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Application Form
Players Name: __________________________________________________
Surname: ____________________________________ Male c
IT 30-04-15
If you need to get on touch....
Female c
Email us at
Address: ________________________________________________________
Tweet us @inspire__tree
Call us on 07939 411659
Town: ______________________ County: ____________________________
Mobile: ________________________________________________________
Sports & Creative
Arts Courses May 2015
E-mail: __________________________________________________________
Postcode: ___________________ Home Tel: __________________________
Write to us:
12 Aysgarth Court
3 Clifford Drive,
West Yorkshire,
LS29 6FY
Easy ways to book a course...
Post the completed form to:
12 Aysgarth Court
3 Clifford Drive,
West Yorkshire,
LS29 6FY
For Ages:
Individual Days Can Be Booked On All Courses
Age: _________ School: __________________________________________
Medical Conditions: ______________________________________________
Lego Workshop
c LG01 Ghyll Royd Oatlands
c LG04 Whartons
c LG07 Bramhope
c LG02 Knaresborough
c LG05 St. Oswalds
c LG03 Horsforth
c LG06 Ashlands Primary
Star Wars Workshop
Text the workshop codes you wish along with your
child’s name, age, school, any medical details and an
emergency contact number.
c SW01 Whartons
Email the workshop codes you wish along with your
child’s name, age, school, any medical details and an
emergency contact number
Please Tick Preferred Course
c SW02 Ashlands Primary
Soccer & Multi-Sport Courses
Football c
Multi-Sports c
Inspiring & Creative Arts & Sports Courses
c SP01 Ghyll Royd
Declaration by Parent or Guardian
UK Head Office | Inspiration Tree
12 Aysgarth Court, 3 Clifford Drive, Menston, West Yorkshire, LS29 6FY
Tel: +44 (0) 7939 411659
UK Mailing Address | Inspiration Tree
I/We, as parent(s)/guardian(s) apply for our son / daughter to enrol on the Inspiration Tree course and
herby give my permission for them to participate in all course activities. As parents(s) / guardian(s) of the
above player, I/We certify that he / she is in excellent health. I/We understand and appreciate that participation in soccer carries risk of serious injury to my / our participating child, and protective equipment does not
prevent all injuries to players. I/We give permission for my son / daughter to be treated for illness or injury
sustained playing and transfer my child to hospital should an emergency arise. I/We voluntarily and knowingly, accept and assume these risks. I have read and understood the above.
Parent/ Guardian’s signature: ____________________________
12 Aysgarth Court, 3 Clifford Drive, Menston, West Yorkshire, LS29 6FY
We deliver our programmes in the UK & USA in the summer
Maryland | New York | North Carolina | Bradford | Harrogate | Leeds
Date: __________________ | ________ | 2015
LOCAL VENUES: Apperley Bridge, Bingley,
Burley-in-Wharfedale, Guiseley, Harrogate,
Horsforth, Ilkley, Knaresborough, Otley, Rawdon.
All courses are open to anyone regardless of the school they attend
*Important Register for E-mail course reminders at
For Ages:
For Ages:
For Ages:
Brick Inspiration Lego® Workshop
Force Inspiration Star Wars® Themed Workshop
Sport Inspiration
You can build it – with LEGO® bricks
Every holiday the Star Wars Wokshops are different.
Inspiring and fun workshop based on Star Wars:
Multi Sports & Football Courses
Our workshops explore, science, technology, architecture,
engineering and art concepts using LEGO® bricks for primary aged
children ages 5-12. The children will design, build and light up an
entire city comprising of tall buildings, bridges, roads, parks and
railways and use batteries, bulbs, wires and switches to bring their
creations alive.
The possibilities are limited only by their imagination. Our
workshop will fire up your child’s imagination and spark creativity
in the form of inspired play following one of our many themed
Lego builds coupled with our magical delivery. Our curriculum will
provide your child with an opportunity to design and build LEGO®
creations working either individually or in groups and participate
in challenges, group competitions as well as free build time
towards the end of the workshop.
Use the FORCE of creativity during this Star Wars themed
workshop which includes a variety of creative activities to capture
your child’s imagination. Children will develop their force in a
range of Star Wars related activities.
The curriculum has been designed to enable pupils to learn how
to draw their favourite Star Wars characters, act out famous scenes
in fun drama sessions, play sports related Star Wars games,
develop skills to spin lightsabers and much more to further
develop their interest and knowledge of Star Wars.
Our courses provide innovative and creative teaching methods
that introduce sports technique and skill development within a
positive learning environment. We provide players with a fun,
exciting and challenging sports activities tailored to their age
and abilities. Our challenging and inspiring curriculum will
provide all participants with a truly magical sports experience.
Constant encouragement from our coaches will ensure a
memorable sports experience.
Fundamental skills are introduced through a series of exciting
and ‘disguised learning’ games & exercises. Students will
develop their understanding in a wide range of sports and
improve their confidence through the use of progressive
instruction and small-sided games, providing a challenging and
enjoyable sports experience.
Knaresborough Scout Hut Knaresborough
26th May
Whartons Otley
27th May
Ghyll Royd Burley in Wharfedale
Horsforth Children’s Centre Horsforth
27th May
Ashlands Primary Ilkley
28th May
Whartons Primary Otley
28 May
St. Oswalds Guiseley
28 May
Ashlands Primary Ilkley
29th May
Bramhope Primary
Ghyll Royd Burley In Wharfedale
29 May
1 June
All course times are from 9:30am to 3:30pm
27th~29th May £39
All course times are from 9:30am to 3:30pm
All course times are from 9:30am to 3:30pm
Your child will need the following:
(for both the creative arts & sports courses)
Safeguarding (Experienced, Qualified Staff)
 Packed lunch and a snacks for break times. Preferably a named
water bottle.
We recommend you supply your child with lots of drinks.
 Suitable clothing & footwear for sports activities.
 Sun cream and a hat if the weather is warm
(sports courses only).
 An Inhaler if asthmatic.
LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO® Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse these workshops
Your child’s welfare is our number one priority and we do everything possible to ensure their safety and security. All staff are
qualified, experienced and love working with children. All of our
team are:
 Qualified Sports Coaches
 First Aid Trained
 Enhanced CRB Checked
 Safeguarding Certified
Lucasfilm Ltd does not sponsor, authorize or endorse these workshops or Inspiration Tree