& Presents our 31st Annual Inventing Success™ Workshops April 30 - May 1, 2015 What is the most important investment an inventor, small business owner or entrepreneur can make? To learn how successful people develop marketable products and profitable businesses!! Attend these sessions and find out from the experts how to spend your time and money wisely as you develop your idea. Entrepreneurs will find value in the expert information being offered for effective business strategies. You will find key ingredients to making better business decisions. One day Package: Thursday $40.00 or Friday $40.00 Includes one day entrance, for one person, to the expo that day. Two day Package: $65.00, includes two day entrance to the expo. CLICK HERE to Purchase Your Tickets! THURSDAY SCHEDULE " Thursday, April 30, 2015 8:00 a.m. " " " " " " " " " " " " PATENTS OVERVIEW: PROVISIONAL AND NON-PROVISIONAL APPLICATIONS Elizabeth Dougherty, J.D., Director of Inventor Education, Outreach, and Recognition, USPTO Cathie Kirik, Management and Program Analyst, USPTO. www.uspto.gov Utility patents are the most commonly filed-for patent because they protect a vast range of inventions and discoveries. In this session, weʼll take an in-depth look at utility patents and the two types of utility applications— provisional and nonprovisional—as well as the components that make up each application. Youʼll also learn what a provisional application does, if it is right for you, and how to file one. Room 103D Thursday, April 30, 2015 " " " " 8:00 a.m." " " " " " 10 KEY ISSUES TO ADDRESS WHEN PRESENTING A TECHNOLOGY STARTUP COMPANY TO INVESTORS Michael Moore, Director, William C Norris Institute, Opus College of Business, University of St. Thomas. www.stthomas.edu/centers/norris Most investor pitches focus on how the technology works and what the company will do. But investors want to know these key things before they will consider risking their capital. Room 103E Thursday, April 30, 2015 9:00 a.m." " " " VALUE START-UPS, PATENTS AND INVENTIONS Clyde Hanson, CPVA, Venture Isles LLC. www.ventureisles.com Inventors & entrepreneurs have their opinions of the value of their innovations and investors, acquirers and the IRS may have quite different ones. This workshop is an overview of uses, methods and terminology of formal valuations; a tour of two actual valuations; and the group will value a participantʼs invention as a demonstration of key principles. Room 103D Thursday, April 30, 2015 9:00 a.m. CREATING A MARKETABLE INVENTION Doug Reuter, Inventor. www.qb8app.com Learn from the inventor of the board game Sequence and our 2013 Grand Prize Winner about the lessons he has learned. Room 103E Thursday, April 30, 2015 " " " " 9:00 a.m." " " " " " " " CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING - HOW TO TAKE AN IDEA AND BREAKTHROUGH TO ACTION Jeffry Brown, Chief Innovation Officer, Simon Says Lead. www.simonsayslead.com Dina Simon, CEO, author, Simon Says Lead. www.simonsayslead.com Have you ever wondered how to take your idea and turn it into action? Dina and Jeff will share with you their methodology for taking business ideas and turning them into thriving business models. They will share their secrets to success from ideation to launching recent business ventures. You will walk away with tools to incorporate into your own design thinking. Room 103F Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:00 a.m."" " " " " " " 3D PRINTING Tyler Pope, Co-owner, Manufacturing Engineer, 3D Printing Ally. www.3dprintingally.com Learn how 3D Printing can help the inventor, the entrepreneur and the small business. Room 103D Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:00 a.m."" " THE MANY PLASTICS MANUFACTURING PROCESSES Ronald C. Johansson, P.E., Mechanical Engineer, 36 years with 3M Injection molded plastics are being used to make everything from automotive body parts to human body parts. However, there are many other manufacturing processes that are less well known. Ronʼs presentation will provide an overview of injection molding and 13 other manufacturing processes. There will also be a focus on economics and types of products best suited to each process. Room 103E Thursday, April 30, 2015 " " " " 10:00 a.m."" " " " " " " " BASIC NETWORKING: THE FUNDAMENTALS " OF BUILDING YOUR NETWORK Ron Wacks, CEO, Entrepreneur. www.microbusinessstrategies.com What is “networking”? Why should you care about it? Why do you need to effectively network? How to effectively Network. What will that accomplish for you? And how do you network to monetize your IP? Of all the tactics and strategies one can learn to improve a business, learn why Networking is the most important skill to develop…and why itʼs the most important thing youʼll do every day. Room 103F Thursday, April 30, 2015 " " " " 12:00 p.m."" " " " " " PATENTS - WHAT IS THE PROCESS, TOOLS FOR SUCCESS, AND HOW TO AVOID BEING SCAMMED Cathie Kirik, Management and Program Analyst, USPTO. www.uspto.gov Elizabeth Dougherty, J.D., Director of Inventor Education, Outreach, and Recognition, USPTO. Getting a patent is a complex process, one that requires specific forms and fees depending on the type of intellectual property protection you seek. For the beginner, it can be intimidating, and even once youʼve filed, there may be multiple correspondences between you and the USPTO regarding your application. This session will take you into the prosecution process and discuss terminology, forms, and fees, and give you expert information on what to expect and how to respond to office actions during the course of your patent application prosecution. Attendees will also learn tools for success and how to avoid being scammed. Room 103D Thursday, April 30, 2015 " " " " 12:00 p.m."" " " " " " " " " " WHY AN INVENTOR NEEDS TO ACT LIKE A BUSINESS OWNER Bob Voss, Author, Entrepreneur, Educator, New Business Bob. www.newbusinessbob.com Turn your invention into a real business! Start with an Invention Business Plan that leads to the best legal business entity and ends with four critical growth habits that drive real financial profitability for you! Learn how to give your invention the best possible chance of success by thinking and acting like a Business Owner not an inventor! Room 103E Thursday, April 30, 2015 12:00 p.m." " " " ACCESS TO CAPITAL: WHO, WHERE AND HOW Patrick Donohue, Finance Strategist and Entrepreneur. Chartered Financial Analyst. INVESTyR. www.investyr.com Sourcing capital for your project or company is a critical for scaling a business opportunity. Learn what others have done to get investments and how you can identify and partner with investors. Room 103F Thursday, April 30, 2015 2:00 p.m." " " " " TRADEMARK AND COPYRIGHT BASICS Courtney Hofflander, Attorney, Fredrikson & Byron PA. www.fredlaw.com John Pickerill, Attorney, Fredrikson & Byron PA. www.fredlaw.com The session will address that advantages of protecting your intellectual property through non-patent options, including trademarks and copyright. It will also equip you with techniques to effectively leverage your trademarks and copyright in the marketplace, and touch on asserting or defending advertising claims. Room 103D Thursday, April 30, 2015 2:00 p.m." " " " HOW TO PITCH YOURSELF OR YOUR PRODUCT Cathy Paper, M.A. President, RockPaperStar www.rockpaperstar.com A great pitch sets the tone for key messages, audience reactions an ultimately product sales. Explore several of the ten steps to the spotlight for your new invention, idea or company. Build your buzz without breaking your budget. Room 103E Thursday, April 30, 2015 2:00 p.m." " " " SBDC, SCORE, LegalCORPS Diane Paterson, Associate Director, Small Business Development Center, Opus College of Business, University of St. Thomas. www.stthomas.edu/sbdc" Gillian Rosenquist, IAP Administrator, LegalCORPS. www.legalcorps.org/inventors Rick Barkley, MN State Director, SCORE. www.score-mn.org Learn about the resources available for inventors and entrepreneurs. Room 103F FRIDAY SCHEDULE Friday, May 1, 2015 8:00 a.m. " " " " " " " " " " " " USING FREE PATENT DATA TO UNCOVER COMPETITORS AND PATHS TO EXIT " Jeff Carpenter, Certified Licensing Professional, Bird Dog Innovation Strategies. www.birddoginnovation.com Patent searching is typically focused on your own invention, to evaluate patentability or freedom to operate. This session is about using broader patent searches to discover crucial information about your competitors, other players in the space, and companies that might acquire you. Room 103D Friday, May 1, 2015 8:00 a.m." " " " " LOW COST/ HIGH RETURN INVENTING Carrie Jeske, Inventor, investor and Direct Product Licensee, Inventive Ideas Inc. www.inventiveideas.com" and in charge of inventor education at Will It Launch, LLC. Learn how to maximize your cash and increase profits in the world of inventing. Learn how to maximize your cash and increase profits in the world of inventing. Gain understanding of market viability testing prior to patenting or manufacturing. Guard your money like a junk yard dog, as your travel the path of “make and sell” or “licensing” your invention. Room 103E Friday, May 1, 2015 9:00 a.m." " " " HOW TO CONDUCT A PRIOR ART SEARCH Christian Hansen, Patent Attorney, Patterson Thuente IP. www.ptslaw.com In this seminar, we will discuss strategies for effectively conducting your own search for prior art. We will then walk through the steps of an actual search, with helpful hints from a patent attorney who routinely conducts these types of searches along the way. Room 103D Friday, May 1, 2015 9:00 a.m." " " " " " " " " " " " " 5 REASONS ITʼS HARD TO SELL YOUR INNOVATION TO A LARGE ORGANIZATION Scott Propp, Innovation Strategist, Engineer, Dentro Consulting. www.scottpropp.com In this session, learn the strategies needed to successfully approach larger firms with discovery, product or piece of intellectual property. Scott will share from his experience leading CTO incubation teams what you can do to increase your chances of success using tools you have available to you. Room 103E Friday, May 1, 2015 9:00 a.m." " " " 10,000 FOLLOWERS IN 10 MINUTES A DAY Lou Abramowski, Founder, Evergreen. www.hotlou.com Lou spent the last decade joking that he was an expert user of Facebook. Today, much to his surprise and delight, that's no joke and he's created multiple businesses to scale based on what's he's learned. Room 103F Friday, May 1, 2015 10:00 a.m." " " " " " " " " " SO YOU HAVE A GREAT IDEA... NOW WHAT? BRINGING YOUR INVENTION FROM CONCEPT TO REALITY Michael Wayman, President, Integrity Design Engineering. www.integrityde.com How to engage with an engineering company to develop your invention. Session will explain how the engineering process works and explain the steps in the product development process. Room 103D Friday, May 1, 2015 10:00 a.m." " " " " " " " " " " INVENTING AND LIFE - LESSONS LEARNED THROUGH FAILURE, GREED AND DETERMINATION Greg Amundson, Inventor, CornerFlex, Inc. www.cornerflex.com My journey of inventing began when I was a child as a creative outlet. Over the years I have come up with many ideas but only one has become a reality through many failures, near financial ruin and ultimately, invaluable lessons in life. Room 103E Friday, May 1, 2015 10:00 a.m." " " " " " EQUITY FUNDRAISING 101 Andy Amoroso, Deputy District Director, US Small Business Administration, Minnesota. www.sba.gov/offices/district/ mn/minneapolis David Russick, Founder, Managing Director, and Board Member, Gopher Angels LLC. www.gopherangels.com Jeffrey C. Robbins, Attorney,, Messerli & Kramer. www.messerlikramer.com Financing your business concept is one of the most talked about challenges facing entrepreneurs. This session will help you learn what you – the business owner – needs to do to plan and secure traditional financing through lending institutions, angel investors and the age old “family, friends and fools” method of financing your business. Room 103F Friday, May 1, 2015 12:00 p.m." " " " Rich Billion, Attorney, Billion & Armitage. www.billionarmitage.com Intellectual Property basics and what you do with it once you get it. " " " " IP BOOT CAMP Room 103D Friday, May 1, 2015 12:00 p.m." " " " LICENSING VS. GOING TO MARKET ALONE Warren Tuttle, Licensing guru, Monashee Marketing. www.monasheemarketing.com, www.accessisllc.com Identifying and decoding many behind the scenes issues for those struggling with the decision of how best to take their new product to market. Learn from the person who helped launch the TV mega-hit Smart Spin, MISTO -The Gourmet Olive Oil Sprayer, The Toss and Turn Pan, The Odor Absorbing Splatter Screen and Food Huggers. Tuttle has taken several products to market directly, as well as initiated close to 100 licensing agreements. He oversees the Open Innovation programs for Lifetime Brands and Techtronics Industries, and co-owns Access Innovation Solutions. Room 103E Friday, May 1, 2015 12:00 p.m." " " " " OUTSOURCING...WHEN, WHY AND HOW Marc Mallory, CliftonLarsonAllen. www.claconnect.com Jody Weinberg,CEO, J. Teleconnections Mary Ellen Leary, President, The MEL Group, LLC Ryan Brellenthin, Partner, Waypoint Insurance Providers A panel of experts will explore how outsourcing can improve operations and decision making ability for small businesses. Understand the pros and cons of outsourcing accounting, IT, marketing, HR and other non‐core business functions and be able to evaluate firms that provide outsourcing services. Room 103F Friday, May 1, 2015 2:00 p.m." " " HOW TO FAIL EARLY AND OFTEN BUT STILL SUCCEED Michael Moore, Director, William C Norris Institute, Opus College of Business, University of St. Thomas. www.stthomas.edu/centers/norris By following this process, you can take incremental steps in developing an idea into a valuable innovation. Small failures that are inexpensive in money and time are an integral part of moving toward success. Room 103D Friday, May 1, 2015 2:00 p.m. " " " " " " " " " " " " THE 4 Pʼs: PREPARING YOUR PROTOTYPE AND PACKAGING FOR PRODUCTION Edith Tolchin, Author, Owner EGT Global Trading. www.egtglobaltrading.com Josh Wallace, Graphic designer, Illustrator and Artist. www.joshwallace.com The first step is having a good, working prototype. But hereʼs what youʼll need to know about packaging, branding, logos and how to prepare your prototype for factory quotes, government and safety regulations, manufacturing, and then a shelf-ready product. Taken from new industry guide, Secrets of Successful Inventing: From Concept to Commerce. Room 103E Friday, May 1, 2015 " " " 2:00 p.m. " " " " " BE UNSTOPPABLE. LEARN TO APPLY THE STOP MODEL TO ALLOW YOU TO ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOALS Dina Simon, CEO, author, Simon Says Lead. www.simonsayslead.com Donʼt be stopped in your tracks. Donʼt let obstacles get in your way. Donʼt let fear stop you. Bring your largest challenges to this workshop and learn how to apply the proven methodology to breakthrough. This will be a handson workshop that will arm you with a real game plan to put into practice when you leave the conference. Room 103F ____________________________________________________________________________ SBAʼs participation in this co-sponsorship is not an endorsement of the views, opinions, products or services of any cosponsor or other person or entity. All SBA programs, services and cosponsored activities are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact: the Minnesota Inventors Congress at 507-627-2344 or info@inspireexpo.org ________________________________________________________________________________________ *Workshop speakers, schedule and prices are subject to change. Inspire 2015 Innovation Expo Exhibitors are allowed to attend any of the workshops. Held during the Minnesota Inventors Congressʼ Inspire Expo 2015 at the: Minneapolis Convention Center, 1301 Second Ave S, Minneapolis MN 55403 Inventors Resource Center, 500 Airport Road Suite 211A, P.O. Box 71, Redwood Falls, MN 56283 507.627.2344 or 1.800.468.3681" www.inspireexpo.org" " www.inventorsresourcecenter.org 15.26.4
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