billback as the payment method, through a BBCN command.
Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the request is received and
validated, and for complete security, a ‘virtual credit card’ is
created in co-operation with the relevant credit card company.
(Amadeus Hotel Billback is compatible with a wide range of
card providers including Barclaycard, American Express, Visa
and Mastercard as well as business travel payment solution
What happens next?
Once the booking is completed, the virtual credit card number
is integrated immediately into the hotel booking as a deposit
or guarantee, and sent to the hotel chain for processing. The
number, partially-concealed for security, is then subject to the
normal checks.
Benefits beyond bookings...
The benefits of Amadeus Hotel Billback continue beyond payment. Once a payment has been processed, the travel manager
can easily reconcile hotel bookings made with virtual credit
card transactions to billing and settlement data. The travel
manager can do this via SNAP, a reconciliation tool provided
by Conferma, which is extremely handy when it comes to
accounting. Conferma also allows the corporation to request
and access invoices after a guest’s stay, something especially
useful for booking agents when claiming back the VAT on their
Getting started with Amadeus Hotel Billback is easy
There is no need for any software upgrades or installations. We
will get you started immediately with our two hour training.
Find Out More
For more information about Amadeus Hotel Billback, please
contact your Account Manager directly or send us an email at
To make sure the process is really seamless, we ensure that
the booking details arrive to the hotel with detailed instructions
on how to handle a virtual credit card.
The following information is added to the booking record, just
like any other hotel reservation:
_ Hotel Billback information (BBCN command)
_ Virtual credit card number
_ Travel documents
_ Invoice information
© 2014 Amadeus IT Group SA
Once the traveller checks out, the hotel, accessing the above
information, charges the stay amount to corporation or travel
agent via the virtual credit card.
Amadeus Hotel Billback gives companies and hotel
booking agencies the competitive edge by allowing
them better control over their travel and expense
Once an agreement is in place, Amadeus Hotel
Billback is completely integrated into your usual
hotel reservation process. No new tricks to learn.
Only the trick of how to spend the additional time
you will have on your hands.
Together, let’s shape the future of travel.
Find out more
For more information about Amadeus
Hotel Billback, please contact your
Account Manager directly or send us an
email at